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Chapter 1


The road to success is always rough and though when you are about to achieve success in life you
will meet some obstacles that will want to wail you down. Expect to meet temporary failure on the way
to success it's an essential part of your journey to greatness you need it in-order to teach you something
vital that will help you take a chance. Life is all about making use of opportunity,those who progress in
life are actually those that is ready to risk more than others think is safe. Very often at times you are
your own worst enemy,the road to success contain keys to help you conquer the most common causes
of failure such as having wrong goal,quitting too soon and trying to please everyone.
Don't keep forever on the public road leading to success going only where others have gone,leave
the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods,you will be certain to find something you have
never seen before of course it will be a little thing but don't ignore it. One discovery lead to another and
before you know it,you already have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind and really
big discovery are the result of thought,it doesn't take much to find the high road leading to success but
to reach it you need an agenda for the present.
The road to success is not straight and it a matter of going where you are destined to be not
worrying about where others people are going. For the fact that you are on the right road leading to
success don't necessary think it's a well beaten path,the greatest mistakes people makes is to wait and
depend on others for their safety on their way to success. There is no road too long to the man who
advances deliberately and without undue haste,no honour is too distant to the man who prepares
himself for it with patient. It doesn't take much to find the high road to success but to reach it you need
an agenda for the present.
The amount of obstacles you get on your way to success depends largely on your own ingenuity,self
sufficient and resourcefulness,people who wait around for life to supply their safety usually find
misfortunes instead. It's only a fool that wait in dependence on others for their safety in life,there is
neither encouragement nor room for feeble desires,little effort,lazy attitudes all must be
overcome,urgently admit flame desire with an un-waving faith instantly delights heaven. God would
have His children in arguably in earnest and persistently bold in their effort success shouldn't finish
desires,if it does it won't remain success and if you earnestly want success you must size your
opportunity as you grow in life.


Until you embark on a journey you will arrive at no destination,any road without a road block doesn't
lead to anywhere important in the future. Don't pray for easy road to success because you are not going
to get either,but pray for strength equals your obstacles in life,a man can fail many times but he is not a
failure not until he begins to blame somebody else foe being responsible for his failure,when you are on
the right track leading to success you can afford to keep moving if you want to it's your choice the road
to glory is not usually straight all the time it's filled with ups and down,life itself is hard,you make it
harder when you impose irrelevant things on yourself that are necessary. Life is a battle field if you are
not ready to move forward in life those who will move you backwards are right there beside you,an idle
mind is the devil's workshop,you can't move forward in life by staying idle.
Life is full of an impediment an enemy will trample you down on your way to the top wanting to pull
you down the ladder of success,you have to be strong and fight your way back to the top,it's only those
with feeble minds that pays attention to those calling them unfavourable names quitter are loser.
Nobody or failure is strong enough a reason to stop you from succeeding. It is your responsibility to
determine your future.
The decision to succeed or to fail is your own choice,you have the power to either embrace success
or failure,the choice is absolutely yours,you have the potential for greatness inside of you that treasure
is too great to be neglected,but you can't be great if you don't poses what it takes to be great. Every
great man the world produced are people that were able to discover their un-exposed ability and
develop it to benefits themselves and mankind until you genuinely develop an all consuming passion
for success you can never be successful.
Tough time never last but though people do,you get exactly what you expect,stop seeing setbacks
and defeat,stop focusing too long on your past failure and problem,the past is not your future
concentrate on your today and tomorrow will take care of itself understand that the road to your goal is
not always smooth,even though you visualise the possibilities of getting to your goal,there are still
hurdles you will need to overcome and barriers to conquer with an intent inner drives and capacities
without it your success is not certain.
The road to success has a way of giving you whatever is demanded of it,if you are frightened and
look for failure and setback you will get them no matter how hard you may try to succeed. Expect
success and you will be victorious no where is this true than on your way to success main-while
bravery and faith bring both material and spiritual rewards. No man can make your journey better
except you have made up your mind to be better. Your success in life starts from you,you are your own
best motivator life will only bring to you what is demanded of it,but it's your choice to accept of
decline what it brings. Success in life goes to the person who has the courage to dream,the ability to
organise and the strength to execute. The ladder of success doesn't care who climb it,seize life before
life seize you,even if you are on the right track to success,you will get run over if you just sit there,don't
waste your life for more penny,you need to be prepared to commit the courage and discipline necessary
to make your success come true,commit yourself to something great and wonderful something bigger
than you.


Don't allow the failure you are passing through stop you from where you are going to,if you don't
pass through failure in life,you can't be anything no one has ever travelled the road of success without
crossing the street of failure,when you are down on your back,if you look up you can get up. It's wise to
keep in mind that no success or failure is necessary final. When one door of success or failure closes
another door opens but you often dew so long at the closed door that you don't realize that another door
has been open for you.
Real success is more of a habit than a goal,more of an attitudes than an attainment,it is the
companion of cheerfulness not the creation of circumstances success is what overtake you when you
forget yourself,when you learn to open your eyes in optimism and close the door in the face of
defeat,you win happiness when you lose yourself in the service to others. The most successful people
don't necessarily have the best of everything,very little is needed to make you successful,it's all within
yourself it lies in your way of thinking.
The great trouble with many of us is that we don't believe in ourselves,a man should do his work so
perfect that the unborn,the dead and the living could do it no better,always remember what you are
good at and stick with it,just remember that anything worth doing at all is worth doing well. The
toughest thing about success is that you have got to keep on being a success,your talent is only a
starting point,your success is really up to you,it doesn't matter what others might think about you,it
doesn't matter where you come from,your colour,your background,your looks are not barriers. It doesn't
even matter what you might have believed about yourself at a previous time in your life,it's about what
lies within you and whether you can bring it out.
The circumstances that surrounds a man's life are not as important to how that man respond to those
circumstances,his response is the ultimate factor that determine his success or failure. The highest
reward for a man's response is not what he gets for it but what he becomes by it. What lies behind a
man and what lies before a man are tiny matter to be compared to what lies within him. Always bear in
mind that your own resolution to succeed in life is more important than any other thing this depends on
your ability to convert ideas into things that is the secret of success and the ability to conceive what you
want to achieve in your mind. If you want to see or have an assurance of success before you take a step
you will definitely end up a failure.
Successful people knows that each victory buys an admission ticket to a more challenging
opportunity to achieve success in life. Divide your distractions subtract your excuses and add up your
actions. Develop success from failure,discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stone to
success. You don't fail in life because you are not educated,you simply failed because you don't know
what you want to achieve from life. If you are not failing every now and then it a sign that you are not
doing anything very innovative,usually people don't fail but just that,they gave up easily. The first law
of success is concentration to band all your energies to one point to go directly to that point looking
neither to the right nor to the left make a decision to be successful now because most people never
decide to be successful and that is why they are still a failure,your decision determines how successful
you will become in life.


Nothing develops by accident,no success is an accident,everything working well must be working
on a principle. You are not a failure trying to succeed you are already a success working out that
success the essence of education is not only to work in the office but to also develop your mind to be
successful in life. One of the secret of success is to do what great people did to achieve great and
excellent things. Do a little more each day then you think you possibly can. Flaming enthusiasm backed
by persistence is the quality that most frequently makes for success.
Successful people are solution oriented,they spend their time and energy developing planing the
answer to any challenges that comes up and creating system to make certain that the problem doesn't
occur again. To be successful,you must accept all challenges that comes your way,you can't just accept
only the ones you like,life's challenges are not supposed to paralyse you,they are supposed to help you
discover your success.
In the real world those of us who are not productive,successful and satisfied focus not on fixing
feelings or manipulating thought but on what needs to be done and then doing it no matter what
thoughts or feelings arises. Always focus on your effort instead of the result of the effort. One of the
most important aspect of success is learning how to use failure and pain instead of having pain and
failure use you. All great people achieve people achieve great success which is a proof to all that others
can achieve success as well,the greatest danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and
falling short but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.


Motivation starts with the desire to be free from personal dependency on others for your
success,freedom to live the lifestyle you dream of,freedom to explore your ideas. Total freedom is not
possible or desirable but the struggle to achieve that idea is the basis for motivation,this is what you
experience after you are actively involved in doing something,motivation is what brings up zeal and
takes you over when you least expect it. To win that zeal is to triumph without glory,the act of taking
the first step is what separates the winners from losers.
You already have every characteristics to motivate you for success if you can
recognise,claim,develop and use them. You need to make the decisions to be successful now because
most people never make the decision to be great that is why such people died poor. The root of poverty
is not in the pocket but it's in the mind,poor people have the motivation to succeed in life but their mind
set prevented them. Note that the poorest man on earth is not a man without money but a man without
motivation but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal,a commitment
to excellence that will enables you to attain the success you earnestly desire in life. The common
concept is that motivation leads to action but the reverse is true action precedes motivation. Don't you
want to be motivated for success? If yes build a reputations in what you are going to do.
When things goes wrong as they sometimes will,when the road to success you are trudging seems
all uphill,when the funds are low and the debts are high. And you want to smile but their is nothing
exciting. Rest if you want to but don't quit stay motivated,success is failure turned inside out. The silver
tint of the clouds of doubt,it may be near when it seems to be far,it's when things goes wrong that you
must be motivated.


All great people achieve great success which is a proof to all that others can also achieve success as
well,no man was ever born a failure. The great danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high
and falling short but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark. All great achievement requires
time,most people never realize how close they are to success before they gave up. To be free is to have
achieved success in life. Achievement is not always success while repeated failure often is,it honest
endeavour and persistent effort to do the best possible under any circumstances.
To be successful,you must accept all circumstances that comes your way,to succeed however,you
need to find something to hold unto that will motivate you for greater exploit in the future. No amount
of reading and memorised will give you the success you so much desire,it's only the understanding and
the application of right thinking that count. If you want to succeed in life do the following get the right
people,associate with positive goal oriented people will encourage and inspire you to greatness.
Success lies not in achieving what you aim at,but in aiming at what you ought to achieve. Success is
not measured by the height attain but by the failure you overcome in your attainment of success,the
secret of success is consistency of purpose,success was not made for all but for the selected few who
diligently combine an endless flow of pattern into one productive process that accomplishes successful
result yet whose composition is ever changing.
Success is never a destination but a continuous process of achieving your goal in life for the fact that
you are successful in a particular life's endeavours doesn't necessary mean you have finally succeeded
in life or gotten to your final destination. What people refer to as success are not success but a minor
achievement from the major goal in life,in as much as human wants are unlimited so also do human
success are unlimited,the achievement of a particular success gives you desire for more success,you
can't graduate from success you have to continue succeeding in as much as you are still living. Listen
to what Apostle Paul said in (philipian 3v12). " I don't claim I have already succeeded or have already
become perfect. I keep striving to win the prize for which Christ Jesus has already won me to himself...
If success were to be a final destination Paul wouldn't strive forward in his quest but instead of
relaxing claiming he has succeed he run forward to win the prize for which Christ has already won for
him. You must decide the conclusion of your life that you desire,you must decide to run your own race
and you must grow the kind of success you desire. Like Paul you must pursue the relationship that
matter to you most and not to others. Your real joy will always be dependent upon His presence. His

Either you succeed or fail in whatever you are doing there most first be an agreement,there would
not be any success in your life if you don't agree with those things that are not working well in your life
for two can't walk together if they don't agree. The most important single ingredients in the formula of
success is an agreement,try not to be a man of success alone but a man of value also,success is going
from failure to failure without losing your value. It consist of getting up just one more time whenever
you fall it usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing until it get there.
Success is no made for the masses but for the selected few who diligently combine an endless flow
of patterns into one productive process that accomplishes successful result yet whose composition is
ever changing and whose wishes to fulfil his mission in the world such an individual must be a man of
one idea that is of one great over-mastering purpose overshadowing all his aims guiding and
controlling his entire life. Many people know so little about what is beyond their short range of
experience,they look within themselves and find nothing,therefore they concluded that there is nothing
outside themselves either.
The range of a ladder was never meant to rest upon but only to support your weight long enough so
you can reach for something higher. It therefore seems quite proper to fear achievement which after all
is a proof that you have successfully moved an experience from the delightfully anticipated future into
the forever and agreed success. The difference between a successful man and others is not a lack of
strength or lack of knowledge but rather lack of an agreement. Never give up on your agreement,never
allow anyone talk you out of a will that is important to you. It's not your lack of ability that keeps from
succeeding but your lack of will to dare the unknown our greatest weakness lies in giving up on our
will the most certain way to succeed always is to try one more time.
Never give up on your agreement just because of the time it will take you to accomplish it. The time
will pass anyhow,if you do not take the time you have now to plant the seed of success you have on you
today how will you have a true with success to benefits from tomorrow. You might need to develop
yourself by acquiring more skills so you can be qualified for a successful journey that pays more,you
might also need to take more risk in your development as well,make sure you are well develop because
you will need a substantial amount of potentials for you to be able to succeed.

Chapter 2
Your success in life doesn't lies in achieving what you aim at but in aiming at what you ought to
achieve,rate the path higher than the prize,do the very best you can and leave the rest to God to decide
for you. When you were nobody people think negative of you but now you are successful it's time to
prove it to the world that you are not born a failure. It's now that's the right time for you to prove
yourself,dare to be who you are and accept with good grace what you are not. You don't tell the world
what you capable of doing because the world is not even interested in you telling them what you can
do,the world need a prove. Your world is earnestly waiting for the manifestation of your gift. Your
success will be measured by you willingness to keep on trying and the prize of successfully trying on
one's duty is the opportunity to do another,most of the critical things in life which becomes the starting
points of human destiny are little things,do little things today and big things will come to you asking to
be done,your best way to give your best a chance is to rise up whenever you are knocked down,giving
up is the ultimate tragedy.
Always bear it in mind that your resolution to succeed in life is more important than any other
things,this will depend on your own ability to convert ideas into things that are the secret of success
and the ability to conceive what you want to achieve in your mind. If you want to see or have an
assurance of success before you take any action you are definitely plotting your failure. If you don't fail
yesterday you may not know how to manage your success today,your failure yesterday is a success
today if only you can learn from it. Make a resolution to succeed today because most people never
decide to be successful and that's why they died poor,your resolution determines how successful you
will become in life.
Nothing great will ever be achieve without great men with great ideas and potential who are great if
only they are determine to be great. When you find out what great people did in any area of life and
you do the same thing over and over again,you will eventually get the same result they get if only you
can believe in yourself you will be amazed at the result you will get. The most successful people in life
are generally those who have the right information you must not forget that the purpose of education is
to develop your mind so that you can acquire the right information to become successful in life,one of
the important aspect of success is to do what great people did to achieve great things in life your
greatest glory consist not in never falling but in getting up every time you fall. Your success is the
accomplishment of that which most people think it can't be done,your success doesn't consist in never
making mistakes but in never repeating a mistake it's never a mistake to make a mistakes but a bigger
mistakes to repeat a mistakes. A failure is the man who has make several blunders but it not able to
cash in on the experience,the prove of success is for a man to be ready for opportunity in his life
whenever it comes.
If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths of accepted success,just don't give up
trying to do what you really want to do,success is not the key to happiness rather happiness is the prove
of success if you don't give up on what you are doing you will succeed. Success seems to be largely a
matter of hanging on after others have let go persistent people begins their success where others ends in
failure many of life's failure are people that don't realize how close,they were to success when they
gave up,many a man has finally succeeded only because he has failed after repeated effort if he had
never met defeat he would never had known any great victory. To be victorious,means that you may
have to step out of line and move to the sound of your drummer,you succeed when you realize that
your failure are preparation for your success. There is only one secret of success it lies in the ability to
get the other person's points of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own
points of view. In-order to succeed,your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
You will never achieve real success unless you like what you are doing. To be successful,you must
accept with all the challenges that comes your way,you don't just accept the ones you like,for life's
challenges are not meant to paralyse your they are meant to help you achieve success. Most successful
men have not achieved their distinctions by having new talents or opportunity presented to them,they
have developed the opportunity that was at hand,the surest way no to fail is to have the determination
to succeed. The person who is interested in success have to learn to view failure as a healthy inevitable
parts of the process of getting to the top. To get to the top,you need to find something to hold
unto,something to motivate and inspire you to greatness. The most successful people in the world are
those whose success is the result of steady acceleration,it's the man who carefully advances step by step
with his mind becoming wider and wider and progressively better able to grasp any theme or situation
persevering in what he knows to be practical and concentrating his thought upon it,when is bound to
succeed in the greatest degree.


