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Forensic Science International 257 (2015) 242–251

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Design and evaluation of a bioreactor with application to forensic

burial environments
Melissa A. Dunphy a, Katherine E. Weisensee b, Elena A. Mikhailova c, Melinda K. Harman a,*
Department of Bioengineering, 301 Rhodes Engineering Research Center, College of Engineering and Science, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, 123A Brackett Hall, College of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA
Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation, 206 Lehotsky Hall, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson,
SC 29634, USA


Article history: Existing forensic taphonomic methods lack specificity in estimating the postmortem interval (PMI) in
Received 23 April 2014 the period following active decomposition. New methods, such as the use of citrate concentration in
Received in revised form 8 June 2015 bone, are currently being considered; however, determining the applicability of these methods in
Accepted 22 August 2015
differing environmental contexts is challenging. This research aims to design a forensic bioreactor that
Available online 7 September 2015
can account for environmental factors known to impact decomposition, specifically temperature,
moisture, physical damage from animals, burial depth, soil pH, and organic matter content. These
forensically relevant environmental variables were characterized in a soil science context. The resulting
Artificial aging
metrics were soil temperature regime, soil moisture regime, slope, texture, soil horizon, cation exchange
Bone capacity, soil pH, and organic matter content. Bioreactor chambers were constructed using sterilized
Decomposition thin-walled polystyrene boxes housed in calibrated temperature units. Gravesoil was represented using
Postmortem interval mineral soil (Ultisols), and organic soil proxy for Histosols, horticulture mix. Gravesoil depth was
Soil analysis determined using mineral soil horizons A and Bt2 to simulate surface scatter and shallow grave burial
respectively. A total of fourteen different environmental conditions were created and controlled
successfully over a 90-day experiment. These results demonstrate successful implementation and
control of forensic bioreactor simulating precise environments in a single research location, rather than
site-specific testing occurring in different geographic regions. Bone sections were grossly assessed for
weathering characteristics, which revealed notable differences related to exposure to different
temperature regimes and soil types. Over the short 90-day duration of this experiment, changes in
weathering characteristics were more evident across the different temperature regimes rather than the
soil types. Using this methodology, bioreactor systems can be created to replicate many different
clandestine burial contexts, which will allow for the more rapid understanding of environmental effects
on skeletal remains.
ß 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction methods for PMI estimation from skeletal remains continue to

elude researchers [1–4]. Change in citrate concentration is a novel
Accurate estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI) provides method being developed in forensic research that utilizes the
context to forensic investigations. The PMI defines the time biochemistry of bone specimens to estimate PMI [1,2]. Currently
elapsed between death and discovery of human remains [3]. there are no methods that provide a robust methodology for
Methods for estimating PMI of recovered remains with soft tissue evaluating the impact of environmental variables on changes in
present, which can be observed for up to 1285 average degree days biochemical properties of bone in a burial context.
(ADD) or the equivalent of a PMI of approximately six months or Skeletal remains are exposed to diverse microenvironments
less, have received more attention than methods applicable after that result in varied bone weathering patterns and decomposition
complete skeletonization has occurred [4]. However, precise processes. Different areas on a single bone can exhibit different
stages of bone weathering and decomposition depending on
whether or not a given bone area has ground contact (soil
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 864 656 4140; fax: +1 864 656 4466. exposure) [5,6]. Skeletal remains recovered from a burial context
E-mail address: (M.K. Harman). with full soil contact provide particular challenges for estimating
0379-0738/ß 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.A. Dunphy et al. / Forensic Science International 257 (2015) 242–251 243

