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Cambridge Red Oak Kindergarten

Employment Agreement

甲方 Party A 厦门市思明区康桥双语幼儿园

联系方式 Contact Info 0592-5889456

地址 Address 厦门市思明区凤屿路 113 号

乙方 Party B Revelyn Delos Reyes

护照号 Passport Num

联系方式 Contact Info

地址 Address

合 同 期 : 从 2019 年 5 月 23 日起至 2020 年 4 月 22 日止,其中包括试 用 期 : 从 2019
年 4 月 23 日起至 2019 年 5 月 22 日止。
Party A, wishes to employ Party B, of nationality Philippines, as a full-time English teacher. These
two Parties, with full comprehension of the terms, and in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to
enter into this Agreement and pledge to fulfill conscientiously all of the obligations stipulated
within it.
The duration of this Agreement is 12 months, beginning on 2019.4.23, and ending on 2020.4.22,
including a trial period of 1 months probation from 2019.4.23 (date) until 2019.5.22 (date).

2.甲方的义务 Obligations of Party A

2.1 帮助乙方理解中国有关法律、法规规定,向乙方介绍甲方有关工作制度。
Party A shall assist Party B in understanding the relevant laws, decrees and regulations issued by
the Chinese central, provincial, or municipal governments, and introduce the working discipline
and system of Party A.
2.2 由甲方幼儿园英语教导全权安排乙方的工作,并对乙方工作进行指导、检查和评估。
The English Supervisor of Party A shall have definitive power in arranging Party B’s daily work
and schedule, and have the right to direct, supervise and evaluate Party B’s work, and give further
objective feedback to the Principal of Party A.
2.3 向乙方提供必要的工作环境和指定合作的人员。
Party A shall provide Party B with necessary and suitable working conditions and co-workers.

2.4 甲方于每月 10 日前支付乙方上月工资(税后),如遇节假日则顺延。(工资包括:基本工
资 10500+班级数提成 1000+ 住房补贴 0+ 绩效考核 500,绩效考核部分薪资将根据工作表现
浮动;留园班津贴 150 元/课时)
Party A shall pay Party B the previous month’s salary(after-tax)on the 10th day of each month,
in the case where a national holiday occurs in the beginning of the month (between the 1st and the
10th), payment of salary may be delayed accordingly. The monthly salary includes the basic wage
of 10500, bonus by classes taught 1000, accommodation subsidy of 0, and if earned, an
assessment and evaluation award of 500(variable); extra-class subsidy is 150 per hour.
2.5 在合同期内,甲方需为乙方提供住宿,产生的租金由甲方承担;乙方使用中产生的水、
During the contract period, Party A is obligated to provide Party B with adequate accommodation.
Rent is covered by Party A while living expenses aside from rent are Party B’s own responsibility.
2.6 在合同期内,甲方需承担乙方每一年不超过 5000 元的差旅费,于乙方提供发票时支付。
Party A is obligated to compensate Party B for transportation expenses not exceeding the amount
of 5000 RMB a year, reimbursement shall be made after Party B submits a receipt.
2.7 在聘用期结束后,若甲方续聘乙方,乙方将在续聘期享受 1000 元/月的基本工资提薪。
If Party A continues to employ Party B after the expiration of this contract, Party B is entitled to a
1000 RMB/month raise in base salary.

3.乙方的义务 Obligations of Party B

3.1 遵守中国政府的法律、法规,不干预甲方的内部事务和甲方的工作制度。
Party B shall abide by the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese
government and shall not interfere in Party A's working discipline and system.
3.2 接受甲方的工作安排、业务指导、检查和评估,未经甲方同意,不得擅自调班或找其他
Party B shall comply with Party A 's working arrangement, direction, instruction, and supervision
regarding to his/her work. Party B agrees to devote his/her entire productive time, ability, and
attention to Party A's business. Without Party A's consent, Party B shall not change his/her
working schedule or tasks.
3.3 准时上、下班,保证完成学年的协议工作时间和工作任务。
Party B shall observe the daily work schedule and guarantee to adhere to the stipulated work hours
and accomplish all required tasks throughout the academic year.
3.4 尊重中国人民的道德规范和风俗习惯。
Party B shall respect the Chinese people's moral standards and customs.
3.5 乙方如有严重疾病或传染性疾病,或者女性有怀孕、待产、哺乳等情况,必须在签订合
If Party B has any contagious or serious diseases, and/or if Party B is a female in a pregnancy,
child birth or baby nursing period, Party B has the legal obligation to inform Party A before this
contract is signed. Otherwise, Party A will not bear any responsibility for these conditions or their
consequences and has the right to terminate this contract.

3.6 乙方报销差旅费需提供差旅费、交通费的有效报销凭证。
In order to apply for the transportation reimbursement, Party B must provide invoices or other
valid forms of credence.
3.7 乙方须配合进行教师健康体检,取得健康证。
Party B agrees to cooperate in having the required health examination(s) performed, and in
obtaining certification of good health.
3.8 乙方同意加入甲方的职工保险计划。
Party B agrees to coverage under the company employer liability insurance policy.

