This Term We Will Ask Every Two Groups Work Together

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For the CNC Lab, you will be creating a part design to create using a CNC milling machine.

Write a CNC program to cut the parts for your lab project. This design CAN NOT be a wrench
or a design that has previously been used in years before.
Save your CNC program in .txt format and bring to machine shop on a thumb drive along with a
DRAWING of your design at your lab time.

This term we will ask every two groups work together.

As shown in the figure below (This photo is a demonstration, you don’t need to make such a
complex part), two groups work together: Each group design and write CNC code to make one
piece, the two pieces should fit to each other to work as two molds. However, you should allow
some space between the red circled parts. After you finished, I will put some soft materials
between them, and see if the mold works well.

You are free to design your own parts; however, you should include “line”, “circle/arch”, and
“hole”, and at least make three different heights, such as:
After you finished your parts, please give them to me, with your group number on it.

The grading will be based on your lab report (4/10), and the parts (6/10) you made. Your
classmates will grade your parts, based on your creativity, CNC code accuracy (based on the
photo of your parts). The group leaders will have 30 seconds to explain your parts to your
classmates, and your classmates will put the grade on a grading sheet.

In the program you need to use the following info:

For the part you decide to create, please make it fit within a 3"x4"x1" (LxWxH) piece of
stock. Online is the CNC code for a wrench. Notice the intro and conclusion. Online are also
the lab report requirements.

Available tools:
T01 = 1/2" drill
T02 = 1/4" drill
T03 = 1/2" end mill
T04 = 1/4" end mill

Key things to remember when writing your CNC code for the lab:

 Only use the tools given above.

 Use the bottom left point of your block as your zero point for X and Y.
 The top of the workpiece is the zero for Z axis. So, the bottom of the piece is negative Z.
 Make sure to use absolute programing (G90). That means the bottom left is always (0,0).
 DO NOT USE CUTTER COMPENSATION, you need to compensate for the radius of
the work bit on your own. So, the line that you are programing is going to be the center
of your tool.
 When using a new tool, it needs its own new set of intro code. Don't forget it needs it's
own H value too. For tool T01, use H01, for T02, use H02, and so on...
 To keep the code easier, use R (radius) instead of I and J programming.
 Part maximum dimensions are 3"x4"x1"
 Make sure all numbers have a decimal. Example: 2.0 and 0.0
 Only have one M command per line. I know the example has more but it is wrong.
 You need a % sign in the beginning and end of your code.
 In the example, the O1107 is the name of your code. You can use whatever 4 numbers
after the capital letter O.
 I would use the same 7 first lines down to N50 for your code. That is exactly how to start
up the machine, coolant, spindle, and feed rates.
 When you are using the milling tool to clear material, use a depth that is 1/3 the diameter
of the part you are using. If you are using the ½” end mill, use a max depth cut of 1/6”.
 The block of aluminum will be held on its side. Do not cut near the sides or cut all the
way through the block. Diagram of block in vice shown below.
HAAS CNC machine special requests
For G02 and G03:
I is the distance along X axis to center of circle (not to the origin)
J is the distance along Y axis to center of circle (not to the origin)
For those who cut less than a complete circle, you can use R. Example:
G02 x3.0 y4.0 R1.0 (end point is x=3, y=4, the radius is 1)

For those who cut a complete circle of 360 degrees. You can use I and J value instead of using R
value, but you do not need to specify an ending point, just program I,J to define the center of the

G02 I3.0 J4.0 (the distance between end point/start point to the center of the circle is x=3, y=4 )
One more thing, you have to do your math carefully to let your code run.
When you create the program there must be a percent sign at the beginning and end of the
program for the control unit to read the program , and save it as a text file .see example below.
Also if you are adding text it must be in brackets ( 1234 ) the controller will ignore this , also
give your program a job number and description .
G17 G40 G49 G64 G80 G99
T01 M06 (.500)
G90 G54 G00 X0 Y0
S3600 M03
G43 H01 Z0 M08
X0.0379 Y0.0243
X0.0187 Y0.0409
X0.0062 Y0.019
G00 G90 G53 Z1.
CNC lab report requirement

Put down your group number and names.

Also write down the other group’ number (don’t list their names).


What is the main objective of this lab? What did you make during the lab? Please attach your
drawing with dimensions. What are your workpiece dimensions? What kind of material did you
use? What kind of tools did you use? How do you start to write your code? (Like with cutter
compensation or not? Like use end mill to cut the outside first or drill holes first? etc.) What are
the basic G and M codes used in most of the CNC codes (G01, G02…, make a table or list, and
explain what function do they have)? Please attach your handwritten code and the pictures of
your finished part.

Procedure: Please describe the CNC operating procedures: How to set the machine? (Zero, tools,
cutting speed, feed rate, etc.)
1. What did you learn?
2. What were the problems when you debug the code? How do you fix them?
3. What kinds of problems did you encounter during the lab? How do you resolve them?
4. Any suggestions and comments for this lab?

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