Makalah Introduction To English To Literature in Language Education

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Dosen Pengampu : Ahmad Burhanuddin, M.A.

Disusun oleh :

1. Hilda Rizki E. (2517029)

2. Ilham Tegar P. (2517031)
3. Maya Nur Hikmah (2517035)
4. M. Zamir Karim (2517036)
5. Emi Rohmah (2517038)

Kelas : A


1. Characters and characterization
a. Character:
-Fettes Coward
- Gray

b. Characterization :

- Fettes Coward

He is an scotsman, early educated, and a rich, unemployed, land owner


- Wolfe Macflarlane
He is an arrogant, psikopat, and emotional.

- Gray
He is Fettes’s friend and he is a murder victim

2. Plot

A group of friends share a few drinks, when an eminent doctor, Wolfe

Macfarlane, enters. One of the friends, Fettes, recognizes the name and angrily
confronts the new arrival. Although his friends all find this behaviour suspicious,
none of them can understand what might lie behind it. It turns out that Macfarlane
and Fettes had attended medical school together, under anatomy professor Robert
Knox. Their duties included taking receipt of bodies for dissection, and paying the
pair of shifty and suspicious men who supplied them.

On one occasion, Fettes identifies a body as that of a woman he knew, and

is convinced she has been murdered. But Macfarlane talks him out of reporting
the incident, lest they are both implicated in the crime.
Later, Fettes meets Macfarlane at a tavern, along with a man named Gray,
who treats Macfarlane in a rude manner. The following night, Macfarlane brings
Gray's body along as a dissection sample. Although Fettes is now certain that his
friend has committed murder, Macfarlane again convinces him to keep his silence,
persuading him that if he is not courageous enough to perform such manly deeds
as these, he will end up as just another victim. The two men make sure the body is
comprehensively dissected, destroying any forensic evidence.

Fettes and Macfarlane continue their work, without being implicated in

any crime. However, when a shortage of bodies leaves their mentor in need, they
are sent to a country churchyard to exhume a recently buried woman. As they are
driving back with the body seated between them, they begin to feel nervous and
stop to take a better look. They are shocked to discover that the body between
them is that of Gray, which they thought they had destroyed.

So, in this story the plot is a dramatic or progresive plot because this story
have chronological structurewhich first establishes the setting and conflict, then
follows the rising action through a climax (the peak of the action and turning
point), and concludes with a denouement (a warpping up of loose ends)

3. Setting

In this story the setting is in George inn house at night. The story include
in setting as antagonis, bjecause the characters must resolve conflict created by the

4. Theme
Theme of this story is horror and adventure. This story include in implicit
themes, because in this story the themes are implied.

5. Point of View

This story was quite difficult forme to follow, actually. The narrator
describedt woman, Macfarlane and Fetes, as partners in as ketchy business for
paying to get dead bodies to dissectin their classroom. As the narrator describes,
the bodies were thought to be naturally deceased, however, the narrator realizes
when a well known woman’s dead body was brought to them, these bodies were
illegaland wrong fully murdered for the money.

This story is based arround an immoral theme, high lighting the goticerait
was written in by Stevenson. Apparently, this story was in spired by the
confession of William Burke who was amurdered and procurer of corpses. This
give sit more of an eeryvibe, seeing a show its based on a true story; reflects a
kind of documentary. What was supposed to be a highly esteemed couple of men,
professor sand doctor sat that, were truly morbid and suspicious, another reference
to Shelly’s use of appearance and trued epictionofones self.

6. Style

The writers tyle in this short story is narrative style. The writer uses
complex sentence. The writer also used ifficultand complicated diction that make
we (the readers) difficult to understanding and take some minutes to get what the
story is.

7. Tone

In this short story , almost all paragraphs use mystery, adventure, evil, and
scary tone.

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