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0 Result and Discussion:

After we have interviewed a few respondents at different spots such as ATM bus stand
and Arked Café in UTHM, we found that although there are noise pollution occurred
in some places of UTHM, however the noise level in UTHM is still acceptable. During
the investigation, we used sound meter to determine the sound level in our investigation
point in UTHM which is Arked Café and ATM bus stop. We found that the sound level
in Arked Café is 387Hz with 68.0dBA, while bus stop have a sound level of 301Hz
with an average 67.8dBA. From the sound level findings, it obviously showed that the
sound level in cafe in much more higher than the sound level at bus stop. Despite the
sound level in cafe is much higher, though the sound level is still acceptable for human
hearing range because it is lower than 85dBA which might cause permanent damage to
hearing after exposure more than permissible hours, 8 hours. During the interview, we
have asked a few questions related to their understanding of noise and their opinions
towards the noise level in UTHM. When we asked about their understanding of noise,
the respondents replied that noise is some unwanted sound that caused by humans, cars
or vehicles, and some of them even claimed that it make people feel discomfort and
lose his or her control. From their feedback, we noticed that most of the respondents do
not have fully understanding on the definition of noise. They have only a partial
apprehension on the definition and concept of noise pollution.

Next, we moved to the next question asking about the factors that caused noise in
UTHM. According to their responses, we found that the major noises are contributed
by groups of student and vehicles at food court and bus stop. Some of the respondents
commented that the noise also caused by machinery that are not well maintained and
the traffic due to the speeding of motorcyclists. Based on their feedback, we can
conclude that they felt that noise is disturbing and annoying which caused them to feel
uncomfortable and unable to focus on things.
When we interviewed on their thought on the spots in UTHM with highest level of
noise pollution, they came out with different opinions which are food court, Automated
Teller Machine (ATM) bus stand, stadium, and main entrance. These is due to the
reasons of the crowd of people, shouting of audience during event in the field and heavy
volume of vehicles on the main road near the main entrance. Besides, we also asked
them about their reaction when they heard a loud noise in UTHM. They responded that
they will feel anxious and then cover their ears and leave the place. However, only a
respondent commented that he will try to ignore it.

Last but not least, we asked respondents about the measures to prevent noise pollution
from happening in UTHM during the interview. We have quite some good feedbacks
on this matter. One of the respondent gave enforcement type of suggestions which are
placing “silent” signboards in crowded places and enlarge the space of food court.
Another interviewee offered us a technical approach which is installing some
soundproof materials in buildings, walls and ceiling. The other respondent presented us
with impractical suggestions, namely enforcing law to control speed limit and amount

of vehicles. He also suggested us to reduce the noise pollution in surrounding campus
by planting more trees to absorb and diffract sound. Only one respondent claimed that
it is impossible to prevent noise pollution from happening in UTHM. Based on the
interview we have carried out, the level of noise in UTHM varies from one place to
another place depend on the sources of the sound. From the results we obtained through
this interview, cafeteria is the spot that contributed more noises if compared to the bus
stop in our survey among the respondents in UTHM.

The major findings that being discussed in this case study is the noise pollution level in
UTHM. This clearly stated that the unwanted sound level in our campus are being
investigated to gather the information required and computed as in this report. The
purpose of this study is to investigate in depth on the topic of noise pollution and
identify all its characterization, sources, effects and measures that associated with this
contamination. By determining all these elements, we are able to sort them and interpret
into a further degree of details for this report. Our findings suggested that the noise
level in the surroundings is important as it will bring impacts to the students and users
in UTHM. This is due to the impacts or negative effects of sound pollution will vary
and depending according to the level of its contamination. Thus from all the
interpretation of the elements that included in the sound pollution, we carried out the
interview survey in our campus in order to study the level of noise pollution that
occurred in UTHM. This is important as we can discover all the related informations of
noise pollution and being understandable to the real concept of this form of pollution.
Subsequently, we are able to map the findings with the results of our interview with
respondents. From the research, noise pollution is being defined as the unwanted noise
that caused disturbance and nuisance to human in terms of health, psychological and
mental. Thus, this case study proved that noise pollution do bring some shortcomings
such as distraction on carrying task, anxiety and discomfort from the interview of
students. By making the students of UTHM to speak up their opinions, so that initiatives
or measures can be taken to curb this situation from expanding.

All studies have their limitations and precautions. All in all, we have no advance
instruments during the conducting of this research. In our study, we only tested the
noise level by using sound meter. Future research should include the statistics of noise
pollution level in a long term period and the respective impacts due to the prolonged
exposure in details. While the precautions taken during this case study is all the
interviews that being carried out with respondents are private and confidential. This
play an important role as the answers of respondents are the primary sources of our case
to be studied. Suggestions on how to minimize the sound contamination are contributed
by respondents are mainly practical and feasible such as planting trees and the
installation of sound proof materials. Research and development are to be done in the
future so that appropriate and correct measure will be imply to root this problem.

Noise pollution caused by high-volume sounds that make the surrounding area into a
noisy and unpleasant. Thus, peoples should be aware of the risk factors of noise
pollution by taking proper steps for solutions. By reviewing this study, it can be
considered as a new form of pollution and thus various problem solving method should
be discovered in advance.


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