David Copperfield Script

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DAVID: Greetings, I am David Copperfield. This is my story. This is my life.

BETSY: I beg you call her Betsy Trotwood. What … a boy, how disappointing. Humpf.

CLARA: Oh my poor son. You have no father. But he would have been so proud of you.

PEGGOTTY: My lovely Davey. Let’s play games together.

ALL: throw it to me


DAVID: When I was 10 years old my life changed forever. I had a wonderful trip to the seaside.
But I came home to some very bad news.

BARKIS: Let’s take a drive. Barkis is willing.

MR. Peg.: welcome to the seaside. You will find us rough, sir; but you’ll find us ready.

HAM: Who wants some fish and chips? Salt, lots of salt.

EMILY: I am not afraid of the ocean. It is so beautiful. But it is very powerful.

BARKIS: Let’s take a drive. Barkis is willing.

CLARA: I am so glad that you are home Davey. Meet your new father.

MURDSTONE: what a pretty little widow. What a naughty little boy.

MISS M.: I will take charge of this house now. You will do things my way.


DAVID: My new stepfather scared me. I couldn’t study. He sent me away from my home, from my mother.

MURDSTONE: Hey boy. Pay attention. Learn your lessons.

PEGGOTTY: My own precious Davy. Be as soft as a mouse or the cat will hear you.

BARKIS: Tell Peggoty, Barkis is willing.

CREAKLE: I am a tartar, boy. Don’t forget that. You are a biter, boy. Don’t forget that.

STEERFORTH: Hey, I will take care of you. Let’s have a midnight feast.

TRADDLES: Tell us another story David. Let’s play cricket David.


DAVID: One day, I was visited by Peggoty and Barkis at school, it was a sad day.
Then I was sent to work but I ran away. I walked a long way to visit my only true relative.

CLARA: Oh my poor son. I am so proud of you.

PEGGOTY: I am so sorry Davey, your mum has died.

BARKIS: Hey Peggoty, I am still willing.

MURDSTONE: Grow up boy. Get to work boy

MICAWBER: If a man has 20 pounds a year and spends 19 pounds, 6 shillings and 6 pence … he will be happy

MRS Mac: But, if a man has 20 pounds a year and spends 20 pounds, and 1 penny … he will NOT be happy

BETSY: Get along. No boys here.

MR DICK: I like to fly kites. It’s a mad world.

MURDSTONE: Grow up boy. Get to work boy

MISS MURD: Of all the boys in the world, I believe this is the worst boy.


DAVID: I had a great life with Aunt Betsy, she even changed my name to Trotwood. Everyone called me Trot.
But I missed my studies. So I went back to school. A much nicer school.

WICKFIELD: It is but a dull life we lead here boy I’m afraid.

AGNES: It’s not dull any more. Nice to meet you David.

HEEP: What me? A partner. Oh, no, I am too humble for that. But wait … yes I can! Maw haw haw.

DR. STRONG: Come on David, learn your lessons. You are very good.


DAVID: When my studies were finished I needed a break. I went to visit some old friends.

BETSY: I am so proud of you David. You have studied so hard. Time for a gap year.

DICK: Donkeys, where are the donkeys? Must find the donkeys.

STEERFORTH: Hey David. Good to see you old pal. Meet my mum.

MRS. Ster. : David I have heard all about you from my son. He is such a good boy.

MISS DARTLE: Yeah, right, except when he gave me this scar on my lip. Big bully.
EMILY: Congratulations to me. I’m getting married. Oh Ham, my special man.

STEERFORTH: What? Marry Ham! Not fair, not fair!


DAVID: It was time to grow up. I went to work and I fell in love.

SPENLOW: The Premium … is a thousand pounds. Come and meet my daughter and her dog.

DORA: I am so sweet. [yip] So is Jip. [yip] Come on Jip. [yip] Come on David. [yip]

MRS CRUPP: Welcome to London. Let me show you the rooms.

TRADDLES: Good to see you again mate. Tell us another story. Let’s play some cricket.


DAVID: Then came a very dramatic time in my life. So many changes. So many people gone.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

BARKIS: Tell Peggoty, Barkis is not willing. Not willing.

PEGGOTTY: My poor Barkis. Oh Davey. Barkis is gone.

EMILY: I knew you would come for me.

STEERFORTH: Come on lets run away.

MR. Peg.: My little Emily, gone!

BETSY: All my money, gone.

DICK: All my kites, gone.

WICKFIELD: My services were constantly called, for the falsification of business.

MICAWBER: Hey Heep. You are behind all this. Go, get out of here.

HEEP: You are all wrong. You are all bullies. You are just big meanies.

SPENLOW: I forbid you to marry my daughter. Be gone.

DORA: My poor father, gone.

AGNES: Oh no, lovely Dora and her dog, gone.


DAVID: So much had happened. So I moved away for a while to recover.

I took Agnes, Betsy and Peggotty with me. And of course, my good friend … Mr. Dick.
Some other people took trips of their own.

EMILIY: Stay away from me you louse. I am going home to Uncle Peggotty.

MR. P.: Oh, my poor Emily. I am so glad you came home. Let’s go to Australia. .

STEERFORTH: Help, help I’m drowning. Can’t get away from this storm.

HAM: Hold on Steerforth, I will save you. Help, help, I’m drowning.

MICAWBER: I have always dreamed of going to Australia. Cheerio.

AGNES: Oh David, I am so happy with you. Let’s call our daughter … Betsy Trotwood.

BETSY: Yes, finally, a little girl. I love little girls. What a beautiful name.

PEGGOTTY: Always be happy David. Always be happy.

MR. DICK: They'll not blame me. They'll not object to me. They'll not mind what I do, if it's wrong. I'm only Mr. Dick

DAVID: Thank you for listening, I am David Copperfield. This is my story. This is my life.

• My meaning simply is, that whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do well;
that whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself to completely; that in great aims and in
small, I have always been thoroughly in earnest.

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