Experiment 1: Measuring The PH Value of Water

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Experiment 1 : measuring the pH value of water

1.1 Objectives

1. To determine the pH value of water sample.

1.2 Introduction

pH water can be measured using a pH meter. A pH meter is an instrument used to

measure acidity or alkalinity of a solution. pH is the unit of measure that describes the degree

of acidity or alkalinity. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 14. From 1-7 is acid while from 8-14

is alkaline. The pH 7 is neutral. There are four types of pH meter, battery-operated portable

model, line-operated laboratory model, line-operated laboratory model with digital read-out,

and portable recording model. The quantitative information provided by the pH value

expresses the degree of the activity of an acid or base in terms of hydrogen ion activity. The

pH value of a substance is directly related to the ratio of the hydrogen ion [H+] and the

hydroxyl ion [OH-] concentrations. If the H+ concentration is greater than OH-, the material

is acidic; i.e., the pH value is less than 7. If the OH- concentration is greater than H+, the

material is basic, with a pH value greater than 7. If equal amounts of H+ and OH- ions are

present, the material is neutral, with a pH of 7. Acids and bases have free hydrogen and

hydroxyl ions, respectively. The relationship between hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions in a

given solution is constant for a given set of conditions, either one can be determined by

knowing the other.

The pH meter works by using an electrical circuit that contains a glass electrode, an

external references electrode and a voltmeter that gives a measure of electrical potential in the

circuit. The glass electrode consist of a current-carrying wire that dips into a solution of

known pH. Also, A rough indication of pH can be obtained using pH papers or indicators,

which change color as the pH level varies. These indicators have limitations on their

accuracy, and can be difficult to interpret correctly in colored or murky samples.

1.3 Procedure

1. Five beaker was labelled into A,B,C,D and E.

2. Sample A,B,C,D, and E that has been prepared by lab assistant taken and poured into
the beaker A,B,C,D and E.

3. The ph meter was taken and inserted into each beaker.

4. The value of each pHaa of sample has been recorded in the table.
1.4 Result

sample pH Temperature( ºc ) Condition

A 2.24 22.1 Acidic

B 9.15 21.9 Alkaline

C 5.55 22.3 Acidic

D ( sprite) 3.14 22.4 Acidic

E(a&w) 2.67 22.3 Acidic

1.5 Dicussion

From the table of the result we conclude sample A from the experiment is in acidic

condition because the value of pH is 2.24, which is the sample contain more concentration of

hydrogen ion, H+ than concentration of hydroxyl ion, OH-. The temperature of sample A is

22.1. for sample B, the pH value that we get is 9.15, which is sample B is in the alkaline

condition. The sample contain more concentration of hydroxyl ion, OH- than the

concentration of hydrogen ion, H+. the temperature of that sample is 21.9. for sample C, the

pH value is 5.55 which is acidic condition but we can conclude that the sample is weak acidic

solution, which is hydrogen ion, H+ only partially dissolves in water. The sampale contain

more concentration of hydrogen ion, H+ than hydroxyl ion, OH-. For the sample D, we know

that sample is sprite water. The theoretical pHaa for sprite water is 3.29 and the experimental

value is 3.14. the condition of the sample is acidic which is the concentration of hydrogen

ion, H+ is more than the concentration of hydroxyl ion, OH-. Lastly, the value of sample E

which is A&W water is 2.67 which is the condition of the sample is acidic and it’s mean that

the concentration of hydrogen ion, H+ is more than the concentration of hydroxyl ion, OH-.
The error in this experiment is mybe the we don’t clean the pHaa meter properly after

used it so it might clogged with the previous solution and the value we get for the next

solution is not a fixed reading. For the solution to this error, we should clean it properly after

using it with distilled water and wiped it until it really dry before used it for the next solution.

1.6 Question and answer

1. How the value of pH of water and soil effects the enviroments ?

For the water, if the pH of water increase it will occur acidification process and make

the water more acidic. The condition of water cannot provide protection for marine

life and will effect the environment. For the soil, if the soil is too acidic, the plant

can’t absorb the nutrient from the soil properly.

1.7 Conclusion

The conclusion is, based on this experiment the solution with more concentration of

hydrogen ion, H+ is acidic with the pH range is from 0-6 while the solution with more

hydroxyl ion, OH- is alkaline with pH range is between 8-14. We can conclude that, the

most sample is in acidic condition.

1.8 References

1. https://www.google.com/search?q=ph+of+soil&rlz=1C1CHMO

2. Avanija Reddy, DMD, MPH; Don F. Norris, DMD; Stephanie ( 2016) retrieved from


3. http://soilquality.org.au/factsheets/soil-ph-south-austral

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