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Software Outsourcing in Vietnam: A Case Study of a Locally Operating Pioneer

Article  in  Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries · April 2004

DOI: 10.1002/j.1681-4835.2004.tb00110.x


10 527

2 authors:

John M. Gallaugher Greg Stoller

Boston College, USA Boston University


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EJISDC (2004) 17, 1, 1-18

Software Outsourcing in Vietnam:

A Case Study of a Locally Operating Pioneer

John Gallaugher Greg Stoller

Carroll School of Management, Carroll School of Management,
Boston College, Boston College,
Chestnut Hill, MA, USA Chestnut Hill, MA, USA


This paper explores the following question of key interest to researchers and practitioners
concerned with offshore IS outsourcing in developing countries: How are potential offshore
partners operating in developing nations to mature to be considered more attractive to
suitors? Indeed, for firms located in what Carmel (2003) refers to as Tier Four, or less
developed IS producing and exporting nations, an advancement to become a strategic partner
challenges conventional wisdom and theoretical expectations. However our work has
identified a firm that has become a strategic partner despite being headquartered in a Tier
Four country. In exploring this question and examining our exemplar firm, the paper makes
three key contributions: First, the contemporary context for offshore outsourcing in a Tier
Four nation (Vietnam) is explored, illustrating the nation's advantages as well as key
challenges that limit expansion. Second, against this backdrop we offer a case study of a
successful strategic partner that has emerged despite being headquartered in a Tier Four
nation. A theory-grounded analysis of the firm, Glass Egg Digital Media, provides a lens for
identifying success factors that enable firms in developing nations to emerge as strategic
technology outsourcing partners. Finally, we end by exploring how existing models for
considering firm attitudes toward offshore outsourcing can be expanded and we highlight
potential areas for future research. Our work demonstrates the important interplay of firm,
industry, and national factors in enabling a firm operating in a Tier-Four nation to make the
leap to strategic partner.

Keywords : Information Systems Outsourcing, Offshore Outsourcing, Vietnam, Developing

Nations, Strategic Partnering, Video Game Industry, Multimedia

Earlier work on global technology outsourcing (Carmel and Agarwal, 2002) contends that
information systems organizations will evolve from being bystanders and experimenters to
proactive portfolio managers, strategically outsourcing IT services from a buffet of world-
class firms. But a critical question remains – how are potential offshore partners to mature to
be considered more attractive to suitors? Such challenges are particularly daunting for
outsourcing candidate firms in less developed nations. For example, firms located in nations
at the bottom of Carmel's (2003) four-tier taxonomy of software exporting nations must
overcome a variety of challenges related to infrastructure, cultural and socio-political issues,
and partner bias (Heeks, 1999; Coward, 2003).

Acknowledgement: The authors are most grateful to Phil Tran, Steve Reid, Tam Le, Scott McCoy, to the
participants in the 2003 AMCIS MiniTrack on IS in Developing Countries, and to three anonymo us reviewers
for insights, ideas, and comments incorporated into this manuscript.

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Using a methodology employed in similar studies of technology in developing nations

(Goodman and Press, 1995; Dedrick and Kraemer, 2001; Chidamber, 2003), this paper
leverages information gathered from recent in-country site visits, state-side communication,
and a content analysis of secondary sources, and by doing so offers three specific
contributions related to the research question outlined above. First, the market for offshore
outsourcing in a Tier Four nation (Vietnam) is explored, illustrating the nation's advantages
as well as key challenges that limit expansion. Second, we offer a case study of a successful
strategic partner that has emerged despite being headquartered in a Tier Four nation. A
theory-grounded analysis of the firm, Glass Egg Digital Media, provides a lens for
identifying success factors that enable firms in developing nations to emerge as strategic
technology outsourcing partners. Finally, the summary explores how existing models for
considering firm attitudes toward offshore outsourcing can be expanded. The paper offers
researchers a thoughtful, theory-grounded interpretation of a growing offshore outsourcing
market in a developing nation and introduces and interprets conceptual techniques.
Practitioners will gain insights regarding the specific pros and cons of outsourcing work to
developing nations with specific information offered on the Vietnamese markets. Firms may
also be able to better recognize the factors associated with choosing a Vietnamese partner,
either for investment or to share project work.


