Effects of Test Anxiety On The Academic Performance

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Effects of Test Anxiety on the Academic performance

among the Students of College of Engineering and Geo-


C.C.D. Azcuna, E.P.Bautista, R.Mino, C.M. Rugador. G.R.Masuhay

a Caraga State University- Main Campus

Department of Arts and Sciences, Ampayon, Butuan City


Worldwide research studies show that anxiety disorders are rising among students. The
main goal of this study is to identify the academic anxiety among the freshmen students of
the College of Engineering and Geo-sciences, Caraga State University through relating the
most common factors affecting their test anxiety changes. Using the quantitative method,
the Test Anxiety Scale Questionnaires (Nist & Diehl, 1990) was used to measure the level at
which students experience test anxiety. The measuring instrument corresponds of a survey
was distributed to a sample of (N=156) students.

Keywords: Test anxiety; Academic performance, 1st Year level,

1. Introduction examination they/may take in the process of

reaching academic success.
Test anxiety level is considered to vary
during the years of study at the university. A 1.1 Review of Related Studies
great number of research study present data
that most psychological disorder is evident in Anxiety is a subjective feeling of
first year students. According to a research tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry
study carried out by Cooke, Bewick, Barkham, associated with arousal of the nervous system
Bradley and Audin (2016), it has been identified (Vitasari, et. al 2010). The high level of anxiety
that first year students most commonly reveal causes a person’s daily routine difficult such as
psychological changes, that often times interfering with activities and social life. The
correlate student,s financial concerns, and researchers came up with this study for Anxiety
academic pressure which they encounter. is one of the wide varieties of emotional and
behavior disorders. Among all mental health
The issue of test anxiety creates cognitive problems and it is common among students
dimension which involves worry and negative facing academic stress. Students with anxiety
thoughts, self-criticism, negative consequences disorder exhibit a passive attitude in their
of failure that may occur during test situations studies. According to Ruffin (2007) symptoms
that among most students towards learning, of anxiety among students includes feeling
thus affecting their academic performance. This nervous before entering the class room,
issue intrigued the researchers to determine the panicking, going blank during a test, feeling
effects of test anxiety on the academic helpless while doing assignments, or lack
performance among the students of College of interest in a difficult subject whereas the
Engineering and Geo- Sciences. physiological symptoms include sweaty palms,
cold, nervousness, panic, fast pace of breathing,
The population of the study is the freshmen racing heartbeat, or an upset stomach that
engineering students who are currently become a barrier to students learning.
studying in Caraga State University. For they
have the highest academic standard and the Since the 1950’s, many studies have been
freshmen students are still in the process of carried out by notable researches on the issue of
coping up with their environment, in which the anxiety, especially by George Mander and
students may develop test anxiety in most of the Seymour Sarason (1985), who together of other

Erica Bautista ; email: ccazcuna13@gmail.com

numerous researchers have made a remarkable concepts pertaining to the subjects being taught
impact on the study of Test anxiety among (Hyseni-Duraku, 2014).
students. They describe test anxiety as fear of
failing, experienced by students before and Aside from academic factors, other stress
during taking an important examination. factors influencing students include financial
factors, abilities to manage their time, students’
Other factors of influence in students’ health problems, and other personal factors
stress level include the lack of adaptability of (Goodman, 1995), including the concept they
the university infrastructure, the academic have in regard to themselves, which is self-
semester functioning methods, and the limited efficiency (Ahmed, Minnaert, Kuyper, & Welf,
capacity of academic institutions to support the 2011) and the level of self-control in regard to
academic efforts of their students (Awino & thoughts, actions and emotions (Zelazo & Lyons,
Agolla, 2008). Furthermore, the high pressure to 2012). Moreover, the interactions between
achieve commendable results in exams has been these factors, aside from causing students to
recognized to negatively influence the students’ experience general difficulties, also influence
academic performance and to increase their their level of achievement by impacting their
level of stress (Erlauer, 2003). academic performance.

Test anxiety levels are considered to vary 1.2 Statement of the and Hypothesis
during the years of study at the university. A The study aims to determine the effects of
great number of research studies present data Test anxiety on the performance among the
that most psychological disorders are evident in freshmen students of College of Engineering and
first year students. According to a research Geo-Sciences.
study carried out by Cooke, Bewick, Barkham,
Bradley and Audin (2006), it has been identified 1. What are the demographic profile of the
that first year students most commonly reveal students in terms of:
psychological changes,that often times correlate
with students’ financial concerns, and the a. Age
academic pressure which they encounter.
Moreover, according to Wright (1967), it has b. Gender
been established that students’ signs of stress
are also most prevalent in those students
c. GPA
experiencing difficulties in adjusting to
university life.
d. Program
Professors’ teaching and evaluating
methods are also considered to be factors of e. Weekly allowance
influence in the academic performance and the
anxiety in students. According to Davis (1999), f. Parent’s Monthly Income
exams and high volume projects are considered
to be inadequate forms of evaluation that may
2. The levels of Test anxiety experienced by
negatively impact students’ motivation and
the students.
their increased experience of anxiety. The most
stressful factors influencing students, identified 3. How Test anxiety affects Student’s school
in educational institutions, are evaluations and performance.
competitions between students, students’
academic failures, unhealthy relations between 2. Conceptual Framework
students, and course instructors (Fairbrother & Figure 1. Converging Radial
Warn, 2003). According to Ericksen (1978),
many students respond more positively to
better organized courses, led by enthusiastic
instructors, who awake students’ interest in the
subject and succeed in influencing the students’
learning process. Moreover, it is perceived that
constructive learning methods help students
take responsibility in learning and enables them
to become independent and develop their own
Course the students while mean responses are less than
2.50 it indicate that test anxiety has no influence
GPA allowance
on students’ academic performance.