A successful man does not need a lighted fuse to motivate him,his motivation comes within,if you
really want to succeed you have to double your failure,there is no time for weak or feeble desire for
success. All hands needs to be put on desk,the first law of success is concentration to bound all your
energy to one point and to go directly to that point looking neither to the right nor to the left. Your
action subdues fear,when you challenge your fear,you master them,when you wrestle with your
problem they lose their grip on you,when you dare to confront the things that scare you it opens the
door to success. You have all it takes to succeed nobody can prevent you from succeeding except you
decide not to rise,the ability to keep your head high whenever you are tempted to fail is the force that
make you to succeed,we rate success by what people finish not by what they start.
Each time you are honest you propel yourself towards greatness. A successful man will profit from
his mistakes and try again in a different way. The creative mind is always ahead of the critical
mind,small mind are first to condemn great idea. Main-while the content of your mind determines your
success in life,your success is a direct reflection of your mind. When your mind is out of your success
then your success is lost,your mind is the gateway to your success. Nurture your mind with great
thoughts for you will never go any higher than your thoughts. Success is not measured by what you
accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered and the courage with which you have
maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.
Some people succeed because they are destined to but most people succeed because they are
determined to succeed. Success is not to be measured so much by the position you reach in life but by
the obstacles with which you have overcome. When you give your attentions,time and total
commitment to achieving your assignment,you will experience an extraordinary currents of favour by
the obstacles with which you have overcome. When you give your attentions,time and total
commitment to aching your assignment,you will experience an extraordinary current of favour and
miracles. Whatever have the ability to keep your attention has mastered you. Your assignment will
require more effort in achieving it your decision,will either open or close the door of success,each
decision you make will increase or decrease you. Your success lies in your real difference from
others,your success may agitate others and may often time make others uncomfortable miracle and
angry in your present,but it will also determine the greatness you want to give birth to in the future.
Never give failure your attentions or dew too long on your past mistakes as far as your way is
right with God exercise faith,you will succeed in what you are doing success is not measured by the
height attained but by the obstacles you overcome in your attainment. Before success come in any
man's life he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat and perhaps some failure. When defeat
overtake a man the easiest and the most logical thing to do is to quit that's exactly what the majority of
men do,when you are doing your best you don't have anything to worry about. It fine to celebrate
success but it's more important to heed the lessons of failure. No man can become successful in life
without wisdom. It takes wisdom to build any thing valuable. You get from failure much more than in
success,you often discover what you will do to be successful by finding out those things that are not
working well in your life. In-order to succeed,your desire for success should be greater than your
attention to failure. It's better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something
you hate. Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is an inevitable
ends,only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieved great success.
Failure is not fatal,it is the courage to continue that counts. Success is the maximum utilisation of
the ability that you have,your success in life can be defined as the maximum utilisation of the ability of
those around you. The most successful people in life are not those who fail the last,successful people
fail more because they try more,successful are those that simply turned the habit of doing things that.
Unsuccessful people will not do,most often time people fail in life because they allowed so many
things that are not relevant interfere with their assignment,be careful with what you allow to interfere
with your success for every single act have a reputations.
Be careful life will break you,nobody can protect you from that living alone will not,for solitude
will also break you with it yearning you have to love,you have to feel and you have to be strong it's all
the reason you are here on earth,you are here to be swallowed up. The first law of success is
transformation,learn to define yourself to content yourself with some specific things and some definite
work,dare to be what you really are and to learn to accept with good grace all that you are not and
bound all the energy in you to one point,looking neither to right nor to the left. To aim at success is to
point your life towards the realisation of your potentials and the fulfilment of your capability.

When you accept your responsibilities you admit you are the one responsible for the choice you
make not others or events are responsible for the way you think,feel and act. It is your life and you are
in charge of it,you are free to enjoy it or disdain it. No you are not responsible for all that happens to
you but you are responsible for how you think,feel and act when they happen. It will interest you to
know that responsibility only come to those who are responsible why did God make you so flat footed?
Some would argue it is to allow you to dodge or run away from your responsibility,why should anyone
want to do that? Well many people associated responsibility with duties and obligation,which in turn
are thought of as burdens. But personal responsibility is not a burden it's a blessing this becomes clear
when you understand that personal responsibility is nothing other than the freedom to create your own
success. Yes responsibility is associated with freedom and power once you awake to this fact you
become motivated and empowered once you become aware of this truth you should develop yourself
mentally,physically and spiritually to gain the power to transform your success.
Great trials are often necessary to prepare you for great responsibilities,the longer you dwell on
your misfortunes,the greater is their power to control you. No diamond or gem has ever been polished
without friction,it's the irritation in the oyster that produces the pearl. The problems or the setbacks you
have in life are all required for your development,the best way to better what you personally can be is
to do what you personally can do better. Be the best you personally can be,why not? You can be the
best you personally can be,there's everything to gain,class up your act and get your mind under
control,carry yourself like the achievers you really are,there is a responsibility place on you that you
must accept in-order to receive a vision from God and to realize it. The blessing of God for humanity
comes with some set of responsibility until these responsibilities are met God is not committed to
bringing it into reality. Why do you reget the role of creativity,flexibility and resilience in-order to pay
the role of victim? Why do you choose to be weak when you can be strong? When you can stay
steadfast,however if you are not totally satisfied what are you doing about it? Why do you continue to
do the same thing everytime and yet you expect a direct result,there is no two ways about it nothing
will change until you are angry enough to place the change.
If there is any need for a change in your life? Why don't you begin by recognising that your present
situations are not the result of your gene,parents,job or environment,rather it's the choice you have
made that have brought where you are today. Change your choice,actions and you will need to change
also the result that follow as well. This understanding is the first step in personal transformation the
second step are the actions that follow for action spring not from thought but from a readiness for
responsibility. You need to examine yourself to learn the extend that you are either taking responsibility
or you are evading it. Have you ever felt this way before? Life is unfair cruel or ,I'm so unlucky no one
is coming to my rescue or offer to render me any assistance,no one wants to help me or care about
me,it's not your fault that you are the way you are,you don't need to start blaming God for not making
faster than your shadow. Life is an endless struggle,there are too many burdens to bear,terrible things
sometimes happen to people around the world,political situation health and whether conditions,all of
these makes you depressed,angry and frustrated,you felt overwhelm and helpless some people get all
the break and rest you just are just unfortunate,you are sick and tired of all of those things happening
for there is nothing you can do about that's what life was design for,life was not mere created for just
comfort alone if you get all the comfort you require in life there your life has no meaning. The future
belongs to those who believes in the beauty of their dream.
It's easily to shift blames on others or events,but what good is that to you,all it does is to keep you
in a rest,you can't make any real forward progress until you admit to yourself you are responsible for
whatever your life turns out to be,only you can hold yourself back from succeeding,only you can stand
on your way,only you can help yourself,only you can transform your life from failure and setbacks to a
reasonable success. You can't enter into the mind of others so you are not responsible for their
failure,not everyone is as ready as you to change themselves everyone wants to change the world little
do they know that to change the world you have to first change yourself. A man may not be responsible
for his actions in an hour of tribulations and pains on the other hand,if you are racked with pain,saddled
with poverty and deprived of others blessings don't use your burden as an excuse for your failure,life
itself has enough problem do add to it by an endlessly complaining. Rather look for the good in
everything that happen to you,appreciate and take responsibility by making the most of what you have.
Happiness is a choice just as sadness is,you have all it takes make yourself happy. Life is filled with
responsibility and challenges mountain to climb and conquer with others to follow,when you are no
longer interested in climbing mountain to see other mountains to climb life is over.


The end of everything is better than it beginning thereof just as the scripture say,a half finish project
is of no use to anyone. The importance and the benefit of finishing what you started is immeasurable.
Without finishing what you started your success is just a wishful thinking,there are so many benefit of
finishing what you started your mental and physical health feels better. You have established a positive
attitude towards life,you are helping to climate stress an depression and fear.
Those who finish what they started always attract respect from people,it gives you a sense of
accomplishment,it gives you the ability to stick to what you are doing and staying power as well,it's
actually staying powerful that sets the successful apart. History has demonstrated that the most notable
successful people are usually those people who finished what they started,they are successful because
they refused to become discourage by their defeats and failure,some men gave up what they have
started when they have almost reach their goal,while others on the contrary obtain a victory by exciting
at the last moment more vigorous efforts than ever before.
Never stop,one stop as soon as something great is about to happen,go for it now the future is
promised to no one,never give up on what you started because someone make fun of you or because
you are been face with failure,never quite or give up you will make it through,life is a struggle a
continues climb,if you are ever to reach your goal in life for the road to the top is rough and often
ragged with many storm on the way. Only with courage and a will power can you reach the summit one
day,the higher you climb the better the view,so keep right on going never say stop keep on pushing
your way till you get to the top. There will be many on the road of life to caution you of the dangers
you face,suggesting you turn back and give up the goal then and with then is your footsteps
retrace,right then is the time to show.


Action just as we know speaks louder than words what you do speaks so loud that one can't even hear
what you say,never confused motion for action. A man is the sum total of his actions,what he has done
and what he can do. As you advance in life you pay less attention to what people are saying about you
all you need to do is to create a definite plan for carrying out your desire success. Begin at once
whether you are ready or not to put this plan into action,there are cost and risks to a program of action
but they are for less than the long range risks and costs of comfortable in-action.
The world has the habit of making room for the man whose words and actions shows that he knows
where he is going and what he is doing. A real decision of where you are going is measured by the fact
that you have taken a new action. If there's no action you have not truly make the decision to
succeed,infuse your life with action,don't wait for it to happen make it happen. Make your own
future,your own success,hope,love and whatever your believe in that is working well for you. Honour
your creator no by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high but by doing what you
can do to make grace come upon you right now,right down here on earth.
Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence in-action is not only the result but the causes of
fear and failure. Perhaps the action you take be it motivation,it's the foundation key to all success this
has to do the possession of certain quality specific gift and worthy traits that makes you unique and
valuable. When you give your attention,time and total effort to achieving your goal,you will experience
an extra-ordinary currents of favour and miracles. Just as it has been said that whatever has the ability
to keep your action has mastered you.
Believe in yourself and have faith in the capability of God's ability,for the future belong to
those who believes in the beauty of their dreams,if you can imagine it you can create it,if you can
dream it you can become it. You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of
the shore,don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do,your greatest glory is not in
never falling but in rising every time you fall. A strong passion for any object will ensure success for
the desire of the end will point out the means.
Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about you ideal future and for motivating yourself to
turn your vision of success into reality in the future. There are quality which one must poses in-order to
win,you need definitness of purpose the knowledge of what you want to achieve and the burning
desires to achieve it. One of the amazing thing we have been given as human is the unquenchable
desire to have dream of a better life and the ability to establish goals to live out those dreams and the
key to creating what you want is to turn your desires or goals over to your subconscious mind which is
connected to the universal mind or universal sub-consciousness and let it bring the goal to you and you
to your goal.
The process of setting a goal helps you choose where you want to go in life and knowing precisely
what you what to achieve where and how to concentrate your effort. You will also quickly stop the
distractions that the world otherwise lured you from your success. More than this property,setting goal
can be incredibly motivating,as you get into the habit of setting and achieving goals you will find out
that your self confidence builds fast,you can achieve more with focus. Goal setting techniques are used
by top-level athletics successful business people and achievers in all fields,they focus on their
acquisition of knowledge,it helps to organise your time and resources so that you can make the very
most of your life.
By setting sharp and clearly defined goals you can measure and take pride in the achievement of
those goals. You can see forward progress in what might previously have seems a long pointless grind.
By setting and recognising your ability and confidence in achieving the goals you have set. The ability
to concentrate and to use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in almost everywhere else
that matter. V


No man was ever born a failure,you can never be a failure not until you admit it,many great men that
have made history today are people that believed in their ability to succeed. For you to be able to
succeed in life you must rise above failure and understand that you are not born a failure. You only
experience failure when you look down on yourself and fail to rise whenever you are knocked
down,your greatest success is not rooted in never failing but in rising every time you fall. The problem
with most people is not failure but how to react to failure,nobody is defeated until they start blaming
someone else instead of seeking the best solution that best suit the situation,usually people don't fail but
just that they start blaming someone.
It doesn't matter who is disappointed in you,the problem most people make in life is that they want to
live their life so carefully that nobody will be disappointed in them and no matter how careful you live
your life someone will still be disappointed in you,so live your true value and carry yourself like the
achievers you are let who wants to be disappointed let them be disappointed that's not your concerns.
Your resolution to succeed in life should be more than any other things,study while others are
sleeping,work while others are resting,prepare while others are playing and dream while others are
wishing. The moment of satisfaction you get from life depends largely on your own ingenuity,self
sufficiency and resourcefulness,people who wait around for life to supply their satisfactions usually
find mischief instead.
Success is not to be measured so much by the position that one has reached in life but by the
obstacles which you have over in your attainment. In everything you do you must be prepare because
favour only comes when preparations meets with opportunities. Preparation makes you a master of
situation and events,ignorance is longer a defeat but disaster because nothing kill faster than it. He who
knows nothing and he does not know is an un-guided weapon. Opportunity never come to those who
wait,they are captured by those who dare to attack. On your journey to success,people will ignore
you,they will laugh at you,they will say all suit of things against you,don't listen,don't stop keep
moving you will achieve success it's only those with feeble mind and weak enthusiasm that pay
attentions that what people are saying against them. Be strong and be willing to fight for your success.



Feeling jilted is not the end of your relationship life what it therefore means is that both of you were
not meant to be together,pray and at the same time use your brain you will definitely get the right man
and the right woman for you. Behind that cute and handsome guy,behind that beautiful and sexy
looking lady you come across in life,there still more to expect you need a spouse who can share in your
pains and passion for Christ.
You have to follow your passion,figure out what you can do to become successful in life stop beating
around bush,you have to figure out who you really are,your strength and your weakness as identify by
others and you and the courage to do that which others think you can't do. Everyone is eagerly waiting
for the manifestation of your success,let that lady that jilted you see you in the nearest future and regret
her action,let her regret why she left you for another man. You need to revenge her politely and the
only way you can revenge her is to be successful. Success could only be nothing but the best revenge.
Your resolution to succeed in life should be more important than any other things else.
If you are not successful in life you have nobody to be blame for it but yourself because everything
you ever needed to succeed is within your reach,so there shouldn't be any excuse for feeble mind or
weak desire,most often time people fail in life because they allowed so many things that are not
relevant interferes with their success in life. Great trials are often necessary to prepare you for greater
success,the longer you dwell on your misfortunes the greater is their ability to control you. No one can
cheat you out of your ultimate success but yourself you will never reach something great in life if you
are afraid to leave the safety of your comfort zone and be familiar with the uncommon environment.
Perseverance will help you overcome almost any obstacles,stop making excuses for yourself,it's time to
step out and act for there is no gain without pain.
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence,talent will not,nothing is more common than
unsuccessful men with talent,genius will not unrewarded genius is almost a proverb,education will
not,the world is filled with educated derelicts who does nothing with their education. Persistence and
determination alone are ominipotent the slogan press on has solved and always will the problem of the
human race. To aim at excellence is to point your life towards realisation of your potential and the
fulfilment of your capabilities,excellence is not enhanced by accident what you aim at determines what
you will become and while you may not always make your goal your goal will always make you.
Life is filled with challenges and opportunity,mountain to climb and conquer with others to follow
as well when you are no longer interested in climbing mountain to see other mountain to climb then life
is over. Seize life before life seize you even if you are on the right track to success you will get run over
if you just sit there and expect success. Life is more than just a dream,how far you can see will
determine what you receive,what you receive determines what you believe. Life is not a problem to be
solved but a reality to be experienced life will break you nobody can protect you from that living alone
won't either for solitudes will also break you with it's yearning,you have to love,you have to feel,it's the
reason you are here on earth you are here to be swallowed up.