Carmel (2003) provided a useful taxonomy for classifying and comparing software exporting
nations. This taxonomy places most OECD nations as well as major offshore outsourcing
nations (e.g., India, Israel, and Ireland) in the top tier, while Vietnam is classified in the
fourth tier. For further comparison, Tier One nations have had firms actively producing
software for export for fifteen or more years, they have clusters of several hundred or
thousands of software exporting firms operating within their borders, and they have export
revenues in excess of $1 billion. Tier Four nations have been exporting software for five or
fewer years, have only a few dozen or less software exporting firms, and have software
export revenues of less than $25 million annually. However, despite the lack of development
of the Vietnamese software industry, we have identified the case of a firm operating in-
country which has emerged as a strategic outsourcing partner.
The first contribution of this paper introduces the benefits and challenges associated
with outsourcing software projects to facilities or partners operating in Vietnam. An
examination of the in-country environment is not only useful for those considering
outsourcing to this region, this exercise provides a background for filtering our theory-
contradicting finding that a Tier Four nation can indeed support a strategic outsourcing
When many Americans consider Vietnam, the first images to come to mind are rarely
associated with technology. Yet the world's twelfth most populous nation has a rapidly
growing technology sector. Annual IT spending in Vietnam was estimated at $1 billion in
2002 (Schwartz, 2002), and the market is expected to grow 25-30 percent a year through
2010, making it one of the fastest growing tech markets in the world (Schwartz, 2002).
While Vietnam suffers from a variety of market conditions that typically limit
technology expansion, the market has been so tech-starved that demand-pull is outweighing
the many in-country challenges. A significant portion of the surprising rise in Vietnam's tech
sector is fueled by the development of an indigenous outsourcing industry catering to
offshore contract work. By 2001, roughly 30 software development companies were
operating in Vietnam. And while much of this work remains small-scale and low end, the list
of organizations outsourcing projects to Vietnam is impressive. Anheuser Busch, Bayer,
BMG, BP, Cisco, Critical Path, Daiwa, Fuji, IBM, Merrill Lynch, Nortel Networks, NTT, the
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State of Oklahoma, and Sony have all outsourced development to Vietnam, either directly or
through third-party outfits. And while India might initially be considered an offshore rival,
several Indian firms have also been active in Vietnam. India's Aptech, NIIT, and Tata
Consultancy Services (TCS) have each opened training centers in Vietnam and TCS has even
deployed Vietnamese programmers at one of its centers in Mumbai.
Several factors favor Vietnam for IT outsourcing including lower production costs, a
skilled labor pool, a growing number of government incentives, national stability, and a large
overseas expatriate community. Each of these is described below.

2.1 Production Cost

One of the most compelling reasons for software project outsourcing in general and offshore
outsourcing in particular is production cost (Hu et al., 1997; Ang and Straub, 1998;
DiRomualdo and Gurbaxani, 1998; Lacity and Wilcocks, 1998; Levina and Ross, 2003).
Carmel and Agarwal (2002) see production costs (i.e. development costs) as being the driver
behind the first three stages of their four-stage work maturation model. While specific
estimates on the cost savings in taking software projects to Vietnam vary, all show very
compelling price differentials. For example, Lopatin (2001) suggests that developing
software in Vietnam is 90% cheaper than in the United States, and between one third and one
seventh the cost of developing in India. Research Vietnam, an in-country outsourcing
intermediary, claims that software outsourcing costs in Vietnam are half the cost of Indian
rivals (South China Morning Post, 2002). These figures are echoed by Andersen Vietnam,
which estimates that current charge-out rates of Vietnam-based developers are about $20,000
per person per year vs. $40,000 in India. This price differential is expected to increase as
Indian firms mature and the eventual market recovery allows them to raise prices to post-
recession levels (EU Business Asia, 2002).

2.2 A Strong Labor Pool

The population of Vietnam is young, literate, and increasingly interested in technology.
Roughly 60 percent of the population is age 25 years or younger and many are distinctly pro-
Western, regarding the war with America as a legacy of the prior generation. The literacy rate
of 97 percent is among the world's highest, roughly equal to the rate in the US, Ireland, and
Russia and well ahead of India. And while technology fields are relatively new to the
Vietnamese higher education system (Goodman and Press, 1995), these disciplines attract
some of the best Vietnamese students each year. Primary education emphasizes science,
math, and logic providing a solid base for later training. Vietnam currently graduates some
20,000 technical engineers each year. As a testament to the quality of the talent, Vietnamese
programmers were ranked second out of more than 60 nations in the 1999 International
Software Olympiad (Schmid, 2000). Further, researchers have moved recently to propose a
more comprehensive, interdisciplinary IS curriculum for the Vietnamese institutions of
higher education (Huy et al., 2004).
When partner firms have different native languages, these can increase transaction
costs. Transaction costs have been suggested as being significant in determining whether a
firm will choose to outsource projects or not (Ang and Straub, 1998; Qu and Brocklehurst,
2003). Language skills in Vietnam pale when compared to the rich pool of native speakers in
outsourcing hotspots of India, Ireland, and Canada. However, the Vietnamese benefit from an
alphabet based on Roman characters and a historical legacy that has created a greater
awareness of French and English than many East Asian rivals.
Given the growing demand for in-country work, firms compete hard to retain talent.
Significantly, staff attrition rates are lower when compared to Indian and the US onshore
development (Lopatin, 2001). Low attrition rates foster familiarity between client and
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contractor and help ensure the project continuity that can be critical for timely and successful
deployment (Davenport, 1998).

2.3 Stability
Although still considered oppressive by western standards, the Vietnamese government has
proven to be both stable and secure and is now widely recognized as 'legitimate' by the
world's major trade nations. In the late 1990s, the Clinton administration took steps to
normalize relations with Vietnam, signing a sweeping trade agreement in 2000. Relatively
positive relations with neighboring countries have been promoted, particularly in the wake of
recent concerns regarding Indian projects being impacted by tensions with Pakistan (Carmel
and Agarwal, 2002) and further tensions on the Korean peninsula. And in an age of
heightened security concerns, it is noteworthy that in 2002 Vietnam ranked as the safest
nation in Asia for US travelers.

