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ThS NguyénNamNguyén RUB T Ca rcucep TaN UH VA eps DP WE Nhaxudtban DaiHocQuécGia ThanhphéH6ChiMinh Dé1 | 1. Select the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently | from the others. 1. A. passed B. watched C. stayed D. kicked 2. B. about C. around D. could 3. A. market B. depart C. hard D. dare 4. A. husband B. daddy C. bamboo D. crack 5. A. problem B. above C. shock D. hobby II. Select the best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence. 6. Her villa in 2000. A. is built B. was building —C. was built D. has been built 7. The doctor him not to stay up too late at night. A. advised B. suggested C. insisted D. forced 8. Tomorrow Ill go to Tan Son Nhat Airport to meet John, comes from England. A. who B. whom C. whose D. that 9. Her new house looks very large and beautiful. It is house. A.a five-room B.a five-rooms C. five room D. five rooms 10. Ifwe get up early, we___—_ late. A. weren't B. wouldn’t be — C. aren’t D. won't be 11. It’s very hot today. Mai wishes she on the beach now. B. was C. were D. had been 12. When Nam lived in HCM city, he to the cinema once a week. A. uses to go B. has gone C. used to go D. was going 13. Our teacher asked us ” ____ too much time going online. A. should not spend B. did not spend C. not to spend D. do not spend 4. camer remembe the ame ofthe restaurant _T hada mea ug Oar § years ago. A which Bwhoe ——C.whom D. where 1S. They sa if they wore bids, they __ pigeons, A.may be Bishouklte — Cowillte would be 16. Nohod heard the news. ’ A doeshe ——B.dothey——C didn tthey D. did they 17. Wismearly 4 months _we visited our grandparents. Awhile Bor © since D. when Weg Palate is sad wo be another unpleasant res we ve A Increased Increasing, The increase D. To increase 19 yom _ enough ime, you shoud study this esson more earl, Awillbwe —— Bhwe Chad D. would have 20. Can you ell me what you woul do if you _aUror Awe Baw © would see D. had seen ‘Select the underlined word or phrase (A, B,C oF D) that has an ‘error to make it correct. Ths fence nas whitewashing by Mr. Cao las month A Sac D 22. Thats the man who be ld ms the fanny sor ee B ‘Mx. Huong 1 pong to buy new Samsung phone, docsn’Labe? a 8 c D 24. Wem alt of msn rid while we were sdying at Singapore a 8 c D 2. Mi they were hone. they didn’t leave you alone. A 5 eG > wv "Read the following passage, and then select the correct answer. Bass ae places where people can keep their money. Most peo tents 80 0 toemey inthe savings accounts and 0 a OE) fram the checKangsscoums. fo, when porn cans mney Fromm Bk oh thes (27) ‘ offen electronieally deposited into their savings dectng account. Ten or he can ey thee le hy wing checks thew checking accouns wp enine whe thei fal ae cecal C3 1 the beth actos Banks aio «las wo poopie People may use the bank's money 19 es houses cas. oF t0 (29) businesses among other reasons. The rank makes money from lending by charging interest. In other words, people Jnive to pay hack more than they borrowed. This amount depends on hws (30) the bank thinks the borrower is and ow fast the loan is paid hack. omg ther things 26, A invest Bowe © rent D. spend 27 paycheck B. bil © money. payment 28. Acconmect connected connection _D, connector 2. A grow B. store ¢ san D. make 30. A. Fishy B. scary C often much ¥. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, 31 People say that Mr. Huy hough this car last year -Itis 2Mr Huy is 32. “How much do you think it will cost? she said to me She asked me seein 33. Mrs. Loan’s team has lot the game. She looks very sad = Mrs. Loan whose 34. Do you know the man who sat next to me at Nea’s birthday party last ight? + You know 35. It t0ok Minh one hour to do his English assignment last night. = Minh spent aa ‘VI. Complete each ofthe following sentences, using the words given. 36. rain. heavily | late. schoo 37. used to, make. do. cleaning. my parents. 38. He said he- working shop. not wor. it 39. Lotspeak him six moms 40. interesting. play football rin, a De2 SRay Select the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1, Acchimgd — Bstyed ——Coveued completed 2 Acbwalth Btcacher ready D.teavy 3. A tidal Barish’ C.mineral——_D. deseribe 4. A.though B.throw through thought 3. Ad B fin Coast D. pull IL Seleet the best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence, 6. Vean'tunderstand the Japanese visitors. wish |____ Japanese A. knew B.willknow — C. know D. have kaown 7. Themarket about 100 years ago, Ais built Bwas built C.will bebuilt D, has been built 8. People in Israel celebrated their festival ___isealed Passover last ‘A. whose B.who Cowie D. where ___e was really ied, he couldnt sleep. A Eventhough 8. So C. Therefore. Because of 10. Linki very ire she as finish ber homework befor lobed A Although B. So 1. The school suggests. C. Therefore. However sme money for poor and disadvantaged children Ataise Bitonise — C.rised D.rasing 12. My brother asked me if|_ laptop the following day A buy Bwillbuy ——C. bought, would buy Bo _ telephone him if knew his number Awould Bhmeto —C.will D. shall 14, Honda motorbikes _ in Viet Nam for years [A have been produced B, will be produced were produced D. can be produced 15, Ihave earnt English _ 2010. A. for B. since Cin D. during 16 We already __One-Pillar Pagoda A.were. seeing B.have.,seen C.are...seeing D. will. 17, They say that ll the houses inthe area_ immediately. A. had 0 be eebult , had 0 rebuild (Cave tobe rebuilt have to rebuild 18. Ifyou soon, you might miss the bus. A inn'icoming B.doesn’tcome C.won'tcome —D. didn’t come 19, Mr Son sid that he __in Ben Tre cit : A. lived Boistiving — C.haslived —D. will ive 20, Your mother works ina bank she? Aso B didn't Cowasn't doesn't IIL Select the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that has error to miake it correct. 21. My friend enjoys read about wild animals and natural mysteries a c D 22. MeNguyen who sing English songs very well is my English teacher. a BC D 2D, Mi fither shad me nto ty upto aly before an important exam day OE ¢ D 24. Miss Hoa can la he pita ts mth er ends san * BC D 25, People cn se ane estes by asing solar ener rig oe OD) IV. Read the following passage, and then select the correct answer. ‘Tada, supermarkets are found in almost every large city in the world. Butte frst supermarket 26) opened only filly years ago, twas ‘opened in New York by aman famed Mishel Cullen A supermarkot is differ other types of stores in several ways, In supermarkets, goods are ploeed on open shelves. The customers ‘ewer shop (28) are displayed is another difleence bebwen supermarkets and many other 9PeS are need than in other stores. The way. products ° cf wore: (29)_ example supermatkets thore i sual a pay of smal inexpensive ems jn nom of the checkout counter: cance holes magazines, cheap fads ahd 5 0 Mos cusomers (30) x0 0a supermarket buy goods fom a Thy hr CSE wT they ed uy They do the hoping Sen Bohasteen Cas D. were 27. Ain B. trom Cot D. with 28. A.assistants —B.managersC. customers. sellers 2. Ain B for Cor 30. A. who B. what Cowhich whom V. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. 