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Creep and Recovery Properties of Textile Fibers

By Shozaburo Yamaguchi, Member, TMSJ

Kogakuin University, Tokyo

The purpose of this study is to inquire experimentally into the general
creep and recovery properties of textile fibers and to represent these
properties quantitatively by some constants.
The following empirical formulas show the total elongation e due to
constant tensile stress r during loading time t, and the total recovery
shrinkage ƒÃ•Œ due to unloading at time t•Œ after unloading:

where EoEr b, l, m and n are constants proper to each fiber under constant
Consequently, these constants represent quantitatively the creep and
recovery properties of the fibers. Cotton, wool, viscose rayon, bemberg,
acetate, vinylon and nylon fibers were tested as single filaments in the
experiments referred to in this article.

1-2. Apparatus
Figure 2 shows the experimental apparatus
used for creep and recovery tests. A is a
There are published reports[-51 of ex
balance. B1 and B2 are the holding parts of
perimental studies on the creep and recovery a test sample E. C is a pan. D is the weight
properties of textile fibers. Each of those for loading. F is a lamp. L is an optical lever
studies is limited to one or two kinds of fibers,
with a reflecting mirror M. J is a rotating
with tests made under lower stress ranges
drum wrapped in printing paper. K is a con
and on a limited loading time. Besides, many stant temperature and humidity box in which
of those studies deal with yarns, instead of the above balancing parts are held.
In the experiments dealt with in the pre
1-3. Method
sent article, the author tried to obtain the
general creep and recovery properties of textile The loading and unloading of a test sample
fibers, The experiments were made under in the creep and recovery tests were done by
identical testing conditions on seven repre dropping and lifting weight W. Weight W is
sentative textile fibers, viz., cotton, wool, viscose
operated through string S from the outside of
rayon, bemberg, acetate, vinylon and nylon.
The author tried to derive experimentally
the general formulas for the creep and recovery
phenomena, and to represent quantitatively the
mechanical properties of textile fibers by the
constants in these formulas.

1. Experimental Procedure

1-1. Samples
Some characteristics of the samples used
for the experiments are shown in Table 1.
Figure 1 shows the stress-strain curves of the
The samples (except cotton) were tested
as single filaments with a 6-cm space between
holding points. In the cotton filaments, the Fig. 1 Stress-strain curves of various textile fibers
(full line : 20•Ž,60%R.K dotted line :20•Ž,85%R.K)
space between holding points was 2 cm.

Table 1 Characteristics of Samples

box K which is kept constant in temperature and humidity.

2. Experimental Results
The process of loading and unloading is
shown by the curves in Figure 3. The measured results of the creep and
recovery tests are shown by the creep and
Test conditions were constantly 20•Ž and
recovery curves in Figures 4-21. Figure 4
60% R.H.; measured loading time, 20 hours;
shows the creep curves of cotton fiber under
and measured time after unloading, five minutes
various tensile stresses. Figure 5 shows the
or 20 hours. recovery curves due to loading under various
tensile stresses before unloading.
Figures 6 and 7 show the creep and
recovery curve of wool, Figures 8, 9, 10 and
11 those of viscose rayon, Figures 12, 13 and 14

Fig. 2 Experimental apparatus for creep and

recovery test.

Fig. 4 Creep curves of cotton (20•Ž,60%R.H.)

Fig. 3 Process of loading and unloading under various tensile stresses.

those of bernberg, Figures 15, 16 and 17 those 3. Results Discussed

of acetate, Figure 18 those of vinylon, and
Figures 20 and 21 those of nylon fibers. 3-1. General Consideration
The general creep and recovery curves
shown by curves such as DABC and CA•ŒB•Œ
in Figure 22, are derivable from the curves in
Figures 4-21, In Figure 22
, total elongation
e due to constantant tensile load consists of
three types of elongation : (1) instantaneous
elongation 'b at loading time
, (2) relaxative
elongation &, which nearly follows the behavior
of Voigt's model, and (3) creep elongation F

Fig. 5 Recovery curves of cotton for various tensile

stresses before unloading (20•Ž, 60%R.K)

Time after unloading

A : Creep curve under 1.058/den of wool

A•Œ: Recovery curve of A after 24-hr loading
(50•Ž, 60%R.H.)B
: Creep curve under 0.6g/den
B•Œ. Recovery curve of B after 24-hr loading
C : Creep curve under 0.6g/den (20•Ž, 60%R.H.)
C•Œ1: Recovery curve of C after 3-rain or 1-hr
C•Œ2: Recovery curve of C after 24-hr loading

Fig. 7

Fig. 8 Creep curves under various tensile loads of

Fig. 6 Creep curves of wool under various tensile
viscose rayon (A, (20•Ž, 60%R.H.)
stresses (20•Ž, 60%R.H.)

