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Lord of Fimbulwinter

Revenge of Ymir

Introduction: A primeval titan, caged in ethereal flames at the dawn of time by the
King of Giants, seeks his freedom. Should he succeed, the whole of the Forgotten
Realms will be plunged into a terrible and unending age of ice and snow.

An adventure for 15th-level characters.

by Benjamin Reece
Editor: Brandi Reece

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Lord of Fimbulwinter
A primeval titan, caged since the dawn of time Fimbulwinter
by the King of Giants, seeks his freedom.
Should he succeed, the whole of the Forgotten Legends tell of a doom called Fimbulwinter,
Realms will be plunged into a terrible and when a howling gale would rush down from the
unending age of ice and snow. north and cover all the lands in ice and snow.
"LORD OF FIMBULWINTER" is a When this happens, wolves and beasts would
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adventure suitable roam free, and all those who were deemed
for four to six 15th-level adventurers. It can be
woven into a larger campaign, or be used as a was done, a great king known only as the Might
stand-alone adventure. of Winter would rule for ever more.

Adventure Background
Many years after the death of Ulutiu, the broke the chains that bound Ymir. The titan
betrayer of giant-kind, a being known as Ymir was able to reach out to the mind of a
arose from the thickest part of Skyflame dwarf named Orlog, promising great
the Great Glacier. He was of the size and shape power if the dwarf bound himself to the will of
of a frost giant, and many took him to be a Ymir.
long-lost son of Ottar, father of the frost giants. After months of whispers, Orlog
Ymir refused to adhere to the ordning, the surrendered. Ymir gifted the dwarf with a
traditional system of giant social order. He said portion of the power of the Frozen Heart. Orlog
the giants should reclaim the lands that they took the name Rimeheart, and struck against
had lost during the war with the dragons. Only the Skyflame elders. As other dwarves joined
Hunor, the storm giant king, suspected that his cause and submitted to the power of the
Ymir held darker secrets in his heart. Frozen Heart, Ymir gave the rebellious dwarves
Hunor challenged Ymir to a duel for splinters of his power.
disregarding the ordning and for his suspicions The elite of the Skyflame descended on the
that Ymir was not a true giant. In the heat of homes of Rimeheart and his followers to put
battle, Ymir let slip his true intentions: to bury an end to his rebellion. Ymir had warned
the giant kingdom of Ostoria beneath the Great Rimeheart, and what was to be a quick and
Glacier. Ymir had inherited from his father decisive purge turned into a bloody battle.
Ulutiu an amulet known as the Frozen Heart, Rimeheart and his forces fought a retreat out
which had created the Great Glacier. It was into the snows of the Ice Spires, where they set
only by the intervention of Kabad, king of the up camp in
fire-giants, that Ymir was finally brought to prison.
heel. Cult of Rimeheart
Hunor imprisoned Ymir with a spell that drew
its strength from the very ordning Ymir had Rimeheart is grown confident that his forces
are capable of destroying the Skyflame
fire which eventually became known as the dwarves and freeing his master once and for
Northern Flames for their position near the all. He has cut off the caravans from the
Great Glacier. Kabad took up a lonely vigil over Citadel of the Northern Flame that bring
supplies to the elite Flamewardens that watch
mountain and recruiting dwarves to his side to , and is readying his forces
help him keep watch over the caged titan. to destroy the citadel once and for all.
These dwarves called themselves the Skyflame
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Overview Adventure Hooks
The adventure begins with the characters in a Characters can be brought into this adventure
small dwarven outpost north of Citadel Adbar. in many ways, although the focus should be
Soon after the characters arrive, a beaten and on the omen of the faltering Northern Lights.
bloody azer collapses on the steps of their Here are a few suggestions to get the
waystation, chased by a pack of characters invested in the adventure, although
raiders. you are welcome to use your own.
Once the raiders are defeated, the azer tells • Farseer Haldin, a diviner in the halls of Citadel
the PCs of the legend of Fimbulwinter, and of Adbar, has had visions of a terrible wind
the grave situation in the Citadel of the sweeping down from the Great Glacier and
Northern Flame. He begs the PCs travel to the covering all of Faerun in a sheet of ice.
Citadel and help Kabad the Chained King put Fearing that the legends of Fimbulwinter are
coming true, Haldin requests the characters
a stop to the rebellion and their
travel north from Citadel Adbar into Hartsvale
plans to bring about FImbulwinter to see if they can discover the meaning
The characters make their way to the behind his omens.
Citadel, fending off attacks from • Captain of the Giant Watch of Citadel Adbar
raiders along the way. When they reach the Harrolf Stonejaw has received word that the
Chained King, the giant explains to them the Northern Flames are failing, a sure sign of
imminent trouble from the giants of
truth behind the Northern Flames and the Hartsvale. While he does not entirely believe
terrible entity they hold in check. Just after the legends of Fimbulwinter, he is concerned
the characters have begun their audience with about any giant activity, and so hires the PCs
the Chained King, Rimeheart launches his to investigate into Hartsvale and discover
what is happening to the Northern Flames.
assault on the Citadel.
Once the characters have defeated
Ri , the Chained King
lends the PCs the use of Flamewarden airships
to chase down Rimeheart and put an end to
the threat posed by his cult.

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Chapter 1: Northwatch
The hamlet of Northwatch clings to the
h, even
northern feet of the Ice Mountains. It is
though it is clear he is nearly dead from exposure to
connected to the dwarven stronghold Citadel
the cold. In his delirium, he only mutters a few
Adbar by a narrow tunnel, used only rarely by
words in an archaic dialect of Dwarven, accented in
changes of the guard and occasional resupply
wagons. Assignments in Northwatch last years,
not hours or days, and the residents eke what
little life from the soil that is available rather
than rely wholly on the supplies from Citadel jewelry it wears is made from expertly-shaped
Adbar. One enterprising dwarf realized that gold, platinum, and mithril. A character that
Northwatch was without a ready supply of succeeds a DC 15 Intelligence check can
intoxicants and promptly established the only
tavern in Northwatch. The Heated Mug tavern 5000 gp.
instantly became a favorite of the Northwatch The azer can be brought back to some
with its ever-burning hearth and spiced ale degree of health through the use of magic, but
served in piping hot mugs. is suffering from 4 levels of exhaustion. When
The tunnel from Citadel Adbar deposits the treated, he asks the players to come north
characters in the main guard post of with him and deliver a warning to a being he
Northwatch. When the characters emerge, the calls the Chained King. He says that his
brilliant stars in the skies outside indicate that people are the first and only bastion against
night has fallen. The captain of Northwatch, a the doom of Fimbulwinter, and that they are in
rugged dwarf with a knee-length braided beard danger of being destroyed by traitors and
by the name of Torvug Grimbeard (LG dwarf monsters. You can relay the information
veteran), greets the characters and welcomes
introduction to a character who presses the
them to Northwatch. He is willing to assist the
azer for more information, or if the character
characters in any way he can, but the supplies
succeeds a DC 25 Intelligence (History) check.
here are meager and he is unwilling to spare
If the characters need more incentive, the
any dwarves from their vigil. In the meantime,
azer will speak of rivers of gold and precious
Torvug offers to set up the characters with two
metals that his master controls, indicating to
rooms at the Heated Mug so they can
his own jewelry as an example.
recuperate from their journey and plan their
expedition north. Raiding Party
The Last Flamewarden After a few minutes of conversing, read or
summarize the following boxed text as the
A few hours after the characters arrive, the
door of the Heated Mug shakes with a muffled
thump. A weak voice calls out for help in
A frigid blast of wind snakes through the cracks of
Dwarvish. When the door is opened, a dwarf
with strange reddish-brown skin and flaming
. This blast of cold is
hair collapses inside. Characters that succeed a
clearly the last straw for his battered body, and he
DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check recognize the
collapses in a stupor.
dwarf as an azer. Read or summarize the