31, Thay sold that od house last year = That old house Inspite ofthe had weather. we had a wonderfal trip. = Although They will build a new sad = Anew stadium 34, Unless you take these pill, you won't be beter oi Despite working hard, she ean support her large family. = Although, VE. Complete euch of the following sentences, using the words give 36.16 it not sin, nextweckend go, beach. my fiends invite home. talk ‘wave ait before, ? 39, The students. study. hall thir exam, now, 40.1. such. cold day we, decide noi go out De3 TIMES Select the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. information B. informative C. forward. eonfarm 2. Account Bathough — Cmouh Days 3. Avteenager —Bemessage —C.luggae advantage 4 Accontr B. fll Coremate song. 5. Avmessage — Biwebsite —C.violent internet IL Select the best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete cach sentence. 6.They____ Ha Noi capital lst spring, Avisit Bill visit C.have visited D. visited 7.Sheasked meift__to school by electric bike every day ‘A.amgoing —_B.go C.wasgoing —D. went 5 inday moming, theres a meeting of Parents’ Association in arash Ain B. For c.00 DAC 9, The message was posted on Facebook by Messi, A.didatit — Bowastit — C.wasit D.didit 1, Neoe was sick yesterday, _she was absent from class A since because, but 11, Yourealy save a spaceship, _? A.aren't you Bdoa'tyou—C.didn't you D. weren't you 12. 111" ieh, L would travel around the world Aum Boeouldbe —C. was D. were 1, Long the plane ithe in aber: ‘A wilnioane.”B.misests Comite Dwi mies 14, Thedictony ison te bl bongs omy tee, ou Civic EEC ee OE ks 1S, Ms Phat did go the pty ls nh bcmse Riese DL tewilbesk Chews Dube woulbesik u —— ___jewas sunny, she went out without an umbrella. ‘A Although B Since cir D. Because 17. Ms Thao sad hat she nm Ren Tre in Vietnar. Aisliving Blind fived TR. The git asked me A what my pone number 1. what my phone number were Chat my phone number was. what was my phone number Dow forget to Puy me a hamburger when you go to the supermarket, were living A doyon B.willyou Chall you D. don’t you 20. The examiner didn el ws ve passed oF pot Avwhether Bh how cir D.why ML Select the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that has an ‘error to make it correct. 21 Yesterday | sa the men the women athe sale which went tothe fed, A Sige Cea 2. Have you sec the two ditonars I put onthe table over here? A 8 iS D 3 There is mo gas ie 1 thee is. we could cook ameal A BOG D 2%. She di her Ents scarf he final exam last week. A 1. Read the folowing passage. and then select the correct answer. Ted, computer companies sell mary diferent programs for computer. FF. there are programs for doang math probleme (26) there ae rogram: fr semi ales Th some programs ar like fancy pwr They arc often wed by writers and bane people Other (27) = sade for course in schools and were And ily there Od fy there are programs fon. They tchade word pares ant puzzles for children and sult Tce ae many wor new cometr programs thee ar thet remons to like 8) ‘Seon people ike the way computers hum and sing when they ae working Its a happy sound ie the sures of ty and 29) Comptes lao have ages an prety pictures And computes ‘even soem to have Psonic. That may sound srange, bu compuiers see so have feelings Sometimes they seem happy. sometimes they seem angry. Iis easy (30) they are Tike people. 26. A Two B Second. Twice D. Double 27. A.programs —B.people students. typewriters 28 A-software —B.reasons —C. games, computers 29. Acchildren —B.childcare. childhood hildlike 30. Avtothink ——Buthinking for thinking D. that thought \- Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the fst one. 31. Cayo ne sap? ela 32. eeu ememier ie ansves oe ques Hew 33.1 mumt gob Da Lat omen afermon a None + Ng si if . 34. Minhspe bors day wading in ro i i ed rales 38, They tte dr nbn Docs ig ei ote ‘VL. Complete each ofthe following sentences, using the words given. 36. You. mind. if borrow . motorbike? 37. Thanh always. go-home late. so. parents be angry SH. Wt he necessary students practice English every day. 40. His 40° birthday party going Wo. BoKl hoary resturant. May 28% » 7 A NT TT Ded Sey from the others. 1 Avwanisi Bosak) decided‘. watched 2 Adwike — Rdeugn Comic polite Atmos = Bahn Cgwn hay 4 Ate Biber Clem Datbank SAuthunder Beet Cater product 1. Selec he best option (A,B, C, oF D) to complete each sentence. 6 Hiveyocverme the young man___ Masser? Aho mated who is married ©. whom maid ho was mari 7. Weed ive nausea ini972 Aistut — Bwastuil Chul. was building © tthe weather worse, me can't oom for a pin. Aw B will Cpt 1. would get 9. Many stadets rearing English ard____they want to get good jobs afer school Abt Bbecause Cao D.therefire 10. He'd love to ae pr in the evening class he bas to hep his smother with housework inte evening A. Thercfoe —B.However C.But Although My younger tthe is very fond reading picture books Act Babow Gof D. with 12. Phong was sf about his Math estat he dt smile all Avsxh Bough C.too Dio 13. Usupest 4 sor break fora while and then we ean continue Atake Biouke — C.taking Dok 16. Why toa Long Bay fora chang this summer? Awedont —B.don'twe —C.we should D, me should oot 4 15. My lose trend is very of snakes and spiders. A.teror Betty Cterfied ——D-terifying 16. Miss Yen wishes she have a new motorbike. A. may B will can D. could 17. Thecolor pencils many of ___are red, were given to me by my sister. A. that B. which whom D.them 18. The interviewer asked him why | to ravel tothe UK. will like C-lked D. would like 19, Your mother doesnt work in that store she? A Bist does D, doesn’t 20, My brother for Sacombank since 2000. A. worked B was working C.has worked D. is working IIL, Select the undertined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that has an cervor to make it correct. "haven't got some money to bu that expensive car. AB c D IF am you, I woul pay a visit her soon AB c D “Tam Dao is one ofthe mountainous asus of Vinh Phu province. A Bo cD He thanks her fr looking up his shildren while he was out A 8 G D (Our teacher sid that re would atsnd the class meeting following da. a 8 c D Read the following passage, and then select the correct answer. Data from the Pionce spacecraftofNASA apparently prove the theory that ‘hehigh surface temperature of Venus is det an atmospheric greeshouse effect. «caused (26) byablanketof carbon diovide. Sucha greenhouse effect is read when energy in the form of sunlight easily pases through a planet's atmosphere, 27) its surface, and is converted to heat radiation that 'sthen held in by the atmosphere from opt bottom. Venus has relatively thin atmosphere like dhe Earth's, bt Venus atmosphere consists of more than ney Percent (28) __, compare less than four percent i tha of the Eat Because ofits higher perentage of earbon dioxide, Venus” stmospbere traps ‘much more heat radiation than the Earth's. does (29) the Venus 2. , 2. Ww. 5 —<$$ $$ i i stulies are bleve tobe importa othe understanding of posible adsene effets on the Eat’ arcuture tat could rest from the fong-em use oy fossil fuels. (30)___ ads carbon diosde tothe atmosphere, 26. A. partly Bominly —— C.olically—D-usually 27. A. warms B heats C buns D. dries 28. A.oxygen carbon monoxide B carbon dioside D. hydrogen 29. A.Additionally —B.Thus However D. Besides 30. A.shich Bhat then Diand Ve Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root one, 31 ‘Do you know Hoa's address?” she asked me. [A She asked me for How's kes, BB. She asked me i'somsone knew Hoa's address, . She asked me if know Ho's adress. D, She asked me if Tknew Hoa's aes, ‘They ate building anew bank in my city ‘A.A ew thank is building in my ety B.A new bank is boing bul in my ety ©. A new bank is going to build in my ety bank is built in my city 33.1 used to goto the cinema on weekends ‘A. usually went tothe cinema on weekends. 