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WPR ASSESSMENT TEST | Mavuin Jay SAG eater | lanun) aa PART I: MULTIPLE CHOICE with the correct answer or select Directions: Answer the following questions by completing the sentence the correct answers). A. A Lockout Device is 9 device that positively prevents a machine from Deing: A) Started up 8) Becoming electrically energized C)Turnedon On of the above 2-The employees that need LO/TO Training are? A) Authorized Employees 8) Affected Employees C) Other employees @)Allof the Above olating device to indicate that the ¥Cockout” means “the placement of a tagout device on an energy-s jl the tagout device is removed” device and the equipment being controlled may not be operated unt A) True (B)False Wa *tagout device” is a device that uses a positive mean such 25 2 lock to hold an energy-Isolating, device in a safe position and prevent the energizing of a machine or equipment. A) True OyFobe Apifected employees” are those responsible for implementing the energy-control proceclures or ‘performing the service or maintenance activities. AVTrue 8B) False Ayich statement is true concerning tagout devices? PAjyrags are only warning devices B) Tagout devices can always be used in place of lockout devices C) Tags may be removed by affected employees once LOTO is complete ) Tags provide equivalent security to using @ lock AC i ust be labeled to identi i i F Zoro devices must be lat lentify the specific employees authorized to apply & remove them, rue 8) False Be ‘ARAMCO General Instruction 6.012 pertains to Work Permit System A) True. (yaise ‘A comprehensive plan for maintaining a safe and healthful Roth environment ent. at se nv a h * Tag wervice and repair jobs A Saudi Aramea Safety. Management System (SMS) 'W ISOLATION LGC OUT / TAG OUT MSDs 10-Deseribes procedures which make mechan! A LOTo bold tags ; : fined space a confined spa 4°An oxcavated trench deeper than feet Is considered Qa b.3 4.35 22: A confined space has restricted? @entry and exit 5, leaving and escape ©. exit and egress d. leaving and exit 42. Which of the following are cansidered to be confined spaces? a. Tanks b. Vessels ¢. Manholes @ Allof the above answers 24, Which of the following describes a confined space? a. Limited access 5. Limited natural ventilation §, Not design for human occupancy and limited working space ail the answers 1 the atmosphere of a confined space is una icceptable if the oxygen level is below percent or above percent. (2220% and 23.5% b, 19.5% and 22% c. 19% and 22% 0. 20% and 21% Wy Which of the following hazards can be found in confined Spaces? a. Temperature b. Noise ¢. Hazardous atmosphere @all the answers Vf. Which hazardous atmosphere can be found ina confined space? 3. Asphyxiating atmospheres (suffocation) b. Toxic atmospheres c. Flammable atmospheres (LEL) (@DaAll the answers or haust diesel or petral fumes neara confine Space may contain that can present hazard for a nearby confined space, . (@xarbon monoxide © with written apps Wal frovn Fe te x Whenever the foreman de, t 6. Ajobsite made ha ikea ee ade hacksaw blade js a - ane w blade i: authorized by the Re 5. unsafe to use dur a lack of safe « & Awaste of time All of above 17. According ta the RC Requirements txce standard , all of the follow 12 8. contractor safety sm; b. RCES&H 4 The contractor G. The employee who will be performing the task 18. How far away from fueling operations A. 25 feet B. 10 feet £25 meters d. 10 meters - 19. Definition of Risk assessment? (i 20. Definition of Near miss? 21. Safe sequence of Work? 22. Who may use mobile phones in the construction area while engaged in a work? a, Banks