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In the silence that follows, it is easy to hear • The Chained King is the mystical protector
shouts and heavy footsteps echoing through and leader of a group of dwarves, calling
themselves the Skyflame Clan, living in a
the tiny village. From the windows of the
mountain far to the north.
Heated Mug, characters can see helmeted
• The Chained King directs Korrick and the
heads cutting through the icy fog. dwarves of his clan to maintain a magical
Soon, six figures step into the cleared structure they call the Northern Flames. The
cobblestone square in front of the Heated Mug: dwarves of the Skyflame clan believe the
four dwarves with a frosty pallor, two of which Northern Flames to be crucial to preventing
Fimbulwinter. Those who tend to the Northern
are riding massive white wolves.
Flames call themselves Flamewardens.
• Korrick is a member of the Inner Flame, a holy
The figure that stands before the tavern is order within the Skyflame clan that deal
unnerving in its stillness, as if carved from a block directly with the Chained King and serve as
of ice. Its skin and eyes are a pale, milky blue. the leadership of Skyflame Clan. Korrick
himself has never seen the Chained King,
When it speaks and breathes, it freezes the already-
serving primarily as a Flamewarden.
cold air in shimmering clouds.
• The Skyflame dwarves have also been under
- attack by a sudden influx of monsters and ice
only seek the one who has wronged dwarves under the leadership of a mysterious
us. Deliver him to us, and you will be spared the figure known only as the Rimeheart.
doom of Fimbulwinter
Korrick will not provide any more
information about the Chained King and the
The leader of the raiding party, one of two
Skyflame Clan.
Chosen of Ymir, has no intention of leaving Korrick once again appeals to any sense of
anyone in Northwatch alive. He orders his honor that he senses in the characters to
forces to destroy the tavern and freeze all the persuade them to come with him. If the
occupants if delayed for too long. If the characters are reluctant or mercenarily
characters are not already awake when the inclined, Korrick promises them that the
raiding party arrives, they are woken when the
champion speaks. wagon of gold and jewels as a reward for
The raiding party consists of two Rimeheart preventing a frigid apocalypse.
warriors, each riding two winter wolves, and If Korrick is not alive in the morning, Torvug
2 Chosen of Ymir. They fight to the death. Grimbeard will do his best to answer any
questions the characters have. He knows
Developments nothing about the Chained King or the
Defeating the raiding party earns the Skyflame clan other than the occasional
characters respect in the eyes of Torvug sighting of a red-skinned dwarf. Torvug
Grimbeard, and he or any of the dwarves
under his command will answer questions tracks back north into Hartsvale and discover
about Fimbulwinter as best he can, relating the cause of the recent disturbances.

in the introduction of this module.

In the morning, if the azer is still alive, he
introduces himself as Korrick Flamewarden.
Characters that wish to pry more information
out of Korrick can do so with successful
Charisma (Persuasion) or (Intimidation) DC
25. Characters who succeed learn the
following information in order:

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Chapter 2: Against the Coming Storm
The Citadel of the Northern Flame is a three- Fimbulwinter Approaches
day journey from Northwatch under the best
Every four hours after Korrick arrives in
conditions. However, the increasing portents of
Northwatch, the temperature drops by 10
doom mean that either Korrick or Torvug will
degrees. When the temperature reaches -40
encourage the party to travel without rest so
degrees, the ambient climate becomes that of
they can stop Fimbulwinter. Korrick will insist
Fimbulwinter Cold (described below).
that the party travels with all speed,
emphasizing the immediate threat of Harstvale Encounters
Fimbulwinter. He will leave the party behind if
they stop to rest. In addition to the cold weather, the forces of
the Frozen Heart assault the characters as
If the characters have kept the azer Korrick
they move. Every two hours the characters are
alive, he can guide them along the nearly-
in Hartsvale, you can roll on the Hartsvale
nonexistent paths to the Citadel. Without
Encounters table, or choose an appropriate
Korrick, the best the characters have are vague
encounter. Add 1 to the result of the roll for
directions from Torvug Grimbeard that the
every six hours that pass after Korrick arrives
k of the Ice
in Northwatch.
No matter their guide, the path leads the Hartsvale Encounters
characters first along the Spire Flow, north into d8 + d12 Encounter
the Ice Spires, east past Lake Fiefs, and into 2 No encounter
the frozen crags of the Ice Spires proper. 3 Polar bear foraging for food
If the characters have Korrick to guide them, 4 Reindeer Herd
they are in no danger of losing their way. 5 Clear Weather (1d2 + 1 hours)
Without the azer, the characters must succeed 6 Mammoth Herd
a DC 20 Wisdom (Survival) check for every 4 7 Clear Weather (1d2 hours)
8 Remorhaz
hours of travel to avoid becoming lost.
9-10 Frost Giant Bear Hunters
11-12 1 frost giant and 2 wyverns
Winter in Hartsvale 13 Whiteout (1d3 hours)
Travel in the frigid land of Hartsvale is cold and 14 1 Chosen of Ymir and 1d3+1
brutal. Characters are always subject to the Rimeheart warriors
rules for Extreme Cold, described on page 110 15 1 abominable yeti & 1d3 yetis
16 Fimbulwinter Cold (1d3 hours)
17 Avalanche
reprinted below for ease of use.
18 2 frost giants
Extreme Cold 19 Fimbulwinter Cold (1d3 + 1 hours)
20 Champion of Ymir and 1 frost giant
Whenever the temperature is at or below 0 degrees
21 3 Chosen of Ymir, 2 yeti, and 1
Fahrenheit, a creature exposed to the cold must
succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at frost giant
the end of each hour or gain one level of 22 Fimbulwinter Cold (2d4 + 2 hours)
exhaustion. Creatures with resistance or immunity 23 1 frost giant, 3 (1d4 +1) frost heart
to cold damage automatically succeed on the saving bears, and 2 (1d4) wyverns
throw, as do creatures wearing cold weather gear 24 1 Champion of Ymir, 2 (1d4) frost
(thick coats, gloves, and the like) and creatures giants, and 1 remorhaz
naturally adapted to cold climates. 25 Fimbulwinter Cold (3d4 + 3 hours)
26+ Roll twice, ignoring any further
results of 26
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Attracting Attention should involve a number of successful Wisdom
Every time the characters fight the forces of the (Animal Handling) checks of an appropriately
Frozen Heart, the sound of battle attracts difficult DC.
reinforcements. When the characters encounter
the forces of the Frozen Heart, roll for or choose Frost Giant Bear Hunters
another encounter that includes more Frozen
Heart forces. These creatures arrive in 3 (1d6) A frost giant and 1d4 polar bears are out
rounds. hunting for meat and treasure. If there are 4
There is a 50% chance the first reinforcements
will attract additional reinforcements. Roll on the polar bears, one of them is a frost heart bear.
Hartsvale Encounterrs table again, ignoring any The frost giant has bonded with his bears; he
results that are not Frozen Heart forces. These focuses his attacks first on any spellcasters he
forces arrive within 5 (1d10) minutes of the notices, and second on any character that kills
original encounter.
a bear.
There is a 25% chance the second wave of
reinforcements will attract additional enemies. Elk Herd
Roll on the Hartsvale Encounters table again,
ignoring any results that are not Frozen Heart The characters come across a large herd (3d6
forces. These forces arrive within 30 (1d10 x 6) + 6) of elk, led by a majestic stag of massive
minutes of the original encounter.
proportions (use the stats of a giant elk).
Clear Weather Typically, the party will encounter a herd
either grazing or roaming (50% chance for
For a few hours, the miserable weather of
each case). If the elk are roaming, the
Hartsvale abates. The temperature rises above
characters are in danger of being swept up in
0 degrees Fahrenheit for the duration of this
their stampede. Characters who stay in the
period of calm weather, meaning that the
path of the stampeding elk must succeed three
characters are not subject to the effects of
DC 15 Dexterity saving throws or take 8 (2d4 +
Extreme Cold.
3) points of bludgeoning damage for each
In addition, the swirling clouds and snow
failed save. Characters that succeed instead
recede, allowing the characters to navigate
take half damage.
without needing a Wisdom (Survival) check to
get lost. Fimbulwinter Cold
Mammoth Herd With the imminent arrival of Fimbulwinter, the
effects of the winter weather worsen.
The characters spot a herd of mammoths in
the distance. The herd is composed of 1d4 + 1 Fimbulwinter Cold
mammoths, including 1 bull mammoth with When exposed to the supernatural cold of
150 hp. Fimbulwinter, a creature must succeed a DC 15
The mammoths are grazing, and are not Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour
hostile. If a character approaches to within 100 or gain one level of exhaustion. Creatures with
feet of the herd, the bull will bellow a challenge. resistance to cold damage, and creatures wearing
If the character continues to approach the cold weather gear have advantage on the saving
herd, the bull will charge as soon as they are throw. Creatures with immunity to cold damage
automatically succeed on the saving throw.
within 40 feet. 1-2 other mammoths will join
the bull, but if the bull is slain, the entire herd Characters without magical means of taking
flees. shelter from the cold can spend an hour
A character that succeeds a DC 20 Wisdom searching for flammable material. At the end of
(Animal Handling) check before the bull charges the hour, characters that succeed a DC 20
can mollify the creature. Convincing the bull to Wisdom (Survival) check find enough material
do anything other than stubbornly protect its to make a bonfire and shelter capable of
herd is an exercise for the DM to determine, but keeping back the cold for 4 hours.