PMI; however the unique properties of the soil at a burial site also decomposition would aid in understanding how cadaveric samples
provide the opportunity to examine environmental variables for progress in burial conditions over time. Through the design of a
modeling the decomposition process in different geographic forensic bioreactor system capable of controlling existing param-
locations. Benninger et al. [7] suggested that soil-based methods eters known to impact decomposition, many different burial
are potentially useful for estimating PMI over extended time- scenarios could be considered side by side.
frames. Methods for systematically examining the effects of soil Design parameters for existing bioreactor systems are well
and related environmental variables on decomposition are lacking described, thus a system can be designed to incorporate discrete
and are the focus of the current study. variables relevant to forensic taphonomy. Common design
In order to develop methods for estimating PMI that are not site parameters include: size of the apparatus, temperature, sterility,
specific to a given geographic region and based on case study oxygenation, ability to apply sensors, use over time, transparency
observations, a careful experimental design approach is needed. of the bioreactor, easy placement of the sample, and easy
Variables known to impact the rate of decomposition must be replacement of the medium [17]. Given the chemical properties
isolated and evaluated independently. Environmental modeling that soil imparts to the system, soil becomes the medium for a
databases provide information about the most important variables forensic bioreactor [11]. Similarly, as microbial activity is a
related to decomposition, specifically temperature, moisture, and hallmark of decomposition processes, the bioreactor can be used
soil properties for nearly every location in the United States and for for its intended purpose – the cultivation of microbial populations
most worldwide locations. In this manner, the impact of a [12]. In evaluation of the apparatus, chamber type, sample type
particular set of variables and environmental characteristics can and sample size must be considered.
be evaluated to better understand changes in the biochemical The overall purpose of the current study is to design and
properties of bone over time [2]. By gaining an understanding of develop a forensic bioreactor as a method for controlling key
these factors, methods proposed for estimating PMI from buried environmental variables affecting bone decomposition, specifically
skeletal remains can be broadly applied across regions with temperature and soil, in order to systematically evaluate their
different environmental conditions. impact on bone biochemistry over time. A synergistic collaboration
Decomposition is categorized into five phases based on the between relevant disciplines is pursued, including bioengineering
physicochemical and bacterial environments: autolysis, putrefac- to define the biosystems control of the bioreactor, forensic
tion, liquefaction, dissolution, and skeletonization [8]. Soft tissues anthropology to define factors impacting bone decomposition,
break down due to microbial decomposition and natural cell death and soil science to define the soil types and related environmental
occurs during the first four phases, while bone diagenesis occurs variables (Fig. 1). The specific objectives are: (1) to identify the
due to mechanical breaking, decalcification, and dissolution in environmental factors most important for modeling burial settings
acidic soils or water during dissolution and skeletonization phases. in an outdoor context that are useful for forensic anthropology; (2)
Taphonomy uses the study of ecology to identify environmental to discretize environmental factors of an outdoor forensic burial
factors that can lead to body decomposition after death [9]. The setting using soil science data; and (3) to design a forensic
primary taphonomic factors include: water movement, tempera- bioreactor that can be easily monitored to mimic an outdoor burial
ture regime, organic matter content, fluoride and carbonate setting.
concentration, duration of internment in soil, soil pH, cryoturba-
tion, microbial activity, release of fat, and mineralogy [10,11]. 2. Materials and methods
Using a mechanistic approach to understand the distinct variables
in this complex system, these taphonomic factors can be 2.1. Defining a baseline of environmental factors through forensic
systematically controlled in a forensic bioreactor to empirically taphonomy
determine their impact on bone biochemistry.
Bioreactors are technical systems that enable reproducible and Human remains in clandestine burials are interred in gravesoils.
controlled operating conditions and support biologically, chemi- These soils define the environments that forensic specimens are
cally, or physically active processes. Bioreactors are generally exposed to during decomposition and lead to the acceleration or
defined as devices in which biological and/or biochemical
processes develop under closely monitored and controlled
environmental and operating conditions (e.g. pH, temperature,
pressure, oxygen content, nutrient supply, waste removal) [12–
14]. In the current study, the term ‘‘forensic bioreactor’’ describes a
technical system used to monitor, control and manipulate
environmental factors that impact decomposition. Carter et al.
[14] successfully implemented a forensic temperature incubation
system over 28 days for the assessment of rat cadaver decomposi-
tion with respect to temperature (15–29 8C) and microbial activity.
In a shorter term study, Abdel-Maksoud [15] implemented an
archeological temperature incubation system over 13 h for the
assessment of bone specimens with respect to temperature (200–
300 8C). Both of these studies attempted to identify an environ-
mental mechanism for the changes seen in cadaver specimens
[14,15]. Carter et al. [14] found that temperature acted as an
environmental mechanism and increased microbial activity, which
is known to impact decomposition. Abdel-Maksoud [15] found
that temperature as an environmental mechanism impacted
coloration and crystallinity in such a way that artificially aged
bone samples could be matched to archeological bone samples.
Based on the results of these studies, the simulation of other Fig. 1. Identifying the synergy between collaborating fields: anthropology,
environmental mechanisms and evaluation of their impact on bioengineering, and soil science.
244 M.A. Dunphy et al. / Forensic Science International 257 (2015) 242–251

