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G10 BOYS FOOTBALL – Di Task Outline. Explain and demonstrate strategies to enhance interpersonal skills through peer coaching.

During your football lessons, you participated in peer coaching.

Your task is to answer the following question in essay form to gain a better understanding of the role of coaches
and the impact on players and teams.

800-1000 words


Explain using examples from class, the character strengths that have the most positive effect on players and

Teamwork is an essential aspect to the wonderful game of football and is the collaborative effort of a team paired
up with coaching techniques which enhance the team morale. In football, as there are 11-a-side competing to
score goals and win games, without teamwork this simply cannot be done. Teamwork wins games as the morale
of the team will be boosted to high levels which increases both successful coordinated team plays and effective
passing allowing the offense to score goals when their team assists easily. Without teamwork, this would require
phenomenal individual plays which have a small chance of turning out to be successful. Hence, the importance of
improving this character skill in players cannot be stressed further. As teamwork is a quintessential to display an
effective team, this skill cannot be mastered easily and hence, there are specific drills and techniques which aid
the coach in enhancing the character strength teamwork in each of his players. The role of the coach in allowing
the players to practice these drills is imperative to boost morale, enhance passing ability and improve connections
between players. An illustration using a practical application to improve the teamwork character strength would
be “Rondo Drill”. The Rondo Drill can be utilized to enhance the teamwork character strength in football as
teammates will build trust and confidence between each other as the individuals become a team which can play
with each other. Since the Rondo Drill consists of 2 defensive players trying to steal the ball and others forming a
circle keeping it away, this creates an interesting area for the “attackers” to build confidence. Hence, when
completing the drill, the players on the field thus, build the character strength. This is relevant to coaching skills as
teamwork will then enhance coaching skills which will ultimately be a success for the team and the individual
coach. For example, when players complete the “Rondo Drill” and they have enhanced the teamwork inter
personal skill, then the coach also improves his coaching skills as he is able to give feedback to the teammates
when he spots the advantages and disadvantages they have when playing as a team together, set goals for the
team to work on as a team, and improve the overall morale. These coaching skills are all branched out of a
successful inter personal skill, teamwork which is essential to the development of not only the players but a coach
and his tactics.

Every good coach must possess the interpersonal skill of being honest and possess integrity. Honesty is a
fundamental aspect to the amazing game of football in relation to the coach as it is unacceptable to congratulate
or allow players to use the wrong technique during a practice session as it may carry over and cause the team to
lose the game and lose moral. The interpersonal skill honesty, is essential for coaches as they are required to be
up front with their players to establish a strong connection and to not feel that what they are doing is
congratulated with fakery when it clearly was not a correct technique or aspect of football. There are many drills
which can be used to enhance the interpersonal skill honesty such as dribbling drills and shooting drills. For
example, when using a practical illustration, for a shooting drill, the shooters will line up behind the box waiting
for a pass. When the pass is initiated, the player can run to the ball to strike it. This is where the skill plays its role,
when the shooter strikes the ball, the coach will then analyze the shooter’s technique such as the ball placement
on his foot and follow through. This is where the interpersonal skill is challenged as the coach may be tempted to
congratulate the shooter on the shot even though the technique was not great. This is what separates a great
coach from a bad one. Being honest in this situation will not only improve the coach’s relationship between the
players but it will also allow the players to improve vastly from their mistakes. If a coach did not talk to the players
and did not give them feedback by giving them feedback, then that is only doing harm to the player and degrading
his ability to learn the wonderful game of football. Hence, honesty is a very important interpersonal skill to
develop as a coach. Finally, when a coach displays the interpersonal skill of being honesty then this shows that
they are a great coach as they are willing to grant feedback whilst being formidable to their individual players.
However, when applying the interpersonal skill of being honest, this improves the coaching skills of the coach
G10 BOYS FOOTBALL – Di Task Outline. Explain and demonstrate strategies to enhance interpersonal skills through peer coaching.

himself as they can grant feedback to their players which will then improve their technique for shooting, passing,
or dribbling depending on the different drill. Hence, honesty is not only important for the players on the pitch’s
sakes but also for the coach who will be able to improve their coaching skills by improving honesty.

Fairness is an important aspect to the wonderful game of football as it is an important skill which is
required when looking at a coach and how well they can show their players the importance of this
interpersonal skill. The importance of fairness cannot be stressed enough as it affects many aspects of
both team morale and the feedback which players are given. For example, when looking at a practical
application of the interpersonal skills used in pe class, we had different progression skills for each drill
type so that is the shooting passing and dribbling too. For shooting, we had different lengths from where
to shoot such as the penalty spot, the box, and outside of it which allowed us to mark ourselves on our
level. Hence, this added fairness as people were able to cope with their different level and this made it
fair for all people. Also, for the dribbling, we had cones which were more spread apart and some less
spread apart for more difficulty. This shows the inter personal skill of fairness as we had different levels
for everyone. These techniques helped improve coaching skills because the coach can thoroughly
analyze the different technique of the player. When the child is on a higher level, there may be different
tweaks which must be done which cannot be spotted from a high level. Thus, by degrading their level,
the small problems can be spotted and they can win. Hence, this promotes fairness and improves your
coaching skills.
G10 BOYS FOOTBALL – Di Task Outline. Explain and demonstrate strategies to enhance interpersonal skills through peer coaching.
G10 BOYS FOOTBALL – Di Task Outline. Explain and demonstrate strategies to enhance interpersonal skills through peer coaching.
G10 BOYS FOOTBALL – Di Task Outline. Explain and demonstrate strategies to enhance interpersonal skills through peer coaching.
G10 BOYS FOOTBALL – Di Task Outline. Explain and demonstrate strategies to enhance interpersonal skills through peer coaching.

Level Level descriptor Task specific descriptor

The student does not reach a standard described by No task submitted or a task with no link to the
any of the descriptors requirements submitted
The student: You:

Di- identifies and demonstrates strategies to Have briefly stated strategies to use your character
1-2 enhance interpersonal skills strengths to improve your coaching skills. You have
shown only minor evidence with few examples and
no justification.

The student: You:

Di- outlines and demonstrates strategies that Have summarized strategies to use your character
3-4 enhance interpersonal skills strengths to improve your coaching skills. You have
shown only some evidence with few examples and
minor justification.

The student: You:

Di- describes and demonstrates strategies to Have detailed strategies to use your character
5-6 enhance interpersonal skills strengths to improve your coaching skills. You have
shown only some evidence with few examples and
some justification.

The student: You:

Di- explains and demonstrates strategies to enhance Have detailed strategies to use your character
7-8 interpersonal skills strengths to improve your coaching skills. You have
displayed sufficient evidence and justified your
strategies consistently.


Identify Provide an answer from a number of possibilities. Recognise and state briefly a distinguishing fact or
Demonstrate Make clear by reasoning or evidence, illustrating with examples or practical application.
Outline Give a brief account or summary.
Describe Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, even, pattern or process.
Explain Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

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