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Continue generating encounters every two Under optimum conditions (no other loud
hours that Fimbulwinter Cold persists. When noises occurring), a character who makes a DC
15 Wisdom (Perception) check can hear the
you roll on the Hartsvale Encounters table avalanche or landslide when it is 1500 feet away.
during a period of Fimbulwinter Cold, roll twice
and take the highest result. Avalanche Characteristics
Avalanches of snow and ice advance at a speed
Breath of Ymir of 500 feet per round. An avalanche consists of
If the temperature has dropped to -40 degrees, two distinct areas: the bury zone (in the direct
and the next encounter is Fimbulwinter Cold, path of the falling debris) and the slide zone
(the area the debris spreads out to encompass).
the characters are instead subjected to a blast The bury zone in the center of the avalanche is
of supercooled air. h.
All characters must succeed a DC 19 The typical avalanche has a width of 350 feet,
Constitution saving throw or take 22 (4d10) from one edge of the slide zone to the opposite
cold damage and gain a level of exhaustion. edge. To determine the precise location of
characters in the path of an avalanche, roll
Characters that succeed the saving throw take
1d6×20; the result is the number of feet from
half damage and do not gain a level of the center of the path taken by the bury zone to
exhaustion. the center of the party s location.
Whiteout Caught in an Avalanche
Characters in the bury zone are automatically
The wind and snow pick up to a howling
buried in 10 feet of snow and must succeed on a
intensity, reducing the visibility of the DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6)
characters. Ranged weapon attacks and points of bludgeoning damage on a failed save,
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on or half as much on a successful one. Characters
hearing and sight have disadvantage. The in the slide zone must succeed a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) points of damage
conditions extinguish open flames, disperse
on a failed save, or none on a successful save.
fog effects, and makes flying by nonmagical Characters in the slide zone are buried in 5 feet
means impossible. A creature flying by magical of snow if they fail their save.
means must still land at the end of its turn or A character that is buried is restrained and
fall. immediately begins suffocating (see the
suffocating rules in the ).
Everything within 10 feet of a character is
lightly obscured, and everything beyond 10 Breaking Free
feet is heavily obscured. In addition, Wisdom d can dig out their
(Survival) checks to avoid becoming lost are friends. In 1 minute, a character can clear snow
made with disadvantage, and a new one must with their hands equal to five times their
maximum carry capacity. The amount of snow
be made every 30 minutes.
that fills a 5-foot-by-5-foot area weighs 500 lbs.
Avalanche A character can clear snow twice as quickly with
a shovel as by hand. A buried character that
The terror of all who scratch out a living on succeeds a DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check can
the mountain slopes, an avalanche can arrive to free themselves of 5 feet of snow.
almost without warning and run down even
the most fleet of potential victims. The Journey North
At specific points along the journey, the
Detecting an Avalanche
An avalanche can be spotted from as far away characters will face head-on the forces of the
as 2500 feet downslope by a character who Frozen Heart. These creatures and opponents
makes a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. If all are single-minded in the destruction of their
characters fail their Wisdom (Perception) enemies, and cannot be reasoned with or
checks, the avalanche moves 500 feet closer to intimidated into revealing the plans of the cult.
them, and they automatically become aware of
it when it closes to half the original distance.