2.4 Government Incentives

The nation's communist government presents significant challenges for rapid economic
liberalization, however the nation is clearly moving to open markets and offer incentives,
particularly in the IT sector.
By the late 1980s, the government had largely abandoned socialist planning. After the
failure of its economic policies led to a severe food crisis in the mid 1980s, the communist
leadership began to institute a series of reforms in 1988 termed doi moi ("new thought"). The
1990s brought a boom-bust cycle that has led to a further maturing of the government's
understanding of world markets. While many early investors flooded into the market, but
initially struggled to wring profits from Vietnamese investments (Far Eastern Economic
Review, 1998), the situation has since improved significantly. The local government has
learned from early mistakes, and intense involvement from foreign governments and
multinationals has helped to create a more positive environment. The strongest example of
such improvement can be seen in the IT sector, which the Vietnamese government sees as
one of the nation's keys to economic growth.
In June 2000, Vietnam's prime minister Phan Van Khai signed a decree to build and
develop the country's software industry. Since the signing of the decree, the government has
provided a variety of financial incentive packages. The government has kept import duties on
IT products low and has introduced a set of tax and other incentives for IT firms. Businesses
involved in software production and services, both local and foreign- invested, are exempt
from corporate income tax for four years from the date they generate taxable income.
Software products will receive a zero VAT (value added tax) rate and be free from export tax.
The government allows for foreign investment and most significantly full foreign ownership
of Vietnamese firms involved in the technology sector. Setting up a software firm is also
considered easier than creating service firms in sectors like advertising, which may be
considered more sociopolitically sensitive (Schmid, 2000).
Further reforms and investments are targeted at infrastructure and training. In
February of 2003, in an effort to advance a more competitive and responsive tech sector, the
government significantly restructured the leading state-owned technology entity, the
Financing and Promoting Technology Corporation (FPT). The FPT has now been divided
into three firms; FPT Information Systems Company (a state owned systems- integrator and
software developer), FPT Distribution (the firm which owns the master distribution contracts
with IBM, HP, Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, and other large firms), and FPT Internet, which
controls Internet activities in both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Such moves presage further
deregulation and an increasingly positive attitude toward domestic IT competition. The
government has also promoted the development of Vietnam's most modern software park,
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Quang Trang Software City, which opened in March 2001. When this park is fully
completed, it will house over 10,000 programmers. To further grow the tech sector, the
government has issued a decree to train an additional 50,000 information-technology workers
by 2005. By this time, the government hopes that Vietnam's software industry will contribute
$500 million to the annual gross domestic product. India-based Aptech is designing courses
for the effort, while an aid package from the Japanese government has helped provide funds.
Foreign government and NGOs are also interested in developing the Vietnamese IT
sector. With funding from several donor countries, the International Finance Corporation has
established the Mekong Delta Project Development Facility to support the development of
private, domestically owned small and mid-sized enterprises in Vietnam, Laos, and

2.5 The Vietnamese Diaspora: Viet Kieu

Having local representatives that can effectively operate across cultures can be key to the
success of global projects such as offshore outsourcing (Carmel and Agarwal, 2001; Adler,
2001; Coward, 2003). Vietnam's painful past has yielded a resource that is now helping to
revitalize the nation's economy - the Vietnamese dia spora, known as Viet kieu. More than 2
million people left Vietnam after the Vietnam War. Well over 1 million of these expatriate
Vietnamese live in the United States, many working in technology industries. The Hanoi
government had distrusted the Viet kieu, but is now courting the overseas Vietnamese as a
source of capital and expertise. Vietnam currently offers Viet kieu business personnel a range
of incentives from tax breaks to direct ownership of homes and businesses. As such, it is not
surprising that some of the first offshore outsourcing efforts have been pioneered by returning
members of the Vietnamese diaspora.


Despite Vietnam's promise, a host of issues limit the nation's potential growth as a dominant
player in offshore outsourcing. These issues are related to government policies, infrastructure,
and comparative limitations of both population and current outsourcer size when compared
with alternative sites.

3.1 Government -related

The present government clearly struggles with finding what it feels is an appropriate balance
between pro- market and pro-socialist ideology, often with mixed results. While success and
progress in the IT sector is notable, particularly when compared with other sectors, the nation
has been slow to broadly execute the second phase of doi moi or modernization. The
Vietnamese government continues to suffer from a reputation for slow- moving, corrupt and
capricious relations with foreign firms (Goodman and Press, 1995) as well as a lack of
transparency and legal protection for firms doing business in country.
Much opportunity for economic reforms exists. The economy of the communist
nation is based on the Vietnamese dong, a non-convertible currency. Economic reforms
slowed noticeably following the regional crisis of 1997, and foreign investment dropped
precipitously, although it has begun to come back. The banking sector is also considered
fragile, with the bulk of Vietnamese bank loans still going to state enterprises, of which
roughly 60 percent are unprofitable or only marginally so (Marshall and Zeisiger, 1999).
Further, although relations with the United States are improving, normalized trade is a
relatively recent phenomenon that may limit outsourcing of projects that have even cursory
relationships with defense industries.

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3.2 Technology Infrastructure

Vietnamese Internet connections are often slow and expensive and there are strict controls on
the flow of information. While the government has pledged to address the problem of
telecommunications costs, Vietnamese telecommunications are considered among the
costliest and most restricted in Asia (Peng, 2002). A 128K leased line can cost $2,000 per
month and international phone calls are among the most expensive in the world.
The tension between the openness of the Internet and its potential for positive
economic impact is often at odds with the long-standing censorship policies of the current
regime. The government is liberalizing Internet restrictions on privileged organizations,
particularly those associated with IT projects with Western customers. However, the Internet
was banned in Vietnam prior to 1997, and attitudes toward Net use remain rigid. Two
Vietnamese 'cyberdissidents' were jailed in 2002, one received a four year sentence for
posting Internet essays criticizing the Vietnamese government, the other received a 12 year
sentence for e- mailing information to dissidents abroad. The Culture and Information
Ministry has also proposed several restrictive measures including requiring Internet café's to
monitor patron activities and requiring Vietnam-based websites to obtain licenses and seek
approval each time content is changed (Associated Press, 2003). The government continues
to block hundreds of potentially useful commercial Internet sites for most users, however a
gateway solely targeted at enabling software companies to bypass Internet restrictions has
been promised (Levander, 2000). It remains to be seen how such policies are perceived by
trade partners when comparing Vietnam to other outsourcing destinations.

