Phmeter PDF

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The electrode should be in solution when it is “measuring” pH.
When out of solution, it should be in stand-by mode.
Keep the electrode in solution as much as possible even when not measuring pH.
When rinse electrode with water, blot the water off gently using kimwipes – especially around tip
of electrode.

Two point calibration of electrode (in most cases we use pH 4.0 and 7.0 standards). If the
solution you are making has a pH over 8.0, use pH 7.0 and 10.0 standards for 2-point

Remove parafilm from the electrode (both bottle and air hole near top). Rinse electrode in water.

1. Place electrode in acid pH standard (4.0) – pink solution

2. To turn on pH meter, press standby
3. Press 2pt calibration button (should read 4.00)
4. If reads 4.0 press enter – if not, see Dr. Rowland before proceeding
5. The electrode will then measure conductance. Once it stabilizes press enter to accept
6. The electrode will then measure temperature. Again, once stabilizes press enter.
7. Finally press standby to complete measure of 4.0 pH point in calibration

Rinse electrode with water.

8. Place electrode in neutral pH standard (7.0) – yellow solution
9. Repeat steps 2 – 6 above.
10. After temperature reading, the meter will provide a measure of the electrode efficiency.
Measures above 90% efficiency are acceptable. If the electrode reading is below this,
see Dr. Rowland. If above 90% press enter to accept.
11. Press standby to complete calibration.

Rinse electrode with water and place in 7.0 buffer to store. Be sure to place parafilm over the
hole in the electrode and seal the electrode to the buffer container to prevent evaporation of the

To measure pH of solution:

Place electrode in solution you wish to pH. Be sure that it is stirring slowly during measure and
pH adjustment. Add acid/base as needed to reach desired pH.

When complete, put pH meter in stand-by mode. Remove electrode from solution and rinse
thoroughly with water. Blot dry and put back in yellow pH storage buffer. Place parafilm over the
hole and around the bottle to minimize evaporation.

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