'B. 1 got used to going the cinema on weekends, €.1 didn’t go tothe cinema on eckends . Lusualy got the cinema on weekends, 34, Huy feels unhealthy because he doesnt take any exercise, AI Huy does take any exercise. he will fel unhealthy B. If Huy took more exercise, he would fee! healthice . If y take more exercise, he will el healthier D. IF uy were healthier. he Would take mone exerci 35. Unless tet protect the environment their ie willbe badly alexi, A. If they protec the environment. ther life wil be badly aleced ‘8. If hey don’ protect the environment her fe wil be badly affeted, C.Ifthey don’t protect the environmen, thle went be badly affected . If their life is body alTeted they will protect the environment |. Complete e second sentence so the frst one, If she doesn’t work harder, she'll lose her ob. Unless We have never boen here before, luisthe fist i: “They have read this nove, haven't they? + Hlave they ees er nai ‘twa miming hr, so we had wo eaneel the barbecue, = Wehad io Ws ery wonderful o spend the weekend on the beach, + Spending DES SAY ‘Select zhe word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others, Athi Btheree ——C.through thanks Accleanc) ——B.played = C.usad D. wished A. stood. B blood cook D. foot ration Bingtural —Comatter daddy A. books B. tang Chas D. stamps Select the best option (A, B,C, or D) to complete each sentence. Peter: “Where do you come frm?" Marry d AA. Leome from London B.InLondon Yes, 've just eome here D. I'm fiving in London She __in the park when he came, Ast B.hassat_ ——_C.has been sting D. sas siting Mr.Cao willbe leaving __Tien Giang on Saturday Ain Boat from D. for Pass me that salt, please!"~* ‘A.Hlere youare B.No,itisn't C. es, please D. It doesn't mater ” ———— 10, Whereis Khoa? ~ He's out He si he back soon, Ais B was Ccame D. would be 11. Ms. Trang has applied for a_i new school Acarcer B. work job D. task 12,_____you let me take a photo of your family? B Shull C.May D. Must 1 that she came first. She hasn't hewn Working had sof ‘A.surprising—D.tosurprise C. suprised D.tobe stpried 1M. We telephoned the airport sation to make __ ofthe time of te figh, A. sue Biv Creal Dari 15, My ssterloves te music very much heeause it's her hobby. A.tobelisened Bolistening —C.tolisien—_D. fstened 16. They thsi A have visited ndpagens once a month B.visit are visting. wore visting 17, The polite man explained w foreigners ___to gett the senor A. bow B.boweanwe Chowean — we can 18, Some people were hurt inthe aesient but only one to hospital A.wustaken —B.wastuking C.hastaken hasbeen taking 19. My friend in Parisat the moment, A.stuies .isstudying Chas studied. will study 20, Her family got some money by selling one oftheir ___ ol pictures Acts usual € valuable ——D. helpful IIL, Select the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that has an error to make it correct. 21, Humry up! Th boy's cut himself Wt bleeds quite bay A Sacer 22. Theprinted paper will get out from she output path ona mite A Be D 23, My computer doesn’t work think ha it is broke AB c D 24, Everybody [know like to drink cole and soke A BC D 25. Their teacher sting them what to use the new equipment A B € D 18 1V; Read the following passage, and then select the correct answer, My uncle is soldier. He is my father’s younger brother. He is about thirty years old. I do not see my unele very (26) le comes to my house hee or twice # year But like to see him. Hes tall and handsome. My uncle is 307) Stan. His wife, my aunt isa teacher. When my uncle comes tomy houses my aunt also comes with him. They have a baby son. When my tuncle visits us. he (28) ‘many presents for me. He also gives me Some money. Ihe stays fora few days with us. he takes me (29) ___his| tells me stores about the jungle fe ells me alot of jokes and stories. H Sin the animals in 1 lke to listen to his stories. wish T could see my uncle sore often. He is (30) ‘a ice person, 26. Aofien Bowwally ——C.seldom rarely 27. A.single B.alone C.married lonely 28 A.taes Bubrings — D. owns 29, Aout Bin out D. imo 30. Avery Balso cw D.sueh V. Read the following passage, and then select the correct answer. Devastating Moods slong the coast have let many peopfe honietess. People are asked to fl by domating fod clothes, furniture, and other supplies tothe Assistance Fund. Donations of bold wale ae especially needed, sinee the fos have disrupted he local water suppl, In aditon, volunteers are needed totavel tothe flood arca to help dst the donations. 31. What does this notice concern? A. Help foe oa victims B, Safety precaution ie . Waming about wea 32, What kind of supplies is NOT mentioned? A.Fumitue —B.Clothing—C. Food, ies, what whe is needed? 1B. New bridges C. Places to stay D, Teachers 3M, "Devastating floods in fine 1 refer to those that A app sun Bare very short Cast For a Tong time 1. cause a lot of damage 38. ‘The word “donating” in line 2is closest in meaning 0, D. Medicine Tmaxklition w A Volunteers A.selling Bibuving = Coiving —D.tking VL Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first on 36. Mai couldn't sleep. She wasted Although =r 37, The planet is Venus. The planet i closest tothe Earth = The planet which see 36. They have just sent a fre-engine to he consrucon site where fie ison, Afire-engine there any fights from Nat Trang to HCM city” they said to me, = They asked me pari 40.“Don't interrupt her while she is speaking,” Nam said to me. + Nam told me De 6 CERES L._ Select the word whose. from the others. A shut sundsrlined partis pronounced differently 1 B pu cout D. much 2 A the B.there think D. hat 3. A books B clubs Chats D. carps 4A paper Bihappy bandage. handbag 5S. A.flood B. magn food D. schoo! 1 Select the best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence. 6. Thekid felt__ wher his mother was coming back home. A.excitement —B. excitedly Coexcied De exciting 7. The litle gir laughed ‘when she was watching “Tom and Jem)” on. A happy B. happily happiness _D. unbappy 8. If1___ free. IL come to sce you and your family, Aam B. was, willbe. have been 9. What would you do if you. im their shoes? Acre B.have been C. were D. willbe 10. He felttired.