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Who Should Apply?

Serious entrepreneurs with a startup or early stage business looking for

structured education and support to launch or accelerate their business.

Incubators Investors Accelerators Hybrid
Why Do You Need It?

If you are truly ready to do what it takes to have a successful business, this
program is made for you. The Business Accelerator is designed after the years of
research and by the expertise of professionals. Our accelerator program ensures
the success of the business due to its key features.
1. A curriculum that includes the features of a feasibility study including market
research, sales and promotional plan, operational planning, and financial
projecting combined with soft skills such as sales, marketing, and
2. Unlimited ongoing support from instructors and alumni after the program
3. Accountability and buy in. There is a fee to the participants as studies show
that without it, success rate drops significantly.
Accelerate Innovate Change
Partnership Benefits:

Accelerate business growth strategy through corporate

innovation and new ideas.

Transform your company culture by injecting new ways of

thinking around innovation, cost reduction and rapid
product development.

Embrace disruption by mentoring and collaborating with

the most talented entrepreneurs in your industry.

Join us to get connected with the worldwide best mentors,

founders, community leaders and investors.
Program Outline:
Partner Collaborate
Let’s tell the world we’re working Led by a dedicated Managing Director,
together to fuel business growth and Program Manager and Partnership Manager,
achieve your strategic innovation we will collaborate on the company selection
objectives. As we launch an accelerator process to choose the most innovative
in your industry, we will work together to companies in your industry.
drive an internal culture of innovation.

Engage Launch
Now, the real work begins. During the program, After company selection, it’s time to announce
your corporate mentors dig in with founders to the class and kick off the program! The three-
solve the biggest problems facing your industry. month deep dive begins as you watch the
This relationship becomes a two-way street cultural transformation spread like wildfire
where startups learn from the big brands throughout your business.
User/Customer Problem What customer pain are you solving? Is it a problem worth solving?

Solution to your customers How are you solving the customer’s stated problem? what are the top features of your solution
problem that specifically address the customer problem. What validates that the solution resonates with
the customer’s problem?

What customer segments are you prioritizing? Can you provide a generalized description of
Customer Profile
your ideal customer?

Customer Acquisition & What is your customer journey? What customer segments are you prioritizing, what is your path to
Channels the customers. What channels are you using to reach the customer segments?

Revenue Streams How are you making money by providing the solution given the current nature of the market
place? Have you conducted experiments on any of the potential revenue streams?

Ethics Personal integrity and a commitment to ethical behavior

Accelerator Program
Accelerator Program
Program Agenda
Plan (Month 1) Drive (Month 2) Advance (Month 3)
Build Your Startups Growth Strategy Get Attraction Get Funded to Grow

Key Activities Key Activities Key Activities

• Team building • Workshop and Round Tables • Pitch Coaching Sessions

• Kickoff Events • Office hours with experts • Storytelling Workshop
• Assigning of Mentors • Weekly KPI/Roadmap: • Angel Meets
• Bootcamps Internal Meetings to • Pitch Day
• Setting up KPI’s and encourage collaboration and
Measurement Metrics knowledge setting
• Product Development

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