Section 15

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sEqnqN 15 PAGE



15.1.1 Description s15-1

15.1.2 Materials s15-1 Steel Parapets sl5.l

15.l-2-2 Aluminium Alloy Parapets s15-3

15.13 Construction And Installation s15-4 Fabrication s154 Wclding s15-5 Corrosion Protection s15-5

r5.1.3.4 Tole ra nces sr5-5

15,1.3.5 Transportation slSd Handling and S:orage sl5{

r Installation And Workmanship sl5-6

15.1.4 Tcsting of Parapets s15-7


15.21 Description s15-7

t5.2.2 Materials s15-7

r5.2.2.1 C.oncrete s15-7

15-L2-2 Reinforccrnent . sl5-?

15.L?-7 Joint Filler sl5-7

15,2.3 Construction Of Casrln-Silu Parapet st5-?

15.L4 Installation Of Precast Concr€te Parapet s15-E

1,s.0 P.4gaxl;[


1"s.1.1 DESCR|PTIOf-i

This \l'ork sh;r!i c,-rnsist o1' thc supply of rnaterialr, fabrication, Etoragc,
trl nsporta!iorr. instaliation and lcsting of steel parapcts or aluminium alloy
parapcts. Thc Work shall be car':ictj out all in accordance with the Spccification
and tlrc lirrrs, lcrcls, qrldcs, drmensions and cross se€lions as shown on thc
I)rar.v'ing and ;rs tiiilcitd hy the S.O.
rs.r.z ua]}_R!.AL$ STEEL PARAFLTS

Unless r"rtht:i-*'!sr: spt:cilicd on the Drawings, matenali of construction for $tccl

p;rrrpcls sh.rll comply*ith thr appropriate British Standard iisted in Table 15.1
and in eic,:rlancc v'ith Scctjon 12 o[ the Specification.

TaL'le i5. i : \14'l'liRlAL.! !)l C{,)!S"[R!M

Forrn ot'material llS nunhcr Requirements soecified

ilot rolle d sccLir ln\ []S 4:l'art I

Dimensions and sectional
HLrt rolled ho.ik-rw se ctions BS d3d'l:Part L properdcs (scc RS 4360
for other rclevant
l".qual and unequiil n: El'.1 lrequirements)
s€cticn BS .18,18:Part ,1
\\'cldable struclurii \(('( l RS {X*-l Phyrical propcrticsl
(inclucies appropriatc chemical compeition
rcqlirements for iicms material condition and
above ) dimcnsiona[ !olerancc*

Pla tc. she.t and sr rip. I

i fnpicat propcrties.
'I ,l^19:Part
{,'artro n stccl BS 1

! chern ical com position

.Stainie.x sle el lJ5 I 449:Part I material condition and
I dimcnsioaal tolcrances

continue Table 15.1

Ban,rod BS 9?0rPart I Phpical propcrtics,

chcmical mmpsition and
dimensional toleranccs.

Welded wire mesh BS 4483 General requirements.

Expanded metal:

Carbon Stcel BS1 449: Part I Propcrties, chemical ,

compositions, material
Stainless Srecl gsl 449: ?an7 condition and dimcnsional
Fastcners (sec Nore)

ISO metric black hexagon

bolts, screws and nuts BS 4190 Dimensions, sizes, phpical
properties, chcmical
ISO metric precision compositions, gradcs,
hexagon bolts, screws and BS 3692 lolcrances and marking

Washers BS 4320 -ditto-

Spring Washers BS 446.1 ditti-

Corrosion resistan t s tainless
steel fasteneG BS 6105 -diuo-

High strcngth friction grip BS 4395 : Part I dirt0-


NOTE:The standards listed in this table relating to the form of fasleners do not covcr spccial
bolts, screurs, etc. which may be used for particuiar lixingp where it is nor possiblc to incorporate
bolts, nu8, screws. ctc. of standard dimensions or where special fixings are reguired to resist
vand alisrn.

15.1.2-2 Alarnlntun Allov ognnetr

Unlcsr otberwisc lpccified on lhc Drawings. metcriab of construction for

Alluuunium Allay Parapcts sbsll mmply with ths appropriatc Erithh Standard
listcd in Tablc 15.2 and in amrdanc€ lo CPll&

Table 15.2:

Form of Material Specification

BS numbcr and Requircments specified


BS 1474 Chemical compofition,

Extrudcd rc'cticns alloyr 6O61, 6063 and 6082 Propcrti€s acd toleranccs

Drawn t,ubc BS 1471, alloit 6'061, 6063 Chcmical composition,

and 60O? properties and toleranccs

Scaur wslded {ube BS 430011, alloy 5251 Toleranccs proPerties and

mechanical testt

Plate and shcct BS l4?0, allqn 1200, Chemicirl com position,

3103. 5083, 5?51 and 6082 propertiet and lolerances

Rive ts BS 1473, allop 5154 and Chemical composition,

6082 properties and tolerances
BS 14?4, alloy 5065A

C;aqtings BS 1490, allop 1-lt't6 Chemical composition.

and ljril?S d imension. properties and
chemical tctts

Wclding fillcr rods and BS 2901 :Part 4 Cbcrnical compooition,

c,ire propcrties, diamelcn and
Wcldcd wirc mcsh BS 44iB General requircments

Expanded metal BS 1470 Propcrtics, chemical

compocition, material
condition and dimcnsional

cootion" Table 5.2

Fartcncn (sce note)

ISO mctric black hexagon

bolu, screuc and nuts BS 4190 Dimcnsion,Sizes and
ISO metric precision
bcxagon bolts, screws BS 3692 ditto^
and nu6

Wasben BS 4320 dirto-

Spring wathers BS 4464 <litto-

Corrcion rcsista at stainless' BS 6105 Chemical composition

steel fastenen and physical properties

High streugth friction grip BS 4395:Part -ditto-


NOTE The standard listed in this table relating to the form of fasteners do not cove r
special bolls, screwsn etc. which may be rxed for particular luii ngs where it is not possible
to incorporate bol!s,. screrr,s, etc. of standard dimensions or whcre special fixings arc
re quired to resist vandalism.


The componen!s fabricated in eithcr aluminiun or stccl shall be assemblcd so

that tbey are not twisted or olhenrise damaged and shall be so prepared that the
specified inclinations, if any, are provided.

The fit of mating compon€nts shall be such as to allow praclical Site assembly
without inducing strqss or distortion in the components *hilst meeling thc design
strength requirement.

Flame cut *urfaces shall tre smooth and free fram gutters.

Holes may be punchcd full size in cleats and brackets where the thickness of
materials docs not exceed 10mm and where the fabrication is not subiected to
rcpeared stresses. Slotted holes may be flame cut.

2nm rarger then the nominar
gn of tk
The diameter of hores shail be
is tJUc gakanizcd' the diarnctcr of
arsociated fastcner. Wf,"'*-tit rnrrerial of tbe fastcncr'
holc $hall bc incrcased
"; -lr*,"t* $qo of the no-minal
used, wasbers of sufficicnt
*hicherer is ttre geatei. this altowancc
bridging srtenEth shall be prowided- WrldinS

Welding for rteel including weld repairs shall be as p€r s€ction

12 and in
accbrdance with BS 5135-

Approval testi+g of welding procedures for stcel shall bc canied out itr
accordance with BS 4870:Part 1'

All weklen for steel shall have obtaine.d approval of esch approved proccdurc
in accordancc with BS 487:Part 1'

The welding of aluminium alloys including weld,rep-airs sball b:-io accordance

wirh BS 30i9:part I for TIG welding or SS lS'7t :Part 1 for MIG welding

Approval testing of welding procedurcs for aluminium alloy shall be caricd out
in accordance with BS 4870:Part 2.

All welders for aluminium alloy: shall trave obtained approval of each approvcd
procedure in accordancc with Bs 4s71:Part 2 allo*ing the use of $ecial tcst
pieces on complete PosE, as appropriatc. Corrosion Pmlectlon

Aluminium parapets shall be conslructed otalloys inhercntty rcsbtant tomrrosioo

in roadsirle iondltions and the materials specificd in Clause 15.1.2 shall bc uscd'

Steel parapets shall be treated with protective.qdtem in aceordancc tO Section 12

of rhe specification and to 8S 549awitb the intcnded parapet environmcnt and
life requiremen! unless otherwise specificd. Tolersnces

The tolerance on thc posirion of rail lxing on posts shall be within *3mm of thc
specified dimension.

Tolerances on extruded sections, plate and tube *all bc in accordance with

Clause 15.1-2.

15.t3J Tlrarortrtlon
Parrpcts rball bc protcc{cd &pm darnagc during transportation, Mcans rhall bc
prwided to prercnt dirtortion of the frbricatiors and any nachincd or
unprotected surfacc coated with r suitablc tcmporsry protccti'rc.

Ail bolt$ screwl, nuts and washcrs and any small loosc composcnt! shall bc
ruitably protected and idcntified.

15.13.6 Hrndlhe And Siorg{c

Parapets shall be hasdlcd and stackcd in such a manner that pcrmanent dsmage
to components and t0 any temporary or pcrmaneot proteclive treahcnt is
awided. Any damagc tu$taihcd shall be made good. Wherc cranage is required,
fabric slings shall be used.

Parap"ls connponent shall be stored clear of the ground in such a way that
contact with stauding water, soif cement or ash or any othcr dcletcriorn
substancc is prevented. Parap'e$ shall not be stored in contact with othef
m aterials.

Suitable packing shall be placcd betwern components to prevent contact, to allow

the free circulation of air and allow dbpcnion of any watcr. Meanr shall b'e
provided to prevert accumulation of watir on any".- Installstlon And Workpansbip

Parapcs shall bc set true to linc and level, wirhjn the tolerances ser for bedding,
throughout their length to give a smoorh flowing line to the finishcd parapcl
Where the plinth has crass andlor longitudinal fall, the maximum thickness of
bcdding to ihe undenide of the base plate sball be 30mm plus an amounl
sufticient to allow for the effcct of these falls over the area under the barc plate

Parapcrs shall be securely hcld in their correct final position until the anchorages
and bedding have attained the reguired ltr€ngth. Where pennaneBt shims are
used underneath the central packing or forn Cwashers placed around thc shanla
of the holding{own bolts. Packen or washers shall be of material compariblc
with the metal of base platc.

Thc bcdding shall completcly fill the spacc betwecn thc. basc plate and thc plinttr
aud shall not project abovc thc undcnide of thc base platc.

Damaged areas of protective coatings shall be made good after completion of the

Aluminium which is to be in conlacl witb concr€ti or mortar rhall be coated with

at least two applications of bituminous coatiog solution in accordancs with BS
3416 sr with hotdip bitumen, applied to a cl€atr degreascd surface.

Mctal to metsl cont ct bct\rce! diseimilar materialt shall bc arnided by thc ruc
of non-metatlic ElccvEl, narlrcrr or co8tings to prcvent gatvanic concion.

Partr of ancboragcs within S0rnrn of the rurfacc of the plinth shall bc auitably
Protcctcd against corrosion.


All proprictary metal par&petr sptem rball have been tcsted conforming to the
r@uirernent of BS 6779:Part l.

The Contractor shall submit the mmple te test records and reports for inspertion
by the S.O.

152 CONC&E'. rE PARAPEf,

l53l pgscBIPTrON

This r#ork sbrill consist of the supply and construction of cast-in-situ or

installation of precast concrele parapets. Thc Work shall be carried out in
accordance with the Spccificarion and to the lines, levels, grades and dimensions
as rhown on the Dra$/ings or as directed by the S.O.


li.ZLl Concrpte

Concrete for parapets shall be of grade 3520 unlesr otherwis€ indicated on the
Drawing and shall conform to the requirements of Sertion 9 of this Specification.

15.22.2 Reirforcement

All reinforcement for parapets shall conforrn to thc requirements of Section 9 of

this Specifica tion unless otherwise ind ica tcd.

15223 Jolat Filler

Unless otherwise specified joint lillcr shall be in accordancc with the reguirements
of the Section l4 of this Specification


Concredng shall be in accordancc with the requircments of Section 9 of this


The expansion joint in the parapet shall be in lines with the expansion joint in the
desk slab. Additional joins shall bc formed at intcrvals as sho*'n on lhe

The fini*cd r#ork shall be truc to lines, gradcs and levels to within l0mm and
shall prrscnt I smooth tpp€arancc frec from kinks and distortioo visiblc to the

Precast Concrcte parapet shall be formed with t-lnish surfacsr of Class F3 as per
Scclion 9 of this Speciiication.

Thc parapet shali be sut so that the frcnt top aiisc conform$ to the [ine and grarJe
required. Parape t shail be laid with joints as narrow as pr:sible and fiiled with
mortar containing onc part Portland ccment and tr,ro parts sand.

Expansion jcrint shall be iormed at intervals as shown on the Drawings, The

cxpansion joint in thc parapet shall be filled w:th an expansion joint fille r of the
same nominal thickress as thc deck slab.

Whcn parapets are crcctcC, thcv shall bc securcly hcld in their correct position
until all conncctions and fastdnings are complete and fxings have gained sufficient
srrcngth to witnstaild the tlcsign holding-down moment. The assessment rrf the
strength of thc firing shall l-.e subjcctcd to thc S.O's agrecment.

Prccaulir:n shall be takcn during erection of the parapets to prevcnt damage to

the WorL.s such as w'all.s. roatJ-surfaces^ kerbs. etc.

s 15.8
ssll\\"\l)l ),\- l {ll(r\ l r

ADDENDUM No. S-1 (Rev. 1)




(.f liR,'sPJi I 988)


()(.' l' a"i l:ll: R l.l r.r;

.tKI{ S r',\liD,{l{l} Sl'l;(ll11l('.r'Il{}N l Olt l{OAI) \YORKS-lellfl

ADDHNOUll No. S-l ilt*.1 - ()t'lohsr l(197^)

lN lliQDUeT'lQlll

T"he follorvilrg srjls out thc alrsldnrerrts :rnd ;rdd.iliurrs lo tx rrrldc tir tlrc Slandartl Spetification For Roa,l \\tlrl's.
JKtliSI'J/1r88, JKR 20.{01-Ol} 17-89. Whcre a nov has trecn created. or an cxisting clause rcplaccd, the
rt"iseil r',r ncrv cl; rsc nrrmbcr ha.s bcc.n prcfixcrl lvith rhc lcftr[.\ .\l-) for r.:rsc o{'rclbrcncc.

\0 I l1: T'his Addcndum iniorporatcs and rcplaccs lhc prcviorrs Addcuduur S-1 (Dcccrnbcr 1992).
Aprrt from sorne minor chrmges to nuike i{ rcad bcttcr anl lo bc molc consisfen( h style,
a lisl of lbc rnain :pccilicalion rcquircmcnl clranscs frcxr thc prcviolrs Addcudurn No.S-l
(Dccembcr 1992) is prolidcd separatcly.


'I'hc lbllou,ing changcs in nonrcnclaturc shall appiy :

(Note: those marked * apply onl-v u'here the .lara''mk l\rblic Works
I)eparlrnent Creneral Conditions of f r)nt ritcl (PUT) ?.5) are rtscti-)

* "s.O.* or "Sugxriutending Ofliccr" shal! rnean "l;.nginccr"

"* "S.0's Represcntative" str,all me.en "Engineer's Represenlaiive".
"the Covernmcnt' slall rnean "the Bmploler"
+ "sile agent" sball mean re dgencral fcrrcmar, aganl or o ',cr supcn'isor"(of the Corrtractor) as ildicated
in clause I I of t.he Gencral C'onditrons ol'(lontract.
"BQ" or .Bdl of Qr:.{tilies" shall ne?n thc schedule of qu:urtit-ies (if any) as set out in the
Srrmmary of Tcnder, lhc Schslul{: of Quanlrtics arrd llatcs, the Schcdule of Provisional
Quaatities, the Specification, lhe Appendiqcs, Adr.lenda, or tirc Drarrings as applicable.


Dclctc "Appcndix lA" and substitulc "thc Spccilication of i)articular Applcatton"

r.? sCoPl: tlF woRI{S:

(i) Dek*c "Appendix lB" and substiftrfc "the SBc;ificalion of ParucuJar Application .

(ii) Add a second paragraph as foflorvs:

'ilrc \\'orks shdl bc considcrcd to lravc rcactrcd Practrual ('onrplctiun whcn the ftrllowing have been
ia) hc pavcmcnt, including thc ihotllllcrs arr{ rri:artrt8 cottrsc,
{b) AII drainagc rvorks,
{c) All stnrcturcs,
id) frimrni ng ofcuts iuui lllis. lurd appruvcd crosto,l pI utr:c( iorfgrlssi ng
(c) Road srg[s, road nrarhittgs iind guiiril rails

Whqrc scctiorrs arc proposcd, or agrcr:tt" lt

llt: colsiilvred fr.r I'r;rclical Cunphlicn. such sccl.ions of thc
\\'orks shall also bc able to be urksr intci usc ic !1. readrl-r' lc;*sible for lhc public trafl'ic in lht: casc of ;l
\rLtiiirt of rurad), and uscrl tiithcut significirnr il)ti:nr!1)liorr rrr d;ingr'r causcd b! thc Contraclor ca rr-ring
orrt tlre le lttiiiuilrg tr,ur k Lrnder tltc ConU::r:t

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.1)
r.t PR0(;R.{}{l\tE oF \\roitKS;

Ilcplacc ihc contcrlts t:l'thi,s srrh-rr,:<'tton i\'rth thc fiillorrirrg. rrhich shlll-Lc dccmc-d lo lnrl:lify tllc
l'rogninaring rcqlrircltcnis of lh. {;rn.rll Llcndiirtlr .

,\ U I .'t. I !'^rcglan rlnqs,iq,!'c sl; t'I 1 i i I c-.1

I illess tt[er*'i:re lotlfled cr;:grrrrl br tirc S 0., t hr: (iltlractor shltll subnrit the follrxt ing [t'r ltvicg:
{a) Within ?3 c:{r:nthr d"r"r s r-,{ l}tr ilate ol Llt* lcltsr acccpt.illg thc t, it L rrirtnrillcrl
Xtrogrurrn.,: Cllrrilint llr {,"-rrtnr-llr's pi:rnJtcd r>penlions durilg thc naxt !}! rlllunJ:ir d':1's- lts
rrell as I Srrrrr:ttar,r'{.)r:l:rll 1'rt:;jret1;1119 -r'Jtr,',r ing thc cldarr in wbir:h he ptr:poscs to (;lilv aul
thc rvhok r.rf (hc \\'or Ls. :rld rr ir,ll hc lrrtrtiplrtcs qcrking on lbe various .ltcaliclts of tlie stll,
tnkiirg iirto it\'i-.)t)ltl illl\ .1'c'ifi'''llr rl riltj'llullls
'l'cndcr, a Dclarlcd Ccrnsln:c(iort
0t Witlin 42 days 0f thc llarr: 0f the leitc{ acccpting the
Progriuuu,; l1'r lhe rvholc c,f tlic \\'rrtks utith shal.l lnLtl lhe rr:tptire tnents of srrb-claLrsc .'\[)
1.4.?, logctlrtr rl.irh ihe prr:pc:slil \{assllilrl diagrarn shorving thc proposed cut und till
(,:) Rcgrrl:tr "!0 Day" \Vliks lrogranrnes. {in linc with dte thcn currcn|* .lcceplc{l. detarltd
Consfnlclion Progr:rrnnrc pcr {1r) above), in tn agrroved firrmat, rncting lhe rcquiren]rllts al
Clause AD 1.4.? and sui(llrly d*tailcd. are to bc submincd c!'ery two rnolths (ur trtirrc
fieqlenll-1- il ch:rnges in *crk 1:ro;lrarr$ring so rcquire), coveling only tlr* prtrprscd uork ft'r
the follrtrvinl. I nlnnlhs

In ctcnt lhat thc Contr:rclor hrls lo preprre. ccnrpletc and subrnit {.be Construuticn Progreuurteis).
or tSeir revisin:r as specified beiorv, u'rtirin thc pcriod spccilied or srtch cxtended period as nr:r1 bc
approved try the S.O , thc Covennrcnt nra1, appoint a planning consultant of its ou'n choicc to assisl the
iontractor'in preparing lhe Consrruction Programme(si. All costs a,aso{iated with llre appoinlrlcnl of
the planning consultant encl thc prep:rrafian tf the Const.n:clion Proglarirme{s) s}r"rll be bante by the
Contgctor and shtll be recoversble ficrn hlm by tlre Covcrnmenl or mll' be deductcd b-v thc
Government from an! mcnics dtrc or bcci:rning duc to thf Conlraclor. The Programme{s) so
shall be subjcct to thc seruc lcrnts antl crlndlticlns as i,f cach Programme was Prcparcd by {.hc contractor.
t.he Progrilmmeis). o!
'l'lrc Golemmcnt may irlso ivitlihokl p;r)'rnelt of rn-y Inttrirn Cerlillurt$ due, until
its rcvision is proridrd.

A1) 1..1.2 SeSgltgUCi!$I-1tr&t!:Jtu*o!i-l'i!Sri!tl!n{

(a) The Prograrrutrc slrall bc in thc forrrr ol'a lirne sstled batsllad or arow diagranl ;rcctrratell'
rcprcscnting lfic Contraclor's prog!lx)ure far ciu4'ilg out the *ork within any lilne cotNttiill)ts
ipplicsblc. It shall clearly indicatc thc intcrrCed lpproach to thc Works and to sach.{cction ol'
thc Works. aid sha]t corrr;pond rlith llrr agrerd corntnrctjou titttc for the Works alid ear-h
Sr.rljorr uf thc Worhs, rrit!r alt rr:,tjrinl! ur dcpcrrdtncics shoxn sucir that tltc crrtlcal patit{s)
rnal.- be recogitiscd Ciitir:ri ;r{ lil itirs s}r:rll btj high}ighted'

11t) The Conlrirchir' sh;rll cnsrrl r lh;rl tire lotal tcsouralls required for lhe cxecutitln of tlrc nt.'rk
accordaucc tith tlre f rosr.ulurrc r,r'rli [.'c at all lirncs tiithin tlrc level of re'sources $liic'lt t]til
Coutraclor can a;ril sh;,1! ful:u:ir ilrforrliation on the tcsourcts proposad 1o be. ot beit:g'
utiliscd *trcntr*r rcqttirtJ !r tlrt S {.') -

{.) Fach aitrvitl, rhail be rclilrslllril lr1 u <Jcsc pliorr rcferring t0 a r-peliflc poruon of the W0rks
lhich rlill pcrrrrjl ils €it-(\;1rd a..rrr;itt idcnlrflcation (clc:llcnt, location. cquiprnunl, sehcdultr.
ilenr, r{cl. )

(,i] Lc*.1 lilllr:Siirr iuppl,, lif ititi,rJli:ilrrrn. :li:i:.ii lC arils cf the Srte, SeleetiOtt of sub -Ctrr:t r:tclo; s
alrri Srrpplicrs. r1:;:rr.r:tl:,. frr s:iI);tl: i,f eijLrip:rt;til lrt lhe Ct-'r':'rn:ttcttl lrr ils alli]tlts;rnC flclsrrlr-s
:rot untl:t l1u.: (:lr,il:tr'tol r' !()r)lr0l :ir.rli hc shl$tt lhtsr: lclJ trtllcs shall c{alpl.i ri'tlit trty
rclevarrt l)ruliriols Lrr llri.! {.'arr'r{i:iiL iu,-lr l.l;td hrrti's tttlr' t't plcstttlud oti Llrr' prctlll;inill}t
diuttrttlllr {:t j ll :r i'i:l.tlr :'. I it:Jt l'.r ir.rt t:t

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l)
(e) Significattt off-site aclivitir:s such as prr:fabncalion c.rrried out by thc Contractor, or bv a Sub-
Contractor, sh:rll be expressed as scFaratc acrir.itirs

(1) Thc ConLraclor sh.di not-Lfy all Sub-Ccrrtractors ard Suppliers (ncrni.nated or other$,ise) of
their schedulcd diites for perfondng, work as detcrnrined by the programme. 'fhc Conlractor
shaU al all (intes be able to tJernonsta{c lhnt it iurs irnplellentrd reasorurble procedures for co-
ordimtion of Sub-Contractors' and Suppliers' aclivities to bc ircorporatcd into thc works bcth
w.r.t. tinre lnd physic-ally. 'Ihc Coltraclor slrall rniunlain a rcgister of cr.rrent Sub-Contraclor
programncs n'hich rcflect the project's cvcrall lequirenrents, Tbe Contractor shall ensure that
Sub-C-ontractors and Supplicrs arc regularly adviscd of thcir entitlcmenc arising from
adjusrmenfs of the programme and ensure that these are reflecled in the Sub-Contractors' and
Suppliers' prog$tnmes.

A1) I 4. 3 Afeeplateend 4giiqdmln!!_lqtlatqn$tio{logragrme

(a) T'he S.0. shall rcvicw the Programmcs and may dircct dcviations from the Programmes so
submitted - whicb lhe Contractor shall so ircorporatc, and then resubmit the amended
Itogrammes r*'ithia l4 days Aom thc datc of the S.O.'s re4uest for such deviations, unless
othorwisc agreed or directetl by the S.0..

(b) The S.O. may at any iime direct that an updared progr:rmme be zubmitted which updaterl
prograrnme shall tbco be prol'idcd by ihc Contra:tor, togctbor with any alteration or rcvisions
required to rcndcr it actrptablc to thc S.O., *itlun 14 days from the date of tbc S.O.'s reques;t
unless othcrwise agreed or directerl by the S.O..

(c) The Contractor sball, togcther with each progrcss clain submitted pursrnnt to the Generdl
Cortditionq $bmil'tbc Construclion Prcgrarrrrne rnarked up so as to sbow lhe progrcss of tic
lVorks at the dare of submission of the relevant prog,ress claim. These are additiornl
requirements to the Condition Precedents to Contractor's right to Paymcnt-

(d) When the S.0^ consents to or direcLs a revision or ao updatc of the Coastruction Proglarnme,
the Contractor shall review th€ Conshclion Prolyamme in consultalion wilh the S-0. and
shaU prepare a revised and updatcd vcrsion thercof. It shall incorporatd aly charges io
methods, time or sequence of acti,r.ities, record any nccess:rry additions or delctions of aclivities
{includiag the rectification of dcfccls), take into account any other netessary adjusrmcr:ts and
provide for any exlensions of tinrc to tltc date by which thc Clonuactor is obliged to Llriilg the
Works to Practical Complction, ard thc scqucncing of relathg construction activities.
Every such revised version of &e C-'orstruction Progranme shall also indicate and provide for
any correctir€ actions being, or proposed to bc taksn, by the Contractor to bring t]le progress of
lhe Works lrto conformity with the rcquircnrenis of tlre Conlract relating to progrcss and
completion. If the Coltractor fails to so revise and ugdate the Construction Progranrme and
provide the S,0. with copies &ereof vr,ithin tlre time frame indicated in paragraphs 'a' and 'b'
above, the Government may n'ithhold payment upon arty Interim Certificate until such copies
arc providcd.

(e) Th* Constnrction Programme is to be a co'ordinating document bcrt'*ccn the Controctor, Sub-
Contractors, Supplicrs and the S.O. and tlrs c{Iective inrplementation by the Contractor of tlre
Cpnstnrction Progranune shall be a m&1ns of a.ssessing uhetlrer thc Contractor has complicd
uifi or is complying rvith its obligations ur)der the Co tract as to limely and diligenl
pcrformance .

(f It shall bc the rasponsibilily of thc {bntractor, *hcnevcr rcquircd by the S.O., to demonstratc
to tlre satisfaction of tbe S.O. that lhc cons{ructiun resources shorm in tlc Conslruction
Progranrmc are avarlable or urll bc availablc to bc cr arc being utilised by the Contractor ill the
manner indic'ated in the Construction Prosramme.

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.1)
(s) Whcrc t.lre S.0. is rcasonlrbly of the opinion tlat the Progranuuc satislies his rcquueurcnts, hc
rvill grant "Pcr rission to lis$" stahrs to dr* Pnrgrunnte. Notrvitllskurding llre grantirg of
"pcrmission to rrse'' 1o srrch progmmme, or mrtters relating thereto, such permission lo use
does not guaranl$ thc corr!'ctness or srfficicnc.v olf lhe programmc, the sequcncing, mctlrLxls.
techliqrres. rcsourccs proposcd to bc u.scd ctc. utd tho Conlractor shrrll rcrnain respon.sible for
all slch planning. .schcduling, scque;lcr:s, mcthods, techniqucs and thc due pcr{ornance of its
ohlil',ations undcr this Contract.