There are some of your family members who wouldn't want to pick your calls again may be because
they see your call as disturbance,there some of your family members who wouldn't want to ear from
you,they all needs the prove of your success. It's actually when things are not moving on well with you
that you know your true family members,there are some them who parades themselves around you
because of what they get from you. Your success in life is in the hand of your maker so nobody can
make your life great if you have not made up your mind to be great.
Don't worry yourself you will succeed the moment you realize that you can have everything you
want in life. However,it takes timing,the right heart,the right passion,the right action and the
willingness to risk it all. If it is not yours it is because you really don't want it. The real battle is not
with your family members but with yourself. It would be great to be able to pass on to someone all of
the success,the failure and the knowledge that one has had. To help someone avoid all the fire,pain and
anxiety would be wonderful.

You don't need many friends,you only need helpful friends,when everybody is your friend you are a
fool. Avoid negative people at all cost,they are the great destroyer of self confidence and self esteem get
yourself around the right people associate with positive goal oriented people who encourage and inspire
you. Life is an examination,the reason why most people fail in life is because they try to copy others
not knowing that everyone have their own question paper. Never wish to be anybody but yourself,there
is only one you,no matter how hard you work or how careful you live your life,someone will still be
disappointed in you don't live your life trying to please anybody because you are the one who will be
disappointed at the end for not living you true life.
The people you associate yourself with,will determine the extend you will go in life,if you try to be
someone else you are losing everything that was special about yourself. Try to find dream builders
successful people to associate with,anybody who doesn't value what you have doesn't deserve your
friendship. Know that it's less important to have more friends and more importantly to have a real
ones,surround yourself with good people who make you better and cherish every moment and time you
spend together,some day you will be a memory to some people just do your best to a great influence.
People of similar interest are those who goes about saying nice things about you socialise with
people who understand your potential value,the ones who come in when the world has gone out,the
ones who share in your pain and passion for your goal,those who encourage you when you are about
giving up on your dream. The friends you keep determines your future,pursue and permit only those
friendship and company that increase your focus on your goal.

Your employer who sack you because they think you have enough skill and talent necessary needs
the prove of your success. Never give it up on yourself you were never born a failure who says you
can't make it,you can and you will definitely make it,with God all things are possible you were created
for a purpose here on earth and he alone knows the plans he has for your life,without God life has no
purpose,without purpose life has no meaning,without meaning life has no significance. When you
understand that life is a test you realize that nothing is insignificant in your life.
The reason why many are still trouble still seeking,still making little forward progress is because
they have not yet come to the end of themselves,your employers don't sack you because you are not
educated but because you don't know what you want to achieve from life. Find out what your true value
and continuously love them and build your daily agenda around it. Whatever you vividly
imagine,sincerely believed and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass. Don't limit
yourself,so many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your
mind can allow you,what you believe in remember you can achieve,your greatest weakness consist in
giving up and most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Establish a burning desire and find a way to get your vision seen and implemented. Always see the
big picture of what you want to achieve,these could only be possible when you have the right attitude
towards success and the right people around you to assist in transforming your mental picture to a
reality. Keep the big picture of what you want o achieve vividly before you at all times failure is what
you see when you take your eyes off your success.
The future belong to those who believes in the beauty of their dream. An act of pure imagination
created in all men a creative power in which the future belong to those who believes in the beauty of
their dream. Think big and plan accurately,set some goals,have a creative vision have a target and keep
trying until you hit it. Aim high,use motivation,have a burning desire for success budget your time and
money,never neglect team work,maintain good and sound health,love your creator and love your

Your were created into this world for a purpose,you are not here by chance or by accident. I believe
that there is a plan for every individual's life on earth,all you need to do is to discover the purpose you
are here,don't just exist,start living your purpose keep your dream vividly before you at all times
obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal. Little deeds of kindness,little words of
encourage,helps to make the world happy like the heaven above. Even if you start small in life you
have to end big,a helping hand doesn't have to big,what matter most is just the right attitudes to help.
The shortest and surest way to live with honour in the world is to live in reality what we appear to
be. The world is divided into people who do things and people who get the credit,try if you can belong
to the first class,there's far less competitive. We are not primarily put here on earth to see through
others but to see others through. He who wishes to fulfil his mission in the world must be a man of one
idea that is of one great over-mastering purpose,overshadowing all his aims and guiding and
controlling his entire life.
Your world is not interested in you telling him what you can do,you have to prove to the world what
you can do. Behind every great ideas,there is someone saying it won't work. You will always have
everything you want in life,if you will help enough people get what they want,life is more fun when
you don't keep score with others,success really is simply a matter of doing what you can do best and
not worrying about what the other person is going to do. The world could be unthinkable,cruel and
lonely if you try to do it all by yourself. Pay more attention to the things that are working positively in
your in your life than to those that are giving you trouble.
Remember people are counting on you your ex,your family members,your friends,your teams and
your world,they are eagerly waiting for the prove of your success, gain control of your mind no one can
defeat you unless you first defeat yourself.

Chapter 3
The man who put God first will find God with him right up to the last,in everything you do always
put God first and he will direct you and crown your effort with success. The ultimate success of a man
in life is to rejoice with God on the last day in His heavenly kingdom,of want use will it be for if you
succeed in the world but fail to make heaven,to make heaven should be your number one priority,the
reason why God put us here on earth was not just to come enjoy what is here alone and fail to be happy
with Him on the last day,we are here on earth to prepare yourself for heaven. In everything you do here
on earth always trust that God is on your side,it's more important to know that we are on God's side
when you have God out you will find yourself without any invisible means of support. Nothing great
has ever been achieved except by those who dare to believe that the God inside them is superior to their
circumstances. Many people believed in God but not many people believed God when He says I will
supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. One of the most incredible state in which we can
live our life is in a continual relationship with God.
Prayer prepare you for success,the kind of success the world can't give,pray like everything on God
and work like everything depends on you,the easiest way to get God's attention is to give your total
devotion to Him and if you don't pray you may become a prey for the devil. The devil's power remain
intact if you are prayer-less,when the devil keeps showing you the same photographs of yesterday's
failure,it's only an indication that he is running low of material. Surrendering yourself to God is not the
best way to live but the only way to live your life,nothing else work you are free to choose who you
surrender to but you are not free from the consequences of the choice you make. Knowing and loving
God is our greatest privilege and being known and loved is God.
The blessing of the blameless and upright do not end with this earthly life,his blessing are
eternal,his fear for God speaks for him and earns him the crown of glory. Your power as christian
should no be in the way we make noise or talk but in the light that radiates in you. Real and lasting
comfort from pain is not found by ignoring what hurts,comfort is found in knowing that even in the
depths of sorrow you are loved truly and deeply by a father who knows exactly how you feel,the soul
that is engulfed in sin and evil is in bandage and separated from the presence and glory of God. One of
the best way to be at peace is to know your source,we should not have misplaced expectations requiring
people to meet our needs that only God call fill,believe in Christ,faith includes a heartfelt personal
devotion and attachment to Jesus Christ that express itself in trust,love,gratitudes and loyalty. It is the
desire of God that you are moulded to satisfy His purpose for your life,you need to allow the holy spirit
to rule your conscience so that you will have the boldness to tell others the truth about Jesus and the
salvation he brought to the world.
If we move through the discomfort,God will work with us leading us out of our self developed
defense mechanisms into a place of victory,in this way He heals our broken heart and become our
defender in time of trials and tribulations. People often look for something which they can depend
on,that could only be find in a portion of God's word that is the answer to their problem. You must
depend completely on God and his words in all things and in all that you do talk the answer not the
problem,the answer is in God's word,you must have knowledge of the word. Commit yourself to
effective prayer by approaching the throne of God with your mouth filled with His word,God is much
more interested in listening to you than in offering of material things to Him.


Learn to get along with God make Him your friend so that you can receive quality information from
Him for your life. This wouldn't happen by accident it takes desire,time and extra effort,if you want a
deeper and more intimate connection with God,you must learn to honestly share your feelings with God
trust Him when he asks you to do,learn to care about what he cares about and desire his friendship
more than anything else. The first building block of a deeper friendship with God is complete honesty
about your faults and your feelings,God doesn't expect you to be a perfect being he does insist on
complete honesty.
None of God's friend in the Bible were perfect,if perfection was the requirement for friendship with
God we would never be able to be His friend. Fortunately because of God's grace Jesus is still the
friend of sinners,in the bible the friends of God are honest about their feelings often complaining
second guessing,accusing and arguing with their creator. God however didn't seems to be bothered by
their complain and excuses He listen to the passionate words of His friends,He is bored with
predictable. You must be honest to God sharing your true feeling not what you think you ought to feel
or say,it's likely that you need to confess some hidden anger and resentment to God for certain areas of
your life where you have felt cheated or disappointed.
Until you are mature enough to understand that God uses everything for good in your life,so many
harbour resentment towards God over their appearance,background,unanswered prayers past failure
and other things they think they would have change if they were to be God. They often blame God for
hurts caused by themselves. Just remember that God always act in your favour He desire your
friendship more than anything else,He love and cherish you because you are His hand made even when
it seems not ideal God still love you. If you really want God to act in your favour you have to keep
your resentment to yourself and reveal your feelings for so many people in the bible did tell God
exactly how they feel and God listen to their supplication,keep trusting God he is still at work in your
life today. God wants you to be you and that's why He design you to be unique,distinct and a significant
person unlike other individual on the surface of the earth.


The only thing that makes you outstanding in life that makes people marvel at you is to do what
they possibly can't do,life is not worth living if you cannot be called your purpose. There is no way you
identify your purpose in God if you don't have a valid connection with Him it is through your
connection to God that a revelation of your purpose here on earth can be achieved. A relationship with
God goes beyond your regular attendance in the assemblies of God,the truth is that it is not about how
committed you are outward but how you are connected inwardly. If you really believe you can identify
your purpose in God your faith will nurture peace of mind and crowd out doubts,fear,failure and many
other works of the flesh. Many of God's people like the nation of Israel waste forty years out in the
desert of life because they don't believe God,far too many christians have grasshopper vision they are
like the ten faithless spies sent to scout out the promised land they saw giants there and came back to
report we are like grasshopper in their sight.
You must consciously determine to make your life count,to make it count in God's sight,to make it
count in God's service,to make it count to all that come across you in your day to day activity. Life will
not give you what you wanted,instead it will only give you those things that are not so important for
your success,your ability to succeed against all odds to go for your dreams in-spite of all the challenges
stuck against you. Life says the road to the top is congested and it will accommodate more people at the
top but yet you have to take courage even in the face of failure,rejections and humiliation. No matter
the circumstances you are facing,it doesn't have the power to keep you down until you accept to stay
down,it's no because things are difficult that you don't advance in life,it's because you have not identify
your purpose in life.
Life is all about identifying the purpose for which you are created,you need to step out on your
dreams in life even when it is uncertain,that's challenging the impossible it means insisting otherwise
where they say there's no way. Never allow your back ground put your back to the ground,all you ever
needed is to take charge and rise your head high to look at the world straight in the eyes. Your world
expected more from you to whom more is given much more is expected,much has been given to you
and much more is expected from you. Don't look down on yourself of cause life will never give you
what you desire,it will only bring to you what you negotiate for. People are not interested in the storm
you encountered on your way to the top,what they are interested in is to know if actually you can
succeed against all odds in life.
Stop looking at where you have been and start looking at where you can be,for you to be able to
rise above failure,you must first understand that you were not born a failure. Failure can only when you
look down on yourself,so stop looking down if you really want to avoid failure in all your endeavours
in life start believing in yourself that you can do it if you think you can you can and if you think you
can't you definitely can't for as a man think in his mind so he is,your mind is power house that pilots all
the affairs of your life. The ability to become great in life lies directly inside of you,the potential to
overcome the fear of lies within you so unleash that potentials and you will be great in life.
God expects you to play your own part. (Isaih43:18-19). Tells
us,Remember ye not the former things neither consider the things of old. Behold I will do a new thing
now it shall spring forth shall you not know it. He even said He will make a way in the wilderness and
make water flow in the desert. Trust in God to see you through in all you do in life,believe and have
faith in God to set you free from a limiting memories that keep you stuck to the past. Rather wasting
time in chasing the wind jumping from church to church looking for salvation why don't you chase God
because in Him can you find rest. St Augustine said I spent time looking for God in far distance places
little did he know that the God he was looking for in distance place is right there inside of him. He has
given you a purpose to succeed and He knows how best you can use it,never hesitate to ask for his
wisdom and grace. Direction,joy, satisfaction fulfilment and purpose are classes after God's
heart,ensure success and refused to be control by negative emotion seek to understand His purpose for
your life and obey Him with all your heart.


I discovered that you are not merely born to discover purpose but to fulfil purpose,each one of us has
a purpose and an assignment to fulfil on earth and how God has uniquely packed everyone with the
right combination of gift,talents and passions to help you fulfil this assignment. We need to be
reminded that as christians we have a tremendous weapon at our disposal we have a friend and a helper
living in us,one who leads and guides us and show us things to come. He is the mighty Holy spirit of
God and His job in our lives is to lead us into a victorious life that glorified God. Prayer is the most
important things in ones life,if you should prayer for a single day you should have lose a great deal of
the fire of faith. The devil smiles when you make plans,he laughs when you get too busy doing nothing
but he trembles with fear when you pray.
When you are inspired by some great purpose some extra ordinary project all your thoughts breaks
their bounds your mind transcends limitations,your consciousness expands in every direction and you
find your in a great and wonderful world. Dormant forces,faculties and talents become alive and you
discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. But most often
time you want to be what you want and not what God wants you to be,the strong craving to be what
you are not created to become is the beginning of the conflict most of us face today the real problem is
that carnal minds are separated from Christ and strangers to the covenant of promise having no hope
and without God in the world.
How do will you expect God to bless you if you will not allow people to give him praise through
your generosity and charity,we need the right attitude as Christian. Whenever you become conscious of
God and His leading,it is not difficult to understand His voice. The voice of the Lord brings
victory,healing and direction to fulfil your purpose in life therefore pray earnestly that the eyes of your
mind be opened and your ears anointed.
As child of God you must depend completely on God in all
Chapter 4


A valuable opportunity such as unleashing your potentials should not be missed because the amount
of satisfactions you get from your potential depends largely on your own ingenuity,sufficient and the
willingness to walk through a successful potential path thereby giving you the will to unleash your
potential which eventually make you to succeed at any field of your endeavours. The truth is when you
find a potential with little or no obstacles that potential is actually a potential that doesn't lead to
anywhere important in the future. The amount of obstacles you encounter will determine your level of
The problem with most potential men is that they don't want to unleash a potential with much
obstacles more over we are all sent into this world to unleash those potentials that capture the heart and
not the head. A successful man in life is one who has made captive his opportunity to unleash the right
potential and has laid a firm foundation with the opportunities others throw at him. Don't let your
potential mislead you,take the lead the difficulties you encounter is simply an opportunity for you to do
your best.
Whatever you want to accomplish in life it requires persistence and hard work,there are things
for you to start that you are destined to finish,you don't need to stop half way don't allow laziness,low
self esteem and not even fear of failure have a negative effect on you. What you believe in life is the
force that determines what you will accomplish,if you fail to accomplish much during your life time on
earth it therefore means you need to double your hustle to achieve some great success. You must decide
to be successful with a natural ability and with an internal potential that guards you towards making
success and focusing on a particular potential and the obligation to expand your success.
One of the best way to succeed is to give your best a chance and rise whenever you fail,giving up is
the ultimate tragedy,the trials you come across at the process of unleashing your potential is the import
at which you live and the prize you are willing to pay unless you try to do something beyond what you
have already master you will never grow and if you don't grow it therefore means you have never
unleash the particular potential that warrants your growth. Your growth in life is inevitable therefore
you must make the decision to grow,a man has not start growing when he hasn't raise beyond his
individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of his potentials. The height of your success will be
equal to the depth of your failure,place your focus and seek happiness if you want to for there is
nobody who is ready to make you happy but yourself you are not truly free not until you have been
made captive by your success in life.
The grand essentials in life are something to do,something to love and something to hope
for,when life seems impossible hope is essential for your potential's ability to persevere through the
tough times without hope you will give up while the key to unleashing your potential depends solely on
how you are been joined to the one true heart vine of Jesus,then the question is if you are stumbling
towards an uncertain future? If then you don't have anything to worry about for His grace is sufficient
to carry through your journey on earth if only you give Him the opportunity to come in into your life
and act
Don't worry you can predict the future by the awareness you have of your potential value,too
many people know what they are running from but not what they are running towards,you should be
people of strong will and not strong won't,many of the world's great failure don't realize how close they
were to success when they gave up stopping at third bass add no more to your achievement than
striking out. Persistence at the other hand is the proof that you have not been defeated,it will interest
you to know that you have no right to anything you have not pursued for the proof of desire is in the
Life holds no greater wealth than that of steadfast commitment in doing what is right. Every
confession made in line with your potential will end up in physical manifestation of your potentials the
more you say it,the easier it is for you to achieve it you can only achieve in proportion to what you
attempt. How ever more people are persuaded into believing in nothing than unto believing in too
much,the truth is that each of us have the potential and equal opportunity for success,it takes just as
much effort to lead an unproductive life as it does an effective life and it always cost more not to do
what is right than to do it. A person going no where can't be sure of reaching a destination.