___ he had to finish is assignment. A.However—B Therefore C.S0 D. Although 11. Our group leader sazaested Apicni at the weekend. A.tohawve Bhaving ~~ C. ad D- have. 12. The patient better ithe took this medicine. A will fel BL feel felt D. would feel 20 15, Vinh and his family ad a _to their home village Athree-days trip B. daythre ip C. three-day wip D. three days trips |. Acoumity which exports alt of rubber i called an) country, Ac rubber-export B. exportng-rubber -export-rubber D. rubber-exporting 15, Her aunt _ to the USA a few days ago. ‘A has gone _B, went was going _D. goes 16, When our grandmother was young, she____get up early to do the eardening. A.wasused io Bouesto —C.gotused oD. used to Wwe came to see our form teacher yesterday, he was piepating Ris new lesson plan, A Before B.When = C.While—D.Afer 18 Theil __eyes are big and black is my close fiend. A. whose B. who C.whom DD. which 19, The monitoraskedhisclassmates___ making noise in clas. A. stop B.stopping — C.tostop———D. stopped 20. 1 don’t have a smanphone wish | ‘anew one Avhave Bihwvehad Chad D. will have I. Select the underlined word or phrase (A, B,C or D) that has an ‘error to make it correct, 21 Atths moment he’s spending his weekend Io.go camping with his fiends, A Bb Coma) 22. Her father asked her to-pay much attention to Physics next year. A BG D 25, When T same to Loans house, she lg in bed listening to music, aaa c D 2% Lihink they prefer sity fife more shan county if. A Bere D 25, Can you tell me what you have dane at 9 o'clock yesterday morning? AB $ D " Read the following passage, and then select the correct answer, Jeans are very popular with (26) _ people all over the world, People say tha jeans are the “unison OF youth But they haven't always ‘ssn popular. The story of jeans (27) ____almost two unde years ago, Peopein Genoa, aly made pants, Te2eloH made in Genoa wis 28) "anos" The pants were called "jeans. In 1880, salesman in Califo Bogan a selling pants made of canvas. Hisname was Levi Stas, Because the CY Were strong, “Levi's pants” became (29) with gold miners, farmers ‘ovboys. Six years later Levis began making his pants with bv: covet ‘ening jas. Youn people uly di wear Them 2%. Aich Bold Cyne D.poor 7. Awan Bisars —C.mesaning _D. stated 2 Nell Balls Calling Dealled 2. Amow —— B.popuar §—C.pood wonder 3 Awoten Bares Ceowboys Dames 'V. Read the following passage, and then select the correct answer, Smoking causes lng cancer, which s the numer one cancer among men, Ninety percent of the people who get lung cancer di. Smoking is also te leading cause of mouth cancer, longue cancer and throat cancer. Many smokes have heart disease and pocumnia, Smoking eauses one millon early deaths the world every year ‘Smokers not ony harm themselves but also harm others: Smokers bate smoke out into the sit They breathe it out on thei children and their wives or husbands, Children whose parcnls smoke have more breathing ad lang problems than other children. Women who are matried to smokers ae moe Tike to have hing cancer than those married to non-smokers, ‘We are all aware that smoking i bad. So why’ do people smoke? 31. ‘The number one cancer among men is ‘Ac tongue cancer C-lung cancer BB. throat cancer D. mouth cancer 32, The main cause of mouth cancer, tongue cancer and throat cancers Acdrinking ——Beovereating breathing. stoking 33. Every year. smoking eauses about one milion ‘Accancer patients B killing diseases CC eatly deaths D injured men 34, The word “it” inthe passage refers to A-cancer Besmoke D. breath 35 ‘Who are more likey to have lung caneer and lang problems? A People wh live inthe city People who live with smoke . People who live with non-smokers. D. People wh live in the eunty |. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning @ the first one. 36, I's 13 years since I last saw Me. Cao, 37. "Don't make 90 38. x. 40. a a 4 8 u 0 4, = Thaven’ mois, Ph ng,” said the teacher. ~ The teacher told Phong Keeping the environment clean is very important Ws “You should tum ofT delights before going out” Mi. Son said = Ms. Son suggested ‘Why don’t you plant some tes inthe front yard pet more fresh if? = How about 2 De7 CRE Select the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. AL kids B. shops banks D roots Acmgnsure —Beelearing CC. rgaize =D Korea A. good Ba gas C give D. large A.tight B. kind mine D thing A. looked Bformed = C. gain). prepared Select the best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence. Jn 2007, th growth at of Vietnam reached about & 0%. ‘A.economies —B.economic economy. economically Miss Nhung is poing to finish her work, Aisshe Biswtshe —C.willshe doesn't she would like France inthe fare A. sit Bovis C.visting ——_D. visited Don’t Forget the door ax windows when you go out A.locking DB iferlockingC.tolock —D. lock Wecan't goout__the fonheaming heavy rain. A.because Bowing CC. inspiteof because of ‘The couple _divoree was on TV has got remarried. A.who Biwhose —— C.which people's John F, Kennedy wouldn't have died in 1963 ithe __to Dallas, A.didn't go B. wouldn't go C. hadn't gone D. not po 13. One ofthe students in ourelass__ sek today A.were Bons Cohavebeen Date 14, Trang and Hoa took these photographs Acthemselves herself C.himself¥ ourselves 15, Is good for you to earn all these expressions ___ eat A.on Bowith Coby Dain 16. His sister was homesick, and she _all he family and frends A. lacked B.missed ——C. desired hoped v. there was @ heavy rin they went out without raincoat Aclnspitcof —B.Although —C. However. lnspite 18. Lnever wear yellow because itdoesn't tome A.suit Bematch fit b. 19. Miss Huong is not very good _ ‘cooking Aon Bin for Dat 20. Thearicles___the magazine published last month are very popu Aof Boon Cowie Dana IML Select the underlined word oF phrase (A, B, C of D) that has an error to make it correct, 21, Are you interested between leaming Literate? A DC ann 22. My brother doesn't mind to-go ta the park alone inthe moming. A BC D 23, {fit ain, we will sty at home and watch TV, A BC D 24, Da Lat, that is know a dream city in Vietnam, aizacts many A B a tourists every year D 25. When the university suggested to raise the tition again, de student see AB © protested vigorously. D 4 1V. Read the following passage, and then select the correet answer. Planct earth is part of system of planets and their moons, as well as ‘numerous asteroids and comets which(26) around a huge star we cll theSun The Sun iself(27) "of ga Nuclear reactions inside its core 28) __the heat and Tight that make life onthe Furth 29) The arts the did of four smal terrestrial (Eat like) plants tht orbit close tothe) Further out nour Solar System are four huge gs planets, while distant Phato.81) lane, fs made 32) rock and ice. Our Earth i one ofthe tr planets tht orbit the Sun-a Tage, Burning hot ‘sar in the enter of our Solar System. The Solar System (63)_ are par of our galaxy the sais as many #8 200 lion sas. Beyond our galaxy (35) million more talasies. Tey all add together to make up the Universe 2%, Aru Borbit Cum D. walk 27, A.consists ——Beremains——G.inelndes. maintains 28 A.produce ——B. prod production D. productive 29. Acable B.possibiliy possible. ability 30. A. Farth B. Mars C.Mercury Sun 31. A.the smaller B. smallest the most smallest D.the smallest A from Bor C.for Dain A. space B. Universe C. Moon, A.comsists —-B, makes fiom stays, D. contains Ais Bare Crobe D.get '._ Complete the second sentence so that it has a simitar meaning to the first one. ro » Mr Huy asked me [Nowadays leaming English s wry msessary. tis Tuy asked me. 38 38. Although her leg was broken she managed o gel out of the cat, In spite of her Inspiteofthe 40.1F someone does’ put the coal, the fre will go out Unless 2s DES SAMS Select the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. Rae eee oe, See gonad er ae oer eee coal joe fee em ae i rae ‘You like watching comedies, ____. Xin? | eer oe eae wee Rae Sara eee je ere n ele Se esc at ree ae aa dhe are Sa 16, Ifpeople theie passport, they willbe in trouble. A. lost B. lose would lose D. losing 17, What's the name of the woman__gave you agit? Ache Bowhich CG who D. whose 18, The librarian asked students __ 80 much noise in the reading ‘A-noltomake —B.nomake —C.not making. don't make 19, My family has lived in thishouse__filfleen yeas. Amo B for since Dc already 20. Leal enjoyed th live show. It was grea, Ey Aciso'tit B.isit Cwasntit—D. werea'tit IH, Select the underlined word or phrase (A, By C or D) that has an ‘error to make it correct. 21, They look fonsant 0 have the reslusion othe problem they have mentioned a B c D 22. They have moved nothing in her room while they sent her to the hospital, A es eB 23. ret you afi that youl be push if you didnt come to schoo! on time? A B cue 24, Mx Badin o he hospital io pick up his rien, who's ear wouldnt sa. as c D 25, Ihwas aot easy for them geting tickets forthe concer A B c D IV, Read the following passage, and then select the correct answe ‘The invention of the phonograph happened quite by accident. Thomas Eason moved to Menla Path, New Jersey in 1876, where he established an industrial research laboratory. There, alison was working on acarbom telephone transite fo improve the existing Bell ilepkone system, In that laboratory a year Later. Edson invented the phonograph while be sas iryng fo mpeove a telegraph repeater. He attached a elephone diaphragm tothe neal inthe telegraph repeater: in this way, he was able to reproduce & recording that could be paved tack. Aer he made sonve improvements (© the ‘machine, he tested it) He recited "Mary Hod a Lite Lamb ino the machine fin played his voice back to. very surprised odin, 26. What is the best ile forte passage?” A. Thomas Edison's mary inventions BB. Improvements in telephone and telegraph n C.The History of Menlo Park 1D. An accidental invention 27. Imwhat year did the invention of phonograph occur? A18% BIST? C1878. theartiele does not say 28. What was Faison working on when he created the phonograph? AA. Atelegraph repeater B. Atelegraph diaphragm . Atelephone repeater A teleptone diaphragm 28, According to the passage, how was the phonograph made? A. With a telephone needle and a recorder B, From a recording ofa telegraph With only a telegraph repeater D. From a combination of telephone & telegraph part 30. According to the passage, how did Fson test his new invention? ‘A. He made improvements to the machine. B. He used a carbon transmit. (C.He read a children's rhyme D. He produced th naence voice \V._ Read the following passage, and then select the correct answer Singapore js an island city of about three milion people. 1's a beaut city with lots of parks and open spaces. I's also a very (31) ci Mostofthe people (32) ___inhighsrise ats indifferent parts ofthe island, The business districts very modem with (33) ‘of high re office buildings. Singapore also has some nice elder seetons. In Chinatow® there (34) rows of old shop houses. The government buildings it Singapore are very Beautiful and dat from the colonial days. Singapore is famous (35) _its shops and restaurants. Thera many goed shopping centers. Mist of the goods are duty free. Singapaes restaurants sell Chinese Indian, Malay and European food, and the prices Auite reasonable. 31. A. lage B diny small D.clean 32. Alive B lives Care living. lived 33. Alt B. lots C. many D. much 3 Ais B.willte — Covere aed 35. Ain Bon an oe vi Select the correct answer (A,B, Cor D to each ofthe follomitt questions. 56. with my uncle again next summer 28 ¥. B, She look forward to staying D. She looks forward to stay The teacher asked A Look forward t staying Hook forward to stay hat are you ding naw’, the teacher asked Tam, an aa Asha be was doing now (Chat he was doing then 1B, what was he doing then 1. what was I doing then. Dung spent the countryside with her classmates lst weekend. ‘A. 2hours travel to B,2hour wo travel .2hours ave! D.2hours traveling © [ike going swimming in summer. ~ ASoamt —Bytdo.o —C.Idoso—_—D. ike, ether Doyoumind ___? 1, borrowing your dictionary D-if | borrowed your dictionary ‘A if | boro your dictionary to borrow your dictionary Ded SREY ‘Select the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. Acchemisry — ——C. watching. teacher ‘A-moment —B.slogan comb D. opposite A.prodice — Beonfuse ——C. unar D. reduce A. bomb Ba debe Cotube D. doubt ‘A.teenage ——-Bluggage = C. image‘. damage ‘Select the hest option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence. eel very today A.happiness—_B.happy Cchappily Dare happy [think the government should do something to help ‘A.thepoors B.the pooronesC.poor _D-the poor ‘When F looked round the door, the child _ quietly. Avissleeping —B.wasseeping C.slept D. were sleeping Do you feel tke to the theatre or would you rather » TV athome? A. poing-watching B. eoing-watch C.go-wateh D. go-watched. 3 10, The policeman wamed passengers there, A.nottogo —Btonotgo not going D. not go 11. Thiskind of fond isthe worst tasted. Achadnever — Bohaweever did Dad 12. Ws said that London the nineteenth contr Achas had fan underground train system sag have hod D. has had 13, Vhaven't received any leer rom him ine here Accame Boome C camming comes 14, Wstime you wen don’t eave now, you the ta Amis Ss willmiss Could miss mied 15, Ieisimposibe or us inal this oie A wok B.towork ——C working. worked 46, They asked Ngan a ot of qoestons, most of she cot ansver well A-vtom —— Biwhoe Chih hat 17. The teacher explained is sents how they shoul! opt teaching. Aw 3 with C fw D about 18. Several people dll lke the cla the poor quay of Aso Bhowever —C.tecause of. because 18 Wer Te angry because you did't tell us the truth. We don't Mt AA ing deceived be deceive C-be deceived D being deeiving 20. Long bas stemy iced a his wor, go he decent ave tonight Think he will eal er A. sty Ditostudy —C.sudying ——_Dstuied IL. Select the a Word oF phrase (A, B, C oD) that has #® srror to make t correct 21 nnlcto sig gods ek, hag ms here coe a 8B Chup) 30 aio esa he esac al ns at sn A B c o wea shirts and shoes 2 Finan hy i a ely 9 met . oD G au leu was broken bows. he manage i gt ot othe ca. 1%. Rea the following passage, and thon select the correct answer, The trap signal was insta by aria sealing engineer Twas wnstalled (26) , The House of Parhament in 1868. 