Fig. 9 Creep curves of viscose rayon(B)

(20•Ž, 60%R.H.)
Fig. 12 Creep curves of bemberg (20•Ž, 60%R.H.)

Fig. 10 Recovery curves of viscose rayon (A)

Fig. 13 Recovery curves of bemberg
after 3-mins.•Œ loading (20•Ž, 60%R.H.)

Fig. 14 Recovery curve of bemberg after
_??_ Fig. 11 Recovery curves of viscose rayon 20-hrs.•Œ loading (20•Ž, 60%R.H.)

which is directly proportional to the logarithm 3-2. Instantaneous Elongation ƒÃb and
of duration of loading. Instantaneous Recovery Shrinkage ƒÃ•Œo
Similarly, recovery shrinkage ƒÃ•Œ due to
unloading consists of three types of recovery The relations between instantaneous

shrinkage: (1) instantaneous recovery shrink elongation ƒÃb and tensile stress ƒÐ in each fiber
age co at unloading instant, (2) relaxative are shown by the curves in Figure 23, each

recovery shrinkage c; similar to relative curve being similar to each stress-strain curve

elongation cam, and (3) creep recovery shrink of the fibers in Figure 1. E below the limit of

age 8,' which is directly proportional to the yield stress o, is directly proportional to tensile
logarithm of time after unloading. stress o, and is represented by the following

Accordingly, the following creep and formula :

recovery formulas are obtained:

Fig. 17 Recovery curves of acetate

after 20-hrs.' loading (20-•Ž, 60%R.H.)

Fig. 15 Creep curves of acetate (20•Ž, 60%R.H)

Fig. 16 Recovery curves of acetate after 3mins.•Œ

Fig. 18 Creep curves or vinylon (20•Ž, 60%R.H.)
loading (20•Ž, 60%R.H.)

where E0 is the modulus of elasticity of the

Each value of E0 is shown in Table 2.
The values of E0 obtained from creep tests
are nearly equal to the values of E,, obtained
from tensile tests under constant straining
speed 5 X 10 -4 /sec. shown in Table 2.
the following formula :
b beyond yield stress ƒÐy is represented by

where EE = (•ÝƒÐ/•ÝƒÃ), being applicable to parts

B and C of the general stress-strain curve of
fiber in Figure 24, may be denominated as the
Secondary Modulus of Elasticity.
The relations between &b, or instantaneous
recovery shrinkage &o , and tensile stress before
unloading, are shown by the curves in Figures
25, 26, 27 and 28. These relations are similar
to those in other fibers, such as wool, bemberg
and vinylon.

dotted line : Recovery curves after 3-minutes'

full line : Recovery curves after 20-hrs' loading
Fig. 21 Recovery curves of nylon

Fig. 19 Recovery curves of vinylon

after 3-min. loading (20•Ž, 60%R.H.)
Fig. 22 General creep and recovery curve

All these ƒÃ•Œ0-ƒÐ curves are nearly straight lines,

that is, ƒÃ•Œ0 is represented by the following
equation :

where E•Œ0 is the modulus of elasticity of the

fiber at the time of unloading. If we take
E0/E•Œ0 = 1/l or ƒÃ0/ƒÃb = 1/l,

where 1/l is the ratio of instantaneous recovery

shrinkage to instantaneous elongation, and 1
may then be denominated as the Recovery
Index Number of Instantaneous Elongation.
The values of 1 on each fiber, obtained
from the curves in Figures 25, 26, 27, 28, etc.,
are shown in Table 3.
The relations between the values of 1 and
Fig. 20 Creep curves of nylon (20•Ž, 60%R.H.) the duration of loading are shown by the curves

in Figure 29. Consequently, it is clear from

Figure 29. Consequently, it is clear from
Figure 29 that the values of 1 are much affected
by the kind of fiber, more or less by the -du
ration of loading, but little by the amount of

3-3. Relaxative Elongation &, and Re

laxative Recovery Shrinkage ƒÃ•Œr

: 3-min. loading
ƒÃ•Œ 02 : 20-hr. loading
Fig. 25 Relations between &b or &o and o of cotton
(20•Ž, 60%R.H.)

