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1. What the biggest country in the world? Where is it? What are its neighbours?
The biggest country on Earth is Russia. It is in Europe and Asia. Its neighbours countries
are Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, etc.

2. What´s the longest river in the world? In Asia? In North and South America?
In Europe?
The longest river in the world is Amazonas, the longest in Asia is The Yangtze, the longest
in North America is Missouri, the longest in South America is also the largest in the world,
the Amazon, the longest of Europa is the Volga.
3. What’s the biggest city in the world? What´s the biggest city in your country?
The largest city in the world is Tokyo-Yokohama in Japan with a 8,547 km2 area. The
biggest city in my country is Lima

4. What´s the most populous country in the world? What’s the most populous
Muslim country in the world?
The most populous country in the world is India, it surpasses China. The most populous
Muslim country is Indonesia.

5. What’s the smallest country in the world? Where is it?

The smallest country is Ciudad Vaticano. It is surrounded by the city of Rome, Italy. It has
an area of 0.44 km2
6. What’s the hardest substance on Earth? What is it used for?
The hardest substance on Earth is the Diamond. It is used in the manufacture of tools, in
medicine but especially in jewelry because it’s a very expensive mineral.

7. What´s the largest desert in the world? Where is it? What animals live here?
The largest desert in the world is the Sahara in Egypt, the animals that live there are
camels, yellow scorpions, goats, cheetah, gazelle, etc.

8. What´s the highest mountain in the world? In Europe? In South America? In

The highest mountain in the world is the Everest in Asia. In Europe is the Elbrus Montain.
In South America is the Aconcagua. The highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro.
9. What’s the biggest animal in the world? Where does it live? What does it eat?
The largest animal in the world is the blue whale. It can measure up to 30 m long and
weigh 150 tons. They move depending on the season, but generally live in the Pacific
North-East, Indian and Antarctic, also in the Atlantic and in the South Hemisphere two
others. It feeds on Krill.

10. What’s the biggest land animal? Where does it live? What does it eat?
The largest land animal in the world is the African elephant. It measures approximately 7m
long and 4m high. It feeds on bark, grass, branches and plants.

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