(h) Thc Cnltracror slurll at all iirnes kcep thc S.0. i nfnrnrcd in rclation 1o revicrvs of progress
rc;nns, :rnd (hc prcparation of rcliscd versions of rhe Construction I'rogranmc. a-nd con-sult
uith and .gilc considi:ration to thc opinion-s iutd advice lendersd by the S.0. in relalion {o srich
progrcss rcpors ald preparalion of rcviserl vcrsions of the Construction Progranune.

(i) Wh:nerrr dre Construction Programme or Rer4scd Consfuaicn Programme lias t*cn agrecd
t0 and granted "pcrmissiorr lo usc" slat s by the S.O., lire Contractor shall promptly issue to the
S.O. fcrur (.1) copics of 0rc roiscd r'crsior ard shsll a.lso issuc furthtr copics or additional
copics r,',f rhc relev&rt scctjons to Sub-Conlraclors and Suppliers as requircd by thc S-O. or by
ttre provisioos cf any particular Sutr-Contraci
No changcs shall bc made to {be agreed progr:unnre *ithoul the concurrelrce in rvnting of thc

A co1ry of drc l:rtr:st version tf tlc coustruction Progtarune shall also bc tttourtled o* a rigid
backing. suitably prolecred frorn defacement and hung in a suitable position in thc Contractor's
site o{Iice.

AD 1.4.'{ grt$_gs$tr

The Contraclor slvrll not Lre entitled to any e\"ra costs resulting from:

(a) adcviation from a cor.stniction programme dircted by the S.0.,

(b) an updatc of a conslruction prograrnm€ dircctcd by the S.O., and/or
(c) provision of any information on resources etc. io support or sub.slantiate lh* prograrnrnes - or
any changes in such resourccs required to meet t-tre construction programme,

unless such deviation or drrection was due to an act, defaull or omission of the Cove rnmcn( or the S.O..


Ame nd thc la-sl scntcncc to rcad:

Tbc Site shall mean the arca or areas troundrd try *rc road rcsenc lin ts and limils cf thc Works as
shorm on the Conrri.t l)rau-[rgs, and eny- other aress so desifi dted on the Drawtngs ot in lhe (]ontr3ct,
cr directcd or approvcd 1o be so bt lhc S.()..


Add at the cnd of the first p;rragraph:

Ibrs requircment sh:rl! :Llso ix deemed to lpply lo those nr.rterials s'herc sFcific supplrers are spccified
(c.g. in clausr Al) L? bclorr), except {hat *{rcrc lhc delir,ery tinrc of srch supplicrs is in erccss of 4-,s
calcntLar da1's. thc {,'onuactor sLall bc autlroriscd. and rcsponsible, to obtain supplics of thc rcquircd
sta|ld;lrds frorn a.n altcrfi ti\,c rortrcc \ lh a shorttr dcli|cn trrnc.

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l)
|_7 \.1..1 l!:Rl{t.-{ (}f r\fAr,A't'stAN (]Rr{irN:
ll<:pl;rlc tltr (tttl.r)ls ll lh:.s sub:l-clioli $ lth l.liu l0llrr*'rrtg.

At) t.7 l!t..r'r'l.tRrArs ()r ltr1.1,Al'stAN {)Rlt;lN

l4atcrials af lrlalal'sran {)ngin lis lrstcd il ,\ppr:udir AD ' lF. (appended to this Addcndr}rn), shai] t}.
rrscd tly th( Conlr:rc{or to lhe exlluslon r,f rnrprrlcd nl*ld:rirls. x lsqs ba ciln prove lo the satishction of l

!hc S.0, thtt thc mt{eri.rl.s arc ot rvailable ltxrr]lt' or. jf irl.ail;rble, are not of thc sptclficd or acceptablc
sfaldard, In tlie erent that t.hese nraieriirls b:ite tcr t}€ impncd. thc Conlractor is rcquircd tc as:cnain
the applicablc import restrictiorL currr t ufiffs for Crrstnms sr:rlLr rnd due,s and to sa{.isl' hiuucf tltat
irnport liccnccs nhere required for r*ch end any xialcfllrl proposed Io be inrported ntll be issued b1'thi:

The Contructor is also referr*il !o lie requ:rrnrrnts cf oblairdng some supplies from specihc Sara*'ak
suppliers (e.g PPES llolcrel: l>ruhit.i Sdn Bhd. lt'lv{S S:ln llhd. and Stcd lndu*ries Sarawak. Sdn ,

Bhd.), rhich suppliers slrall bc d:enieri to t'e tJrt Contractcrr's suppiiers ard not Noninltr'd Suppliers.

The Crrntracror sh,lll be deemed to hlr,c:Jicucd icr all suc,h cosis and effects as nay ari-.e fronr these
spe*ial requirclncnts.


Replacc thc contcnts of thi.s srbsl:rtiut rt'ith thc fr'llorving:

AD 1.8. I lqtbrui-trq!-$0pd!!:djqllttgilrlcr

Llcforc the conln)enc$rrlcnt oflhe \Vorks lh.j {:ontraclof slr.rllh<. supplicd *ith the itdornrlliotr lrcics\itr}
to rc-cstablish thc prcr.iously set.*{rul lini:s:rtrd lrvels of lhe Works togcther si{.lr tbc hx'atiort arrd
rcdu*d lcr.'e!s of any rcferenee niar*s, lcnpcrary h:nchnta.rks andUor E.D.M. slattom.

Altlxrugh the sun-ey and eslrlrli-<hini'nl of $)ch rcfercncc ruuks and tenporary bencluuarks or li.l).lr't
sulions n,ere carricd out bv a qLralifitd,rrn'cy{.}r prir:r to beilg haudul over lo tilc Contraclor, lhcre is
er,ery pcssibility that thcse night h:irc bccn rlistlrbcd. As such the Cootra.tor should carry such
chrxk-c and survet s as nr,ry tte nc*:sslrry to cnsuc the ccl(xlrrcss of the levels and positions of tl'rr:
rcfercncc lrcgs or thcir ishrrtgnl.

'l'hc Contraclor shall irn.rncdiatcly sc€lre all slclr rcferencr marks bcnchrnarks ald E,D.M. stiltion! |

vtriicd enti acceptedl by him and sh:rll e-ctrblish re.ovcry pcgs atd additional tcFerencc pegs whcrc
AD 1.8.: egrgaSlpils-Sg11:-e]c't l

The Clantractcr shall be responsible for a1l scnjng out of thc Works for construction purposes ald sh:tll
proridc a rontpe(ent Engineerirrg Sunel,or to &!rn'ottl ruch setting out. The nane and quitlficrrlons
of the Engincering S1nc1'or sha.ll t'e stbrrltted to thc S.C). for approval within 14 da;'s frcm t.he daS of 1

iicceptance of his tender. I

AD l s.l Lll{Ie! M!!lijtnd_8e&I!.$r|J:j

Rtf".'rrii slations shlll ccnsrsl of Jii nrnr riil. {ii pilx set in i {-}{t mnr dia. x lr}J mrn deep ccncrele basc. ,

AJl rcfercnce and setting out rnd nnrlcrs shall corrl'orn to ur agretl cclc,ur cr:ihng, and shall he
.:atf*lly prot*(l{.d ar:d nnintaincl {i.r rh: Crrr;tirr rf lhc conlracl. thc pcgs sha.ll only be retntl ed bv
thi Contrar!or *{rr:n clirectlti br tlic S O :rptn ctnrpletinu of lhc ulrk, crtrpt t}tlt $lictd .(rrl\!lt!'rl
riquire* lheir rtliurv.rl. tlre (\rnir:,cti r sir:ill resitc slrch lxgr,l5t irl iort.s lo the approyill af tlt S 0 pricr l.r
lll( lI Ir llr'r\:tl

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l)
l{cfcttrtrrc Jrcgs .iliall L'J s(t lc ristabli:h tltc pcsitir,l ,.rf cullsrls anil stri::urr rUr crsions aloug thc control
linus. Additiourl tcnr;xrrlry lJcnchnrarks shall also br cst:rblishcd. a-( rcqirir,.4 lo srit lhc xcrks.

Slopc pclis'blttrr hxr;uds irnd olhcr pclls rlccess::r! to conlrol proprlv tirc crrbarkncnt irld ctrt slrall'bc
prr:rirli.'d lrl l5 lrr.:trcs irrtrrvals. ('h:rin;tgc l:rra:rls slt::ll provir.lcrl ;il 25 rrrctres inlen:rls innrcrlieir.:lt.
cnt-rrCc thc prop$sed rt;rd plrrllb: rn/crutrlnkurrul. hc-y- .rhl1[ be *a,cil] rrsible tnd to apprlr,al

Altcltiori is dr;rrrn to the possil:le cristencc oi suney ntarLs othtr tlun tltcso placc'rl by tle S.0., in thc
localil.v of thc *orks. 'fhe Cr:nlra,.:tor shall lrc ri'hollv rcsponsiblc for tfue prcsen'ation of srrc:h pcgs.
tr,;nchrnarks and pcrruancnt rui.rks eslalrlishcd b} othr'rs and siurll b, rqsponsibh: lor :r-scc{.rining the
Itration of thcsc rnarls in tl:$ areit likcly to tx aflectr:tl t1 lhc uork. In ilc clrnt of rlrnurgc to thc
nrlr!s. thc S.O. musl trc notified inrrlcdiltelv nnd the cost of re-esulhl ishn:enl of the merks slrall bc
l>ornc by thc Corrlrackrr.

n'll 1.3.1 Bpqprds

't'hs Contractor shall, as soon as pfrcti{:'lblc, srrpply thc S.O. tilh records in approved fonn. rrl;rtiug lo
;ill relerenes pegs, lrenchrlarks arrd se{ling out and cherling of the rrorls" and keep $uch rccoris u1l
l(i dalc bl fornral rotice 1o tlre S 0.. ;\ee alsl suirscction AIJ L25 hcrcin

AIr I 8.-5 ebsrtius-br$.o

flcforc cr'rmnrencing *orh al rn! loa?lion, the Cgnlraclor shall give rhc S.0. nol lsss thrn 2 i hours
nolice of his inlenlion 1o sel oui or gire levels firr lny part of the Works in ordcr lhaf arrirngemcnls nlay
bc madc lor chccking.
Chmking of rhe setting out of any part of the rvork unde r this Canracl miy be carricd out any time by
the S.O., and the Conlractor shall provide an:' rssisllnie l.lL'lt may be required to cn.ay oll sr]ch

Notn' this pror.lsion, the Ccnuactor shall nol be rslicved af his rcsponslbilit] for the
cornrtrrcss of lhe scfiing out and lcreiling, and u'ill rt his own cost any works $rongly
perfi:rmed as a result of incolrect scfiing ort ar levelling inclnding the rebuilding of any se€tion of rvork
so conymc(edl, n*hether such'tr,ork f ils chcckcd hI the S.O.. or not


All setting out slvrll b* in ar:cold;incc *ith the iincs iurd lcrr:ls shown on tlio dra$.ings, conrputct pnnt-
outs cr :rny othcr fornr i:r lhieh lhc survcy iufr.x nuttjon is pmiidr:rl, and any reqrrircd variation
lhercfiorl shatl frrsi be approveci br ilrc S.0..

For all drairuge rvorkt, culverts arrrl .stre;l:n diyersions. sho*n irr tlre dra*jugs, tlre final prsition ald
invctl lclcls of such rr,orks niusl be approvcd rur s;tc by thr: S.O. {aflcr beirrg set out b) tlre Contractor}
bcfole lnl uor h curtrrrtences.

Tlic Contraclor sh:ll utrlise ar appropriate rne{rr-rd rrf ler'el controi for fortutiol and pavem€nl la.vers lo
cosurc tlutt ths lcr*ls and lay'er lhicknesscs confcrttr u'iti sp:cifie<i requirtments, and fot $snitoring af
enrb:urklrenl setllern*Dt (n hrrc, urd the rxlelrt, suci ntonitorilg ig.sgtt:cified or directetl.)

AD i 8 ? sc{i!sse!-&j tlt [q!!ll'n!:

The {-cntraclor shell set out tite t}Lr',.tndarres cf lhe rald r*scr1! ;rlcrll tire lotnl lenglh of the propo.reLl
roed ls e-rrlr lts poslihl:, to cnablc 'ilit (irnrrnrni:nl ln cnn) oul ;rcir counting for tlie Irurpust of
cilmpcnsalioir lo the ltod c]rncrs. No cli:.rring.rr olhcf scrls shlll be permined in arl area unlil the
.rop rauu!lir"tg in tlilt alca hes be*n c0r.irplcttd,:ir,d ihe (lorrtr:rcl0r shrll bi: decntld lo halc itlloRc{l liil
surh in his rr-.rks p:o.qr:lmme

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l)
1.1., DI;\1Ui\iSi0fi$ A\ I) l.FlV !ll,S:

llcpllcc lhr ljtlc arld con{.nrs of t}ris slb:;cction rr i r thc lillc* in*:

Ar) 1.9 tlil\tEt\st0Ns AND I-!tvEI"s

lJcltrrc thc Works or xn) p:lrt lherccf arl conrtrcnccd, th. Corlrxctor shall vcrify thc dirncnsion*s and
lcels sholrt on tlc f)rarvilgs. Ca:nputcr llrint-outs etc., a d shall notifi thc S.0. of any discrepancy
*'irich ma1' alTecf lhe dit:icnsicns or lcvcls or an)' plrl of thl \Yorks. Such notillcalion by the Contrador
shail he gilcrr in srf{ieient lime 1o allorv the S,O. lo prrparc dq,ta.ils rlrorving his aurcndsl requircnrents.

The a'on(raclor shlll in pirli.nlar vcrify the levcls of the cxisting grox d surfilce within Rre"ls rvhcre
ei.thworks arc lo tre pcrformrd and lhe location.s and lnd lcvcls of mt*rcourses. 'fhsr€ mly differ from
the lcvels and lffalions sho*n or the l)rarvings dep.*nding on {he c\lent of crosiou and selllement
B'hich may have l;ll'ien phce during tbe intcrval brnl'cen $ln-c}' :ind constnrction

lVhere palmcnt is to bc rnade on ntuxured quntities, the levels and dimensions taken L;y the
Contractor and agroed by the S.O. shall form the ba.cis of grch ne.asurenrent of rvorks for paynt€nl.
Failing s*ch taking of levels nnd dirncnsions and agrccrnent, thc dimcnsions and levels shonn on the
Drarrings or as othenlise determined by the S.O. shall he final and binding on the Contractor.

Wriilen or figured dimemions arc to be prefcncd in cvcry case to scaled dimensions. Scaled
dimcnsions mav only be uscd alier confinnation by the S.O. or his accrediled repre-sentai.ivi.


Add the following paragraph at the end:

The Contractor shnll also employ or engage an adcquate nnmber of qualified and competenl sitc
engilleers. site supervisors, technical staff arrd assistants lo assist the Site Agenr to adequatsly $rpenis€
and control rhe quality of the Works. A sits organis.ltion chart shall be submined to lhe S.0, for
approval irnnrediately afler the arvard of lhs Contract.


lnscrt thc follos ing altcr tbc sccond paragraph:

The Golernrncnl and i1s rcprcscntail:c{s) shall have the same right of acccss to irupect ald Llrrv oul
lests a-i the S.O. and his ruprcscnlatire(s).

Thc Contractor shall cnsure thal t-he rrnrk conf{rrns in quality urd accuracy of dcteil to all rcquirenrents
of the Spccification :rnd Drawings. 'Ihc Contractor shall pror''ide experienced st:r{f toge{hct rvit-h tlte
nccessar.;. cquipruent lo rnsure tlurt thc supcnisior and cqntrol of thc u'orks is adequale al all times.

't'he Cr';ntrlrtor sha!l carry oul thi: nrress.ary tcsts lo cnsurc thlt lhe prt-rpertics of naRrral and proccssed
nutcrials ls q'cll ls rnlnu{acturcd products confcnr *'ith the specified re"qrir€mct}ls, lnd subnrit proof
of tlris trr tlru S ()
'fhe Cotrtractcrl slulll crnl oul his orvn l*:ling antl checks on r-.1( il conrfJlclc(l .sccti*rn and phese of rvork
10 prove its acc:r:pt;rbiliry plior lo subnritting the ccnipleted-*ork for approvel le.r thc S.C)..


(i) Anrcird {-hc title af the Cl:iuse to: "1.15 FACII.rTIES FOR S.C. AtiiD IIIS STAFF

{ri) P:orir'ir nu.,r' Sub-(--lausc for the {urrcnl clausr: ccnlrnls. r:nlillrr.!:
"l 15l 01fi cc Accc,nr nrcl;rtion"

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l)
(iii) Add to thc errd of tlic frlrith prrr;igraph:

ln spccial circunrslanccs lire {lo tr3.ti}r nrny :rlso [r€ perrnilted to provide renled ofiice faciliues
as an altern:rtir,e tri thc abovc sp,:cr {icd 'constmcled" sitc oflrcc. Such rcnttd ofice shall lt
rcrluircd rn lrc in close prnrinitl to the Sitc, acccptablc lo lhe S.{). and lhe Etn!to}'er. artd its
furniturc aad fiuings. shalt bc of cquai or bctlcr st;rndnrd thar specified ftrr thc "on-sile" si{c
ollicc. Any approvll ior {he provision af rclled o{fice l?llitics shall also be subjocl lo prior
E11rgrloycr applo\.ed cost srtvit:gs atrd pay'rnettt iuratlgclnenls.

tr\') Add to llre la$ senl8ncit at tlre end ofthe fifth paragrault,

...fou ("1) ri ecks frotn the datc of ptissession of .-\ile, failing ahiclr thc Contractor shail
immediarely prcvide altcrnative tcmporary facil.ities decmcd cqutvaicnt or bctter by., lhc S.0., or
the S.O. lna_! e lrcl to lllaks his ou n suiliible arrarrge[lents and tlre costs t]tereof shall be at t]re
Ccnlractor's e)ipense.

(r) Add thc foilo*ing additional Sub-Cl$r-sc:

1"15.2 Residential 4qconunod4!e!:

Whcre so specfied and/or slronr on tle dran ings, the Coqtractor shall also provide and
mainlain "on-site" acconuuodation quarlers frrr the S.0. and his supervisory- slall iu
accordance rvith the relevant Drasings, ioclusivc of all furniture and liriings as shor,rn on thc
Drawings or $hcnvise specified, and the s.rme requircments and conditions shall apply as frrr
the o{fice accommodation as contained in sub<tause l. 15.1, except that:

(a) Upon completion ol the Works, the "on-site" acconulodation 5hall be removed frorn the
Site, and all materials. tirrniturc and fittings shall bccomc tJre propeity of tire Canlractor.
o) The Con&actar is also pennited to provide re[ted quafiers as an alternative, (*'ith such
quarters, and ils firrnihrre and finings, to be of equal or bettcr standard tharr -speci{ied fcrr
the "on-sile" qrLlrrters,) and prorided thal such rented qlll.Iters are in close proximity to the
Site, and arc acccpublc to thc S.(J.. Such reotcd accommodation shall also be provided
until the completion cf lhe Works, and be srrbject to prior Employer approved cost savings
and palmcnt arrangcmcnls.


(0 Delete thc rcquifrnrcnt for a driver. and refer to tlte Sp<riicatron of Particular Application for
the typc(s) and numbcr of vchiclcs rcquircd.

(ii) Atll:

The IKR L,ogo a.nd &c Project N:rmc sh:rll be placcd on lhc fronl door on cach sidc of cach lchiclc, all
t0 thc appro\.al of the S.O .

ll'he required vehjclc(s) shrll bc ;xo.' idttl rri tir.iu four (4) u'ecks fitur dtc datc of thc lcltcr accepting the
Tender. Paymenl lor thc supply and rrrauntc:rancc of the spccificd vehiclcs shall be on a aronthly basis
throughout the coltrnet prriod, rrp to the iinrit of lhc lurup sutrr quoted for lhirl ilerrr.


Anrcrrd scu-ond ptr;rgraph. {irst scntcnec to rlad.

".. and slutii [x, etliripled'rltth l]tc r,.:1.:raul cquipnterrt fiorn lltc list irtdjuate.l:rl Apiiettdjx lL)
unltss cthrr'.'. isc rlJic:rted in il;t Spesifr,-:a1ttn 0f ParLculu Appiicltion.

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l)
1,20 IIAINTENANCti OF ntls'rllic ROAIIS ;\Nl-.t PROI'I:Cl ION OI."fR{tsFIC:

(i) Delete tlre ftrst par:tgrapir 0f I ?tl. I :trrtl rephec u illi the foilt1ving.

Tlle Conlritctor shall nrrintrin and carry ortt repairs altenlinns or additions, a.r nray be requirr.d, ro
cristing roads and bvpasscs. bridgcs, cullcrts and any othcr a.ssiici:rtcd stnlctu res in ordcr to rendcr
lhcnt s.Tfc and suitable for lrvo lancs of lra{fic at all tinrcs, for the ftrll duratinn of lhc Contract unlc-cs
othcnyisc dircctrd or pc$ritted by thc S.0.. ln re cr'ent rhlt Lhe Contractor fails to crrn out such
mainlcnancc, rcp:rirs or altcralions, or fails to achicyc thc rcquirc.d $a dard, thc (;ovcrn$e t may, aticr
giving noticc to tJte CoutractLlr. crrry ou! such rnaiul:rancc" r1:p3irs or allcralions so rcquired, and
lccovgr such costs fronr the Contraclot.

Maintcnancc shall br deerncd to includc tlrc follorvurs.

(a) Gravcl roa&; and shoutdcrs shall bc nraintaincd regularly by grading, to rcnlovc scours, to
urake up ncar, zubsidcnce aurd ripples. ald 1o provide a well dreining srrfac,e. Pot-boles sball
bc rcctilted exlxditiousty and to approval. Irrrmcdiatcly atlcr grading tlre loosc srrface shall bc
rolled to provide an even road srlrface, using a rubber tlretl roller, ur ess tlle S.O. agrees that
lhc cxisting lra{lic providcs adequate rolling. 'I'he surface nray also rrquire to tre rvatcred to
provide the required mcisture conte t to creatB fr dense surface.

(b) Vhere shoulders or grarei roads require to bc bilitt up, the edsting surface shall frrsl Lrc tlrred
to cnsure adeqr€te hond, and thc ndded malerial shall bc w:rtered and rol le4 all to approl'al.

(c) Binrmi.nous pavemeots and hard shouldcrs slrall have pot-holcs, subsidences. crachs,
deformations and parcrnent failtres rectified expeditiously and to approval.

(d) Driving $rfaces shall be lrel.l drained and m.rinlained at a standard that permirs comfortable
mrrvement of cars at 60 km per hour. Pot-holes and sharp djscontinuitics shall bc rrctified to
approval u'ithin 5 days of rhcir occurrcncc.

(c) Grass culting clearing ofdrains ard culve(!, nlaintcoalce of road signs and thc likc.

The Contractor slurll also lre res:ponsible for nraillaining the frce flow of traffic on secliorls of cxistilg
road which arc afe{:tcd b} thc Contract- ilcluding their approaches and run-cffs, inch.rding tie conlrol
of lrafllic as rcqu.i.rcd duri ng the duration of the Contract

Thc Contraclor shall also providc secure and safe pedes;trial aic.-ss to t-he Site and iG various work
arans. to cnable ilre Emploicr, t}re S.O. a.nd their Staff to s:rfely caly oul tlrcir various duties-

(ii) Delcte the last prragraph of 1.20. I and substinrtc the follo,ning:

I-lpon failurc on the part of tlre Conractor to firlfil his obligations rrntler (his scction thc S.O. lnay talic
rvhalevcr aclian and any means] lo s1lisry thc rcquirenrcnts and en$rre lhat th€ public has s'rfc
and comfonable access througb the rvorks.

ln the cir,se of repeaied failure by the Conlraclor to conrpll rvith the instmctions af the S.0. in
co:tditions rvhich, in the opinion of the S.O.. are dangerr:us or hazrrdous for public tramc, the S.0. ma,v
instmcl the Conraclor to slop all rvork on thc adjlcrnt or relllod section of lhe ncw road rvorks until
itction is laken in accordrnce $ith the S.O.'s instnrction. and thc releYant arca is made sde-

'I'hc Coniractor shall bc responsiblc lbr all cosls and dclals r-ssociatcd tith the abovc and the S.0. rvill
dixlucl. any costs incurrrd by thc S.O. fionr any rnonics duc to, or to bccomc due to, the Contrirct$r
urder this c't)nuacl,

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l)

(i) Delcte the l:L\t srritcn.e cf ihc th;rd p;uegraph ur t)irg,c Sl-10 ard rcplace !''Ith thc fc' crvirtg.
'I-llcrolltla(tor sh:rll infiuru lhc strr icc rulihnrilv (]r o\1ler. and tlc S.0.. rr:gurdilg tltc ,<':n;ce s t]rut q'rll
hi: tffcclcd !r,r' thc $ork lo bc clrri.:cl otrl iindcr tllc I'ontrircl anil cLrtalr) tiicir rcqtiitctttcril.s lrrllt .rt'sitct

(a) nrcthcrls of crcavlliorr itlrtl,'or l,ack{iil lcrltttreii lo prev(:lt r!ittttagc,

(-b) relircltiols {i.c. lnrivitrg {lte scn ire lir 3 !1e'.\' lx, tltilrleltl loclttion)
or tenrpo.iry dtvtrsion.s rcqrrircd.
(c) Aly olher spe.ial prectuti()tl-s ()r te(llrittit)ilris.

Thc Contractor sliall prograuituc for. and carry out. sucir requircd rcloc'ltic'r-r or t€nlp{Jrary tlivcrsiolts lo
s.1ti.sfu any tirning and r'rther rcquircnrenls bl* lhc scr.licc atrthorit)-. lhc oi"'ner and thc S.0-. lo thc
satisfaetign of the senicc autliorily and the S.O.. arrd rrith ltittiruurn iucrxtveljence to road users ard
adj:rcent rcsidents. Whcre the scnice uuthorin' rcquircs for the reloartion rvork to he carricd out bv thc
service authority thenrsclv*s" lhe Contraclor strlril be respansiblr lo L1'|-ordinale arrd arrangr: for such
$'ork to tre crrried out and allo\v for all such cflbctr^ arising thcrcfrom.

{ii) Add 1o thc cnd cf lhe first paragraph on pagc Sl-10.

Any inforrnation gir.en on the dr:r*rngs. or by t1:c S.O., is grvcn as a guide only and does not relicr'-r the
Contrrclor of lhe rcsponsibilily of nraking his outr cnrytiries.

The lccation of tlre underground sen'ices shalt be ura rked on the ground by the Contractor using
approvcd m:ukings, end thc L'onlractrrr shall allorv for, and carry out anl pilot trench cxGlvations
rurlrrircd lo <letclntine thcir cxacl loc;irion.

(ii.r) Corrcct sp*lliug nristal:c "rca.sonblu" to "rcas-orurblc" in la.rl paragraph ofpage Sl-10


Dr:lctrr the conterrts of this sub-irl3u-sc utd reprllir:c u illr tle follori itrg.

No signboards shall be providcd ullcss specifically apprur cri ot uxtructed Ior thc patticular I'rojcct, ir
*[ich cvcnl tire.y shall Lrc il accordancc rvith rrrsc appro! alJinslnrctiotrs, ani thcir retnoval shall bt: a
conditiou prece.r-lcnt to tlte issue of the Ctrlificatc r:f Pracl-ical Cc'ruplstlon.

l.?-{ pfio1'0(;RAPIIIC RECORD 0F 1!ORKS:

l) this srlbscction,

l. 25 rlS'ltU ILT DRAIVINGS AND lttCROFll.ll LNC :

Ilolctc this subsection and repl:rce rvith thc fullori-ing:

.,\D 1.2.5 SHOP DR*l\l'ft\-GS A:iD,LS-8UI[,T DR{\YI|iGS:

iA) SJql l)r1a1j11',5

Whlrc Shop I) or Sch$rrlrs {rrhii}r lrrrns arr dtrrtrr:d t irrilrttlc {lrt (lullttilctot's
l:rtrrication.;rnJ congnrcticn dr:t*ings r!r;itcnil: cirihrlcs, srr+:' lc:old:.:ri;d the lrkc) arc rcqttttctl 1o
bc strbnrirlt'd fi:lr :ln,r' r-,f llt,-: *'irr!:s {,r Jr:lrl {rf lh':' \\'.lr}s. l}rl f <.'rttr;t,- lt.'t sh:ill lt tesptittsttrle 1o sltPph
ir;:ll rcquircd Sltop Drt"r'irgs lr -ic\'.lcjl:1ls 1ir ll1i,: l-)

l0 SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l)
l)ntr'irtirs shrrll t'e nI size unless othcnvise applovcd b1,tlre S.0.. ind shtll be clrar nnd legibie and
suit:rbir lor rc<lrrciion in sizc lo.\J sizc Schcdulcs ;ind ihc like shall bc A.l srzc un]css olhemi_sc
ap.rprolcd by the S.0.. Three copics of such Dntrings or Schedrlcs shall trc ur css a grcatcr
nunlhcr rs spcciticd clsc$'hcrc in thc Clontriicl.