man to communicate with vehicles b. carpenter to communicate with worker's c Senior rigger to communicate with crane operator deffo one mabile phones are not an approved means of communication: 23, When People are intended to manually retrieve materials. What is the minimum height they i Make up the minimurn PP janager out of his must a smoking area be? may be stored? a. 5 meters br .5 meters c. there is no height requirements d, 3meters 24, when stacking materials the height should never be taller than width a. Equal to the base width b. 2 times the base width _c-3times the minimum base width d. There is no height requirement e 95, When shall be cranesinspected bya 3" party? a. monthly AsAnnvally c. Twice a year Every 2 Year 4 26, Prior to using aman basket on site, It must be 3” party in what capacity a. 100% and suspended for 30 minutes 125% and suspended for S minutes ¢, 200% and suspended for a minute d. none of the above 27, The company is engaged in a roadway project that has individual wark tocations frar 600mtrs mie SE §) TEMS INCLU SAE TY vinnie 45, LIFE HEE, HO RUDE SATAN. Live cipne, BLARING : {5h FAVHATIS StANDERD OF REBAR cap? = . xd inch (5x10 em) trl te ost COSWHaris sare DROW FROM sarery Arwiesse , 4 MUSUALLY O2 MULALLY > 03 MUsUALLY 64: THE MixIMUM DISTANCE Ari PERSON SHOULD FA FALL BEFORE AN ARREST IS? + : 10 FEET . 6 FEET (1.83 M) ~ - SS:THE “DrRING OF SAFETY HARNESS LOCATED FROM WHERE OF BOOY? TOPOFTHEBACK = si MIDDLE OF THE BACK ~~ NEAR THE NECK * \6erGs Lees LADOER REQUREO AT THESITE? NEVER CAN REUSE *" auowarmesite “~~ ~ Eats Wo7; can We USE THE HOME MADE LADOER AT SITE? “ES ts + a : NEVER ae. , USEFORHEGHTJOB —* P 68; smaiiir LADDER SHALL NOT BE concen Tier Z P a & My 20 eer (6M{— we fe . ~~ 30 FEET [8 M) © - bi: /f = AO eee pei Oree t= SEN . < ovens oe HONS ox sHETONtY ‘ | _ SROURS ‘ } . a YA . je — : ~ ‘ . : “sor: WHEKGHS CONDITION OCCURE ATSTE WHEN PERNIT CANCELLE? WELDING JOB? _ Se Tere ae tay: ROR L LMAMAGER + YAsny al MANY Tht Laren? oom 07; \ eeu enn CLERANCE FORM GEHERATOR AND ALIBI WALL ABO ace « somm 7 ~ Sesonm > (8: WHAT IS THE SUITABLE OISTANCE BASE OF GENERATOR FAM GROUND? Jao / (LOSE WHAT IS SAFE DISTANCE OF LPG CYLINDER FROM OTHER GAS CYUNDEN? (foo m : osm A ; 4 \_AGF WHAT Is THE SAFE DISTANCE OF SAND BLASTING AREA FROM EATING, SMOKING, AND ORINKING? c om 2 : is im ; ut Ohwom : : ; A-4% WHAT Is THE SAFE SATE EE STORAGE NeihTe Bisina Can ee Cig ee 12; WHICH 1S THE SAFE STORAGE HEIGHT OF WOODEN PIOLET? a Bow Coie eee 1 Citom i SMOKING “SHALL BE paoKnamic PROM ALL RE FUELINE 1G, FALNIMBLE ACTIVITIES SCAFFOLDING sUPuNson . ie COMPETENT PERSON ai” ’ 4 SCAFFOLOENS \ a: AL: HOW MUCH THICK SILL PLATE FOR SOFT GROUNER. 450%225%35 WIM oc 00%335X40 MIM of fh ROUN p 42: HOW MUCH THICKSILL PLATE FOR THE HARD GI 440¥415450 MM 2 ToDKAISHaS MM 2 na: WHATIS THE MINIMUM OIA OF SCAFFOLDING WOTKIHIG PLATE FORM? 2 “300 MM _ ’ i ie (600 mn“er 3 Plante “200MM 2 © 4a: F MOBILE SCAFFOLDING EXTENDED UP3.™ ‘ABOVE WHAT SHOULD APPLYING? TIRE S z WHEEL OUTRIGGER i = 45; (F WIND SPEED-EXCEED FROM 25 qup/ H tviOGILE SCAFFOLDING MUST BE? STOPPED THEWORK ~ : TIE OFF WITH nIGID STRUCTUR cn DISPLAYING THE RED. TAG FD EXCEED 40 M/H WHAT sHouto DO WITH THE MOBILE SCAFFOLDING? 46; (fF WIND SPE MOVE SAFE AREA DSi ENTAL THE MOBILE SCAFFOLDING © By ee CONTINUE WORK v an 1 > sulin areas 5} i Shall be barricaded to co ntain spilla, 28, Or i a Page 12 of 40 What requi required ty the RC EMA M crandard it voit be the Lamatacs High ant 32 ting # sealtokd thet g esi Do Structural engi © ‘Statement of intent design by the construction manager 4. Statement of NEENT signed ty the project manager 2 WAALS the minimom acceptable width for a working platform ? a Onm — 600mm © Onn, 8 80mm age allowed 3. Whon placing material on working platform what is the minimum pass: Beside the material that will allow worker to move? a 200mm, », 200mm €-300mm 440mm 4. with regards to working at heights ,the RC ESS H standard refer to hierarchy of control. What is the hierarchy of contro! with regards to the construction safety? 