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River Crossing A character that falls prone on slippery ice at
the edge of the river must succeed a DC 15
The first time the characters attempt to cross Dexterity saving throw or fall in the river.
the Spire Flow, they are accosted by the A character can intentionally break a patch of
thin ice by succeeding a DC 20 Strength check
second group of Frost Heart followers sent to
or by dealing it at least 20 points of damage.
destroy Korrick and any reinforcements he
may be bringing. This group consists of one Tactics
frost giant, one Chosen of Ymir, two The forces of the Frozen Heart stay on the other
bank of the river and match the movement of
Rimeheart warriors, and two polar bears.
the characters as they look for the best place to
Dangerous Ice cross. As they wait, the frost giant will pelt the
party with boulders. Only when the party begins
While the Spire Flow is frozen, it is not reliable
making its way across the river do the Frost
footing. The indicated areas on the map denote
Heart forces move to engage in melee.
areas of thin ice, as described in the Dungeon
The Frost Heart forces instinctively know the
on page 111 and reprinted below
location of the areas of thin ice, and avoid them.
for ease of use.
If they can push characters into the water, they
do so.
Thin Ice In addition, the frost giant and the Chosen of
Thin ice has a weight tolerance of 3d10 x 10 pounds Ymir are capable of easily smashing the ice, and
per 10-foot-square area. Whenever the total weight take advantage of that ability to redirect the
on an area of thin ice exceeds its tolerance, the ice characters or drop them into the ice.
in that area breaks. All creatures on broken ice fall
Climbing the Mountain
Characters within 10 feet of a patch of thin ice As the party approaches the Citadel of the
can detect it if they succeed a DC 20 Wisdom Northern Flame, keen-eyed characters might
(Perception) check, or if their passive notice that small bands of creatures are
Perception is 20 or higher.
roaming all over the slopes. The Cult of the
On their turn, a character in the water may
use their action to make a DC 15 Strength Frozen Heart are searching for ways into the
(Athletics) check to swim 10 feet upstream, 15 subterranean citadel, and are intent on
feet cross-stream, or 30 feet downstream. keeping any relief for the dwarves at bay. In
Creatures and characters wearing heavy armor addition to the Hartsvale Encounters that
have disadvantage on this check.
occur, roll a Wisdom (Perception) check every
Creatures that end their turn in the water
must succeed a DC 15 Strength saving throw or hour the characters are on the mountain,
be pulled 15 feet downstream. Creatures and using a +3 bonus. If any of the characters are
characters wearing heavy armor have spotted, they are accosted by additional
disadvantage on this saving throw. Frozen Heart forces; use appropriate
A character that is adjacent to solid ice may
encounters from the Hartsvale Encounters
use their action to pull themselves up onto the
surface with a successful DC 15 Strength table as an example.
(Athletics) check. A failed check means that not To reach the Citadel, the characters must
only do they remain in the water, but the ice first find the disguised pathway up the
they attempted to climb onto becomes slippery, mountain with a successful DC 25 Intelligence
as described in the on
(Investigation) check. If the characters are
page 110 and reprinted below for ease of use.
accompanied by Korrick, he is able to lead
Slippery Ice them along the path without any searching.
Slippery ice is difficult terrain. When a creature If the characters are unable to find the path,
moves onto slippery ice for the first time on a turn, they can attempt again after an hour of
it must succeed a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) searching and climbing. After the path has
check or fall prone. been found, it takes 4 hours to climb to the
entrance of the Citadel.

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Rohrhead Camp Any characters still in the open after the
avalanches come down are targeted by the
Halfway along the path up the mountain is a Rimehearts, who close in for the kill, and by the
base camp, useful for caravans when pack frost giants, who use their boulders. Each giant
has three boulders. Only when the Rimehearts
animals need to rest and recuperate during
are slain, or they run out of boulders, do the
the climb. It is little more than bare stabling, a frost giants wade into combat.
storehouse, and a small, thick-walled building
that serves as makeshift bar and common Breaking the Siege
resting area. The buildings are carved into the In the time it takes the characters to climb the
ridges of the mountain, around a small square mountain, the forces of the Frozen Heart find
formed from a gap in the trail where the path the entrance to the Citadel of Northern Flame
expands to about 40 feet wide. and begin a siege of the subterranean fortress.
If the characters are accompanied by A frost giant uses a massive tree trunk to
Korrick, he expresses relief at the prospect of
batter the stone doors, while a Champion of
reaching the camp, and suggests that it is the
Ymir stands guard.
best place to spend the night if the characters
are in need of rest. Tactics
As soon as the Champion notices intruders, he
Ambush! angrily calls for his fellow giant to join him, then
Unfortunately for the party, Rohrhead Camp has blows his horn to summon reinforcements. The
fallen into the hands of the Frostheart forces. horn, combined with the loud, repeated sounds
Three Rimeheart warriors lay in wait in the of the ram, mean that reinforcements are not
buildings, and two frost giants hide in the far off.
snowdrifts 120 feet above the camp. The Refer to the Siege Reinforcements table to
characters can detect the ambush coming in a determine what reinforcements arrive and
few ways: when. All reinforcements arrive on initiative
• Characters at the entrance of the camp who count 20 of the listed round, then roll initiative
succeed a DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) check and act as normal on that initiative.
notice figures crouched in the shadows of the Siege Reinforcements
buildings behind nearly-closed shutters.
Round Creatures
• Characters entering the camp that succeed a
DC 30 Wisdom (Perception) check notice the 1 None
sunlight glinting off metal high up in the 2 1 wyvern
slopes above. 3 None
• Characters who are in the center of the camp 4 2 yetis
and succeed a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) 5 1d3 + 1 Rimeheart warriors
check catch a glimpse of a figure behind a 6 None
shuttered window putting a horn to its lips. 7 1 frost heart bear
The Rimehearts wait until characters reach the 8 1 Chosen of Ymir and 2 Rimeheart
center of the square, then blow hunting horns warrirors
to signal the giants. If a character skirts the
9 1 frost giant
edge of the square and reaches one of the
doors, that Rimeheart will blow their horn
anyway. If the characters remain outside after the ninth
round, continue reinforcing again from the start
Tactics of the table.
When the Rimehearts signal, the frost giants The first frost giant, the one using the ram,
above smash hidden supports and shove the does not have the same actions of a normal
massive drifts near them, causing miniature frost giant, instead gaining the ones listed
avalanches that collapse into the camp. These below:
avalanches are only 50 feet wide; wide enough
to bury most of the camp and the paths leading
up to and away from it, but not enough to
completely cover the camp.
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Actions Medium creature to push through, and four
Smash. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 consecutive successes are enough to allow a
Large creature through. Similar numbers of
feet, one target. Hit: 38 (5d12 + 6) bludgeoning
successful Strength (Athletics) checks from the
inside are required to close the doors the same
Sweep. The giant swings the massive tree trunk
in a 20 foot cone. Each creature in the area must
If two Medium creatures are pushing from the
make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 25
same side of a door, they make Strength
(3d12 +6) bludgeoning damage, or half as much
(Athletics) checks normally if they are pushing
on a successful save. Creatures who fail the
against a single Large creature or two other
saving throw are also knocked prone and
Medium creatures. A single Large creature or
pushed to the nearest edge of the cone.
two Medium creatures has advantage on the
Refuge Strength (Athletics) checks when opposing a
single Medium creature.
After two rounds of combat outside their gates,
Medium creatures can double up on a door
the dwarves of the Citadel realize that their
(that is, if two Medium creatures push a single
would-be rescuers might need some help of
door and two more Medium creatures brace the
their own. Characters who succeed a DC 20
first two). If they do, the two creatures pushing
Wisdom (Perception) check, or characters
the door get advantage on their Strength
whose passive Perception scores are 20 or
(Athletics) check.
higher, notice a small opening in the giant stone
A giant or other Large creature that uses the
doors. Behind the door, a dwarven figure makes
ram has advantage on its Strength (Athletics)
a silencing gesture, then motions for the
characters to come inside the mountain
A creature that pushes a door unopposed
automatically succeeds on its Strength
Characters can attempt to slip into the door
(Athletics) check.
unnoticed by making a Dexterity (Stealth) check
The doors start just barely ajar (each would
opposed by the Wisdom (Perception) checks of
require three successful Strength (Athletics)
any existing enemies. If the number of
checks to open completely). If a door is in the
characters is equal to or less than the number
fully-closed position, a creature can use its
of enemies present, the enemies gain
action to place a brace or bar, preventing any
advantage on their Wisdom (Perception) checks.
further movement of that door.
The last character on the field cannot leave

