They Lease Space From Data Storage Specialist

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Answer the following questions. Give short answers only.

1. How does an ASP ensure that they have enough storage space?
They lease space from data storage specialist.
2. List at least three advantages of using ASP.
 Having the latest version of software
 Being virus protected and having a data backup
 More flexibility- paying applications only when using them
3. What is multimodal input?
System that allows user to interact with computer using combination of inputs.
4. What type of utilities and applications are provided in Linux distribution?
Command interpreters, programming tools, text editors, GUI.
5. What is the name for a type of compression used for bitmap images?

Write the terms which correspond to the following definitions:

1. A formula used for decompressing components of a data stream. Algorithm.
2. Capacity of a network connection. Bandwidth.
3. A type of software development where any programmer can develop of fix bugs in the software. Open source.
4. The most important program in the operating system. It manages the operating system. The supervisor program.
5. A program that extracts song from a CD and turns them into WAV files. Ripper.

Match the words in column A with the most appropriate word in column B. Only one match is possible.

1. Spectrum c a) system
2. Accounting a b) allocation
3. Cramped e c) analyzers
4. Academic d d) computing
5. Memory b e) keyboard

Two grammar
I.Supply the correct tense of verb in brackets (conditional clauses) and translate the whole sentences into Croatian.
1. When he become a fisherman his family wasn’t happy. They (be) mush happier if he (become) greengrocer like
his father. Would have been, had become.
2. It is sunny and warm. If I (stay) like this the clothers (be) dry in two hours. Stays, will be.
3. Look at poor Tom trying to start his car again. If I (be) Tom I (get) a new car. Was, would get.

II. Put the verbs in backets into the correct form (gerund(-ing) or infinitive):
1. Please go on (write) I don’t mind (wait). writing, to wait.
2. At first I enyoied (listen) to him but after a while I got tired of (hear) the same story again and again. Listening,
3. I districtly remember (pay) him. I gave him $ 2. Paying.

III. Supply the correct modal verb in the appropriate tense:

1. If I sang ---would—you accompany me on the piano?
No I --- wouldn’t—(neg.). I ---couldn’t--- play (neg.) the piano.
2. I’m taking swimming lesson. I hope --- to be able—to swim by the end of the month.
3. You have spelt it wrong. There – might —be another’s.
4. We—have—to take a taxi. Otherwise we’ll be late.

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