4. site management flow chart b site management inchuding contractor & RC staff e preferred order of safety control measures from most to east effective ng workers from construction manager to foreman, d. method of manag & what is the best safety measure you can take with regards to working at heights? “produce # method that eliminates the needs for working at heights b. rotate workers so the time they are working at height is limited c_ install guardrail system to prevent worker falling from heights 4, providle harness & shock absorbing lanyards to protect worker in the event of fall G.with regards to hierarchy of control, which of the below isa safer method to reduce potential For a worker to experience a fail from eights? a. workers wearing fall protection hamesses & shock absorbing lanyards apeworker wearing fall arrest system & installing guard rail system c. training workers on the risk of fall d. using a too! that allows workers to reach the work from the ground 7 before a worker perform works at heights ,he must be provided with what? {all protection harness & shock absorbing lanyard if required gdard rail system capable of withstanding 200tbs foree if required ¢ training in the risk associated with working at heights & protective equipment Ce hen to two workers are fighting on the site what you will do? 35. when to ; e from the project 7 a. Remove to the management and remove from the project. a b. eee ded from wearing ppe on site during the course of their assigned duties 36. Is excluder . Any RC personnel re rr i; BG operators while making check their genes ¢ contractor construction manager / project manage 37.At how much current GFCI will trip? a. 1SAmp b, 30 Amp ¢. 6 mill ampere d. 6 Volts . 38, How much far fuelling operation from the all water courses? a. 50m b. 10m c. 30m d. 20m 39. what is the standard of rebar cap? 2x4 inch (5x10cm). 40. 10 ton’or less What is Fequired and who is sign? a. lift calculation sheet b, sign of the competent person and crane Operator ©. contractor appointed the competent person d. all of above. 41. noise level 85 dB 42. when shall be equipment calibrated? a 3months b. 6 months c.9 months d, 12 months, 43. how unload ribber from dump truck? 4. competent rigger and crane, 44. After completing the hot work a. 60 minutes 45. Hazard flashing beacons Must be installed and 9] a. all cranes regardless of task of Specification b. only cranes involved in Critical lifts c. cranes hoisting personnel platforms only d. cranes only performing heavy lifting Operational, how much watch timer should have to Present ? perational on. 0: AFTER a PARTY INSPECTION WHO WIL ISSUE THE CERTIFICATE FOR TOWER CTANE OPERATOR? 2 a : q CONTRACTOR PROJECT MANAGER * _ AC ES@&H OEPT RCFCS, Men cer Ye? 55:15 THE MMAN BASKET REGUIRED 3” PARTY IRSPECTION ANO TESTED ON "sw"? es o NEVER: * NO CONCERN © a4: BEFOR USING THE MAN BASKET WHICH 15 DOCUMENT REQUIRED? (OO ceaveoocumnt St ‘ = MATHOD STATEMENT @ RISK. ASSESSVIENT LOAD TESTED CenTIFOATE sian ; a5: vine USE THE MANBASKET WHICH IS THE RC mec + MAN BASKET CERTIFICATE PERSONEL LIFT DATA SHEET / : eae “RISK ASSESSMENT TER compleTion OF JOB RISK ASSESSMENT, PERSONEL ueT DATA SHEET WHERE _RETURNE ED BACK? ~ ii a i RC le a ag i 4 a ae = Saudi Aramco Drilling & Workover