Hold the Door

Once the forces of the Frozen Heart realize that
the characters are trying to escape, they focus
more on seizing the breach and widening it. The
dwarves of the Citadel, meanwhile, will only
allow characters into the Citadel if they have
not been discovered; once the ruse is up, they
attempt to seal the door.
Characters who succeed a DC 20 Charisma
(Persuasion) check can convince the dwarves to
let the rest of the party in, but then they must
contend with keeping the door held fast against
the giants and monsters of the Frozen Heart.
The 10-foot wide doors of the Citadel each
allow enough space for one Large creature or
two Medium creatures to push. Each side of the
door must make opposed Strength (Athletics)
checks in order to make progress. Two
consecutive successes from the outside are
enough to push the door wide enough for a

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Chapter 3: Citadel of the Northern Flame
The dwarves of the Citadel of Northern Flame Once the Chained King has learned all he
are wary of the outsiders, even more so if believes the characters know, he starts pressing
Korrick is not with them. The characters are them to help stop Ymir and the coming of
the first people that have ever been allowed Fimbulwinter. He emphasizes the dire nature of
inside the Citadel, so the dwarves are cautious the threat to motivate the players, and is
when dealing with the party. incensed if they are reluctant or refuse. If the
If Korrick is with the party, he uses his
authority as an azer and a member of the of riches, or if they repeatedly refuse, the
ruling caste within the Skyflame Clan to remove Chained King will dismissively and angrily offer
barriers and silence objections as he takes the a substantial bounty of gold, jewels, or magical
party to an audience with the high priests and, items to entice the characters to save the world.
eventually, the Chained King himself. If Korrick Refer to the sidebar: Chained King Rewards if
has died, the party will eventually be put in a the characters ask for specifics.
holding cell to wait for the azers to deliberate.
Characters that display hostility towards the Chained King Rewards
dwarves are relieved of their weapons and gear. The Chained King will offer three distinct rewards:
• A lump sum of 20,000 GP, cast into bars for ease
The Chained King Speaks of transport and sale.
Eventually, the Chained King demands an • A lump sum of 10,000 GP, cast into bars; AND a
audience with the characters, either because of choice between the contents of two of six silver
interrogate the outsiders that have arrived so • A lump sum of 10,000 GP, cast into bars; AND a
coincidentally alongside the Frozen Heart choice between the contents of one of three
attack. golden chests.
The characters are led through the Citadel of The chests each contain a single magic item. The
the Northern Flame all the way down to the silver chests contain Rare magic items, and the gold
vast cavern below the mountain, which serves chests contain Very Rare magic items. The items in
as the prison cell, forge, and audience room for questions should primarily be weapons and armor.
the massive, ancient fire giant. The Chained A suggested list of chest contents is below, but you
King is working at his forge and anvil when the may swap out items for ones that suit your
characters arrive, and only stops his work so he
can hear the characters respond to his
Silver Chests:
questions. He appears to be pulling long
• Ring of Evasion
bundles of shifting, iridescent light out of the
forge, and hammering it into shapes. • Belt of Hill Giant Strength
The Chained King wants to know what the • Belt of Dwarvenkind
characters are doing this far north, and what, if • Breastplate of Necrotic Resistance
anything, they can tell him about the forces • Berserker Greataxe
and activities of the Frozen Heart. In exchange
• Dragon Slayer Longsword
for this information, the Chained King can shed
light on the whole situation. He can relate all of Gold Chests
the information contained in the Adventure • Belt of Fire Giant Strength
Background section, although he deliberately • Dwarven Plate
omits his own name and downplays his role in • Dwarven Thrower
the tale.

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Dwarven Champion The Chained King stops the most martial-
looking character (ideally a dwarf) before they
If the characters have acted honorably (agreeing to
help Korrick and the Chained King without leave, and gives them a vial of essence of the
requiring a monetary award, and if Korrick is alive fire titan.
to speak on their behalf to the Chained King, and if
there is a dwarf in the party that the Chained King
deems worthy (typically a fighter, paladin, or
The Hangar
barbarian), the azer will entreat the fire giant to give The Chained King summons Korrick (or
the party more assistance. another azer if Korrick has died along the way)
You can allow party to make a DC 25 group to take the characters to the airship hangar
Charisma (Persuasion) check. If they succeed, they hidden on another face of the mountain. The
convince the Chained King to outfit the dwarven
azer takes the characters along a new twisting
member of the party with three items, if they do not
path to a wide-open cave high in the
already have them: a belt of fire giant strength, the
gauntlets of ogre power, and a hammer of mountain.
thunderbolts. The cave floor has been leveled, and iron
The Chained King expects these items to be lattices and catwalk lace around the walls.
returned after the fight with Ymir, unless he is only Several airships, gas bags stretching 50 feet
providing the hammer of thunderbolts. long and 20 feet wide, are tethered to the floor
To Tame Fimbulwinter with massive chains. Three dwarf veterans
scurry about one of the airships, preparing it
The task the Chained King sets before the for launch. The cave mouth ripples with
players is this: they must travel even further magic, holding back the cold and the wind of
north, to the edge of the Great Glacier, where the storm outside.
Ymir is trapped in his prison of Northern Just as the characters arrive, a young white
Flames. There, in the Hand of the Titan, they dragon and two wyverns smash through the
must re-light any of the five temple flames that illusory wall and begin tearing apart dwarves
have been extinguished, and defend them from with a furor. Riding on the dragon's back is a
the forces of the Frozen Heart. To complete dwarf with frigid blue skin and a beard of ice,
this task with haste, the characters are given
conjuring lances of dark, cracked ice to his
the aid of a handful of azers and the
fingers. This is Rimeheart (or, more
temporary use of one of the airships the
accurately, his simulacrum).
Flamewardens use to patrol and maintain the
Hand of the Titan. Hangar Features
The Frozen Heart Attacks There are three airships, although only one is
prepared for launch. They are filled with a
As the players discuss with the Chained King,
refined version of the Northern Flame, called
a tremendous crash shakes the mountain,
sunpowder, and will explode in a tremendous
audible even at its root. Horns and the clamor
conflagration if they take more than 20 fire
of battle sound from upstairs.
damage. This explosion does 21 (6d6) points of
fire damage to any creature within 20 feet of
"Fools!" the Chained King roars. "They think to
the airship, or only half as much if they
attack me in my own domain? This is my mountain,
succeed a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw.
and these are my flames!" He lifts his hands,
Catwalks run up along both sides of each
sending tree-thick snakes of magma soaring up into
airship and along the cave walls, allowing for
the undersides of the stalactite city. "Go!" he
easy access of materials and the airships
commands you. "Put an end to this insolence once
themselves. The catwalks surrounding the
and for all!"
airships are 20 feet high, and the loading