3.3 Workforce Limitations

While the nation continues to advance its training program for technology workers, Vietnam
is still largely an agrarian society. The US Commercial Service in Ho Chin Minh City reports
that 80 percent of the population's 80 million people still live off the land, and nearly 40
percent of the population lives in poverty. English skills among the local population, while
better than most regional rivals, are still limited. Western-style management training
programs are rare, and given that foreign investment remains a relatively new phenomenon,
project management and general business skills among the local population remain in short
Also as in many developing nations, piracy is rampant. This dynamic has the unusual
effect of encouraging the local software market to remain focused on providing products for
export. Indeed, in 2001 it was estimated that one in every five dollars in local IT contracts
were for projects delivered outside Vietnam (Yen, 2001). The lack of dependable intellectual
property protection will restrict the growth of the domestic software industry as well as limit
the appeal of Vietnam as a market for high-quality imported software and training materials.

3.4 Scale
For all its growth and promise, the Vietnamese market for quality export-oriented software
services is still very small. In fact, while this paper frequently draws comparisons with the
Indian market, the two are significantly different in scale and capabilities. Software exports
alone in India topped $6.2 billion in 2001 (EU Business Asia, 2002), a figure that is over six-
times larger than Vietnam's entire IT market. Vietnamese firms will also have to grow to be
considered for larger, more comprehensive deals. There are only a few firms that have over
100 developers and no outsourcing firm currently has the deep talent pool of 500 plus
developers common among the larger global outsourcing firms in other countries.

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4.1 Firm Background

Located in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), the heart of Vietnam's economic renaissance, Glass
Egg Digital Media LTD is an offshore software development company specializing in
multimedia projects. The firm operates in three principal business segments: computer and
video game development, web programming and content development, and 3D animation.
Glass Egg currently has 67 employees. All are based in Vietnam, hence the firm carriers out
all development work in-country. The firm has done work for clients in Europe, Asia,
Australia, and the Americas and boasts an impressive client list that includes some of the
leading firms in computer game development and advertising. The firm's headquarters are
located in an international standard modern facility with a building-wide redundant power
supply to deal with the city's occasional blackouts.
The senior management team is a group of five Americans with more than 20 years of
collective experience in the multimedia industry. The firm's General Director, Phil Tran, was
born in Saigon and emigrated to the US in 1975 when he was just 13 years old. He graduated
from UC Berkeley and moved back to Vietnam in 1995 to work for a law firm before he
established a multimedia production studio for a California company that was one of the law
firm's clients. Steve Reid is the firm's CFO. A Harvard-trained MBA, Reid previously
worked as a Management Consultant for McKinsey & Company. Charles Speyer, is the firm's
Executive Producer, Animation. Speyer has served as producer and art director for over
twenty TV commercials in Vietnam.
While Glass Egg was founded in 1999, Phil Tran and many of the senior staff have
been working together as a firm since 1995. The group previously worked for a Ho Chi Minh
City firm that held an exclusive development contract with the failed Morgan Interactive, a
San Francisco-based developer focusing on low-end edutainment game titles. From 1995-
1998, the Vietnamese firm developed roughly 20 projects for Morgan, many based on
popular American children's books. The San Francisco firm had aspirations to grow from
being a developer to a publisher, however margins from the Vietnamese unit were not enough
to fuel the failed expansion effort. After Morgan's failure, the Vietnamese firm was left with a
uniquely skilled and experienced work force.
Tran hired the production team, quickly secured $400,000 in initial venture funding
and the emergent independent firm became known as Glass Egg, incorporated in the British
Virgin Islands in February 1999. Glass Egg Digital Media (Vietnam) Limited is a wholly
owned subsidiary of the British Virgin Islands company and retains a license to operate as a
100 percent foreign-owned company in Vietnam2 . The firm has no joint venture partner. The
initial funding for the venture was provided by Dragon Capital's VEIL (Vietnam Enterprise
Investment Limited) fund, the largest Vietnam-dedicated investment fund.

4.2 Businesses
The firm's core business is multimedia systems. The firm's core skillsets of computer
graphics, programming, and project management are reinforcing and translate across the
firm's three business segments: computer video games, web programming and content
development, and 3D animation (see figure 1). These segments are not only fast growing, but
industry dynamics and evolution favor firms that are able to harness offshore talent.

It is important to note that although Glass Egg is incorporated in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), the firm
operates entirely within Vietnam. The firm has no employees or offices in the BVI. Many nations allow liberal
rules for foreign incorporation such as the provision of investor tax limits and increased ability to attract foreign
direct investment (FDI). Glass Egg's existence as a BVI entity is limited to filed papers.
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Core Core Business

Business Skills Segments

Computer Computer and

Graphics Video Games

Computer Web programming

Multimedia and content

3D Animation

Figure 1: Skill and Segment Synergies

Over the past decade firms have gained increased access to the technology necessary to create
complex multimedia projects. While detailed multimedia projects such as 3D animation
initially used proprietary tools, new efforts rely on commercial software such as 3D Studio
Max, Maya, and SoftImage, many of which can be easily extended via custom or third-party
plug- ins. Trends in processor speed and cost have also made rendering software available on
relatively inexpensive hardware, lowering the startup costs to complete detailed work. As
such we observe a common pattern where an industry has become increasingly
commoditized, in this case shifting competitive advantage from firms owning proprietary
technology to those with high artistic and technical skill and low-cost advantages
(Christensen et al., 2001; D'Aveni and Gunther, 1994). The firm's efforts in each of the three
segments are described below.

