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clause Using verbial


Group sundanese member list

1.Aji pangest

2.Alfin ramadhan

3.Ayu shandra ankraini

4.Bunga nabillah sukran

5.Desi permatasari
1.Before a man and women get engaged, they usually


Neundeun Omong was the first in a procession to be carried out in a Sundanese traditonal
marriage. Although it is not like an official ceremony, which is not carried out in a formal or
official manner issued in connecton with kinship, but there is no important discussion about
the opening of the Sundanese wedding ceremony meetng

2.Before a man and a women get merried, their families habitually


Narosan is a follow-up process after neundeun converse, where there is a meetng of the
two families with the next goal, where the men bring items in the form of women's clothing,
rings, lamareun, beuraur tameh.

3.Before a man and a women get married, they commonly

"seureuh euleus"

This sundanese traditonal wedding procession,the bride and groom's family who come
to the groom's party. The goal yes is to reply to a visit come,surely,not empty handed,this
woman's family must bring something usually in the from Of food or cakes.

4.Before a man and a women get merried, their community habitually

"ngeuyeuk seureuh"

The program is led by pangeuyeuk this is a term for people who know about ngeuyeuk
seureuh. Pangeuyeuk will give advice to the bride and groom's second candidate through
symbols or objects such as parawanten, director, and others. Pangeuyeuk will also advice btde
and groom to ask for their parents' blessing. the tme a man and woman get engaged, they normally


In the form of asking for permission from the bride and then sungkem and washing the
feet of both parents. Water mixing both parents pour splash water into the bowl and str it
consist of setaman flower water(seven kinds of fragrant flowers). tme a man and a woman get married, they generally

The bride and groom are disawer with rice. This is considered to provide a prosperous life
for prospectve brides. The bride and groom were crushed using a broom stck while being
advised to cultvate the prospectve bridegroom splits betel nuts and jambe mayang. This can be
trusted to make the bride and groom can adjust to each other and support each other to
improve it. the tme a man and a woman get married, their friends frequently


The groom's entourage friends to the bride's residence won the pickup committe led by ki
Lengser, a unique costumed dancer, accompanied by a gamelan gamelan. Ki Lengser is usually
present at a wedding recepton held at different tme from the marriage contract, their friends
welcomed the bride and groom to open the recepton hall.

8.when a man and a woman get engaged, they d genarally

-"huap lingkungan"

Ini this sundanese traditonal wedding procession,both marrieges where Fed by their
parents then contnued by feeding each other,this procession is a sign that the bride and groom
who where living with their parents Will start thinking about their own lives

-munjungan "

Munjunganis a tme when the bride and groom come to the older brothers

9.when a man and a woman get married,the bride's family usually

- "Haircut"

The bride to be's hair is cut by the mother and father,as symbol of beauty ini body
and mind.contnued with the procession,making all the fine hairs on the face
,neck making fishy cau,making shakes and making Turi flowers

10.when people are invited to a wedding,they always

- Usually the invited guests use traditonal clothing or batk and carry envelopes
or gifts for the bride and groom soon as a man and a woman get engaged,they usually

This procession marked the handover of the bridegroom to the family of the
woman by bringing a number of supplies for the wedding. Submission is done one
day to one week before marriage. soon as a man and a woman. Get married,they generally

-"huap lingkup"

The bride and groom are fed by both pairs of parents symbolizing the great
affecton of the parents towards their daughter ini law. soon as the wedding party ideas over the couple commnly

- open the door

Conversaton in the form of poetry beetwen the groom outside the door and the
bride ini the house.usually representers by interpretes mamaos.symbolizing
advice so that husband and wife respect each other

14. After a woman ia engaged with a man,Sheila traditonal


In sundanese custom,surrender ia carried out on 3-7bdays before the

wedding.the bride and groom brought money,house hold supplies,and so on

15.after the couple id pronounced husband and wife they customerku


Here,both the groom and the woman are given a final note of food by their
parents repectvely the symbol of the last bribe from a parent to his child to be
related in a house hold means the love kadeudeuh asking the children

16.after all wedding ceremonies are over the couple usually

-patarik tarik bakakak

Patarik tarik bekakak id procession is done after the marriage contract takes
place, precisely after the procession of environmental vapor. This process requires
a chicken that has been roasted, especially the thighs.

The bride and groom will hold the grilled chicken on each side. Then after the
signal from the bride, the bride and groom will pull the grilled chicken in the
opposite directon. In accordance with the name of this procession, pull it.

In Sundanese custom, it is believed that the bride who gets a bigger share than
the others, will bring prosperity in their small family. In additon, this ceremony
also reminded the bride and groom to help each other and work together in
building family welfare

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