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platform in the north-east of the cavern is 10 stops, the affected area remains difficult
feet high. terrain for 1 minute.
• Collapsing Floor. The Chained King activates
Smaller containers of sunpowder can provide
long-unused fail-safes, dropping 10 feet by 10
cover, but they are volatile. If a container of feet sections of the Citadel into the heart of
airship fuel takes 10 or more damage, it the mountain far below. Creatures within 5
explodes, dealing 14 (4d6) points of fire feet of the edge of the marked area must
damage to any creature within 10 feet of the succeed a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall
200 feet into the magma below, taking 70
container, or half as much if the creature
(20d6) points of bludgeoning damage and 35
succeeds a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. (10d6) points of fire damage. A creature that
The dwarven veterans do their best to starts its turn in the magma takes 35 (10d6)
protect the airship from their flying foes, but points of fire damage.
crossbows are little defense against a wyvern's Frozen Heart Reinforcements
poison stinger.
If the battle with Rimeheart and his serpentine
Chained King Lair Actions allies takes too long, the Frozen Heart forces
On initiative count 20, losing ties, the Chained will start battering their way into the hangar.
King can cause one of the following effects to Korrick (or the azer that the Chained King sent
occur. with the characters) will direct any remaining
dwarves to defend the hangar and repel the
• Magma Fountain. The Chained King causes a intruders. Refer to the Hangar Reinforcements
ten foot by ten-foot column of magma to roar
up from previously-recessed grates in the table to determine what Frozen Heart forces
floor. Creatures that fail a DC 18 Dexterity arrive and when. Reinforcements arrive on
saving throw take 28 (8d6) points of fire initiative count 10.
damage, or half if they succeed. The area
becomes difficult terrain for 1 minute as the Hangar Reinforcements
lava slowly funnels back down, and any Round Reinforcements
creature that enters one of the squares or 1 None
starts its turn in one of the squares takes 3 2 None
(1d6) fire damage. 3 2 Rimeheart warriors
• Magma Curtain. The Chained King redirect 4 None
magma through a series of channels and
5 1 Rimeheart warriors & 1 Chosen
drops it in a line 30 feet long and 5 feet wide.
Creatures that fail a DC 18 Dexterity saving of Ymir
throw take 28 (8d6) points of fire damage, or 6 1 frost giant
half if they succeed. The rain of magma
continues for 1 minute. Any creature that
enters the magma takes 28 (8d6) points of
fire damage, and an additional 28 (8d6) points
of fire damage at the start of every round
they remain in the magma. After the magma

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Chapter 4: Into the Maw of Winter
The weakening of Ymir's prison has created a
howling vortex of snow and ice. Strong winds Frozen Heart Air Defense
batter the characters and the airship they are The Frozen Heart forces have a few more flying
on, with only brief lulls between gusts to catch creatures on hand to repel the imminent
a breath and regain bearing. arrival of the characters. They have time to
The journey from the Citadel to the Hand of send two waves at the airship, after which
the Titan takes two hours by airship. time the characters arrive at the Hand of the
Finding the Hand of the Titan is easy: a Titan. Characters should have just enough
massive blue pillar of icy energy crackles down time for a short rest in between each wave.
from the middle of a vortex. The eye of the
First Wave
storm is centered over the five hilltops that
make up the Hand of the Titan. The first vanguard of the Frozen Heart is two
Even as the characters near the prison, they young white dragons, which do their best to
can see small dark shapes flitting about in the remain out of reach of the ballista unless they
skies above the Hand, and something massive can use their breath weapons. If a dragon
straining against a thin transparent barrier in takes two hits from a single ballista or another
the sky. target, it will fly into a rage and engage that
target with its teeth and claws.
Skyflame Airships
The airships of the Skyflame clan are fifty feet
Second Wave
long and twenty feet wide, with underslung The second vanguard of the Frozen Heart is a
gondolas that are thirty feet long by ten feet pair of wyverns, each carrying ground
wide. Use the statistics for airships found in reinforcements in their claws. The first wyvern
the DMG on page 119, with the following holds two Rimeheart warriors, and the
changes: second wyvern holds one Chosen of Ymir. The
wyverns first attempt to drop their passengers
Crew size: 5 Passengers: 5 HP: 150 on to the deck of the airship, after which they
circle back around and focus on destroying the
In addition, each airship is fitted with a pair of ballista. If both ballista are destroyed, the
ballista, one on either side of the gondola. Use wyverns will attack the rigging and airbag of
the rules for siege weapons and ballista found the airships.
in the DMG on page 255, with the following
These ballistae are compact and cleverly
designed. It only requires one action to both
aim and fire a Skyflame ballista. The bolts are
infused with sunpowder and explode on a
successful attack, doing 15 (3d10) fire damage
and 11 (2d10) piercing damage.