deceleration of natural decomposition processes [3,8,18]. The Alternately, it can be directly measured locally using a soil
factors contributing to body decomposition after death can be moisture probe or dry and wet weight comparisons [9].
divided into several categories, including physical (temperature, Disruption by animals can physically alter the exposure of
water movement, animal factors), chemical (mineral content, pH, human remains through processes such as trampling, gnawing,
dissolved gases), microbial (microbial activity, organic matter and digestion [10]. Increased exposure of hard and soft cadaver
content), and interment time (Table 1). Many of these factors are tissues to environmental temperature, water movement, and
related to the composition of the soil and can be categorized into microbial activity accelerates decomposition [21]. These variables
discrete types using soil science taxonomies. Using a subset of are not directly relatable to soil science metrics; however, they can
these environmental descriptions, Vass [3] proposed a mathemat- be accounted for during sample preparation.
ical model for estimating PMI that focuses on temperature, Considering chemical factors, the gravesoil present at a burial
moisture, pH, and partial pressure of oxygen. site defines a cadaver’s chemical environment. The minerals
commonly found in soil that can influence decomposition include:
2.2. Identification of measurable environmental factors from calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, silicon, aluminum, and
anthropology and soil science (Table 1) iron [11] These minerals, specifically the cation Ca2+, can compete
with hydrogen ions found in the soil for sites on hydroxyapatite
Temperature is the most well studied physical factor associated during the decomposition process and lead to increased or
with the rate of decomposition and PMI research [3,14,15]. decreased mineral phase dissolution of bone [16].
Specifically, temperature can lead to an increase in microbial The pH of soil measures the concentration of H+ ion of a solution
activity resulting in accelerated decomposition during the first four on a logarithmic scale. Soil pH influences the solubility of
stages [14]. It can also lead to evaporation of available moisture in a hydroxyapatite, the primary inorganic component of bone
given soil environment, thus decreasing microbial activity. [16,22]. As soil drops below a pH of 6, hydroxyapatite can be
Considering both temperature and moisture together, arid reduced more quickly and release calcium and phosphorous ions. If
environments can lead to mummification, while tropical environ- pH becomes alkaline, reduced rates of dissolution are seen [11]. In
ments can lead to skeletonization [10,19]. In the case of addition, pH influences the activity of microorganisms, such as
skeletonized remains, temperature can also lead to measurable fungi or bacteria [18]. The pH of soil can be measured using soil
alterations in bone histological morphology [18]. Temperature analysis or a soil pH probe in the field.
varies depending on region and elevation and can be measured Dissolved gasses impact the type of microbial decomposition
using instantaneous or continuous temperature probes [9,20]. present. Oxygen levels are increased in soil when a burial site is
Temperature variations over time are considered in accumulated formed due to aeration of soil [8]. Depending on final grave depth,
degree days, whereby the mean daily temperature is summed over clandestine burials can be aerobic with primary decomposition
the entire duration of exposure. Soft tissue decomposition, and occurring through proteolysis or anaerobic with bacterial fermen-
thus the onset of skeletonization, is considered to occur after 1285 tation as the primary decomposition mechanism [3,8]. These levels
accumulated degree days [4]. can be estimated based on presence of soils from different horizons
Water movement and moisture content are also directly in the burial to estimate initial aeration of gravesoils, as well as
associated with rate of decomposition [2,19,21]. Decomposition through laboratory testing.
accelerates in wetter environments, is slowed in lower moisture Microorganisms are found in soil organic matter, which consists
environments when activity and motility of microbial populations of metabolic byproducts from decomposition as well as soil
will be restricted; and is halted entirely in excess moisture humates [18]. Microbial decomposition augments the autolysis
environments that stop microbial activity [19]. Another way that phase of decomposition, which in turn increases the amount of soil
moisture changes decomposition rates is through the formation of organic matter present in a gravesoil. Although bacteria, microflo-
pores in bone that allow exposure to microbial activity [12]. For ra, and fungi metabolism are known to impact the postmortem
skeletonized remains, moisture can lead to cracking or splitting of microstructure, research suggested that some additional cofactor
the bone [2]. Moisture varies dependent on regions and soil must exist to account for the variation seen in the postmortem
moisture can be evaluated using soil moisture regimes [9]. intervals [21]. Temperature, moisture, aeration and soil type
directly impact the rate of decomposition through these processes
by altering amount of microorganisms and metabolism of these
organisms [8,10,14,18,19].
Table 1
Relationship between relevant taphonomic factors and metrics within soil science 2.3. Discretization of bioreactor inputs based on environmental
based on existing literature. Variables are categorized as physically, chemically, or
microbially impacting decomposition.