Fig. 23 Rerations between &b and a. in each fiber

(20•Ž, 60%R.K)

Table 2. Modulus of Elasticity E° of Fibers in gr/den.

(20•Ž, 60% R.H.)

o1 : 3mins.•Œ loadingƒÃ•Œ
o2 : 1hr.ƒÃ•Œs loading
ƒÃ•Œo3 : 20hr.•Œs loading
Fig. 26 Relations between ƒÃb or ƒÃ•Œoand a of vis
cose rayon (A) (20•Ž, 60%R.H.)

Fig. 24 General stress-strain curvers of fibers Fig. 27 Relations between ƒÃb or ƒÃ•Œoand e of acetate
(20•Ž, 60%R.H.)

Elongation E; due to constant tensile stress where Er may be denominated as the Relax
in Voigt's model are shown by the following ative Modulus of Elasticity, i.e., spring constant
formula : in Voigt's model. t is the duration of loading,
A relaxation time, and ER total relative elon
The relation between elongation E, and
loading time t in Voigt's model under constant
tensile stress is also shown by the curves in
Figure 30.

Fig. 30 Relations between s, and t in Voigts model

under constant tensile stress

If we can obtain these relaxative elongation

curves, relaxation time A may be calculated by
following formula:

: after 3-mins.' loading
: after 20-hrs.' lnading
Fig. 28 Relations between ƒÃb or &o and a of nylon

where tn is the loading time required to reach

half the total relaxative elongation ƒÃr/2.
In the creep curves in Figures 4-20, we
see on every fiber, except cotton, elongations
similar to relaxative elongation ƒÃr shown by
the cnrve AB in Figure 22 or 30.

The relations between total relaxative

elongation s, and tensile stress a in each fiber
are shown by the lines in Figure 31. From

Fig. 29 Relations between l and t in each Fiber

(20•Ž 60% R.H.)

Table 3. Values of l on Each Fiber (20•Ž, 60% R.H.)

l1, is the value of 3 minutes' loading, 12 the value of Fig. 31 Relations between ER and a in each fiber
20 hours' loading. (20•Ž, 60%R.H.)

these lines, it is clear that ƒÃR is directly pro those in Figure 22. However the amount of
total relaxative recovery shrinkage ƒÃ•ŒR is much
portional to tensile stress within certain limits
of stress near the yield point. And from the smaller than ER, as Figure 33 shows.

relation, ƒÐ/Er=ƒÃR the values of Er in each fiber If we take

can be obtained as Table 4 shows.

The relations between relaxation time 2,

which can be calculated by formula (9)•Œ

through each creep curve, and the amount of where 1/m is the ratio of relaxative recovery
stress are shown by the lines in Figure 32. It shrinkage to relaxative elongation, or where m
is also clear that the larger stress ƒÐ, the shorter may be denominated as the Recovery Index
relaxation time I, except in nylon fiber in which
A has no relation to ƒÐ. Therefore, E; is represented by the follow
ing formula :
Consequently, in creep phenomena, we

recognize the so-called Relaxative Elongation

ƒÃr, which is represented by formula (7) or (8)
and which is like the behavior of Voigt's model.
It must be noticed that the lower stress where ƒÉ•Œ is relaxation time at recovery, and t•Œ
time after unloading
limit, in which ƒÃR is produced in a short loading

time, is the stress near the yield point; and that

ER is nearly equal to elongation E, which corre

sponds to yield part A and B in the stress

- strain curve shown in Figure 24. In cotton The value of m in each fiber is shown in
Table 5.
fiber, neither relaxative elongation ƒÃr in the

creep curves nor elongation ƒÃy of the yield part

in the stress-strain curve occurs. We may con

clude, then, that relaxative elongation E, and

elongation c, of the yield part in the stress

- strain curve are the same in substance. Only

in cases where relaxative elongation ƒÃr already

exists do we see relaxative recovery shrinkage

e; similar to ƒÃ'r in recovery curves similar to

1 : 3-min. loading
2 : 20-hr. loading
Fig. 33 Relations between E R and a in each fiber

Table 5. Values of m

Fig. 32 Relations between 2 and a in each fiber

(20•Ž, 60%R.H.)

