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Engineering Management Journal

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Engineering Management: Past, Present, and


Timothy Kotnour & John V. Farr

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Present, and Future, Engineering Management Journal, 17:1, 15-26

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Engineering Management: Past, Present, and Future
Timothy Kotnour, PhD, University of Central Florida
John V. Farr, PhD, PE, Stevens Institute of Technology

Abstract: This article contributes a description of the (2) Hiring, managing, and retaining a highly qualified and
engineering management field. The article’s intent is to trained staff of engineers, scientists, and technicians in a
continue and add to the body of knowledge about the rapidly changing technological environment; and,
evolution of the engineering management discipline. Seven (3) Demonstrating a high level of capability maturity.
strategic issues and associated questions about the evolution
of engineering management are identified by understanding Engineers often enter the job market not as traditional
the past, present, and future of the profession. The history and engineers but as project managers, technical salespeople, and
evolution is described. The current state is described in terms lead systems engineers (especially within the defense and
of the contributing disciplines, professional societies, journals, information management arenas) involved with conceiving,
and conferences. The future is described by emerging trends, defining, architecting, designing, integrating, marketing, and
challenges, knowledge roles, and stakeholder needs of the testing complex and multi-functional information technology-
profession. From this article, an engineering manager can better centric systems (Abel, 2005). Within five years, for most this
understand how different disciplines and professional societies has become their primary job function. Combined with the fact
could help improve understanding of their chosen profession. that the modern engineering enterprise is now characterized
by geographically dispersed and multi-cultural organizations,
Keywords: Engineering Management Discipline, Engineer- engineering management (EM) is more relevant than ever. Because
ing Management Professional Societies of the blurring of boundaries between technical and management
roles, engineers must continue to redefine their roles in order to
EMJ Focus Areas: Engineering Management: Past, Present, remain relevant in the modern economy.
Future, Developing Engineering Management Professionals This article was written in order to raise strategic questions
for the evolution of the EM discipline. As a first step, we review
the history of EM. Like all technical professions, EM has

ith the globalization of the manufacturing base, evolved dramatically because of the information age and the
outsourcing of many technical services, the efficiencies interdisciplinary nature and complexity of modern systems;
derived from advances in information technology therefore, we will present a definition that is relevant for the
(and the subsequent decrease in mid-management positions), 21st-century, practicing engineering manager. As a second step,
and the shifting of our economy to being service-based, the roles we describe the current state of the profession. We also present
of the technical organization and engineering manager have relevant professional organizations that should be viewed as a
dramatically changed. The 21st century technical organization source of additional information. In the third step, we present
must be concerned with: emerging trends, roles, and stakeholder needs for the profession.
(1) Maintaining an agile, high quality, and profitable business From these three steps we then present the set of strategic issues
base of products or services in a fluctuating economy; and questions facing the discipline. The intent of this article is

About the Authors

Timothy Kotnour, PhD, is an associate professor within the Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Department at the
University of Central Florida. He is actively engaged in research activities with NASA and other leading technical organizations. He
conducts research in strategic management, science and technology planning, project management, and change management. He has
a BSIE from Bradely University and PhD in industrial and systems engineering from Virginia Tech. He is the editor of EMJ.
John V. Farr, PhD, PE, is currently professor and founding director of the Department of System Engineering and Engineering
Management at Stevens Institute of Technology. Previously, he served for eight years in the Department of Systems Engineering at
the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York. His education includes a BS in civil engineering (CE) from Mississippi
State University, MSCE from Purdue University, and PhD in CE from the University of Michigan. He has authored over 80 technical
publications, including one textbook, on a wide variety of civil engineering and engineering management topics. His research interests
include data analysis, modeling and simulation, and infrastructure management. He is a Fellow and former President of ASEM and a
registered Civil Engineer. He also serves on the Army Science Board and serves on several corporate and academic advisory boards.
Contact: Timothy Kotnour, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 4000
Central Florida Blvd., University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-2450; phone: 407-823-5645;

Refereed management tool manuscript. Accepted by special issue editors Bill Peterson and Rafael Landaeta.