Many have failed in their pursuit of purpose simply because they allow so many things that are
not relevant come in-between their ways,you need to first discover the purpose for which you are
created everything on earth has a purpose so you can't say you don't have a purpose,even the ant as
small as it is there most have being some reasons why God created them and they are living out their
purpose in life how much more you that were created in his image and likeness will He not even give
you a better purpose to live on. The greatest tragedy in life is not dead but life that refuse to discover
the purpose and potential for which it was created for.
A man of purpose should know who he is at the present the problem is not that people don't have
purpose in life but they often feel too comfortable in their present comfort zone that they never try out
something innovative,something creative where one could actually bed rock his purpose. God created
you with a purpose in mind and with ability to discover your purpose in life. The purpose of every
human being determines it's nature design and features when you go to God He knows how to make up
for the time you failed to discover the purpose for which you are created. Your purpose could only be
found in the heart of your maker. His purpose is the key for discovery your own purpose and He has
put your purpose within you to drive it out whenever you need to be assisted by His wisdom and
revelation. You can know the true meaning of your purpose only by understanding who you are in
relation to God's creation of mankind. You are created to be God's offspring,to have a fellowship with
Him to manifest His nature to share His rules to expand the family business to rely on the father for
personal needs and for kingdom needs and to execute God's righteous judgment.
The only thing that makes you outstanding in life that makes people marvel at you is to do what they
possibly can't do,life is not worth living if you can't be called by your purpose there is no way you can
receive a revelation of your purpose in life without having a valid connection to God,your connection
with God goes beyond your regular attendance in the assemblies of God. The truth is that if you don't
step out God will not step in and any purpose that can't be captured can't be discovered,don't always
wait for a perfect condition to discover your purpose rather perfect the condition by taking steps. When
you are also celebrate your God given purpose you are celebrating the giver of the purpose and that
provokes his attention towards the fulfilment of your assignment.
Don't allow the situation of today blind you from seeing the possibilities of tomorrow,the more you
face the danger you have in discovery your purpose the more ability God give you to overcome them.
All that God requires of you is that you come to Him and spend quality time,thinking about Him
meditation on Him,talking to Him,listening to Him in silence occupying yourself with Him totally and
truly lost yourself in His hiding place of his presence.
If you really believe God is able to supply all you needs according to his riches in glory your faith
will nature peace of mind and crowd out doubt and many works of the flesh. Many of God's people like
the nation of Israel wasted forty years out in the desert of life because they don't believe in God. Far too
many christians have grasshopper vision,they are like the ten faithless spies sent to scout out the
promised land,they saw giants there and come back to report,we are like grasshopper in their sight

How Can You Unleash Your Potential

1. The Right Attitudes

You can determine what you think by controlling your observation and association success is doing
the right thing at the right time and at the rate it should be done,success consist of getting up just one
more time when you fall,usually people don't fail they just don't show the right attitudes towards
success. It's still true when the going gets though only the people with the right attitudes keeps going.
Just as diamond can't be successful without friction so a person can't be successful without the right
attitude. The truth is if you find a path with little or no obstacles that path is probably a path that doesn't
lead you anywhere important unless you enter into the bee hive you will not get the honey. If you can
conceive success with your heart and your mind can believe it you can be sure you will make success it
due time.
To be successful you don't have to be anyone else just be yourself you will be remember for what
you do different,what you don't value you can't achieve,the reason why many failed is because they
don't value their success in life. Success is not to be measured so much by the position one has reached
in life but by the obstacles which he overcomes in his attempt to succeed. It's of no use saying you are
doing your best you just have to succeed in doing what is necessary. Success is achieving the goal God
has for you,goals are what you determine to do within your planing period to move towards the
objectives without goal life becomes aimless. Goal is the key to personal success,purpose is the gate fee
you pay to enter into success land.
The master of success doesn't respect degrees it only respect people with purpose in life,success is
not measured by the height attained but by the obstacles you overcome in your attainment. Be brave
and determine in difficult situation in-order to contain your success the difficult situation you are
passing through now is not a barrier or limitation to your success,but the process of purification and the
spring boards towards success.
Striving for success without hard work it's like trying to harvest where you have not planted,what
lies behind you and before you are little to be compare to what lies within you,place your focus,seek
simplicity,find out what you are good at and work on those things that's working well in your life,these
are the raw materials from which your success can be shaped. No amount of reading and memorises
will give you the success you desire,it's only the understanding and the application of the right thinking
that counts. Any facts facing you is not as important as your attitudes towards it for that determines
your success or failure. The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything
about it,you are overcome by the fact because you think you are.

2. The Right Potential To Succeed

You must be careful while discovering your purpose,you just have to concentrate on those things that
is working positively in your life do your best to add more value to them. You have a great potentials
for success but you must know your mind and live your life,then you will find and enjoy that mighty
potential coming into reality become acquainted with the awesome power of the mind,you can win
whatever you want within a time limit of your goal. The potential for success is there within you,it
must be allowed to develop and grow if it is to become fruitful and useful.
Don't even allow yourself get limited by anything most definitely not your age. The power of your
ability is not subjected to how old you are,age is just a number that represent a figure what matter most
is how you are able to put your brain to work. It's your responsibility not to be limited by anything at
Self discipline is the key to success,studying the life of successful people,you will find out that the
first victory they ever won was over themselves self discipline comes first the strength of will to force
yourself to pay the prize of success,doing what others don't like to do,going the extra mile,fighting and
winning the lonely battle with yourself.
You have all it takes to succeed nobody can prevent you from succeeding except you decide not
to rise again whether you succeed or fail in accomplishing your purpose on earth is yours to decide you
are responsible for whatever your life turns out to be,by taking a slight look at your back will provide
you with a clear picture of where you are coming from,it makes you see where your fathers have make
mistakes and get you asking quality questions. It will make you see clearly the foundation upon which
you are building or about to build your success. Everyone has the choice to make whether to go on with
the foundation upon which they are building their success or stop half way.
The most disappointed people in the world are those who get just what is coming to them and no
more,there are a lot of ways to become a failure,but never taking a chance is the most successful. You
are where you are today because you stand on somebody's shoulder and where ever you are heading
you can get there yourself. If you stand on the shoulder of others you have a reciprocal responsibilities
to live your life so that others can stand on your shoulder as well. We exist temporally through what we
give,anyone who wishes to be successful in life must be a man of great ideas that is of one great over-
mastering purpose,over-shading all his aim,guiding and controlling his entire life. You need to think big
and plan accurately,set goals have a creative vision set a target,keep trying until you hit success never
give up aim high,use self motivation have a burning desire for success,budget your time and
money,never neglect team work maintain good and sound health love your creator and your
neighbour,this way you are sure to make success.
Gain control of your mind no one can defeat you unless you first defeat yourself,your own mental
attitudes is the one thing your poses which you alone have complete control of success is not just the
achievement of God's goal for your life,success is not what you do or what you have but who you are.
Success is internal and it's connected to your thinking which is what you think of yourself. To change
who you are on the outside,you first have to change the inside not until you value yourself,you will not
value your time until you value your time you will not do anything with it,one of the most important
key to success is having the discipline to do what you.

Acquire Quality Information And Knowledge
To succeed
Information is light while knowledge is powerful information is easy to get but knowledge is
harder either,you have to make yourself available now and get ready to acquire the necessary
information you need in unleashing your potential,it's not just the achievement of your goal alone but
also the achievement of God's goal to your life. God has given you all the necessary information you
needed to succeed in His words only if you fit yourself in the words He has said concerning your life.
This is not what people think you are but what you think you are. To change the outside you have to
first change the inside there are series of things that will transform the inside of you which includes
your thoughts,imagination and most especially the amount of quality information you are able to
acquire. These quality information brings transformation into your life and there is no way you can
raise beyond your level of information.
Receiving quality information from God through his words and been attentive in what He says is a
major factors to be consider in unleashing your potential. You need to trust the Lord with all your heart
and never rely on human information concerning your life or relying on what you think you know best.
Remember the lord in all you do and He will give you the quality information to succeed in life.
Quality information sharpens your sense of belonging and gives you the assurance that God is in
control. With God in charge of all the affairs of your life I don't think you can go wrong. Nothing can
be frustrating in life as the person who lacks quality information about God. Life is all about choice and
every choice you make ends up making you who you are.
If you know that you don't poses the quality information you need to succeed in life you better fire
up your knowledge now because life is not a matter of chance it's about things you want to achieve and
how to achieve them. The Holy book says "my people are doomed because they lack understanding"
they lack the real nature of God,the understanding of God and the understanding of the word of God.
Seek understanding and you will get knowledge,seek knowledge and you will get wisdom. Wisdom
knowledge and understanding are gift from God given to those who earnestly desire and pray for them
make them your friend today and you will not regret you did.

Gain Knowledge
A zest for life and an active curiosity stimulates learning,you must love knowledge and you must
love to learn,if a man emptied his purse into his head no man can take it away from him an investment
in knowledge always pays the best interest. A real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance
the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in a moment of comfort and conveniences but
where he stands at times of challenges and tribulations. Nothing great was ever achieved without
knowledge your life begins to end the day you become silent about things that matter.
Reading,observing and listening are ways of studying in the main stream of life. Each individual
must take responsibility for acquiring a certain amount of knowledge by developing communicating
skills such as reading,writing,speaking and listening. If you refused the flight of greatness,knowledge
will enhance you and keep you there,when you know little more than others you will lead them without
stress and if you are not excited about knowledge then you have made the decision to fail.
It's not what you can remember but what you can't forget,the more you know the less you show,not
until you choose knowledge as your number priority the struggle of your life will continue. The key to
good health,happiness and success is self knowledge never mistake knowledge for wisdom one help
you make a living the other helps you make a life. The only people who achieve much are those who
want knowledge so badly that they seek it. Whoever acquires knowledge but does not practice it is like
one who ploughs a field but doesn't sow in it. A practical knowledge makes an uncommon
achievement. Knowledge is the wings that takes you to your next level what you know will surely
make you known,the trouble with the world is not that people know too little but that they know so
much things that aren't so.

Important Of Quality Information And Knowledge

1. It serves as the key to potential satisfaction
In our fast growing economy today,information is just at the click of a button thus ignorance or
inadequate information can no longer be an excuse for potential stagnation your potential ambition
takes on a whole new turn the moment you make all the important choice to implement quality
information that will help you repackage and re-position yourself for a better tomorrow,this involves
proper planing and preparation,you can do all things if you have plans for it,plans is the yeast that
makes hope rise to the star it's the in-resistable fire of your will and your energy to execute all your
Planners are fighters,they have fortitudes and strong quality to stay connected to what they are
doing even when plans fail at times as they may sometimes be,even when all hope is lost and there is
nothing to hope on any more,even when you have lost everything in life and there is nothing more to
plan for,just the same way planning a successful road trip can be tough without first consulting a map
to find out where you are going,you need to plot your course and decide to move forward despite all the
challenges,you need to put into consideration whether to track your progress to see how far you have
gone or to benchmark your current position.
A man is not truly poor not when he has nothing in his bank account but when he does nothing to
alleviate poverty. Idleness is the nest in which mischief lays it's egg you need to break out of the shell
of your comfort zone and be familiar with the unfamiliar in your environment,the potential for
greatness is there within the seed,it must be allowed to develop and grow if is to become fruitful and

2. It assist in climbing the ladder of success.

Climbing the ladder of success requires that you allow your mind to explore. The vital role quality
information play in your quest for mastering your success can't be over emphasised as the competitions
gets tougher information increases your competence and ensure you gain the edge you require to
remain relevant in your professional environment. In-order words the desire to remain relevant in your
potential pursuit must be backed up with the craving for quality information,staying informed will
amount to reading. Yes reading. Read and keep reading,articles journals,books and whatever else that
may be related to your potential and even those outside the scope of your present interest you must
make a choice to read.
You must read and ask quality question the ability to acquire a written information is essential
in your everyday life and the key to realising your potential opening a book that has a connection to
your success will improve your ability and bring numerous benefits in your career constantly tasking
your mind to see how many recent information you have gained from your personal study and
researches can be applied that way you are sure to improve yourself and promotion in your life will be
the inevitable result.
3. It helps to maintain a constant learning attitudes.
To be the leading edge individual in life,a continual learning is recognised as an essential ingredient
to competitiveness and survival,you must understand that the only competitive advantage an individual
has in this jet age is his ability to learn faster than his competitor and contemporaries learning is a
gradual process and no can graduate from learning you can stop learning the moment you are
dead,most often time you can learn from people mistakes and also from your past experiences. It's only
a fool that refuse to learn from people's mistakes and his personal experience. You can not be doing the
same thing and yet expect the different result. It's impossible garbage in garbage out that's the law of
computer and when being related to every day life's activities and a real potential issue that law is right.
You must make the commitment to spend the time and money required for whatever training you
may require for your potential improvement. It's important you realize that education doesn't stop when
you graduate from school,maintaining an attitudes of constant learning will ensure you keep abreast
with the explosion in knowledge in every field of human endeavours especially in your potential. The
most successful people in the next 10 to 20 years may not necessarily be the smartest today or those
that knows the most at the moment but those who have the ability to learn and acquire useful
information in their potential will no doubt be ahead of others. Always learn to get along with people of
similar interest,make them like you so you can learn from them learning consistently your best
competitive strategy the responsibility of learning begins with an individual,that one who has decided
to become a life long learner first of all a life long learner reads. How many articles and book relating
to your field have you made an attempt to read? How often do you read journals,news papers and
magazines related to your field? What were the last five books that you have read? That's related in any
way to your professional growth. When was the last time you visited a library? Always bear this in
mind that life's long learners never think that there are too smart to learn,perhaps we all need to ask
why more often,every time we are often afraid to ask questions just because we think it will make you
look stupid,we often lose an opportunity to learn or be promoted.
The life long learner has not lost the ability to ask why,he has the confidence in his ability to learn
because he has done it over and over again. Ever so often for fear of failure or humiliation we are
unwilling to admit what we don't know however it's always so exciting and rewarding whenever we
succeed at the task of learning something new. Always remember that learning consistently is your best
competitive strategy,don't pass up the opportunity to improve your training whenever you can,it's the
only way to climb the potential ladder of success.

