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anester’? A) akiehyde B) acyl chloride Cy ether Dd) ae ow the following compounds js the most acidie? ye CH COOH — i) H | CH;—C=0 « © CHCHNH . D) 3. Which one of the following types of compounds ean renel with a Rab a Rot a wg I CH) —C—NHy » 5. Give the structure and naj CHsCH=CH3 + HC} 2 AL-EHCH:CH,CI, 3-chy Sak cee 2-chloroproy “9, , I-chloropropane « D) None ofthe choices are correct, B) CHsCH=CHCI, Techi ime of the major Product of the following reaction: loropropane ~ CHyotmeu, loro-1-propene ae ey gy el voile, Poa re tT ane vsigal state of most amides at room tempernture? 5 pou pear ‘ove solid, some are liquids, and some are gases ®) ©, Abbe mio liquids but never gases. db) . 10, Give the structure and name of the product of the following reaction: SSeS 1 Chewy cH cm, A) CHsCH:CHCH,, butane « Bie B)_iohe of the choices are correct. Lar Chacon butane. D) CHsCH:CH:CHs, propane ~ E) CHsCH,C=CH, butyne - IL. Muscle exercise leads to the production of ja» .c___ Which is converted to ——_<__ by the liver, Wea A) ethanol; carbon dioxide B) pyruvate, 12, Coeagyme A has the funetion of canying a:etyl groups in the form of acety} CoA to the citri B) oxidizing the carbohydrates in the eitic rie mnie ee ©) camrying ADP to the eitrc acid eyele, ) hydrolyzing the tplyeerides to produce fatty acids and slycerol. - ©) harvesting electrons during the complete oxidation of acetyl groups. « B ysts are often used in the hydrogenation of alk ‘ ye platinum, palladium, and nickel, Sa 5) platinum, gold, and silver ©) copper, chromium, and zine Dy gold, silver, and aluminum ©) seid, base, and nickel Vermion3 Pass 4 S. Which coenzyme form must be r ATP for the cell? A) NADPH Hy NADH D) NADPT* E) FADH 4 WN neem 16. Glycogen is stored aa granules in the liver A) red blood cells f) Kidneys C) brain 0) - THOSCIES po ) 07. Which is nota neurovansmitter? A) dopamine - B)_gorepineptorine - ‘uyptophan D) acetylcholine - E) serotonin, 18. What is the LU-P.A.C. name of the following compound? , fe ooh 79 Tome 2 teRaTe Hy A) 2-methylbutane * 2 5 2,2-dimethylpropane — D) 22,2-trimethyimethane E) dimethylbatane 19. dag ebanee mall Send eee a + A B) +4 » OF D) #1 70, What is the U,P.A.C. name for the aleohol produced produced by the fermentation of sugars and 4) alcohol ethanal C) methanol D) propanol E) peethy! alcohol Version) Pape 6 ecient dy s ©) None of the choices are correct. 22. The liver takes up excess lactate from ‘converted? oo pyruvate ©) acetyl CoA D) glucose E) glycogen 23. Why is the bond between N and H in amines a polar bond? A) Hydrogen is electrophilic. X B) Hydrogen is more electronegative. C)_ Nitrogen is more electropositive, - ‘D) Witrogen is electrophilic. trogen is more electronegative, 24 ‘What are the products of the reaction shown? Syite cen pli heave Version). Paps 7 25. Which class of naturally occutring compounds has one or more nitrog deterocyelic rings and includes many compounds that have medicinal and. effects? A) ines: \B)alkaloi pheromones D) carcinogens E) analgesics 26. In the first substrate-level phosphorylation in glycolysis, a phosphoryl group is ‘wansferred from 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate to ADP, thus producing ATP. What is the other product of this reaction? A) 2-phosphoglycerate B) pyruvate 1a WpReraing ere OK Ce E -phosphoglycerate v E) lactate 2 prewpradtye tee 27. What species or compound is often reacted with an acid chloride