]'hc S.(). tvill rcticu ntch ,shop Dratvings ant! Schedulcs :rnd adrisc llre Con|raclor of ilnv adjustflcut
or I e sltrtnissiotis lo tr. luade. Ilt tle tvctrl r-rf resulrrr: issious l)cilg, rcrluiretl. i] nriltintuni of llrrct- copics
shall bc supplicd. 'I'hc Contnctcr shall not be entitk'.d to 3nv eost or ti-nic adjustlnents associated *ith
such corrcclrons irndl,/r:r rcsubrnissicls.

Whtrc the S.O. is rssonatrly of ilrc opinion {hat lhe Shop Dra*ings or Schcriules satisfy thcir
rcquircmcnts. hc t ill aflix tn authlrrisltion rd "Canstruction Iszue" sl;unp 10 lhenr. pynnting
"perrnission to use" sla{us to thos. drcunrenls" and rctrrrn onc ropy of such authoriscd documcnt-s to the
Not'*ithstanding tic granting of "pcnlission 10 usc" lo any such docunrents, this does not rclieve Lhc
Conlraclor from the full responsibility for the corectness and sulficicncy of srrch d*-uutcnls.

(B ) ::As:Builfl lqssosll.s

During the conslruclicn the (lontraclor shall kecp accuratc records and nraintaiu {\r'o scts of dtrurnents,
both markcd up in rcd to reflcct approvcd changes and 'rs built' details (including alignment and
levels). Such dourmeniation slul I procecd as each Frrlion of the work is conrplrtcd. During tlrc
cclnstnrctiolr period, onc sct of'nlch marked-up drawings shall at all lrmes be available to the S.O. for
short pcriods as appropriate for him to study, utitisc in his of.fic'e, copy data or chcuk as-built
consttuction in thc ficld.

Upon complction of the Warks or sections of the Works, the Contractor shall pror.ide the following "as-
built" documcrrts, certified b!.the Contractor, to thc S.O.,
unless otheruise dirsctcd:

(a) In the case of work covererl by Shnp Drarvings and Schcdrrle as covered by sutr-section {A)
above :

The originals, in good qrnliry transparencics, and nvo (2) printcd copics of stch docunrcnts,
ame nded as re4uired to shol, dre as-bujlt construction details.

(b) In the case of thc drarvings provided b-v tlre Governrnent or l}r€ S.O.:
Bolh sets of markcd-up prinls as arc rcquircd to bc meintained under this clarrsc.


Rcplace the conlclls of tlus suirsrction with tle follorting,:


The Conlraclor shall nreLe evcry eilon to keep tire Site in a reasonably clurn and tidl'condition fbr tlrc
duradon cf the \Yorks. ard sirall, {rom Lime to time, remole si{e mtrbish and surplus nrlterial arising
frorn the execution trf thc rrork undcr lhe Conlfacl (including any rvork perfrrrnred during thc Dcfcct.s
Liabilitl Pcrii:d), and makc gcrrd disturbcd arcas all to tlc approval of the S.O.. Perticut;rr atlentiotr
rnust also be takel to prevent tlre sprr*d of dengre in accordance u'ith Covernment Rel3rlations is"sLlcd
frorn tirne to tinic

Within fou rlern drls :rft.r thr Ihle of Pr:rclic..rl Cornpletion of the Works. the Conlrrclot shatl rcrtror'.i
all buildings, $ork\hrrps. 'i'errr;xrran, Work.s. C{rnstnrclion Planl and cquiprncnl rvhich hc mav h:n'c
constructed or brou;iht on the sile lor clrrying cut thc \rork under the Contract crccpl such ls arc
rciyrircd bv lhc for tlrc pllrporc of perforrning lork dun;:g il:c Dclccts l-rabilrl.' I'criod for
lhe Works specificd in the Cc,ntrlct. rnd lrhich thc S.O. pcnnlts to rcrllatn cn lirc situ.

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.1) lt
,{ll arcas cutsrdc thc rold prisrn rvhich havc becn disnrrtred during conslnrction, including sporl dirrnps
ard trcrro* pils, rrrust tu prr:1^-rly iandscapcd and lrimnrcd to lhc salisfaction of thc S.0. . .{11 i:xccs-c
ci.ulh. $l{tors. bculdr,rs. dcbris lld othcr $'a!tc rnaterial mrrst bc rcnovcd 0r buricd to appror,'ai.
Disrrscd roads, itlcluding;le{rss lrlcks and haulagc roads, shall bc lelcllc.tJ $ilh the cxistlng grould,
scerifird irnd brakcn !p to ir dcpth of 150 nun lo prornolc plaut tiror\]h. 'tcp soil 31lil prol,.retivc
Vcgctat:orr for closiol conlrol slull thr:rr be provid€d in accr:rrdalce rvilh chilsc 2.2.8, lo the :rpprclal of
tlc S.O..

All buildirrgs. rvotkslol:s, Trrnprrr:iry W$rks,*l1 Plant arid equipltenl rcquiled by tlrc
Contrac(or fcr the ;:urposc of perfoning rvorli during $e Dcfects Liabilrtl Pcriod for thc Works or
during any l)pcrat.ional Mainterr;rnce Pcriod for the lVoitc sp<xilied in thc Contracl shall be rcntovcd by
the Contractor on conrplctior of tlat rvork and he shall erxure tha( r.vithin founeen days afler the
completion of tlrat rvcrl<, th{r site is lell i:lam and tiriy and frec of rubbish and nrrplus materill and with
disrurbed areas nrade stxxl all lo tlre sat isfaction of the S.O.,

lfthe Csntr*ctor f;ils to cr:nply *,ith any r:'bligrtion impcsed on ldm by this clause the Govcrnnent.
may. aftcr giving ? dl1,s norice in rvriting to the Conlrlctor. har-e thc'work of cl&uing and lidying up
car{ied out by eithcr lxrsons ald the i:osl ircurred by the Oovernmcnt in ]Llring the work so *rried out
shatl bc a debl duc from lhc Con(r*clor 10 thc Govemment rvhich may be deducted or recovcred by the
trirnploy-e r pursuatlt ln lhe Ge neral Ccnditions.



AD I "28. I Ma!,hlyi &apQ:ls

Thc Contractor shall preparc a $,rinen repcrt at montNy irtervals on tlc progress of thc Works,
covering progrcss for lhc rnonlh and ovcral!, against the then current Construclion I'rogramne. Thc
Report shall be supportcd by photographs and include:

. Physical and Finalcial Progress for tbc Monrh, and overall, togerher *'itb "S-Cuncs" for thc
ovcrall Physical aod Financial Progress.
. anlicipated cash'flou',
. tlre Corstnrctiou Progralnm€ suilably nrarkrxl up to show lhe currcnt slalus,
. a sunurr::ry progress schedul* firr e*ch rn:ia actir.ity, and delivery dates of principal nnterials.
. details of any activiry changes ia the period,
. a stalenert of the time gai ned or lost, during the rnoutlr, and overall,
. reasons for delays, and actions proposed :o overcolne such dctays,
. a summary of the proposed activitir.s and *'ork areas for the coming rnonth-
. a Schet'lule of Erle nsions of Tinte shc*ing:-
- days nr hours claimed for *ch nc;tice of a claimetl extension cf tinte,
- days or hours approled for each notice ofa claimed erlension of time,
- culrulatiw total appror ed erlension ol tiine.
' {te then currenl conlr}cl conrplelion dale,
a schedule of variations and otler t:oley elaims submitted, and thei.r slalus' artd
. details of the aclral leltl of mtnlnr.l'er and plant on the silc on a rveekly basis

'l-he Conlractor shrll, unless orhrnrisc sp*ctfied or inslnrctcd. proride five (5) copies of the lvlontitiy
Report to the S O. $ithin ? davs of the end sf caclr calendar:nonlh.

AD 1.28.2 Slj't }lec-llp-ir

Sitc lr'{ectings shall tre }rcld to discuss pfogrcss on the C$nlracl, lnd any m$ncrs iu conneclion uith thc
Conract rvhich the pani*s rl islr ia rlrise
The Conlractor ;indjor his reprcsent;tir'c(sl shail aftend the sile meetings. *'hich gril alsc b* attcrtdcd
bf tlre S.O. lntJ the C?r,ernnrcnt. lndior thrir rcprcsaritiltilcs. The nreeting shall bs liti,l irt th* linrc.

l2 SSRWADD. S-1(Red.r)
fir'(lllr'rl(,\' rl:lrl irrtiriii)rt lo hr ;tJirif rl l)\ ii]!' S(). i('r ll! lltJ)!-,, rc:lt;ltit c). rllro sh:rll :rlso rllillr tL(
ill{etilri: irt},.i l)L i.i}\,ri\ii:il 1i i lilrrrlltt.:lrl :lii r'r.ilirril',, N1ir:irir:s

.'\t'PrNt)lX I l)

r';rl So:l 'l cslinq l.,lrrp,:lint.

ir) ;lnrcrrd lltc fcll*r'ing r:c:ls in thc lrst.

(.1) add: "tilr;rrasL:lir.::tl I,r rotrtiollrblr to I5{1"(:".

{l1l rr4rllicc *'ilh: ",1 i Kg nrtal rinr}nt:r riilh drnp lreight control - f No"
(15) x.nrend lo. "SurnderLl rorrlt.firlr rtrcrrlil rnd hrsllhtc, :l"s sfrcificd in RS l3?7 - I No."
(22) rhlcl,j rcfrrcrt!": to "ficld CIBR" tert c1;riprrrcnt.
(2-i) rncr*rsc rluillbrt r.quir.d lt:t "l5".
{?1i arntnrl lLr: "2 0 kg surchrrgc rrcii;hts - I i Nrr "
t25.t l)]:r.FfD
(:6) anrcnd t,r '['or:4rletc ficld
derrsilr kit. srnd rcphccncll ]?c. suitablc lbr dctcrrninin.c
dcrui* of ccnrprct*l sail (BS ll?7 T*t IiA {Srtrsll lorrring Q'linder) & l5lt (I.;irlic
Pourirtg Crlindrr') ) - 2 Nos crf e;rch."

( ii) nd,l tliL'lollo$'ing ilenls:

{ll) "l'ank lbr soaking up rc 2o CBR rnoulds - I No.''

(-1?) "l..argc thcrnrcrstaticalli et.:nl.rciled uvr:rL n'ith kur, eontlrtlablg 1s L10"C. suilil:lc. for
df ing lrrrgc soil s;unples - I No. "


I{cplace tllc lisl of rerlurrcd survcr cltruipurcrrt rvith thu lollouing,.

I No. Thcodolitc -Sakkia Tb{l0H or app.o\'ed er:luilalent-

2 No- Automllis lcvels ' Sokkrl B?0 cr appror'*d equivalcnt.
I No, Electrcnic Distrnce Meter GDNf) - Sokki;r Rcd lvlini 2 $ith yoke lrcurting s\'stet|r
and communicatian cable, or approlcd cqun'elclL.
I No. P.ism sel - Snkkia AFSIi or app; cquivllent.
+ No. lcvclling Sl,rvcs - 4 lrr. altrnrinirrnr.
t No. 50 rr x linrm ste€l nlcilsuii.rg. b:lrcl tlir ideri Jurruglrout aud nrnlrcred at I u tnttnils
2 No. ftcpeir sct for 51*l band.
l No. 30 nr stccl f$\ tepe (x,hite facc).
No. 30 m fibrcglass box uipr.
0 Ne.. 2 rn rixrging rori.
3 No. l3rass plun:b bctr
Nc. llrisnratic coirlpls.\.
No. .{blc"r- lcvcl.
Nrl. ()pti*rl squarc (.1 rvlv).
No. I l;nrnrer, lighl.
No. I Ilrnrrrrr. 2 kg.
No. (ilnining pins
I l\ rl C:rn'as fiekl b:ri:
l No. Sun c;' uurbr,.'lle I
) l.Io :\ s<"
N{'. Pirl n gs.


SSR\\'ADD. S-l(Red.l) t3
Ng\Y AI'I'f.l'iDlX: r\cld thc follori'ing ncn Appcrdix'

.Ll'PFrNtlrx At) lr

lvlatcrials oflr{alalsian origin 10 be rr-scd rire as follo*s.

I Ccment (CMS ccrncnt for "Statc f'ro_iccts")

2. Stcel bars for concrete reinforcement ( SIS stcel bars for "State Projects")
3. Reinforcing steel f:rbric ( SETRI *irc ntcsh for "St;rlc Projects")
.1. loncrete products such :rs pipes, culvcrls and belrns ( those fronr PPES Concrete Prodlcls Sdn
Bhd, Kuching For "Slale Pro;ects''i
(Note: The term "Stale Projects" us€d in the above 4 iterns refers lo lhose Conlmcls *tere llie
Employer is thc Govcrnrncnt of Sararvak ;rs opposcd to lhe Golernment of Malaysia)
5. Bricks
6. Earlherr*are
1. Floor tilcs
L Rooftrg tiles
9. A*lestos cemcn{ shcets, plain and corruEated
l0 Birild.hg and insulating mate.rials - u ocxl.rvool. light*eight partiliorr"s and exlemal wall slab,
e r?anded poll'styrene ins:ladng slabs.
I l. Plasterboard - Acorrstic ceiling boards
12. Particle lxr.erd shcets, plain and t'encered and decoratcd acoustic boards
13. Ply'wood, ooreslock veneers and face veneers
14. Nails
15. Barbed rrire
16. Wire netting
l7. Chain liak fencing
18. Expanded metd
tr. Galvaniscd iron sheets
20. Welded steel pipes on 6" (l50nrm) and over il inlernal dialrcler
2 l. Alrrminium dcnrs
72.. A-lumiaium sleets. plain and con ugatcd
?l- Roed signs and nanre plalcs
2,1. Mekrl rvildorvs, doors, frantes. rflctal louvre wil<k-rrv fitti-ngs
25. Mrld steel elcctrodes
26 Insula(ors (Porcelain)
21- Insulated wire lnd cables
28 L,anrp bulbs
29. Fluorescent light ballasts
i0. Transformer ;uc rvelde r
3 l. Air-conditioncrs (*indow ti'pe units of I HP - ZHP1
i2 Air-cnnditioners(package urtitsof2llP-l0llP)
31. Sanitary lrare (e.g. lavalory borrls)
3t. Ahrminium sinks
15. Rubher ard plastic hose and pipes
Iri Asbcstos ccrncrrt 1li1x's
i7 Methylated slirits
lit. Paints,vanrishcs:nddistempcrs

l4 SSRWADD. S-1(Red.l)
li( lllr\. ..Jrrr

?. r CL l: A RIli G. CRURIII}{ G Al{ D S-f Rlll'l li G'l'0}SOl l':

2. l . I .,1 -\trirrpingJ.O$srl:

Itd; ro ttrc c1d of pulgraph '"fc,psoil stcclqriles -chell bc li;ritcd t,'r I htight of 1.5 nrttrqs "

3. l.) I Arcls-l o Re (.!c-ircd.

Add to lhr.' cnd of second paragrlph:

Atl existing wirtcrcourses shall bc clcat r-rl of obstlit(liL'rls iuld kept cprrn lrnughout th'J Works to
prcvcnt ponciitrg in, or atljrctnt lo lhc lvork ;irees.
Erth b;-'rds or rnounds fon:red during cleiring ir-v mcchu:ir'al mesrs sll'tJ I bc l:vciled otr to pernil
tlrlinage of \\'?ler illto cristilrg ittuml lr'alclioutscs.


2.?.1 (f) &sli:

(i) A:ne nd the TracDr Llrdl requirerrents of subparagrnph i) to a rninirnum lveighl of 2: tonnes
and a nctt borsepowcr rating of pl! llllP or more'

(ii) Anrcnd last sent$lce lo amend the (minimurn) boulCcr siz* from i).5 to l-..Q cubic metre.

2 2 3. I l)img45i9-441-Id-si4tqss.:

Add thc foUoting lo the end of the paragraph.

'l'irc ConlJactor shall enslre that tie cxclvation of cut slopes iotlot's the spccified Lines and levels by
rrglrlar surv.e_y cito:king and by using appropriatc trattcr boards- \!hi:re cuts arc o'l'e r{rcavalc^-l thc S.O
may or,l.. such reme&al neasures as he may consitlsr to be necessar)'to be inrplemented at the
Contrador's cxjlerrsc which may incttdc the cutting back ef ilc cntire {rl largc scctious of thc batter to a
rurilcrm sltpe. to prolide a $tisfaclol,- appeatancr.

2 2..1.6 lYxlqjillgluts
(i ) Anrerrd {itle to "Widedng and Deepenirlg of Culs".

(ii) ,\rrrc*il llre cld of t1e sec<tu1 lile lr; rgird: ". ftrr lht rrYorks by *'idening alr or tlt*pclring crrts'"

(iii) Add lo the trd olthe firsl paragrlph.

The Coruractcr's proposal shali illcltde ijet:rils of the pnr;xrs*d ret'istd cross stcliors, and lreitttnent
t1.c crrt irces. Any apprcval of such Conlractor's pro;xrsal shali he subj*ct ttr any
rt4tiirr-tlents :lnd
condi'!ioi:s liuC dog'tt b-v tirc S.O-

2.2.'1.I Nfrltenlj

AttLl to thc cltd rrI Lltc fi;sl strtltttc'.'

. liorn e.xcavatictt in cultings ercepl lii!'

(i) i,:r rhe tojr I nietre hclo*'thc form.tlion i$'el, ihc cl.8 ]1 valul c.f ft. lrlattnal, (dctcrmincd on
(lrrrrlpactrc;n Tesl ({.5 k.e
saurp!cs ionrpctcd ro g5ld cf thc urlrinr,rnr dry den:rlv by ll S. 1ji7
ll; rrnl,:r lrlcitrod). and subjecierl to 4-rlay so:rkcd'1,:r'ri cotrdtlion), siuiil bc riol lc'ss thal 5ori. anr!
{ri) 1br t}rc lqrp -i{ii) nu:r belc; llic f,-.nrr:tj:n !hc nritl3n:d :!rlll nlcct the additionsl
rciirtrl.llirrr:l) ol i l:lllj:e L l.:. li llnllrcl.iJ b-l il',rs AdCcrrtii.rtr;

SSRWADD. S-l{Rcd.1) l5
2. 2.'1. 2 ligr1.o5- J'i l.<;

;\rld (l;t iollorirll to lirc entl of llc plr;riiraph

():r conrplcticn of iris nptraticns in a ixrrrou arer rvithin thc rnad r.scn c cr olhcr (in\-crnrnenl lenc. thc
Caritractnr rlial] rcin:lt'ile llic l,'rtrtow pil bv hnilsarping to bL:ntl *ith the srrr:oriudin;i rrel arri rc;rhe c
otr:rbrnie n lnd lopsoil nrirrr tr.) grrs\inq tlrr: er*l bV h}'droscciiinl 0r lurfirrg to npprcvlrl of thc S.O .

.A.cces.s roads shell be triated in rcortiance wirh Clar:sc r\D 1,?6

2 2."1 I llaccnrcnt of F'i1l \latcrinl'

(t) .Add to ths e nd cf the second p;rr:g,r:rph:

Where embar*nrcnt is colstnrctcd on ground rviih a crcss-slope fl:itter than I (r'ertical) to lit
ihoriz.oulrl) thc lorrndaii0n lnatcnal shall bc L:o{rpactcd $ith 3 passcs of a ribrating or pnclrmalic rilllcr
bcfcrc placing iury emb:inkrnclt flll rnalurial. The cornpaction equipmcnt sfurll be nf e si:-c and llpc
dcenrcd lo bc srdnblc b' the S.{)..

(ii) Add to end oftltc third paragreph:

Ttre horiz-ontrl laccs of bcnclres sha"ll bc compacted as $pccified abo\,e for glound $ith cross slopc
llatler than I (verlical) 1o 30 (horizonlf)

(ii| Add rhc follo*rng ncrv paragraph at lhc cnd:

'fhe conplercd fill shi*l be lriurnetl in accordaoce uith the cross sccti$ni and shall n$t bc less tlurn. n*r
liil0 nrm wide r thm, the design nidlh shorvn in lhe cross sections.

? 2 4.4 Clr-111pq!io.11: {d) Field Densir_r- Tcsting

Aniend stan offirst line lo rcad:

"Prior to placing tl:e ne.\t lirier. field deusit-v lcsts or eict laycr -....."

2 2.5 Rock Fill Enrbankmenl:

Amend to delete reference to a grid roller (*hich item of equipment shall 5o,! be apprtxcd for rock fill

?.2.6.4 Scillerncnt Records:

Add to the cnd:

Thc mcasurcnrcnt of thc r rrlir::rc ihrl has scttlcd bclo*'tic criginal ll;vcl as covcrcd bl tlre scc*nd
paragraph cf tl:is clausc slrail onJ1. ippl) llhcre the Spccificarion af Parlicular Application so indic$tes
llo*'rvcr, scltlcd lolu lc *'rll ouly bc paid for *hsrc so spccific,lll"v indicatcd in lhe Spn:ification r)f
Pa icular Applicat.lon. anr or l'hcrc r Prorisionll Quantity fo: such is prcvideri. In .all rrthcr c;iss. tilc
Contractor slrall a.llaq'for sclllcrlicnt rn his iender.

2.2.7 $rfgradc.

til llepll* ti:c lrr-rt par,i3ragrlr r|ith tlrc follc*'ing:

ljnlcss '.rihcrrl'ir;..: lrrc,;ir.:ii un lr dr11\yj$!1,r, the matcri:rl frrr thi: iop i0() nrrl oi'(li. :.uhllltCc
{r.;. ihc {tlf! .l{)l-i n)ir bcllri ilc li-rrrnalron lcrel) shall h.,ilc lhc iirl:onrn}: r rnrmil}l f r.rpnrcs

t6 SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l)
1,1:l:t tt iLi ri,,;
r t s ' rrt!1 in{_,rt"' tl;lrr l5 ]lrr
Lrlrrid i,rrLil - ri1-i rtr|rfL'lll:ril -li
Iillr<i ic itv Irrdr.r - nol nr{ttg thS 2[)
Snrrkt'd (.'ll il - n(rt th:tn 5f ii
{ult*tt iottt|;tr:ltrl tir iiit'i, al'thc Drii\ir!lurrr r.lrv rl":rtsit},rl(t(!'tn}i!ta{l in tiic fl S
li77 i i:,rr|:tcliorr'['rrt (1.5 k!i r:rnrnri:r r]rcihadr unrk'r I tiavs so;rkcd cr-.irilitior

\\'hr:rc, tn ctll :t.c:ts. thc trrl> .i()1):rrtit cl uielcri:il bclori fornretion l.:r'cl do:s nr)l nlccl lh.:s.
rcqttirrtlcnls. lltc rrt:tlit'i;il rllrll bc [,p1it!ad \v]lil rriltldrial corifnntrin.* la il]i iilro\c
rc$ttrcnlcnl.s (ti)d lraatJd ils rrplilr!rrJ-'nl a,f ul,\uiljibla t:latenals).

lll ) Add lo thc en'l ol'lhc >!-.on(l pitrirltr:rph

'l hc lolr .]{i{) tnttt sh;tll hi: ('rrrnp'tr'k{l in lr,,tr lil} rnn} l;lycrs.

(|ll ) idd to the cnd rrf thr: thir(l p;rn1'.rlph

\\'hcrc srrch l:rniral nliiti:fial is ror.k. it shitll hr Irtalr;d in acrordlncr rvirh srrllrarlgraplrs i.:
and ii) btlou \Vhcrc r^rtclt rr3teriel is h;rrd bu( ripplble (arrd lrencc fiils ie quillil-\. ;rs "rock").
and $.here the S.{.). so tlctcrnrints. thc gincr3l rrquircnrents ol- suirparagraphs i) and iii shlll
also br rr':l.

{iv) Add to the first p:rragraph in srrbparogmph i} {entrtlerl "\\rhere rock surface exlerrds o\er the
u.hole rridth ofthe forniltion"):

At lhc inlcdaca bclrvccn ca{h and roi,-k. thr ror:k shall be excavalcii to provide a lrart.sition. 'l'hc
excalalion sball t c ta a deptlt of 30ti uutt belox' tlle focli suriau'r at thr: edgc of llre rock. a]td t:tprr up to
thc ro,:k srrfucc a[ a slopc r]o stc{llcr th.In I (r crticd) to l0 (horiz.onuil). l'[e arca shall tlrcn lrc l''
up to formaticn lcvcl *"ith aplrolsd rrurlreil rocL or gravel. rfgulated ald blitrdtd.

2 ?. I Proltl0re Vrgelati!)-lt-lirr llrqSfq,rt Clq!ql.

Replacc thc cntire rontdlts of this sqitjcrt :lith tlic fr-rl lr:*

AI) 2.7, ft. t (41$!I Lqlu{sns11ir

(a) Final Srrrficc Proii les

'I'hc (lanlr:rclcr ir resporrsiblr lbr aclinirrg .ln rcr,eptal--le

Frtss covrr {u hich tcrnr shnU also urcludc
att)'other apprtyr:r! rfqclltll,rj clvcr sueh ;is Cc::lrosenra Fulnsccrrs) over all e\poscd. tritrlrrcd irirr-l
conplclcd cul lnd {lll sttrf:tccs, (c,\ccpt r(rk {:tcrs ri-: alkruc-l lar h;lorl ) b},nca:rs ol'sculng, {urjJng,
ltl tlrosr'tdil rg trr otlcr rtrclhotl. r.ts spciili.;rl ;rrririr: ;i.. rlrrrct,.:d or applovcd h-y the S O.

l:irplscd cut {lLes (olIur lhrln r{,ek l:}rl{ irrJi.;rtr.:r.l lrt-l,.u,v). rrnd fillitnrbanknrcrrt surfir.,::. sl:ill lri
proltctcd;rgainsl cro-sir:it tiutnlrt untl! lltc gr:tss cr)\'ar is irchi:r'td. ArN darnasil causcd lrt'e,rosi'.rrr slr:rll
lx; rcpliicd [y ttte CtrnUuct,.]t ill lrrs o\1 n ra:il iurd lr.r Llr( r;rtisfiditxr of t!r* S.O.

Rock f;rccs. (rr,hi;h ler ru hcre slrlril irrcludrng shrile irrt:). rrud utrt tl* 1\'itfi sllclt tr:,tss ro\ rr
}{ouevcr, lhc fontrJctor shal-t still lic rcspi:risibl-: fcr lu;v erosirn dnruage or efftrts rrlaring to. c'r
tcsrdlitrg fionr. suth ltircs. 'lli.: c\!riil ()f tirr srrrirrt ro:rridtrcd to ht "rrrk faces" shrll lt;,.jct,.,nliinrd
t'r tlrc S C). on sitc,

'l'crnpror:rrv Slopc ]iacr:s

hlrc lt<il -tcl liilrier,.'ri tlit'rrqLrrrcd finishcr-l l,,rvrli {,r pr,r{i}csi. tn thc;\;rl of thc S 0.

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l) t7
(i) l){ogritrnInlltg

'l'llc ('onltactor sliall also lllcgnlltlltlc ltis ir't;rk :l thl:t:

r) 'l1c spccrlicd pi:rrltnrtl dr:tirurgc stlu!tlrcs al the top cf cul argrs shall, thctc trtl ptt:"sttrle.
bc cfnrplclsd t[](rr ti) cor]]rrirni ilr:j l!l!.r]il itrucriti :lrtd tlts rttii;t elirlh\iofk arcl\':lli{)il lll {}}t
tt) 'l hc rr<luircd Eri$s (0\'tr r:ir
slopls sh;tll lt inslelicrJ be ftrlc llt,": cQlllll)lllfcnicnt trf sttbh,t.'.c
ccrr-{{ructiolr il ere arca.

