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Biosynthesis, Modification, And Cell Secretion Track


(Translator: Sri Hayuni)

The living cell synthesis new material for keep it still live. Some of these synthesis
products could be use directly for it cell consumption while other delivered to another cell.
Before it consumption for it cell or being exported, usually it will be modified before. The
exported of biosynthesis products to other cell called as secretion process and each of it has
their own track delivered to other specific location. All of this process (Biosynthesis,
Modification the biosynthesis product, and secretion track) arranged by nucleus material and
done with several specialized organelles. This organelles by mean comprised of:
Endoplasmic Reticulum, Ribosome, and Golgi Complex.

7.1 Endoplasmic Reticulum

7.1.1 General Characteristic of Endoplasmic Reticulum

All of the eukaryotic cells consist of endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This organelles is not static
and easy to indentify, but it is as component of dynamic membrane system, called as
cytocavitary network, comprises of mitochondria, lisosome, golgi complex and micro body
and nucleus membrane (Picture 7.1). with that system, cytoplasm divided into two
compartments; extra organelles cytoplasm (cytosol), and other surface which is facing to
lumen of it membrane system.

ER has relation with plasma membrane, and outer membrane of nuclear envelope, we cannot
find this characteristic in other organelles, however others still can make interacted whether it
directly or indirectly to the nucleus. Even though the ER has it own organelles but the
structure and function of it related and suspended to the other cytocavity network. This is
why the other topics of organelles within the cell always related to the other organelles

7.1.2 Microscopic View of ER

ER has variety function, this causes there is the diversity at morphological structure. Form the
observation with electron microscope at liver cell, founded that there are two kinds of
membrane which differentiated ER into two kinds. Membrane that has ribosome attachment
on it surfaces; so it looks rough formed Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum while membrane
which has no ribosome attachment on it surface; so it looks smooth formed Smooth
Endoplasmic Reticulum. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum also called as Granular
Endoplasmic Reticulum and Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum also called as Agranular
Endoplasmic Reticulum. (Picture 7.2)

a. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

RER has function in synthesis proteins within the cell, it synthesis proteins for cell
secretion and protein for endoplasmic reticulum component itself. From the
cytoplasm of RER viewed, we can see a lot of long curve channel which linear lining
to form lamellar.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum also functions as glycosylation provider that
performed for added glucose (glucosamine membrane and mannose) to the protein
and added disulfide for made polypeptide chain branched more.
RER contains of fat granule, this refers that there is the relation between rough
endoplasmic reticulum with smooth reticulum, they are interconnected each other in
secretion process and fat transport.

b. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)

The form of SER is tubular or vesicular like, irregularly. SER function as steroid
hormone synthesis (SER abundant in the cell that produced steroid hormone, beside
the present of lipid grain for synthesis that hormone). One of the cell which produced
steroid hormone in our body are leydig cell in testis, cortex adrenal cell and corpus
luteum in ovarioum cell. The SER commonly produces steroid in form of tubular
In liver cell, SER function for metabolize solvent materials in fat and medicine,
example barbiturate. SER in the liver cell detoxificate hazardous material so that it no
longer poisonous and make cell damage. The characteristic of this SER form in
vesicular shape. Another cell that contain SER are retina pigment cell, sebaceous
gland cell, interestial cell at testis and corpus luteum cell.

c. Endoplasmic Reticulum Structure Variation

From the structural of endoplasmic reticulum, there are three kinds of ER; Lamellar,
Vesicular, and Tubular.
Lamellar ER. We can found this structural mostly in Rough ER, consists of sac
flattening membrane. Ribosome arrangement asymmetries and form cisternae
(flattening sacs).
Vesicular ER. (Pouch shaped of ER). This is the second structure of endoplasmic
reticulum, mostly found in smooth endoplasmic reticulum. From the research using
technique in vitro (otter of the cell) it shaped as closed sac like and this form
estimated same as the origin shape within the cell (in vivo).
Tubular ER (Vessel shaped of ER). This is the third structure of endoplasmic
reticulum, mostly found in smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Probably this shaped
showed the dynamic character from ER, and it has closed relation with membrane
movement, segregate, and fusion in membrane system.
ER can be separated with centrifugation process, from this segregated way, found the
vesicular shaped of endoplasmic reticulum both from smooth and rough endoplasmic
reticulum. The ER which can be separated from this way called as microsome

d. Relation between RER and SER

There is the related function between rough ER and smooth ER. Rough ER function
in the protein synthesis and protein transport, because of it this ER function for
polisome supported beside it enzymatic function. Otherwise, smooth ER has the
function in protein synthesis and metabolized the small material also for
Morphologically, both of ER has different structure, but to be estimated that smooth
endoplasmic reticulum origin from the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In chemical
observation, using fenobarbital (chemical compound that can influenced proliferation
development), known that smooth ER form by rough ER. The real job of smooth ER
is for neutralize fenobarbital poisons (detoxification function). As the first step, it is
require some detoxification enzymes processing in rough endoplasmic reticulum. So,
rough endoplasmic reticulum must be served first at the process then turn to the
smooth one. Each of them has relation in functional. One evidence of it, founded that
there are a lot of same protein contains in both ER.

