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Opinion Paper

Asonto, Alisa Laine L. October 19,2019

Purposive Communication Mr.Oliver Fabricante

The Importance of an Effective Communication Through the Use of Emoticon

Communication is the key, in this modern world, where technologies become the most accessible
platform for discourses, at some point, communication turns as harder than before, struggles increase
due to widening range of dysfunction and misinterpretation, but when does interaction, particularly
through message come up chaotic, what are the factors that affect the conversation? Firstly, since digital
interaction is non-verbal, people are most likely to develop different perspectives regarding the matter,
through simple punctuation, mood, spelling, measurement of the statement, and emoticons, readers tend
to build their own interpretation from the conversation, that is what makes online communication more
important, it is more open for conflicts then users’ responsibility is to be held accountable for whatever it

Studying Symbolic Interactionism Theory by Max Weber's assertion that individuals act according
to their interpretation of the meaning of their world and American philosopher George Herbert Mead,
states that symbolism and gestures are important within effective conveyance, these are part of
transmitting the whole information and its origin, while studying Rational Choice Theory by Cesare
Beccaria declares that human being chooses their most preferred personal beliefs, this contributes to our
diversity and differences which should not be a wall to everyone’s growth. From these theories, the
necessity of symbols becomes transparent and obvious, for example, putting proper punctuation marks
saves smart phone users from misapprehension, for example, instead of “Hindi Siya Ang Magnanakaw!”
the addition of comma might transform the message into “Hindi, Siya Ang Magnanakaw!” which makes
the written statement of the witness confusing and disturbing. Emoticons contribute to the
communication big deal as it becomes the identity of a person’s mood, likes, interest, condition, affection,
and relationship with another person he’s having a conversation with — in terms of mood, putting an
emoticon or not upon your sent messages might have an impact to the person you’re talking to, it can be
your point of energy & interest to the discourse, once a person seems to be sending messages with dry
statements and without the use of emoticons while he’s talking to another with long statements and
interrelated emoticons, he’s more likely to be called “cold” which in the digital world, is the person whose
interest to the skull session is mislaid, we can also determine the effectiveness of emoticons as it
supplements our culture from the rising years of technology until the revolutionary innovations were
born, it has supported people’s creativity through small things, see, emoticons might also identify how
creative a person is. The importance of emoticons is not only about the digital tattoo or virtual us in digital
world but it also introduces of how a person you are, do you love sharks (^^^) or penguin (<“), are you an
emotional person? (T___T), (-_____-“), (__), or a jolly person? These are just examples of emoticons as a
person because the use of it is somehow, your introduction of your reality as a human being, emoticons
might be seen as a small thing, behind these small parts formed as one, we tell a story, a background, and
a personality. Sincerity is an important matter in latter-day forms of communication, and sincerity
becomes harder to express in social media platforms as more ways to uplift one’s sincerity decrease, we
resort to little and lesser ways to express ourselves, and some of us, fail to see and express as well,
sincerity, without the use of emoticons since it represents emotions of your chat mate. From this we can
already conclude the significance of Lexi gram — from its representation and how an information is being
disseminated, thus, it has a greater effect emotionally and mentally to each of us in the modern world
when engaging in informal conversations. Lastly, emoticons might declare a type of discourse between
two users whether it’s formal like emailing your boss, having a debate, constructing informative articles,
spreading news, or you’re having chitchat with a friend talking about your High School Crush, a movie,
song, or whatever it is that you’re interested into.

To sum it up, emoticons play a big role in exchanging of thoughts, it introduces your sincerity or
mood when talking, it even gives internet community which type of person you are in the physical world.
Communication is the key, we say, but an effective communication which produces clear points and
discourses becomes the key to conflicts and chaos as plain and stagnant communication contributes to
what is it to be fixed, it shatters the condition because communication is a routine and a necessity to

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