AD 2.-2.8.2 Tqplctl

L:nhss olhcnrisc lpprrtr ed bv tlrc S.0., lll sr:tI;tics 10 reccivd ftritss co|cr shlrll bc covercd lf ith a i{l
nrm (nrininlrnr) l:r1'cr of lilhtll camp;rctcd topsoil. r:sirtg thc nttlcri:ll strrkpilcrl ibr thr: *orks in
:rccorrlrncc rritfi Slb-sxlitns ] l.l I ::rirl I l.l.l. rr rrsittll approlrd ilnpcrrul rrtalcrial if thc qrrnnlilr sr.r
slo{kpiled is instrlicient.

Surfirces slecpcr than I (r'cnicnl) Io (horizont: 1 mat' ruluire spccial nrqrstrrcs to rctain tlie topsoil
'lrirln1erl surfirces nra-v tre lcll su{I-icientll rough tit fac:litets beller ireinding rr-ilh the topsoil lnd/or lo
allorv grealer retenrion for thc hldrosceding nrixtrrre. proridcd that the finislted surfacc after t.ctpsoiiing
altt grrssing shall be eren :tnd ttniforrr to tbe sllisf;tctron ofthe S.O .

AD 2,?.8 3 ltq!_lltg

'i'urf slall corrsisr of hc"rllhv dcns] indrgcnous cow gnns (.dtonopus C-ornprcsus Spicics Comprcs'-<tts).
or olirer approlcd locally nntainnblc Hriris LrI vsg,cllllvd cover, $ith spreading c{riuacleristics, ticc fronr
N merii, l-lllang and othcr plants dccrnetl ohjeclionlble bl thc S'O..
'Iur{ shall bc obx1incil i1 rolls {approx. li{) nrnr s'idc) cr ulbrokcr s:ds (approximatcly 250 mnr x l5{)
nrnr), approxi:urtet1, lliO tu drick rrith a subsliurliel atnount o1 tops,;il, fron an appruved sourcc, lutd
shall bc placc{ in position ils soon rs practicable aftcr cutling- Turl sods shall bc shckcd in a shadctl
area r.t,atcrc<l and prolcctcd *,hcn rhc,v rmrnot be laid irurrcdiltcly nftcr cuuing. Turf rlhiclt h.u dried
out, or can not be laij sirhin thrcc days of cutting, rney only be uscd as topsoil" al thc disciction of
s o..

'i'hs sufaccs lo be lurlcd slull bc trirnnrrd :rnd lhoroughly wetlsrl irru)edirltcly prior to laying the turl.

Tirrfing shall gesclrlly be "c,lcsr:" fc.d *ith little or no s;rllce bcllecrr the individual sod.s. *ith tht
turf laid in a ',stretcll:r bont1" paltern. rvith joints stiillgcffrl and nrininrun gaps, to form I conrplcte anil
un-iform cover. sut:r-ll gaps bct$een t.he turf shall trr fiIleil *'i1h :rpproverJ soil.

',Strip" lurfing nraS.only tre used,rr'here. so spccific;rliy sho$"n on the dra$ings, or rrilh sp€cial approval
fruru t5c S.O., (arrd th*n orrly subj!:!t to an ircccl,.tablc hcnllhr, uniform, densc, rigotous ccrrer bcing
r.,bLrineel over the *hole arca at Courpleticn). "Srrip" hrrfing shall csnsisl of sods
approxnut:11. ?-i0 mrn x 1i0 nuu iu si.:.c C l0t) rnltl rhick bcing bultcd up against each othcr 10

providc strips appr arirnll r-.11 ?5ilrrrrrr r!ile;ri ti{}il nurr ct]tttrcs, rvilh the sp:tcts L',e11{ccn t}tc
strips bcirrg frllcd *'ith::pproled soil.

'-Spol" t.rfin1: shrll NO'f be rcccptcd. erecpt ruirh the crpr*ss approlsl of thc S O., and ,n ,u.1i 6r't'nt
rhc "spot" 11rfing sitall sonsisl oi srris of :rppro:..inlal gl)' 250 nttn s 25(l mnr tn size itlld lOii mnl thi.k.
plr;ci at no nror. ilran 600 lum centrcs. rrirh lhr:ir*:s lxlivegn thc sods filk:d n'ilh approlcd soil
Trrrf !aid on slopcs shall bc, hiti plrrll*l !. i(rnl,riu,i. end 1\hrrc thc slope is stccpcr thrrn I {r'enical} to
illLrri/o1t0l) s|;rll l"re prllliad do1\u \irlil l):.iinhi,c s{a}:t( lpi-ri,):i!ir:lltir' 25* lnnr ltt length.
Ail finishecl lrriil trrr{'lrcrs slnll bc t:rnrpd ii :rn c., r-n rlrtfiti: tntmcdtlt':11 tticr llving, and prol..t.d

.{pprrrlcri ltrrltlisr:l sli:rll }rt,;rfplrrrl;t: i:nd $llr"rt rt'ri;titcd;lflt.l pl:t:.1:lil f tru-f. lincl th.r:ircil *ittr:lai!

t8 SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l)
ir.D ) ?8{,l ttg ii.tl1!,]p t -} jydrosc.ud i ng

i l) Gcni-'ral

Scc'ding:hlll ntcan tlrc applicntion of approved sr'eds for grass or other approved vcgclatjvc to lhc
area to reccir,e thc Srass covcr, a.nd its associaled neisurcs lo ellslre hrll even distribulion anti
ge nninalion of the sccd,

llydroseeding shall rnean the appliarlion by spray ofa nrislure of grass seed, fertilizer, fibrous nraterial.
cmulsion bindcr and fresh rvalcr^ A colourilg agcnt sh:rll bc addcd to the mi\turc to assist thc onerator
lo erlsurc ar eleri disLributioo of rc urirturc,

O) Contractor's Propsals

Thc Contrac(or shall mbnrit to the S.O. for his cunsidt:rat.iou and approval:

* a sprriidist sr'cding or lrydrosealing subcontractor, and

* full dctails of his proposcd r:rethod ofseeding or hydrosecding.

I'hc information submitted shall includc, but nol neccssadly bc limircd to. a full dcscription of the
follorving aspects of dre rvorh;-

i) The preparalion of the areas lo be seeded/hydrosecdcrl. including the amounl of tr:psoil to be

used and js melhod 0f application.
ii) The delail$ and rezults of investigations to determine which rypes cf grass and legrrme are
compatible with the soil in the areas to be seededrlrydroseeded.
iii) The g'pes of grass and lcgume (if any) and strains of sc€d to Lre used, and tlre function, root and
growrh ctuuactcristics of rxcb ry,pc.
iv) 'I'he rates ofapplication ofthe grass and legume sceds.
v) The compositiou of Grtiliser to be used at the timc of secding/hydroseeding a$d its ratc of
vi) The composition of ferliliser to be uscd ;r{ler se.cdrng/}ydroseeding, the times of application,
and application rates"
vii) The lype of mulch to be used and its rnethod and nte of application.
viii) The amounts of lime or other cbemicals {if any} to tre applied to improve rhe soil before, drring
anrU<lr affer ibe seeding&ydroseeding.
ix) The tlpe and amounts of binding agent to be applied u'ith the seeds, mulch, fertiliser, etc. as
x) Prcportions and methods ofpreparation ofthe seeding'hydrcseeding mix_
\i) The equipmenl and mclhcds to bc used in preparing and plaeing the seeding/hydroseeding mix
and other rraterials,
xii) The cultivation and afler-care of the seeded/hydroseedcd areas, including rates and frequcncies
of *atering, ferilising, grass cutting and gencral maintenance until the end of the Defects
Liabilify Period.
xiii) -fhe tirne efter
seedin$hydrosee.ding requirsd for cstablishing permaRent, dense 1go*th of
g/ass covcr, which $dl requirc minimal maintenancc.
xiv) Cuaranlees of the succcss of &e seedinlrydrosccding *ork.

(c) Tnal Seeding/llydros*ding

'i'hc C*ntractor shall further dernor$lrate thr: suilability o[ his prcposcd rnethod by mcans of trials at
ilreas of drffcrcnt conditions sithin thc sitc to bc approvs tlre S.0.. 'l'he rrunrbcr of lrial pirnels shall bc
four and eacir of mininrum auca of 100 square rnelrcs unless olhenrise insutcted tD r.hc S.O.. :ihe
approvcd tn:ll pancls shall total no1 lcss than {l}0 square rnctrcs in arca.

fd) Prolrt'tivc lr{a(

\ rcre sp,ici.ficd i.rr ilrstructed. an lpprr:ved prolrctivc nrat shlll be lairi aflcr tll': topsoil is placed on the
txpr:se,J r { sr: djtces, brfore seerli n gl hvd r osccd i trg.
r :

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.1) 19 ir::rl r|;rJl hl [,iorlrgr ttr$h ]t lJtdi s{r1.'. trr l;,qrrulcri :rllrtrl:lire fnc3}.ifr.l *itllllr lt!)l-\ plopr l'rltJ
lrirlliirf frr;:1.Itlr\r'(l a(l,u\.ilallt *itil lltc liilLr',l lr:r' srcifit:'tri,;t

i] l.liniruurrr ritr rri;lsS ._ iiXl &t]l-

ii] l.liuilrlu:l rl\rritgt- tlritkrtcll - 5 nrtn
(}f lir lt tcrisurc nlc nl S 3l i;qll;lr* griris ol l{)0 ntnt rp:tli
llinilrlrrrr roll ti tiltlr of I rtt
'l hc pruttt.lir.e r:ta{ :!r;rll urlollri.l rlourr ltit sh.r1tr,'. itt right nrrgL:s li} lhc acll{L)ur. (}l'crlap lf ldleclnt
lolls slt;rll |r lli I lr.inirrrurt rlrarl,:i;l of 50 t:url. l'lic tttttt slull br- li1!d do$r tl1' lhe use o!' 1l-shepcd
stalk's \\;tlt its ltgs no i::ss tlr:rrr I i){1 rrrrrr loug,. spactr! l{-}(} nilr ai:ltl ttn<l oJ'5 nrrn dl:rrnctcr stccl hc
geir.riil prltfll ol sitpling sh:ill be ar 2.{}0 ur il{cn':ris, both 3t thc tliar!.ins lnd itt an ofllct lirtc ln the
ccr:lrc cf tllr 6ll lirLra sl:r3lrng is rcqrrirerl in the llrchfil[.ri lrcttcl:cs, i.t{ the top of r slopc. .lnd
*'hertr er nccc$sltrr 1c l"lrctrtruitQdllg surface unrlulltlicix.

'l'h: rcconrn.rcrd;tliru:s ol thc truttula;t*rcr of the pro{cctirc 11lat sllilli be ftrllo*cti.


Thc cotlrilctor slull par slxrial attention and lake appropriate actions c*nsislcnily to cnsurc
propr:r grrrlin:i(ion arrlor gri:rrth of the grirss c$!ef.
Watcr sldl tre spratcd in al lrppror,eii {narutcr and ferlilirer shall be applied as lcgltlatly iL!
rcquired to ensure propcr grol\1h ulrtil the suxled/hydrosccdcrl iueas atc ilcccptcd.
Furtrer srr:di ng,4rl droso:diug a #ot l$ri:rng slnll be caried out if proptr gernrination md
grorvth of gritss itre ncl{ elidefit afler trvo nrontlu andlor in artiu damagcd by adrctsc rvcathcr
) Acccptailcr of grtr.sirrg wiil bc dcpcrtdcnl on the gmss calcr developed I hedli|-v and
vigorous sn'ard tppropriatc to dle ar*a. Arty dtficient lreas shlll be rectifieil to lpprcval, iutd
be nninleilcrl fcrr a rrrininrum of lil rveeks trefore such are;u llill bc considercd for
ii i) li'ire Cqnlnrctor slurll rcnrairr rqlponsible for the grass csle:ed arslts tlntil the cnd of thc
Conlract{r|'s Di:fcctl l"i;rlrility lcliod, ard any acceptanc€ of ]:rass c.overcd arcns prior lo lhal
tinic, slnil l*t rcli.r'c lhr Ccnlraitcr of his liability 1o maintaia such arcas un[l rltc cnd r.rf thc
Dcfeets Liability I'r:ricxl for the Cotttr;r*t.
iv) lf at thc cttd cl tl:r spccijicd Curalion ol thc Dcfccls Liability !'criod, ;ury ar*s of grass .o!cr
:rc stiJl dufici*n!, tirosc artxs slu{l bre rccl.l{ic.d t,:r approval, and lturinlainEd ltrr thc lttitttttrtrrtt
13 r'cek prnod es spccrficd in {:r} alxrvc, and dre hn;rl Defccls Lilbilitv obltgalons al- the
Conlr*ctor urrdcr llrt Lie eral Cunditiolrs *f Conuacl :hall uoi cea*st $t1ttl :uch arcar art

AD ? :.11.6 Ijnrq Jli!r.l.!;rrt5

in additiorr tr: tlrc rc.qrrircnrtnl of Clausr: l. lll, Hart.hrrorks corlstnlclion raill nc! bc ixrnrllrd ltt
cot:ttttttrcc r'ttrti]:
- thc full ri.{.rils of a spixialisl hvdro-sceCing subcontraclor i:nd ptcposal lor
h;dro:cedirte tttks inve btr::r subrrri:led and appraviid by tltt S.0.;
- rl* sturrc L]f thc lurfifls ltas bc*rt subnritl*d and approvcd.
tt) 'l'1lt Jit*1 5!irfi:fa l)ri,li:rs trf crp.rst,J it,ts slt,tll [,t ,..or ere d rl.itlt ltr apprr"rr ed pI']ltali\c illdl
rrhfrc rr).-.'ltiidrd. triJ suitlld,v,rl;r1:lc'd or othcnyise held do*r, *itlrin.l$ hor.rrs lititn aclur:r'utg
the firrll rrrt pt*Mr: i rrlun tirl erposri shlx ireight. rc:rlici [-itn. rrluclt-ur'at is rarl;cr.
fliJ Ttr\: :tppli.iil;or: ri {i,irs,.ril arid srcriirril'hl drr.rsc*ding {;urtl irpprr:vrrl pfotccttvc nt:tl u'hcrt sucit
is inrlrur-ted) ur turiiirg rheii ali iic co:nplclcd rvitliin '15 dlls fitun llc cotttnt,:nlcrrrcnl of titu
ir i llrp*:r-rl rtrlraninrcnl siuFts:lrdl b.; stcJt{'ir,r'rjros,icdcd or turlld ltot latcr th:irt -li dels iloln
It d.itt l'.!il;i iirt !ilhl',rild,.. hnrr.ilitn L:r'tl us rltllrrtd irr tlrr Jra*'inr'.s:: fit-1 r<, lrtil
i,t-iirr' su!)i':r ia cirn!lnrctr-l-r ieniilrrt'Ls in lhc ar*a 'l itg *mft,tt*-rtt':"ti1 i:$pa :lrrf:tL.: sltail b*
lti.r].;lr r.,.rliiti- t r'.1 .!nl,/ar 1r'ixt'ri'J ilr ltcLrt rd:titi:,: uitlr ('l,rttsc l: l.1til,} blft'rc :':*ili:t.:i.'
h\ii;r)5a:,.!ir :r1.' (.r l!r iirril

20 SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l)
dis,-rctrirrr (o
\tr)f ;lll .:.irr;rlir)n rn crrllrn{s :ind lilhnr ol cnrbankrncnls of thc cntlrc pro|osc(l fc,il,.l or
pu1 tlrcrc,:f until tlrr'f'orrtr:rctor c0r;ipliis ivilh !hr llr"..'\'c reiltr jrenieri!s- iil suclr 'l\cnlnalities. rr0 tlelar
.osls or *\tcnston of linrc shall hc ri\.cn.

;\[J 2. ?.8. r l':r1'nlclt

i)a!'rncrt fsr gr;tss curcrirrg inslllltd tlt thr: ('i,ntn;tirr rrill lre nlilde pro8rrssi\,r'h ls alr-1s li:;i!'h lltci{
rcler,;rlrl st;rgr-r.s in ldijorrliirlut 11rlh tlrr: lirilou:ni-, criltril .-

(a) Sccdi ngll I1'droscc{lir}g'

;\ 1i111-?orvhen the S.0. considcr-{ that acccput'lc gcnnin3tlon h:u ta}icn placc;
ll, Ancrthrr d0,0,1o u'hrn the grass coler is acccplrt as having developcrl a hgtllh)'an{l lie-orou.\

slvard lpixopr:nt. to thr rrs, {rvlricir sh;rll bc no lcss lhen l-'i rlccks aftcr thc tjnc lccrpiublc
gcrtuiuatirrrr rv;i-s c(')nsitlrr{:rl lrl h:r\,c l:ll'tn phec, or aflar a l- rtctrltcalion in accord:tnr'c rrilh
suh'chusc. AI) ?.1.1{.5 :tbolc).
iri) 'I"lre rcnuindt:t xl lhc rnd of thc l)cfccts Liltrilily I'criorl of thc (iontr:rcl, as rnly lrc rrtlrrdtd as
a rcsrrlt of sub-clnrst AD ?,2 l{.5 abolc.

(tr) liutrng:

509/o $lron thc S^O. cori-sidcrs tha{ ilre lurl'ing shl\rs sigl of healthy gro$th (arrd srlisiac[]ry
spreading in the case of spot turfing) - rvhich shall bc uo lcss llran lJ u'ccks a.licr thc la;ing c:f
thc turf, or afler any lectj.ficntion i.n tccordarce l'ith sub-clau-se AD abave.
ii) Tlre tenrainde r at the e nd cf tlre l)c{'cct.s l"iability Pcriod of lhe Lbntnct, as rnay be c.rlcndcd as
a rcsllt o[ sub-cll6€ AD 2.]{ir') abcvc.
'Ilrc are.'rs rcfcrrcd to above shall rcfcr to reasonably sizerl se,cticns of the *'orli ru agreed b;' the S.O..
(.irlss cor,cring *hich hes occurrcd natunlll' r,i'ill nct bc paid for.

AD Rencdi-t

lar. cf
1'he Bnrplcl'cr shall l:c cntitlcd to hitnself cxccute. or pav another contractor or pcrson to exccutc.
the gmssing rv,-rrl (irrcluilirrg its i:ssrx'ialrd tnlsoiling, nrattinS, fcrlilising, gr;r,s*irrg. fcggrnE.
maintenancc etc.), and recovcr such costs fronr the Contlactor in accordancc s.itl Clausc ,i6 cf thc
C*.neral Conditions- in thc evtrnt lhit lhe Conl.xcl{rr:

r) lhc rcquir.d erass covcr l*fore

f:ril s to c:lrry oul tire sulrbase placcment pcr 2.2 I6(ir') abcvc.
or qithin .! nronths aftcr thc conrplction of the trimming of t-hc :rri:1. cr
fr lli rr.q/quti ng and
rvithin r shorler 1,,*l iM rvl:crt'. srrch ftrih:rc is conside red by tlrc S.0. to crslc utr;rcccptirblc
s:ouring or crosion dctri!lt.ntal to thc ro3drv$rks. or ldjncent propeniils, strciurs ard thr likc.
ii) t:rils to canl' orrt tlre rcctific,rtion of nolifird dcilricncics in the gr;rss cnvcr pnl idcri b; tlrc
Contmctor. witiiin a rll,sonable timc olsrr:h nctifi.nlion.

and -sul'jtct 1o 7 dav prior nrlticc of srrch propcscd acti'rn being givcn by thc S.0. to the Llo::trlc:or, ;lnd
tlrc Contr:rclor firiliuli trr !Llllrrrrrr,r rud drlillintlv esecule su:h rvorh rvithin thll (inlc, k) lllc
slltislitctiofi of {hc S {-) .

Wlrtrc tlc S.O- agrcts rat (.r1lr:n ar:.irs do not rc{uirr to be provitlcd \dth the grass cr",'cr, (e g i:r rock
lueas). tlre Contract Surn slrall lre rttiuted [,1 dr* rrta so not io he cor,ercd. using the rate sltorin in tlr:
Sclrrrjrrle r:rf Rllcs - arr irr thar ;rh51'11.'g of srrch rlic. nt a firir r':ilu;rtion in accord;rncc g'iih (.'l;rurc l5 tt
lhe Cencr;rl Ccndition-s

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l) 2l
S!U,!Q-N.!---tl&!1!r:.\Gl: -1il!!"1-l5l
3.? I]X(IAVA'ItON Ai\if) llACKFtl,l,lNG $()R OR\INACE \lORKS:

.i I I I.),u:U_o.ll:

(i) Arrr*rrd lirsl p:uagr;tph tit rcerl.

'fhis rlotk slurll uonsisl of 3.\c;ilitrr!r for tlrg ctrr rstr u.-l jcr; ttf sur'fiicc ilrli;rs. sutrscil drains. cisl in rilrr
lox cuhens. pr*rilril lr(r\ and pipe culrtris. and 01her tlr:ruugo s{nrcturcs, and rhcir itppurlgn;rnt
stnlcrurls, unless othenrisc proviCcd for il this Spccileation. lnd shall includc. ...

tii) ACd the follorr'ing itlr'paragraphs illltr tltc t'ir:t laraglaph:

ln far ts is possil.rl.. llie :llpurtrrriurl slnrcturrs lo ttre rrr:rirr "tube" slructruc (slch as llc inlct eltd
outlcl slruchlrcs] sh;rll bc conslruclrd and coil)plctsd inu:redialcly after, or in conjunctinn with. thc
lsicinbly. iu-sttlhtion an*/o{ c(rnstnralion of thc nrain "tubc" srrlcturc, aotl br-'fore corulrenccrncll of
any b;rckfilling to such tnain stilclure,

(iii) Anrend the hsl pangnl;h to ratd:

Iixcavation alrd backfill for pilx cullerls:rnd prec:rsl bo.r crrlver$ shall also l* in :rccordaucc with .-

I ).'f l!,a-clifll!-nC-$tl_Qrdit!f{}.o-r.(iranularB4gkfilll\'frterirl:

Add at the end of 5rh paragraph:

Matcrial for b,ackfilling against cul,!crts or olhcr stnrct{lrcs shall l* granutar bacl{rll in accorclrncc rvith
Clansc 3.?.?.5.

Add at tire erd of Tth paragraph:

Urrlcss cthenrisc spccihcd or approlcd by thc S.O., hcaly pl:rnt and cquipmcnt shall not be operatcd or
plarcd withiu 2m of a txrx culvcrl strllc.turc and i .5 m of a pipc culren undl backfilling, anil rr hcre
appropriatc. ptvclue{l| .onitilrction, lus adrarr;cd lo a stage which provides al lea$ 600 mm covcr tr}
lhe crrllerl ard the concrele has;relrir:vrrd its 23 day slreng,llt. lVhcre llre culvcrt is rcquired to be open
lbr construction tralfic pnor to such t c. suc,h $cnl shall only Itc permitlcd, r"ith specific prior
:rpprot irl lro1n tle $.O., providcd lhal thc t"onlrilclor can selify thc S.0. th:rt the slnicture has aniined
the rcrluirc.d slrcngll\ and subjcct to adcquate cuing and protcrction of the struchite. Any such approval
shall nol abrogate tlrc liatrilty of th* Coutrlclor 1o rr:pair aly dlmege urused.

.,.'t stjRFA []f, l]RAINAGt-t:

^i 1 I Srdacc Dtllinaec 1114,s: Add lt tlrc trftinnilg:

Sudacc drailrs ilre to dischnrge iulo strranrs, rircrs tt vallcr,s g tthouL creatittg dattgcr 0r llulsancc to
ildjtcetrl propcrtl, They slall bt V sh;rped. and ulliltd rixtlr drains, unlcss otltenvisc dctailed on thc
Drluilgs. 'I'he aiigtureu( of the to;r tdg*s of thg drililis sh;lll 5cnerally tr ncal. snootlt, rvithoui sharp
krnks. or disconl,irruilics, and *'cll .onlpectcd.

i 4.1 l. Llrdilcd [)rains. Addatthe cnii:

\1'lrrrr dr:iins ijrc constnt{l.d in rtxk. surfaie rrrcguilrnties rcnraining aftcr contplcticn of lhr: dnttn
(irtlilll shilllbc r:ol r€trd br brr;,lirill r''lT prlrjrilir;j ixunts. lrul i:llilrg, il*vi;es *ith i.-l ceJlt.lll slttrd
ntofilr, ar ts olher\\'ise r|;rrlr rd h1' thc S 0.

Wlrerc crrirens dts;l',:rrge into rrrlrne,l:-o:id:idi drrins. th* Lrrtl:n:d roarJs:dc dr;ril -shall bc ltncrl io tltt:
:ip1:rrtal of th,j S.() . firr lr tiisl:rlrir ()i-i ;iiirila! rii)tr:l'sirll f,f ir're 'rrlrertl's rutlti ot!]tfrli]:a

22 SSRWADD. S-1(Red.1)
.t 9 ii.( . l'll'Il r Itl.\'llll l'S;

t ! l. I I'ii:ls: Add rt tlc crrd oi lli,:.firsl sf rtl{n..f :

. .. pirri-r|rd l:v t.hc *S.0. lnrj iri it(:(1r(iii!r.r lvith tll:ru!e r\l.j l.?::lid ApplIJir AI)-llj

3.I(r (:()Rtiuc.{'rf D nt}]TAl. I,IPR cII|,VUIl"fS:

1 I {t :l f-.rca\iaut!L4nt! I }:ic !i fi!.!]l1g (clc.): ACd itl tl}i" {:n:ll

Ihckfilling to lhs slrucluac a d il.s allprtlcninl stru(trirc$ sh:tll bc in accordancc rrith Clausc -3.Q.1.2

3.l2 fxTl:NsloN Ot' t'tJt,V[RTS:

Add tlu follorvins addrtrnnal sub.chuse:

AD 3.12.-i llark!f liriil:

ilacklillirrg to ll:e st.uc{u.s autl its lrpptxlen:rnl slrllclure{ sh;lll be in accordence l'ith sub-scetrons
it.i).,1.2 andl.l 1.3.?. fcrr pi1* crrlvrrt5 and lmx culvcrl.! ru.ipcctile l).


'llte e.rrs{ing cu.lvr:I1s aod drains sh,tll trc lcnrovc<i whcre intliratcd on drc draxings. or rvhcrc nccessary
lo ca r)' out lhc Works, ald thc culvcris and ilr;rins so rcmoved shall lv;comc thc propery* of the
{.'ontraclor and shall trc rcmoved from the site.

Voids ]efl behind as a rcsrlt of such remcv; s shall be backfilled u.ith apprcvcd natcrial and
colnpaclid, in layers, in accordance rvit* tle rrln"anl spcci.licd conlp:lction reqriremcn{s for t}e aran
involvcd, uuless othcrrrvise directed try- the S.O .


Add thc lol ioni rg fl cncrnl reqrli rcmcnts beforc 4. 1. I :

N0 I'll' ;r) l:ach laycr oF each coursc shall be comprctcd lo thc pcrcelllg* relatnc dcnsity speciitcd
for that course, beforr: lle nexl la)et is plac*i.

l)) With rcfcre*cc to tlrc CtlR rrquircnr*nls spceif:*d {c.f irr ('larrses 4 I 1.2, J.l 2.2{ir,) c{c.},
thr *.orris "undrr a surchlrgc of ,l 5 kg" shlll be lr:rendcd to isid "undet a .rurclnrgc as
rcquired by CBil'i't:rt IIS l3l7 Part.i. 19t0. trilh a ttijnj:ttunr of d kg.'-

1 I .1 f'nrslrqd .1$11.c::,11S-&{tit_{fu$:

ir l Anend pulgraph 4 t '1 2 (r'i) io read 9l!'o irt lie:.r cf 9.5').'r.

ir i) r\rnerql lrble .1.-r to shcrv 9ir plssilrg [1' ,,rti3lt firr ?! ,lr Sier.c Sizc tr: tt -i-l] ]i, for botl 'l.tpc
Iend tr_rpe Il.