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Chapter 5: Prison of Ymir
The Hand of the Titan is failing. Only two of 110. The young white dragon and the wyvern
the five temples are still defended and their that serve Rimeheart are immune to the effects
lights still burning. The rest have fallen into of this polar vortex. This temple is defended by
the hands of the Frozen Heart. The remaining two Rimeheart warriors and a Chosen of
Flamewardens are glad to see the Ymir.
reinforcements, but the situation remains dire.
If the temple flames are not re-lit soon, Ymir Temple of the Chain
gather the strength he needs to escape his This temple provides the primary restraints for
prison and bring the Fimbulwinter to all of the titan Ymir. So long as this temple flame
Faerun. remains lit, Ymir can only take one action and
one legendary action. If Ymir takes the Attack
Battlefield Layout action, he can only make one attack. This
The Hand of the Titan is divided into six parts: temple is under the control of the
five temples atop tall, narrow hills, and the Flamewardens. Defending this temple are two
rippling cage of fire that is suspended in the azers and three dwarf veterans.
air between them. Each temple contributes
Temple of the Frozen Heart
sunpowder to fuel the Norhtern Flame, and
each also binds Ymir and restricts his powers This temple nullifies Ymir's extraordinary
in a different way. elemental connection. When this flame is lit,
Ymir loses his immunity to cold and fire
Temple of the Northern Flame damage, and also loses his Frozen Heart
The southernmost temple is the predominant ability. This temple also levels the ambient
one, as it is the main staging area for the temperature of the area, making it only frigid
Flamewardens and is also the primary and arctic. As long as this temple's flame is
contributor of sunpowder. While this temple out, the entire area is under the effects of
flame is lit, the Northern Flames provide a Fimbulwinter Cold (as described earlier in the
constant source of fire damage to Ymir, module). This temple is defended by two frost
meaning he does not have his Regeneration giants.
ability. In addition, the Northern Flames
provide the magical sleep effects that keep the
Temple of the Frost Dam
titan drowsy and slow, and push the whole This temple prevents the power and magic of
prison into the Ethereal plane. Defending this the titan Ymir from causing catastrophic
temple are three azers and six dwarven damage to the surrounding region. If this
veterans. temple's flame is lit, Ymir may not use his
Flood legendary power, and he does not have
Temple of the Howling Breath his Frost Blood special quality. This temple is
This temple serves two functions. First, it under the control of the Frozen Heart, and is
keeps the winds created by the tremendous defended by one frost giant and one
magical forces at a minimum, and also Frostheart bear.
prevents Ymir from using his Frost Breath
attack. This temple is under the control of the
Flying Forces
Frozen Heart, and so its flame is out. So long In the air is Rimeheart, riding astride the last
as this temple flame is out, the area around young white dragon. Rimeheart keeps watch
the Hand of the Titan is under the effects of over the other Frozen Heart forces, directing
strong winds, as described in the DMG pg. them and encouraging them to greater efforts.
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He can also direct the attentions of one more his attacks to be anywhere in the area
wyvern that is lazing about the rocky designated as the aurora.
outcroppings of one of the temples. As soon as the fifth temple flame is lit, Ymir
is dragged kicking and screaming back to his
Battle of Fimbulwinter prison. You are welcome to have Ymir remain
for a round or two so that the adventure can
Even in his weakened state, Ymir is potentially
end on a suitably dramatic note. If all five
an overwhelming fight for the characters in
temple flames are lit, Ymir is effectively
this state. The Flamewardens will encourage
reduced to a challenge rating 14 foe. Given the
the characters to re-take the temples and re-
hurried nature of this module and the other
light the flames; doing so will trap Ymir for
forces nearby, this should still be enough to
provide a tough fight if you so choose.
The forces of the Frozen Heart bring the fight
to the Flamewardens almost as soon as the
characters arrive. The Frostheart bear and the Aftermath
two Rimeheart warriorss from the Temple of If Rimeheart is slain, the white dragon and the
the Frost Damn and Temple of the Howling wyvern immediately become subject to the
Breath run across the connecting bridges to severe wind caused by the Temple of the
attack the forces in the Temple of the Northern Howling Breath. Once Ymir is slain or sealed
Flame, and the wyvern flying about harries the away, all Rimeheart warriors lose the powers
forces in the Temple of the Chain. granted to them by the Frozen Heart,
If the wyvern succeeds in killing all the becoming regular guards or veterans.
defenders in the Temple of the Chain, it The frost giants immediately lose interest in
screeches for Rimeheart, who arrives 2 rounds their coalition now that their chance for
later and has his dragon use its breath to greatness at the side of a titan is lost, and
snuff out the flame. When this happens, Ymir immediately begin fighting each other and the
is freed from his bonds and drops to the lake dwarves. If the airship the characters arrived
below. in was destroyed, the Flamewardens will gladly
You are encouraged to expedite the battle help them repair it to send them on their way.
between the wyvern and the Flamewardens.
Possible solutions include running the battle
beforehand, or simply having the wyvern kill The Chained King is good to his word, and
one defender per turn. Regardless of what you gives the characters any reward he promised
choose, make sure the players know the them. If the characters were particularly
stakes of that battle, and can easily track its zealous or eager to prove their heroics against
progress. Ymir, the Chained King offers them the same
reward choice (re-printed below for clarity); he
Ymir might also reward them with a choice from
In addition to the effects mentioned above, another chest (in the set they pick) or an extra
every temple flame t 10,000 gp.
maximum hit points by 10. Award the characters XP for combat as
The weakened nature of his prison allows normal, as well as an additional 1,000 XP each
Ymir to make either one Slam attack or his if Korrick survived to reach the Citadel of
Frost Breath attack through the flaming Northern Flame.
barrier. Ymir can choose the point of origin of

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Appendix 1: Maps

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Appendix 2: New Monsters
Rimeheart Warrior Frostheart Bear
Medium elemental, neutral evil Large beast, neutral evil
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor, Shield) Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12) Hit Points 76 (8d10 + 32)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 40 ft., swim 3o ft.
17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 7 (-2)
Damage Immunities Cold, Poison Damage Immunities Cold
Condition Immunities poisoned Skills Perception +3
Saving Throws CON +4 Senses Passive Perception 13
Senses Passive Perception 11 Languages -
Languages Common, Giant Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Keen Smell. The bear has advantage on
Frigid Body. A creature that touches the Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
Chosen of Ymir or hits it with a melee attack smell.
while within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) cold
Frigid Weapons. When the Chosen of Ymir hits
with a metal melee weapon, it deals an extra Multiattack. The bear makes two attacks: one
3 (1d6) cold damage (included in the attack). with its bite and one with its claws.

Bite. Melee weapon attack: +7 to hit, reach 5

Actions ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 +5) piercing
Warhammer. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 +3) Claws. Melee weapon attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
bludgeoning damage, or 8 (1d10 +3) ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 +5) slashing
bludgeoning damage if used in two hands to damage.
make a melee attack, plus 3 (1d6) cold
damage. Breath of Winter (Recharge 6). The Frostheart
Bear breathes an icy blast in a 20-foot cone.
Each creature in the area must make a DC 14
Constitution saving throw, taking 27 (5d10) cold
damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.

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damage while enlarged; plus 3 (1d6) cold

Chosen of Ymir
Medium elemental, neutral evil
Champion of Ymir
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) Huge giant, neutral evil
Hit Points 81 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 30 ft. Armor Class 15 (Patchwork Armor)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit Points 207 (18d12 + 90)
17 (+3) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) Speed 40 ft.
Damage Immunities Cold, Poison
Condition Immunities poisoned 23 (+6) 9 (-1) 21 (+5) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws CON +5 Damage Immunities Cold
Senses Passive Perception 11 Saving Throws CON +9, WIS +3, CHA +4
Languages Common, Giant Senses Passive Perception 13
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Skills Athletics +9, Perception +3
Languages Common, Giant
Frigid Body. A creature that touches the Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
Chosen of Ymir or hits it with a melee attack
while within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) cold Actions
damage. Channel the Heart (Recharges after a Short or
Long Rest). As a bonus action, the Champion of
Frigid Weapons. When the Chosen of Ymir hits Ymir magically increases in size for 1 minute,
with a metal melee weapon, it deals an extra along with anything it is wearing or carrying.
3 (1d6) cold damage (included in the attack). While enlarged, the Champion of Ymir is
Gargantuan, doubles its damage dice on
Strength-based weapon attacks (included in the
Actions attacks), and makes Strength checks and
Strength saving throws with advantage. In
Channel the Heart (Recharges after a Short or
addition, the Champion 7,
Long Rest). As a bonus action, the Chosen of
Ymir magically increases in size for 1 minute, and it gains 25 temporary hit points for as long
along with anything it is wearing or carrying. as it is enlarged. If the Champion of Ymir lacks
the room to become Gargantuan, it attains the
While enlarged, the Chosen of Ymir is Large,
doubles its damage dice on Strength-based maximum size possible in the space available.
weapon attacks (included in the attacks), and
makes Strength checks and Strength saving Breath of Winter (Recharge 5-6). The Champion
throws with advantage. In addition, the Chosen of Ymir breathes an icy blast in a 20-foot cone.
Each creature in the area must make a DC 17
temporary hit points for as long as it is Constitution saving throw, taking 65 (10d12) cold
enlarged. If the Chosen of Ymir lacks the room damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. A creature that fail
to become Large, it attains the maximum size
possible in the space available. its saving throw is restrained for 1 minute, and
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
Breath of Winter (Recharge 5-6). The Chosen of of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
Ymir breathes an icy blast in a 20-foot cone.
Each creature in the area must make a DC 14
Constitution saving throw, taking 27 (6d8) cold Greataxe. Melee weapon attack: +9 to hit,
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 25 (3d12 +6)
damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. slashing damage, or 45 (6d12 +6) slashing
damage while enlarged.
Greataxe. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d12 +3)
slashing damage, or 16 (2d12 +3) slashing

