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Verification of Newton’s Second Law by using Atwood’s Machine

Jahrel Dane Espartero

The Atwood’s machine was utilized to verify Newton’s Second Law of Motion,
∑ 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎. At first, the friction of the pulley was determined to be 0.040 N. The
machine was balanced with 110 grams in each side. In five trials, 10-grams was
transferred to one side in each operation then was released from 0.50 meters high.
Data was gathered through a software program, Coach 6 Atwood’s machine,
connected to a free fall sensor attached to the Coach Lab II panel. Newton’s Second
Law of Motion ∑ 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎 was proved to be correct as it showed that acceleration is
proportional to the net force having the mass as a controlled variable. The experiment
also proved that mechanical energy was not conserved due to frictional force. This
frictional force contributed greatly to the percentage difference of the experimental
value and theoretical value of acceleration and velocity.

I. Introduction

Atwood’s machine is a system invented by George Atwood in 1784 originally to experiment on

mechanical laws of motion with constant acceleration and measure the value of acceleration due to gravity.
However, this experiment investigates Newton’s second law of uniform acceleration of masses.
Newton’s first law of motion states that an object or system is in equilibrium when it is at rest or moving
with constant velocity in an inertial reference frame. This object or system will only accelerate if there is
an unbalanced external force acting upon it. According to Newton’s second law of motion, this acceleration
of the object or system is directly proportional to the vector sum of the forces acting on the object and
inversely proportional to the total mass of the system.
∑ F = ma

Following this equation, acceleration is dependent on tow variable; net force and mass. In this
experiment, one variable is held constant while the other varies. The total mass is held constant while the
net force changes. This way, the recorded accelerations can be compared to the theoretical assumptions of
Newton’s Second Law.

Case 1: m2 = m1 (Equilibrium system)

Figure 1: Atwood’s machine in the case wherein

the masses on both sides of the pulley are equal.

∑F = 0

∑ F = 0 = T − m1 g
T = m1 g

∑ F = 0 = T − m2 g
T = m2 g
m1 g = m2 g

Case 2: m2 > m1

Figure 2: Atwood’s machine wherein the masses are

unequal have one side heavier than the other.

T − m1 g = m1 a

m2 g − T = m2 a

(m2 − m1 )g = (m2 + m1 ) a

(m2 − m1 )g − Ff Equation A
m2 + m1

a= Equation B

If m2 > m1 , then when m1 is released, the masses will move. This movement will change the
kinetic and gravitational potential energy of the masses. Even though the individual energies change, the
total mechanical energy of the system should stay the same if there are no non-conservative forces. The
final velocity can be determined using the following formulas:
1 Equation C
(m2 − m1 )gh − Ff h = (m2 + m1 )vf2
vf = Equation D
In the real world, Atwood’s machine can be used in elevators wherein a pulley system holds the elevator
cable and a counterweight. The objectives of this experiment are to: measure the acceleration of a given
mass when acted upon by a net force; verify Newton’s Second Law of Motion; and investigate the
conservation of mechanical energy.

II. Methodology

The apparatus used in this experiment is the Atwood’s Machine in Fig. 3. This machine is composed
two masses at the ends of a string attached to a pulley. The string has negligible mass and minimal friction.
The masses are distributed to each side of the pulley unequally so that one side is heavier than the other.
This renders the heavier mass to descend while the other ascends. The time it takes for the mass to reach
the ground is recorded through a computer software, Coach 6, which is connected to a free fall sensor. This
sensor detects time interval from when the lighter mass is release to when the heavier mass reaches the
The first part of the experiment was done to take account of the friction, a force that opposes to the
motion of an object and acts in the opposite direction of the motion, in the system. The pulley was mounted
on a metal stand and a 110-gram mass was hanged on each side of the pulley. Small masses of 5 grams or
1 gram of masses was successively added to one of the hanging weights until that corresponding side moved
down with a constant speed after given a slight push. The weight corresponding to this added mass is equal
to the force of friction.
The second part of the experiment was executed with a computer program; Coach 6 Atwood’s Machine.
This program was connected to the free fall sensor powered by the Coach Lab II measuring console. The
machine was back with 110 grams of masses in each side of the pulley. In five repeated operations, 10
grams of mass was transferred from one side of the pulley to the other in each operation. This mass then
was released from the height of 0.50 meter. The program displayed a diagram and table containing the data
of the time of falling.

Figure 3: Atwood’s machine when the lighter mass is released and

ascends while the heavier one descends 0.50 meters from the ground.
III. Results and Discussion





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Graph 1: Plotting the Net force, ∑ 𝐹 against Acceleration, 𝑎 in finding for their relationship.

The recorded data showed that as the descending mass increased and ascending mass decreased.
the net force and acceleration increased as well. The value of acceleration obtained from equation A and
equation B are different. Equation A has a greater value of acceleration than equation B. The average
percentage difference is 32.4%. The results differ because frictional force and the constant total of the
objects were neglected in equation B. The frictional force decreases acceleration while the constant total
mass increases acceleration with the increase in net force acting on the system.
The relationship between acceleration and constant total mass is directly proportional. The total
mass is the same in each operation but the individual mass on each side changes which mean that the net
force will be pulling harder on the heavier side than the lighter side. Graph 1 shows that the slope is the
ratio between the net force and acceleration. This line refers to the mass of the object which is held constant
during the entirety of the operation.
Consequently, as the descending mass increased and ascending mass decreased, the speed increased
as well. The final speed obtained from equation C and equation D are different similar to the acceleration
in table 1. Equation C has a greater value of speed than equation D. Equation D had negligence of the
frictional force and constant total mass of the objects. The frictional force decreases velocity while the
constant total mass increases velocity with the increase in net force acting on the system. The relationship
between velocity and constant total constant mass is directly proportional, as well.
With the regards to the mechanical forces, it is not conserved due to the frictional force which is
0.40 N. Friction is a non-conservative force that was experimentally determined to be present in the
Atwood’s machine. With friction, energy is lost and is probably converted to heat energy.

IV. Conclusion

In conclusion, the Atwood’s machine successfully demonstrated the principles of dynamics. It

proved that Newton’s Second Law of Motion correct. The experiment showed that the acceleration
increases as the mass differences increase with constant total mass. The heavier side pulled the lighter side
with more velocity and less time. Hence, the net force increases which also increases the acceleration. The
gathered information shows the importance of transferring the masses from one side to the other instead of
simply adding masses to one side. This enables the total mass to be constant while increasing the mass
difference. This is utilized for comparison and computation of the net force and acceleration.
The experiment was also able substantiate the relationship between the net force, mass and
acceleration. The constant total mass is directly proportional with the net force. The net force is directly
proportional with acceleration. In addition, the final velocity of the object just before it hit the ground was
calculated with the principle of the conservation of energy. The calculation was possible because the initial
energy of the system before the object was released (point A) is just equal to its final energy when it reaches
the ground (point B). In addition, with the presence of friction, it is found that the mechanical energy is not
conserved in the Atwood’s machine.
Some factors contributing to experimental errors would be the friction of the pulley, air resistance
and human error. The friction of the pulley can affect the entire system including tension force, force due
to gravity, and acceleration. The friction goes against the direction of the forces that would render the
system to have a decrease in acceleration. Air resistance can cause changes in the measurements of
acceleration which could lead to inaccurate results. Human error is another factor as the measurements were
taken using human reaction and capabilities which is not free from mistakes.

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