!ll! ) Ad.l i!r* follrrrving t{: lh!. .nJ i\t'lh. \r.rinl p:r;ii:rayh nf sul:scciion -{ t.4 -r,

Li.r!:r *'iJth of :rulerilri shall bc phi-:td r,rherc\ li) .rlsurc thlt rhc luii specificd ti iritlt
* ili h* r:t I fir,' l:r:cificrl lcvtrl

SSRWADD. S-l(Red.1) 23
{i! ) ;\rnerril srrr.;sect ion .1. I .J 3, lhird parag.r:rph, to re"ld 9f9i irr lieu of 951i,.

iv) Arl.l the ferilc'lrinB al tlLg entl of sLibs:r;tjtrr {.1..1.1, tirircl puirg,rrprll.

Irr l.lte uasc ('f t:rusht:d illl!cl.xlc

roarl Lrlsr Jrlactd rvillt a rrrrchrnirul sprt:itlcr. sJxcitrl
*1re sh.'1ll hc tlken rrohen compucting lhe nrxterifll in ortler to prcverlt txicssi\c dtsJrl;rctnrcnl ol
the N'firtarial. (i'rrrrprtrIion cr1uip1t1g111 sh;tll bc r:arcfullv sclrctcil itnrl rrserl in t'rtier tr-r achict,e
thc .spccificrl lcvcl tc|t"rancas.

(wI Add the ftrllorring .tt thc ctrd of subsectjon {.1,4..1 :

Thc complctcd la1,cr sh:rll be fi rm and stablc. rvith a c.losely knit srrrfice of aggrcgatcs c..rpased
in mlrvric and frce fronr at*is of segregalcrl rnllerials.

4.2 lrI'r"ut!ilNOUS PAV[,:lIEfiT (-'0UtdSX, I

ti) Amcnd subscciion 4 1" L2 to inciudc ['lC-t] conformirg to l]S -169{)

(ii) Add to nrbse.ction 4.1 3.2 (c) Aggrcgates for Bituminous Surface Dressing:

Nottithstanding compliance with the odrcr reqtiremcnls of the Spccifiarticn, l.imestonc

aggregatc.s sh:rll uot bc pcrmittcd.

;1.2. 1.4 C'orulruction Mcthcds:

(i) Add thc folloning allcr thc paragraph of soolion (c):

'l'hc i'rinrc (':oat slull br: sprlaygd over the frill width of thu roarlbasc even $'here liris extends
beyond the width of the future bitr nillous strrfucing,.

(i'l Add the follouitrs new subse'ution (e).

(e) Opening to f'raffic btfore Curilg

Where tlre srrrface prinred is to be opened 10 tralfic before the prirner has cued. t}te spreatling
of approvcd :rnd on thc prime coaf shall procccd immediatcly eflcr spraling of the pinrc.
begins ald shell be compleled $ithin 20 urinules of spra)''ing. The sand shall be tlry.- and shall
compll'uith the follo*ing grading limits.

Sicvc Siz-c (nrm) Ir) ?..3{r 0. fr 0.{!?5

9,i, passittg i00 85 - 100 50-80 0-lt) 0-2

Sulhcicnl loadrrl tmiks slrlll trc al tllc site lo providc llc fr.r.ll covcr for tltc arel to bc spral'c'd at
that tilre. The srrrd shlll tx spreiul lightly and unifnrurly over the spra-ved surfacc by mcarts of
xn agg-Jegatc sprcadcr c,rnrpiring rvilh Cl:tuse a.2 3.1(e). The ratc lf sprcadrng sli;rll bc 200
sq.rn / cu. nr., rr as c!irrcled (,thcm'ise by the S.O.. Arrl'uleverr clistribution af tle sand sL:rll be
corrected hv licht s',rccping:, *nd ,rnv su4rlrn nraterial in small ht:aps shall bc t{:mo\ed.
fioilirrp iuld inri irrlr:ilion cf th* saritl sirall procced irnnredialeh lf{sr sprelidirrg. Ftrt []rrs

p!trllosc ii p$cull1:!li. rYrcd rolL"-r shail bc uscd.

24 SSRWADD. S-1(Red.l)
d ?..f A.c.L[i[ulutcIeL:

i) TAnl,E.l.l'lGrarl:rtirtnl,inrilsfr,r'.\rplr:rllic('t,ttcrflc

Ilcvisc tlie lihL: ;is jbl l(r$ s.

,\{i-t Tvp: W*rrirrg L'r'-urs:: Biudcr Cl'u rsu

_}${iun ,
A{_'W 2{i ACR ?g
iJ. S. Sicr c 9t l'assing bv rvcight
3 7.5 nint I {){}
211.(l nrrrr l0{) E0 - ltlt)
20.0 mnt ?6 - tOf
l.l.() rnnt { - $9 .58 - itz
I O.0 nun ,56 - 3l .s0 - 75
5.(l nl|rl f6-71 "16
, -58
3,.15 rnnr i2-5E 30 - ,52
l. lll nrnr 30 , 1.1 l8- i$
425 unr 12 - 2tt lt- t5
150 unr 6-.16
75 um .l- I 3- I
ii) 'litlll.E 1.0 Dcsign llituntr:n {ltnlcnts

I{cvise {hc ti}blc as liillo$s:

ACW 20 - Wearing Coursc .t 5 - 6.5Yr

ACR 28 - Ilincl*r C'ortrsc .1 0-6(|11,

4..} SHOULDtrRS:

1.r 2.1 l1rtif S_!Ott-!t!q!: Replace tltc conlctrl.s of lhjs clause *tth thc ftrllorving:

Unlcss othcnvisc dircctcd on lhO dra$'ings. thc nralcrial shall lravc thc same minimtrnr propcrtic,s as thli
of rhe top 3Otfmm of sub-gradc rnetsrirls. as describcd ulder Clluse ?.2.7 {as inrcnded try !

{ 1.1 ( Ot!!!l!l!.!ll !E!!e&: Add thc follorving to lhc crrd ol'sub-clause .

'I'he shouldcr shall l* brrlught up tr'I tlc lcr,cl of'thc cdEe of thc prncntcnl lalcr ir rncdiltelv upon
contplctiolt of crch pelcrnr:ltl lllcr cotultucltott.

{.1 HORIZON'IAL.{l,tCN}tliN t', SIJlt}'."lf'n l.EVl.lI'S AND SIJRI'AC[, REGULARITY:

{r) Anrtnr.l Tatrle ,1.1,i to shou '*eating cottrsc toleranccs to bc is iollo*s:

Drcssurg) : 'l'tilcralce as for Iioad Ilasc'

Wea.ring Coru ss { Srrt lacc
Welrrng Cotrrst (Prcurix) | /- ; nlm

{ii) Add tlre fol lor.r ing strhse ctir';n

AD 1.'1..1 RgClr-[S!_t]_qff lf-{re:rs outside.l!;e Slelii,rr.l Toltrrilllcls

Wherc tlrc loleranccs erc dri;r,..:di'(i, tlrt (lorrlrrfl.'r

slr:rll subrnit de{;rlls ol his propttscd rc..-tif ; cal in!r
proccdttrc to th. S.o for;rpprolll. Srrch proccdttrc shall in:ltprorate Incilsures lo ctlsurs tliit th; lillal
p:i|cnrcnt is hunli4'.r:ncous firru :rrtrj siltnl,:

SSRWADD. S-1(Red.1) 25
F r{-tlQN -f*B.Q:ll},il1-ttN.lILtSI:

rr. 1 CORR t. GATED SIIUE'I,\Tl' F.l. RF.AI\1 II I(;IIWA Y f;l:ARnR.\It'

(iencral: Anrcnd thc rcfcr,:ncc "Sp.:irlicatrcl llltl)' lo ^'Sp*rlic;rtictt iri l !t0-$ir''

rr.l._l.j 4!!c&r!!gls: Amcnd ta

Aucfuur;gcs sh*ll be cousilurltd iit tulh crriir. {*idr slxt ial dr:trils applying ii:r guard r;ul tnds ncrircst
to {rc l;ridgc parapet). ilt acrard:tttc* rrilh t|c d|lrul: -rl:0$ n tln lhe Drirtrurgs irneVr:r irs directctl ty thc

(i.i 1.1 l{arkirg. Add.

A :cturruble Dic for nrukinq the .fKR Lr\1io on the beruu elenrctilr slutil bc pror idtd by JKR ott roqr.lcst.

6.1 l'RAII'rc srclis

fi . ?. "i 5 ll_{clirr!ifsn*,1 :

fulcnel fourth parngrapb rin pngr: 56-8 to read S guq in licu of I U!


6 'i 1 I [,;.E1r.Alicr_rt: Replacc sccond scnicnie $ith]

Ilase nratcri:tl strall con.ftrrm lo dlrl specfrcd ftrr llrc road plrtform l|l that lcvcl.

6 .1.3.5 SaEkfdltllg,: Replacc the {irst paragr*ph willt thc l-ollortng:

l.lnless odrenvise directcd by tle S"0., $c spacc in liort

of cach kerb sirall be backfillcd lYith ulaterial
spgciiierl for lhc rclcvanr layrr(s) for thr: roa<l platfonl, (and r:ontpacltd lo suit), iurd lhc spacc at lhc
tr;rck of the kerb rvitfi rtatelid eorrfolr{ng lo lirat sp:cificd for thc top 300 uut of t}te sub-gradc or
bcttcr.'l-he rralcrial shall bc c.rnpect.d in lirlcrs nol crcccdirg lS0nrnr until prop;rly corrlpac{cd.

NEW Ct,,tilSrS"rO $n A$DE[):

AD 6.5 Fulure Sglvlqc I'ipe Ctossines.

AD6 -5. I llgsq{rdla!

-Ihis a d irlrt;lll:ltion of ductilc ircn pips for firture sen'iccs- inclrrsi'.'c
r'.ork shall consist of the nrpply
ofjoints, 1r.t;licr s ard othrr arrcill:lr r,rlrks, in lirurtltrce uitJl tlu: dr:tails sho*'n on dlr l)rarr:ings utd
the Sixcilication.

AD 6.5.2 Lfa-tgliab

(a) -\*rr,icc pile

Lir sp*iiierl. thc srrvilc pllL:s sltall lr,: ,:f drrttilc itotr. rntcrtr:ill,v lined rvitlr eenettl
gss othcrrlise
nor1-rr. irnd e.xtsrlalll, ccatcrl rritli rnr:lallic zinc beiorc rtr-.i|ing lhc norfilal b:tuttten c'J;rtillg L-r
cr).11 nr basrd c.atirrg, all lo the ttllra:il rrriuirc:tt::nts of FS
j??1. r:Iass K9.
'lhe cemcnt lini g shall contlin rr{}1 lrss th:rtr olt pi.ill ttttictil io 1.5 p3ns slnd" rnd epplicd so;rs
to prodgce ;r ricnse . hcnrcfenri)ir{. proi'erl;, h-r'rlrat.d. hrrd tnJ drirahle lining, The thickncst of tite
C!.mrrrl iiting shlll hc :,til'iejrn! lo .ll..u;a :;tn:;luLtl il,l:g:ri1r. trith I lnitrintun) tltitk*tsS rll :llll
paint of 1.5 nitn. aril ltrittintrtrn ltlt:;rl ihilkrresr oi ! i lrr::t
Jlirtts :l,tll b,.: irf tlt.: '1'r:rl:-in' 1.'1,r.:

26 SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l)
iltl Njit her s
'I'ht se rviuc pipo nr:rrkr.:rs ,(b:1ll bc of higlr qu;ilitr bclran. straight ind tntc.

Al) 6 i.:i {nstrllliion

'I-hc scn'icc piprcs shall t-.c in-ct:rllcd ia accordlr.ncc 'n.i tlr thc rcquircrrrcnts of scclicn 1.2,
and in the
Itrations indic..ricd sn thc drxwings. unlcss lllrcr*.isc spcl'rllcd, lo thc al)lroval of tlre S"0.. t,hlcss
othcn',isc spccificd or shorvn, thc cnds of tlrc scrlicc pipcs sh; l protrudc JOf rrun b*ond t-irs lacc of thc
:rdj:rccnt surfacc and t'c scalcd olf lo approviil.

Al) 6" 5..f .iv{arkcrs

I'uturc scn.icc pipc nrarkcrs shall tr- providt:rl and inslallr:d iis slrt'rvrr on thr: dra*ings an<i as dirc.ctcr.l liy
thc S,0.. Pri-nting a:rd rvor tlilg shall be to lhr .S O.'s :4rptnal, using rpprrxed lrrailds of paint altl
prc\pc.rlv prcparcd surfiu:s.


Correct subsc'ction 7.1 2.2 ta) to read ?,l0ftK in lie-u of 21.000K-

sEC'.noN e - cONCRETF:

9.3. I Cenrcnl

(r) Amcnd first scntence to rsrd:

... Aom as approvcd manufacturcr in confonlalce rli tJr Cl:lusc r\D 1.7 and Appeadix AD-IF

( ii) Add to the end of subscction 9.1.1 . I ('l'rarrsporLrtiorr a.nd Storage).

Where cernerrt is stored in bul-k in silos tlrc quantily slorcd shall be limited to no more th:rn orre *,eek's
rcquircrnc'nt, unlcss ot.heru'isc by the S 0..

t).5.{ I'lacins-

(r) Add to the cnd of thc 5th paragraph:

\!'lic re cnncretc is pumpcd. lrenricd or othcnrsc dischugcd throurh pipes. no aluminiunr pipcs shall bc

(ii) Add lo end of the 6th plragraph:

Prior to conr:trencing concrslc pl:rcenrcnl, thc aonlritctrrr shall have arr lrdcrlu:ltc nunrbcr uf approvtd
vibrltors- ar.ailahlc. in propcr v|orking conditio . (bascd on no lcss tl'ran on3 \'ihralor pcr 5-8 F)r
Irour of ;urticitrxled concrete placerlent), lo1r,r{her rvilh }-2 slanil.h! units- all to tle satisfaction of litc
Tbe Contraclor shall keep e record of the cr'ncrele producti,on dctails. and uher* cach balch is plactd.


Jt.i l. 1'!:rl c liil,s.

Scc {llausc AI.l l ? aud Apperrdix AD- lF fru solrrci'of Strrl llars for Ccncrelr Rcinlonirmrrrt and
iili r rir.r rl in u Sf|tl l"abric.

SSR\\'ADD. S-l{Red.l) 27
sleTlQ_r,illl' rl Ll N c; lvo Rl{s:
10.? cuti l: rL\1. rtEQ u IRDNI EN'rS I ()R I0l,ERANClll:

(i) Anrtnd the hcading to rc'.nd "(icneral llcquircrncnts for'lblcrancc lnd Acccplancc"
(ii) r\ tkl thc follo* ing clauscs

AII l0 2 B Danrapctl I'iles

All daurag,ed, rarkcd, dcfor rned, or t*istcd piles .shall be cxtractcd nnd re installcd, or olheru'ise
remcriied or rcphced as dircctcd by thc S.O..

AD 10 2 9lilc*&t-r:1g

'lhe Contractor shall suppll all dclails regarding fus proposul piledriving cqujpment, operations.
se{lr:cnce antl timing, and rnethod of testing to the S.0. fcrr approval prior to any pilas being drivcn. No
pilcs slnll be driven sithout thc prior inspc.ction, approval ard presence of the S.0., although srch
approva'ls and atlendance by thc S.O. rvill not relieve lhe (lonlnclor of his rcrpon.sibilities ttnder the
contracl.I)ile heads shall tre properly protcctcd witl suitrble helmets.

'I'hroughout all pile driving opcratiorrs, rnclu<ling ioad tcsting, tle Contractor shall prevcnt injrrry to
per.sons and proflcrl]',

AD 10.2. l0 Failecl Ulcs

'l'csr pilcs rvhich are <lcsigncd to bc uscd irs working pilcs, *hich did not achicve the desig:rcd or
required sellle$ent criteria in accord.rnce with Section l0,l l.?, ard the load test t€s lts of which could
bc intcrprcicd by the S-O. a-s having failed due lo an inadcquate pile length or dcpth, shail be e.xtcndcd
and rerlriven urtil lJrc desigled/required setllemeflt criteria is achieved, or as directed by the S.O..

lfthe S.0. considers the test pile to hive structurally friled the renredial actiotl shall be as directed tr1

the S.O.

I 0. e PRti.lsllRE'f Rl]ATf, l)'l'il\l B ItR PI L}.S :

Anrend the harding t: re*d "Prcssure Tre.rted Tinrber Piles and Bclian Pilcs"

10.9. I Be-s,cSp!o4: Amend to re-rd:

Ihjs rvork shall compnsc thc supplf and inslallation of prcssurc-trcatcd timber pilcs and tlelian lilcs.
inclusivc ofpifching anri driving. lengthcning and preparation of pile head.s. all in accorrlrnce'n'ith this
'l'lre timber terms used in this Spccificattcn
Spccification and to *e doails sho*n on the DraEings.
shall have lhe nrcaning assigtred lo thcnr in I'{ S. 229'
Whcrc Llclian Pilcs are Spcciticd, Lhe requiremcnts of this specificttion shall apply, cxcept for i ry
rcferencc relating to the prcssurc-tr*?l ment, and its te$ing, alld the f.realmenl of cul-offs and br-'re holcs.

I0 9.2 .\{a!e_{q!!: Add it erd:

ljnlcss otherqisc spc'cified cr appror, by thc S.0.. Belirn Piles shall only lrc gradt A Btlian
(-Euside roq.,lon Zrvagen), bc of suaight grain, cut frcnt live sound trecs abole thc grorrnd sltell, lnd
frcc liont any dcfccts t hich may aliect their dutatrility.

28 SSRWADD. S-l(Red.l)
r K r( s r,\ N u .!,Lrp-!tlr r_!l,1!,:!ug!_Lqg3q,:p*]ya 8 Ks:lLlt
,:Uilll.Ill!i*1It:.!j {lrtr'. | - Or tr.,l.ri.r- l lr Tl

${'HEfll I :. (ll: \ti rr")}t a:ll.\ \{ ;f \ :\ \ 1 fiFSIrl l' {lf ll US i{ll\:lSION

Apert fror:r r'cnli lllilnr \:h;i[.liis. aiirreLli{'.nr. t i;rn llc; s, lnd cdil,:ri;il ehl]tr;ics to lrttkc i{ le;ul
hclltr alrd lo h: lrtirrr' ci-rrt.iir'lcnl in str'lc riril sa iirq ol:t. lhc lolli,riing li.srs tlre niair sgrtcilicelrrn
r:,'rl;rirt:rtrtnI ihllrgts li nr tlre llfLVi{lt!r .,\ tiJcr:r irr rr r No.S-t {Dtcr-'nrlxr l9(}l).

t'1. 1.2 lnclusion of crosit";n pro{cttrcrtlgra:^sirg as a prc-ci:nditiolr firr ['ractical {)onrplctron.

Cl. 1..1 Prolisk,n of "!,i{} rlu} \\;r.rris Prr_rgr;urrntcs',
('1. I I llrrlusion oll,ist rrf llatcri:ls r,t trlllarsi;ur {)rigrr irr ine*.1 Appenrit;!il l-F.
f-1. 1.3 i\rklidcn cf Al) I I ? tr:lalirrr,. {o sctltnli urri lf road rt:,srn,c bound:rrie: fi-:r ercp
Cllllli?renSillt0n plt t par,!f !.
t:1. I - l.i Additirur of lire prrrsibl* pror isirrtr tf rrciollrrrr,-'r.Lrlion r;ululers filr lire S.0. :rnd his striff, ;rrr'l
cr:nrlitit'rls firr pclruittirrg rsc rrf lcrsccl olficc a rrd,jor :rcconrnrtrrlatiru.
Ct. L2o Clarrfitrg tlte rcquircrttcrrl of tllc Cuir{rattor lo ni;ri{rhr.i llrs fler florv of trai'ljc durirrl:
canslruclion. and dle rcr idtcs apen tc thc S ().
Cl. l.2l Delclion of Prriecl Sigllmards as a general requircnreut.
tll" 1.26 lrtc:lusion rf rcriu.ircrncnt to a*nfill dclrg*i. and a 2 da1- notice pr.riod try tlre fior.enrnrerrt br-:ilrc
taking renrurlial ;rtticn.
{'1. I.28 Additional infbrnntion reqrri red in tr{onr}rly llepor|'s.
Appndix I I Clranges lo Srin'ey tiquiprrrcnt to hc prol ided.
Appcndir AD-lF Inclusion of (N*r) Lisr of L{arcrials of f,lalaysial Origin.
C1.2.2.3 l {Ncu.} (landitions if olcr-ss111';11g4.
Ul.l.2-3.6 (lic*') Option of decpcning {lf cuts, and asso;iated contjitjrrns.
[-1.2.?.-1.. I(Nc*) Rcq:irer':rcnts lor ruatcrial il lop I urc{rc of curl"ral"limcnl.
Ct-:.2.4^2 (r\e*) Rcquiretnent to ltrdsciigs borro\v pits,
(11.2.2.{.1 Additirxral irara {iir) t:nntrollirrg rritlrh of irll scctiorrs.
C:1.2.?.r1..{ (Nerv) Requirerrrent to do ficld densirv tesls bel(rre layer.
C11.2.2.7(i) |i.cvisc'd rcquircnrtnts fi:r nr::t;ri:d in top .1111 nlnl of the subgradr.
C|.2.2.8 Colrplelely reviseil .seclion cn Prlt,":ttirc !'egetaliorvJgrass colr"r for Erosiol Conlrol
{:1..1 2.1 (Ncti) Widening applicatiori of thc chusc, ind addrng r€quircrncnts fcr appurtcnant slnrctlrrcs
Cl.:.?.'1 (lferr ) Gener;1l rr:{jli ir.-:ritnt s for blckfilling :rnd placing to:rd nn crrlucrts st.nlctrrres.
(.:l- l.'1.2. I Reduced s.\-lcnt ol' lini ng required from 0m to -im {erch sidc of Culvert outlct ccntrc-li ne
I }.
Cl. l.l0 1 {Ncu) Rr'{lui: crlirrls frr hrck{ill nutcrial tn (:*rntf,at.':d Metal Pi;rc Crrlverts.
Cl.l. i2.3 [Ncn.) llcquircntcnts lnr hac]:llll nrttrrial to {lulr.crt fixtcnsions.
(.:l 1. I i {Ncr') {'larrsr dcali ng rdrh Rcrnnval nf is irting Culr rrs. I e
(-1.1.1 {Nes') Ocn*r:ll rcquircntcnt lo complat cl:h llvcr bclorc corutmctlng tlre next.
( l.'1.2. I '1 (Ncu) \\'idth of rpravitrg llrirrc ('nat. and rcnditions {br o;xnir:g !{l tr:ililc bclbrc curing
Cl."l.l.{ {N*r') Reviscd Teblcs.t.8 end
{'l 'l.l {Nr*) Reqrrircnrrl}t.s rc shoilld:r rnrtrnel.
Cl.6 | .l-3 {Ncr,r) llequircnrcnls firr atrchorir:yts :}l bolh crds of Cuardr;iil.
({ 1}-lc* ) R*quircnienri rc ftrrrrrclinr:. and bt(kfiil rnatcnril ar kcr-bs.
(ll Atllfl.l.l.l {Ncrr} (il;ru:e dr, viii!: Ir:riltd I'ilc:

SSRWADD. S-l(Rev.l)
AppEr.IpUM"- Uq_-l

This Addendum shali be rnade part cif t be ' .]KR Stanrlard

Specif ication tror Rc>ad i'lorks'

Table 4.8 - Gra;lation timits For: Asphaltic Concrete

Clause 4 '2 '4 '2 ' page 3.r - 21 shor.rld read as

Mi,x Type Hearing Cou!'se: Birrder Ccur se

I.lix Designatlon
Siev* ? Passi,ng weiqht
37.5 mm 100

28. O mm 80 - 100

20. O mm 76 - 100 72- 93

14.0 mm 64 - 89 5S - 82

L0.0 mm 56 - Bl- 50-75

5-O mn 46-7r 35 - 58
3.35 mr.1 32 - 58 30-52
i.18 nn'. 20*42 18 - 38
425 um t2 - 28 11 ". ?5
l-50 urn 6-16 5- L4

75 un 4- 6 3- I

table 4.9 - Design Blt.umen Conlenls

Clause 4 -2.4 -3 , page S4 - 23 should read as
f r'ri l" ows :

ACll 20 - Wea:::r,; Course

ACB 28 - Binder course
'I'his Addcn<lrrn
shall be nradc y:ar1 oi'thrr'.lKIt Standard Specification l:or l{cad \\'orks' $
Sigu laces for pernrrurent traJlic signs shall be as showrr on the
f)ra*'ini1s and shall comply rvith thc Malaysian Slandard Specificalion
for I{*{lcctive Signr Face Matcrials (MS l2l6).
All rctrorefleclivc sheeting shall bc fixcd in accordarcc rvith the
manufirctrrer's i nstruct io ns.

Unless olheru"ise agrced by the S.O., sign hces shall be formed front a
single piecc ol' rctrorcllcctive sheeting.

Whcrc- rvith the agreement of thc S.0., more than one retroreflective
shceling is used, the nur:rtnr. of sheets shalt be kept to a nrinirnurn. All
faces up to I rn in siee .shall be produced with a single sheet and no
joint rvill be atxepted.

Only vertical and horizontal joints shall be permined and all joints in
retroreflective sheeting shall be overlapped by not less than 6 mm. 'fhe
cverlap in $e horizontal joints slrall he from the top and the verlical
jcints shall be frorn rhe lcft; butt joinls will only be accepted for
prismatic refroreflective sheeting.

Retrore{lectivc sheeling shall be applied evenly oyer the whole surfacc

of thc sign ptatc and shall adhcrc fully. It shall be free from twists,
cracks, lolds or cuts, air bubbles and other blemishes.

All retrarcflective slieetings

used on the same sign shall be carefuliy
uniform appearance both b), day and bry
rnaichc<I for cnlour to produce a
night. Non-unifonn shades of colour on any one sign will not bc

The edgcs of all the refroreflcctive shceting shall be properly fittcd to

ensure na delimination of the sheeting ftom thc base substrats.

Where shccting is applied to extrudcd s$ctions by pressure roller, it shall

extend oler the lop and lrcttom edges of tlrese sections by rrot less ihan
3 mnr,

Any cut-out lcllers, numerals. synrbals and borders shall be of material

compatible with thc sireeting to which they are appliecl. l-hey shall be
applicd in accordance rl.ith thc shecting marrufbcturer's instructisrrs.

This Addendurn shall be made r-.afi of the 'lKR Standard Specitication For Rr:ad Works' IILUORtrSCENT T)RJ\NG E WI DE ANCLI' PTTISMATIC


The fluorescelt orange wide angle prismatic retroreflective sheeting is

specifically designed for use on rigid substrate rvork zone signs to provide
high visual impact under nighttime and daytime driving conditions, irrcluding
low visibility pcriorls such as darvn, dusk. and overcast days. The sheeting
shall consist of prismaric lenses formed in a transp&rent fluorescent orange
synthetic resiu. sealed, and backed with an aggrcssive prcssurc sensilive
adhesive prolected by a rentovable liner. The sheeting shall havc a smooth
surface rvith a distinctive intedocking diamond seal paftcm and orientation
marks visible f'rom tire face.

6.2-6.t"7 Requirements

i) Fhotometric - Coefficient of Retroreflection RA

When the shceling applied on aluminum test palels is measured in accordance

with ASTM E 816, it'shatl have minimum coeflicient of retroreflection values
as shown in Table I. The rotatir:n angle shall bc *90", the observation angles
shall bc 0.2u and 0.5", the entrancc angles (component l3i) shall be -4", +3po,
and +50", and the entrance angle component fJ2 = 0o.

h{inimum Coefficient of Retroreflectisn RA
(Candelas per footcandle per square foot)
{90" Rotation Angle*)

Obsen'alion Entrance
Angle { ' ) Angle ( " ) Orange

0:2 -4 200
0.2-' +30 i20
0.2 +50 50

0.5 .7
0.5 *30 50
0.5 -r50 20

* 'l-he daturn
rnark {arrorv) :.rrrprinted on the face ol'the sheeting shall be the darum mark irrr
test purposes. For the spccihcd 90o rotation anglc, the shccting shall bc positioned on the
goniorn.t"r so that the dircction t-rf this datum rnark is perpendicular to the obscrvation
[latre ithis geometry is equivalent to a 90o orieniatiou angii wi& a presc^nlation angle of
0" in tJie rneasuremcnt gcdrnetry described in Fed. Test Mclhod Skndard 370).
Rcsistance rc: Ar":ccler:i1r:'l \t.'elt heri rrrr.

