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CS507 Assignment no.

MC180405356 (Solution File)
Muhammad Bilal

Question Number 1(A) Answer:

Functional organizational structure is followed by this hotel management.
Challenges of the functional organizational structure:

• Lack of understanding across departments.

• Slow to react in response to environmental changes.
• Strangles innovation when the problem occurs.
• They focus more on their own goals and neglect the overall company

Question Number 1(B) Answer:

The definition of business environment means all of the internal and external factors that
affect how the company functions including employees, customers and management, supply
and demand and business regulations.
Below mentioned points shows how business environment affects hotel industry:

• Keeping the cleanliness and hygiene is really decisive to guest satisfaction, as it provides
perennial concern besides. Many times it is said “Cleanliness is 2nd to none”, so any
executive housekeeper is ever concerned with the criterions of cleanliness in the guestrooms
and it appears on their precedence list.
• With the increased usage of Internet, it has become necessary for hotels to keep their web
site. The web site is used chiefly to convey a penetration to hotels insides, its best patterns
and services, monetary values, price reductions if any. It should besides let clients to reserve,
look into and call off the engagements, make on-line payments of their stay. Thus the web
site helps the clients to entree the resources easy and for hotels it brings easy concern.
• t is really of import to look into that the peace is maintained and no public nuisance is
created. Since if the scene is created one time, it discourages many to see the hotels chiefly
the households.
Question Number: 2: Answer:

Structured decision making (SDM) is a values‐based process (Keeney 1992) that

guides the decision maker(s) through the steps of formulating the decision context,
establishing objectives, generating a set of creative management alternatives,
identifying key uncertainties that might affect the decision


Unstructured decisions are those in which the decision maker must provide judgment,
evaluation, and insights into the problem definition. Each of these decisions is novel,
important, and no routine, and there is no well-understood or agreed-on procedure
for making them.

• Recruitment in an organization follows the structured decision making approach

• Withdrawing amount from the account is non-structured decision making approach
• Labor walk out in a factory is also a structured decision making approach.
• Employ salary distribution is a non-structured decision making approach.
• Natural disaster due to the natural disaster should follow the non-structured decision
making approaches
• Selection of university for higher studies is a non-structure decision making approach.

Question Number: 3: Answer:

The most overwhelming change in the technology sector is rapid expansion of the internet as a
place for doing business. The World Wide Web and other advances in information technology
have changed the whole face of business.

• To produce desired products, It is necessary for a business to stay in market to

produce the goods according to the desire of the consumers. Due to the change in
technology day by day innovations has been taken place. Competitors by using the
technology reducing the cost and improving the quality.
• To solve a problem,: There are varieties of problems facing a business in the
contemporary world. Information technology is being used to overcome the business
issues like, Marketing, Brand of the product, Quality of the product, Cost control,
Organizational internal and external issues etc.
• To fulfill a need: Information system must fulfill the needs of the business. An
organization needs information of its customers, product, market trend, employee
information, payroll, manufacturing cost etc. In time information helps the organization
launch its product in time to maximize profit.
• The way products are developed and offered to the customers keeps changing thus
affecting the business environment in which the organization works.

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