Engineering Management Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 March 2005 15

to continue the conversation about the discipline by integrating management, there are probably hundreds of universities that
previous conversations (e.g., list references) and framing emerging offer an EM-type degree.
topics on which to focus. Recent trends including outsourcing, the interdisciplinary
nature of engineering, and the emergence of the service sector
The Engineering Management History as the primary source of jobs for the U.S. economy have led to
According to Kocaoglu (1984), EM as a formal degree has existed the creation of EM or business engineering programs at the
since the mid-1940s; however, we know that courses in business undergraduate level. Given the recent downturn in MBA degrees
and management aspects of engineering have been taught since awarded in many programs (Triad Business Journal, 2004), EM
the first decade of the 1900s. For example, Stevens Institute of degrees, programs, and departments should continue to grow.
Technology founded a Department of Business Engineering in The EM profession mirrors both trends in business and
1902 with the aim to teach students “to become efficient managers” education. Early business engineering focused on the civil and
(Clark, 2000). The Massachusetts Institute of Technology offered mechanical engineering disciplines, as shown in Exhibit 1, with
a degree in industrial management around 1913 (Kocaoglu, the work Taylor contributed to the early focus on manufacturing
1989). Several EM or EM-type programs grew out of the post that dominated the discipline through the 1990s. Rapid advances
World War II industrial expansion. They include the University in information technology in the 1980s and organizational
of Washington (1947) and Michigan Technological University changes in all engineering practices led to a decline in the specialist
(1949). The major growth occurred in the 1960 and 1970s. The engineer and a rise in the generalist engineer. To reflect the shift
first department titled “Engineering Management” was founded from manufacturing to turn-key systems integrators in a global
at the University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR) in 1967. UMR also economic environment, many EM programs are now aligned
awarded the first PhD in EM in 1984 (Murray and Raper, 1997). with systems engineering programs (Farr and Buede, 2003).
Today, there are probably in excess of 85 universities offering
undergraduate and graduate degrees in programs named EM Definition of Engineering Management. In the literature you
in the United States. EM programs can be categorized as being find few definitions for EM. In most instances authors will state
embedded within an industrial engineering department/program that engineering managers have the characteristics summarized
or combined with systems engineering departments/programs. Few in Exhibit 2 (a summary of some key characteristics common
undergraduate EM programs exist because industrial engineering to all definitions of EM). We like the definition presented by
departments have been reluctant to embrace the profession at the Omurtag (1988).
undergraduate level. If you include the international programs, The EM field has its roots in the traditional engineering and
those embedded as concentrations within industrial engineering management disciplines. This evolution has helped define the
degrees, concentrations within MBAs, and hybrid programs field. In the next section, we discuss the “knowledge” basis for
such as engineering administration and systems engineering the disciplines.

Exhibit 1. Management and Educational Trends That Have Affected the EM Field




















16 Engineering Management Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 March 2005

Exhibit 2. Common Characteristics of EM Definitions

Definition Reference

Engineering management is designing, operating, and continuously improving purpose- Omurtag (1988)
ful systems of people, machines, money, time, information, and energy by integrating en-
gineering and management knowledge, techniques, and skills to achieve desired goals
in technological enterprise through concern for the environment, quality, and ethics.

The engineering manager is distinguished from other managers because he or she Babcock and Morse (2002)
possesses both the ability to apply engineering principles and a skill in organizing and
directing people and projects. He or she is uniquely qualified for two types of jobs: the
management of technical functions (such as design or production) in almost any enter-
prise; or the management of broader functions (such as marketing or top management)
in a high technology enterprise.

Engineering management is the discipline addressed to making and implementing deci- IEEE (1990) and Kocaoglu (1991)
sions for strategic and operational leadership in current and emerging technologies and
their impacts on interrelated systems.

Engineering management is the art and science of planning, organizing, allocating American Society for Engineering Management
resources, and directing and controlling activities that have a technological component.