Thc relrorcflcclivc srirl:rcc cf the rhceting sirilll [:c vreathir fesistarrt and shorv no
appreciable cracking. blisterirrg. crazing, or dinensional changc aiter I year's
unproiecleil ouldoor c:rllosure in south Florida" sr"ruth-lacing nnd inclined,4-5o fron, the
vertical, or after 1500 hctn's' exposurc in a xerrorr arc rvealheronreter in accordance
wirh ASI'|v{ G 2fi, Typc B, I'ulcrhbil A. Follou,ing exposure, panels shail bc rvashcd in
a 5% i-lCL solulion for 45 scconds, rinsed tharoughly rvith ciean waler, blotted rvilh a
soft clcan cloth and brougi:t to cquilibrium at standaxl conditions. After clcarring, the
caefficicnt of retroreflectiorr shall be not less lhan 100 u'hcn measure<l as in D.2,
below, ald tlre color is cx;:ecled r:onfc\nx lo the requirements of Tables Il ar:d lli for
weathered shceting. 'l''ir: sar"r:ple shall:

a) Shorv rro appreciable evidence cf cracking, scaling, pitting, blistcring.

edgc liiting or crrrling or more than I/i2 inch (0.08 cnr) shrinkage or

b) lJe rne;rsured only at angles of 0.2'obsena{ion, -4o entrance apd 90o

rotatiorr. Where nrore {han one panel c;f a color is measured, the
coefficient of retrcrrellection shall be lhe averaee cf all determinations.
\r) In'lpact Resistance.

Thc retrore fleclive :;hcetirig applietl according to thc sl'reeting manufacturer's

recommendarions ro a rc:sr panel of alloy 6061-T6;0.040" -by
{0.10 cm) 3" (7.6 cm) by'
5" (12.7 cnr) and conditioricd tbr 24 h,rurs, shall show no cracking'outsiderhe impair
area when the face of rhc panel is subjected to e.1 impacr of l0d inch-pounds (i1.3
using a weight rvirh i j,'8 in. (15-"8 rnm) <Jiarnetir rounrjed rip drdpped from a
nelgnl necessary to gener:iie itn irnpact cf 100 inch-pounds, at tesl tetnperatures of
both 32" F (O" C) nnl 72" Ir (22 " Cj .

Resistance to He{"t,
The retroreflective shceiing, applicd to a test pancl as in 8.. above, and conditioned
for 24 hours, slrall be rrre:lsureJ in accordance ,rvith paragraph. A. al 0.?" observation
and -4" cntrance anglcs at -90o rota:ion and exposcd to 170 + 5o F (77 + fo C) for 24
hours in an air circula:ing oven. After heat exposure the sheeting shall retain a
rninirnum otTAY' ol"the original coefTicient of retrareflection.

vii) Field Performance.

Retroreflective sheeting processed and applie6l to sign blank rnaterials in accordance
wilh the sheeting manufbcturer's recommendations, is expected to perform effectively
for a minimum of j. years. The retrorefleclive sheeting rvill be considered
unsatisfactory if it has deleriL'raled due to natural causes 10 the extent that: (l) lhe sign
is ineffective for its intentled purpose '*,hen vierved from a moving vehicle under
normal day and night driving conditions: or i2) thc cocfficiclt of retroreflecti,:n is less
than 100 whcn nrcasuLcd at S^2o observation and -4o enirance at 90o rotation. .Ail
measurements shall be rnaele atler sign cleaning according to thg sheeting
rnanufacturels recomnrcndations.
st ANll^t{t} st,LCl}lt,',{'t l0Ns
(,lt-'lcA.l l{lf.l t.-(}lt lt(),1D w(Jlll{s

-lltcStartrJarJ Slxci{ication for Iload YJorks ::1.,plic-aLrlc t<; this Corrtract slralf bc <ft}rurrr:
JKIVSPJ/ I 98E {J Kt{ ?04(J I' O0 I ?-89) trrt itlcd:


| ()R

tog,ethcr rvith its Addrndunr entitlt:d:

DUh! No.S-l {lttv.l}

(f or use in JKR Ro"rd Contracls in Sarawakl
()ctctxr 1997







Tlris Suyrdard Spcification together rvith its Addendum No.S- l (Rev.l ), A<idcndum No.2, Addcndum
No-j, Addendum No.4- Addcndum No.^5 and Adden<Jum No.6, are jointly referred lo as lhe SSRW

l11e Standard Spccification and irs AddexJurn S- | (Rev-l) are not. trourrl i:rto the Tender Documeni
and r:ray be purclrascd 1{:parately, but <xrpies of Addendum No.?, Addendurn No.J, Addendurn No.4
Addcndunr No.5 and Adde ndurn No. 6 are srhclred frerervith,

?._* _ 5IA}|DARD ,!p!q!J!c4llql! fgn g-UlLq!ry$ !vo!{s

{(')n$ x'htre requ ir ad)

llre Srandard Speci{lcation fcrr buitding rvcrks shall trc f)txumerrt JKR 20800- 132-21 entrtled:


tltJr LDt Nc lvotlJis 1005

Tirir .'jtandard Sixcific:rtirxr is n<.rt lxrr'nd into !lre I cnde r l)ocurrcnl. but is available sep;rralcl-v.
4_p-!)t-\li-rilr !1). ?

'Ihir: ,4.ddcrtrJunr:;h:ill L'e rrad* parl of thr 'JKR Strncl.rrd S1recilrcrtir-'n Fr.r lioad Wr"rrls'

fr.2.5,5 Sl(;N !-AL;I:S

Sigrr Facts k-'r pcrnarteltt tr;rfllc siilt'ls : :rll be as sl)uwrl on lhc l)ra',nimgs ind shall
conrply rvith lhc l'1ala1'sian Slantlaril Sirccification for Re {lertive Sign I'acc lvlalcriats
{1,1s r2r6}.

All rcttorctltclive :het(irr;',s :;trall be lixetl in acr:r,rdrnct: r,tith the r nalu f:aclurcr's
instructions. clherrvisc agrccrl by llrc 5.()., sign laces sball bc fornrcd frorn a single piccc ol'
retrorefi ect ivc slierting.

Whr:re-, rvilh {he:rgteemsnl of thc S"O., more th:}n oac retroretlcctive shecting il used,
thc nlmlrr:r of'sheeLl shall be-kept to a minimum- All faccs up td I m in siz,e shall be
produced with a single shcet and no ioinr will be accepted.

Only vertical and horizontal joinls shall be prmin e<i and all joinls in relro{efiective
.shceting sirall be ovcrlapp*d by not less rhan (r mnr. ovcrlap in the hc'izontal joints
shall be from the lop and the vertiani joinls shall be from thc letr; but joints r.r.i ll only he
acceplcd lor pris lint ic rct rorc llecli ye sheei ing.

Retrr're ll tr; I i vc sheering s.hall tle applicd cvcnly over the rvhole surficc oi thc sign plare
and shall edlrt:re frlly. lt:hall bc &ee lrom twists, cnc ks, ftrl ds or cuts, air bubbles antJ
ot htr hlcmi shr:;.

All r e-tr<irefleet ive shectings used nn lhe same sign shall hc c".rrefully matched for colour
to producr a unilonn appr:r ranc€ both by day and by niglrr. Non-unilorrn shades of
c,r.llour on eny onr sign rvill not be aceplerl

-lhe c{gcs of all thc

n:trorclledive sherring shall lre propcrly fined to ensrrc no
dtlinrin:rtion of the shecting frorn the trase subslrale.

Where siretlirrg is applied lo ertrudcd sed;orrs by pressure rerller, it sh:ll exterxl <-rvrr
lop an<l boltorrr cclgcs of these srdions try not less than 3 mm.

Any cul-{.rut lcflws, nr:merals, symbols a-nd bordcrs shall be of matcria! conrpatible *'ith
lhe shrcting lo rvlrich tirey er atr,plied. They shall be applie<i in accrrtlrncc with rhe
sh'r't irrg rrra rru [rtl rrrr'r's ||rtl nrcl iorx-
finish ol'all sign facrs shall be capal'le o! passing the lest; describtd in [4S l?16,
and tlrc slartr.lar ds of hhricrtion and rvorkntanship shall be such thll under ntrrrn;lf
ccnditions of service rnd proper mail:tcnanct, thc sign faces shall lirst nor les rhan i
.."i,,',,, ..1i.',,. r i, .
r r r .. r ,, - . ,,' ,ipi*,r.- tr,r t':,c'rrrernrtt t rr'trrv,."ll*-r-t!\.t
-.."..'. ",'- ' '
shttting lrnd I 1'can for I{rg}r lntersitv and prisrnatic relroreflrctivc sheeting.

Tltt Clrrtr::t:lor :hall frrrnj:lr lt) llle S.{-}. a lettt: of rvairanty for thc :pt<'ified pc'liorl fi.,r
all sigr licel fir:rn thc :larrufar.turer of the :he eti:rg or lhe sign f abricetor-
-fhc rt!rrrtflrdivc :,herting, n.ralul};lurtr shall firrni..;h to tlre S.O w.ritten w:ur:nly lhal
llrc fluorc:,ct:nl color:rs shell I'r: elrrrable for a rninirrttnr '/ year: for y:rrranent sigrrs arrel
l ntirlinlunl l ;r'als firr lenrpolal y.,i1'rrs.

4pD-LNll-u_r\t N(). I
'lhis Addcrrdurn shall trt: r.lradc part of thc'JKII StarulartJ Sptcilicatiorr lror Road Works'

6.:.6. t F LIiO R L.S(-'lin- I O [L\NC E WI D L. A NG t.E l' lUSJllA I'IC

Dtscription 6.]-6- l.l
-llrc lluorcsccnl oraJrge rvide angle prisrrratic relrorefieclive sheeting is spccifically
designcd for Lse r,n rigirl substrale u'ork zone signs lo provide high visrnl impaa undrr
nig,httirlre and daytime driving condilions, including low visibility pericxls such as
dawrr, dusk, and ovcrcasl day,s. sheeting sliall consist of prisrrralic lenses lolmrd in
lr bansparent lluorc;ccnl orange synlhdic re;in, seal erJ, and backetl with an aggressile
prcssure scrlsirive acihesivc protcctc<i by a rcrnovablc lincr. 'll|e sheeting sh:rlt havc a
smooth surface rvith a distin<rive interlockjmg diamond s€al pallem and orienldiorl
marks visitile fiom the lacc-

Rer;uiremtnG 6-2.6. r.2

lltlslsursl|rc---ec-e-tlc-rslt-,of B,erqrq0cgi--y-t-.&A
When thc sh*tinq applied on alunrinum les! panels is mea-srrred. in accordance with
AS'I'N4 L 8lO, il shall lrave minimum coetlicienl of rclrorctlcctivc values as sho.*r irr
latile l. Thc rotalien angle shall be '90", the observation angles shall bc 0.2o and 0,5",
lh€ crll{3nce anglcs (comp,onent $l ) shall be -4', ri0", anrl t50", and the cnlrance an3"lc
.orrlponenl p2 = 0".

TAnl-i:: I
IvJinimum Coefficient of Retroreflection RA
1(-'irn<Jtlas pcr lbrilcandle per square lirot)
{90. Rolation Artglc' )

t ()txcrvatiorr
Angle { t )



lltc rn:rrk (;rrrorv) irnprintt-<i r.rn thc hce of the sheetinp, shall be 1be daltrm utark
rl:rt urrr
for tclt purposcr,. l':or the specified 90" rotation anglc, thc shecling lhall he Jxrsitioncri
on tlic gr'nionrcl(l s{} lhil llrr: dire,,:tjon of t}us rlatutn *rark is perpendit:rrlar to the
obLtrvatioo grl:rne (this g.comctry rs etluivalent lo a 90" oncntation anglc rvith a
pre:cntiltion :rrrp-lr-' r.rf O" irr 1!re llq:lsulcrn{nl l>{x>r'tt.try ilc:,cribctJ ut Fc''"|. I-ert lr{cthod
Skrxl:rr,-l -il0't.
ii) Dar-trmp-eobr*jr

colour shall conforrn ro the requirements of Table II. Da1'timc colour and maxinrunr
spi}crtal radiance ftctor (pcak rc{lccrance) nfshecting lnounlcd on alunrinurn lest paaets
shall be detcrmined instrumenral ly in accordance wirh ASTM E 9gl" The values shall
be detcrmined on a llunter l-ab l-abscan 6000 0/45 Sp*ctrocolourimeter wirb option
ctv'tR 559 {or approved equal 0145 (45/0} irstrument with circurnfcrentiat viewing
(illumirntion)1. Compurarions shall be done in accordance rvith ASTI,I E 30g for rhe 2;
Cololr Specification Limirs ** (Dayime)

Cotour I
l 4 Re{leclance
LimjtY f/.)
X Y X Y X Y X Y Min, Max.
.583 _4t6 .523 .397 _560 .360 .631 .369 30
.583 .4t6 521 ,397 560 ,360 .63l -369 20 ;15

Maximum spcr$al radi ance fac{rx, nerv IIP/q rnin"

wcathered 600l", min-

'* Thc fow pairs of chromariciry coordinatcs detcrmine the acceptable colour in terms 6f
tlte ClIl l93l sta:rdard colonmetric systenr nreasued wirh srandard illuninanr D65,

iii) Nifllrdme Colout

Nighnime cotonr of tht shc*ing appticd to alurninum rast panels shall be derermined
instrumentally in accordarce s,ith ASTM E 8t I and catculaled in thc u', v coordi nare
s-ystem in accordance with AsrM E 308. shcering shatl be nreasured ar o.33"
observation and -{" entrarce at 9Oo ro{alion. Colour shall confqrm to the requirenrents
of Tatrle lll.

Colour Specificarion Limits r * (l.Jighninre)

Colour I 1
l 4
u u u u
(rrerv and 40{) t40 475 529 .1.18 t22 372 5:]4
rve athercd)

:iiai;latqc jarii ; ii;icd n;

The rdrotcflettive surlace of thc sbeeting shall be rvcather rcsislant and sborv no
appreciable cracking, blisrenng- crazing or dimensional cbange alier I ycar's
unprotected outdoor elpo$lre in sotrrh Florida sourlr-facing and inclined 45'from the
verncal- or after | 500 hotrs' erpos!,re in a xcnon arc rvea0rcromcter in accordance wilh
AsrM c 26. Type B" Merhod A Following eryosure. panels shall be rvashed n a 5To
ll{"ll- solurion for 45 seconds, rimed thorr:ughly xirh clean rvater, trlone,J rr.irh a s{:),ff
clcan cloih artcl brotrglrl to rquilitrriurn at standar(j <xrnditionr. Aller clealing thc
coc[l-rticrrl r-rl r r.rllor e{]lrl iv,' slrall l.,t rrot lc:1 tlr;rl lO0 tvltcrt lrtt';ts (trtld a-l ilt (iv)(b)
belorv, arrd thc colour is expcclcd conforrn tn the rt:lrrirente nts of ll an1 lll for
u't'al I rer ctl :lrr'cl i rig. sa rt r pl t :ha I 1 :

a) Sholv no:rpprL'Liirble cvidcnce of crecking, st:rling pitting, blislerin;1, edge lifting

or crrrlirrg or rnore ttrarr l/32 irrch (0.08 cnr) shrinkagc or txpansion.

L)) Jlc rnr:irsrrrrd r:nly at rrrrgks of 0.2' rttisrrvation, -4o clrltatlce atll 90" ro1:rlietl.
\ir'irqc nrurc tiriur onc parrei oi a coiour is nreasuretl- lhe coclllcrcnt ol'
rr'!rrxt'lle<:tivt,shall lx: {ltc avtragc,.;f lll rjt{ crrtti nal it'r rs

vJ Lruraq l{sLslalec

Thc fe t rcrrcfl cr*t ive shceting applie<l ac-cording to lhe slreelirrg tnonufacturer's
rccornmrn<laliotrs lo a tc"sl pancl of atloy 606 l--l'6, 0 {"!10" (0. l0 crn} by i" (7-5 crn) by
5" (12.7 crn) arrd condition.:J for 24 hours, shall show no cr:cking oulside lhe irtpercl
ar*r. lvhe n the facc of thc ;xrnel is ;ulrjecrol lo an itnpacl of 100 inch-pounds (l l -'i Nm)
using a rveit',hl with a .5/E in. (15-8 mm) dianteter rounded tip droppcd from a heighl
ne{:essary tq} gcnerale an impact ot' 100 inc}r-porrnd, al t*it lflnpcratures of bo,ttt 32" F'
i0" (l) and 72" F tZ')" {:1.
vr) .t!gs!s1-aqrcc ie-f lstl
llle retrorellective shceting, applire'l to a l€st lxncl as in (v) atrov e, and condiiioncd for
24 hours, shall be rreasured in atrord:rnce with par.rgraph (i) at 0"2'observalion anrl
4o enlrancc angle at 90' rc.{atic.rn and expcsed to | ?0 r 5" I' {?7 + i" (l) tbr 24 hours in
an air circrrlatirrg ovrn. Afler he:t exlnsure the :hettirrg, shall retain a rninimrtrn ol'?0
Y" of rhe oripinal coe {ficienl of retrorr:flecl ion

vii) !'-isl_d_fs1lqlry'ance

l{clroretlcct ive shceiing Frocfssed and applieil to sigrr blank fnslcrials in accordance
with the shteiinli manufacturer's re<nmnrendariorrs, is rxpedcd lo perf'ornr cllcctivcly
fcrr a mininrum of i ycars. 'lhc telroreflcctive sheeting wilt be considcred unsalisladory
if it has dtter igrated rJue lo natural c;rrr-se; lo thc cxlcnt rhat: ( | ) the si6,.n is incl*xtive lbr
its inrendeil purposc when vierve<i from a moving vchiclc undcr normal d.1y and nighl
<lriving ccntliiions. or (?) rhe coefficient of relrc'refl ecr i ve is lcss thart 100 whcrr
rrc&surcd at 0.2" observation and --"1'entrancc al 90" rotation. All rneasuremerrts slurll bc
lnadc aflcr sigrt clcanrng accordirg lo tltc shccting rrta ntr lirctur a:'5 rccot:uncldal iorr:.

4.1!!l-!:"-Lll-1 I l! * r* Q.. .1

t.ry)1 R(|;\-1lFN'ri\l. !,ti()'t!_1 , r I!.,N A{!l}ri(:It,rFi{. t1rtr..NIS

'l lri'r Adr!r:rrr,luln slri.rll lre rllrit, ilf llle 'JKll

llitrt Starrdaril iorr fi_lr lloarl Wr-rrk:;'

lriScrl I r!:iv !t''c!iorl;r1; ft'llotx:

r.p, _ _*** .,-*_l N ISllJltI_**:-!ILI
lhis scction ronl.rin: thq .rlrccilicali<:lr rclaling io cn\.ironrrrnral nrl|ler: irr ttx_
excculion of inftaslnrctrrraI projecls in line rvith JKR F.hlS ISO l,{001. rr,.lrere t|e!c
rnalleN anllc:rt slso irt r:tltcr sertions of'thr Conlr;r'.1 lllrrrrrr:nl, lhis s1-rr:c ifir:at i6rr :;hall
luke precedrnce.

?,0 lLQlsl{tlQli4all-8Ecur.A r loNS

'l hc tjonlractor
\hall al all times a(lhere lo all cxi:ting !latires regilrding the protecrion
of lhe llnvironment,

Prior lo the execulion of lhe projecl, the (lontractor shall cornply rvith the
l.rrr'ironmcnial (lrrality Act l9?.1 {Act l??) anr, olher r'{:latcd env;ronlnentil legislation
incladirrg bur nor limited tn:

(a) Strcet- l)rainage and Building;1ct, l9?4 : Acl l3J urd rlmcndnrclt. 19J8.

( b) Prolecrion of Witd l-ifc Acr. | 9?2 {n rr } 9?6).

(c) l-.arrd Conservarion Ae r, I960_

({1i Dnrinage Works ordinerrce, 1954.

{cl Water [nac.lrncnt (ilraprer l4{r : Waler ( 1935).

(t) hJetion:rl Rc:r(rr rccs :rlrd erivironrl*ntal Oldinarrce, 199.1.

he Contr:rctor :hall be liable fr'r und shall inderrurily thr Covernrrre nt agein:t anv
rl;tntagcs, exprrrsea,liahility, losses, clairn:, proleerrrliorr, procredings" fines. prnaltics
catt:ed b'y' non-conrplianec c'r cilnlr a\,e rrl iorr of the atiove legislations.

.1_.q,*---* - - -*Jrllllllt-q1r-tJl-iL-]!14li t$-!:ll-f l!l*I!".!li1E1!l_l

I I f)biect i'. t

l'l: i: ;;;:ir cb.jr:e tilethl l'.irtilirnric*lal ir4enagr:ncn: Flen iti$'lF! ate IL] sr:l rLr a
c {rn; rr{'ltr ntt vc !rrrijr:rn} re *hich u'ill flrrnr lhe italir frrr itnplemen{irrg ervironrrrrntal

lrttlig;rlialt rne,r'.urci, cnv;r(,'rnr(-r)1."|l t;;onitolirrg arrtJ cnr. irfinnrr nUr l audiiinF oi the
aOnltrr){.tror) rve'rks l.r} tl-rt (-].rntractr'rI a-{ lil,leil ti.l(}1r

{:t.i l{}'.-1 ,'rt v;tr irrtrq unvilr.,r|l trl:ntlil prolrCtion r {{,}t1:C11a{1():r {nat:iltf a\ lhat
rorrf,ittrr rt'ill: llre crrvrrr;rirtr,-'ntal tonrjitir,n: 5t!pultlr:J irr tlrr l.()titlaat
f,,1-,cti{ir:rliorr:; I:.lA t{'[xiii ;ilrl ht t.,tlri; rcler.lrrt :rr.:tlteritir:,, c.!. tlrr
I..)Ll.trtllir'Ll r'f f tr'. rrl;;;rrir:r:t (l.iitl.j,r,r Il::irr;r:ti l.iit,..,t:;',.i" :rtrj I irvrir'itt]ra'r'rl,rf
lii,.rr,l il,lii l lr,r.

{1.) trt r';t',ttti' lir:rl iltr' {'.irlr::t i$l 1t,i1111}5' $illr .ili :i1r1,l1r';;hl1 '.1:rt}(l:lrtl(l ;lrtil
gLridrli::r'.,. lt!iilltir'.- rr!rIi!rrrrr!i5 ui:tl oilier rc:tv:lll totrrit{:orrs rclltc{l lr)
llr,. .- Ir! ;t'rl;: j,t:rl

{i } lrr ..}rr',:ift .r rjlt.rrlr',.J r:rrvirr,l:lrLnl:l rtt<-,trit,^:tinf: ill,.l aLltl}ttt}1.' I)r (}i'ri,! nl ri{: t() r

rit:,{rtt: l]!t1l llrr: {-'Uritrlrr-tl arriJ all iub cr-rirlr-.rct,.rt5 c()nl]\ly rvith rll :.tiplrlxlc{l
requircments throughout the duration of the project.

(tl) l() l.ltailr'llit]f lht tliflt'rr'nt frrrX'ti()rr:, ()l vlrtu,tt! :,t(.1r{) :i lrr,l .rtrllr0litir.,
rt'lllrrl 1r', tnvrr()rili(llrl nr all e r! drrriny llir"- coo!!ttr{-lir'n

II l-rc:plr:rlttitt rrl llrt l..lvll'

-Iht (lt'rltrartc,r :;lurll ltrcp;rrc il rile s[].cifrc [:t 1P prir-x lo ('xccul'r]l r:f prljccl antl slt:ril
:;utirnit to ihe S.(). fr.:r errdrirlertrcnt be lore srrbmi::irrn to DOt/]'iRI-t.J. lhc [:lr'11) -rhall
rrtirke lt,fi rtt-te 1o llii: itill<'rviirg t-trl tr(lt lrrrrittd 1o'

- .lKI{ [-invirrrnrnc*tal ]1ant1;crrtcr"rt s]llatl] {!h1S)

- l'hc appro'-cd tlA rcPort
- [:.lA apprlrrd (li!,.tili{irrs fr(lrrt l Xll::8'J ll [--l] {atlarircrl il-arry)

It shotrlil r:ielr!y nolr"il thrl f'|\,'l P is a tkxrunrnt fi'r praclirrxl lrrt {;it lil.
be f.-v riln;itrrlrr!
Fe.sclnrrcl enl thtts slxxrld lx c{Jnci.r,e, rrpdaletl:rrrd lite spccrlic.

llrc (.'o!1lrix to! \hill prcFar{: ald :,rrbrnlt the f .lrl[' 1n 1ls 1i.() \]rthin -i{} rie,yl lrollr llrc
ilatc cif ; -.1191 o{ l, a( (.'!}l:}n.t'.

-i. -l licopt of f:.ivi P


(a) lrlcnlify att(J tvllu3te :;if.nifit;t,rt :!:lpitt:i artd itrrpntt:; trf llt. f:oitrl a:i ili:'
I li. Fl l:ii..) 1.1{-tl}l }u{anrral rr:<lrrirtrrrt'r,t'.

{i)l l-<rir*rrlrlr qlls liyicifie nritig,ating tllt':ra,r}r('t lfig':ih.r .'vith thc c,};l".trllrttli.
.l!.lt alrJ (!ll1ri Ia!rvilttt il!:t'r'li irt

{. j I ilri'-c rlitir IKR ('lr:'ull':irll:titi! i'l}r::t tc'levrftl ;t;:i:l{ ii'\ ' lr ''r'til('t 1'r tl 'rtritr
I!| r'n \ li{1nn1:ttl.

i,li ('.'r].lt;( t lt;ti1|prl t(\{ tha l('l('vilrl 1;q:r.,ir11'. ll l}:,1{. ('arlt!tit{ la}r. { illl'ilJlliiIll iirl'l
o{}rr I 1.'r'l'(rt!'i'!\'i!{}:ilrl'. ltt ltn'} r'rl I'i.h;ril t'l lKll

(e) Carryout baseline monitoring

(li ['rr1l;rtt' :tltiJ rulrttitl {rr": {''i.{il]ir" r'{ ll!('l i\11''"R

I .1 { ll:I,:rtt',, r,i f:h1l'

I1r'' i,11'|;1;.111,'ir,'l llti'l: \:1''lt.,l1 l,t'itt i:t.r,:t,J.:1rr-,-",'. lllt -ii.R ir:-.rltr:rj { li,.:tf.i::t i''r
lr'1.r rr . l'.'r' .11..,
(.:r) txr: ,-:rrlive Sumrlary

highlighl the :unrmarv of key cnvirnnmcntat issues and

TJrc exccrJllve iiur')rtr3ry :,hall
il:lpacls for the projcct. lt shall also irrclude sensillve errvir <-xrlnenlal issue1; recepiors
suclr as dervnslreall water intlkas arrd native sefilcmet]ts-

(b) Environrnental Rcquirements

't list of liglland other requirenrents including approval lctters from all rr'ler:rnt
authorities in erecrrting thc project shall be ineluderl.

(c) f'roject Schedule and Sequence of Construction

A det.liled project sche'Jule wlrich integrates environmtntal mitigarion measures within

overall project schedule anJ a slaterrrent of how the Cclnlraclor inletlds to scquence thc
construclion works including temporary rvork lo minimize errvironmental impacts shall
be included.'Ilis schedrle shall be in linc with lhc main overall Froject lmplcmcntation

(d) Rofes and Responsibility

The contractor shall specii tl're person(s),rpanies employed/engaged for rhe dtrrarion of
lhe cor:lract who are rc:ponsibls &'lr irnplerrrelling lhc actions specified in thc EMP, An
organization chart slrall bc provided for environnrental rnanagement tcams, which shall
include :

(i) f-.r-rviror}tJtejrt4l 9f{Ser (E(l)

The [O slrail corrdrrct sitc itspection to assess tlre sffecl;veness t]f 1]r*
n):tigation measures implemcnted. He/slre sl,rll assist the Contraclor in rhe
irnplernentation of JKR F-MS: L,lS ISO l4OOl, includirrg providing guidarrce
to the Conlractclr irr confornring to the relevanl proeedures outlined in the
[:MS arrd the rnainler]arrce ol rreecssary records arrd documentation- l.lelshe
sfiall als<,r prorlole cnvironnrenkl awaren€ss and L'fsl managemen! practices
irrcluding lraining of all relev:utt percons.

(ii) A L ! r:d-gp!irtl]qt!-Er):lrqt!rrct:!,al Audr,-ql

As described irr Sec(iorr {f).

