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Gas Leakage Detection and SMS Alert System

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

of the degree of


(A.Y. 2018-2019)


Priyank Singh (Roll No.:37)

Kshitij Singh (Roll No.:34)
Ashish Tiwari (Roll No.:49)

Under the Guidance of

(Prof. Mr. Vijay Yele)
Designation, I.T Department, TCET

University of Mumbai

This is to certify that Mr. Priyank Singh, Mr. Kshitij Singh, and Mr. Ashish

Tiwari, are bonafide students of Information Technology Department, Thakur

College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai. They have satisfactorily

Completed the requirements of SNL project as prescribed by the University of

Mumbai while working on Garbage Monitoring System.

Signature:------------------------------ Signature :------------------------------

Name : Mr. Vijay Yele Name : Dr. Rajesh S. Bansode
Internal Guide HOD-IT

Signature: ---------------------------------------------
Name: Dr. B. K. Mishra Principal,
Thakur College of Engineering and Technology.

Internal Examiner: External Examiner:

Signature :--------------------------------- Signature :---------------------------------

Name : Name :
Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Kandivali (East) Mumbai.



I/we declare that this written submission represents my/our ideas in my/our own words and where
others ideas or words have been included; I/we have adequately cited and referenced the original
sources. I/we also declare that I/we have adhered to all principles of academic honesty and
integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in
my/our submission. I/we understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary
action by the Institute and canal so evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been
properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.

Priyank Singh (37)


Kshitij Singh (34)

Ashish Tiwari (49)


encouragement which helped us in completion of this project.
The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from many
people and I am extremely privileged to have completed the project successfully. I would lik e to
thank everyone for their guidance.

We sincerely thank our principal, Dr.B.K.Mishra and HOD, Dr.Rajesh Bansode for always
encouraging us to do our best. We highly indebted to our guide Mr. Vijay Yele, who supported
and constantly supervised us through out the project and helped us in not only completing this
project but also provided us with ample amount of knowledge that was really beneficial to us.

We are thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance
from all Te aching staffs of IT Department who helped us in successfully completing our project
work. Also, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to all staff in laboratory for their timely

We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents for their kind co -operation and

Priyank Singh (37)

Kshitij Singh (34)
Ashish Tiwari (49)


IoT, i.e. Internet of Things, is the currently the most trending field in the Branch of
Information Communication Technology. In case of construction areas, residential and
commercial buildings, there are high chances of domestic fire. Moreover, mining industry
being the most fire prone area, there is requirement of a system that can generate information
of the region to the miner on the basis of the gas getting generated while mining.
Gas is generated first and then fire. The objective of this project is to build a gas
detection sms alert system based on IoT technology. A Gas detector is a device which senses
the gas and based on the Gas Quantity that is present in the atmosphere it will provide alerts
to the beholder.
Nowadays, Gas Detection and Sms alert System has been the basic requirement in
various regions as the damage caused by the fire accidents is catastrophic. Also, as now the
apartments are pretty close and congested, fire can spread very quickly. So, if gas detection
and sms alert system is installed while building the apartment, the fire can be suppressed
while it is in the small area and further loss of life and property due to fire can be prevented.
After studying the literature survey it was planned to overcome the research gaps and
the system was tested using the test cases and then the outputs were generated.The output of
the gas detectors were been shown according to different test cases and thus the gas deteccton
and sms alert system become more responsive then those currently in use

List of Figures Page no.

Fig 3.1 Arduino uno 16

Fig 3.2 MQ-5 Sensor 16
Fig 3.3 GSM module 16
Fig 3.4 220 ohm resistor 16
Fig 3.5 Breadboard and connecting wires 17
Fig 3.6 LCD display(16*2) 17
Fig 3.7 Gantt Chart 18
Fig 4.1 Block Diagram 20
Fig 4.2 Circuit Diagram 20
Fig 4.3 Final running of project 21
Fig 4.4 Sms alert interface 21

List of tables

Page No.

