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(i) l shear failure

(ii) General shear failure

(iii) In between the above two


It is proposed to use isolated square footing for the proposed Underground

Multilevel Basement Parking, Street Vendor on Ground Floor and Ampli-
Theater at Dampier Nagar,Near Holi Gate Mathura.Adopting a 2.0m x 2.0m
isolated square footing at 1.0m below base of basement floor or 3.5m below
G.L and eq. 2 given below as per I.S. 6403-1981”Code of Practice for
Determination of Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundation.”


Where, qns = Net Safe Bearing Capacity

F = Factor of Safety taken as 3.0

Cm = Modified Unit Cohesion =2/3C

C = Unit Cohesion

 = Unit weight of soil =1.55 t/m3

Df = Depth of foundation = 1.0m below base of

Foundation or 3.5m below G.L.

B = Width of footing = 2.0m

N’c,N’q,N’ = Modified B.C factor

Sc,Sq,S = Shape Factor

Dc,dq,d = Depth Correction Factor

ic,iq,i = Inclination Correction Factor

R’w&Rw = Saturation Correction Factor

Shape factors of various shapes of footings , Depth factor and Inclination factor
are given below:

Depth Factors:

dc = 1+0.2tan(45+Φ/2)Df/B (3)

dq = d =1 for Φ < 100 (4)

dq = d =1+0.1tan(45+Φ/2)Df/B for Φ>100 (5)

The depth factor are to be applied only when backfilling is done with proper
compaction , these factors have been taken as unity.

Inclination Factor:

ic = iq ={

i = {

where ,

α = inclination of the load to the vertical in degrees = 0 for vertical loads

as in the present case.

L = Length of rectangular fooing

Df = Depth of foundation
R’w = correction factor for location of water table (lies between 0.5

and 1.0)

= 0.5{

Dwb = Depth of water table below base of footing

R’w = 0.5, when water table is at or above the footing and equals 1.0,

When W.T. is > B.

Rw = 1.0, R’w = 1.0.

For the soil at foundation level i.e. 1.0 m below base of basement floor or 3.5m
below G.L.,C=0.00kg/cm2 and Φ = 290 for B.H. 1&2 and = 0.15kg/cm2 and Φ =
230 for B.H. 3 and putting the values of various parameters in equation 2 ,the
net-safe B.C ‘qns’ works out to be 8.75 t/m2 for B.H. 1&2 and 7.50t/m2 for B.H.
3. So qns = 7.50t/m2 is to be adopted for the whole area.


The minimum average value for N’av =16 for isolated square footing.Taking the
permissible settlement Sb=25mm and B=2.0m and using curves given in
I.S.8009-Part- 1-1976. “Code of Practice for calculation of settlement of
Foundations. Shallow Foundation subjected to symmetrical static vertical loads
qns from shear consideration.


For a proposed site, adopting a raft with 6.0m width provided at 1.0m below
base of basement floor or 3.5m below G.L. and using eq. 8 given below as per
I.S 6403-1981. “Code of Practice for Determination of Bearing Capacity of
Shallow Foundation”.

Qns = 1/F{CmN’cScdcic+Df(N’q-1)SqdqiqRw+1/2BN’SdiR’w}……8


qns = Net Safe Bearing Capacity

F = Factor of Safety taken as 3.0

Cm = Modified cohesion factor = 2/3C

C = Unit cohesion

 = Unit wt. of soil

Df = Depth of Foundation

B = width of foundation=6.0m

N’c,N’q,N’ = Modification B.C Factor

Sc,Sq,S = Shape Factor

dc,dq,d = Depth correction factor

ic,iq,i = inclination correction factor

R’w&Rw = saturation factor = 1.0 each for both boreholes

Shape factor for various shapes of footing , Depth factor and inclination factor
are given on page no. 9&10.

For the soil at foundation level, 1.0m below base of basement floor or 3.5m
below G.L. .,C=0.00kg/cm2 and Φ = 290 for B.H. 1&2 and = 0.15kg/cm2 and Φ
= 230 for B.H. 33 and putting the values of various parameters in equation 2
,the net-safe B.C ‘qns’ works out to be 17.65 t/m2 for B.H. 1&2 and 11.0t/m2 for
B.H. 3. So qns = 11.0t/m2 is to be adopted for the whole area.

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