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Academic Year 2018/19

ENG608 Sustainable Development and Environmental


Second Attempt Coursework

Deadline For Submission: 23:55 26th July 2019

Hand-in Instructions: A single document in MS Word format via Moodle Drop Box – ENG608

Instructions for completing See brief below


Examiner (s): Dr Hom Dhakal

Sustainable Development and Environmental Management

ENG608 – P23999


Environmental issues such as the ozone depletion, global warming and its link to the use of non-renewable
resources have drawn a wide concern from the public as well as from engineers and scientists. Different
products used in our ordinary life, produce environmental damage during their life time. The intense pressure
from the consumers and legislation in the current business environment has forced both the service and
manufacturing industries to re-examine their methods of manufacturing and the use of raw materials. In
recent years, well-known names in manufacturing and service sectors have shown interest in understanding
the effect of their products and services on the environment and to use more environmentally friendly
materials and processes.

Sustainable development requires methods and tools to measure and compare the environmental impacts of
human activities for various products viz. goods, services, etc.

This SA Coursework contributes 40% of the overall module mark. Students are required to use Product Life
Cycle Assessment (PLCA) technique to evaluate sustainability issues related to a particular Product or item
from their raw materials extraction to disposal.

Specific outcomes from this coursework include:-

 Understand the four stages of PLCA methodology;

 Be aware of the resources required to do a PLCA study in practice;
 Be able to provide a critical perspective on the quality of a PLCA study done by others;
 Understand the key benefits and challenges of the application of PLCA for a range of purposes;
 Regularly present work, research and findings to others (peers and tutors).

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PLCA of offshore wind turbine blades for renewable energy generation

Coursework Brief

Task/Activity Description Mark %

(Your report must include four independent elements of PLCA as ISO
1 14040, ISO 14041, and ISO 14042):
i. The definition of goal and scope of the PLCA
(with the use of figures and diagrams)
ii. The life cycle inventory analysis
2 (identification of component parts, functional units in appropriate tabular 25
iii. The life cycle impact assessment
3 Identification of important impact categories (giving reasons) for the
evaluation of the relative environmental impacts
Critically evaluate the environmental impacts including any health issues
iv. The life cycle interpretation
4 Conclusion and discussion of the specific LCA analysis and suggest the 20
shortcomings of this LCA tool by focusing your assessment in the following
critical aspects:
 Cost and time involved;
 Economic and social aspects;
 Availability of the related data.
 Overall presentation (use of appropriate figures, graphs and
5 tables, overall report consistency, content and clarity) 20

 All references should be correctly cited in Harvard format APA 5th

 TURNITIN Report and consideration

Your submission must be your own work and any work that is deemed to be similar to that of other students,
past or present will face plagiarism proceedings.

The submission should be a single document in MS-Word format. Work must be submitted by the stated
deadline in order not to incur a penalty. In order to achieve the best marks, you will need to review a variety
of literature sources. Your report should not be more than 2,000 words.

Hand in Date

Submit to the module via Moodle Drop Box – ENG608 by 23:55 26th July 2019).

You MUST submit the plagiarism report from with your coursework.

Professor Hom Dhakal


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