Present State of the Engineering and Technology 1. Engineering disciplines: The core engineering disciplines in
Management Field which the focus is on the engineering and design process
The present state of the engineering management field is described unique to a domain (e.g., civil, traditional industrial,
by understanding four elements: (1) the contributing disciplines, mechanical, electrical).
(2) professional societies, (3) relevant journals, and (4) professional 2. Discipline-specific engineering management: The engineering
conferences. Through the analysis of the present state, conclusions management discipline that focuses on the management
for the future direction are offered: (1) the integration of the three process for a specific engineering discipline (e.g., management
core contributing disciplines of engineering management needs to of the civil engineering process, management of the industrial
continue, and (2) the integration of the diverse set of professional engineering process, etc.).
societies, journals, and conferences needs to take place. 3. Generalist engineering management: The engineering
management discipline that focuses on the fundamental
The Connection of the Engineering Management Discipline to engineering management process across many engineering
Other Disciplines. To understand the engineering management disciplines.
discipline we need to understand how the discipline relates 4. Management of technology: The business or management
to other disciplines. In reviewing the history of EM, we assert discipline that focuses on managing the creation,
that EM has evolved from the engineering and management development, and use of technology (Badaway, 1998).
disciplines. Engineering management is the bridge between 5. General management: The management discipline that
the engineering and management disciplines. Consistent focuses on the management of any organization.
with the definitions provided in the previous section, we
view an engineering manager as the “bridge” between the Given these descriptions, three perspectives to engineering
traditional disciplines of science/engineering and management management are: (1) discipline-specific engineering management,
(see Exhibit 3). (2) generalist engineering management, and (3) management of
In reviewing the journals, professional societies, and technology. Industrial engineering could be considered a part of
conferences, five disciplines contribute to defining three different the overlap between engineering and engineering management
perspectives on the engineering management field. The five seen in Exhibit 3. As will become evident in the rest of this section,
discipline groups are: the EM field continues to support this view. The engineering

Exhibit 3. Engineering Management as the Bridge Between Engineering and Management

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Engineering Management Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 March 2005 17

management discipline emerges from five unique sets of journals, three other categories: (1) disciplines associated with processes and
professional societies, and conferences to provide three unique tools used by the engineering manager, (2) general management,
perspectives to the field. and (3) engineering education. We share these related journals
to help the reader understand where to go to for knowledge and
Engineering Management-Related Professional Societies. to contribute to the knowledge of the profession. This list is not
Consistent with the three perspectives of the engineering meant to be an exhaustive list. The engineering management
management field, we categorize the different professional discipline emerges from six unique sets of journals.
societies related to engineering management. Exhibit 4
summarizes the different professional societies. In addition to the Engineering Management-Related Conferences. Consistent
three perspectives to engineering management, we have added with the three perspectives of the engineering management field
three other categories for completeness: (1) disciplines associated we review and categorize the different professional conferences
with processes and tools used by the engineering manager, (2) related to engineering management. Exhibit 6 summarizes these
general management, and (3) engineering education. Engineering conferences. We share these related conferences to help the reader
disciplines and societies associated with the Accreditation Board understand where to go to for knowledge and to contribute to the
for Engineering and Technology (ABET) were used as the source knowledge of the profession. This list of conferences is not meant to
for the engineering programs. Not all of the engineering discipline be exhaustive, rather a starting place. The engineering management
professional societies are included—just the societies with an discipline emerges from six unique sets of conferences.
associated engineering management group or division. We share
these professional societies to help the reader understand the Raising Questions About the Future of the Engineering
different avenues for actively participating and contributing to the Management Discipline
profession. The engineering management discipline is supported The intent of this section is to develop a framework to continue
by six groups of professional journals. the conversation about the future of engineering management.
The intent is not to define the agenda, but rather provide the
Engineering Management Related Journals. Consistent with structure from which further conversations can be developed. In
the three perspectives of the engineering management field, we reviewing the past and present of engineering management and
review and categorize the different journals related to engineering the emerging issues facing the world, the discipline of engineering
management. Exhibit 5 summarizes the journals related to management offers a unique ability to make lasting contributions.
engineering management. For completeness, in addition to the To define strategic issues, we first understand three items: (1)
three perspectives to engineering management we have added a description of trends and challenges facing the engineering

Exhibit 4. Professional Societies Associated With the Engineering Management Discipline

Group Professional Societies

Engineering Management within an Engineering Discipline • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (
• IEEE Engineering Management Society (IEEE EMS) (
• Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) (
• Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Society for Engineering &
Management Systems (SEMS) (
• Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) (
• Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) (
• American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME) (

Disciplines Associated with Processes and Tools Used by the • Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) (
Engineering Manager • International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) (
• Project Management Institute (PMI) (

Engineering Management Across Disciplines • American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) (
• Canadian Society for Engineering Management (CSEM) (www.csem-scgi.