4.2.1 Video Game Development

While diversified across three segments, the video game industry represents Glass Egg's most
successful segment and a key component of its future growth. The firm has worked on
projects for a number of industry leaders including 3DO, Activision, Atari/Infograms, Disney
Interactive, Electronic Arts, Fox, Harper Collins, Microsoft, Nintendo, Marvel Comics,
Mattel, McGraw-Hill, Microprose, Simon and Schuster, T*HQ, and Warner Bros.
The video game industry remains attractive for Glass Egg, both due to its growth and
due to the changing dynamics of competition. In the United States, this sector has been one of
the few solid growth areas in the tech sector in the years following the Internet bubble.
Approximately 60 percent of Americans routinely play computer or video games and more
than one third of all US households now have at least one game console in their homes. To
appreciate the impact of the industry consider that the most successful console game, Sony's
Playstation 2, now accounts for over half of Sony's operating profits. And the customer base
is maturing along with the industry - the average computer game player is 28 years old, and
nearly half are women. In the United States, the video game industry is now larger than the
motion picture industry's domestic box-office gross (Naughton, 2003). One of Glass Egg's
areas of artistic expertise, auto racing games, has proven to be a particularly strong segment
of the computer game market. Consumers spent $1.7 billion on racing games in 2002, and

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games are now seen as vehicles to create buzz about new automobiles. In fact, Porsche
launched the Cayenne and Mazda the RX8 in separate video games (Naughton, 2003).
And while the market for new systems is growing, the market for legacy systems
(earlier generation units) can draw new titles for years after hardware has been superceded by
a new product, expanding the market for low end games. From 1996 to 1998, the total sales
of PC game titles under $30 increased from 50 percent to more than 70 percent of the total
market. Offshore firms may be particularly well suited to take advantage not only of complex
work for increasingly expensive titles, but also for creating new content on older consoles
that remain in use (Glass Egg 2000). As publisher margins have been reduced, there is an
increased pressure to find lower cost development alternatives.
Two types of firms are engaged in the game software industry: producers and
developers. Producers assume the function of sales and marketing titles. Leading companies
include Activision, Electronic Arts, and Infograms. Developers are responsible for creating
the game design, programming, and art production. Increasingly elaborate video games with
rich, detailed graphic environments are raising the cost of game creation. The publisher
finances the product costs as an advance against a royalty. The royalty can range from 10-25
percent and is normally calculated as a percentage of gross margin (excluding distribution
and marketing expenses). Production costs, sales volume, retail prices, and royalties can vary
dramatically depending on target market, the strength of the license, and the skills and
experience of the developer. Edutainment titles retailing for less than $30 and with a
production cost of less than $500,000 are targeted at smaller markets (less than 200,000
units). High end products can offer retail prices of $50 or more and production costs of over
$5 million, with sales of hits easily topping 1 million units. Production costs represent
approximately 15-20 percent of top line game revenues.
As such, developers are increasingly relying on sub-contractors to handle various
independent components of the development process. For example, Glass Egg has handled
track and car design in a variety of racing games, as well as providing programming and
project management for sub-components. This disaggregation of the game industry has
developed the firm, allowing it to initially bid on smaller projects, while gaining expertise
and credibility and growing into larger, more integrated development projects.

4.2.2 Web Programming and Content Development

Industrial standardization lowers prices and shifts industry dynamics to favor low-cost
producers (Porter, 1985; Walters and Toyne, 1989). This dynamic appears to be at work in
the Web Programming and Content Development market as well. In this market, the firm's
skills have been leveraged on several projects creating interactive web sites. Web project
development relies largely on PC-based client/server technology, meaning that a testing and
development environment can be acquired at a relatively low comparative cost. Glass Egg
leverages in- house expertise in Java, C++, HTML, SQL, Flash, and various web scripting
languages, and staffers continually upgrade their skills as the industry evolves.
The smaller scope of web projects has allowed the firm to more quickly move beyond
subcontracting to handle entire projects for clients. Interactive sites are a particular area of
expertise, given the firm's experience in both ga me and advertising-oriented 3D modeling.
The firm has acted as the sole contractor on entire online game projects for clients, including
concept development, art work, programming, project management, and quality assurance.
The firm has also secured a production agreement with a San Francisco based digital
marketing agency to provide programming services for a fixed monthly retainer. This
offshore work will help the firm grow this segment. Further, as the regional and local market
for web development develops, Glass Egg will be positioned to leverage its experience and
expertise close to home, serving Vietnamese, East-Asian, and Australian markets.
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4.2.3 3D Animation
Glass Egg also provides 3D animation services, primarily for television commercials and
promotional films. Contracting partners include worldwide advertising agencies J. Walter
Thomson, McCann-Erickson, Ogilvy & Mather, Satchi & Satchi, as well as VTV (Vietnam
Television). Glass Egg's animation work can be seen in commercials for Dutch Lady milk
brand, Toan My stainless steel products, Baygon insecticides, Pantene shampoo, and the
Saigon Water Park. When developing 3D content for local advertisers, the firm's partners
handle issues of content sensitivity with governmental authorities, freeing the firm to focus
on graphic content that has already been cleared through authorities.

