1 0-Abstract

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0 Abstract:

Sound pollution is a type of contamination depends on frequency and loudness. The

recognition of noise as an environmental problem and its impact both on community
and occupational environment is rapidly growing. High level of sound pollution can
cause serious effects to human as well as animals. The present study is aimed to report
about the noise pollution level that occurred in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
The method used to analyse the severity of sound pollution is interviewing the students
who live or work at the area of UTHM. The interview survey pointed that the main
sources of noise in UTHM is contributed by noise making by students and the massive
volume of vehicles. The major effects of noise pollution include the interference and
distraction as well as some psychological shortcomings. Generally a request to
minimize the pollution are mainly practical and engineering control appeared to be the
most frequent tools proposed by respondents to overcome this issue. However, the
authority of UTHM do play a vital role to make significant changes of it and should
take this pollution as seriously matter and restricts the sound pollution to the optimum

Keywords: noise pollution, effects, engineering control, optimum.

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