Management of Technology • International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT)

• Product Development Management Association (PDMA) (

General Management • Academy of Management (AM) (

• Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (IN

Engineering Education • American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) (

18 Engineering Management Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 March 2005

Exhibit 5. Journals Associated With the Engineering Management Discipline

Group Journals

Engineering Management within an Engineering Discipline • Journal of Management in Engineering

• Leadership and Management in Engineering
• The Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

Disciplines Associated with Processes and Tools Used by the • Cost Engineering
Engineering Manager • International Journal of Project Management
• Journal of Systems Engineering
• Project Management Journal
• The Engineering Economist

Engineering Management Across Disciplines • IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

• Engineering Management Review
• Engineering Management Journal (ASEM)
• The Engineering Management Journal (IEE IN UK)

Management of Technology • International Journal of Technology Management

• Journal of Engineering & Technology Management
• Journal of High Technology Management
• Journal of Product Innovation Management
• Technological Forecasting and Social Change
• Technovation
• R&D Management
• Research Policy
• Research Technology Management
• Technological Analysis and Strategic Management

General Management • Academy of Management Review

• Academy of Management Journal
• Administrative Science Quarterly
• California Management Review
• Decision Analysis
• Harvard Business Review
• Information Technology & People
• Interfaces
• International Journal of Operations & Production Management
• International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
• International Journal of Service Industry Management
• Long Range Planning
• Management Decision
• Management Review
• Management Science
• Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
• National Productivity Review
• Organization Science
• Sloan Management Review
• Strategic Management Journal

Engineering Education • Journal of Engineering Education

• IEEE Transactions on Engineering Education

management organization, (2) a model of the engineering Emerging Engineering Management Related Trends, Drivers,
management discipline from a perspective of knowledge roles, and Challenges. Barkema, Baum, and Mannix (2002) define a
and (3) a description of global outcomes for the stakeholders of set of trends defining management challenges. These challenges
the engineering management discipline. By taking these three included greater diversity; greater synchronization requirements;
perspectives, we can better understand and define the emerging greater time pacing requirements; faster decision making,
issues facing the discipline. learning, and innovation; faster newness and obsolescence of

Engineering Management Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 March 2005 19

Exhibit 6. Professional Conferences Associated With the Engineering Management Discipline

Group Conferences

Engineering Management within an Engineering Discipline • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (
• Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) (

Disciplines Associated with Processes and Tools Used by the • International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) (
Engineering Manager • Project Management Institute (PMI) (

Engineering Management Across Disciplines • American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) (
• IEEE Engineering Management Society (IEEE EMS) (

Management of Technology • International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT)

• Product Development Management Association (PDMA) (

General Management • Academy of Management (AM) (

• Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (IN

Engineering Education • American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) (

knowledge; more frequent environmental discontinuities; faster • Managing and leading teams,
industry life-cycles; greater risk of competency traps; and faster • Understanding and managing uncertainty,
newness and obsolescence of organizations. The challenges are • Managing and leading the workforce,
being driven by the increased globalization of the knowledge • Changing culture,
economy and the increasing complexity of the systems. • Using tools and metrics to manage, and
Technology managers are facing challenges in managing in this • Developing the needed management and leadership skills
domain. Engineering managers face challenges that include (1) and behaviors.
strategic planning for technology products, (2) new product
project selection, (3) organizational learning about technology, Exhibit 7 summarizes these challenges. These trends
and (4) technology core competencies (Scott, 1998). During the and challenges offer the strategic context for the engineering
2003 annual conference of the American Society for Engineering management discipline. For example, the discipline needs to
Management (ASEM), a session was held with both practicing become more global and integrative across disciplines. The
and academic engineering management participants on defining engineering management discipline must define a body of
the challenges associated with engineering management. knowledge that provides the knowledge needed by the engineering
During this session the participants identified challenges in manager to be successful in the challenging environment.
three groups: (1) business environment trends and challenges,
(2) organizational trends and challenges, and (3) engineering Engineering Management Discipline’s Knowledge Roles. The
management/manager trends and challenges (Utley, Farrington, EM discipline plays five knowledge roles (Boyer, 1990; Kotnour,
and Kotnour, 2003). The business environment trends and 2001). These roles are based on the knowledge management
challenges included: function (i.e., generate, assimilate, or communicate) and
• Globalization, application of the knowledge (i.e., generalist/across many
• Short-term profit focus, organizations or organization-specific). As can be seen in
• Increased regulatory/environmental stewardship/ethical focus, Exhibit 8, each of these roles supports the other roles. The
• Changing demographics of the workforce. challenge for the EM discipline is in integrating these five roles.
The five roles are:
These trends create trends and challenges for the technical 1. Research: The process of generating generalized knowledge.
organization: This knowledge can be applied to many different domains
• Forging partnerships, and does not necessarily solve an organization’s unique
• Operating networks of relationships, problem. This knowledge serves as the content and basis for
• Implementing a process-based organization, the other roles.
• Continuously managing change, and 2. Education: The process of teaching students knowledge that
• Gaining/maintaining employee loyalty and commitment. can be applied to many different domains or applications.
The education roles pull content from the other roles.
The engineering manager, then faces of the challenges of operating 3. Training: The process of transferring knowledge to a
is this environment. Specific challenges include: unique domain, application, or organization. In training,