Organization Remote Area Travel i Safety Alert 13-4 Au Pe Traveling to remote areas, such as pipeline corridors, skid roads te drilling rigs, or tracks to exploration camps, can be a hazardous activity, which requires preparation, planning, ane appropriate training. As part of Saudi Aramco's vehicle safoty program, all organizations with remote area operations that require te avel must have a comprehensive Remote Ares Travel Program. ‘The requirements (or remote area travel are set out in Gi 6.025, Control of Remate Area Travel and Search/ Rescue Procesures, Including: «Controlling travel to and from remote locations. «Specifying proper equipment for remote area travel and operations. Defining responsibilities for Implementing search and rescue operations. ovmantzations with remote area operations must review the Gl requirements and ensure compliance Within their area of coverage: smote locations can feview the potential hazards associated with 9 Focus article Utled “Driving in remote areas,” ‘All employees traveling {1 remote travel in the Sh Vv COMPETENT PERSON WORKER 28:\WHO 1S THE INSPECT THE EXCAVATION DAILY BASE? So7 COMPETENT PERSON supenvison'<~ , WORKERS 29: WHATIS THE SAFE ANGLE OF DRY SAND ESCA ONE Qe 10 Pe , peer 40° so. ; m . ‘ 30: WHATIS THE SAFE ANGLE OF WET SAND EXCAVATION? =)” nee Ales ‘10° d. 31: EXCAVATED SPOIL HOW FAR KEEPT THE EDGE OF EXCAVATION? — LL Ets. op TO DEPTH OF EXCAVATION 1am ° x Lam : 32: A MEAN OF ACCESS AND EGREES PROVIDDED EVERY? eure 25 FEET (7.6 wee , d ined i 40 FEET (10.6 M) ‘so FEET (15.7 M) SE ae Sp aSparsente BARRICATION REQUIRED ON EDGE EXCAVATION HOW FAR? Loe Qype 19M ie are ee 18M TAFE b, carbon dioxide © carbon trioxide od, oxygen 1s-The air temperature in confined space is ating working conditions in confined spaces. not considered when evalu’ a. True Okie 26, What must you have before entering into a confined space within a Saudi Arame> facility ora project site? @ Avalid Confined Space Entry permit issued by a certified Issuer A valid entry plan is sufficient; no need fer work permit ©. Qualified and certified employees don’t need work permit d, All'the answers The most common cause of incidents at Saudi Aramco is a failure to follow @rules and procedures 6. yellow linesin the workshop ¢. co-workers good suggestions d. supervisors instructions 22/Most incidents in the workplace ate caused by a combination of unsafe acts and - a. hazards b, the environment unsafe conditions d. safe acts JA What isa Hazard? ‘Anything that has the potential to cause harm to people, the environment, assets and b. Anything that has the potential to cost money to people, the environment and Business. c. Anything that has the potential to improve the business. d. Anything that results in the environment, assets and business changing 24 Why do you wear safety shoes, harnesses and lanyards? a, To have a place to put their tools b. To store tools when they climb ladders. @re prevent slips, trips and falls d. To be more comfortable 28/What indicates an area has.a noise hazard requiring earplugs or earmuffs to be worn? (@ "Hearing protection required! signs are present in area b. Work and see if your hearing is damaged c. Wear ear plugs in one ear and see what happens d, See if other workers in the area are wearing ear plugs peice, who has a radiographer’s permit, is the authorized radioactive sources, ved personnel to handle JTRUE b, FALSE: eee Cu NET AND USE ATSTTE “SOUS WE PAINT THE LADDER WHAT SHOULD BAPPEN? - BSE y = = > epopPORusE- u St oS ES aac a SES : a ae os 1s 50.7) ~” ee. ‘ FON OR LESS REQUIRED AND WHO 1S SIGN? _ oy wTcHoN ATION SET 74 SENOF COMPETENT PERSON AND CRANE OPERATOR CONTRACTOR APPOINTED THE COMPETNET: PERSON a oreX- 4750 Tl AND LES THER S07ON WHAT IS REQUIRED? 