4.3 Success Factors

Returning to the central research question driving our inquiry – how are firms able to emerge
from the largely negative environment in Tier Four natio ns to become strategic partners? Our
analysis suggests an interplay of issues associated with firm, industry, and national factors
that are explored in detail below.

4.3.1 Senior Management Team

A key factor for Glass Egg's success is the firm's senior ma nagement team. Glass Egg's
founding team is made up of individuals that bring a diverse skill set to the table. The firm's
Viet Kiu founder, a US citizen born in Vietnam and educated at an elite US University, is
able to bridge Vietnamese and English speaking cultures. This vital bridge has helped the
firm navigate the challenging Vietnamese bureaucracy, and has helped the firm overcome
cultural differences between local employees and respective western management, investors,
and clients. The senior team is also highly experienced. They possessed a deep industry
knowledge and a record of project accomplishment prior to the founding of Glass Egg, and
many benefited from seeing the missteps taken by an earlier US-based partner.

4.3.2 Post-Reform Timing

The firm has emerged at a time when the Vietnamese government has learned painful lessons
from earlier bureaucratic missteps and has made important strides to streamline foreign
investment. Glass Egg has benefited from these improved governmental policies from its
inception - the firm's application to produce software and animation for export was approved
by the People's Committee after just 15 days, a startlingly quick time in a nation known for
bureaucratic delays.
Glass Egg further benefits as one of the initial local success stories in an industry
highlighted for special state-sponsored privileges. In addition to the tax breaks and financial
incentives for technology firms that were highlighted earlier, Glass Egg is not required to
have a local joint venture partner. The firm is a 100 percent wholly owned limited liability
company, organized as a subsidiary of a foreign firm. As is practice for many nations seeking
to attract foreign investment, Vietnam allows this to be a paper distinction. All of the firm's
employees and management are based in Ho Chi Minh City and all client contact is handled
through the Vietnam office This distinction leaves it free of government intervention,
mismanagement by less experienced or ill-equipped partners, and strengthens the firm's
margin position. Also, the slowdown in foreign direct investment following the 1997
financial crisis has actually had a positive impact on the firm, allowing it to recruit better
people as fewer foreign firms were in-country or expanding to compete for local talent.

The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries,
EJISDC (2004) 17, 1, 1-18 11

4.3.3 Development Trajectory Symbiotic with Industry Changes

The growth of video game industry is increasingly mimicking those of the Hollywood
studios, where producers seek outside developers to create titles, while production houses
provide financing and marketing. Web service firms and other systems integrators are
increasingly relying on subcontracting as well, leaving offshore firms positioned to offer
appealing cost advantages in the recession economy and beyond. Starting as a subcontractor
allowed the firm to gain legitimacy and establish its reputation, grow scale, and cultivate
management expertise. The firm's skill set deepens with each project, while growth creates a
regional scale benefit, offering a time-based sustainability to these competitive advantages
(VanderWerf and Mahon, 1997; Mata et al., 1995). Tran says this dynamic is allowing the
firm to 'bootstrap' its way into the premium game market. The diversity of its three core skills
in animation, programming, and project management have assisted this advancement and
helped the firm broaden and diversify its customer and project base. While East Asia has long
been a center for animation, Glass Egg's in-house programming and project management
talent can help it grow its project work. For example, when approached by Mattel to do the
artwork on a 3D racing game, Glass Egg's prototypes demonstrated a software 'engine' to
animate the graphics which was technically superior to the original US code. As a result, the
firm won the entire bid for both art and programming. This growth parallels low-to-high
segment moves seen in other Asian markets, such as those for autos and electronics in Japan
and Korea (Bartlett and Ghoshal, 2002).

4.3.4 Cost
Glass Egg's project work is priced at roughly 30 percent below comparable developers in the
US, Europe, and Australia, however its developers earn salaries 1/10th to 1/20th their US
counterparts. Even when the salaries of non-citizen management are factored in, the firm
earns margins in excess of 50%.
Nearly all products are exported and contracts are denominated in US dollars, while
local salaries and most expenses are paid in the non-convertible Vietnamese dong. While
limited foreign exchange for the dong presents problems for importers, it creates an opposite
benefit for outsourcers by greatly reducing foreign exchange risk. Payments from clients are
also funneled through the offshore parent, eliminating problems converting dong to dollars.
When the government tax holiday expires this will also legally minimize local tax exposure.

4.3.5 Workforce
The firm considers the development of a strong team of local Vietnamese management
essential to the success of their operation (Adler, 2001; Carmel and Agarwal, 2001). The firm
has nurtured a team of Vietnamese middle managers, all of whom are conversant in English
and are capable of operating with a large degree of confidence and autonomy. Many of the
current ranking Vietnamese managers have been with the firm over five years, since the
group's earlier association with Morgan Interactive.
All of the programmers have graduated near or at the top of their class from Vietnam's
most prestigious technical universities. All of the firm's graphic artists have been recruited
from traditional art disciplines. The firm's design team includes formally trained sculptors,
painters, and cell animators. The prospect of working for Glass Egg can be particularly
attractive for an artist – as artists universally struggle to find paid employment to finance
their passion. Members of the Glass Egg team state that their 'day job' is profoundly
rewarding and lucrative – a rarity among talented artists. Many employee cubicles are
adorned with paintings and sculptures showcasing the occupants 'offline' talents.
Many of the firm's potential recruits are initially paid just $50 a month as they
complete a six- month training program. Those who are eventually hired are paid roughly
The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries,
EJISDC (2004) 17, 1, 1-18 12

