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TEST 1 NAME:_______________________

1.Napisati mesece u godini:

September October February August

January November May July
April June December March

Januar- __________________________ Septembar-

Mart- ____________________________ ___________________________
April-____________________________ Novembar-
Maj-____________________________ ___________________________

Jun-____________________________ Decembar-

2. Napisati kućne poslove ispod odgovarajuće slike

Set the table Do the shopping Tidy the room

Feed the cat Make the bed Cook the dinner

_____________ ___________________ __________________

_______________ _____________________ ______________

3. Napiši priloge za učestalost po odgovarajućem redosledu.

always - never - not often - often - sometimes - usually

4. Izaberi tačan odgovor:

1. Does your sister walk to school with you?

A. ☐ No, she don’t.
B. ☐ No, she doesn’t walk.
C. ☐ No, she doesn’t.

2. Does your cat live in the garden?

A. ☐ Yes, it does.
B. ☐ Yes, it lives.
C. ☐ Yes, it is.

3. Do Europeans celebrate Thanksgiving?

A. ☐ No, we don’t.
B. ☐ No, they aren’t.
C. ☐ No, they don’t.

4. Do polar bears live in the Antarctic?

A. ☐ No, they don’t.
B. ☐ No, they aren’t.
C. ☐ No, they don’t live.

5. Poveži redne brojeve od 1–6 sa rečima od A–F.

1. 6th A. twenty-third

2. 23rd B. twentieth

3. 20th C. first

4. 10th D. second

5. 2nd E. tenth

6. 1st F. sixth

TOTAL: ___________/ 33


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