4 q oUsTRIAL UTP LOGMPETENT PERSON 7a HROAT REANY WORKING DAYS BEFORE SUBMITTED THE LIFTING PLANT TO RC? ZDAYS BEFORE. : Pe : "poaysBEFOREL—- aes . teed around the work area and at all approae ‘al power tools S used at work be rated? to the job sin AFA what volt rating must electric a. At or below 11 in sHGP GIA12 volt JAL oF below 125 in SHGP GI 12 volt, - - Ator below 15 in, SHGP GI 12 volt, 4, All of the above. BB What is used with a cascade breathin Must escape or if the breathing 8. 4.10 minute (escape pack) b.A 1S minute battle (escape pack) (SAS minute bottle (escape pack), d, All of the above 8 Alt system to give emergency breathing alr you air supply stops? PART II IDENTIFICATION Direction: Answer the following questions by completing the sentence with the correct answer 1_ gu thot Berson who locks-out or tags-out machines or equipment in order to perform s€rvicing or maintenance on that machine or equipment. OF th oy mene = 2" is dne whose job requires him/her to operate or use a machine ar equipme! on which servicing or maintenance is being performed, or is someone who Warks in an area in which such servicing or maintenance is being performed. 3.~¢hf whose work operations are or may be in an area where energy control procedures may be utilized, must be instructed about the pracedure, and about not being allowed to attempt to restart or re-energize machines or equipment which are locked aut or tagged out. 4. ($0(atein is the process of removing the possibility of an expected start- up of a machine. eAtag ARAMGO FORM_5 24 _ shall be installed on each lack Indicating plant number or location, equipment name, badge number, organization, contact phone and signature of the individual who installed the lock and the reason for the locks Installation, eee 6,f- iz ¥ Power/enerey Is a form of stored energy (Potential Energy). When it is under control, it works well, But when released unexpectedly, it can do great harm Hyen JAG 7 purpose is to record and document information about the L.0.T.0. work in process. 8. Double Block and 42/¢¢d_is achieved by locking and tagging of two consecutive valves on the same line with a drain valve installed between therm that can be opened as a drain to determine if the lacked valves are passing. 9, Bh achive ge only acceptable methods of equipment lation for entry into canfined spaces. 10. LOTO most cited violation for general Industries by OSHA. 11, Bo TT2Ms the proper way to remove shoring from an excavation. 12 Sage oe ale Bhafery equipment that protects your eyes against flying particles, airborne mists or chemical splashes? Beatilabon and the elimination of static electricity ar ignition source is the best way ta make sure flammable paint vapors do not become explosive. spy bi ai we Feveeery Hi Nee ae fuck, aunt 1iffd in an elevating work plat form basket. ators change shifts, E keys are usually transferred to ift. ‘6. Their tags must be erased, €. Their locks and tags must be removed. dl, Their locks must be replacecl, $9) We isolate equipment to make sure it “cannot be, a. Shut-cown on purpose, b. Shut-cown by accident, ¢. Taken to a shop for repatr. vd. Started-up, leak or cause electrical shock. 