Age Academic Parents 4. Results and Discussions

Sex Performanc Monthly Questionnaire is the main instrument
e of CEGS for collecting data about the student’s
1st Year
students responses on the impact of test anxiety.

3. Methods 4.1 Result component 1

The methodology of this study aims to Table1. Overall Means and Standard Deviations
solve a research problem systematically and of the all the Study variables
scientifically. This may lead to conduct sampling
method to measure Test anxiety experience and
the effect of it in the academic performance of The responses of the first research
freshmen students of College of Engineering and question (what is the demographic profile of the
Geo- Sciences at Caraga State University. There respondents) that is present in the appendices.
are 950 current total population from all year Based on the table 1 (see appendices) with the
levels College of Engineering and Geo-Sciences. total respondents of 157 from selected number
Hence, the scope of this study is only freshmen of fresh men students of College of Engineering
students and has a current population of 475 and Geo Sciences, the overall mean of age is
from all the CEGS programs. 19.237, this means that the majority of all the
ages is 19 years old. Their overall Test anxiety
3.1 Research Design and Locale Mean is 2. 6433 above 2.50 which is the level of
The researcher used population proportion significance. This means that most of the
to calculate the need population of the study. students had experienced test anxiety during
The given population has the total number of exams and quizzes.
149 respondents from all the freshmen 4.2 Result component 2
engineering students. Stratified sampling is
used in this study. Table2: Frequency distribution of questionnaire

3.2 Sample and Sampling Technique

A total of 156 students are respondents of
the study consisting 80 males and 77 females.
Sampling method used in this study is the
stratified random sampling. The respondents
were reached after general do- day at Caraga
State University. The questionnaires given by
the researchers seek to find the effects of test
anxiety experienced by the respondents.

3.3 Research Instrument

The researchers used a Test anxiety responses
scale questionnaire developed by Nist and Diehl
to measure the level of test anxiety experienced The range of anxiety varies from low to
by the students. The scale consisted of 10 high level of anxiety. Which are indicated in the
questions. The question must be scored by the test anxiety questionnaire develop by Nist and
respondents as to how often they have Deihl. The responses of second research
experienced signs of test anxiety. question (levels of anxiety experienced by the
students) that is presented the table above.
3.4 Data Analysis Technique Based on the table2. 7(4. 5%) of the students do
The data collected in this study is experienced low level of anxiety, 42 (26.8%)
analyze using SPSS mean standard deviation to Moderate level of anxiety, and majority of the
answer research questions through the respondents experienced high level of anxiety
difference in mean rating that responses with with a total number of 108 (68.8%). In terms of
the mean of 2.50 and above indicate that test GPA it has a significant difference, which means
anxiety did affects the academic performance of that test anxiety affects the GPA of the students.
students had experienced test anxiety during
exams and quizzes.

6. Recommendation

Students - This study is an avenue where

students can participate and be knowledgeable
about anxiety. It’s also an issue where any
student can be possibly involved, help them
cope and prevent.

Future Researchers – The result and outcome of

this study can be use by other researchers a
reference regarding the test anxiety. This study
will serve as their guide to further more deepen
the strategies in coping anxiety.


Abouserie, R. (1994). Sources and levels of

stress in relation to locus of control, self-esteem
in university students. Educational Psychology,
14(3), 323-330.

4.3 Result component Hyseni-Duraku, Z. ( 2014). Interplay between

academic and personal factors in the academic
performance of Bachelor students. Unpublished
PHD thesis. University of Tirana. Albania
The data presented in the table 4 (see
appendices) shows the respondents responses
in each questions that aimed to determine the
impact of test anxiety on the academic
performance of the respondents. The mean
responses of the students ranges from 3.38 to
3.80, which means that majority of the students
responses agreed that test anxiety affects the
academic performance of the students.

Based on the linear regression done,

the GPA has a strong significant effect to the test
anxiety levels (p value of 0.000). Since the p -
values of each variable are less than the level of
0.05, then this justifies that test anxiety has a
significant effect to the academic performance
of the students regardless of their age and sex.

5. Conclusion
Results show that in terms of respondent
demographic profiles that are mostly nineteen
years old had garnered their overall test anxiety
Mean which is 2.6433 above 2.50 level of
significance. This means that most of the

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