127) Fike any railway signal ofthe % ‘exploded ard killed a policeman, andthe accident (29) ‘development installed in New Yorkin WIE. The (38) an Pascal in 1928 * w u x M Rs 6 ara was operated by ts, (28) ; Tiber jars caine commen 0) trae lights are aa American inv sallsd in Cleveland in 1914 ion, Red-green (31) Thuce-solor signals, (32) on of the street, ere Tights ofthis peta (35) in Pritam were in London. on the Jatin bethnccn St James steer ty fant Acute Bout © out or D. outdoors A.rwsemblal —fhlooked CC. showed. seme A Wowever Therefore C. Although. Despite A forte DLawwided——C-discournged disappointed A. Now B Reve Modent DL Acmethols — Bisgsiems Comune A.worked operated «= C tamed he A. heat 1. focus halfway. midle A.original ——B.primary first, D-eatly A. shows B.appewr = C happen become Setect the correet answer (A,B, C oF D) to each of the following ‘questions, Htistime A. the children to got hed 1. forthe children wo yo to bed forthe children o going to bed 1. forthe children go to bed a 3. Wook Ahi rtp to wor by bile B.heone hur goto work y bg im one har ong wor y Ble D bison ter go Werk by Dsl 34 liste mon ‘loses ed sei ied siesta ine D since twas st ied Schoding couldn’ et ypa nw Obmpie anes eed ‘athotgh he it had B.even hugh eT Cinspteotthe tt heed and Dalton 40, Werall ish tatwediat ‘Awe imide te pry Bd Weinert the CrweinviedherithepatyDiwehane nied cr meee DE 10 Say 1. Select the word whose underlined partis pronounced differently from the others. ». 1. Alose Bmove Cave prove 2) Alopens Bg!) Cee = oe 3. Acprissd ——B.picked = C. laughed. watched 4 Avenough —B.plowgh weigh though, Atm Bbun Ceurin buy IL. Select the best option (A, B, C, oF D) to complete each sentence. 6. The young boys are not to ake part in the army. Aso old B.oldenough C-enowgholdD.asold 7. The baseball match was posiponed __ the bad weather, A despite Dinspite C.because —_D, beeaue of 8. Huy doesn't like roller-skating. ____ does his brother. ‘A.Too B.Neither C0 D.Either 9) Ifthe man had @ map now, he a shor-cut across the dese. ‘A.eculé have taken Boake . could take D.cantake 10.1F1 were you, L would advise u ___ anew restaurant over there Coty D. ties he is abways willing to give a Aty Bryne Mr Neuyen is very busy hand with the housework A.Desite -B.Although However. Therefore 12. Some learners make ist of new words in their ___. A. languages B. explanation mother tongue D. translation 13 see this detailed map is. the atlas. Acre useful Bmore useful than more sels Dwele than 1M The smaller your room i, the____ furniture it needs. Alless Bifewer —— Csmuller—D, more 15, Miss Oanh hates, at while he is out inthe street, Asad Dobesared —C.isstared —_D, being stared 16 1 you, Fd take some ret before the important exam Awa Bare cower D. would be 17. teas __ hot day that most of them decided to leave work el, Acsuch Bs C508 D.scha 18 Lets hangout fora dink, we? Awl B.sall cdo D. must 19. Trang wishes she to her mother. Now it is to lat. Acad listened —B, woullistenC.istened ——_D. has listened 20. Ngee 2?" Torn: “He's tll and thin with be eyes” [AHow is Me Neuyen doing B, What dos Miz Nguyen ke What does Me Nzuyen look Tike . Who docs Me. Nguyen lok ike ML. Select the underlined word or phrase (A, By C or D) that has error to make it correct. 21. Ixus imponant thi you should be on time a the meeting tonight. A Bec D 22. W'sobvious that Nam stalls student imi class A‘ Bac D EN ae 25, People wha exercise fisqeals hive ete physica sateorse sua hve rn py scl nda an ‘who doesn’. . D 24. Itwassuch a terrible ie tha the whole, B 4 ie governm rick 25. The g iment suggested hua the sale of alcohol at football ee ee IN. Read the folowing Ie.can be shown in fs and Ress tha oy convenient. and most environmen sie ea Smaak col aeons Sy nota none ofthe icles and tenons ste AED heefal aera ride. ve though the set ha ‘The fia thing a non-eyci stys o you “Dut it 28 dangerous?" It would be foolish to deny the dangey nfo with motor vehicles and it must be admitted thot ther cana ates —— of accidents involving cyclists. However a (5) ——__tha the car driver soften to blame ane ee yell Ts possible wo ride in such away as oredacereke ee ne 26. Ain Bat Cio Doon 27. A.boring — Bearfil —Cenoyable Ded 28 Acxpectedly — Bosrangely — Cuembly pene 29. A size B.nwmber ——C-deal Dedigit 30. A. point B indice Coaiplay Dei V._ Read the following passage, and then select the correct answer. ‘Ted Robinson has been worried all the week. Lat Tuesday he received 8 Ted a letter from the local police. In the letter he Was asked to calla he ‘wondered why he was wanted by the police, bithe went w the staton and now he is not worried any more, At the station he way told by ili poliee-man that his bicycle had been found, Five years go, the policeman old him, the bicycle was picked up ina small illage Tour hundred miles away. 13 now being sent to his home by train. Ted was most surprised when he Heard the news. He was amused too, beeause he never expected the bicycle tbe Found ‘twas stolen twenty years ago when Ted was a boy offieen 31, Ted was worried because _ Av he reeeived a letter B. he went (o the police station yesterday 34 spariment building were desu, Passage, and then select the correct answer, cling is the cheapest, mes le form of transport (2) at there are an alanming (29) CC. the police would catch him D. he didnt know why the police wanted him 32, The police who talked to Ted was A.pleasant —B. worried __C. suprised 33. Why was Ted very suprised when he heard the news? [A Because his bieyele was stolen 20 years ago. , Recause his bicycle was found when he was a boy of fiten, Because he thought he would never find the bieycle, D. Becatse the bicycle was sen to hien by tain MM. When was Ted's bieyele found? A Last Tuesday B. Five years ago Twenty years ago D. Yesterday Which of te following statements is NOT tre? AA The police ashe Ted to go to thei station, 'B.The policeman told Ted the good news 5 days ago, (CT is no longer anxious now D. Ted is 35 years old now VE. Select the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each of the following questions, 36. Khoa arrived late A. In spite of having token ata B. Despite of having taken a tax C-Although of having taken a taxi . Though having taken a axi 37. The woman ashes! Mrs. Nhung, A. how was old ber son Chow old her son is 38, Do you agres that the mocea car cost, A. faster it goes Babe faster it woes so faster it goes D the fastest it ges 39. Which sentence below has the sime meaning as “The students never ‘understand you. do they”? {A Do the stxents never understand you? B. Are the students never understand you? Don’t the students never understand you? D. Do they the students never understand you"? D. small B. how old son was D. how old her son was 3s a eT Tone his job AU the lazy man works harder 18.1 the lazy man does’ t works harder Unlen the lazy man doesn't work harder Unless the lazy man works hander De Il Tey L AA. B, C or D) to indicate the word whee fers fom the other three tm promunciatone tach of the following questions. i " L Aw Sime Can 2A started B nvitgd Cregg D hte 'M. Circe the letter (A, B,C oF D) to indicate the ord that ifr from the other three inthe positon af prin ines following questions, mon 2 Accoure Were plemure 1 pre 4 Accommunicate Mi comenient C.tgecaty — D Senrenge HL Circe the letter A 1, Cor D to indicate the wnderined pr ha ‘needs correcting in each ofthe following quecngy sn at fam Sang anc Sears ATER DHESCHE (6 My younger sister nioys tad stout will animas an atu mye. ao c 7. He isthe man which tives asa m:house AOE D '% Hejsthe seat at Nowven Hae ssconian scent Au) BiG D —_ 9. Many. people bliss that New York i the most smal ety in America A 8 ¢ D 10. We'vs got a wenty minutes break in the morning aR © D %6 1V, Circle the letter (A. B.C oF D) to indicate the correct answer to ‘each of the following questions. (pane 3 cepa feo Walle es = ee U Sine teat esiece See fee Rae nh Seer met eke ee isaacan cone gece me ee epee a teen een oe [er feels ree mcecrien cecil as a Shee eel area teats ee 2 Aieratinces emilee ant ‘VP each word in capital letters into the correet form so that it can Ai the gap im exch sentence below. 