60) Why are hold tag installed? a, To record gas tests. b.Torecordaecidents. — eS, een why the lock is installed? eda identify the issuer and. receiver. g fuses form an electrical circuit emovin mam elec ing electric wiring is an example of what? : a. Locking b. Cleaning. c, Purging. _d, Isolating. Last modified: 30 Dec 201? HOYAL COMMISSION SAFELY MIABIAGETL 93; WHO 1S AUTHORIZED THE SIGN'ON CONFND PERMIT? fC SAPET/ MANAGER vs ~ CONTRACTOR SAFETY MANAG EIEN TINY SUPEVISON ENT RY ATTENDED 94: WI sal ISTHE RESCUE EQUIPME NT REQUIRE Dd FOR CONFINED SPACE? AIR HORN - * 5 MINUTED EMERGENCY CSCAPE pack. ' SCBA» AS TESTING IN CONFIND SPACE? - 95: WHO Is THE RESPONSIBLE OF TI ENTRY ATTENDED ENTRY SUPERVISOR/SAFEWY MANAGER ie WORKERS a inaris MIM. UE TS Stan LAVELI 19.5% ‘ en IN CONFIND SPACE? 10.6% pine 73.5% wet 30%" _97; HOW MUCH REDIO! LOGICAL HAZARD REQUIRED Less THEN? 30% bs 10% 40% : LAVEL REQUIRED IN CONFIND SPACE? ee 98: WHAT IS THE “LEL” 20 PPM. AO FRM) = emery ce CABIE, sikh & OF c waticke Satety, and Ue 9 Mesa Iderestyang the narards of o@-road orang roves tv neritic. OCDE eet an Orne thats a ty SeIveS Os Ded by onterad trav ane Sse comaytnace. But ever the #12 pegorweted INET) Gn! XRT proper. ening off-road reqs chferesti sen at ots thet 7 aEpTOe 1g te Ure eras hacer a of te eet sreseuad nacacas 4) Ma aniarse nest arnt ng ran: teercuetatre fhxctual ery eater aah TAIN cpafery in fonue| Howerniner 2018 sawing wei veo TeAhNa, a any vet cies ae renter the oHtoad a ARC Lure tree. A Tra, ey CAV WAT ane oat, Prod the: | your router ibesear ated af and esrimaied t Dr $0 ase wr seater it toute na notebone evel ofc conve sa Sudiig driing on sa Gunes sed in SOM sand, sare MAIN. ate oy, uneven terran © know evfuit 00 Hf lost, brome des, oF stuck (9 Som Nand oF a onan Preparaboms the Utwers respon eblty to oe peppered. Whatever type of ice Semen, 1s emvenik that Koen top are SONEENCE yotucte Dreaktowwn the eucte INE OSE Can De very dancjercan, arrer (ata Frog vere verter ya ep au xem Saudi Aramco; Company Ocneral Use: ator, * (A wens: Naki sats aur rac we villa’ DREGay ME Emer gencsy maquagement ant serppens pring stiat yout vee YUN wet eenergency equayrneet and 2a ea reac tre TN Me ana dean Mo. = Font, Sutfenant 103 your Gaestinatic vecnest neti se pe Nant QUI ay ettre fuel and Rare tn a pproeed, wipe Rg Conta * Water Atlegat exght Wiens sbi snnkang Wwalee pet Camo pee x ite Bec) ence i CHtNS TK fe the wore tT a0) extra Tania SLD ae panna «0 cvs ob ov fente gency Sines oF pacha Grea ‘ood tor the antic naar pls BODY SURRY, aed aca tere > Yerace suipeet bara orakir tue woven, 20d 8, Nn Spare wes ick Ora dic Mechs cae mee wine, tach crap cf toe able, cortable 44 Garpniasor aoe antler bens, signe hoses, arei bens, VA HOW Ate " TE NAL TOT AR ‘ STRUCT ORE TANCE NEW Wetay ACAHFON DN WORKING MATE Pond arto ti 400 Ann) SSO AWE USE THE ant aeNdbLbiNG Aran neva? ve ASCHOW MUCH ALLOWWOLE GAB QE RWHEN SOA OLDIE PL ANKS GARY Latnnlye® eM yout “S . ' aon" \ & 2s NOW MUCH'STANDRLD HHGILT OF GUARD RAIL IRON WORKING PLATE TORN? ts i. ees A p08 Nini 101200 MN 5 \ 800 tN YO.LA00 NANT " AS HOW MUCH SAE DISTANEE (HONE GUARE TQM AND MID AIL! Aste ya in “a 1 eke ' 860 MIME _ OOM 6M! ; i wit . ' i‘ vee aay ‘ Ww sh HANS ot HOARD HLIGHTE © “YOO MIM. . oan ww ; x / ‘ ano MM) are ; a 401 THU STAN TET AM AUTEN Ga ali tbh Su = ae WIT TIASKUT naive tine ' i pean rot = Set as ‘a Nd hoe : (DUN aie?” 4 10 AWAY (MYT WIE) GIVE THEE HoH INSION FON 40 Yi VON TAACTONOM HOVAL COMMINSION JAPETY MANAGETL A00) HOW MUCH QUSTANEE MOM POWER WITH STEEL TOWER? mM 4M 40M . LOP HOW RIUEHSANE DINTAHEE (OM OVE HEAD SUPPORT WITH WOOD pool? sist wM 40m . JOH) LORS THEN So wo nikilits WHAT % JOULD CONTRACTOR PROVIDED? MATL NUNSE Se ; ' Ee real Gs ae Ue om” i AMIMULANGH, 409) 1 WOLICUNS 00 AWAY OM THE LAYDOWN AREA WHAT SHOUL CONTRACTOR PROVIDED? i cern’ 5 ' — AINSTATOUN , , HIASTAID KIA . MAIL NURSE i Le iterh KES TH OFFICES HOW FAR FRO NOISE ANEAR 40M ' j ea , 10M ’ ; ; i wn epi a ae rsh spe anewaarorue” t ) Ther built apyice 18% pot ? DU Cao he exact location