Taphonomic factors Soil science metrics References Soil temperatures can be discretized based on the soil
Physical temperature regime for defined geographic regions. Soil
Temperature Soil temperature regime [2–4,9,10,12,14,15,18–21] temperature regimes have been mapped to allow visual
Water Soil moisture regime assessment for a region (Fig. 2). These regimes consider the
mean annual temperatures, as well as the comparison between
Animal factors N/A mean summer and mean winter temperature, at a soil depth of
Burial depth Soil horizon 50 cm [20]. Soil temperature maps can be obtained for many
global locations.
Mineral content Cation exchange capacity [3,8,11,16,18,22] There are twelve soil orders [20,23]. These are categorized
Ion content values based on variables such as geographic region (temperature and
Soil pH Soil pH moisture parameters), mineral and ion content, texture, and
Dissolved gasses Soil horizon
organic matter content [23]. These soil orders have been
Microbial mapped to allow visual assessment of their prevalence per
Microbial activity Organic carbon content [8,10,14,18,19,21] geographic region (Fig. 3). All twelve soil orders can be found in
Organic matter Organic matter content
the United States; however, some such as Ultisols are more
M.A. Dunphy et al. / Forensic Science International 257 (2015) 242–251 245

Fig. 2. Temperature regimes of the United States depicted on the U.S. map. The four primary moisture regions: frigid, mesic, thermic and hyperthermic.
Image provided can be found at USDA/NRCS.

prevalent in the Southeast region of the U. S. than others. With water to move through soil. In the instance of a horticulture
respect to forensic taphonomy, each of these soil orders can be proxy soil for an organic soil, this value is not available since it
defined based on mineral content, cation exchange capacity lacks minerals. Organic matter content affects the presence of
(CEC), texture, and organic matter content. The higher the cation microorganisms in the soil and soils can be classified based on
exchange capacity, the more cations the soil can hold. Soil their measured percentage of organic matter. Soil horizons with
cations include calcium, magnesium, potassium, ammonium, less than 20% organic carbon content are commonly considered
hydrogen, and sodium. Soil anions include chlorine, nitrate, mineral soils. Most of soil orders are mineral soils with only a
sulfate, and phosphate. These cations and anions make up the few exceptions [20].
mineral content of a soil, which is dictated by the parent Soils layers are defined as soil horizons and are characterized
material. The soil texture provides information regarding the based on additions and alterations of the parent material. There
type and thus the soil’s ability to retain moisture or the ability of are master horizons: organic materials (O), zone of humus

Fig. 3. Soil classification in the United States depicted on the U.S. map. Image provided by USDA/NRCS.
All twelve soil orders can be found in the U.S.; however, prevalence varies.
246 M.A. Dunphy et al. / Forensic Science International 257 (2015) 242–251

accumulation and eluviation (A), zone of maximum eluviation (E),

zones of maximum illuviation (B), parent material (C), rock (R)
[20]. Lower-cased letters are often used to indicate more specific
properties. For example the following horizons and subcategories
were identified at the Simpson Agricultural Station site in
Pendleton, SC shown in Fig. 4: A, Bt1, Bt2, Cr (Fig. 5). The horizon
with accumulation of silicate clay (t) is described as the Bt horizon
in Fig. 5.