20 Engineering Management Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 March 2005

Exhibit 7. Challenges for the
� Technical� Organization and Engineering Manager




Exhibit 8. Five Knowledge Roles of the Engineering Management Discipline

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Engineering Management Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 March 2005 21

the discipline’s knowledge is used to provide specific the rest of this article is to define specific challenges facing the
application insights. EM discipline.
4. Technical assistance: The process of working with an
organization to solve a specific performance challenge. Engineering Management Discipline Stakeholder Needs.
This technical assistance support creates knowledge unique To raise a set of questions to help determine the agenda
to an organization. This unique knowledge can be used to for the future of the engineering management discipline,
generalize for research or used as case studies in training or we must first understand the discipline’s stakeholders and
education classes. needs. The stakeholders are the set of individuals or groups
5. Service: The set of activities to provide support to the who impact and are impacted by the profession. Exhibit 9
university, profession, and society. The service role also summarizes the needs of the EM disciplines stakeholders. These
provides an overarching or governance function for the outcomes can provide the overarching guidance or goals for
discipline. The service or professional society role helps to the discipline.
assimilate the knowledge through conferences and journals.
Strategic Questions for the Engineering Management Discipline.
These five knowledge roles need to provide positive outcomes We offer a set of questions to help begin a conversation about
for the engineering management discipline’s stakeholders. The where the engineering management discipline needs to take the
strategic issue facing the engineering management discipline is next evolution in the profession. These questions are developed
how to integrate these five roles across the global and diverse by looking at the past, present, and emerging trends of the
set of contributing disciplines, professional societies, journals, profession (see Exhibit 10). The strategic questions are grouped
and conferences of engineering management. The intent of according to the five knowledge roles earlier defined and a set of

Exhibit 9. EM Discipline’s Stakeholder Needs

Stakeholder Desired Outcome Engineering Management Discipline’s Contribution in

Helping the Stakeholder Achieve Their Desired Outcome

Society • Strong, stable society • Provide graduates who are functional and make a
• Useful products and services difference

High-tech organizations • Success in growing their business • Provide educated graduates

• Provide real-time knowledge to improve organizational

Profession • Enhanced professionalism and profession • Provide service to the professional societies and active

Practicing engineering manager • Success in the workplace • Provide real-time knowledge to improve individual,
and engineering team team, and organizational performance

Professional engineer • Maintain professional certification • Provide real-time knowledge to improve individual
• Offer opportunities to complete professional
registration requirements

University community • Enhance the reputation of the university • Provide an outlet (i.e., conferences and scholarly
journals) for faculty to professionally grow and gain
recognition for academic programs

Student • Productive, working member of society • Provide educational and work experiences to enable
them to be a life-long learner
• Provide a connection to employers and graduate

Faculty • Enhanced reputation and freedom to • Provide the infrastructure and outlets for conducting
intellectually explore teaching, research, and service

Accreditation institutions • Meet the desired outcomes of the • Define the bodies of knowledge and characteristics of
accreditation process the engineering management discipline
• Systematically implement the accreditation process