4.乙方职责 Duties of Party B

4.1 乙方遵从教师的职业和道德标准,认真备课,按甲方要求提供内容完整、表述清晰的教
Party B agrees to perform to the professional and ethical standards of a teacher, to be well
prepared for lessons, to submit complete and legible lesson plans and student progress reports, and
to maintain a rapport with the parents with regard to their children’s performance and progress.
4.2 乙方同意按照甲方提供的日程表上课,与教学团队协作进行必要的教学准备工作,并视
Party B agrees to conduct English lessons according to the schedule provided and perform all
necessary classroom arrangement and preparation in cooperation with his or her teaching
teammates. No teacher is exempt from such fundamental responsibilities. Party B shall not make
personal use of a cell phone during class time.
4.3 积极参加甲方组织的幼儿表演与各类活动,如:圣诞节、儿童节等节庆活动、毕业典礼
Party B agrees to actively participate in any activities organized by Party A in connection with the
school, such as but not limited to Christmas parties, Children’s Day, and the Graduation
Ceremony. Any overtime work requested by Party A is subject to approval by Party B, and any
extra compensation must be mutually agreed upon prior to the event.
4.4 康桥红橡树幼儿园持有并保留幼儿园的教学设施、设备等的所有权和幼儿园教学过程中
使用的教案、教学方式、创新、文档等的知识产权, 前述教学设施、设备包括但不限于桌椅、文
Cambridge Red Oak Kindergarten retains and reserves proprietary rights of ownership and
intellectual property in everything done under its auspice, including but not limited to its facilities,
materials, activities, documentation, applications, logos and slogans, and the methods, procedures
and techniques used in the daily conduct of its lessons, classes, and operations. Any teaching
methods, documents and other achievements formed by party b in the teaching process shall be
considered the fulfillment of the requirements of his/her position and a result of the training that
has been received, and the intellectual property rights shall be owned by the kindergarten.

5.工作时间与请假 Work Hours and Leave
5.1 每周工作时段为周一至周五(半天/全天, 节假日除外), 乙方需按照甲方的工作安排认
真地工作,时间从 8:00 到 5:30 乙方需按照工作时间准时上下班,并实行上下班刷卡制度。
如果乙方出现迟到、早退现象,每分钟扣除 5 元。
Working days are Monday through Friday of each week, excluding national holidays. Work time
starts from 8:00 in the morning and continues until the end of the work day at 5:30 in the evening.
Party B shall arrive at and leave work on time and in accordance with the working hours and
comply with the use of the time card system. Swiping the card after the start of work time
constitutes being late for work, just as swiping the card to leave before the end of the work day
constitutes early departure. For each minute of late arrival or early departure, 5 RMB will be
deducted from that month’s pay. The time card shall be used to record any and all arrivals at and
departures from the school premises.
5.2 乙方工作期间请假需提前三天告知甲方,请假期间,甲方可要求乙方请第三方代课,保
证教学顺利进行。一学期病假最多不超过 10 个工作日,连续旷工不超过 3 个工作日,否则
甲方有权解除合同。工作期间请假必须获得甲方同意,病假将扣除人民币 265 元/日(月工
资/43.5 天),事假将扣除人民币 530 元/日(月工资/21.75 天),如果乙方旷工,或没正当
If Party B applies for leave during the work week, he or she shall obtain permission from Party A
with sufficient advance notification 。 Party A can demand that Party B provide for a substitute
teacher for the duration of his or her absence. The accumulated number of days for sick leave shall
not exceed ten working days, and consecutive absences should not exceed the limit of three for the
duration of this agreement. Otherwise, Party A is entitled to terminate this agreement. Sick leave
will be deducted at 265 RMB/day (monthly /43.5 days), and personal leave will be deducted at
530 RMB/day (monthly pay /21.75 days). In the case that Party B’s absences are taken without
advance permission from Party A, or without a reasonable excuse, Party A has the right to deduct
twice the amount of the daily salary from Party B.

6.假期、用餐 Holidays; Work Meals

6.1 工作期间,乙方同其他教工一样可享受甲方提供的免费早餐、午餐。
Breakfast and lunch will be provided for free by Party A in the same manner as for the other
employees on work days.
6.2 乙方在中国享有以下假期和假日:元旦,春节,“五一”劳动节,国庆节以及中国法律、
Party B is entitled to the following paid holidays and festivals in China, including New Year’s
Day, Spring Festival, Workers Day, National Day and other holidays stipulated by Chinese laws
and regulations.

6.3 园方规定的寒暑假期间,乙方享受基本工资,住宿补贴,不享受班级数提成及绩效考核
During the kindergarten’s regulated winter and summer vacations, Party B is entitled to receive
base salary and accommodation subsidy but not bonus by classes taught or the assessment and
evaluation award.