2.4. Preparation of bioreactor

Bioreactor chambers were designed using 8.5 cm  12 cm 

6 cm polystyrene boxes. Each chamber was thoroughly cleaned,
dried and then sterilized using an ethylene oxide autoclave at
120 8C for 30 min. Based on the bioreactor input discretization
described above, the experimental design included the following
variable conditions: four temperature regimes (frigid, mesic,
thermic, hyperthermic); three soil types including two soil
horizons of mineral soil and an organic soil (mineral – Ultisol A
horizon, mineral – Ultisol Bt2 horizon, organic – horticulture mix);
and two bone types (whole rib, thin section of rib). Fig. 5. Soil depths (cm) and horizons for collection of Ultisol at Simpson Agricultural
Station (A, zone of humus accumulation and eluviation; Bt1 and Bt2, zones of
Mineral soil was obtained at the Simpson Agricultural Station in
maximum illuviation of clay (kaolinite); Cr, saprolite, which is a weathered rock).
Pendleton, SC from a Hiwassee sandy loam having a 10–15% slope Soil Map Unit: HaD, Hiwassee sandy loam, 10–15% (Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Rhodic
(Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Rhodic Kanhapludults). A kaolinitic soil Kanhapludults) is the whole taxonomic name.
consists of layered silicate mineral clay (kaolinite). A thermic soil
temperature regime is in the range of 15–22 8C. Due to the relative
unavailability of organic soils in the southern United States, a
commercially available horticulture mix (Vigoro1 all-purpose simulate the effects of temperature extremes. Four of these
potting mix) was used as a proxy for an organic soil. Horticulture held whole rib bones buried in mineral soil and organic soil, and
mix soils generally incorporate high organic matter soils to two of these chambers simulated surface burial of thin sections
promote plant growth. of rib bone buried in A horizon mineral soil. All bioreactors
Temperature regimes for the bioreactor were simulated using were run for 90 days with bone samples collected at 30-day
the following procedures. Frigid and mesic conditions were intervals.
achieved using separate laboratory refrigerators with variable
temperature controls (Isotemp, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.) 2.5. Selection of specimens for use in forensic bioreactor (Fig. 6)
Thermic conditions were achieved by placing an insulated heating
system set to 35 8C inside of an environmental freezer set to 5 8C. The impact of soil properties on forensic bone was simulated
Finally, a hyperthermic environment was achieved using a through burial of uniform bone samples in the bioreactors’ soil.
laboratory incubator (Isotherm, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.) set Fresh-frozen porcine spare rib bones were obtained from a local
to 37 8C for the duration of the experiment. grocer in Greenville, SC and soft tissues were promptly removed
A total of fourteen different environmental conditions were and discarded. Porcine rib bone cross-sections (2–4 mm) were
created to simulate environmental factor combinations and are cut using a water-cooled band saw, rinsed in filtered water to
shown in Table 2. Eight of these chambers were used for thin remove residual blood, and air dried. Four 8 cm whole ribs were
section of rib bone tested in both mineral and organic soils for all placed into four bioreactor environments (one rib each) and 120
four temperature conditions. For the remaining six chambers, the thin sections were placed into a total of ten bioreactor
frigid and hyperthermic temperature conditions were utilized to environments (12 sections each). All bones were covered

Table 2
Experimental set up of the bioreactors’ conditions was based on temperature
regime (abbreviated as F, M, T, H for frigid, mesic, thermic and hyperthermic,
respectively), soil horizon (abbreviated as A for surface grave A horizon and B for
shallow grave depth in Bt2 horizon), specimen type (abbreviated as W for whole
and S for sections), and soil type (abbreviated as Min for mineral and Org for
organic). The naming scheme and contents for the main categories of forensic
bioreactor conditions are: S-Min-B) rib bone sections in mineral soil at shallow
grave depth; W-Min-B) whole rib bone in mineral soil at shallow grave depth; S-
Min-A) rib bone sections in mineral soil at surface grave depth; S-Org) rib bone
sections in organic soil; and W-Org) whole rib bone in organic soil.

Temperature Forensic bioreactor conditions

S-Min-B W-Min-B S-Min-A S-Org W-Org

Frigid (0–7 8C) S-F-Min-B W-F-Min-B S-F-Min-A S-F-Org W-F-Org

Mesic (8–14 8C) S-M-Min-B S-M-Org
Thermic S-T-Min-B S-T-Org
(15–22 8C)
Hyperthermic S-H-Min-B W-H-Min-B S-H-Min-A S-H-Org W-H-Org
(>22 8C)
Fig. 4. Ultisol soil collection site at Simpson Agricultural Station, Pendleton, SC, USA.
M.A. Dunphy et al. / Forensic Science International 257 (2015) 242–251 247