Table 4. Value of Er in each Fiber in g/den.

In Table 5, m1 and m2 are the values of in for

three-minute and 20-hour loadings, respectively.
It is clear that the longer the loading time, the
larger the value of m.

3-4. Creep Elongation and Creep Re

Table 6. Values of b _??_ and n in each
covery Shrinkage ƒÃc

Creep elongation ƒÃ•Œc, which is directly pro

portional to the logarithm of loading time t and
shown by the curves D, B and C in Figure 22,
is represented by the following formula:

where a is a constant which means the loiga

rithmic time rate of creep elongation in
%/log10 t , and denominated as Creep Co
efficient, and a is creep delayed time due to in

ertia.The relations between creep coefficient a n1 and n2 are the values cf n for loading of 3 minutes
and tensile stress a in each fiber are shown by and 20 hours, respectively.
the curves in Figures 34. From these curves
it is clear that coefficient a is directly pro The larger the stress, the shorter the creep
delayed time a due to inertia, as shown by
portional to tensile stress o within a limit of
stress such as points a, in Figure 34. Stress ƒÐe the curves in Figure 35. log t'.
may be call Creep Saturated Stress. It is in
teresting that creep saturated stress ƒÐe is nearly
equal to yield stress v, in each fiber.

Fig. 35 Relations between a and a

Fig. 34 Relations between a and a (20•Ž, 60%R.H .)

Therefore, a and ƒÃc within this stress ƒÐe are

represented by the following formulas:

where b is constant, which means elongation

per log10t under unit tensile stress g/den.
And we may denominate this constant as Creep Fig. 36 Relations between ƒ¿•Œ & a in each fiber

Constant. The values of b in each fiber are (20•Ž, 60%R.H.)

shown in Table 6.
Creep recovery shrinkage cc which is
The value of creep coefficient a beyond
directly proportional to logarithmic time after
creep saturated stress ƒÐe is nearly constant or
unloading log t•Œand shown by the curves D•ŒB•ŒC•Œ
a little larger. Consequently, the value of creep
in Figure 22, is represented, like ƒÃ•Œc, by the
constant b becomes smaller. In wool and nylon
following formula :
fibers, however, the larger the tensile stress
beyond yield stress a,, the larger the value of
creep coefficient a becomes-in a complicated
manner-with the increase of stress .. Where ƒ¿•Œ is a constant which may be de

nominatea as Creep Recovery Coefficient, formulas recovery

t•Œtime after unloading,ƒ¿•Œcreep : delayed time.
For creep :
The relations between coefficient ƒ¿•Œ for below yield stress
three minites' loading and tensile stress o be
fore unloading are shown by the curves in
Figure 36.
The curves in Figure 36 are similar to the

curves in Figure 34 showing the relations be

tween a and a in creep. However, the amounts

of a and ƒ¿•Œ for the same stress are not the

same. Consequently, ƒ¿•Œ is represented, like a,
by the following formula :

Every constant in the above formulas is affect

where b•Œ may be denominated as Creep Re ed by the degree of temperature and humidity,
covery Constant. but the author omits these relations from this

is also represented by the following formu
la :

We can deduce the following general con

clusions by summarizing the above discussions
about creep and recovery phenomena in each
where 1/n is the ratio of creep recovery shrin fiber
kage ƒÃ•Œc to creep elongation for loading of the (A) Total elongation s due to constant
same duration or after unloading, and n may tensile load of textile fibers consists of three
be denominated as Recovery Index-number for types of elongation : (1) instantaneous elonga
Creep Elongation.
tion &h, (2) relaxative elongation E, and (3)
creep elongation ƒÃb.

