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The Stairs for My Dreams

Every child has a dream, they are big dreamers, they always dream the most impossible dreams, they will dream until
they can make it real, making their dreams real with passion and with eagerness, and of course with the help of the
Almighty, with love of families, and with support of teachers.

In my journey as a student learner, I’ve experienced a lot, I’ve been with different friends and I’ve been with different
teachers, with a common denominator of ‘to teach’. To teach for us to be winners, for us to be successful and for
them to feel proud, feeling proud that they can now harvest what they’ve planted, after exerting their time and effort,
after exerting their blood, sweat and tears in teaching, just for us, their students to become successful.

Do you remember when was the time you have learned how to count? How to write your name? How to differentiate
things from each other? How our future is very important? No matter how hard the question is as long as we are
learning, the teachers will answer it, the teachers will explain it for is to improve, for us to enhance for us to learn. And
that what makes them essential makes them special in the student’s heart- their dedication and passion.

Our teachers are like stairs, they are our lead, our light our way to our dreams, to our success. Even if the students and
teachers are not blood related, they genuinely care when we are troubled, genuinely happy when we won and
genuinely proud when we achieved something. Yes, they are our teachers, our way for success.

Have you experienced self-reflecting about our teachers? Like you can actually hear their warning, their voice when
they are lecturing, seeing them virtually smiling at you up in the stage when you achieved something, can feel their
warmth when they hugged you because you’re problematic and there’s no one to turn too? Thinking to gift them your
toga and diploma just so you could say ‘Teacher, I made it’ with a tear falling down from your eyes? They are not just
teachers; they are our friend, our family and someone who took part in making the ‘us’ right now, the one who made

Our dreams no matter how impossible it is we can make it. We can make it real. Teachers are not just teachers; they
don’t only teach us about Math, about Science, they teach us life, they teach us on how to be us. Yes, the way for our
dreams is hard, and we can’t ignore that fact. We will stumble and fall but as long as there are teachers, there is a way,
there is light, there is path, the path for success, and we salute you for that our teachers. From bottom of our heart, a
big thank you for you teacher.
Living in the Dark

I'm sorry... I can't… I want to be happy... but I can't. I'm helpless, I'm hopeless, I'm sad.

Waking up in the morning feeling tired... each day. Eating, because I need to survive another one awful day. Everything
were not supposed to be this way. Things that excites me in the past are now normal. The things that I loved are now
gone, the feelings I've been treasuring faded. And I find myself, a living dead.

My eyes are sad, people know it but they don't mind. My lips are tired from smiling, smiling because I need to, not
because I want to. My ears, I want them mute, I'm so tired of lies, so tired of everything. What happened to me? I
wasn't like this.

Feeling incomplete every seconds, feeling tired every minute, feeling sad every day. I am always surprised about
myself, tears fell without me knowing. I'm feeling like I'm nothing, like I don't have reasons to live, I'm not worth of
anything. I don't know why I'm feeling like this, is this what you call being aware in this cruel world? If being aware is
this cruel I'll just choose to be ignorant.

When I was young I couldn’t wait to become adult, I want to be free, I want money to buy my caprices, I thought being
adult is happy. Nah, it's the other way around, now I realized. You're happy when you're young, you're getting sadder
when you're turning adult. Saddest when you're adult. They said life is balance, am I the only one whose life is
imbalance then? Sadness is eating me, alive.

Looking at the mirror, observing my reflection it is surrounded with darkness, eyes are dead, and lips are pale, yea a
living dead. Looking at the falling tears, I asked myself ‘Why am I crying?’ laughing without humor, feeling the
numbness on my own, and there I thought ‘Oh right I live with darkness after all’.

I badly need help, I badly want love, I want to feel special, I want to become important. Is it really me or the people
around me? I begged, I cried but still there's nothing. I’m always their guide, now that I am in need, should I ask their
guide? Or I will just self-guide? Nonetheless, I'll be fine, I can be fine on my own, I'll try to be fine... on my own. Yes. On
my own.

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