4. It helps to make good use of your time

Time is a unique resources everyone has the same hour per day,avoid time waster such as bored
friends unnecessary phone calls and idle jokers they only waste your time. Anyone who waste his time
waste his opportunity to succeed in life,those who make worst use of their time complain of it shortness
great success requires time and one of the major causes of failure is the unwillingness to take to time.
Don't waste your success by wasting your time on what you know doesn't profit.
Time the candle of hope,wisdom walks before it opportunity with it and repentance blinds it,he that
has made it his friend will have little to fear from his enemies,but he that make it his enemy will have
little to hope from his friend. Don't say you don't have enough time it very annoying,you have exactly
the same number of hour per day that were given to everyone,when you arise in the morning think of
what a precious privilege to be alive,to breathe to think up creativity and to love. If you want to make a
good use of your time you have to understand those things that are most important in your life and give
it all you.
Once you have master time,you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what
they can accomplish in a year and underestimated what they can achieve in a decade
Chapter 6
Mistakes mark the road to success,he who makes no mistakes makes no progress,make sure you
generate a reasonable number of mistakes,you can't learn anything new without mistakes,one of the
reason some people never grow through change is that they can't stand failure. Even the best people
have a lot more failure than success,the secret is that they don't let the failure upset them,they do their
very best to make themselves happy despite the failure in their life. Anyone who has never made a
mistake have never tried anything new,so keep your fears to yourself and share your inspiration with
It's never a mistake to make a mistake but a bigger mistake to repeat a mistake not try at anything at
all is the ultimate mistake. The only mistakes is the one from which you learn nothing,the successful
man will profit from his mistakes and try again in different way if you have made mistakes sometime in
the past,never allow it bring you down but use it as a stepping stone towards a greater height.
The mistake riddled life is much richer more interesting and stimulating than the life that has never
risked or taken a stand on anything. Don't allow idleness deceive you for while you give him your
today,he stills your tomorrow from you. Nobody makes the greater mistakes than he who did nothing
because he could only do a little.
A winner is big enough to admit his mistakes smart enough to profit from them and strong enough to
correct them,life is tough you make it more tough when you are afraid of risk. No matter how careful
you live your life you are going to make mistakes,if you have not make enough mistakes in your life,it
therefore means you have never tried anything innovative because that is where you will find success
on the other side of failure.
Don't broad your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill your mind with grief,regret and
depressions,don't allow your past mistakes take a better part of your future,if you make mistakes it's all
right everyone makes mistakes learn from them and move on with your life. Don't worry if you meet
mistakes on the way by making mistakes,you learn to improve and do better,you just have to take
action,it's no as difficult as it seems. Being afraid of making mistake means that you hesitate when it
comes to doing something innovative,that's the reason why most people are hidden in their comfort
zone is plainly for fear of failure however you need to understand that this fear prevents you from
becoming a better person or from achieving something you really want. A failure is not always a
mistakes,it may simply be the best you can do under the circumstances,the real mistakes is to stop

Overcome the fear of making mistakes

If you want to overcome the fear of making mistakes then you must first examine your belief
system to find out whether you have any of the following.
* You can't learn without making mistakes; Do you know how learning happen? It's a process of
continuously making mistakes and adjusting your methods until you no longer make mistakes. No
wonder people who think that mistaking is shameful have a low self esteem for they never give
themselves the chance to develop a new skill that can make them feels good about themselves.
** It's shameful to make a mistakes; When people are brought up to believe that making a mistakes
is a shameful act they lose their self confidence when they grow up because the human nature always
focus them to make mistakes. This belief is usually learned when the parents shout at the little kid or
embarrass him in public when he makes a mistakes,at this point the child starts to believe that it's too
shameful to make a mistake.

How to overcome the fear of making mistakes

In order to overcome the fear of making mistakes,you must understand that mistaking is essential
step for learning,you will never be able to develop a new skill without passing through the learning
phase you will never be able to reach anything before you make some mistake. The reason why some
people wants to avoid mistakes is because they believe that they are less worthy than others and as a
result they want to hide their flaws by never drawing attention to them. In such a case,a person believes
that the best way to hide his flaws is to appear as perfect as he can and this is where perfection-ism
comes from. Perfection-ism is just a defense mechanism that some people who don't feel good about
themselves use to hide their flaws. In short if you want to overcome the fear of making mistakes you
must understand that mistaking is a normal part of human nature.

To overcome the fear of making mistakes you have to strengthen the following.

Simple exercises for overcoming the fear of making mistakes suitable for everyone.

* Strengthen your will power

Everyone has willpower in varying degrees you only need to strengthen it. Will power is the inner
power that gives you the strength to perform any task,regardless of resistance or setback of all kind.
With a stronger will power you are a much better position,focus on your goal however big or small they
may be. Willpower help you defeat laziness and procrastination,it enables you to focus and gives you
the strength to deal with difficulties and obstacles. However,strengthening willpower is much easy than
you might think before know it,you will see results and can easily do anything you put your mind into.

** The state of the mind

It's quite simple though not so easy to dare and be afraid to make mistakes this has nothing to do
with finance,physical strength or education,it all lies in your state of mind,your mind is the gateway to
your success in life. The state of your mind determines the quality of your life you have a great
potential for success,but you must know your mind and your live your life your own way,avoid
limitation and longing to exact yourself,humble yourself and be able to learn then and then you will
find and enjoy that mighty potential become acquainted with the awesome power of the mind you can
win what you want within a time limit of your goal.
Your future success or failure will reflect the essence of your presence deepest thoughts conversely
you are today the sum total of those thoughts that have previously occupied stage centre in your
awareness if you consider yourself to be a success you are,it's wise to keep in mind that no success or
failure is necessary final. In order to succeed you must fail so that you know what not to be done the
next time,failure is the foundation of success and it's doesn't mean that you are a failure but it means
that you have not succeeded yet.

*** your self discipline

Everyone have a certain degrees of self discipline in certain areas of life and,in all of it's varying
forms self discipline is what gives you endurance to persevere through the hard time of your life.
Anyone who lives without discipline dies without honour,it's better to conquer yourself than to win a
thousand battle,it is a skill that contributes to acting with common sense and moderation and helps you
to avoid unreasonable excuses of anything that could lead to negative consequences with a greater
effort to achieve your goals are no problem for a person with developed self discipline.
The strength it will take for you to pay the price of success is doing what others don't like to do
going the extra miles and winning the lonely battle with yourself. Don't worry if you make
mistakes,only people who dare to attain the impossible will achieve success at the long run. It's so
comfortable to be passive make no effort and stick to the familiar,however by doing so we allow
external force shape your life.

**** Free yourself from personal mistakes

You must surely make mistake,no matter how careful you live your life,you should not pray for
easy life for you will never get but rather pray for ability to be strong in the face of trials and
failure,don't pray for a task equals your ability but rather an ability equals your task. The ability to free
yourself from personal mistakes will not be a miracle but it shall be a miracle of life which has come to
you by the grace of God. Not in doing what you like but in liking what you do,this is the secret of true
happiness. When you are walking away from Christ your shadow will be cover you but when you are
walking towards Christ your shadow will be behind you.
The ability to navigates through your personal mistakes to overcome failure is the skills you ever
needed to learn,but it takes practice you should develop the ability and become a problem negotiator in
the lives of others,you can use your positive influence to help the move up to the next level in their life.
Learn to think problem through,don't give up if you don't get the answer today go back to it later
discipline your mind to the thought that anything given you to decide presuppose your ability to solve
it. Sufficient thought will bring the proper solution in due time. Your personal mistakes is not your
problem but your attitudes and how you free yourself from your personal mistakes is the problem,it's
not a mistakes to make a mistakes but a bigger mistakes to repeat a mistake no man can make your life
better if you have not make up your mind to be better,your problem starts from you,you are are
responsible for whatever your life turns out to be. Life will only bring to you what it want it's your
choice to accept or decline what it brings,life's greatest problem is procrastination,your biggest
obstacles is fear and your most dangerous temptation is delay.

Chapter 7
For dream often die for fear of failure and the experience of it. Failure is often the first necessary
step towards success. If you don't risk failing you will not get the chance of succeeding. Don't be afraid
to fail or waste your time in trying to cover up failure. No matter how careful you are you will
definitely fail,if you are not failing every now and then,it therefore means you are not growing. It's
better to fail in doing something than to excel in doing nothing. Mistakes and failure are two of the
surest stepping stone towards success. It's better to fail in originality than to succeed in trying to be
someone else. Successful people are not afraid to fail they go from failure to failure until they finally
arrive at success.
One of the best way to accelerate success is to double your failure rate. The person who succeed
is not the one who hold back from fear of failure but rather the one who move on in-spite of failure and
advance to act,so many have failed in their pursuit of purpose because they allow so many things that
are not relevant come in-between them and their dreams in life.
No man was ever born a failure,you can never be a failure until you admit it,many great men that
have made history today are people that believes in their ability to succeed. For you to be able to
succeed in life you must rise above failure and understand that you are not a failure you only
experience it when you look down on your ability and refuse to rise whenever people look down on
There is only one thing that makes dream impossible to achieve and that is the fear of failure.
You must encounter many defeat but you must not be defeated. In fact it may be necessary to encounter
defeat in-order to understand who you are,what you can rise from and how you can still come out of it
stronger than you were before. Success is not final,failure is not fatal it's the courage to continue that
count. Every failure is a step towards success you will definitely meet failure on your way to success
it's impossible to live without failing at something,unless you live so cautiously that you might have
well not have lived at all in which you are scared of failing.
If you are doing your best you won't have anything to worry about failure. One who fear failure
limits his chances of succeeding and learning something new. There are two benefits of failure,first it
gives you the opportunity to try a new approach and secondly it gives you the opportunity to learn
something new beyond what you have already mastered.

Ways Of Overcoming The Fear Of Failure


Give your best a chance and rise up whenever you are being knocked down giving up is the
ultimate tragedy. Don't be afraid of failure or waste time in trying to cover up your failure. Often time
the first necessary step towards success is failure. If you don't risk failing you won't get the chance of
succeeding,you don't fail simply because you lack education you failed in life just because you never
give your best chance and try one more time.
Education is a progressive discovery of your own failure and ignorance,real education is to know
the extent of your ignorance,the test of education is not what a man knows but what he can't forget. To
increase your success rate you need to double your failure rate. Failure is the opportunity to begin again
this time more stronger than you were before. If you are not failing every now and then,it's a sign that
you are not doing anything innovative. The only man who never fail is the man who never do anything.
Your greatest success is not rooted in never failing but in rising every time you fail. The problem
with most people it isn't failure but how you react to failure,nobody is defeated until they start blaming
someone else instead of seeking the best solution that best suit the situation. Usually people don't fail
but just that they start blaming someone else,it's still true that when the going gets tough only the tough
keeps going. It's only those with feeble mind that pay attention to those calling them unfavourable
names quitter are losers. Nobody wants to associate with failure,success has many fathers but failure is
an orphan,stand out from the crowd and believe what God say about your destiny,it's better to failure in
doing something than to excel in doing nothing failure becomes a friend when it turns us to God.
A person may fail many times but he is not a failure until he is tired of trying. My greatest concern
now is not whether you fail or not but whether you are contented with failure. No failure will ever leave
you the way it meet you,never admit failure until you have made your last attempt,never make your last
attempt until you have succeed. Your mind is destined for success when you fail to control your mind is
failure to control your success. The reason why many people fail in life is not for lack of vision but for
lack of resolves. Failure only truly becomes failure when you don't learn from it,learn to think failure
through,don't give up if you don't get the answer today go back to it tomorrow. Discipline your mind to
the thought that anything given you to decide presuppose your ability to solve it,sufficient thought will
bring you proper solution in due time,you must make a decision that you are going to move on,it won't
happen automatically you will have to rise up don't border how difficult it will be don't allow your
disappointment get the better part of you wake up to the challenge.


Take risk if you win you be glad but if you fail you will be wise,don't be afraid of taking risks.
The greatest risk in life is to wait and depend on others for your success. Excellence can be attained if
you care more than others think is wise,risk more than others think is safe,dream more than others think
is practical and expect more than others think is possible. Failure and bouncing back are elements of
motivation,they are both learning tools. No man has ever succeeded at anything worthwhile without a
string of failure.
The line between failure and success is so fine that you are often on the line and you don't know it.
The different between a successful man and a failure is not one's better ability or ideas but the courage
that one has to be on his idea to take calculated risk and act. Only those who can risk going far can
possibly find out how far they can go. Stop waiting for things to happen go out and make things happen
yourself. We only grow by taking risk,the most difficult risk of all is to be honest with yourself and
with others. Real risk happen when people get honest about who they are and what is happening in
their lives.
Don't give up during the flat period the flat period is the hardest period of your life because you are
working hard and getting very little to show for it. Look at every question,face every fear,take every
risk examine every doubt with total honesty,then you can make some strong decision about life. Your
success is conditioned by the amount of calculated risk you are ready to take the big fish are never
caught in shallow water. You have to go into the open sea. The quality of a man's life is directly
proportional to the amount of commitment to how many risk he undertook regardless of their chosen
field of endeavours.
Failure give give you the opportunity to try a new approach most people think of failure and success
as opposite but they are actually both products of the same process,success is develop from failure. The
loser is not the guy who didn't win but the guy who didn't border to try at all,never personalise failure
but regard it as an event. Failure is the beginning of success by failing to plain,you are planning to
fail,there is no excuse for failure the truth is that if you find a path with no failure that path is probably
a path that doesn't lead to anywhere important,unless you encounter failure,you cannot succeed.
Rather than blaming people and circumstances why don't you understand the reasons behind your
failure and avoid the repetition of same mistakes over and over again. Accept you are completely
responsible for your failure in life and realize that no one is coming to the rescue is the beginning of
peak performance,until you trace the reason for your failure you will not succeed,the more you focus
on your failure the more your mentality is restricted and you never had the opportunity to get up.
Failure is not static,but the more you focus on failure,the more you become entangled prisoners of
your future,no one get the future by endangering himself with the affairs of the world. Never give
attention to failure as far as your way is right with God. Exercise faith you will succeed in what you are
doing,success is not measured by the height attained but by the obstacles you overcome in your


Defeat is not the worst of failure not to have tried is the true failure. He that thinks he can afford to
be negligent is not too far from being a failure,things don't turn up in this world not until somebody
turn them up. A failure doesn't become a failure until you refuse to correct your mistakes,failure and
tribulations are normal to human existence,it's not something to be avoided,it helps to re-sharpen and to
redirect your life towards a better living.
You must not allow your trying period to become a stumbling block no failure ever leave you the
same way it met you it must leave behind a remarkable change,either positive or negative it all depends
on how you handle it. Most people always look for one excuse or the other to justify their failure
without realising that there is no reasonable excuse for failure the reason why you fail is because you
can't imagine yourself accomplishing that big goal you set for yourself. Wake up and picture yourself
today for greatness. Falling down doesn't make you a failure but staying down does. Failing is never
the worst things that can happen to someone but never try to succeed is worst off. It's not failing that is
the problem it's what you do after you failed,it's not what happen but how deal with it that's important.
Disappointments and misfortunes are both blessings disguise in different ways that people never
realize because of their negative mental attitudes towards failure. Defeat to many means the end of the
road leading to success,what a mistakes and misconception of an idea. So many feel lost and
frustrated,they never realize that failure is a strategy meant to re-sharpen and redefine your success in
life. There could be great benefit in an unpleasant situation.
The greatest failure in life is to wait and depend on others for their destiny. Failure and bouncing
back are elements of motivation,failure is a learning tool no one has ever succeeded at anything
worthwhile without a string of failure. Get started and never get tired of trying it's never a mistakes to
fail in life but it's a bigger mistakes for you to run away from failure,for the fact that failed doesn't
mean you have lost it all in life,it therefore means you have not succeed yet and another opportunity for
you to start again more intelligently,that's the starting point of success.
Many of life's failure are people who don't realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
Stop looking at where you have been and start looking at where you can be. For you to be able to
realize how close you are to success you must be able to understand that behind every failure there is a
success. Failure can only come to you when you look down on yourself,so stop looking down on
yourself today and start believing in yourself that you can do it the potential to overcome the fear of
failure lies directly inside you unleash your potential you will be successful.
Failure sometimes enlarges the spirit you have to fall back upon humanity there is no failure except in
no longer trying. Failure's delay is only temporarily,but it can be permanent when you stop yourself. No
one has ever travelled the road of success without crossing the street of failure. Don't allow failure
pressure mislead you,take the lead,the difficulties you encounter is simply an opportunity to do your
best one of the good thing about failure is that it's a proof that you have tried your best. The reason why
you have not succeeded yet is just that your best is not just not good enough.
The best time to know a man's character is when he focus on failure and welcome challenges for they
are products of success accept challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of success. If you don't
rise to the challenge of your unique capacity to shape your life to seek the kind of growth that you find
individually fulfilling them,you can have no security. You will live in a world of shame in which your
life is determined by the will of other in which you will be constantly desolate and increasingly isolated
where you are exposed face to face with failure rest if you must but don't quit,champion are not those
who don't fail but those who don't quit.
The greatest failure in life is to stop trying maybe you have tried to get a job many time and it seems
not coming by,don't give up on your ability,get up brush the dust off and go again or perhaps your
business is down,stand back and review your possibility to succeed.