(ii;) A-r.r...A-scredrt-€g- A rUr lfl_;::jtl.-L, a-!le.a ro! y

All sanrples :hall be lesled in an acrrediled laboratory approved by the

llcpanrnr:nl , f StanrJards l--lalaysia
(e) 'I'he eotractor shall prcpare a monitoring programme and carry out
eivrronnlenlal rnonrt.,rrng as clrpUl'led ln the Bill ot Quanlities. -l-he actual sampling
lr-rcations on site shall be identilied irr the{ P and will sutrjcc{ to approval by the S.O.
all eqrriprnent shall be cal;b.ated prior to use and sarrrpks shall be teslrd in accredltcd
laboratory. -lhe following itcms shall bre monitored:
(r) Wa:cr Qrrality

Watcr qualitl, of strcanrs, rivcrs and othe r water bodics shall be rnonitored for
turbidity, pH, -fotal Iirrspendetl Solid-s {TSS), Oil & Crea,se, L}issolved
Oxygprr (I)O), tliological Oxygen Demand (IIOD), E. coli, Chemical Oxygen
l)emand {COD) and Amnroniacal Nilrogen.

Water quality of the effltrent discirarge at accornmtxJalion areas shall also be

monitored tbr Pl l, Oil & (l rc;rsc, []. coli and Ammoniacal Nitrogen.

TSS shall also be nrorl itr-rreti :lt oullcls oI silt trapVscdimentat ion
pondsrb:s in s.

(ii) Air Quality

Ambient air quality monitoring shall be carried oul to monitor Total

Suspended Particulates (-ISP) using a High Volume Air Sampler. Thc
following metcnrological paranreters shall t'e recorded during, rhe sampling
pcriod to allorv interpretation of rhe dala:

Wind speed and direclion

l)erennirralion of w'eather conrjitions (ck:udy, rainy, etc)

{iii) Noise

Anrbient noise leve | (12 hour avtrage including L*, L,o and lan) shall he
carried oul try a qualified person at scnsilive locations such as schools,
hospitals, residential areas and rralive sedlemenls- These noise rneasurelnenls
shall tre taken at tlre bourrdary of respcctive sensilivc arcas.

(r) E rrvirorr rnenta I Autlits

The auditirrg proccdure arrd scheeJule shalt be derailed in the eMP. The auciit
shall focus on the implementation of thc EMP arrd/or olher environmental
mana*emenl elernen(s. 'l}e Coatractor sha!l appoinl an independent
Envirorrmenlal Auditor to undertake the following rasks:

(;) Carry out environmenlal compliance aud;ts qlrartetly;

(ii) Evaluate monitoring data;

(;ii) Vcrifyirrg irn plenrentat ion of corrective and preventio'r aclion:

( iv) Preptrc ir cornprehtnsive ervironnrental ru(liting leport and propose

reconrrnendalion(s) krr inprovenrcnt.

The enr ironmental auditor shall hat'e thc nccessarl'expcrtis and experience
to erecutc the task diligentlr and profcssionallv in accorclance rrith the
rer;uirenten(s cfJKR EllS: \lS ISO 14001.

(e) ir4 itigat ion lv'le-asures

I ht contrecl.rr shall provrde tlrC ncccssary mcasure5 lO mrltgale

eriv rrr)r) rlre nt.rl irlrp:rt:t s l-lri: .:ha | | urclucle but not lintited 1tr tht f1;llor,''irtfl,:
(t) Di'po*lol'Surl-rluslviatcriirl

T}c Clontractor rhall detail out methods for disposal of surplus cut
n;rlrr iel to f<rnrr rngirrcrretl fills irx:luding llanaging thc dis;nsal
siles from firrther irnpacts lo the environment, llre location of thc
clisposal sites slrlll tre cle:rly indicaled and approverl by the S.O,

iii) Erosion arrd Serlirnertt ControI Plarr

Th: Clltlt::.:!nr <lrrll a drainage ulan showinfi temDorafy

The Contractor shall plepare a drainage plan showing tclnpopary
srllil torl"

(iii) Solid W.rste Managerncrrt

The Contractor shalt detail out methods of solid rvasle disposal

inclrrtling constnrction rvasle. 'l-}re iocation for wa-ste dispxrsal site
shall be clearly indicated and.approvetl by the S.(). unlcss handled by
lhe l,cal aulhoriry.

(iv) Schedule<l Wa-\lc Manage rnenl

Conlmctor shall detail out rhe collection, slorage aM disposal of
schedrrlcd waste generaled on -site irrclrrdinq ils invent('ry.

(") Turfing

The Contractor shall specify the methtxJs used ar'rd schedule for
t urfing antl hy<lroseeding.

( vi) Other SJxcilic lvlitigation Measures

J'he shall also detail out mcthods to address any other
mit igation measures required-

(vi;) Lnrergency Preparedness arrd Response Plan

llle corrtractor shall set oul enlergency resp.ns€ plan pro,cedules,

plans and conrmrrn"lcat ions irr the ev€nl of an emergency e.g-
landslides. tr:r ff-rc acciderrlr, flash lloods, fire and oil spills-

(h) F.N,IP Revisiorr

'Ille (lorrtrarlor shall seek the S.O"',s approval t0 update an<J rcvise tlre
ellcctivcncss ol the Ilvll'inr:ludrng changes to tlora and wrldlifc management
aftcr a speci{ie pe rioil of tinrt.

ii) l)elivcr atrlrs

1l-re follr:u,irrg dr.;cumcnts slrall bt subrninccl Lry tlie Contractol

i ;o.,,itlct',1", l\() Il c;xirt rng. l trnrng
l l-nvironrrrcrrt:ll M;rrregt:rncrrl
CtlPl.ll, l:rcrltt l
(,)ll a..:
Wittrin .l0days ironr the
I PIan (t,:Mf') ol l,etier of Acce otr
I lt,,r irr,,'ii'e,,rli
fr !r ,rt it.r itt11 1 lvlorrtlr ly 2 rvccks afir:r lrtorritorirrg
I t--'i",'rt,i,.:,u"i n;;;; (lrrartcr ly 2 rvceks alicr audits
I lt cpons _ ;^,-{ r,,,r nr;rrr t.1 thr, r)t'
{vOllj .4 {J.{\t- ']ren:]ratir,r}
r tre l, tr 1P

l_U -.__ ,_ .st t t, ()!Fl('F. ."\NI) A(.(..()Nti\'t()l)A l l(-)N

4,r .Sire ()ftic,r, Wcrrkshop and ftorc

{a) I trr: (.lonn acr{rr attr-l rnaintaitt rrn rite . suitablc anC srrllicierrt
rlrall ;rrovide
officrs fitr rhe S.O., hi3 teprescntalive irnrl tile Corlll,tclor {t\\'ll ttse

(b) Thc CO tractor sltall al:;o pruvide attd tlrairrtain o.t sile. Sttilable rvorkshCrp:
anrl store:, *'itir irngxrvicitts fl{JttrinF, includirrf, grcasf, lraps'

(c) f ht: (_'ontlat:tr>r is Orohibitcd frOrn drrcharg,ing oil arrd Itearse lo ;lrlv
watercorrrsc.s. Any spillc<i orl zrn<l pease shall bc ptomplly retnovcd and llri:;
r:orrlirrrinaletl r.vaste sh;rli be kept ir': J:rr:;xr conlainets. tl:;ed oil and gr ea:t:
shall he kepr ltt scparate conlaincr! for recyclir.g. All containen shall bc
\tOre{l in :ecrtred areas Jrrigr to dirpOsal try licensc<! (orllllrclOll-i p(:r
I nr ironm cnt al ()tral i ty { Sche<t ulerl WrsleJ Rc1'.u lat ron 2O05 -
ti.) Accc nrrnoclalratr fcrr Worknlcn
(a) he []onrractor shall providc arrd rnaintain on lrlc suitablc antl sufficicnt
acconlnltlrl ior'i *rrrJ c:intps frrr his ,"vtrkrncrr ah.l srrpx',r-vil,o;y sraf f as IerluilciJ
irt ll tr.: (-otttr.rci.

(tr) -flre [r1:ariorrs of rlrc workmen's accornnrotlet ion shall be a.qrccd bclorehand
r.,. itlr lhe lj O. and shall be :,ur:lr ;rs lo avoirl ollslrucli(]t) attd nurisarrcc to tlrt

rv6rks arrrl public an,.1 sltall be laid out iri;rrr approved and ordcrly nrannrr.
'l lr(' {111.J1t.ri<'rn and lr:ohirari,rn lf thr. lcco rttnrcxlat icrrr shall conrply rvith all
e!)\€rnrt?(-nl;'rnil local ar rlhorit itr.

(,1) r\ll ;rrcoll]rrr,:xl;rlirrrr! fOl rr0rLrl)tn sliall b< t)Iop('tly vr:lrtilatr:d ;trlrl l:glrtcil
rr itlr ..,U'lllcie,r't toiL:t ard batlring f;rcililres rrnd rr'aslc atld reJirst r:olltclron
['inr'tli,,iros:rI Cor,rking is prohibited in tltt: slte pttrl'- r{t]at-luIs
-.. -1.^li -1......,...,i'1.'_'- r,{a,1,'-,t.' ..,'r,r,lr trl \v.ll( r lr}r ailllt(-ll tt:}:llfi'
l.' - r
:irr,j i.1ll{r\!al)la c ook inp ari';ts

(l) I hc (lonrr;ictor shall bc vhr:llv rt':lponsif,lc for tlie \\'orl'.lllcrl al lltf

:r c c.ri: rrrriorlal rorr provitJeJ. Artivrties st.rch at l:rrrrl ilig/1r a;r1l irrg
rll s rldlrlr
sh6rrll bt srrrcrll firrhirJdcn ilnd flng5lpcneltic:i shall bt: inrpo:ed on llrr
(,'t,trlrirelrrr ll'' lllc ltlcvanl (ic]\'!jlltll!ctil D{'lt.rtllltt.'til:i

I lll{llt'.

{a) water Srrpply

(i) -l-he
Contractor shlll provide anrl rnaintairr a prortable waler supply
systern to all facilities rcquired in the conslnrction area. The suppty
shall be takcn from sources approved by the S.O-

(ii) I}e Contractor shall submit his plans for the water supply and
reticulation system, including fillration, chlorination and orher
nrnrvrs,''-l til-.rrtrFnt where rcnr lired_ l{) the S.r}. fcrr aooroval- nol less
than thiny {3O} days prior ro warer supply proriision.

(iii) Portable warer shall cornply rvith the requircmcnrs of minisrry of

I lcalrh Srandards.

(b) Sani;ary Facilities

(i) 'l'he Contractor shall provide and maintain srrtficienr roiler faciliries
al appropriale locatrons on site as approved by the S.O- Facilities
shall bc complete with adequate waier closels, urinals and hand-
basins, and proper sanitary system.

( ii) The Contractor shall maintain ali toilers in a clean and sanitary
conclition and shall comply with reqrrirernents of Ministry of Health.

{ iii} All u,aste-walers must be trealed such rhat irs disclrarged eflluenr
meers the requirements of all existing regulations and legislations.

(b) Solid Waste Disposal

(i) -l-he
Contractor shall underlakc the collection and disposal of sclid
wastg suclr as line;, kitchen arrd canleen refuse, non- haz"ilrdorrs solid
waste including office, workshop and accommodation was.te. Solid
waste collectioil shall be made at teast llvice a week or as and when
direcled try the S.O"

( ii) Solid waste shall be stored in proper recycling bins and containers,
collected and disposed off at designared site approved by the S.0. or
to a locally available landfill using licensed conlraclor.

5.{' s rr€__c tga Srca,la {ul!9.8 x-E_4_N_D_gI_qAyAf!aN

:ii lr)tr(xJrrct ion

secl ir'lr-r shall be read in corrjunctiorr rvitlr tlre Starrdard Specification for Buildings,
Road Works and JKR Crcen lr.lission.

Srte Llearrrrg

(a) Site clcaring rhall be dr.rrre in stages ald within construction lirnit" No burning
of cleared vegetarion and tlehris shall bc allorvcd unless approval has becn
otrtained frorn the Director Cencrirl of Depanment of Environrnenl, or th€
Controlle r of National Rcsourccs and [:nvironmental goard.

(b) Erosion mitigation mea-sures are to surr befiore commencernenl of site
clearing and earthworks- This includes planning for'work in srages' aod also
plans for diverring as mr-rch as possib'le surface runoff trom the work areas"

(c) Site clearing should be from the centre of the road oufwards towards rhe
constnrction limits to enable escape of wildlife into neighbouring jungles.

(d) Cleared vegetarion and debris should be disposed off in an approved

designated spoil tips. The contractor shall be responsible for identiling these
orsnosal areas unless staled otherwise- The d isposal areas are to be finalized
before any site clcaring is allowed lo be carried out.

(e) accounl should cleared vegetalion, debris and spoils be deposited or
pushed into water-course$, streams and rivers.

{D Trees and vegetation identil-red for conservalion must be protected by the

Contractor al all costs.

(g) Orher clearing activilies such as access road conslruclion. site office and
work-camp construction" etc- shall proceed with minimal cuning of lrees and
sire clearing. The intended area shall be marked oul for the S.O-'s-ins;xction
and approval prior lo any site clearing works.

th) Holes and cavilics resulting frorn clearing, grubbing desturnping and
derooring shall be backfilled with acceptable materials and compacted to
approximate densities of adjacent arcas-

(i) The Contraclor shall provide al! nccessary ternporary drainage for keeping
the site and othcr areas free of slanding water. Efforl must be rrade to
channel the surface runoff as much as possible away fri:n lhe work areas-

(t) lf due to unfores€en circumstances rurfing cannot be canied oul immediately

lo rhe slope exposed areas, lemporary protective / cover {e-g- plastic sheet or
equivalent) shall be apptied to exposed surlaces by the contraclor al thcir own

(k) lo ensute all rhe above, the S.O. will appoint

Shorrl<l rhe Contractor failed
other Contracror 1o carry out lhe said work and all costs incurrcd will be
charged to lhc defauhing Contractor and deducted frorn monies due lo him.

_5.l earlhworks and fxcavalion

(a) nll silt traps, sedimenBlion basins, erosion control nreasures and drainage
systern as shown in Drawings musl be constructed in stages and maintained
by the Contractor- The locations of these mitigating rleasurts shall be
derailed and shown on plan as required by the 5.0'

(b) The Contractor shall provide all nccessary lemporary drainage lor keeptng
the site and other areas fre€ of standing rvater bcfore and during any
eanhworks staned. Effort must be made !o channel the surface runoff as
much possible away from the work areas-

(c) All ternporary drairrage. mitigation measures {e-9. silt traps and silt fence}
ntust be conslrucled befcrre any eanhworks is to be carried out and
maintairred throughout cr:nitrrtclion ptriod to ensure their cffec(ivcness.

(d) tJnsuirable rnaieri:rls anri :;rrrphrs r:irtll shall lx dislxrsed ofl in tlesiglraterl
spoil tips. lrnle-ss oilie ise statcd. the (lontractor shalf be re-sponsiblc tor
itlcnlifying tllese disgxal areas. '[he rlunrp site y' disposal areas are lei [:e
llaaliz-ed and apprr-rved by rhe S.{.i. befcrre any eanhworks allor.r'ed to l-ie
carried oul, ln the cvent adrJitionel disposal ar*rs {spoil lips) arc rcquircd, the
Contractor sfrall be reslnnsible ftrr i<lentifying thest arcas rvhich
shall be approverl by the S.O.

(f) 'Ihe method of deposiring rhe unsrrinble materials and surplus eann tr) tile
spoil tips mr.;t be properly engineered designed rvhich need to Lre sufficiently
graded, teveled, cornpacled, properly drained. revegetaled and approved by
the S.O. No end-tipping is to be allcrve<J.

(f) The Conlractor shall schedule as rnuch as possible of the earthworks lo be

carried out during dry rvtathtr perirxis. This is lg €nsure llial the earlh'r.r'ork
activilirs being carried out systrmalic/onlerly manner lo nrinimize eanh
surfaces fronr bting expr:srd bare fior long periods dtrring rvel weather
periods- 'furfing or hydrosceding must be carried oul immediately after
earthu'orks and befor€ rvork on other berm/lifi comrnences. lf
unforesccn circumstances turling cannot be farried out immedi3tely,
temoor':ary prolection I cove r (c.g plastic sheets or equivalent) shall be applied
to the ex posed slopes b,v lhe conlr-dcto{ al their own cost,

Should the ('ontractor frrl to crrsurc the above, thc S.O. will appoinl othct
Contractor {o ca.ry oul the said rvork and all costs incurred rvill be charged tc
the def aulting Connactor and deducted from rnonics due lo hinr.


6. I All access roads to the site shall be built away lrom rhe exisiing watercourses slreatn:
and rivers with proper drainage system and tre paved for a distance of at leasl l0 melres
from u,here lhese access roads joined lhe e,xi:ling roads.

6"2 Tlre Contractor shall ma!ntain all access roads including ahe drainage svstenr llrroughoul
the construction period {o ihe satislaction of the S.O,

6.1 In case the Contraclor is using the existin6y'private roads as his access, he shall be
responsible for atty darnage lo the existing roads, t'ridges, drains, culverts, rendside
fumiture, arrd all other appunenarrces and services on such roads cauSed by any rvork
earrie<! out by hinr tlrroughout lhe corrstruc!;on period and shall repair and reinslate the
same to their original conditior lo lie sal;sfaction of S.O"

b.4 All ternporary diversion affecling public / privatt roads mlrst be approved b)' lhe
Govenrment, privale r a1d t}e S 0. All SUth diversionS nlus! have lempor?ry
diversion signs to rhe require me${s of Arahnn Teknik (Jalan) ?C/85 r-rf JK R. Adequa{c
wOrkt!'rfr) tor contrtliiin-i traifil rjivrr:ilrr rrrusi i,c l,i;-';dai.

?*!__ *-_PJl!!!r al!cgM&a!.5

7.1 l)ust Control

(a) lhe corrrrador shail prrrviiJc suirable spraying equiprnrnt for
spl:r-yirrg of wtt{r {,r!'tr llte trirting tords, Itaaks and .lcct:ss rolds. comple terl

;r:, rvcli :t', t,.cotrlll.lii r(ril(l . t(l ()lh('r lrtrftll :trt:r-r rrI thc ::ile ttitrl lry t]rtr
c{ lnd .:rl :lrttl lv}rtn clitcctcrl by t}rt: S.0

(h) Wlten lhc {:rlrtft:lclor's lnrr:ks t<ittiprlrcnl rrtilizes prrblic or' privatr:
roatlrvays, a!l rlirt :rr}{i rnateri;rl: shal! l* 1g111()vfrl ftorl: the lrrlcll crltlipnrctil
by hosin11, lcrra '.vr1h-1rc.',rrgh, elc bcfi:re lraving thr: sile"

(t ) 'lhc Conrractor :hall providc for rhc proolpt rernovsl af all riirl atrd othet
rr.rllr:rials spillt(l liorri hir or hi: lut.Fco lraclclr'r vchicles on ptrbiic or

(,t) for Conlnrclar's lrtlcks carrying sarrd' aggtegat's' tf,r1tr and other loo:e
c0tlsir\!ctiof) rrratrrials liable tti spillagc, tarpirrrlin Inust bl: uscd lo cover
og:err ttucks *'hr:tr pir:;sirlg throrrgh villagcs ;rnd settlement's or r'rtr all

't ') Noise ( lontrol

{a) Atl rvr:rk otrl rvithotrt reasnnable noise and disturbancc''Tbe

sh;11 be carried
contractor'shall cnsrtre that all equipmenl irnd equipment and machine ry
in proper working con<lition so 1910 minimize the amounl of noise lleneraled'
flx iO- nray rJqtrire the Contractot ro replac'e any nrachinery thal to his
discletion i:; e rnitting excessive lroisc^
in BS
(b) Tltc Conttaclor:;lrall cornply rvith llrc Serleril recnmmendaliorrs sel otrt
522g : code cf practicc io, Ndna Control <xr Corrslnrclion an<J Demolition
Sites together \4'ilh any:pccific requirenrenl dc:criired irr the Corrtract
S (.)'
{c) Tlre crrrrtrar:ror :lrall itrderrrniiy and keep irrricrrinified the covernmcnl'
the r'vorks artd
rroise or otler rlisturbalces ereatgJ whilc ur in carrying oul of
frcrn and agairtsl all clainrs, denrands, proceeciings''c(rsl
trt,1 cr<pen:r-'s whntsoevcl in regarrtr or in re latior tr:l such liability '

W;rttr Pollutintt

ienr ?, rlll traps, sc<l i rtrcnlat ion basinS and olher erosiorr
ia) All silr 5y tlre
nteasurcs as sh'rvn in ilratvinp,s mu't be construclcd anrl nraittlaitretl

Water quality st*nclar<ls a n<-l nionitoring sclrcrlult frorn lhe silt tr:lp:as
( 1')
3Cr1'rmcn ta ti{}ri bl:rrr / I rvtrs I llrCAr}'}s / waltr bodies
slrall |tt cnnlplied intl
<lirrc ttil by the S,().
'I lte (lontractor rs prolribitcd froru ilisctrarginr' c'tl 'rrrd l;reii: d ,lo the
\vrlerrour5t. nny :.pitle <! oil and gr ea:e :lrall bc p'rornplly re
( 'rrnti;t{.t {)r. [lr ('()nttarto. 5]]illl c;l]{j{:t- kccp irr propcf (c't}iaifre r:' labtl artrl
\v't\t( '|
rlr.,tt' .rll u.'1'd t'tl Jtr(1 f lL':t'r' 'rlrtJ oll)(I :tirc'iui''ii 'irr "'r'i'r'r'
l.i. r ! i r $r 1ttt( rr lil l Qrra l ilv { sc tlcrl tr lc:
W ;: ste) Ik:gu l a t il;n }00 5'

(Lli 'I hr fllrntr;rLtQr s|all ca1!y otrt rvater qtraliry monilr:ritrg al pi)5l1ron on
r'.\ictinp. r'lrtiitr1.l as indicatrri il rhe l..lrl P'

Air (.luality

No operr t'lirnring of clcared vegetalion, debris and construction wa5l€ elc, tvould Lrc
allorvcd un lcss approval obuinecl from thc l)ircctor Cerrcral of the Dcpar-tment of
Ilnvironmenl, Ot tt)c Controller of Natiorral Resources :rnd Environrlental Board.

JKR 'l}irrJ Schedule, [:nvitonrnet:! ln{edrn national Water Qrralit;'

Corporat. Quality Act | 9?4. Standards (INWQS)
Ser Tartet €nvironmenral Quality
I q.u,cr"er and lnrlustrial Ffflrrnts) I
Regulations, | 9?1)
Standard A Standanl $ Clas3 llA Cl.l;s l!lt
* atfr Turbidity .: 2tlo Nl u < 50 NTIJ 5 50 NTU
Susxndcd Solid 5l00mgn 55O mg'l i 100 mg/l l JO tnd l _- J 509g/t _

Biotogi:al i- 50 rndl : 2O mg/l 5 50 mg/l : I nrgil I 3 m6/l

0xygen Demandl
6, :0'c t9()D).
Chenrical ! lUJmgll J 5O rng/l J | 00 mgy'l
Oxygcn l)emand
pll 5.5*9 6-9 5.5-9 6 5 -9.-t 6-9
E'Coli _< 400 count
j I lO0 counts 1 400 counts
I I {10 ml / l($nl ,/ l0O rnl
Dissolved .t 'l mdl 5-? 5.7
0xyecn (DO)
Oil ancl Creasc j l0 tngi NO lq",n4
Amnrorriacal ! O.3 mg,l 50I rng,4 | :0I nrgr'l
Tctrl sulxnded Pa iculatc (1SP) < ?60 rrplrnr /dr" I

N0i!e l--<pivalent Noise I .r:r, "l ( 1,.") Oay tirne {1arr | 0 p:tt}

Night tinrc ( | 0pm^?arn)
L"a: 55 da (A) __

Scnsitivc: I".c t5 dB (A)

Commercial: L- | lC dB {A

l{eftrence: r) Thiril Schedulc, fnvircrmenlal Qualily Act, 1971, Environmcntal Quality Sc*cragc ard
Industrial Eflluenrs) R.cgulatior: | 979
St:ndard A: For location with do\rtsrream \ 'atct iniake
Shndard B' I'or kxation *'ilh n(r downJlrcan rral3r inlake

tl lrrtoim NaIio:ral QualiS- Standards for Malapia

Chss llA: Water Supply ll - conventional treaunent r?quited
F rshery II sersitr.,e aquatic sp'ccies
( lass tlB Recrcatiooal trsc vvith txriy cootacl

l) Rccortr$rcnricd Mala-vsian Guidtlincr orr Atrthitnt Air Qualrty

,l) llltcnm Gurdelrnc: fc,l Constnrctton Norse AS(e<menl r' No visihlr floarat:tr nratrrialS (!r d<hrls or rro otrjrclio:ral rxJour. ot No +t'jtctional tlslc.


8.l Ij lora

(a) l-lporr the f'{:)\seslion of si(e, lht Conlraclor *'ith the .1ss;stance ol thc forestcl
and&)r t)otanisr shall furnish to thc S.O. a report orl flora tnanagemelt
tncluding rrcs5 clitssitled as rart, cndenric artd cndangered' method of
()thef tt}nservaritxl
l'rcs(:rvalirlrl. pl()cedrJrc, co rles c\f a(lion lo be lSke{r antl
rc,luircrnrnr rictmed necc!:'ary fcr tlrt presen'lrtion of lhc f"lora.

(h) Prior to sitc r:lc;rrirrg, tfre fcirt:ter anrl/r:ir botnnist strall assisl the slrn'ey(rr lo
identity any lress ol r:rrc, e rxle.rnic or ertJ:inf',ered slxcies r+hich necd to l-rc
-frces which
consr:rvcd or reltxaled. are cla-ssille<l as rare, endentic arid
endangcre<l shall bc conserrcd and marketl {crosscs) red. Similarly, trccs
lraving', ginlr of SO0rnrn anil above shall be conserved and {crosscd)
red. frecs *hich are rare, elulemic or rndangcred antl necd to tlc rclocalcd
shall be mark-:d (crossed) rvhite. Shor-rld relocation bc require<'|, trees shall
havc nirth of li]0mm anrl llelow.

(c) Ii'e {rontrrclor is responsible for the Iransponntior': o{ trtcs to nearby sites,
alb<lretum or other alternativc:;, irs advised by the forester- Contraclor
shall ensure that relocaled trccs are well kcut-

(d) I}c botanist / fcresler shall prodrrce a slatus repotl on the cffect-rveness of the
trec conscrvalion, prcservation and aclion plan as proposed in ltle first report-
The report shall also cove. aspects of new lrntlings left out during tlre earlicr
investigation ancl pra;xrst airy reclificarion plan required.
-llre feeling
(e) of trees.shall be conl-rncd within the conslruction lirnir.

(r) The Corrtractor slrall refrair: all his and his srrb-conlraclof's emplo)ecE fiorn
dcstroying, removilrg or clearing lrees. !imber, shrub and other flora lo atty
exlenl grealer than tlrat is approved by the S,O.. as being necessary for thc
crccrrlicn <;f tire < onlracl

(e) 'llre Corriractoris prolribiteil fronr Cisposal rvasle ntalerials arnongsl

vesctalion rvithin or outside the rvnrk sile-

a1 Fauna {Wild}ife)

(a) Upon the posscssion of sitc, lhc Conlraclor rvith the assistarrce of a farrna
expcn shall turnish to the S.()- a report on rr'iidlifc marlagemcnl for rvildlife
that are claSsrfied as rare, cndernic and cmlangcred, rnethod Of lmnslocatiort,
procedure course of action to be takcn dcemed neccssary for lhe proteciion of
the wildlife-

(b) -fhe contractor ancl his employees are prohibitcd from ttre fcrllowir:g:

(i) hurrting, dislurbing, capturing, endangering or dcslroying such rviidlrle

by any means {c.g. poison, baits, birdlinc or net) a5 rnay be protected
by relevant slatules irrcluding removirtg or datnagirtg bird nests ancl
f 88,s-

(ii) housing, conf-ining or brccding any wildlifc.