of ponied service 1" belt drawings Neineeri B' c ering drawini port holing BS. rc ESSA CUS) rs Vc ul to the For al rior to performing excavation Work shat must he contractor subim! ; Commission? avhesane ; eine of the purposed compete person 10 approval q eee of intent to dig equest to dig signed by Com d pany owner signed declaration of intent {© dig perator have? 11. What kind of authorization *© drive must & 2(SAG heavy goods vehicle Ticense b, Home country driver licens® ¢. SAG standard driver's licens d. TUV 12. In addition to having 2° internationally ret have what? actu 7 ome country resident leet cc. Valid & current SAG heavy equi 4. Royal commission driver license pment operator license gs operatorsof the heavy plant 13. For the contractor to be co! equipment such as motor Br! sfraining to the make & model vy, site traffic managemien’ training yor's license SAG heavy equipment ope™@ d. All of the above 44, A 3rd party taining certificates or licens ‘This includes man lifts: bobcats and what? 3, Bulldozer b, Heavy dump truck c, Tracked Excavator d, Medium & heavy vibratory roller 45. when can employee Use hand held electrical tools? acWhen they gre needed to perform. the task b, Upon completion of training by 3 competent persen 215 required for all operators of plant equipmen ninirn : UM requirement? With regards to wall 7” A facilities m i : Aeatek pe avi f aia Poh ata tye acltinies must only be contrat i ‘provided at the most: ‘ Facilities must be provided at the faydown are and exch apa Beene csinerten ne Lobe stored? cise ed color group According to the comiainer sire check eKecording to the MSDS a ‘d, According to container shape 29. Aa cay enn concee bund have rain end ted To contain? a, 300% wate cc 120% 6, 150% 30. Spill trays are required for which of the follawing items? a of the above 31, What is the thickness “Bavee of plastic required in concrete? a. 200 micron 7500 micron ¢. a00 micron d. 500 micron 32, What material should be the top on concrete wash pit? textile fren should rubbish of debris be cleared from the work area cs inimum of once per day at the day b, Regular interval’s 35 needed ic. Just before a9 inspection d.botha &b 34. what diress acceptable at site (Trouser and shirt) 3 of the method heat cannot transfer to body ? Concentration p, conduction ;. conduction 4 g) Pow can process equi, i a. Treating Be ecaen b . Closing valves Gas testing q . Steam 2 cleaned? ydro cracking, — and. adding locks : nol steaming Ing and or water & BP — washing. 57) Who installs receiver's [, : s locks? 2. One member from each work crew. . The engineer and receiver, - The issuer and. receiver. a. Every member of the work crew. ow 58) When operators change shifts. — «., Their keys are usually transferred to the next shift. b. Their tags must be erased. c. Their locks and tags must be removed. d. Their locks must be replaced. 59) Weisolate equipment to make sure it cannot be. a. Shut—down on purpose, b. Shut-down by accident. c. Taken to a shop for repair. ad. Started-up, leak or cause electrical shock. 60) Way are hold tag installed? a. To record gas tests. b. To record accidents, c, Explain why the lack is installed? __-d. To identify the tssuer and receiver. a ; 2,5 Nyy NA : 4; How py EX «) YDEEP EXCAVATION CONSIDERED Conf z El iT is) 3.2™ SPACE? | i 12M 45M 35: 20 FEET (6,08 (Ml) EXCAVATION DESIGN BY who # COMPETENT PERSON a PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER -~ °e SUPERVISOR : ®, 36: at DEEP EXCAVATION MUST BEO2 {MEAN OF ACCESS AND EGRESS MORE THEN? 76 mho% os qual 2 “ 80M ‘ 1 OSM: = ; : = ow MUCH SAFE DISTANCE FROM PILLING EQUIPMENT? ' 2BM . yg ; ; 3,6 MW Dh ee ig poi 12M