to produce an acid le? = RCOO: By RICOOR? - ie ©) NaOH - oA D) ROH - &) HCl - 76. A link has been found between mental depression and a deficiency of serotonin , ae C) choline D) acetylcholine E) cholesterol 29, Provide: ee hame of the following compound: wy Porreey) + Be BUERE rye = {Ay Pemethy|-2-butene B) None of the choices are correct. C) 1,1,2-trimethylethene D) 2-methylbuta-2-ene - FE) 1,2-dimethylpropene 30. The following molecule is called: 0 CH; H— i —O-—CHCH; A) methyl isopropyl ester « sopropyl formate methyl ethyl ethanoate - D) methyl isopropyl ether ~ AOTTSPAl orn’ 31. How many NADH are produced for each glucose that enters glycolysis? A) 6 ce B) 4 D) 1 BH 8 % How many chirality centers are in the compound shown here? A ii A) C aes 33, Classify the alcohol shown, He orb-,c, A). B) None of the choices are correct, c) pm mary 4 quaternary 34. Name both products of the following reaction; O-e See Sea Hel {YT tieloroberzene and hydrogen. hiasbrebtnr 1 Vahagen Cher ke }) chlorobenzene and hydrogen ©) 1,2-dichlroreyclohexane and hydrogen chloride D) None of tke choices are correct. ° E) chlorobenzene and hydrogen chloride - pe deh eas is produced by the reduction of aldehydes and ketones? Aleohol ) alkene C) alkane Reta D) carboxylic acid E) phenol 36. Which of the following could be a starting material in gluconeogenesis? A) te a fatty acid C) glycerol 1D) pyruvate E) oxaloacetate 27. Wie issolved In water, amines behave as j weak bases B) strong, bases « ©) neutral eorapounds D) weak acids B) strong acids 38. What is the comet LOPAC name ofthe compound aio wn? aud a ( » chery Wiener ; A) dipropyl ether MWR anane ox val ox C) 4~etanone oe D) Lspropy! butanal 1B —+heptanone Lay Alot chy? vere in| CREM ae 39. Which of the following will produce an alkene? EONS A) oxidation ofan aldehyde cB) bydration ofan aleohol with nickel or platinum as 4 catalyst oe of an alcohol by the addition of TeCly di chydration of an aleohol by heating with concentrated sulfuric ach E) Both And Bare correct, 40. Give the 1U.P.A.C. name of the product af the following partial oxidation reaction; fo) g arscHon SL ge fy A) acetate « Sgt Tiras Ahem ie B) seetic acid . Oo ethana) 'D) cthanone * E) None of the chojees are Correct. “1° Wihich of the following palrs of molecules can together undergo the aldol condensation reaction? A) an alkene and an aleoho! * B) analdchyde and water A ©) ketone snd an aleohot en aldehydes F) an aldehyde and an aleahot 42. ‘What is the common nome of the following compound? acl ouenmierins Aj. diethylaminoethang + i) NAasSiothylethanaming Ch A icteethanaaning \ triethyleming EF) NA-dimethylethanamine a a eats Version) Page 11 ———————————— mat oe é 43, The Ribpag Neil yieldas \ CHC C=Cl HO cr yerly tegen A) 0 ll eo —C—ocl \ oO CHyCH;—C—OH ~ I CH\CH; —C—CHCH.CH, « Go CH,CH, —C —OCH;CHCH, 44, Which organ is the main site of gluconeogenesis? A) stomach B) small intestine oe bladder cr E) pancreas 45, Whatis the LUP.A.C. name of the compound shown? ° rt, methen Bete Q— A) formamide B) N-formic acid * C) A-methanamide « methanamide ) None of the choices are correct, 46, Which of the following is the correct structural formula of 2-butyne? A) CH)CHi=CHSCH « } B) CH=CCHiCH © C) CCHSCHCH) = US CHyCaCCHs £) None of the choices are correct ig Bcc, cg What is the formula for the major product formed by the hydration of propene? art Psi as tg RON eH cH au ae ee, Ms > a

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