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Book Chapters Day

Start Reading the Bible – A Simple Plan

Genesis 1
Here’s a short Bible reading plan that will give you an understanding of 2 1
Christianity by reading 3 chapters a day, about 12 minutes for 20 days. 3
You can read more or less as you desire; simply put a tick in each numbered Deuteronomy 5
box in the column on the right as you read each chapter and the column will
visually remind you where you are up to and of your achievement. Mark 1
1. Read the first 3 chapters in the Bible, Genesis chapters 1, 2, 3. This 3
is the story of:- 4 3
• God’s creation of the world and the first people, Adam and Eve.
• Everything was beautiful and perfect at creation. 7 4
• Adam and Eve then sinned, they rebelled against God and ruined 8
everything. 9
Here we begin to understand why we need Jesus: to fix the problems of 10 5
sin and restore all things to perfection. 11
13 6
2. th
Turning to the 5 book of the Bible, read Deuteronomy chapter 5. 14
This contains The 10 Commandments (verses 7 - 21) which are repeated 15
from Exodus 20. God requires all people to obey these laws. These 16 7
commandments reveal our sins, our crimes against God. We need someone to
save us from our sins - Jesus Christ. Matthew 5
7 8
3. Now move straight to the story of Jesus in the New Testament. The New John 1
Testament (the last 25% of the Bible) begins with 4 biographies of the life of 2
Jesus. These are called gospels (good news) and were written by Matthew,
3 9
Mark, Luke and John.
• Matthew emphasises the fact that Jesus is the Jewish King and came 5
in fulfilment of all the Old Testament Scriptures. 6 10
• Mark emphasises the fact that Jesus came to serve mankind and to 7
suffer. 8
• Luke, a medical Doctor, emphasises the fact that Jesus was totally 9 11
human. 10
• John emphasises the fact that Jesus is fully God. 11
Read all 16 chapters of Mark. Mark is the shortest gospel and will 12 12
give you a good understanding of the true life of Jesus and His teachings. 13
This will also clear up many partial truths you may have learned. 14
15 13
4. Read Matthew chapters 5, 6, 7. In these chapters, Jesus teaches how life
18 14
should be lived in His Kingdom while living on earth. Jesus also corrects many
misunderstandings about God and the Old Testament. 19
21 15
5. Read the whole gospel of John. John emphasises the fact that Jesus is Romans 1
fully God. The purpose of this gospel is to encourage the reader to believe in 2
Jesus Christ and consequently gain eternal life. (see John 20:31) 3 16
6. Finally, read the book of Romans. th
This is the 6 book in the New 6 17
Testament. It’s about the problems of sin and how Jesus makes it possible to be 7
fully restored to God. Anybody (Jew or non-Jew) can become one of God’s 8
children and have a great eternal future. 9 18
Don’t try to read all this plan at once. Read a little and mark it off and think about it;
12 19
listen spiritually for God’s voice speaking to you. Finally, you will have many
questions. Please write them down and ask a good local church or email them to us
15 20
May God richly bless you as you read His Word, the Bible. 16

Monash Christian Fellowship, Melbourne, Australia. Author Pastor Bill Wheaton 2010, revised 2013

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