4. Failure Is Never a Negative

Failure the very thought of it is sad to people who are not successful in life,they often associate
failure with negativity and don't want to talk about it neither do they want to ear about it. But despite all
your good intentions in life you will fail. Life is like a game of football,you win some and lose some
it's not always a winning winning thing you have to fail at times to enables re-strategies yourself and
benchmark your achievement.
Success without failure is never a success,for you to achieve great success in life you must first of all
pass through the street of failure,for the fact that you have tried several attempt still you are not getting
any positive result doesn't make failure a negative. Success and failure they are both partners,they both
intercept each other. The most interesting thing about them is that you can't achieve both of them at the
same time,one have to give room for the other one to operate is either you succeed or you failure,it
therefore left for you to decide which ever one you prefer.
When it come to success we all celebrate it,talk about it or even yearn for it but when it comes to
failure we say no to it with our words but our actions shows we agree with it. If one wish for success
but prepared for failure he will get what he prepared for. Action speaks louder than words it's not
enough to say no to failure with words alone you need to take action,work on your success and address
your failure. What are the possibilities you have to succeed over the possibilities you have to fail? You
need to ask yourself the reason why you often fail,figure it out address it and master it,become familiar
with failure so it will not show up again and even when it eventually shows up it will no longer be a
barrier because you have already master it.
5. Failure Is An Inevitable End

No matter how hard you work,how careful you are you will definitely failure. There is nobody in this
world that doesn't fail everyone fail. Never see yourself as a worse failure. What you are passing
through today someone else have passed through similar failure and they are now successful,there is
nothing new under the surface of the earth all that happen to you now have happened to some other
people and they are able to scale through,if they could scale through why couldn't you.
It's not failure that's the problem the problem is that people give it easily,come to think of it you try
first times you never get the result,you try second attempt you never get the result and you gave up just
like that,this is where a lot of people get it wrong that they never want to try again,that's where the
problem lies the real thing is. It doesn't matter how many times you tried and failed,what should be
your concern is how to turn your failure to success. A lot of people have give up their dream today base
on the fact that they tried once and failed because of that they never want to continue.
The height that great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight but they think right
and act right,while their companion were busy sleeping at night,they were toiling up words in the
night,if you have a unique idea but don't like taking risk,ideas are all you ever have,there must be
something in your life that turns you on,you can start by analysing that lifestyle of your dream. The
starting point of all achievement is persistence even when you failed as you sometimes will. Bounce
back on your feet and try again,keep this constantly in mind,weak persistence brings weak success.

Chapter 8
Don't Quit persist

For the fact that you have tried several times and still you are not getting any positive result don't
necessary mean you need to quit. Determination focus hard-work are the attributes of those who finish
strong quitter are losers,if you don't get any positive result today,don't be discourage go back to it
tomorrow the reason why you don't get the result today therefore means the result was not design for
today so keep trying some day,some time,some how you will get the positive result you so much desire
never give up until you try you last attempt until you succeed. Some quit the race when they are about
reaching the finishing tough line, you never can tell how close you are to success when you gave up.
It's always too soon to quit,never give up,persist men don't fail it's just that they gave up easily. The
tougher the battle the greater the reward. No man can cheat you out of your ultimate success but
yourself. perhaps it is time for you to move out of your comfort zone of the egg surely breaking
through the shell is tough and life outside is going to be tougher life's excitement lies ahead great trials
are often necessary to prepare you for great responsibility the longer you dwell on your misfortunes the
greater it's ability to control your success.
No man says that the road to success is always easy despite all your good intentions in life you will
definitely fail,the man that is not the man who doesn't have a good intention or the man that doesn't
work hard but the man that quit the game very easily. Most successful men you see today have
sometimes suffered setbacks and resounding defeat even bankruptcy but yet they still manage to get up
quickly to make it big in life.
Your courage to persevere in the face of adversity and the ability to bounce back after a temporarily
disappointment will assure your success. You must learn to pick yourself up and start all over again this
time with more innovation and idea. Your persistence is the measure of the belief in yourself your
greatest glory consist not in never falling but in raising every time you fall. Keep pushing your way to
the top most people make the mistakes of giving up when they are about achieve success,they quit on
the yard line,they gave up at the last minutes of the game one foot from a finishing touchdown. Nothing
in life can take the place of persistence,talent will not nothing is more common than unsuccessful men
with talent even genius will not,un-rewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not,the world is
full of educated derelicts who does not do anything good with their education.

Quitting Is the Ultimate Tragedy

Once you are at the point of quitting just know that your deliverance is very close at hand. At a
point where things becomes very tough,when the unspeakable becomes speak-able,when the unseen
becomes seem,when the possible becomes impossible when the friendly becomes unfriendly,when the
love becomes unloved. At a point where it seems as if God is no longer hearing your supplication,at a
point where your closest friends will not want to see you ,where your family members will want to pick
your calls just because they see you as a burden to them. A point where your wife don't longer value
and respect your position as the head of the family where your children viewed you as a worthless
father just because you are not able to meet their immediate needs. A point where your boss at work
short at you for every little mistakes you make, a time where you are frustrated and have no one to turn
for solution,a point where everyone turn their back against you and you are left alone to face all the
challenges of life. A point where you look at life straight in the eyes and remember those incidents that
get you asking question,but I never bargain setback with life why is life treating me this way? Why is
life being too harsh and cruel to me treating me like a stranger even right there in my father's house.
Just at all of these points in life you don't quit it's too soon to quit this is the point where you need to
exert more effort don't give up your deliverance is close at hand that is if only you can advance
confidently in the direction of your dream and determine to live the life which you have imagined,you
will be sure you will meet success unexpectedly in an uncommon hour.
The prize of success is hard-work and dedication to the job at hand and the determination that
whether you win or lose,you just have to apply the best of your ability to the task at hand. Your
persistence is the measure of the belief in yourself. If you persevere nothing can come in-between you
and your success there are series of obstacles the bigger the obstacles the bigger your opportunity to
overcome it. Your decisions to persevere and do something out of the ordinary entails facing difficulties
and challenges that are out of the ordinary as well sometimes your greatest asset is simply your ability
to stay with it longer than anyone else when you get into a fight when everything goes against you till it
seems as though you couldn't hang on a minutes longer never give up this is just the place and time that
the tide will turn. If you have made a mistakes,there's always another chance for you to have a fresh
start any moment you choose to have it. What people call failure is not the falling down but in staying
down whenever you fall. Don't quit in trying to do what you really want to do where there is
persistence and faith I don't think you can go wrong.

Quitter Are losers

Don't quit during the flat period the flat period is the hardest because you are working very hard and
getting very little result to show for it,look at every question,face every fear,take every risk examine
every doubt with total honesty. Determination,endurance,focus are the attributes of those who finish
strong quitter are losers it's only those with feeble mind that pay attention to those calling them
unfavourable names. The world os doing all it can to get you out of your goal in life you need to
believe in yourself that you can do it. The reason why many are still troubled still seeking,still making
the little forward progress is because they gave it up on their ability to achieve their goal,before a man
can achieve the kind of life he wants,he must think,act,walk talk and conduct himself in all the affairs
of his life.

Quitting Poem
Even when things goes wrong as they sometimes will. When the road you are trudging seems all up
hill when the funds are low and the depth are high,when you have lost everything in life and there is no
where to go but up,when there is nothing to be happy about you want to smile but just have to sign.
When the force and winds of life are pressing down on you,when people forsake and look down on
you that nothing good could come out of your own Jerusalem,when care and peer pressures are
pressing hard on you,when you are seek and tired of being seek and tired,when you are
frustrated,desolate and rejected.
Rest if you must but don't quit,life wasn't meant to be easy whatever goes around comes
around,many at times failure turns about without you realising it. When you might have won had you
are still stacked out,when you want to give up a minute before the finishing tough line. Don't quit
though the pace seems slow,success is failure turned inside out. The silver tint of the clouds of
doubts,you never can tell how close you are to success. It may be near when it seems so far so stick to
the fight when you are hardest hit. It's when things seems worst that you must not quit. Quitter are
losers,it's only those with feeble mind that pay attention to those calling them unfavourable names.
The most fascinating thing in life is that most successful people have conquered the temptation to
quit. Success seems to be connected to action successful people keep moving they make mistakes but
they don't quit. The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before the miracles
happen don't quit you are not defeated when you lose you are only defeated when you quit. It's always
too soon to quit, don't give up easily just like that the tougher the job the greater the reward no man can
cheat you out of your ultimate success but yourself. Success seems to be connected to action,successful
people keep moving,they make mistakes but they never quit.

Don't Give Up
Never stop you stop as soon as something great is about to happen go for it now failure is promise to
no one. Champions are not those who don't fail but those who don't quit don't give up until you have
make your last attempt don't make your last attempt until you have succeeded. Don't give up the last
key may be the one that will open the door tough time don't last only tough people do last no matter
what you do in life you will always have critics. Victory will surely go to the one who never quits,your
ability to keep your head high when others talk you down makes you a success.
All you need to do is to take charge and raise your head high and look at the world straight in the eyes
one of the best way to give your best a chance is to rise up whenever you are being knocked down
giving up is the ultimate tragedy most successful people in life have conquered the temptation to give
up,no man can keep you down unless you decide not to rise again. Life's real failure is when you don't
realize how close you are when you gave up. The real opportunity to succeed lies within you success
will not lower it standard to you but you must raise up to the standard of success. It's always too soon
to quit,never give up men don't fail they just gave up easily the tougher the task at hand the greater the
reward. No man can cheat you out of your ultimate success but yourself.
The true test of a man's character is the ability to get up each time he falls no matter how many times
he falls. The failure and setbacks you have in life are all required for your development there is no
mistakes as great as the mistakes of not going on it's always too soon to give up. No matter what
maintain you have to climb,what burden you have to carry or what difficulty that surrounds you not
even the problem you are facing,despite all of these it is too soon to quit,never give up success consist
of getting up just one more time when you fail,it's like the postage stamp it's usefulness consist in the
ability to stick to one thing until it get there.
People always blame their circumstances for what they are,don't believe in circumstances the people
who get on in our world today are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want it badly
that even when they don't get it they make it happen themselves. Always pay attention to the things that
are working positively in your life,it's in the process of meeting and solving problem that makes life
meaningful without problem your life will be meaningless. The tendency to solve problem and the
emotional suffering inherited from it thereof is the primary basic of all human mental illness it's not the
failure that matter nobody is defeated until they quit or start blaming someone else for being
responsible for their down fall in life,don't fix the blame fix the solution to your problem.
If you make mistakes,it's all right. Everyone make mistake learn from them and go on. As said
earlier,all successful people make mistakes,but they didn't let their mistakes discourage or deter them.
It's quite simple,though no so easy to dare and be afraid to make mistakes. This has nothing to do with
finance,physical strength or education. It's all in the state of the mind,it is something inside of you that
is if you can bring it out,you need to find strength and courage within you. Learn to encourage yourself
and dare to do something great,without the need to be pushed and motivated from the outside.

Keep Climbing
Life is a struggle a continual climb,if you are ever to reach your goal. For the road to success is rough
and rugged with many stones on the way only with courage and a will power can you reach the summit
some day. The higher you climb the better the view keep right on going and never say stop,keep on
pushing your way to the top there will be many on the road of life to caution you of the danger you will
have to face suggesting you turn back to give up the goal and with them your footsteps retrace right
there is the time to show your courage and decide once and for all.
Great trials are often necessary to prepare you for great responsibility the longer you dwell in your
misfortunes the greater is it power to control you. No diamond or gem has ever been polished without
friction,it's the irritation in the oyster that produce the pearl,the problems and difficulties you have in
life are all required for your development. There is no mistakes as great as the mistakes of giving up on
yourself it's always too soon to quit. I don't know what mountain you have to climb,what problem and
difficulties you are facing,what failure and trials that surrounds you despite all these it's too soon to
give up never quit success consist of getting up just one more time when you fall. It's like the postage
stamp it usefulness consist in the ability to stick to one thing until it gets there.
The greater failure in life is for you to stop trying. Maybe you have tried to get a job many times or
you are a student you are seeking admission for years and it seems not coming through,get up brush the
dust off and try again or perhaps your business is down stand and you are not seeing a profitable
positive result review your possibilities to succeed and go back again in all of these it's always too soon
to quit never give up easily. The tougher the job the greater your reward no man can cheat you out of
your ultimate success but yourself.
God knows how to manifest grand and elaborate plans,He gives the flowers their bloom and colour
and the birds of the air their flight. He also choose people like you and I to do great things to the glory
of his name. Although the world tends to focus on high positions and accomplishments God looks at
the intent and content of our hearts while you are busy dreaming up grand ideas,God is looking for a
grateful heart,while you are longing for elaborate platforms before you can climb God is looking for a
humble heart,while you are busy dreaming success God is watching out for obedience. No matter how
little your achievement have been,they are great,do not think you have not done great things because
there are no spectators or persons ready to sing your praises as tirelessly as you do these little things do
not be sad that no one sees you God definitely does,he rewards your effort your willingness to serve
your family your church and the less privileges brings Him joy.

Chapter 9

Always Learn From Failure

Almost all learning comes from negative knowledge but often time we prefer to understand it in
positive knowledge,if you don't fail in any of your endeavours in life how do you learn to be better in
the future? People usually say experience is the best teacher if you agree with that to be true then you
need to accept failure as one of the many lessons you gain from experience. You have to learn from
failure simply think of failure as the transport you have to pay in the journey of life. There can be no
success without failure,you should welcome failure as an opportunity to learn something new
sometimes the fees for learning from failure may seems too high but in the long run you will some how
discover it's a worthwhile price to pay.
Never see failure as negative but an opportunity to learn something new. The adage we learn from
failure is true. Be open with your mind,eyes and ears. The lessons are there for you to understand and
do better next time. Think about what you have done right,what you can do better and what you should
stop doing,that's one of the easiest ways to analyse how to learn from failure. If you are willing to pay
the prize with the risk you take the outcome may just surprise you. Nothing ventures nothing you have
to be willing to take the risk ventures and move out beyond your comfort zone regardless of what you
are into gain some form of success.
Life is a school for those who want to learn while failure and success are both teachers,if you are not
ready to learn life will leave you behind become rich in learning and experience all other riches that
follows,life is full of challenges,stay focus and learn from it because it's only a fool that doesn't learn
from his past experience,life is a teacher the more you live the more you learn a person who stop
learning will start dying. The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you
,life's greatest tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late. You can't be the at the leading edge
if you can't learn the truth you discover about life,the lesser your mistakes in life.