$4,000 a year, where comparable US talent would earn $70,000-$100,000 (Knecht 2001).
Initially only 2 in 10 trainees are offered full- time work at Glass Egg. Despite these odds,
talented artists and programmers are eager for an opportunity to compete to get free, high-
level training and experience in the Glass Egg environment. Those invited to stay are treated
well. While salaries seem low by US standards, they are at the high end of the Vietnam pay
scale. Managers make an effort to get to know and provide mentorship to all employees. The
firm has sent selected employees to international game expos in the United States. For
individuals, such trips would otherwise be both difficult to arrange and financially
prohibitive. The firm feels that these travel perks can be an enormous incentive and can
engender enduring loyalty. Further, by traveling to trade shows, Glass Egg's staff can size
their work up by broadly surveying the international competition.
Quotes from the firm's contracting partners are a testament to the firm's talent and
include statements such as:
− "…Glass Egg is in the 80th percentile compared with US companies… clearly the
animators know how the human body moves." – Senior VP, Activision
− "Glass Egg's art and animation is beautiful." – Executive Producer, Hasbro Interactive
− "We traveled in Asia looking for 3D product studios. We consider Glass Egg to be the
experts in 3D animation in Asia." – VP Production, Nickelodeon

4.3.6 Financial Backing

Being a successful, visible, early leader has allowed Glass Egg to secure additional funding to
fuel its progress toward its growth targets. In December of 2002, the firm secured some $3.0
million in additional funding, $1.75 million of which came from the International Finance
Corporation, the private sector development arm of the World Bank Group, the rest coming
from Dragon Capital, the firm's original investor.

4.4 Direction and Challenges

While we have illustrated how Glass Egg has become a strategic partner despite being located
in a Tier Four nation, it is also critical to examine the issues that may limit or shape the firm's
development. These factors relate to the perception of a firm's stability, an important factor in
signaling vendor choice and adoption (Gallaugher and Wang, 2002) and considered critical in
the selection of an offshore outsourcing partner (Carmel and Agarwal, 2002).
Glass Egg has remained obsessively client- focused, while broadly sketching a
strategic plan for short, mid, and long-term advancement. The firm's long-term goals in its
three areas are indeed aggressive. In the video game market the firm hopes to become an
independent developer of video games for major console systems (Playstation 2, Xbox),
offering 5 to 10 titles a year at $1 million in revenue each title. In web development, Glass
Egg aspires to grow into an integrated web services company with a presence throughout
Asia. In 3D animation they hope to produce their own children's cartoon targeted at the
Saturday morning US market.
The firm's geography, the source of so many of its advantages also presents the
greatest obstacle for its advancement. Vietnam's reputation as a closed society and
technological backwater is problematic. As one US executive claimed, telling clients that a
firm's programmers were in Vietnam is 'a door slammer' (Levander, 2000). Glass Egg's Phil
Tran is well aware of this, stating "our biggest comp etitor is fear on the part of clients. That's
what we have to overcome".
As Glass Egg convinces firms in its segments to look to Vietnam, it runs the risk of
generating local competitors as well. While time has offered the firm scale and skill
advantages and an impressive portfolio of client-satisfying projects, local competition is

The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries,
EJISDC (2004) 17, 1, 1-18 13

inevitable, while regional competition remains strong. The firm is regularly considered with
regional centers of excellence in 3D animation in Thailand, Hong Kong, and Singapore, as
well as East Asian animation powerhouses South Korea and Japan.
Finally, it is recognized that the firm aspires to grow in a way not unlike that of its
former failed US partner, Morgan Interactive. Glass Egg management is keenly aware of the
example of Morgan's failure. However, all recognize that advancing the firm from
subcontractor to developer, systems integrator, and entertainment producer involves an
enormous cash commitment and a set of skills that the firm is still developing. The new
funding has provided an opportunity for the firm's planned establishment of a small office in
Los Angeles. Such a presence is seen as a critical advantage in outsourcer choice (Coward,
2003), and it is hoped that this presence will allow the firm to cultivate relationships to secure
a wider variety of entertainment projects and to more closely monitor technology
developments in entertainment multimedia. However the cost of this presence represents a
significant expense unfamiliar to a firm that has always operated in the low-cost world of Ho
Chi Minh City. Larger scale products where the firm is the lead developer, rather than a
subcontractor, further expose the firm to the industry's hit- miss cycle. While low margins can
insulate it from some of the risks faced by higher cost rivals, larger projects will undoubtedly
demand greater investments and entail more substantial risks.


