5LED Chaser-Potentiometer Using Arduino: Parts You Will Needs

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5LED Chaser-potentiometer using arduino

 Lightings

 Digitals

AdminDecember 24, 20160

Arduino leaning, LED Chaser

Today we will make a 5 LED Running circuit can adjust speed by

potentiometer. Which LED Chaser circuit like this We’ve created long time
ago. But today we try to use arduino. We are writing technical code “LOOP
FOR” very interesting.

Parts you will needs

First of all, we need to have parts below:
• Arduino UNO R3
• Potentiometer 100K
• Five LEDs
• Five 470 ohms resistors
• Jumper wires
• Breadboard

Secondly, see the schematic diagram as Figure 1

Figure 1 Schematic diagram

Then, assemble parts on a breadboard and cable to usb port.

Figure 2 Circuit connection
Figure 3 5LED Chaser-Potentiometer using Arduino

We use LED1-LED5 output display at D9-D13 pins. And A0 pin is used to

read analog voltage from potentiometer.

Code programming
1. int LED1 = 9;
2. int LED2 = 10;
3. int LED3 = 11;
4. int LED4 = 12;
5. int LED5 = 13;
6. int delay1;
7. void setup() {
8. pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
9. pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);
10. pinMode(LED3, OUTPUT);
11. pinMode(LED4, OUTPUT);
12. pinMode(LED5, OUTPUT);
13. pinMode(A0, INPUT);
14. pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
15. }
17. void loop() {
19. delay1 = analogRead(A0);
20. // analogWrite(9, val / 4);
21. digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);
22. digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);
23. digitalWrite(LED3, LOW);
24. digitalWrite(LED4, LOW);
25. digitalWrite(LED5, LOW);
26. delay(delay1);
27. digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);
28. digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH);
29. digitalWrite(LED3, LOW);
30. digitalWrite(LED4, LOW);
31. digitalWrite(LED5, LOW);
32. delay(delay1);
33. digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);
34. digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);
35. digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH);
36. digitalWrite(LED4, LOW);
37. digitalWrite(LED5, LOW);
38. delay(delay1);
39. digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);
40. digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);
41. digitalWrite(LED3, LOW);
42. digitalWrite(LED4, HIGH);
43. digitalWrite(LED5, LOW);
44. delay(delay1);
45. digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);
46. digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);
47. digitalWrite(LED3, LOW);
48. digitalWrite(LED4, LOW);
49. digitalWrite(LED5, HIGH);
50. delay(delay1);
51. }

Code programming

We use this circuit https://www.eleccircuit.com/3-led-running-int-code-by-

arduino/ to set 5 LEDs section. each section we define a LED LOW-HIGH as
1. Set int LED1-LED5 as pin output 9-13
2. Set “pinMode(9-13)” as output
3. Use “pinMode A0 as INPUT that read a voltage from potentiometer.
But we see that it have too many code.

We use loop FOR for shorter code. Below!

1. int delay1; // to define the variable
2. void setup()
3. {
4. for (int i = 9; i <= 13; i++)
5. {
6. pinMode(i, OUTPUT); //to define the variable as output
7. }
8. }
10. void loop()
11. {
12. delay1 = analogRead(A0); //to read voltage at (A0) pin
14. {
15. for (int i = 9; i <= 13; i++)
16. {
17. digitalWrite(i, HIGH); //to set “i” to “High”
18. delay(delay1); //to delay code as “delay1” or control speed by
19. digitalWrite(i, LOW); //to set “i” to “High”
20. }
21. }
22. }

Figure 4 Code use loop FOR function

YELLOW: The variable “i” start is “9”
BULE: Define variable “i” max to “13”
GREEN : Define step up variable “i”

It makes variable “i” is incremented by step. (9 to 13)

We will see that our code short and easy.
We test to rotate the potentiometer to adjust speed of LEDs. As Video below.

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