Principles OF Learning From Failure

1. Avoid Imitation
Imitation is limitation never wish to be anybody but yourself it's better to be hated for who you are
than to be loved for who you are not and not until you make peace with who you are,you will never
know the content of what you have within you. The world is eagerly waiting for the manifestation of
your purpose nothing in life is more frustrating than trying to live your life imitating others. No one
ever become great by imitating someone else. Don't be anybody else,make your own impression known
and dare to be who you are no one can defeat you unless you first defeat yourself,set the boundary and
the limitations for each of your individuals accomplishment.
A person who doubts himself is like a man who enlists in the ranks of his enemy and been against
himself. No man can make you better if you have not make up your mind to be better your success
starts from you. You are your own best motivator. God wants you to be who He wants you to be,learn
to define yourself to content yourself with some specific thing and some definite purpose dare to be
what you really are and to learn to accept with good grace all that you are not. Failure sometimes is part
of life many at times it leads to an excellent opportunity not all obstacles are bad,in-fact an
opportunity's favourite disguise is an obstacles turn upside down. You will always meet obstacles on
the road to your answer. The fight is good it's a proof that you still have the potential for greatness.
People are always funds of blaming their circumstances for what they are,if you really what to discover
your purpose in life you don't have to believe in circumstances,the people who get on in life are people
who get up and look for circumstances they wanted it so badly that if they don't get it they make it
happen themselves.
Opportunities can drop on your laps if you have your laps where opportunities drop,when a person is
positioned correctly he is ready to receive all that God has for him,dare to be who you are learn to be
comfortable with big dreams failure is waiting on the path of least persistence,success comes from
daring to take small steps,find a way to succeed always don't allow yourself get limited by anything
most definitely not age the power of your influence is not subjected to how old or young you are make
your life count for what God purpose it to count for make your life count one day at a time one person
at a time one solution at a time and in due season you will get the result.
There is only one you,your face and your features,your voice,your style,your back ground,your
character,your peculiarity,your reputations,your ability,your smile,the way you walk,talk,your
expression,your view points,your belief system,your boldness everything about you is found in only
one individual called YOU avoid limitation.

2. Never Be Afraid of failure

Give your best a chance and rise up whenever you are knocked down,don't be afraid of failure or
waste time in trying to cover up your mistakes,failure is often the first necessary step towards success if
you don't risk failing you will not get the chance of succeeding,failure occurs at every stages of
life,adult fail,young people fail,student fail,children fail,leader fail,administrations fail and even the
government fail so failure is common to all,failure is not the issue but what you do with the failure in
your life that matter most and failure is not the guy who don't win but guy that doesn't try at all,failure
is an opportunity to begin again one more time this time with intellectual power to start stronger than
A man may fall many times but he won't be a failure not until he was afraid of failure. The different
between a successful man and a failure is not ones better ability or idea but the courage that one has to
beat his personal best and take a calculated risk to act. Failure should be your teacher and not your
undertaker,it's a delay and not a defeat. The strength of will to force yourself to pay the price of success
doing what others think is impossible,fighting and winning the lonely battle with yourself.
You have all it takes to succeed nobody can prevent you from succeeding except you decide not to rise
again whether you succeed or fail in accomplishing your purpose on earth is yours to decide you are
responsible for whatever your life turns out to be taking a slight look at your back will provide you
with a clear picture of where you are coming from,it will make you see where your father has made
mistake and get you asking quality question,it will make you see clearly the foundation upon which
you are building or about to build your future.
When someone fail,the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self fulfilling
prophecy in other words only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatness. You are strong
when you know your weakness,you are beautiful when you appreciate your flows,you are wise when
you learn from failure and your past experience. The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is
everything. If you really want to succeed. It's also the ability to convert ideas to things that are the
secret of outward success.
Don't let the fear of failure or setback ruin the attainment of your goal. A successful man will
profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way. The creative mind is always ahead of the
critical mind main-while small mind are first to condemn great idea,the content of your mind will
determine your success in life. Your success is a direct reflection of your mind. When your mind is out
of your success then your success is lost,your mind is the gateway to your success,nurture your mind
with great thoughts,you will never go any higher than your thought. This is not measured by what you
accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered and the courage with which you have
maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.

3. Do A Self Evaluation
You need to know exactly who you are identify your unique value,what are your strength and
weakness as identify by you and others,your personal brand and believe are as a reflection of your
greatest strength and weakness,identify them build on your strength and address your weakness what
you believe about your potential ability to succeed. Life is the force that determines what you
accomplish if you fail to accomplish much during your time on earth it therefore mean you have not
done a proper self evaluation. A purpose less life is an early death the purpose of your success in life is
a life of purpose,the only true happiness come from squeezing yourself for a purpose. The prize of
carefully evaluating your purpose is the opportunity you have to unleash your potential,most of the
critical thing in life which become the starting points of human destiny are little things do little things
now and big things will come to you asking to be done.
You are created with natural ability and internal potential that guide you towards making success and
focusing on a particular thing the obligation to expand the potential to the ultimate destination. The
most disappointed people in the world are those who get just what is coming to them and no more there
are a lot of ways to become a failure but never taking a chance is the most successful. Whether you
succeed or fail in accomplishing your purpose on earth is yours to decide you are responsible for
whatever your life turns out to be no man was ever born a failure you can never be a failure until you
admit it,so many great men that have made history today are people that believe that they were never
born a failure. You have all it takes to succeed nobody can prevent you from succeeding except you
decide not to rise again whenever you are been knocked down. We are all created to accomplish a
purpose on earth and the ability to become great tomorrow lies within you,failure only come when you
look down on yourself for you to be able to rise above failure you must understand that you were never
born a failure. Your ability to keep your head high when others knock you down makes you a
winner,not the circumstances you are placed in that matter most but the spirit in which you see to face
your circumstance that determines your content.

Importance Of Learning From Failure

1. Failure gives you the opportunity to learn

Life is a school the more you live the more you learn,the greatest illiteracy is ones inability to learn
from the great things of life and also from the small things around. If you are not learning anything
good from failure and failure is not teaching you anything you are as good as been dead. Unless you
learn from people's failure,you might end up failing the way they failed.
For those who wants to learn life is a school while failure and success are both teacher if you are not
ready to learn life will live you behind become rich in learning and experience all the other riches that
follows,life is full of challenges,place your focus,seek simplicity and learn. Failure is a teacher for
those who which to learn,the beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you
life's greatest tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late. The truth you discover about your
failure,the lesser your mistakes in life.
You don't necessary need to be a master degree holder or Phd graduate before you can succeed in
learning from failure,it will only expand your level of thinking,there are a lot of people who only are
school drop-out and they have achieved great success,studies have show that most self made
millionaires have average performance in school,never the less these people reached their full
potentials and achieved their financial and personal goals because they are willing to learn from failure.
To succeed however you must be willing to ask quality questions remain curiously interested and open
to new knowledge,this willingness to learn becomes more crucial and give you the success you desire
in dew season.

2. Despite Your Good intentions

Life is full of an impediment despite your good intentions in life you will definitely fail,you need to
be strong and fight your way back to the top,you can do it only if you can believe in your ability. Focus
determination,endurance and patience are the attributes of those who finish strong,quitter are loser the
world has a way of giving you what is demanded of it if you are frightened and look for failure and
poverty you will get despite your good intentions. Expect success and you will make success no where
is this true than in the school of life main-while bravery and faith bring both material and spiritual
Often times you are wondering why things happen to you the way it happened,you are often face with
difficulties and you seems not to get all that you ever wished or asked for,you are working very hard
and yet you are getting very little result to show for it,don"t give up on your ability life wasn't meant to
be easy. Life is difficult on it's own you make it more difficult when you allow so many things that are
not relevant interfere with your goal in life. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown,life is a battle
field,not a bed of roses wake up from your slumbers and get ready for battle,look at the world straight
in the eyes and don't be frightened by the challenges and demand it place on you. Get yourself
equipped with the necessary material for success and move with the right set of people,life is not
fair,there is no easy road to success life's battle aways goes to the man who is ready to face challenges
you gain strength and courage by each experience in which you really stop to look life in the face,you
must do that which you think you can.
To aim at success is to point your life towards realisation of your potentials,the fulfilment of your
ability. Success is not enhanced by accident. What you aim at determines what you will become life is
filled with challenges,mountain to climb and conquer with others to follow as well,when you are no
longer interested in climbing mountain to see other mountains to be climb life is over seize life before
life seize you. Even if you are on the right track leading to success you will get run over if you just sit
there and expect miracle to happen over night. Life is more than just a dream,how far you can
see,determine how far you can go,life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced,life
will break you with it yearning nobody can protect you from that,living alone won't either,you just have
to love,feel and live your life your own way this is the reason you are here on earth you are here to be
swallowed up.

Chapter 10
Always Make Yourself Happy
Our world today is an endless search for true happiness ask an average Nigeria what they needed
most in life,you will find out that most Nigeria wants to be happy. No matter the circumstances you are
place in always try your possible best to be happy. Develop an internal happiness within yourself that
will motivates you whenever you are been tempted to be sad. Always make yourself happy because if
you are thinking about Nigeria's problem you will develop head-ache,despite your good intentions in
life there are circumstances always ready to make you sad,no matter how careful you live your life.
Nigeria is frustrating on it own but you make it more frustrating for yourself when you allow so many
things that are not relevant make you sad in life. If you ask an average Nigeria what they desire most
definitely they will tell you I just want to be happy.
Everyone wants happiness but very few of us are ready to develop your happy be yourself so many
depend on family,friends or even their country for their happiness in life. Nobody is ready to make you
happy if you have not made up your mind to be happy. Nigeria as your country is not ready neither is
there any friend or family members that are ready to make you happy either. You have to develop your
happiness by yourself,dare to be who you are and learn to always make yourself happy,failure is
waiting on the path of least happiness,success comes from daring to take small step to be happy.
Be cheerful always don't allow yourself get limited by anything most definitely not your
circumstances. When life seems impossible,happiness is essential to your ability to persevere through
the though times without happiness you will give up. When the world gives you one good reason to be
sad give the world one thousand reasons for you to be happy always.
Scientist have been studying the effects of real happiness on human and have found among other
things that happiness has a profound effort on virtually every important organ on the human body.
Laughter reduces health sapping tension and relaxes the tissues as well as exercising the most vital
organ it is said that laughter even when forced results in beneficial effect on us both mentally and
physically. So the next time you want to be sad or angry indulge in a good laugh. It takes 72 muscles to
frown and only 14 to smile. Even mother Teresa of calcutta says "True holiness consists of doing the
will of God with a smile"
Happiness is not all about money,if happiness were to be all about money one would have expected
the rich to be the most happiest of all but despite all their riches they are not still happy. Don,t live your
life for money making alone,there are fulfilment you get when you know you are meeting a need
somewhere,you make people happy,you feel relevant by creating a happy atmosphere for yourself and
those around. You don't need to have millions in your bank account before you can be happy. However
learning how to become a happier person is not that hard at all,you will only need to make a few
changes in your life and ways of your thinking to find yourself feeling better about yourself and
everything else. Happiness is not far from your reach as long as you take a bit of your time and effort to
become a happier person. However if you find out that you are not getting much excitement at all out
of life it maybe time for you to learn something new about your success in life. In many ways the
happiness you get out of life is what you put into living. If happiness were as contagious as the
common cold you will not have to worry about it. Happiness is not a station you arrive at but the high-
way that leads to success.

Ways Of Becoming A Happy Man

1. Think Excitement Through

Always think excitement through,talk excitement,act out of excitement and you will become an
excited person,life will take on a new zest,with deeper interests and greater meaning you can talk,think
and act yourself into excitement or sadness and into enthusiasm or dullness. By this same process you
can build up happiness and an out standing depth of joy,learn to to become a happy person even if you
don't get the answer today,go back to it tomorrow,discipline your mind to the thought that anything
given you to decide presuppose your ability to think excitement through.
Sufficient thought will bring you the proper happiness in due time. Never give up easily because you
are not getting the proper excitement you require at the due time,the tougher the task the greater the
excitement,no one can cheat you out of your ultimate happiness but yourself,excitement seems to be
connected to action. Excited people keep moving,they make mistakes but they never get discourage but
move on in-spite all the odds that wants to make them sad,you need to develop the ability now,because
the future is promised to no one champions are not those who are not sad but they are those who are
able to think excitement through.

2. Live Your Life Your Own Way

No matter what happen to you,do your best and smile,you will not enjoy your life if you don't enjoy
your challenges great challenges makes life interesting,overcoming them makes life meaningful one of
the secret of happiness and peace of mind is letting every situation be what it is,instead of what you
think it should be. Appreciate life even when it seems not idea. Happiness is not the fulfilment of what
you wish for but an appreciation for what you have. When life gives you every reason to be sad think
of one good reason to be happy. There is always something to be grateful for,when you can look back
on one painful event and feels that you were blessed for how you have grown so far for the love you
know,for the very fact that you did live through those times then and only then can you truly appreciate
gratitudes vital role in the process of letting go sometimes your mind need more time to accept what
your heart already know. Breathe be a witness not a judge,listen to your intuition,make the rest of your
life the best of your life,create a life that feels good on the inside not one that just look good on the
outside alone.
If you desire to make a difference in the world you must be different from the world,you must be
bold enough to show it. No matter how careful you live someone will still be disappointed,so live a life
you are proud of,live your true life and be yourself,if you live your life to the standard of the world you
will be the one who is disappointed at the end. Hard-work become easy when your work becomes your
play,never underestimate the value of loving what you do when you lose yourself in the things you do
you will find yourself there too. Most of the time the only difference between a dream that come true
and one that don't is a person who wouldn't give up and one who did. When you are scared but you still
take next step anyway that's bravery. Failure give you the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
Many times people feel deeply sad and frustrated because they failed in many things they
try,everyone have been affected many times like this as well. It very hard when try to do something and
after many attempts you fail,it's hard when efforts seems not to work as it should,when things goes
wrong as sometimes will,you don't have to give up. You must learn to understand that failure is simply
an opportunity to try a new approach. Every time you fail you have the choice to give up or to try again
this time with new knowledge and experience that will guide you towards making a fewer mistakes. I
have read some fascinating stories of people who have failed so many times before getting what they
wanted in life people like Michael Jordan,Thomas Edison and other well known people who learn
through their failure.
Failure is not the devil who is always there to torment your life but a guide to teach you what you
should not do the next time. If you are intelligent enough to get the meaning and lesson of failure you
will be able to reduce the possibility to fail in a specific area next time so at the end you will find the
correct way to achieve your goal. The different between a loser and a winner is not the amount if
mistakes you make but the profits you obtain from those mistakes.