21. My sister isa ata pear school im He. (TEACH) The"so das the __ dress of Vietnam women. (TRADITION) 23 You man read the inetrctiom, before using (CAREFUL) 24. We are really impressed by the ofthe people there (FRIEND) 25. Sang’s seme of hurnot hie from other stadents (DISTINCT) VI. Read the following pascage and circle the letter (A. 1h, Co D) to indicate the correct word that best fits the numbered blanks, My village is 269 Ha Binh Province Wis very beaut nt peacefil place where people (27) lowers and Sepetables only a” WW(WH3H??W Its very famous for ts prety roses and picturesque scenery. The ai, fresh 28) the smell of roses makes people feel coo. tn sping village looksTike a arpet with plenty of 29) Touristscome ge itsooflen. Nowadays with elcteiy and laborsaving devices. it doseage the villagers (30) time to wae the roses, Ar ven at ng can walk along the path and enjoy the fresh smell of the flowers, pe 26 Aon Bafrom Gain Dat 21 A grow Cerew ——Dehoughe 2 Atowever = Bithen Cand bat DB. Acre Bemwks = Caguts sles 30. A. miny Bafew © Calt —Dimneh VI. Read he following passage and circle the etter (A,B, Cor Da Indicate the correct answer to each ofthe questions The lange movement ef earth ander the water eauses ery Lge ad poner sur The Guba wt called tA Tan ot World I was called he Boxing Day Tsuna in England Astle, Sot ‘esa Cand hesai pen ne li hy lay Dy ‘sunani cause a oof damage wo counts stehas Pipes Talo Indonesia and Sri Lanka. ™ Waves high as 30m ile many poopie and damage or destoyeda bt of uldings and ther properties. Over 13.00 pooped or wee fans afer the Tsunami, The wave taveled 3 fir aay Seal Alice (HOTA wee as many as § peopl ded Beese Of high ter ems by te woe Because of how much damage was caused andthe amber of people he eartuake affected. over 87 lion was donated io hep the sures a rebut aes dap, 31. Why was the sua cae the Basing Day Tsuna A. Because happened whe people were boxing B. Because it happend hen ope werclleing boxes . Because it hppened on Boxing Dy. D. Because it destroyed fat of boxes, , 32, How high were the waves? A.Thineen meters. Figheen meters C.Thiny meters. Two hundred and ment five meters 33. What were some people ia South Ac killed by? A.Earquake B.Migh water. High wind 34, Wht does the word surivor nine 11 mean? Ahouses that aren't destroyed Bofcesthat ar being bil C. people that are dea D. people that ale alive iin England? D. Property 38 8. Which ofthe following is NOT true? ‘A. Only in Asia the tainar was called Asian Tsunami B. The tsunami cause alot of damage to Indonesia. ‘€. Many people died because ofthe high waves Alot of money vas rise to help peopl VIIL Rewrite each ofthe sen ‘exactly the same as the one given before it. 36. Phong i taller than Tan Tam is - se 37, What about pong w Sapa next weekend? Why dons 38, “ike this apartment very much” Mis. Lan sai Mrs. Lan said 39. Sperding the weekend onthe beach i very eveting. Ws. 40. You cat find such exquisite hand-made handbags in many shops here Infew ny De 12 rad 1. Choose the word whose underlined partis pronounced differently. 1. A food Bschool C.tagl D. good 2 A.border B.tareh C.moming —D. forget 3. Achoused B.preserved —C.crooked —D. raised 4. Acspecies ——-Bipollue—C.aveept———D- receipt 5. A-moutis ——B. paths C.monitis wreaths TL Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three of the group. 6. A.tomorow important C.mystery——_D. however 7 Aclanguage —-Beadvice CC. summer region 8 pattem CC. symbol. design, » a 9. A.understand —Bengincer _C. Vietnamese D. adventure 10, Alaboratory — Beeletity —C.edueation _D. mathematicy UL, Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1 The men and animals ‘were coming through the streets ma bigecloud ofdust. wir ses A. who Bowhich —C.that D.wwhom 12, Herleter have come yesterday, but it didn’t A.muast Bishoull ——C.ought D.can 13. Phone him before eight; __he'l be to busy t talk to you. Acunless Bowhether otherwise Dif 14, This building is sid ‘wo hundred yeas ago, Ato build have been built to have bai Datobe built 15. = Son: “Thanks for your help, Cao. ~Cao: * A With all my heart 1B. Never remind me C.lesmy pleasure D.As you wish| 16. ‘The weathers very nice. Let's go out fora walk, 2 A.shallwe —-B.willwe C.dowe Di have we 17. My brother often uses his goods as___ashe can A-cconomic —_B, economically C. economical D. economics 18, Let's wait for Hoa here: I'm sure she will Atum off B.tum up C.umdown — D.tum over 19, Thousands of people near the Fukushima niclear power plant have been ordered to evacuate. ™ Avliving —B.areliving C. who living. A and Care correct 20. Itcosts about fifty dollars to have a tooth, A. filing fil filled D. being filled IV. Identify one mistake in each sentence. 21. Eventhough she looks young, shes elder than my twenty-sear-ol sister, c A B D 122. She pad the cleaner 100 VND for leaning ten windows, most of them A B c hadn't been cleaned for atleast a year D 40 eee Because of tte, we could not go 1 school yesterday. A amc D 24, We object to people to make private calls on the office phone, A B ¢ D 25. ‘The amount of women eaming Master's Degree has sens arply B c A recent years D V. Supply the correct form of the words in bracket. 26, He asthe to become a professional player, (ABLE) 37. My mother wants me w have this photograph __. (LARGE) 28. Antsand bees are desetibed as inseets. INDUSTRY) Some designers have THe Ae di by prising lines Siac (MODERN) 30, Please accept our (HEARD, MI congratulation Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. WITCH DOCTORING ‘Many early ideas about dhe causes and cures ofillness seem ridiculous to ustoday, Yeti some respects the medicine man of uncivilized tribes used the method for euring sick persons which are known to have had teal vale, Inearly time when people became il thy’ tuned for help to the medicine man of the trike. It was generally believed that sickness as caused by evil spirits, and it was the moieine man's tsk to drive these bad spirits out of the Sick man. To do this, he sould ty to frighten them avsay by making loud noise ain! wearing frightening masks. Ustally he ssould chant magic words, sing Speval songs. and performed special dances, Nearly alway’ he used a particular Kind of plant which was supposes to e a remedy for particular sickness. Some ofthese cures used by the medisine men did lp. The plants which these early doctors used sere frequently drugs now understood tobe medicinal or pains relieving. The respect and confidence whieh the people had in theie ‘medicine man give sick persons hope and helped them eel better. 