7.1.3 Composition and Structural Membrane of ER

Membrane structure of Endoplasmic reticulum. Commonly, ER membrane form a fluid

mosaic model, it is same as the model of membrane cell, the differentiated are the thickness;
ER membrane thinner than the cell membrane, the protein ratio and lipid component; ratio
between protein to lipid at ER higher than cell membrane, and the cholesterol concentrate;
ER cholesterol concentrate lower than cell membrane. Those three ER membrane’s
characteristic, make it more stable and dense comparing with the cell membrane. Also the
phospholipid fatty acid chain of ER membrane is shorter than cell membrane, it is consist of
unsaturated fat. This condition causes easier lateral movement of ER membrane than the cell
membrane. ER membrane more dynamic.

Chemical compound of Endoplasmic reticulum. In the mouse liver, microsome membrane

consists of 60-70% of protein and 30-40% of phospholida from it weigh. At the ER
membrane there are less than 33 kinds polypeptide that contain physical and chemical
characteristic each other. The phospholipid microsome consist of phosphatidilcoline 55%,
phosphatidile etanolamine 20-25%, phosphatidil serin 5-10% and spingomielin 4-7%.
Enzyme of Endoplasmic reticulum. Endoplasmic reticulum is the located for a big amount of
enzyme. Some of the enzyme list from this table.

Enzyme Location
Cytochrome Cytoplasm
NADH- cytochrome b5 reductase Cytoplasm
NADH- cytochrome c reductase Cytoplasm
Cytochrome P450 (most abundant) Cytoplasm, lumen
ATP-ase Cytoplasm
5’- nucleotidase Cytoplasm
Nucleosida pirophosphatase Cytoplasm
GDP- manosile transferasse Cytoplasm
Glucose-G-phostase Lumen
Acetanalide-hydrolizing esterase Lumen
Glucoronidase Lumen
Nucleosida disphosphatase Lumen

Glucose-G-phostase defined as the enzyme marker of endoplasmic reticulum. This enzyme

only found in endoplasmic reticulum. It function is to metabolize the carbohydrate at
endoplasmic reticulum. The most abundant enzyme in ER is Cytochrome P450, consist of
10% from microsome. This cytochrome is one of the chain part of electron transfer that
contains of NADPH. Cytochrome P450 reductase at phosphotidilcoline. These enzyme
function is for doing hydrosilated process.

7.1.4 Endoplasmic Reticulum and Biosynthesis

Endoplasmic reticulum is the centre of cell biosynthesis. All of the process to synthesis
transmembrane protein, and lipid ER membrane, golgi complex, cell membrane and other
organelles, closely related with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Otherwise, the protein
which synthesized and planned to be located in ER lumen, golgi citernae, lisosome lumen or
protein that will be secreted (exported), begin kept in endoplasmic reticulum.

Biosynthesis Phospholipid and Cholesterol. ER membrane produce almost all of lipids for
renewing or changing plasma membrane, including Phospholipids and Cholesterol. Most of
phospholipids synthesized is phosphatidilcoline called as lesitin.

Phosphadilcoline (PC) made up from the glyserol phosphate and coline in three steps. All the
materials start located in the cytosol, by the present of molecule movement called as fliphase
of ER membrane, the PC will moved to the side of ER luminal. As the note, PC is one of the
materials which easy to moved from cytosol to the luminal side of ER, while
phosphatidilserine (PS), phosphatidil ethanol amine (PE) and phosphatidil inositol (PI) stay at
the side of ER cytosilic. ER also reproduced cholesterol and seramida. Seramida carried to
the golgi, it converted into precursor glicofingolipida and spingomieline. Both of this lipida
molecule made up in the golgi complex. Because the enzyme that acts as the catalyst located
at the golgi complex lumen, so both of these lipid never being located in cytosol or in the
plasma membrane which lead to the cytosol side. Cholesterol synthesis from acetate acid
occurs in ER membrane, cholesterol converted become bile acid and steroid hormone
actually are the process of hydrosilate which involved oxygen, NADPH and cytochrome
P450. As revealed before, smooth ER abundant on the cells which secreted steroid hormone.
From the ER membrane, cholesterol carried to the inner membrane of mitochondria, to be
converted become pregnenolon which is as the precursor of steroid hormone. The
pregnenolon then carried back to the endoplasmic reticulum. From this, by the help of the
enzyme which located in the ER membrane, it changes become steroid.

As estimated before, ER area without attachment of ribosome called as smooth endoplasmic

reticulum. Most of the cell has less amount of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. As the
replacement of it, there is the terrestrial area, between rough endoplasmic reticulum and
smooth endoplasmic reticulum. This area called as the transition area, from this condition
vesicular endoplasmic reticulum present. In some specific cell, there are a lot of smooth
endoplasmic reticulum, it has the specific function also. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
mainly presents in the cell that play roles in lipid metabolic such as leydig cell in interstisial
testis tissue. Hepatosite is the main location for lipoprotein produce, the enzyme that involves
in this process located in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Moreover at the smooth
endoplasmic reticulum also contains detoxification enzyme. This enzyme involves of P450
cytochrome. The poisons substance can be converted into unpoisons substance. This
detoxification converted mostly present in liver, kidney, lungs and skins. Inside of the
endoplasmic membrane, poisons which is soluble in lipida unactivated by some reactions,
usually oxidation reaction. This reaction requires oxygen and NADPH with the help of
catalysator NADPH-Cytochrome, P540-reductase and cytochrome P450. The result of this
reaction is the compound which soluble in water so that it easier discarded from the cell. In
the detoxification process smooth endoplasmic reticulum evolving more than the rough one.

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