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Taste of Fimbulwinter. When Rimeheart hits a
creature with an attack, he can instantly cause
them to experience a fraction of the eternal
freezing doom that he champions. The creature
disappears and hurtles through a nightmare
Rimeheart At the end of Rimeheart next turn, the
Medium humanoid, neutral evil target returns to the space it previously
Armor Class 13 (16 with Mage Armor) occupied, or the nearest unoccupied space. If
Hit Points 127 (17d8 + 51) the target is not a fiend, it takes 55 (10d10)
Speed 30 ft. psychic damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Once Rimeheart uses this feature, he
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 20(+5) it again until he finishes a long rest.
Damage Immunities Cold
Damage Resistances Fire
Saving Throws WIS +7, CHA +11 Actions
Senses Passive Perception 11 Multiattack. Rimeheart makes two Pact Blade
Languages Common, Giant attacks or four Ice Spear attacks.
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Ice Spear. Ranged spell attack: +13 to hit,
Spellcasting. Rimeheart is a 17th-level range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d10 +5) force
spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is damage.
Charisma (spell save DC 21, +13 to hit with
spell attacks). He has the following warlock Pact Blade. Melee weapon attack: +9 to hit,
spells prepared: reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d8 +8)
piercing damage. This attack counts as
Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, mage hand, magical for the purpose of overcoming
frostbite, chill touch resistance and immunity to nonmagical
1st level (0 slots): expeditious retreat, charm attacks and damage.
person, hellish rebuke
2nd level (0 slots): misty step, mirror image,
suggestion, scorching ray Equipment
3rd level (0 slots): counterspell, fear, major
image Rimeheart has been gifted a +2 rod of the pact
4th level (0 slots): dimension door, keeper by his patron, Ymir. Its effects have
banishment, fire shield* already been calculated in his stats above.
5th level (4 slots): hold monster
6th level (1 slot): investiture of ice*
7th level (1 slot): forcecage Simulacrum
8th level (1 slot): power word stun simulacrum is identical to
9th level (1 slot): foresight* Rimeheart, except that it does not have the rod
of the pact keeper, making its spell save DC 19
*Rimeheart casts these spells before combat. and giving it a +11 to hit with spell attacks. It also
cannot use Taste of Fimbulwinter or foresight.
Cloak of Ice. Rimeheart can cast mage armor on
himself at will, without expending a spell slot or
material components

Freeze the Air Beneath His Feet. Rimeheart can

cast levitate on himself at will, without
expending a spell slot or material components.

Bloodthirst of Ymir. When Rimeheart reduces a

hostile creature to 0 hit points, he gains 22
temporary hit points.

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Ymir Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Ymir fails a
Gargantuan giant, neutral evil saving throw, he can choose to succeed
Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 363 (22d20 + 132) Magic Resistance. Ymir has advantage on
Speed 50 ft. saving throws against spells and other
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA magical effects.
25 (+7) 10 (+0) 23 (+6) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 19 (+4)
Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison Regeneration. Ymir regains 15 hit points at
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and the start of his turn.
slashing damage from nonmagical weapons
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, Demigod. Ymir is not subject to the instant
poisoned death effect of a hammer of thunderbolts.
Saving Throws CON +13, WIS +7, CHA +11
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Giant Actions
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP) Multiattack. Ymir makes three slam attacks.
Blood Thicker Than Ice. At the start of each of Frost Breath (Recharge 5-6). Ymir breathes an
turns, each creature within 30 feet of icy cloud in a 60-foot cube. Each creature in the
it takes 21 (6d6) cold damage. A creature that area must make a DC 19 Constitution saving
touches Ymir or hits it with a melee attack throw, taking 60 (11d10) cold damage on a failed
while within 10 feet of it takes 21 (6d6) cold save, or half as much damage on a successful
damage. In addition, a creature that hits Ymir one.
with a melee attack that does slashing or turn. Creatures completely within the cloud are
piercing damage must succeed a DC 19
Strength saving throw or be pushed back 20
feet and knocked prone. A creature that Slam. Melee weapon attack: +14 to hit, reach
succeeds the saving throw is only knocked 15 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (3d6 +7) slashing
back 10 feet and is not knocked prone. damage, and 10 (3d6) cold damage.
Empowered Strikes.
treated as magical for the purpose of Legendary Actions
overcoming resistance and immunity to
damage from nonmagical attacks. Ymir can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
from the options below. He can take only one
Frozen Heart. Any creature within 30 feet of legendary action at a time and only at the end
Ymir that takes more than 20 points of cold turn. Ymir regains spent
damage from a single attack or effect must legendary actions at the start of his turn.
succeed a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or
become restrained for 1 minute. A creature Backhand (Costs 1 Action). Ymir makes one slam
restrained in this manner can end the attack.
condition by taking an action to make a DC 19
Strength (Athletics) check. Blizzard (Costs 2 Actions). Ymir makes one Frost
A creature that takes another 20 points of Breath attack.
cold damage in a single attack or effect must
succeed another DC 19 Constitution saving Flood (Costs 3 Actions). Ymir gathers up the
throw or become petrified in ice. supercooled water and debris around his feet
Creatures that have immunity to cold and launches it in an area 60 feet long and 20
damage only have resistance to cold damage feet wide. Creatures in the area take 21 (6d6)
from attacks and effects originating from cold damage and 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage,
Ymir. and must succeed a DC 19 Strength saving
throw or be pushed back 30 feet and knocked
Innate Spellcasting. Ymir can innately cast prone. A creature that strikes a solid surface
cone of cold (spell save DC 19) at will, takes 3 (1d6) points of bludgeoning damage for
each 10 feet it would have otherwise traveled. A
innate spellcasting ability is Charisma. creature that succeeds the saving throw is only
pushed 15 feet and is not knocked prone.

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Appendix 3: New Magic Items
Essence of the Fire Titan
Potion, legendary
When you drink this potion, you become
Gargantuan for 1 minute if you are Medium or
smaller; otherwise, the potion does nothing.
For that duration, your strength becomes 27,

maximum is doubled (your current hit points

are doubled when you drink the potion). You
also gain immunity to cold and fire damage. In
addition, the reach of your melee attacks
increases by 10 feet.
Everything you are carrying and wearing
also increases in size for the duration. When
rolling damage for weapons enlarged in this
manner, roll four times the normal number of
dice; for example, an enlarged longsword
would deal 4d8 slashing damage (instead of
1d8), or 4d10 slashing damage (instead of
1d10) when used with two hands.
When the effect ends, any hit points you
have above your hit point maximum become
temporary hit points.
This potion is an iron flask, filigreed with
mithril, containing nearly a quart of thick,
pitch-black liquid. When opened, it smells like
the inside of a forge. It is almost painfully hot
to drink.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
Writer: Benjamin Reece

Editor: Brandi Reece

Cartographer: Benjamin Reece

Special Thanks: Randal Estevez, Ryan Gilbert, James

McLeod, and all the Booty Warriors; Tom McElroy,
Andrew Conrad, Megan Fontaine, Juan Pablo Ramirez,
Cheri Russell, Dave Russell, and Kenneth Wright of
The Knights Bandersnatch

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .

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