Although firms located in Tier Four nations face tremendous adversity, in this case study we
have shown how a firm (Glass Egg Digital Media) can emerge despite being located in a Tier
Four environment (Vietnam) to become a critical partner for many of its clients. The dynamic
examined synthesizes many earlier tenants of outsourcing and strategic management
research, and illustrates how firm, national, and market/industry factors can shape an
environment that allows an organization to mature into a strategic partner in a way that
challenges the theoretical and heuristic orthodoxies, a primary goal in case-based IS research
(Lee, 1989).
While many of the world's largest firms are outsourcing to Vietnam, most of this work
consists of small-scale and low-end projects. Carmel and Agarwal (2002) have proposed a
four-level framework whereby firms move through states as global outsourcers (bystander,
experimenter, cost-focused, and strategy- focused). In an effort to advance theory, we propose
an extension to this theory in that firms consider nations in similar ways. Rather than
considering all nations as equal, a firm may be a strategic outsourcer in one country, but an
experimenter in another. The choice to enter a new market is largely based on the
characteristics of potential partner firms. Most firms outsourcing projects to Vietnam are in
the experimenter stage. Glass Egg, however, is uniquely positioned to be among the first
firms in Vietnam considered a strategic partner.
The case of Glass Egg presents a striking illustration of factors that should be
cultivated by would-be outsourcers located in Tier Four nations. These include the
involvement of an experienced, cross-cultural senior management team. The Glass Egg team
is made up of industry veterans who are exceptionally well-credentialed to counteract client
concerns associated with entering a new, emerging, and relatively unknown market. While
production costs in Tier Four nations should remain low, provided an adequate labor pool is
available, transaction costs associated with coordinating projects across cultures and over
many time zones can create challenges that discourage clients (Qu and Brocklehurst, 2003).
The management team's familiarity with both the local culture and the culture of their clients
counteracts these concerns and lowers transaction costs associated with deals. The local
workforce is also critical. Glass Egg has harnessed a pool of Vietnamese engineers and artists
and has provided extensive, rigorous training built around a competitive screening process.
The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries,
EJISDC (2004) 17, 1, 1-18 14

This has enabled the firm to develop a talent pool that is not only globally competitive on a
production cost basis, but is also extremely competent.
Timing has also played a significant role in the firm's success. By entering the market
for offshore software development at a time when the government is sufficiently supportive,
foreign investment laws have improved, and worldwide demand for services is on the rise,
Glass Egg has been able to thrive. Industry Choice has also been critical. Helped by the
project- nature of its work and the specifics of its target markets, the firm has been able to
neutralize some of the concerns that plague broader IT outsourcing. Video-games and
animation rarely need follow up enhancement and maintenance work. Once a project is
completed the outsourcer can move on to the next effort. This removes the risk premium
common among purchasers of IT (Gallaugher and Wang, 2002) and is likely to fuel
acceptance of what today is widely perceived as an unorthodox destination for software
project outsourcing. Finally, these factors collectively have helped the firm secure two rounds
of financing that are critical for a firm's development and expansion.
The development of Glass Egg has prompted us to propose a maturity mechanism for
Tier Four software firms pursuing global markets. Intellectual property concerns and the
relatively small size of local markets prompts firms to begin with small project work largely
for international clients, perhaps providing components of a larger effort. Once credibility has
been established (either through earlier projects with the same firm, or with strong efforts
from well-known partners and projects) then firms move to a greater level of project
autonomy – becoming the lead or sole outsourcer on a project. Finally, the firm grows to the
point where it has strengthened its skills, particularly in management and marketing, and can
enter the market as an independent software developer – offering its own products to the
global market. Glass Egg has emerged through the first two-phases of this work, and is now
entering the third. Such a path can be partic ularly attractive in developing nations like
Vietnam, where in-country management experience is limited and where partnered projects
allow staff an opportunity to continually improve skills and develop confidence.

Project Lead or Sole Independent

Component Development Software
Contractor Partner Developer

Firms enter the Firm moves Firm has

market for from building gained
global software components of significant
services via a project to expertise,
small project leading project maturity, and
work, perhaps development or credibility to
providing handling all create and
components of development on launch its own
a larger effort a single products for
overseas client global markets

Figure 2: One Model for the Evolution of Software Exporting Firms in Tier Four Nations

Future research could focus on firm emergence into this third phase. Such maturity is
likely strongly related to and can thus leverage foundational enterprise growth and maturity
research in the entrepreneurship literature, as well as the literature related to firm size, age,
The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries,
EJISDC (2004) 17, 1, 1-18 15

and other resources (Bruderl and Schussler, 1990). However, the context of international
outsourcing also entails a shift from supplier to competitor (Gallaugher, 2002) as well as a
cross-cultural dimension that has yet to receive adequate research attention.
Our analysis here has presented useful insights regarding a poorly understood and
emerging market for information technology outsourcing. We have identified a case that
challenges prevailing conventional and theoretical wisdom and have advanced theory by
identifying the interplay that exists among firm, industry, and national characteristics. The
next step in this research is to further develop the identified models and test their
appropriateness with a wider variety of firms – each with varying degrees of firm and
national development.

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Author Bios

John Gallaugher is an Associate Professor of Information Systems at Boston College. His

research focuses on the strategic use of information systems, network economics, e-
commerce, and global information systems. His work has appeared in the MIS Quarterly,
Communications of the ACM, IJEC, and many others, and he currently serves on the editorial
board of the Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations. Gallaugher has consulted to
several organizations include Accenture, Staples, State Street, and the US Information
Agency. He has previously worked in the former Soviet Union and has organized and led
graduate stud y experiences throughout Europe and Asia.

Gregory L. Stoller is a Lecturer at Boston College's Carroll School of Management where he

leads several key graduate program initiatives including the MBA Business Plan Experience,
the Asian International Management Experience, and the International Consulting Project.
The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries,
EJISDC (2004) 17, 1, 1-18 18

Stoller is a published author of case studies and business articles detailing the successful
practices of U.S. and international firms. He is a graduate of the Cornell University School of
Hotel Administration, and Harvard Business School, and has previously taught at Boston
University's Graduate School of Management. Stoller has also served as the Asia Pacific and
Latin American Market Development Manager for Shiva Corporation, and was the first full-
time American staff member at the Imperial Hotel in Japan.

The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries,

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