such that all surfaces were exposed to soil conditions. Bone and mapped soil variable regimes. Soil taxonomy identifies soil
specimens were removed from each bioreactor at predeter- orders and horizons, which then allow for analysis of burial
mined time intervals of 30, 60 and 90 days after burial and depth. Mapped soil variable regimes, for example the soil
grossly assessed. Whole bones were removed and three thin moisture regime data provided averaged global moisture data
sections were cut off one end before replacing the whole bone based on location; whereas, soil slope and texture are obtained
back into the soil of its respective bioreactor. For bones through site analysis and subsequent soil analysis, thus
previously cross-sectioned, three thin sections were simply providing temporal site specific data. Similar maps are available
removed from each bioreactor at each time interval. for temperature. Animal factors, specifically the alteration of
human remains, can be taken into account during sample
2.6. Monitoring of bioreactor conditions processing, and thus simple measurement can quantify this
condition. Based on this information, all four physical tapho-
Soil temperature was allowed to equilibrate for one week prior nomic factors were able to be applied to bioreactor design and
to placement of bone samples. Once at equilibrium, air tempera- were selected and controlled throughout a study.
ture was measured using a digital thermometer. Frigid and Chemical metrics were most directly related to data obtained
hyperthermic condition simulators were monitored by continu- through soil science analysis using field and laboratory work. Soil
ous digital readout recorded weekly. Mesic and thermic condi- horizon information related to depth of burial, which also
tions simulators were measured using a digital thermometer corresponds to aerobic or anaerobic decomposition, was docu-
(Accumet Basic A815, Fisher Scientific) also measured weekly. The mented on-site (Fig. 5). The remaining chemical data metrics were
temperature conditions were monitored for the duration of the obtained through laboratory soil science analysis and included soil
experiment. pH, mineral content (CEC and soil ion content values). Cation
Soil conditions were evaluated prior to addition of soil to Exchange Capacity is the total capacity of a soil to hold
bioreactor chambers at the Clemson Soil Analysis facility. Soil exchangeable cations. Mineral content and soil pH can be easily
analysis of mineral soils at horizons A and Bt2 and organic soil were determined before, during, or after bioreactor design and use,
conducted in triplicate, including basic evaluation as well as depending on the design. Soil analysis can be destructive or non-
determination of organic matter content. destructive, again depending on the experimental design. In
contrast, presence of dissolved gasses can be easily anticipated in
3. Results natural conditions; however, disturbance of the soil will aerate it
upon placement in a bioreactor system and thus this variable is not
3.1. Specification of forensic environmental factors with respect to soil a suitable bioreactor control.
science metrics Microbial metrics were related to organic matter and organic
carbon values. Organic matter was directly measured through soil
Based on the systematic review of taphonomic, soil science laboratory analysis to obtain numerical values. Among the relevant
and forensic literature, a series of variables were determined taphonomic factors, microbial activity is most affected by other
and aligned with appropriate soil science metrics (Table 1). outlined factors, and thus direct measurement would be an
Physical metrics were most directly related to soil taxonomy effective dependent variable for a study; however, it was not

Fig. 6. Whole (A, B) and sectioned (C, D) porcine spare rib bones before exposure to the bioreactor environments and subsequently buried in organic (B) and mineral (D) soils
in the polystyrene chambers.
248 M.A. Dunphy et al. / Forensic Science International 257 (2015) 242–251

considered a controllable environmental factor for the purposes of

this study. In contrast, soil organic matter can be measured
throughout the study through the use of soil laboratory analysis.

