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Exercise 4

Know your situation

The task What need to be done and why?

What results have to be achieved?

Analysis and satisfaction of our products to The task given to me as a supervisor

consumer needs was to analyse how our products have
been in the life of our consumers does
it accomplish to purpose on which it has
been bought or not.
We went through our product review
and saw positive & negative comments
this took our attention as an
organization, so the board asked the
marketing department to do the
analysis of our products satisfaction to
our consumers

The team What is the composition of the team?

How well is the team organized

The team is comprised by 20 people,

20 dedicated people, organized and
hardworking individuals, as a supervisor
i knew what I needed, the skills wanted,
and the number of people needed for
this task, everyone contributed so
massively which made the task a

The individuals in the team What are the strengths and weaknesses
of each member of the team?

The strength of my team was

motivation, as long as they were
motivated, they did things they ought
to do, so I can constantly making
speeches, showing motivational videos
and also their strength was a good
bonus, salary and incentives but I
noticed they have a common weakness
which was if they were not appreciated
or motivated, it killed their morale and
Their appetite for the work.

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