7.签证相关 Rules for Visa

7.1 甲方将协助乙方办理工作签证, 并承担甲方首次入境的办签费用;续签费用由乙方自行
Party A shall assist Party B to apply for the work visa and undertake the initial entry fee for the
first entry of Party B. Renewal fees shall be borne by Party B.
7.2 若乙方违约,乙方有义务将办理工作签证产生的费用在三天内退还甲方,否则甲方有权
If Party B breaks this contract, all fees related to Party B’s work visa application should be
refunded to Party A within three days, or Party A has the right to deduct an equivalent amount
from Party B’s salary.
7.3 在甲乙双方均同意终止合同,且合同终止日期已商定的前提下,甲方应于商定的终止日
In the case where both parties agree to terminate this contract and a termination date is agreed
upon, Party A shall, on that date of termination, provide a formal recommendation letter for Party
B and initiate the cancelation of Party B’s current work permit.

8.合同的变更、解除和终止 Revision, Discharge and Termination of this Agreement

8.1 双方应信守合同,未经双方一致同意,任何一方不得擅自更改、解除和终止合同。如任
Both parties shall abide by this Agreement and refrain from revising, canceling, or terminating this
Agreement without mutual consent. If either party wishes to terminate this Agreement, it shall
notify the other party in written form one month in advance, and this Agreement shall continue in
force until such termination is agreed to by the other party. In the case that this Agreement is
terminated because of one party, that breaching party shall pay one month’s salary as
compensation to the harmed party.
8.2 在甲乙双方均同意提前终止合同,且合同终止日期已商定的前提下,乙方应将提前收到
的合同剩余月份数对应的交通补贴于终止日前退还甲方,退还金额为:5000 元/12 月*合同
8.5 if both party a and party b agree to early termination of this contract, and a termination date
has been mutually agreed upon, then Party B shall return that part of the travel reimbursement that
Party A has paid in advance, this amount being equal to 5000/12 multiplied by the number of

months remaining in the contract (Any remaining time less than 15 days counts as half a month,
and over 15 days counts as a full month).
8.3 经双方协商同意后,可以变更、解除和终止合同。
This Agreement shall be revised, discharged, or terminated under mutual consent.
8.4.1 甲方在下述条件下,有权以书面形式通知乙方解除合同:(甲方无须支付乙方违约金、
Party A has the right to terminate this Agreement by written notice without paying a fine or any
other compensation to Party B upon the occurrence of any of the following events:
8.4.1 乙方在试用期内,甲方认为乙方不符合录用条件的。
Where Party B is proved to have failed to satisfy Party A’s requirements of employment during the
probation period;
8.4.2 乙方不履行合同或者履行合同义务不符合约定条件,经甲方指出后,仍不改正的.
Where Party B does not fulfill the terms of this Agreement, the Obligations, and/or Duties
stipulated in this Agreement, and refuses to rectify these deficiencies after they have been pointed
out by Party A;
8.4.3 根据医生诊断,乙方在病假累计 10 个工作日后不能恢复正常工作的.
Where according to a doctor's diagnosis, Party B is incapable of resuming normal work after
accumulating ten days of sick leave;
8.4.4 乙方连续旷工 3 个工作日(含)以上的。
Where Party B takes more than three consecutive days of absence from work without advance
authorization from Party A.
8.4.5 乙方以任何形式威胁甲方的工作人员或客户.
Where Party B has made threats of any kind toward Party A’s staff or clients.
8.5 乙方在下述情况下,有权以书面形式通知甲方解除合同:
Party B has the right to terminate this Agreement with a written notice to Party A upon the
occurrence of any of the following events:
8.5.1 甲方未按合同约定提供相关的待遇,经乙方书面提出后,甲方仍未改进的。
Party A does not provide relevant treatment to Party B as stipulated in this Agreement, even after
Party B has made a formal written notice.
8.5.2 甲方未在合同约定的期限内支付乙方报酬, 经乙方书面提出后,甲方仍未改进的。
Party A does not pay Party B according to the schedule stipulated in this agreement, even after
Party B has made a formal written notice.

9.变更/保密条款 Amendment/ Confidentiality Clauses

9.1 任何针对此协议需变更或增加条款,需经双方同意才可实行。
No amendment, modification or supplement shall be valid unless approved by both parties of this
9.2 甲方和乙方都不得向第三方泄露本合同的任何条款内容及其工资收入。
Neither Party A nor Party B is prohibited from disclosing any term, clause or the salary standard of
this Agreement to any third party.

9.3 本合同自双方签字之日起生效,合同期滿即自行失效。当事人一方要求签订新合同,应
This Agreement shall come into effect on the date of execution, and terminate on the expiry date,
unless other provisions have been made. If either party wishes to renew this Agreement, a new
agreement shall be executed after having been negotiated and agreed to by both parties.

10.本合同于 年 月 日在 (地点)签订,
This Agreement is made in both Chinese and English and both versions are of equal binding
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto executed this Agreement on _______ (date)
in __________________________ (place) in two originals, each party holding one respectively.

Where parties fail to resolve a dispute, they agree to summit to the decision of the local court.

甲方 PartyA(签章):________________    乙方 PartyB(签字):_______________

_________年 Y____月 M____日 D         _________年 Y____月 M____日 D

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