3.2. Discretization of soil science metrics

Based on the review of potential inputs relevant to forensic

anthropology (Table 1), taphonomic factors and soil science
metrics were discretized and successfully incorporated into the
bioreactor design, including soil temperature; soil type; and burial
Soil temperature was discretized using documented soil
temperature regimes present in the United States (Fig. 2). The
main temperature regimes found in the United States are frigid Fig. 7. Final bioreactor system consisted of a temperature unit, bioreactor chambers,
(0–7 8C), mesic (8–14 8C), thermic (15–22 8C), and hyperthermic and environmental components (soil type, forensic specimen).
(>22 8C). These four temperature ranges were used to discretize
temperature conditions for bioreactor design through the selection
of a target temperature in each range.
Soil type was discretized through the use of soil taxonomy than the 74.5% organic matter content of the organic soil.
based on organic matter content. Soils above 20% organic carbon Similarly, the calcium ion content of the Ultisol horizon A and B
content are considered organic, and of the twelve soil orders, were 108.0 and 38.0 mg/kg respectively, and both were
Histosols are the primary organic soil order. Thus, soil organic significantly lower (t-test, p < 0.001) than the 1373.0 mg/kg
matter was discretized into two primary categories, organic and calcium ion content of the organic soil. This increase is likely due
mineral soils. Using the map provided in Fig. 3, soil type can also be to soil enrichment for horticulture purposes; however, in
discretized based on region and soil order to allow control of soil this forensic bioreactor application such increases could be
properties. used to gain insight into the effect of calcium content on
Burial depth was discretized based on soil horizon. Soil horizons decomposition.
are specific to locations and define the state of altered parent
material as it moves from rock to soil form. An example of soil 3.4. Gross assessment of bone sections using weathering
horizons measured at the Simpson Agricultural Facility is shown in characteristics
Figs. 4 and 5. In this Ultisol, the soil has been discretized into four
specific horizons: A, Bt1, Bt2, and Cr. For the purposes of forensic Results of gross assessment of bone sections using weathering
research, a surface scatter was defined as located in the A horizon, characteristics revealed notable differences related to exposure to
thus specifying the exposed soil conditions. Similarly, a shallow different temperature regimes over the 90-day experiment. Bone
grave burial at 50 cm was defined as a part of the Bt2 horizon. Thus, specimens from the frigid temperature regime retained less
inclusion of these relevant soil horizons simulated these two weathered characteristics including a natural ivory color appear-
different burial conditions within individual bioreactor chambers ance, more dense and moist bone, and the presence of bone
(Table 2). marrow tissue (Figs. 9–11). In the hyperthermic temperature
regime, the bone specimens exhibited more weathered character-
3.3. Evaluation of forensic bioreactor inputs istics including reduced density (e.g. light weight), trabecular bone
with less bone marrow tissues present, chalky appearance for the
The final bioreactor design incorporated a temperature unit
based on the four discretized temperature regimes (frigid, mesic,
thermic and hyperthermic), with internal components consisting
of two different discretized soils (mineral and organic) including
two soil horizons to simulate surface scatter and shallow grave,
and both sectioned and whole bone specimens simulating skeletal
remains in gravesoil (Fig. 7).
Results from the temperature monitoring verified that the
simulated temperature conditions in each bioreactor experienced
little variation over the experiment duration (Fig. 8). The
bioreactors suitably simulated the predefined temperature
regimes of frigid (3.8  0.8 8C), mesic (8.8  0.9 8C), thermic
(16.0  1.0 8C), and hyperthermic (37.5  0.1 8C) (Table 3).
Results from analysis of soil confirmed that discrete
characteristics of mineral and organic soils at different burial
depths were achieved (Table 4). Average soil pH was 4–6 for all
soils analyzed, with lowest pH in the Ultisol horizon A and
highest pH in the horticulture mix. Other measured parameters
showed discrete differences between the soils. The CEC of Ultisol
at horizon Bt2 was lowest at 4.9 meq/100 g. CEC for Ultisol at
horizon A was 8.1, and the CEC of the horticulture mix was 16.4.
There were stark differences between mineral and organic soils
for calcium ion content and organic matter content. The organic Fig. 8. Recorded temperatures from the simulated temperature conditions in each
matter contents of the two Ultisol horizons were 14.1% and bioreactor showed minimal temperature variations within each regime throughout
12.1%, and both were significantly lower (t-test, p < 0.001) the experiment duration.
M.A. Dunphy et al. / Forensic Science International 257 (2015) 242–251 249

Table 3
Temperature regimes of the United States compared to bioreactor environment
temperatures created in the laboratory and monitored throughout the 90-day
period of this study.

Soil temperature Regime Simulated Standard

regime range [8C] average [8C] deviation [8C]

Frigid 0–7 3.8 0.8

Mesic 8–14 8.8 0.9
Thermic 15–22 16.0 1.0
Hyperthermic >22 37.5 0.1

cortical bone, reduced bone grease present, and a general brittle

quality throughout. The greater degree of weathering was
expected based on the increase in temperature regime. Differences
in the degree of weathering across soil types were less distinct. The
difference between the frigid and hypothermic temperature
regimes were similar in both the mineral and organic soil types,
although soil staining was more prominent for bone specimens in
the mineral soils at colder temperatures. Over the short duration of Fig. 9. Bone sections after 90 days exposure to mineral soil from the Bt2 horizon (S-
this experiment, the differences in soil type do not appear to Min-B) in the frigid, mesic, thermic and hyperthermic temperature regimes. Visual
differences included a progressively lighter color, loss of bone grease and a general
impact the rate of weathering as strongly as differences in
increasingly brittle quality from the frigid to hyperthermic temperature regimes.
temperature. These results confirm previous studies [5,6,14,19] Scale bar for each image is incremented in 1 mm tick marks.
related to the variables that impact the rate of bone weathering
and demonstrate the usefulness of this experimental design to
control one variable in order to document the effect of another on
the rate of weathering.