?.[-_REOt,llRINlF-n-l-S lN Rf l-Al'f tf N T0 1\'ATF.RWAYI

9. I l-he (lonrractor shatl scck ap;:roval liom the Jabalan Pcngairan & Saliran (JPS) for any
rvnrks relaled to natural waterways including <Jiversions, mo<Jifications re placelnenl and/c:r
re tocatign of rrvcr:;, lvalcr.oursc3 and rclated struclures during execuliott ctf tlre work.r

t).2 'Ille (.{}nr13cror slrall ccrordir':ate alt oPerat'icrn and nrakt udjulttItet.}l to his progranrrtc
rr:,r.rltcij lrr,irrr JltS rt{llrlrc }erilt J)r-t1;!irring ta}.-han8e5 nradtl lo 1i1c ntrlttril \Yate n!a}.s.

')..i Conlracinr shall cn.sure that rrn.lporiry r.iivcr:ions of rivcrs sarid/or \i,ittrr\!lys :hall bc
capai'ic <.rf su.s{airtitig f lorv.s tlrroulrh{)ut th(. }ei!}' as s1r,,*cifirrl by l}rr-' JPS. _ Pt'R|llANl]NT WpRKS

10. I I )rainege

(a) Thc Contrrclor shall inrmcdiately conliruct all permancnt drainagc and
ancillarics r.vork rrpon reaching earlhrvc'rk fornration I finishtd levels irr order
to rnitip-irte -srr r l."c,f: croj:roo.

(lt) 'l'hc Conlrattor

shall nrairtain the drainage,.,yrtem from clogging and silting
Itrroughout lhc con:tlruclion pcriod.

I tt. 2 No isc tJarricr

ta) Noise barrier shall be providcd in sensilivc areas such as housiog, schools arrd
hospital-s s,ituated besidc busy roails ()r lrighways.

(b) The type of noise barrier used shall be either absorlrtivc" re llcctive, dis;*r-sivc
or mixed depcnding upon rhr noise levcl survey conducted and
recommendations made by rxrise harier expcrl- I

(t) The {-'ontractor shall srrpply ancl insta}l noise harier inclrrding maintcnancs
during lhe crinslruclion ilnd def€cts liahilrty period.

.t-r.g .--_ _L.,uQSlllN 4lt !. :.E-r.}"! t1!.ullQ$T'.8C)".:.

lll t.rosior: Control

{a) Naturrl

(i) Bioerrgincering


The plant, Vetiver Zizanlor':dts {Rurnput Wangi) shall bt non-seedinp,

i-pe tillers tJcrived liorn tissue culturc or micro propagation Inelhod.
Tlrc prlantlcts to be supplird slrall be at lcast an aggreenle of 5 Jtlantlets
rvith rools at least Jcm lonp.,

Jhe Contracttrr shali plarrt Velive; 7-iz;lnlocxJi in rr-r:vs as rPtcif red in

lhc rlrarvingl or as dirccted by the S.O. In difficult soil rypes.
lxrrrowcJ toproil rrray I'c rcquirtd to refill trenchcs fbr plattttng the
vrti!cr. I he Corrtractcr shall e nsure and nrainurin the gror'.th of tlre

!,,, {g-f{".I!
'l he t'ontractrrr shall plarll crccpcr! cither lhrough scc(ls ot sa;,;ling:'.
(.ornnir-rnly u:,cd cre.rpe 15 are o{ tlre speciel Ctr>lt tts(nrri
pttl:s<:ens"t'icus punttlo llt't<i l'arthtnoctssus himalaya l"tcus p;unztli-t

Jt\i1 | | | ) | |I i' ri a )c r ., \ r r 1 lr;flii1,rl-lit:tf(:',lltt.][)lL].r:t (lI)lt{:l('1{','::tlttt{trl ltl ll.:

iitt{l r(\ l. :,trt {,:r'r:;

{.rcl'l)('r\ :,1r,;ll t,!' 1;l:,rlrltd irtl{} a l-tlitlttrll [-:cif 1]lsvirr sl'7 Jrrcpar;rtcrl
rvitl: drlrir':;r11r' l:t1'rr / \rdLI) lit.rir::; art<l tcpl<itl. (:tr:clR:Is :,ll<,rtltJ lx:
yrlr;rrlt'il irrdivitlu;rlly irr rrttiliatr:l-y 3t thc {c}pc af rvall / slopcs at

trpPro\ it-t|itlcly {J.-llrt c:t'ttlrr-l 1() cclllrr'.

lhc ('onlr;llor slrall c()i)r;ull li)(: rr'lcva,lt lrutsrly li:r rrlctltorl ol

eI rcrl.:r rrlarrtilty alrd rnaintcnanct.

(ii1 l',4ultlring

l,.1ulcfl is, ;1 prorective colrer placcd over thc:ojl to frotccr soil f'rom
ritirr. [.rrc!ervc ;rsistrrlr ;trr{l slows rLrrrciff velocity. A varirly nf
m:,rrerials thlt {rre rrred as nrirlch:'rrclr its gra5s clipping,l, lcaves, hey,
straw, :,llre(l{lctl Lrark, strvdusl, \vclod chips, :ltrer,ldi(l ll€wspirpcr'
canllxt:r rd artrl u'c,r-ld.

(b) l'ropriitary I'ro'Jtx.ts

'l.lrc {.'orrtrarlr';f r, l it} a!50 r}sc rn;!n-rt)adc ptod$cl! availatrl*
I}r0prictary (rr:rny
'l he suitubilily of tlrc pr,;duc ts tr:cd
i rlre rn:l krt lo r:uritr<;t crorion dn slopcs.
:;lr:ill ftrllo,,v lhc nr:rrlrfactrrr(r's si.,r:c ilie at ions irrclrrlirlg, trlclircxl of installntiorr
arrd lrail tle nancr.:.

n.2 Scdirrre rrt ( t>ntr,.il

(a) Srlt I e nccs

Sirlr lcncc shall consrst o{ gcotcxtilc srIFpOncd by polcs at rc3ltrlar intcrval Ilre
1,,t:lrri:ltilc shall lx. nta(1e 11f rlt-!tt-q,Oven rrrlrterial rrilh rninirnt.rrn
propetries nt
SOUgr;nr or lcnsiic stren{:lh t 5kN1nr.
'Ihc li:ncc rhell be in:Ffclcd after f very raln. lhe sih :rccrtmulale{l bchiad thc
{cnr:c .Jrall lrc rtnrr:vrrl rvlrrr il lres reechetl ?il r.'f the {ence lilter heil.lht arx!
dislroscd at dcsignalfd rite.
'lhr gcotexlilc shall br chcckcd lor rrps. lcars and
olhcr lll).:s ol rleterior:rtiott itnd rPplircsd as needei!.

(l)) Srll I r agrs ,r l,ttlittrr'nl ll;t'.irrs

i'rll trap trarin torrrl:rise! rocks in 6ialriorrs, shall bt: a(|rlslrl.r{lcd
r t'- pct 1rYC tnlchrncnt ere l{} cct}lilc:l irnd aloat seilinlcllr prior lo cntetint rt:tlttl:tl
',,; ii le t \t:) ) \

l hr r,ilt tr.rP-. / rerlirrrf lll [)a:.;rl! :.hall hr: ltl:.plalt]d lt:grll'trlY s''Jrt'qlllly ;rfte r
l,r,;r,.r. r,rir] :,lril -rrrv t.l;rrrr:rt:c:i t,llirll be rettificrj Tlre ',edirri*tll aa.a trrr'rr,lirl{il iIr llri'
:.ilt tl;r1r", I .,ttlintrnl t).-ltirr ri :.lklll (rC lIUttr,,cri ,.rir'-rt ri ir,ir, ,r i.i",iri ,.:.", arl :i'l al'ill:l
.,,111,ii.,po.,r'rl .rI rlt.:tl1t:rllri rilr

I |.1 (.r;rlirltt \\r:t ll

.lr r,:.rlrr!rr !\';rll ul;ir lt trltrt1,rt!r::, rtlrLr ill 8)l)ltttl! ltrll {)f :llllrlt't ltiJluiL'
,-,.,,,,!,.',.',J t,.r:,ilt tr;r1r. :,h:rll hc cotr:lrllelell rrr rliflir-ult !(fralns ':tlclt '* I')ll ll(-'l)'l:

and nalrow valleys for the purpose of collcctintrl and storing sedirnenl prior to
cnteting nalural rvalcn{a},s.

(.J) Check Danr

A check dam wbich is a snrall, temporary or p€nnanent dam shall be

construcled across a drainage ditclr, swale or channei for fte purpose of
lowering the speed of conccnrraled florvs.

The check dams shall be inspected regularly especially after heavy rain and aoy
danrages slrall bc recttlred. I lle sedioreni acc.Jnruiarcd ireirirrti rirs ,..irc,-i. tj.,,r,:,
slnll tx rcrnoved rvlren it lras reached 213 af irs heighr and disp,osed at
designated sil€. The height of the check dam shatl be rrrainrained ro be rhe sanre
at all lime -

(e) Silt Clnains

Silt currains sl:l! be used to miligate sedimenls hy confining sfdamenls and

prevenl dispersal and contaminalion of lhe water brody especially in lakes and
riverbanks. Silt cirrtains shall also be used as a divider ro prevenl sedimenr
laden-waier from migrating to rhe rest of lhe v;arer body,

Silt crrnains shall be checked for rips, tears and other types of deterioration and
replaced as needed. Tle suspended itdirlerrts trapped behinC silt curtains shall
be allorved to senle for a minimum of 24 hours" prior to removal if the silr

A I) l)l-N llt.rjrl N()..1

QtrA l.l t Y ASSUI{An-Cli ll.r\N

(lioI{ PR()Jli(*fs tlosTlNC Ri\lt0.o MIl.l.loN r\NI} AI}()\rE}
Ari*ltnr!ur:r rlrirll be madc parl of thc JKlt Stanr'lard Sptcificitiorr firr koad Wolk:.

Irt:tt i :r litt cx i:'liny' '\rrb-scction AD | 28 of Se rt ir:'n ! (gtrre nl)' tht ne w srrb-scct ion A [) l ?9 :ts
fir I krr.vs:

,\-!l! I?,*-Q!!.1lll-r-i15:!111c!I*t!r_{:
n{)1.:i),1 (.lotllrarl.Jr t{} Srrbnril i)uality Assttr;rnce l)len

(i) 'l
lle c*ntracre: shall sutrmil ler rhe S l). an orrrline Qrrality Assttrartce Pl;rrr for
comrncnt rvirhin fourlee n { I'l} days of the date of l-etter of n cceptirr.e.
Wirhin twentT eighr {28) dilys thereafter the Contractor shall submit to t}re
5.(). {or alproval a prrtpr:;ly documented Quality Assurancr Plan that shall
take proper acceunl of the S.O.'€r:l on lhe oulline Qua!ity Asluranee
P.lan. l}lc apprnval by rhe S.0. of suelr plan shall not rr:licve lhc Contractor r:f
rny of his ibligarions under tire Contracl. The Contracl$r shall uPdate .ind
revisc the s*irl Quatity Assurance Plan during tbc prog:ess of lhe rvork irr
order to comply with thc Lorrtt?cl all to the approval of the S-O-

( ii) f)etail of all prrxedrrres and compliancc docurnenls shall submincrl to thc S.t).
for infomration bcfeire each design for temporary rvorks and exec(tlion 5l3ge
of thr: lVorks is commerrecd. When any docrrrnen! of a techrrical nllrrre ts
i:sued to thc S-0. evi<Jencc of the prior approval by lhe (itlntraclor himseli
:lrall bc apparent on lhc documenl itself.

t iiii Quality Assrrance Plan shall set ori! rhe specific quality prcxedrrres. irmcltces, anrJ sequence n{'aclivities lo nreft lhc reqrrirernents of the (lonlract
anti Sprciic*tiorrs and shall include the proposeri organir.a:ion llnrcltrre of the
Co*traclor inclu<li;'rg qualiry asslrrance team, quality procedur es. llonf ractor's
ptan, canstruclion prolfanrrne , rnelhod slalenlenls. environmertlal
rn"nag,eslent, health :rnd rafcry, :election nnd lesting of rr-ratcrials, placcnrcnl

;i:i'i::r;i''?":'[-K:::::fi:l*;l:i;xllT; TJ'ili1,,$"i];,,i1;;J;
conrol' remerrving or derects' eornrnissioning anrl
(i"i All ()uality Assurrr ce Plan submined i:y the {}:ntr:iclor lo tlrc S.{). shall
rr-rnfontt !o the r*kvarll 1!at}alards sct etll by the lnternal'ronal liurndards
{}rganisalion (lSO) antJ in coi:jurrction with the f'ublic Works l)epanmtnl
t")rrllity i\'1e nage rne nt Ilarr.

,\t,! Llq.l (-ontrlclrtr to Adircrt tn (Jrreliry Altlr;rnci' fjlln

irc (lontra, slrall imple nrcr:l thc quality irsi.r"rr:rrlce plan proc<:drrres irr tlre nppf{l!'fd
Qu:,tlity Aslrr)r:)r'rcc l'lan lrd slrall subrnit a lr)onthly qullitl' ;rssrrr:rr)re rtp()rt tct be
trrdr.rse'l Ly;: flualil. Alsurao<:r: rcport to l>c cndor:cd Lry:l {Juality A5strranct ()fJrctr
intcrporatinrr ell lrri re:,.ults, tc-.,i ccltifrcetrs, photoy.taphr arrd tab rcporls relating tu tlrt
(ltrnlrl\'of trt:rlcr illa arrrl 'r' 1 1 |', 1lv .. I I I ;
11 1 I , .

Al") !.'19.1 (lrrr!it1' A,.,,:unnce -lc:rm
{rl contractor shall appoint a suitably qualitied and experienced person tc
acl solcly as Quality Assurancc Olllccr full tirnc on Sitc to lead the Quality
-ferrl. 'I1re ()uality Assrrrarrcc {)fliccr shall rnect the f'nllowinl

(a) Possess a relevanl lcclxrical Degree from a univcrsity recognized

by the Ccvernnre nt of Malaysia, antl

{b) Pntcr',ic nr}t ll'qs than 5 vcarr ernerierrce in llre conslruclion

industry, and

(c) Ilr ;se ss a Constrrrction lndustry Developmenl Roard (Clfl8)

6reen Card, and

(d) Has any one of the fbllowing:

(r) M inimunr 2 years relevanl experience in lhe

implementalioncf MS lS(} 9001 in the construction
industry, or

72t l.las atrended lield inlemaf rudit activiries for MS ISO

9O01" or

(l) Possess Intemal Auditor Ccflificate from agency or

body recognizcd hy MAMPU-

(ir) 'IJre Contractr:r shall providc a

Qualiry Assurance Team and resources lhal are
reqrrired to ensr-lre the effective o;leration of the Quaiiry Assurance Plan.

ADl.29-4 Verificationof lmpleme.rt..rrion

{i) "fhe contraclor shall at his own cosl provid. tll acccss, assistartce and faeilitie:
to enable the S.{).'s Reprcsentative to audit/veriry thc implemcntation of lhe
Qualiry Assrrrance Plan anri ar:lherence thereto-

(ii) The S-O-'s Representalive may, at his discretion, re.icct any of rhe Works
rvhich in his opinion have not been executed in accordance with tlte Quality
Assurance Plan an<J which rrltimatcly docs n<)t cotrform with the -specificalion-
or thc tcsullanl cxeculion olthe work was nol dane in a good and work;aanlike
manner and to rhe acceplcd standard arrtl gcicxl pfa{tice. Thc Contractor shall
re-execule al his o\\'t] cosl and without any entiltemerll lo sfty exlension oI lirrre
all such pans of the Weirkl so rcjected-

At)r)f.Ntllill N{).(,

't l._l\l P()R,\ It], t.flA r Ftc st(;Ns

f l lrir A,lilcrtrlrrul {}3ll bt rtracle p;ul uf tlre'JKI{ Starrdar<i Spccification for Roari W<;rks'

LQ__lJ-t! ^_tt

lJclctc Clerr:;c 6.2.6 cf the S:arrdard Spcc ific:tirrn ;rnd replace it rvith thc following:

''l'ernporary trallic sigrr faces shall be conslructed as [:luorescenl Orangie Wide Angle
l'rrsnratrc ltc$o-rcr lcc lrve she{:trng lrxl coniply !vltt} subscctrorr I z anri n :'.

Sign faccs for tenrporary :raf-fic signs shall be as shown on tlre drawings and shall comply
with thc lvlalaysian Stantlard Spcification for Re{leclive Sign l'ace Materials {MS l2l6).
All retro-re lleclive sheeting shall be fixerl irlaccordance :vith the manul'aclurer!s

tJnless cthenvisc agreed by rhe S.O- sign faces shall bc fonned frr:rrn a single-piece of
rel ro- reflecl ive sheeting-

Where rvitlr lhr agreement of the S"O- morc lhan ene rctro"reflecling sheeting is used. the
numtrer of sln:cls shall be kcpt lo a rninimum- All faccs up lo lm in size shall be prodtrccd
rvith a single sleet and no joint will be accepled.

Only verticat and horizontal jcint shall be permitted and all ioint in rctro- rc flccti ve
sheering shall tre rverlapped by nol less than 6rnrn. l}re ovcrlap in lhc horilontal ioint
) shall oe ftrrrn thc rop and I he vcnrcal ioinr shall tle froni the lcfi but joints rvill only be
acceptcd for prismalic retro-rt{lecl ive shcetinll

Ituro-re Jirc r ve shecting shall tx appliet.l evrr:ly over the rvhole strrlbce ol the sign platc

and shall adhere full. it sh:ill be free frorn nvist.s, cracks, foltls or cuts. air bubbles antJ
olhrr hltmrshes.

All ivc slrr:eting rised on tht s:nrc sign shall be tarcfirlly nretched for colour to
rct ro-rel lcct
pr<xiuce a urritbmr apprariince borh by tlay a.rrd try night- Non-unifonn shades of colour on
aly lrlL'siy,rr r'vill nol [ia aLlaptcd.
he rdg,g5 oi all rhe rrrrcL rr llect ivl shei:ting shall be proprerly lined to ensure no
dcliminarir.rn ol'rhc :lrcllrlrg liorn thc ti:rre sr:bllri:te . Where :hceting is applied to thc
exlrtrdtrl :,ecl:or) bv presl;urr rtller, it -..h:.rtl r:xlerrri over the top and hott<:m ed.ces o{ thelc
sectionl bY rrol lcss lhen Imnr.

and borders rhall be of rnaterial tompaliblt \vllh

Anv ctrr-oullcl 11.llcts" nurr:erals,:ymbois.1'lrev
tlrc rher:ting, to *'hir:h they :rre applii:tt ..hall tre:,rpplic,l in accr"rr<Jlncc wrlh thc
ritt ('trttl' tllrrtt'll.t( lt,l c l ) rr r' tl ll( ll('lr:\

I l.rc lirri:lr trl'all :isr f;rce s slrali bc cepahle ol pl"rrnl; lhe le !l"s de scritrtd in lr{S lf ltr, und
:,tanLllrd of ful'l icatir:rr ;rtr.l rvor k nitrrsh ipr shall lir: :uch lhar urldt:r rrorrrral cr;lrciilit,tt: o1'

:.rrwice an,-l proptr rn;tilrte natrc*, thc sign f:rce : :hall le.:t not less llr;rn 5 ; eers rvilltr-ltrl lttty
,1r:f | {.} lt::,

Slernishes ot det.cts fr:,'r [-]nginecrirrg Crade retro,reflectivc shreiing antJ 8 .r'ears for tliglr
I tensily and pri:rnatic ret, o-reflecl ive shee ling,
"flte Corrb aclor
shall funrish to lhe S.O- a lener of rvarranly for the specified periul for alt
sign faccs from the rnanufaclurcr of rlrc sheeling cr the sign fabriceror.

'I-l're retro-reflective sheeting manufacturershall fumish rhe S.O. lwinen warantly rhar the
fluorescent colours shall be duratrle for a minimum 3 years for ternporary signs-

r.u iriii.Ati.i-r. Fi,ijojieice',.r*il8_ntfF,-,:!af ,...;',rc!.t:"nr:r.:...T!qp.gT*o:

8Fr'l.€cllvE SHe E-|lNC FOR'r'Hr: WORK Z()NE

l. I Description

The {luorescent oraqge wide prismatic retro-reflecti.'e sheeting is specifically designed for
use on rigid substrade work zone signs to provide higb visual impact under nig,hnime and
dayirne driving condition, including fow visibility periorls such as <iawn, dusk and
overcast days- The sheeling shall consist of prismatic lenses formed in a transparenl
fluorescent orange synlhetic resin, sealed and baked with an aggrsssive pressure sensitive
adhesive protected by a removable liner, The shecting shall have a smooth surface with a
distinctive interlocking diamond seaf pattern and orientalion rnarks visible frorn tk face.

11 Requirements

3.2. I Photometric '' Coefficient or Retro- reflcctive RA

Where the sheeting applied on aluminiurn test panels is measured in accordance rvith
ASTM 8810, it shall havc nrinirnum coc{ficient trf :erro-reflective value as shorln in'fable
l. The rotation anglc shall be 9O". rhe otrservalion angles shall be 0-2" and 0,j". the
entrance angles and +50o, and the €ntrance angle {component pl) shall be -4", +i0" and {
+5O" and the enrranc€ angle conponent p2 = Oo.

Table | .' Minimum Coelficient of Reiro-Refleclive RA

{candelas per footcandle per square fool)
i90n Rotarion Angle')
Observation Arrgle {' Entrance Angle (r) Orange
0"2 -4 200
0"2 +30 t50
0.2 +50 50
t,5 -4 80
" , ,g-t

' Ihc datunr mark (arrow) imprinted on rhe facc of the shecting shall tre the datum mark for test
purposes. For thc sprcified oO" roration anglc, thc shceting shall bc positioned on lhc goniometcr :rr
tltal tlr( .rJirecticn of this daturn mark is grcrpendicular to lhc obsen,ation planc tthis geome!ty rs
rqui'.ricnr rua 9C'u't,,ioi,w,. o,,Eli .'iii, i i:::a;13::'ri:::;i: "ii"::":'- ..,...: -'-.:;.':.-.. ii:
fed. Test Merhod Standard i?O).
-t)) I)aytime Colour

Colorrr shall confomr ro the requirement of Table ll. Dayimt colour and max;mum
spectral radiance factor {peak reflectance) of sheeting mounted on aluminimum tesl panels
:hall be determined irr:trrrnre nta lly in accordance x'ilh ASl-N'l 899 L

Thc value shall bc dcrermineci on a Fluntcr|-ab Labscan 6000 O/45 spcctrocolorirneler willr
oprion CMR 559 [or approvetl equal O/45 {45/O) insrrumenl with circumferential vieu'ing
(illunrination)J. ()ompuution shall bc done in accordance with ASTM E308 for rhe 2'

I Colour
TABI-E ll .. Colour
ification Limit
rt (Dartime
4 Re flectance
Limit (Y %)
X Y YX x Y X Mir. 1 Mar.
o;;a; rw&) .581 -4 t6
.523 .39? .560 .360 I .631 .169 i0 L __l
Oran wea .583 | .416 "521 39? .560 .360 "63 r .369 2q-_l_- 41 I
lvl aximum speclral rad iance faclor: new : I l0Y" min.
Weathered : 6O%" min. _-- __J
+ * J t.c four pairs of chromaricity coordinate s determine thc acce ptancc colour i n terms of the CIF | 9i I slandard
ctrlorimctric syJlerr measlrett measured r'.rith standard illunrinatant [)65'
3.2.3 Nighnime Colour

I Nighttime colour of the sheeting applied to atuminium tesl panel shall be determined
J insfrunrenrally in accordance with ASTM 6881 and calculated in tbe u', v' coordinale
system in accordance wirh ASTM E308. Sheeting shall be measured al 0.3Jo observation
and -4o efltrancr at 9(f rotation. Colour shall confiorm to the requirements of Table lll-

I TABI F lll * Colour Srrcification Lir nit rf (Niehttime

-- cot.* t2 J 4
u' u' u' u'
(""-;; '.3't2

400 475 529 .448 .522 .53r

f;."g" -540
I rveathered't

.i 2 4 Resisla;rce to Accele rated Weathering

{lective sufface of the sheeting shall be weather resistant an shorv

The retro- re
appreciable cracking blis'ering, crazinS,,or 6iirensional change
after I year's unprolecled'
outdoor exposure irisouth Florida, souii'r-facing and inclined 45" lrom the vertical' or after
l5OO hours' €xposure rn i xenon arc wealhero;eter in accordance
with ASTM C26' Ty pe
seconds, rrnsed rhoroughly wirh clean warel blofiled with a s_ofi
clean clolh and broughl lo
the coefficient of relro-re{I€clion shall
equilibrium at standari'conditions. Afte r cieaning'
be not less rhan l00 when tneasured as i|} D,2, bel,cw, lhe
colour is expecled lo conforrn lo
lining o, .rrilng or morf; rhan l/12 inch (0 08cm) shrinkage or erpansion

rtflecliotr shall he tl"re averagc of all detemirtations

i25 Inrpacl Resistance

I he relro- re tlec I ive sh..eting applicd according lo the sheclrn5i lnanulaclurer'9

re corrr merrdal ron5
lo a te st panel <-lf alltiy 606l-1'6' 0'040" (0.lOcm) bY i"
>" bY

{l"l i.:rt'):rr', l t , r , l l ,
, ; r r' , 1 lr'r .'.i lrrr:r..
, i r ;
..!r.t l} ,,1;,.,.r..r., l:,! I i
' ' iI .
.( I
| ! i i : tli,' rr,:1 i:{ tl{
r ltiil
trlcit.lti'r:tl.1" { I } i I,rr'ri rr,,iit1, ,ti \\1 ;:,lrt \\i,it :r ':,'li lrr. ( fi.litrrrrt) iii.;rrr,..rr.r rl.,!,til,.:,i ti')
rlrripJrt'11 {l'r,t :r hr:i1,1,1 ,,,",-t,.:rry l.} ,lir}irriti(' rn i:r}l}:rrrl r'f I(}f} iiti-l} l(}ilri,lr. i!t i{:..i1
Itn){)crirI!ric.i ol }x;rh } '" l' ({.}'(.') r!r(l 'i.l('| {!.1"(:J.

l.t(r ll c:ri.,t:rrrr:r lo I lcll

llrc rr.'lrtr rLllcr li.-r: :.ltr't lini. a1:1;lir,l 1{),r 1{.,!l l)ililcl i,is in l-, rrirr,vt'iu!!i c,)r)(lili(lrir:rl l.'r
hours, shlil he rltistrretJ in nccordani:e rvith par.rgr:rph. ,\. :rt it.2" r:hs*rvalic,ii ;rnrJ 1l
('nlrirn{'e ln;i|,.:.. :rt 9{}" rl(at:rin illt(, i:r ir.{)::l l 1rl l7{) i l"tr {'/ l r .1"(') iirr 2.1 hllu,., irr :rrr ;rir
circulating oven. After heat exposurc the sheeting shall retain a minimum of 70oh of the
c,ti1,iil:r1 cL.,cfllricr,l of rllrii rtllt:e tir.t'

.l l.l lrir:|l l)<'rfi rrr rr nl c

llclro rtiltt'livc lhecl;ng 1-'rcicel:t',1 elel applird to sig,n l.rlrnk matr-rials in lccrxdlnct ',vrlh I
the rlrct.:tinp; rrrlrnnfi:rlrrrr:l':; rr:t oilt rrrrrtl:rlietlis, ir {ixpa('lerl hi piit fatrtrr tf fttlivcly !irr ;l
Inillillrtlft of .l ;'carr" tlte rr:lrr,i-rr.:!]trtir.'t: rtrling,r,ill ht: r:r'xi:tir.lcrcrl u nsat ill"rctrlril.v il il I
ha-r rletcticraled duc to rlatural calrlr:j to lhc r:rlcir,J that : {l ) llir :,ir4rr rs inef feclive for itr I

inleltlcrl lurrp{r5c virwcrl frorn I rrtovirrg vchiclc ttnr}cr rrcnnaltlay anrf night dr'itinq
corlriition!; rir (2) thc c(rcfflci*nt i)l' rrlro'{'ction is lc:,: t}rari 100 rvhen melsrrrcrl 0 7"
oh:r:rvali<lrr arnd -.1" {:tlrirnc( ai r){i" rot;rliorr, All rr r(lr:Lrr r n rr:rrl,c rh;rll l;e nraik l{ir:r :rrr"n I
e:lcanrnrl ar:corrlln;', to the shcct'nq manuf irclurcr':; r ccottlrlr:ntlllinn-.,. I



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