2.2.1 Literature Survey Table 11

• Certificate i
• Declaration ii
• Acknowledgments iii
• Abstract iv
• List of Figures v List of Tables v

References 28
1.1 Introduction

Commercial buildings, Mining Regions, Factories, etc. Nowadays has become more prone to fire
because of some or the other issues like short circuit, gas leakages etc. So there is a need of Gas
detection and sms alert system that can help us to overcome the damage to the lives and valuables.
It is the fact that Gas is the first to come and then the fire. Hence detecting the fire at the gas level
can help avoiding the fire to cause catastrophic destruction. The Gas detection a nd sms alert
system is a Device that detects relevant amount of gas in the region and based on that it generates
the output that there is a fire or not and based on the output of the further actions by fire -fighters
and the administrations can be taken. Moreover now a days there has been an increase in this these
days, this project also take an initiative to overcome that by discussing about it in the future scope

1.2: Background

Gas leakage detection has become a crucial aspect in design of buildings, both commercial
and domestic, as opposed to about 70 years ago when automatic detection was rarely provided
in buildings. Before introduction of gas and sms alert, fires resulted in the loss of human lives
and damage of property and it was mainly attributed to lack of a mechanism for early detection
of gas. Early developments in design of gas alarm began in 1922 with observations by
Greinacher and later by Walter Jaeger in 1930. However, early gas detectors required high
voltage power input. Further research was done and power requirement in gas detectors was
reduced to make battery power viable and this made widespread installation in residences
highly feasible.

Later developments in gas detectors have sought to improve their performance, reduce
power requirement and improve their nuisance alarm sensitivity and also to continuously
monitor their status. The most recent advances in gas detectors have been motivated to make
them “smarter”. Gas can be detected either optically (photoelectric) or by physical process
(ionization). Detectors may use either or both methods.

1.3: Importance of the project

The requirement of the gas leakage detection and sms alert system is because of the
increase in the fire prone areas in the localized region where there is life like kitchen, buildings,
construction region, mining industries petrol pumps etc. Hence, there is great importance of
the project in day-to-day life. Importance of the Gas Leakage Detection and Sms alert system
are as below:

● Sms alert system are primarily designed to warn occupants of a fire so they can safely
evacuate the premises.

● Correctly maintained and operating sms alert system are effective and proven life saving

● Failure to take advantage of this early warning, due to poor performance of gas detection
system, has cost people their lives.

● Sms alert system are important in providing occupants of buildings prompt warning if a fire

You need to carefully consider the benefits that you can achieve by reducing the number of
unwanted alarm activations generated at your premises

1.4: Motivation

The various issues related to fire incidents occurred in the past year, i.e. 2017. Some of
them are as:
1. The Saki-Naka fire incident that killed 12 workers, the fire incident at La Mer building
where celebrities reside, and the Kamala Mills tragedy on a Friday night that killed 14
people – a blatant disregard for fire safety norms.

2. Be it slums, high-rises, restaurants, industrial units, studios or old buildings – each has
witnessed massive fire incidents in this year. The violation of fire safety regulations has
turned each into a tinder box, said experts.

Such incidents created a great loss of life and property both at the same time. And along
with this due to the incident that happened in our classroom of AC caught fire. In this
incident the air conditioner of our class first released some smoke in the environment and
then it suddenly caught fire hence there was no such system that could inform about the
fire. Hence, going through the above incidences and motivation to do something for the
society we decided to develop a smoke alarm system using the IoT technology.
1.5 : Objectives and scope of the project
Sometimes i t happens that fake leakage alarms are generated which can cause a loss of
more than $12,000 US dollars. So to avoid and tackle that we can use the camera and delay by
30 second in alarm which means if the leakage is detected to be above the threshold quan tity,
the detector will send the video to the operator and if the operator approves that it is a legitimate
fire in the region, the alarm will be horned and within 30 seconds of no reply from the user,
the alarm will ring and accordingly the further actions can be taken.

• Leakage detection and alarm system can be used with quadcopter and this quadcopter can
be used to detect the regions of the fire or going to catch the fire, thus can be used to protect

• Moreover it can be used by people in mining industries to help them for saving their lives

It can also be used in F1 cars as there is high possibility of catching the fire when car runs at that
speed there is high possibility of them catching fire due to the web based output it can be conveyed
to the driver and thus he can save his life and win the race.

1.6 Summary
Gas Leakage Detector is boon which helps to save many lives and property from destructive
damage. The project focus on building an IoT based Gas Leakage Detection and Alarm System
using arduino as platform. Before the project starts there is the first chapter which speaks about
the background of the project, why it is required and also it adds about the need and motivation
for the project which is the recent incidents happened in 2017 rela ted to places which were the
prey of the fire and burned out the whole property, also creating a great loss of life and money
and adds the scope of the project. Thus, the project was a great success with all the use cases and
fulfilling all the phases of a project development and deployement.

Chapter 2

Literature Survey & Proposed Work

2.1 Literature survey

A literature review surveys scholarly articles, books, dissertations, conference proceedings and
other resources which are relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory and provides
context for a dissertation by identifying past research.