(B) The amount of ƒÃb, which means a

tensile strain at the loading instant, is directly

proportional to tensile stress and inversely pro

portional to the modulus of elasticity E0 of each
fiber within a limit of yield stress. ƒÃb beyond
the yield stress becomes much larger than these

(C) The behavior of relaxative elongation

ƒÃris nearly the same as the behavior of
Voigt's model and is, therefore, represented by
relaxation time. E, shows noticeably under
stress near the yield point. The amount of E
is proportional to tensile stress and inversely

proportional to the relaxative modulus of

elasticity Er within certain limits of stress near
the yield point. The greater the tensile stress,
Fig. 37 Relations between n & t
noticeably the shorter is the relaxation time
in each fiber except nylon fiber. It is noticed
Therefore, n=1 means that creeping speed also that neither relaxative elongation nor
dƒÃc/dt and creep recovery speed (dc/t•Œ) are yielding part's elongation shows in cotton fiber.
the same. And if n is 2, the time t•Œ necessary Consequently, it may be considered that c, is

for recovering creep elongation ƒÃc by unloading the same theinyielding

i as the elongation of
n the stress-strain curve.
is t2 that is, t•Œ= tn.
(D) Creep elongation c, is directly pro
The values of creep recovery index number
portional to the logarithm of the duration of
n are much affected by the kind of fiber and
loading. In other words, the spreed of creep
duration of loading, but little by the amount elongation (dƒÃc/dt) is inversely proportional to
of stress. as Figure 37 and Table 6 show. the duration of loading. The amount of E, for a
Consequently, the creep and recovery phe certain logarithmic time of loading is directly
nomena in the fibers above described may be proportional to the tensile stress within a limit
of creep-saturated stress which is nearly the
generally summarized by the following

same in amount as yield stress. The amount ă except in a few fibers.

of E, per unit logarithmic time of loading beyond (H) C reep recovery shrinkage ƒÃ'c , occurs
the creep saturated stress increases little with like creep elongation E,, that is, E, is directly
the increase of tensile stress, except in wool proportional to logarithmic time after unload
and nylon fibers. ing and to the tensile stress before unloading.
(E) The total recovery shrinkage due to The ratio of creep elongation c, tot creep re
unloading also consists of three types of covery shrinkage E, for a certain logarithmic
recovery shrinkage : (1) instantaneous recovery time of loading or after unloading is denomi
shrinkage co (2) relaxative recovery shrinkage nated as recovery index number of creep
E, and (3) creep recovery shrinkage c;. elongation n. The value of n is affected by
(F) The recovery shrinkage at unloading the duration of loading and by the kind of
instant Eo is proportional to the tensile stress fiber, but affected little by the amount of stress.
before unloading, and inversely proportional to (I) The various relations referred to
the modulus of elasticity E, at unloading. E, above may be represented by formulas relating
is nearly the same as E0 for every short loading to stress, strain and time. Consequently, we
time, but generally the longer the duration may represent quantitatively the creep and
of loading, the greater the value of E,, 1, the recovery properties of each fiber by the numeri
recovery index number of instantaneous elon cal values of these various constants in such formulas
gation which represents (E•Œ0/E0), is affected
by the duration of loading and the kind of fiber, The author thanks Dr. K. Atsugi for his
but affected little by the amount of stress. helpful advice.
(G) Relaxative recovery shrinkage E;
occurs like ƒÃr,. The ratio of total relaxative
elongation ER to total relaxative recovery shrin Literature cited
kage ƒÃ'R is denominated as recovery index
number of relaxative elongation m. The value [1] H.D.W. Smith, R. Eisenschutz; J. Text. Inst.,
of m is affected by duration of loading and Vol. 22, T 170191 (1931)
[2] H. Leaderman; Elastic and creep properties of
kind of fiber. Except in wool and nylon, the filamentous materials and other high polymer,
amount of m is much larger than other re Text. Foundation, U.S., (1943)
covery index-numbers, such as 1 and n. There [3] J. J. Press; J. Applied phys., Vol. 14, 224, (1943)
fore, it may be said that relaxative elongation [4] H. Marks, J. J. Press; Rayon Textile Monthly,
is very plastic. Relaxation time at recovery Vol. 24, 297, 339, 405 (1943)
[5] M. Feughelman; J. Text. Inst., Vol. 45, T 630,
;, is nearly 1/m of relaxation time at elongation (1954)

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