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My Cat Meng-Meng

I have a cat, her name is Kika. It is a pretty animal. It has a lovely round face. It
has four legs, two ears, two eyes and a tail. Its body is covered with soft fur. Cats are
different colours. It has sharp teeth and sharp claws. It walks without making sound. It
can climb up a tree and can jump from one roof to another. cats has a weight of 2 kg to 7
kg. cats has 46 cm to 1 meter long

Cats have many types, namely anggora, persia, ragdoll, sphynx and many more.
and cats has many colors,there are black, white, yellow, gray, brown, and many more.
But my colors of my cat is black, and Kika is a angora types. And she has blue eyes, I
very love her.

Every day I feed her, her favorite food is fish. every time I bring a fish she always
follows me. She was 4 months. every time I go home from school, I always play along
with Kika. S he usually chases me and bit my feet

After finishing playing Kika always” meow” and that's a sign she's hungry, every
time I finish playing I always feed her. She ate very heartily. Kika is a smart cat, she
never defecated carelessly.

Every night he accompanied me to study, She was always in front of my book and
waited for me to finish. She usually annoys me by biting my book or leg, and that is a
sign he wants to play with me.
Usually Kika sleep in the living room, her cage, under the table or chair, and sleep
together on my bed, it makes me not feel lonely, and when it was morning she always bit
my legs to wake me up to school.

I was very impressed with her eyes, because every night it always shine, and it
was blue like the sea. and the mustache is very long that made me really love to Kika.

once every 1 week I always take a shower with warm water, every time I take a
shower it is yells "meowing" very loudly, and after I finish bathing I dry it under the sun.
after drying, I gave her special perfume for cats to smell good, and to avoid other viruses.

Kika is the best cat I have ever had I love so much, and I will continue to care for

Name : Elvara Alya Sabella

Class : IX-E

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