Research tells a story and the existing literature helps us identify where we are in the story currently.
It is up to those writing a dissertation to continue that story with new research and new perspectives
but they must first be familiar with the story before they can move forward

2.2 Literature survey table


ANNA We find about the

BIT CAMPUS different kinds of
Fire sensors and how
they function

E. Jebamalar
Based On the
LPG Gas Leakage
Detection and Alert DEPARTMENT
System OF
ELECTRONICS H. Deepika programming.

Also there were no

information given to
the user about the
status of the region by
the device online
This proposed system
aims to detect the
economic fuels like
petroleum, liquid
IOSRJournal of Anandhakrishna petroleum gas,
Electrical and alcohol etc and allows
Electronics n S, Deepesh a provision for
IOT Based Smart Gas Engineering Nair, Rakesh K, controlling the gas
Monitoring System (IOSR-JEEE) e-ISSN: Sampath leakage by closing the
2278-1676,p-ISSN: K,Gayathri S valve
2320-3331, Nair automatically
This project uses
MQ-5 sensor for gas
leakage detection in
case of LPG
According to this paper
there are only two
ways currently using in
the smoke detection
and alarming system

are on the principle of


Smoke Alarms and the

Modern Residence
Fire: Recent andStudies UL UL society principle and
Research at UL ionization techniques
There are more
information and
techniques like
sensors and actuators
based Smoke
detecting techniques as

Shin-Juh Chen1 This paper talks only

, Chris Hovde1 , about the Fire

Kristen A. detection systems

Peterson1 , and located in aircraft
André Marshall cargo compartments

Belonging to the and the false alarms

Southwest that caused a loss of

Sciences Inc., amount $30,000 to
1570 Pacheco $50,000.
Street, Suite Shows a part which

Fire detection using Fire Safety Journal E-11 Santa Fe, says about the past
smoke and gas sensors NM 87505, technology algorithms
USA 2 which used data from

Department of sensors for

Fire Protection temperature, smoke,
Engineering and combustion

University of products. Moreover it

Maryland, discuss about the
College Park, techniques that can be
MD used to avoid false
20742-3031, alarms.

The fire detection
system combines the
measurements of
smoke, carbon
monoxide, and carbon
dioxide. A simple fire
alarm algorithm,
based on the rates of
increase of these three
components, is
developed and
assessed using fire tests
of combustible
materials, liquid fuels,
and nuisance sources.
The paper speaks
about the hearing of the
Smoke alarms by
of , the subject and their
& Environmental analysis based on the
Safety and Risk experimentations they
Research summary Engineering have performed.
smoke detectors Basically the paper
hearing loss Dorothy Bruck
Bankaitis (CESARE) at speaks about the use of
Victoria buzzer that could
University awake a user from
deep sleep and people
doing some work to
respond to it

Table no. 2.2.2: Literature Survey table

2.3 : Problem definition

To design a microcontroller (IoT) based Gas Leakage detection and Alarm System that will
continuously monitor the presence of significant amount of leakage and activate an alarm and based
on that information about the region, solution can be provided.


● Phase 1: Planning, Analysis, Designing and Implementation.

Analysis: Getting clear idea of the project title and doing research on it we will get our definition
and after that then we will first create the Literature Survey of the project and do the whole

Planning: After analysis we will first study about it and do some research on it for our better
understanding of the project and also getting a rough picture about what would be our problem
definition for the particular project.

Designing: Then we will construct the design of the project and according to that, will list down all
the requirements needed for the construction for the prototype of our project.

Implementation: After acquiring the requirements we first developed the connections of the
hardware components (Arduino, MQ2 sensor etc) and then added the coding part later with help of
Arduino data cable to the Arduino.

● Phase 2: Testing and Deployment.

Testing: After the prototype is ready we will first connect the hardware with the assigned code and
then we will check if it supports the mechanism or not. If not we will solve the issues regarding to
it and will check again.
Deployment: After, complete integration and testing of project real time running and operation of
the system will be done. User need to check the value 12
2.4 Features of the project

The Project consists of the following features:

1. Safety Signs: For showing the safeness of the project there is use of the Green LED and
Red LED lights. In which green stands for the safety from the fire and that of the red implies the
danger of the fire. There is a buzzer used in the project in order to provide a sound alert to the

2. High sensitivity and fast response: The smoke sensor used is highly sensitive to the amount
of smoke generated each point of time in the region as soon as it senses the smoke above threshold
it starts the alert system.