Fig. 10. Bone sections exposed to organic soil (S-Org) for 60 days and 90 days in the frigid and hyperthermic temperature regimes. Visual differences included a darkened
color, loss of bone grease, and reduced density (e.g. lightweight) in the hyperthermic conditions. All images were acquired under similar lighting conditions. Scale bar is
10 mm in length.
250 M.A. Dunphy et al. / Forensic Science International 257 (2015) 242–251

Table 4 4. Discussion
Analysis of soils used in the bioreactor design prior to introduction of bone samples.

Soil analysis – averages Standard The study describes an interdisciplinary approach to forensic
deviation anthropology and develops a forensic bioreactor system based on
Ultisol – mineral soil – horizon A defined factors known to impact bone decomposition (Fig. 1 and
Texture Coarse sandy loam N/A Table 1). Specifically, environmental factors important to forensic
(65% sand + 20% anthropology and useful for modeling decomposition in an
silt + 15% clay)
outdoor context were defined and then discretized using soil
Soil pH (pH) [–] 4.0 0.1
Cation exchange capacity 8.1 0.6 science data. Finally, these factors were successfully incorporated
(CEC) [meq/100 g] into an easily monitored forensic bioreactor prototype that
Organic matter (OM) [%] 14.1 0.7 mimicked an outdoor setting. In this manner, the bone samples
Calcium ion content [mg/kg] 108.0 27.1
were treated as a tissue undergoing dynamic changes when
Ultisol – mineral soil – horizon Bt2 exposed to a soil medium. This research provides a foundation for
Texture Clay (24% sand + 18% N/A bone decomposition models and advances forensic anthropology
silt + 58% clay)
related to estimating PMI for skeletal remains.
Soil pH (pH) [–] 5.4 0.1
Cation exchange capacity (CEC) 4.9 0.3 The environmental variables most commonly related to
[meq/100 g] decomposition were identified and related to the corresponding
Organic matter (OM) [%] 12.2 1.2 soil science metrics (Table 1). Of these variables, moisture, burial
Calcium ion content [mg/kg] 38.0 5.5 depth, mineral content, soil pH, and organic matter content were
Horticulture mix – organic soil identified as pre-experiment parameters. These variables were
Texture N/A N/A identified through existing soil science literature, many of which
Soil pH (pH) [–] 5.8 0.1 are easily assessable through the use of online databases, allowing
Cation exchange capacity (CEC) 16.4 0.8
[meq/100 g]
for the appropriate selection of soil to fit the researchers need. In
Organic matter (OM) [%] 74.5 3.0 addition, these variables can be quantified before, during or after
Calcium ion content [mg/kg] 1373.0 87.0 the experiment depending on the objectives of the research. Using
existing databases, temperature and soil order variables were
discretized to allow testing of specific environmental conditions

Fig. 11. Whole bones were sectioned after exposure to mineral soil (W-Min-B) for 60 days and 90 days in the frigid and hyperthermic temperature regimes. Visual
changes included a chalky whiter color for cortical bone, reduced density (e.g. light weight) and loss of bone grease evident in the cancellous bone in the hyperthermic
conditions. Note, soil residues have been removed to better visualize the bone specimens. All images were acquired under similar lighting conditions. Scale bar is
10 mm in length.
M.A. Dunphy et al. / Forensic Science International 257 (2015) 242–251 251

across a global spectrum of potential environments (Figs. 2 and 3). methods in forensic taphonomy, especially related to the analysis
In this manner, a bioreactor system capable of simulating a broad of skeletal remains and the impact of global environmental
range of temperature and soil related environmental conditions conditions.
was developed and evaluated.
Other variables identified here that were not simulated in this Acknowledgements
study can be discretized using similar means. Soil moisture can be
discretized based on the soil moisture regimes also provided by the This work was supported by institutional funding provided by
USDA, and measured using soil analysis facilities or directly Clemson University as Bioengineering faculty start-up funds and
monitored using sensors within the bioreactor chambers. Mineral Calhoun Honors College Undergraduate Departmental Honors
content and soil pH can also be selected based on soil order using research funds.
available soil classification maps (Fig. 3) or through analysis of
local soils. Each soil order has specific attributes such as
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