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University of the Philippines Diliman

Art Studies 270 – Philippine Art and Society (Prof. Alden Lauzon)
HANZEL F. GAPAYAO | 2005-45021

Leanings on Philippine Art

I am currently working as a cultural researcher and exhibition designer at the Manila Archdiocesan
Commission on Cultural Heritage of the Church (MACC), an office dedicated in promoting the
conservation of church cultural heritage such as sacred objects, artworks, monuments, and church
structures. At the same time, I am also teaching a general education course on Art History and Aesthetics
at the De La Salle – College of St. Benilde. My undergraduate education was B.S. Development
Communication from U.P. Los Banos. For some time, I was a volunteer at the Metropolitan Museum of
Manila, The Mind Museum at Taguig, and the Cultural Center of the Philippines.

My leanings on Philippine Art would have to be on pre-colonial and colonial objects, such as gold,
potteries, sacred Christian art, woodwork, and other cultural artifacts. I find these objects as a significant
part of the our cultural system, often overlooked by art scholars. I feel the need to treat these with as much
reverence as with the fine arts. Paintings and sculptures are interesting but I feel the need to study more
about them, especially the Philippine contemporaries.

I am interested in studying Christian art in the Philippines such as retablos, ivory statues, devotional
objects, etc. Christian art is part of the large spectrum of Philippine art. It has a colorful history and a vast
breadth of objects.

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