3. Long life and stable: The usual fire alarms are short lived because of the components used
are of low grade here in this the sensor and the alert system does give an output to the

4. Simple drive circuit: The connections and the circuit design of this system is simple hence
it is much more convenient to develop

2.5: Methodology

The proposed method takes an automatic control action upon detection of gas. Initially if
there is a Leakage detected then the electronic sensor i.e. the gas sensor that obeys the
principle of sensor senses any fire in the region, if any leakage or fire is sensed then the
output of this sensor goes high. This high signal is monitored by the microcontroller and it
will identify the hike in the leakage amount. If there is a leakage or smoke detected, the
consumer is informed about it through the LED light and Sound of the buzzer.

Chapter 3 Analysis and


3.1 Introduction
Getting clear idea of the project title and doing research on it we will get our definition and
after that then we will first create the Literature Survey of the project and do the whole
documentation. After analysis we will first study about it and do some research on it for
our better understanding of the project and also getting a rough picture about what would
be our problem definition for the particular project.

3.2 Feasibility Study

1. Technical Feasibility: Here one has to test, whether the proposed system can be developed
using existing technology or not. It is evident that the necessary hardware and software are
available for development and implementation of the proposed system. Hence, the solution
is technically feasible.
2. Economic Feasibility: As part of this, the costs and benefits associated with the proposed
system compared and the project is economically feasible only if tangible or intangible
benefits outweigh costs. The system development costs will be significant. So the proposed
system is economically feasible.

3. Legal Feasibility: Legal issues can affect a system’s acceptance by users, its performance,
or the decisions on whether to use it in the first place—so it is best to consider these
explicitly in system design. Clearly, the behavior of those being enrolled and recognized
can influence the accuracy and effectiveness of virtually any biometric system.

4. Operational Feasibility: It is a standard that ensures interoperability without stifling

competition and innovation among users, to the benefit of the public both in terms of cost
and service quality. The proposed system is acceptable to users. So the proposed system is
operationally feasible.

5. Social Feasibility: The acceptability of a biometric system depends on the social and
cultural values of the participant populations. A careful analysis and articulation of these
issues and their identification can improve both acceptability and effectiveness.

3.3 Project planning (Resources, Tools used, etc.)

Hardware Tools :

Quantity Hardware Components

1 Arduino Uno

1 MQ-5 Gas Sensor

1 GSM Module

2 220-ohm resistor
1 Breadboard Connecting wires

1 LCD Display(16*2) Software

Tools :

Arduino IDE

fig 3.1 :Arduino uno fig 3.2:MQ-5 sensor

Fig3.3 GSM Module Fig3.4:220 ohm resistor


fig 3.5 :breadboard&connecting wire fig 3.6:lcd display(16*2)

Arduino uno
The Arduino UNO is an open-source microcontroller board based on the Microchip ATmega328P
microcontroller and developed by[2][3] The board is equipped with sets of digital and
analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards (shields) and
other circuits.[1] The board has 14 Digital pins, 6 Analog pins, and programmable with the
Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) via a type B USB cable.

MQ-5 gas sensor

The Grove - Gas Sensor(MQ5) module is useful for gas leakage detection (in home and industry).
It is suitable for detecting H2, LPG, CH4, CO, Alcohol. Due to its high sensitivity and fast response
time, measurements can be taken as soon as possible. The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted
by using the potentiometer.

GSM module
GSM/GPRS module is used to establish communication between a computer and a GSM-GPRS
system. It requires aSIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card just like mobile phones to activate
communication with the network. Also they have IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
number similar to mobile phones for their identification.

LCD Display(16*2)
LCD modules are vey commonly used in most embedded projects, the reason being its cheap price,
availability and programmer friendly. Most of us would have come across these displays in our
day to day life, either at PCO’s or calculators. The appearance and the pinouts have already been
visualized above now let us get a bit technical. 16×2 LCD is named so because; it has 16 Columns
and 2 Rows. There are a lot of combinations available like, 8×1, 8×2, 10×2, 16×1, etc. but the most
used one is the 16×2 LCD. So, it will have (16×2=32) 32 characters in total and each character will
be made of 5×8 Pixel Dots. 17

3.4 Scheduling (Gantt chart):

Gantt chart represents the daily activities that take place during the development of the project.
fig 3.7 Gantt chart
It shows the representation of each day of the work from the Selection of Project Title to its Testing.

