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A very good morning to Mr Chairman, our honourable judges, teachers and

my fellow friends. The topic we are going to talk about is on ‘CHILD

ADOPTION AMONG HOMOSEXUALS’. This house believes homosexuals
should be able to adopt children. We define the topic as the adoption of
children by homosexual parent as a couple.

As a first speaker, I will be talking about human rights and outcomes for
homosexual parenting (love and care that homosexual parents give to their
adopted children).

Our second speaker ………….

So, now let’s talk about human rights. As we all know, in today’s society,
people are getting more and more conscious about human rights. Most of
us are concerned about it and are fighting hard for it. When it comes to
disabled individuals, they have their own rights. When it comes to children,
they have their own rights. When it comes to family, everyone has his/her
own rights as well. This is because having a family with children after
getting married is a life goal that most of us strongly aspire to. It is so
important that our rights on family are included in Article 8 of European
Convention on Human Rights which is:

Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his
home and his correspondence.

This right is subjected to proportionate and lawful restrictions.

(There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of

this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a
democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the
economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime,
for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights
and freedoms of others.)

It provides the right to respect for one’s family life. This suggests that
homosexual couples have the right to adopt children to have their own
family. Others have no rights to separate family members of homosexual
couples but to respect them. And also, Article 8 provides the right to
respect for the home which includes a right not to have one’s home life
interfered. So every family has the right to not be interfered by others.
Therefore, homosexual couples should be free to adopt children to
establish their own family life.

On 22nd September 2010, Florida court called ban on gay adoption unlawful.
The court has come to this decision as it claims the law which bans
adoption by gay men and lesbians while allowing others to be foster
parents, had “no rational basis” and thus violated the equal protection
clause in the state constitution.

Besides, children have the right to have a loving family. They deserve a
loving home to be in. Either they have heterosexual parents or homosexual
parents, it doesn’t matter. All they want, is a home, a family and parents
who really care about them regardless of their parents’ gender. Given
insights to orphan’s feelings, all of them long and wish for a family with
loving parents to take care of them. For them, they appreciate the family
they have and won’t care about whether or not their parents are hetero or
homosexuals. To conclude this, homosexual couples should be able to
adopt children so that there are more parents out there who can give their
love to more children.

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