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Hi Students! I have something fun for you to do ! You will review a book
that you want to talk about. I know, this sounds exciting, but please pay
attention to several points below :

1. Make a video of you reviewing a book, the duration is

2 – 4 minutes.
2. Things that you need to talk are :

a. Your identity ( name, age, grade and school)

b. The book information

title, author, illustrator, the number of pages, the characters and
the setting of place or time

c. The story of the book with your own words. You will do a short
story telling to give information about the story. You can start from
the beginning and do not forget about the ending of the story.

d. Evaluation
This part is the time for you to evaluate or give comments about
the book. You can share your thought or opinion whether you like
the book or not. If you like / do not like it, what is the reason ? Are
you going to recommend the book to your friends ?

3. If you still need more explanation, I also give you an example of the
video or you can see it through this link :
Book review video :

4. Have fun !

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