3.5 Understanding

In this after understanding the topic the project feasibility was analyzed by performing
different types of feasibility studies and by also planning the project tools, their project
schedule, timeline charts, etc. Feasibility study will help in better understanding the various
feasibilities associated with the project and helping to make the correct decisions and
completing the project within the schedule, budget, etc.

The tools were specifically identified in this chapter stating which technology can be
feasible and how conveniently the project can be completed. This helps to understand the
technology and tools that can be used for the project. The Gantt chart helps us to track the
project and see the schedule of the project and to see if the project is on the right track and
on schedule and not behind the deadline

Chapter 4
Design Requirements


4.1 Block Diagram

Fig 4.1
4.2 Circuit Diagram

Fig 4.2


4.3 GUI Design(screenshot)

Fig 4.3:Final running of project

Fig4.4:Sms interface of project

Chapter 5
Results & Discussion


5.1 Results

1. Outputs:
When the gas level was below the threshold value the environment is safe and lcd shows
the respective status
2 When ever the gas leakage is detected by the sensor the sms alert is send to respective recipent.

fig 5.2

b. Outcomes
Phase 1 Analysis

Creating the synopsis, literature survey and feasibility study for proposed solution which will act
as an input to the design phase.

Phase 1 Planning:

Proposing Statement of work, scope definition and scope boundary for planning the prototype from
the problem definition to decide what needs to be done and what not to be done.

Phase 1 Designing:

Proposing design,architecture for the prototype.

Phase 1 Implementation:Implementation of the Arduino model with the help code running it in
the arduino IDE environment.

Phase 2 Testing:Testing was done with cases like before smoke, when smoke was above
threshold level and when smoke goes away with Model.The testing of the model was a success
are mentioned in the above figures.

Phase 2 Deployments:Real time sensing was done when in kitchen the nobe of the burner was
kept on and then the model reacted by showing the sign of gas leakage and detection of smoke
and then the knob was closed.Thus the model works efficiently.

5.2 Improvements in Research Gaps (Findings)

Every project has some gaps in it. No project is 100% efficient. There are some gaps in
this project too. They are as follows:

1. As this system is currently not WiFi enabled, the amount of smoke detected is
unknown. So, respective actions cannot be taken with regard to that. If it is made
WiFi enabled, the amount of smoke detected can be shown to the owner through a
website with a message showing the amount of smoke detected in ppm.

2. Also, the MQ-5 gas sensor is prone to corrosion due to moisture, which may result
in improper functioning of the sensor and can result in serious harm. So, a time-
totime sensor check notification can be sent to the owner, so that a regular check of
the sensor is done and improper functioning is prevented.

3. A push notification regarding the amount of smoke can also be sent to the owner
and their neighbours and contacts. If the amount of smoke is high, a notification
can be sent to the concerned nearest emergency contacts, such as the nearest fire
station, along with the entire location of smoke site

Chapter 6


6.1 Future Scope

Sometimes it happens that fake smoke alarms are generated which can cause a loss of
more than $12,000 US dollars. So to avoid and tackle that we can use the camera and
delay by 30 second in alarm which means if the smoke is detected to be above the
threshold quantity, the detector will send the video to the operator and if the operator
approves that it is a legitimate fire in the region, the alarm will be horned and within 30
seconds of no reply from the user, the alarm will ring and accordingly the further actions
can be taken.

1. Gas Leakage detection and alarm system can be used with quadcopter and this quadcopter
can be used to detect the regions of the fire or going to catch the fire, thus can be used to
protect things.

2. Moreover it can be used by people in mining industries to help them for saving their lives.
3. It can also be used in F1 cars as there is high possibility of catching the fire when car runs
at that speed there is high possibility of them catching fire due to the web based output it
can be conveyed to the driver and thus he can save his life and win the race.

6.2 Conclusion

We have successfully shown the detection of Gas Leakage by IOT based project is possible which
can detect Gas leakage and warn owners and remote contacts of a alarm situations. The alarms are
detect reliably even in situations where there is high ambient noise. A weakness of the system is in
the processing overhead used to constantly monitor the audio input of the phone. This application
demonstrates the mobile phones ability to be used as a advanced warning device in the event of a
smoke alarm activation, its automated group alert system reduces the chance of harm to people who
have not been able to respond to an alarm



2. C:\sjchen\Publications\Submitted\FireSafetyJournal-
2004\Finalized_Manuscript_U161_J anuary2007.wpd


4. C:\sjchen\Publications\Submitted\FireSafetyJournal-
2004\Finalized_Manuscript_U161_J anuary2007.wpd

ted_false_alarms_mfs_monitored/the_importance_of_fire_alarm s.jsp



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