Architechture: BAELS 2-3

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Anggot, Christina

Tuala, Johnica Kathlene

Robredillo, Mary Joy

Moldez, Julie Ann Margaret

Sigasig, Resty Jane

Manlao, Elouna Jean

Mendiona, Jullianne
Post and Lintel – this is the oldest construction system that makes use of two vertical support (post)
spanned by a horizontal beam (lintel). This structure was invented by the Greeks

Arch – this is a Roman invention that consist of separate pieces of wedge- shaped blocks called voussoirs
arranged in a semi- circle. The most important part of the arch is the keystone which is the stone at the
top center that locks the pieces together in a single curved structure.
Barrel Vault - is a succession of arches, one placed directly behind another to produce a structure similar
to a tunnel. It has two openings, one on each end.
Groin Vault – is a structure that is formed by intersecting arches resulting in four openings. The
area at the center of a groin vault is called a bay.

Dome – is a structure with the shape of an inverted cup. It is formed by a series of arches rising
from consecutive points on a base called the drum.

Truss – this is a system of triangular foms assembled to form a rigid framework. Trusses are used in
bridges , theatre and roofs.

Cantilever – this is a structure that makes used of a beam or slab that extends horizontally into space
beyond its supporting post. It is constructed to be strong enough to support floors and wall.
Buttress – this is a structure that is built as a support for the wall. In most European churches buttress
built to support the dome are called flying buttress.

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