en 48: STRICTLY FORBIDDEN TO MOVE ANY PILE EQUIPMENT WITH IN FOLLOWING DISTANCE? ew ro2s000 your 35 FERT (40M) F pe i Dy + : OVER 25000 VOLT & FEET (20 My) ; vat RINCH EXCAVATION MUST be MNseciiNe AIROM PILLING OPERATION WORK WITHIN ts HioN HOW FAR? omit : o } y | 60 M AWAY - 2s M AWAY a Way 5 s Ba som vA\ 5 feist ; OAD ABOVE 10M LONG AND 08 METER LANG DESIGN BY Rone SIGN ROARO 5p, tien THE SUITARLE PLACE FON BANKS MAN WHTERE HET § DANO WEAR VENICLE? , MEAIND) JHE VEHICLE , FRONT OF veut Sua DE WISE ‘ SIDE WI aS =i ; : CRA WHATISTHE VOLTAGE USE AT'COMSTRUCTION.SITER 1 tzm#? 1! Rw ss c n6V% 20 V 1 22: COMPRESSOR AIR USE FOR CLEANING MUST DE REDUCING? a 40 PSI da lt 30Psl 77 — 3 50 PSI _ 23: COMPRESSOR AIR MUST HAVE? + tA el, ar HME 4 : i eee 2Quick RELEASE COUPLING ve WHIPLASH COUPLING ang a WHAT IS THE EXCAVATION DEFINITION? a A cavity FoRM CUTTING, DigGiilG, SLOPING BY MANUAL OR MECH (INCA: noon} Las TRENCH: A LONG rerun NARROW ANO DEER, EXCAVATION OR SL E pa BERS NNT, as poe ANAL OR OE ' , a ' - 26; AS PE RI RC SAFETY STANDERED HOW {ONG EXCAVATION! PERMIT VALID? Cervie 3 MONTH vanes MONTH 27: WHO IS INSPECTING THE EXCAVATION WEEK WISE? SUPERVISOR, @ . 54 WHICH 1S SUITABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHEN REQUIRED FOR MAN LET? ASKS an : 10 KG eS AHH 1S THE EQUIPHIENT IN THE MIAH LIFT CHECK BY OPERATOR OW DANY ASE? FIRE EXTINGU ‘UMIUT SWITCH FALSHING LIGHT DACKHORN * 6; IF MAN LIFT WORK ON HIGH WAY WHICH PLAI REQUIRED? CRICTICAL MET PLAN i Aw TRAFFIC PLAN * PERMIT S57: MANIPT FOLLOWING SATE DISTANCE FROM HIGH VOL TAGE LINE? uno 25000 VOL 19 W(35 fen” over 2so00 vor —-«-20 M [60 FEE) c Lost@uar 15 THE SUITOLE WIND SPEED FOR, 14AN LUFT? 30 MA . Biwi a 45 MM ; 59: Waris THE SAFE BEARING CAPACTY OES + age? * 4g 10s (2268 KG) 5000 L§.{2469 KO) HORE POUT? ‘ 50F WHAT IS THE PRIMERY FALL PROTECTION? \ IG AND WORKING SURFACES AT ELEVATED A SYSTEM INCLUDE WALKIN N 0 WITH STANOERED GUARD RAIL SYEVEN, 42” fLoom OPENING AND EQUIP 61: WHATIS THE SECENORY FALL PROTECTION? WHICH ARE FREE FROM RG SAFETY MANAGER 87: CONFIND §) E CONTRACTOR APPOINTED THE CORAPE ENT PERSON YATAT 1s MuslitAlIM! QUALIFICATION REQUIRED AS PER RC STANDERED? CINIL DIPLOMAS" MECHINCAL, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING _« SIMPLE GRADUATION ‘ 88: WHO: WILL APPROVE THE CONTRACTOR ENTRY SUPERVISOR FOR CONFIND SPACE-JC ya? -CONTRACTOR SAFETY MANAGER * CONTRACTOR PROJECT MANAGER’ Ro Cn MUCH VOLT REQUIRED IN CONFIND SPACE AS PER RCSTANDERED? a2. Vwi (cra) // 24 V WITH (GFC)), 110 V WITH (GFCI) . 90; WHO WILL GIVE THE PRE APPROVAL FOR NIGHT. Wonk IN CONFIND SPACE? ~ CONTRACTOR PROJECT MANAGER’ « CONTRACTOR ENTRY ATTENDED foe Z oi FYAL COMMISSION nit 2 i i GG WHO WILL. conoult THE PRETASKPREFING BEFORE: ENTRYINUIN CONAIND SPACE? ACSAFETY MANAG ef russ : ' CONTRACTOR ENTRY SUPERVISOR CONTRACTOR SAFETY MANAGER « WHO WILL VIST THE CONFIND space anu REVIEW THE RISK ASSESsen ACTUAL CONDITION? ETN AND SAFE WoRK CONTRACTOR poe MANASER: ne ENTRY surenvison/cowriacron SAE MAMAGER SEN gen Jeo Blam }aom . ; \ 1) ALL OF ABOVESS F CAO WHATIS TH THE REQUIREMENT) FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TOWER CRANE? cont QACTOR SEER THE PRIOR APPROVAL iva CONTRACTOR MENTION THE DETAILE OF TOWER CRANE : CONTRACTOR INstalt owen CRANE witout APPROVAL OFRC - Po Pal A CES FROM PILLING OPERATION? =~ Zjowanucn NOISEPRODUC at HOW MU a 4 . B Hoch i \ifnneeruviasehn HiAKUALFOR APPROVAL HOW MIAMIY DAYS LATER tre Dare? “ASTER GD DAYS “i F artenaponys “~ AFTER 70 DAYS “113: 65H PLAN SUBMITTED TO ROYAL Pl FOR APPROVAL AFTER HOW MANY DAYS AWARD OFPROIECT? . . x 60:DAYS SODAYS | ‘ a

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