22 Engineering Management Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 March 2005

Exhibit 10. Connecting the Pieces for the Strategic Issues

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crosscutting issues. Each issue is discussed within the text. Exhibit developed to provide relevance to both the practice and theory
11 defines the questions associated with each strategic issue. (Baldridge, Floyd, and Markoczy, 2004). Other disciplines
conduct critical reviews of the research to help the research move
Strategic Issue #1: Certification of Engineering Management forward (Boudreau, 2004; Ramos-Rodriquez and Ruiz-Navarro,
Programs. To ensure long-term growth in the development of 2004). As defined earlier, research is a primary role of a discipline.
engineering management graduates and professionals, we need To grow the discipline, a research agenda can be developed.
to understand the educational programs and curriculum. Given This agenda needs to be developed through self-reflection and
the increase in demand and supply of engineering management inclusion of the discipline’s stakeholders. The authors have
educational programs, the discipline may need to focus on begun a process to develop an integrated research agenda for
defining what is part of the “required” content or curriculum. engineering management.
As new programs emerge, the content needs to be understood in
order to ensure that the intent of the program meets the needs of Strategic Issue #3: Engineering Management Technical
the profession (e.g., what is the minimum set of courses within a Assistance Agenda. To ensure the success of the technical
program to be considered an engineering management program organization and the professional engineering manager, the
or degree?). A common definition of the core elements of the practice of engineering management needs support. For example,
engineering management curriculum needs to be defined. A Scott (1998) points to the struggles of the engineering manager and
certification process and approach has been developed and is in the Standish Group’s studies (Johnson, 2001) highlight the lack
use (Westbrook, 2005). of success in projects. The practice of engineering management
needs to be improved. The discipline needs to understand
Strategic Issue #2: Engineering Management Research Agenda. how to better support everyday engineering management. The
To ensure long-term growth in the practice and teaching, an technical assistance function provides this real-time support to
engineering management research agenda needs to be developed. the practicing engineering manager.
This agenda would address such items as specific research
thrust areas, funding sources, publication outlets, and research Strategic Issue #4: Certification of the Engineering
methods. Federal research funding is limited for engineering Management Professional. As the acceptance and use of the
management (e.g., National Science Foundation, Defense engineering management “professional” continues to grow, the
Advanced Research Project Agency, etc.). The research must be definition of said professional needs to be developed. Other

Engineering Management Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 March 2005 23

Exhibit 11. Summary of Strategic Issues Facing the Engineering Management Discipline

Knowledge Role Strategic Questions

Education • How can schools ensure the education programs are making a meaningful contribution?
• With the increasing number of schools offering graduate programs in engineering management, how can
the “content” be “certified” or established to ensure some level of consistency? What role does program
accreditation/certification play (e.g., see ABET accreditation and ASEM certification efforts)? How will
programs be certified? What roles does a EM body of knowledge have on the certification efforts?

Research • What is the (inter)national research agenda for engineering management?

• How will the research agenda be developed and sustained?
• What are the sources and opportunities for funded engineering management research?
• How will industry’s and practicing engineering managers’ needs be the defined drivers for the research

Technical Assistance • What are the needs of industry?

• What are the different models (e.g., consulting, workshops, communities of practices, internships) for
providing the knowledge to address the needs?
• How can technical assistance be integrated with the other four knowledge roles?

Training • What is the role of individual certification for EM? How do the different types of certification (i.e., continuing
education, undergraduate degree, graduate degree, professional certification) play? What are the
implications of each of these for the profession?
• How does EM training support the professional development activities for the professional engineer?
• Is the certification of an “engineering management” professional important?
• What are the issues in the certification?
• What is the process?

Cross-Cutting issues for • How can the profession integrate the full spectrum of knowledge roles (e.g., research, technical assistance,
Enhancing the Profession education, training) in a university setting?
• What is the established body of knowledge for engineering management? How will this body of
knowledge be established and maintained?

Service/Professional • How can the diverse set of engineering management professional societies promote a unified front to
Societies engineering management?
• How can the interested parties come together for the betterment of the profession and the development of
a unified agenda?