3. Value Your Relationship With Others

Fear is a feeling not a fact the best way to gain strength and self confidence is to do what you are
afraid to do dare to stretch yourself,it takes courage to grow and become great,you many lose
something good but you may also gain something great. Laziness may appear attractive but hard work
leads to success,you are what you do thou good things don't come to those who wait,it only come to
those who work on meaningful goals main-while patience is not the ability to wait but how you act
while waiting and how hard you are willing to work while waiting for your work to pay off.
Almost anything is possible if you have enough time and enough nerves you need to spend less
time impressing others and more time impressing yourself. Climb a mountain so you can see the world
not so the world can see you. Sometimes we suffer not because of the violence others inflict on us but
because of our own silence. Know that it's less important to have more friends and more importantly to
have a real one surround yourself with good people who make you better and cherish every moment
and time you spend together,some day you will be a memory to some people just do your best to be a
great influence.
True love is not about how many days,months or years you have been with someone,true love is
about how intimate you actually love each other everyday. It's very true that twenty friends can't be
friends for twenty years. Commitment means staying loyal and keeping a promise long after the mood
you made the promise.
The best way to socialise with people is to become interested in them not by getting them to be
interested in you. Don't walk in front of people they may not follow you,don't walk behind people,they
may not lead you but you can walk beside them and just be their companion. People of similar interest
are those who goes around saying good things about you. Socialise with people who understand your
potential value the ones who come in when the world has gone out,the ones who share in your pain and
passion for your goal,those who encourages you when you are about giving up. It's important to note
that a word of encouragement during failure is worth more than a whole book of praise of success. The
men who succeed are the efficient few they are the few who have the ambition and will power to
develop themselves one man with courage makes you a majority and the greatest test of courage is to
bear defeat without losing heart.
The people you socialise with will definitely determine the extend you will go in life,if you try to be
someone else you are losing everything. Anybody who doesn't value what you have doesn't deserve
your friendship. You best friend should be those who bring out the best in you and value your
friendship more than anything else you don't need many friend you only need helpful friends. It's only a
fool that make friend with everyone,show me your closest friend and I will show you your future.

Giving a struggling soul a little extra assistance goes a long way in the life of the struggling soul,the
strongest people are not those who show strength in front you but those who win battles you know
nothing about. Those who are hardest to love often need it most,help someone who is desperately in
need of your assistance and treat everyone with equal value,even those who are rude,give them a
chance to try to be a little bit polite.
True integrity is doing the right thing no matter the circumstances you are placed in even when
nobody is going to know whether you did or not. Few things are more satisfying than helping someone
else smile a little more than before,coming to a loving compromise with others,sometimes you must
choose to be wrong not because you really are wrong but because you value your friendship with them
more than your pride and let go of the past is your first step towards happiness so finish each day
before you begin the next one and build a solid foundation.
Don't forget that your failure does not define you but your determination does,failure is simply the
opportunity to begin again smarter than before don't give up on yourself keep fighting some times you
have to go through the worst of time to get the best of time. The end of everything is better than the
beginning thereof,every exist is an entry somewhere else. As long as you are breathing it's never too
late everyday is a dream,every day is a success,everyday is a new opportunity allow yourself to be a
beginner no one start off being great,do the best you can until you know the better,when you know the
better,do the best.
You can try something a million times it will not be a failure not until you are tired of trying. Many of
the great times you will remember for a lifetime are the ones when you step outside of your comfort
zone and try something new. The happiness you create for yourself and those around you deserve it
gift. In life you often have to create your own sunshine.
Read something positive every morning when you wake up and let it inspire you,do something
positive before you go back to bed at night this is how a memorable days are made. Only you can
transform your life from failure to a resound-able success,by becoming an action oriented person can
really help you make the decision to stop acting like a victim and start taking charge of your life one of
the first set of people you greet in the morning is a reflection in the mirror,you need to be accountable
and answerable for the life you are creating for it.


Your focus is to forget the pain of life and the pain of the future. Reduce it and make a permanent
change if you really want to be relevant in the future stop focusing on the size of your problem and start
focusing on the size of your success not the size of your problem but the size of your greatness. The
rich also aspires but their riches doesn't allow us to see their aspiration main while at the other hand
poor people only focus on what they don't want. Avoid temptation find your focus and seek simplicity,
purposeful living call for eloquent,efficiency and economy of effort expanding the maximum time and
energy necessary to achieve the desire goal.
In the real world those of us who are most productive,successful and satisfied focus not on fixing
feelings or manipulating thought but in what needed to be done and doing it no matter what thought of
feelings rises. Always focus on your effort instead of the result of that effort in your experience of
making success in life take focus,courage and knowledge. Expertise 100% of your effort a never give
up attitude a rich mind set along side strong belief system in your own inner voice you also need a laser
like focus combined with un-waving determination. Avoid fragmentation place your focus and seek
happiness,concentrated attention is the collection of units of power on a chosen point of intention.

A man is truly poor not when he has nothing but when he does nothing. Idleness is the nest in which
mischief lay it egg. Life is not lost by dying but life is lost minutes by minutes,day by day,dragging day
in all the thousand small uncaring ways lost time is never found. The best use of time is to spend it on
something that out lasts life. Lose an hour in the morning and you will spend all day looking for it.
Those who makes worst use of their time complain of it's shortness,great success requires time one of
the major causes of failure is the unwillingness to take to time.
Simplicity the candle of hope wisdom walks before it,opportune with it for repentance blinds it. He
that makes it his friend will have little to fear from his enemies,but he that makes it his enemy will have
little to hope for from his friend. Don't say you don't have enough time it's exactly the same number of
hour per day that were given to everyone when you wake up in the morning think of what a precious
privilege it is to be alive,to breathe to think creativity and to love. If you want to make a good use of
your time you have to know what's most important and give it all you have,once you have mastered
time you will understand how true it is that most people over estimated what they can accomplish in a
year and underestimated what they can achieve in a decades.
Your greatest asset is simplicity while your greatest resources is your time winning is not a sometime
thing it's an all the time thing,winning is an habit unfortunately same goes for losing. If you spend time
getting ready to be perfect and don't start out to accomplish your dream,you will find out later that you
could have accomplished your dream if you had just acted. Don't let the fear of the time it will take to
accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it the time will pass anyway,you might as well
put that passing time to the best use. The extend to which you involve your time can acquire and
organise a useful resources in adequate measure,it will not only influence your performance but also in
some case influence whether you start at all.
The ability to become great tomorrow lies within
your simplicity the concept is that you become what you think. Creativity combines the ideas in a
special way to bring a new tough to the end points of the social ideas creativity is bringing into
existence something from nothing,solving critical problem via in-depth

Chapter 11

You don't have to be a master degree holder or PhD graduate before you can succeed in learning
something new in life,it will only increase your level of thinking in-fact there are lot of successful men
and women who only finish secondary education and they are doing well in their various field of
endeavours. Study have shown that most self made millionaires today have average intelligence,never
the less these people reached their full potentials and achieved their financial and personal goals in life
because they are willing to learn.
To succeed however,you must be willing to ask quality questions,remain curiously interested and
open to new idea,this willingness to learn becomes more crucial given the rapid change in technologies
and ways of improving your life. Learn to exhibit more positive attitudes towards learning,your
positive attitudes starts from your willing to content your with some specific thing and some definite
work by daring to accept with good grace all that you don't have. Your life stay is not written with a pen
but with your positive attitudes which subdues fears,when you challenge your fears you master
them,when you wrestle with your problem they lose their grip of you when you dare to confront the
things that scare you,it opens the door for you to learn something new.
Dependency on others for your success in life support the habit of procrastination,man has the
ability to learn without instructions all you need do is open your mind and be willing to learn. In-fact
when you learn the act of self education you will find it easy,if not create opportunity to find success
beyond your wildest dream. Learn to think problem through don't give up if you don't can't attain it
today go back to it next time. Learning is a gradual process,always discipline your mind to the thought
that anything given you to decide presuppose your ability to solve it. Sufficient thought will bring the
proper solution in due time,learn to put yourself in the other person's place.

Life is school learn from it

Life is a school for those who are willing to learn,if life is a game play it well in-order to win. Let
your thought run free and think of others,you ultimately become the people you choose to be,make
good use of life before life make good use of the better part of you,even if you are at the right track
leading to success,you get run over if you are not willing to learn. If the eagle chicks does not break out
of the shell it is going to get pretty smelling and hot in there,life will be too unbearable for it to sustain.
You don't need to waste your life on what you know that does not profit you,opportunity once lost
can never be regain,commit yourself to some great thought and wonderful things bigger than yourself
the greatest risk in life is not fear of failure but a life that wait and depend on others for their security in
life. You must consciously determine to make your life count,to make it count in God's sight,to make it
count in God's service and in your service to humanity,to make it count to all who come across you in
your day to day activity.
You must keep your conscious mind fixed in what you desires and your subconscious mind will
merrily guide you towards it achievement. Life is not bed of rose whatever goes around comes
around,you are naturally created with abilities and an internal compass that guides you towards a
particular focus for your life,people hate changes yet it's the only thing that brings growth in life there
is nothing that is not constant as change. Everyone wants to change humanity but no one think of
changing themselves unless you try to change your to do something beyond what you have already
mastered you will never grow.
The important thing in life is to have great aim to poses the right attitude and the perseverance to do
something great. Your success in life is a better not so much of talent or opportunity as of concentration
and perseverance,it's interesting to notice how some minds seems almost to create themselves springing
up under every disadvantages and working their solitary but irresistible way through a thousand
obstacles. Some men give up their designs when they have almost reached their goal while others on
the contrary obtain victory by exciting at the last moment more vigorous effort than ever before main-
while most people give up when they are about to achieve success,they quite on the yard line,they gave
up at the last minutes of the game one foot from a winning tough down.
Your flight through life is sustained by the power of God's knowledge. If you refuse the platform of
knowledge,then you have refuse the flight of greatness. The greatest mountain in life is personal
ignorance,this is reason being that every of your knowledge is an advantage and every of your
ignorance is bondage this is the darkness that ignorance gives birth to. You may ignore your ignorance
but your ignorance will not ignore you in the public and if you think knowledge is too expensive to get
then try ignorance and see which is better.

Develop a love to learn lifestyle

Become involve with risky ventures and continually seek new opportunity to succeed,when you
develop your a love to learn lifestyle you will accomplish important goals and free yourself off the
stress for you to learn. Developing a love to learn lifestyle will help you overcome frustrations and
bring your life into balance and order giving you the feeling of relief. A man can develop a love to learn
lifestyle if he believes in himself and have enough courage,the determination to learn,the dedication,the
competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life which becomes the bed rocks
of big things and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile.
Your desire to learn can easily be developed it all depends on your attitudes and your willingness
to learn,only through experience of trials and suffering can the soul be strengthened,vision cleared
ambitions inspired and success achieved,better development of lifestyle will enables you to give
yourself more to others. You feel better on top of the pile than under it. Life will take on a great rest
enthusiasm and productivity,you will be able to handle any failure that comes your way far more easily
and it will give more time for development.
Learning is a gradual process,no man can graduate from learning,most often time you learn from
people's mistakes and your personal errors. You can't be making the same mistakes and yet you are
expecting a different result,it's foolishness in the real sense of it. If you have a unique idea but you
refuse to learn ideas are only what you ever have,there must be something in your life that turns you
on,you can start by developing your lifestyle to learn something new money is not everything in
learning. You can learn from event happening and from people around you. The starting point of all
desire to learn begins with your persistence and willingness to learn,even when you failed at learning
something new as you sometimes will bounce back on your feet and try again,keep this constantly in
mind,weak desire brings weak learning.


Your mind is the gateway to all your achievement your success in life must first be picture in your
mind small minds are likely to condemn great ideas when your mind is out of place your position in life
is lost,the creative power of the mind is always ahead of the critical mind,what you hear determines
how you think,how you think determines what you become,what you become determines your success
in life.
Every thought has the power to bring into being the creative power of the mind,it's absolutely
necessary for you to feed your mind,to understand that everything you think,do or say will definitely
come back to you. Every thought,words or action without exception manifest itself as an actual reality.
What you hear determines how you think,the state of your mind determines the quality of your life,your
mind is the gateway to your success in life. In other way round your life is a reflection of your mind.
Nurture your mind with some great thoughts for you will never go any higher than your thought. If you
can control your thinking,you don't have to worry yourself about your success,when you determine
what you shall think,you don't have to concerns yourself about what you will do.
Every body think of changing the world but no one think of feeding their minds with something
great to change the world. Many people are walking through the journey of life with a feeble mind and
without a clear vision of their future. A man that can't feed his mind with something creative and
innovative can't change the world,the beauty of your life is a product of the beauty of your mind. You
gain strength and courage by each experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face you most
do that which you think you can't do in that way you will achieve success,you often think poverty is
only by being hungry,naked or homeless,you never consider the poverty of being unwanted,unloved
and uncared for is the greatest poverty,you must start in your own home to eradicate this kind of


Sustaining your success starts in your mind,it begins with the understanding of who you are and your
attitudes toward things and people,your mind zone determines your life settings,what you become in
life and how you become it must first be pictured in your mind before you can achieve it. Your mind
zone is very crucial because it's the gateway to all success in life,the state of your mind determines the
quality of your life you have a great potential for success but you must know your mind and live your
own life then you will find and enjoy that mighty potential become acquainted with the awesome
power of the mind and you can win what you want within a time limit of your success.
There are mind people and there are heart people mind people are methodical,analytical and makes
decisions base on facts while heart people appear more sensitive,more intuitive and they lean towards
spontaneity and flexibility. Further more when your mind is out of place then your place in life is
lost,the beauty of your life is a reflection of the beauty of your mind with great thoughts,for you will
never go any higher than your mind can conceive on this note I put it to you that if your mind can
conceive it then your heart can believe it you are rest assure to achieve great success in life.
If you can control a man's thinking you don't have to be wrong about his actions,when you
determines what a man think you don't have to concern yourself about what he will do. Everybody
think of changing the humanity but nobody think of changing themselves,if you can't change a person's
thinking,then you can't change his life. Every great men are known to be a positive thinkers and every
committed positive thinkers is bound to be a great achievers. The greater the product of your mind,the
greater people are willing to pay you. You need to do your own growing no matter how great your
grand father is,your life will always move in the directions of your thought.
One of the great discoveries of these ages were not the present of automobiles or technologies but
that man exchanges his attitudes by changing what he thinks about himself. Some say that you are what
you hold in the focus of your imagination or that you are the sum total of all your thoughts up to the
present moment. The scripture proclaims this very fact in the book of proverbs a great book in the bible
written by the philosopher himself is a collections of moral and religious teachings that helps through
life changes (proverb 23v7). As a man think in his heart so he is.... In Galatians it also record. Whatever
a man sow ( in terms of thought) that shall he reap. Each of these statements indicates that you become
whatever you think about if you think good,you become good and if you think evil you become evil.
The thoughts which you hold at the stage centre of your imagination are the future manifestation of
reality in your life. If you reflect for a moment upon these ideas which will be allow to hold a greater
proportion of time in your mind perhaps you will recognise that this is what you really represent.

It's better to know where you are going than for to get there quickly. Set a precise goal putting date and
time so you can measure your success. If you do this,you will know exactly when you have achieved
the goal and you can take a complete satisfaction from having achieved it. Time management is the
fundamental requirement for maintaining balance in all areas of your life without it your goal will will
be unstable. Crystallize your goals make a plan for achieving them,set yourself a deadline and be
precise,then with supreme confidence,determination and burning desires to achieve success. Disregard
obstacles and people's criticism and carry out your plans,you can measure the size of the
accomplishment of your goal by the obstacles and people's criticisms you have overcome to reach your
The key for being precise is to turn your desire or your goal over to your subconscious mind which
is connected to the universal mind or universal subconscious and let it bring your success to you and
you to the achievement of your success. Avoid fragmentation,place your focus and seek simplicity
precise living call calls for elegant efficiency and economy of effort expanding the maximum time and
energy necessary to achieve the desired success.
Something in human nature causes us to start sacking off at our moment of greatest accomplishment
as you become more successful you will need a great deal of self discipline not to loss your sense of
balance,humility and commitment. Life is constantly feasting us for our level of commitment. Life's
greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate never ending commitment to act until t you
achieve. This level of resolve can move mountain but it most be constant and consistent. As simple as
this may sound it is the common denominator separating those whose are successful from those who
are failure.

Chapter 12

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