professions (e.g., PMI) have made significant leaps in the outputs to each other. For example, the discipline will be that
certification of professionals. Furthermore, the professional much stronger if the research drives the content shared in the
certification requirements of the professional engineer classroom and training experiences. The research can be built
must be accounted for (Collins, Berivudes, Youngblood, from engagements with organizations while providing technical
and Pazos, 2004). The engineering management discipline assistance. In fact, the technical assistance efforts provide the
must understand the implications of the certification process basis for research and examples for education or training. To
to ensure that the practice of engineering management is drive this integration a common body of knowledge needs to
successful and that the certification process enhances the be defined.
profession. The intent, scope, process, and requirements
(education and professional experience) of the certification Strategic Issue #6: Body of Knowledge. To support the above
applicant need to be understood and developed. These issues strategic issues, the core body of knowledge that defines
are a function of the type of certification (e.g., continuing the discipline must be defined. The research agenda can be
education, undergraduate degree, graduate degree, professional developed against the thrust areas of the body of knowledge. The
certification) to be developed. For the long-term health of certification of educational programs can be based on the core
the profession and practice of engineering management, bodies of knowledge. Exhibit 12 provides an initial model for
there needs to be clarity and explicitness in the intent of the the body of knowledge. This initial model was developed from
certification effort. reviewing engineering management handbook topics (Babcock,
1996; Dorf, 1999), and focus areas of engineering management-
Strategic Issue #5: Integration of Engineering Management related journals (e.g., EMJ, IEEE Transactions on Engineering
Knowledge Roles. The long-term growth of the profession Management). This understanding leads to specific issues and
depends on the integration of the four knowledge roles. knowledge areas the engineering manager needs to know in order
As shown in Exhibit 8, these five roles provide inputs and to respond to the engineering management context:
24 Engineering Management Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 March 2005
Exhibit 12. Potential Bodies of Knowledge for EM

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• Life cycle issues define the core issues the manager is facing in traditional engineering professions, EM has been agile and
developing and using technology. responsive to changes in the global economic community. This
• Core processes define the primary or fundamental processes a can mainly be attributed to our main role as continuing education
manager uses to make decisions about “what manage” across for engineers and scientists. In practice, we have had to be on
the “life-cycle.” the leading edge of managerial trends to produce competitive
• Enabling processes and tools define the processes and tools products and services. In order to remain relevant, we have
that support the engineering manager in executing the core had to adapt our skill sets; however, the role of EM is changing
processes. from both an educational and practical perspective. Most EM
programs are run very similarly to an MBA program with
These fundamental engineering management areas are applied to adjunct faculty. Engineering management education is becoming
unique technical and engineering applications domains such as more accepted within most universities. Unfortunately, few
construction, chemical, pharmaceutical, electronics, mechanical, universities have standalone EM programs at the undergraduate
and aerospace. and graduate levels staffed with primarily full-time faculty. The
number of undergraduate programs has experienced steady
Strategic Issue #7: Integration of Engineering Management growth. From a practicing EM perspective, the challenges in
Professional Societies. The engineering management discipline many ways are more daunting. Rapid changes in business
is spread across different “contributing disciplines” (see Exhibits practices require a continual self-evaluation and retraining to
3 and 4), each providing a valuable and different perspective to remain relevant.
the field. The engineering management discipline is supported Second, the EM profession needs to build an integrated
by at least six groups of professional societies, journals, and approach of teaching, research, technical assistance, training,
conferences. Each of these groups maybe addressing the above six and service. From this integration, the discipline will continue to
strategic issues. If this is the case, then what is the final answer? grow and make significant contributions.
How will these different activities come together for the overall Third, to draw this synergy, the EM profession must
betterment of the profession? ASEM’s Engineering Management also recognize the complementary perspectives that different
Academic Leadership Council is an attempt to integrate academic contributing fields can bring. These complementary perspectives
program leaders. will help develop and transfer the knowledge needed to
address the challenges of the technical environment and
Conclusions and Summary technical organization.
The intent of this article is to review the current state of the Fourth, the EM professional societies offer a key mechanism
EM discipline and raise strategic issues about its evolution. We to foster collaboration across disciplines. The leadership for the
have presented a review of the history of the profession and also profession needs to come from active participation from the
presented several definitions. To further describe the current discipline itself and the leadership of the professional societies.
state of the profession, we have summarized relevant professional
organizations, publications, and technical societies; however, the Authors’ Note
main contribution of this article is to present emerging trends, The authors acknowledge and are appreciative of the many
knowledge roles, and stakeholder needs for the profession conversations with many colleagues in the engineering
along with strategic issues that will affect the future of EM and management field. These conversations took place during
engineering education. conferences, board meetings, and phone conversations. We have
We offer four conclusions from this work. First, the EM attempted to put the conversations together into a framework to
profession is at a critical juncture in its maturation. Unlike many further the dialog.

Engineering Management Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 March 2005 25

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