31, Which not directly state, it ean be reasoned from the article that A. witch doctors have alisays filed. B. witch doctors have never led C. witeh doctors might have cured some people, 41 D. with doctors were really ridiculous people 2. The arile as a whole isabout _ ‘A medicinal plans B. uncivilized doctoring © magic chan D. sick tribe people 33. Which of the following sentences s TRUE? ‘A. Medicine men always worked in silence. B, Medicine men sang to invite back the Spirit of Health, C. Medicine men wore masks to frighten the sick persons. . The life of vial people in early ime was very har, 34, Which ofthe following sentences is NOV TRUE? ‘A. Savage tribes believe that illness as caused by evil spirit, B, Medicine men often used special plans in making their cures C. Everything that medicine men dis now known o be dangerous. D. Maticine men sometimes performed dances 35. The word “them inthe second paragraph refers to A. evil spirits © coher medicine men B sick persons D. magic words VAL Finish each ofthe following sentences in such a way that it mews ‘exuctly the same as the sentence printed before. 36,1 regret no buying any teks fo the concert ph ie 37. L would ike you to put the chairs away, Do you mind 38.1'mon the fith page of the leer Fm writing Soft 39. haven't decide to continue my stay ina foreign Vhaven't made — 40. He was & fool 10 say tha Ks county. 2 DE 13 SREY 1. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest: 1. Acpesticide Bp © solid 1D. dynamite 2 Asuyed B laughed C disappeared —D. warned 3. Accomsiderate — Declebrats——C-nominate——_D. congratulate 4 Aworkers —— Wholadays—C.banamag——_D hetmets 5. Asuppossd increased. D. promised Choose the correct answer: 6. Most of eanthquakes inthe world A happen Bt Crp "he men and animals you saw on TY were from tna, Athat Bwhich where D. whom 8 Me Mais that people have spoiled this area. A. disappoint disappointed © twdisappoint 9. She s looking forward vo A twosive have receive 10, 1FDuy enough money. he ‘Achave'il bay hail buys D. disappointing ber frst pay packer Coreceiving —-D, be receiving, 1B. asi buy D. hasibuys Vi. The baby is crawling __ is athe’ le Avan Beamong ——C.between——_D. before 12. ___she comes in af an hou, {shall go alone, A. Unless Br Although ——-D, Despite 13, Congratulations Your fist prize in the Sports Contes. Ain Boat for Don '4,__isnow a serious problem in many counties, st it? ‘A. Plant tees Deforestation C. Burden. Festival 4 15.1 suggest that we money forthe poor people in our comms Asie Bome Csving De shoulda 16. “Whatare you lookin My color pence los ie Amie! Bon C. for Din 17. De you kro that Auld Lang Sone is 8 song _ is sag New Years Eve? Avwhom ——Buthat Couch. B&C conse 18, Me Diy is very ted. ___, be has to finish his assigmer efor ging to ed A Therefore B.So C.However _D.Althougi 19-Toyoia cars _ in Japan, — They're very beutii ‘will produce Draped C.praluced — pode 20, Nha Trang will have temperature 23 degree Celis at 27 dogroe Celsius. A between therefore D. with IIL. Identify and choose one underlined word or phrase thats incorrec: 21. Think we should fae a shower insead of a bath saying energy hich A B iG D 22. He msi many fiends which encouraged bm i his work A B chen 23,_ Although my sister wasted, she helped me with my homework. A B c D 24, The man, who i siting next Linh, her brohgt-in-lay A BC D 25, Whatever happened. | id't want to los friendship of Khoa A na D IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answer: In the United Sates, people celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Dt ‘Mother's Day is elated on the second Sunday in My. Father’ Da § celebrated throughout the Unite States onthe third Sunday in June. 828 occasion, mother and father usualy receive greeting eards and ifs Fo family members. The best wif ofall or an American Mom is a day of st ‘The majority of American mothers have outside jobs aswell as housewath their working days ae offen bard The working mother enjoys the trai Mother's Day custom of breaifist cooked by he family and served 10 bet "2 teay’in bed, Later in tht day is als wadtona forte extended fails 8% to get together for dinner ether n a restaurant on one of their homes 36. When do American people celebrate Mother's Day? Acthe second Sunday in May. B. the third Sunday in June D. the second Sunday in June. Con March. 8°. 27. Do Vietnam people celebrate Father’s Day? A. Yes. they do. B.No, they don't. Yes itis D.No.itisn't 28, Addy of leisure isthe best gift of all for an American Mom? A I'sthe best git. B. Lucky money Yes. itis D. Wellsdone. 29. What do mother and father receive on this occasion? A sits B. greeting cards ©. money D.A&Bare correct 30, Where do the family member have ther dinner party on this occasion? A. family group '. restaurant or their homes hotel D. stadium \V. Read then choose the best answer fo complete the passage: In many countries nowadays, electricity, eas and water are necessities Companies which prodace household goods realize that consumers. want product that will not only work effectively. (31) save money In North America. houschold lighting accounts for 10% to 15% of the cleats bill However, this amount ean be (32)_by replacing an ordinary 100- ‘wa Fight bulb with an energy-saving Bulb: Consumers ean save USS 7 to USS. 2 per bulb, In Eucope there isa labeling scheme for reftigerators freezers and washing ‘machines, the labels tll the consumers (33) energy elficieney each model has. 34) with ether appliances Tn the same category. The final result is that dese tovations will save money as well as conserve the Eanh's 35) 31 Acbutatio Bs C.although _D. because 32. Ares Brepaired — Coreplaced ——D. reduced 33. A-howmany — much — long. how far 34 Accongraultions B. kept compared D. thought 3S Acneny —-Brnaturl§—Cresourees—_D. exchange VL Use the word given in brackets to combine each pair of sentences info one: 4s 36, Teta sta Tetsu inate any or eely February. Wc, ives in Ho Chi Minh City. (WHO) Nea ec Ree nme i. 39. Inspte ois broken. Mir Khan managed to get out of the ca (ALTHOUGH eae Se ‘40. My sister dost work nth company any more. (NO LONGER) > De 14 Saye {Choose the word whose underlined parts pronounced diferety from that of the others. ree 1 Acmnbate Rhuescen C.eanbpiake —D,math 2 Asells RG acaeury Foie’ 3 Acmorery Byline Cpanel 4 Aosics! Raha! Catenied pot 5 Asma Bape Conumge spe AL Choose the word whose stress pattern is diffe from that of the others. es Sa A-comprise —B. mausoleum —¢, eligi D. nulsory A-imeligen B.popdaion Comermniy pro oane A federation —B. economic ¢. ‘environment —D. documents ‘A-tnimporant B. incomplete C.denvanagy by -encouragerett Abeon sisniii Camere) eetas ‘Choose the best answer from the four opti B.Cor D) to complete each sentence | below, inane uaa Thais five sat cel gE cee rere a 46 ne and B.wherss —Cocier——_nevertiles 18, Long does not play table tennis Huy doesnot play table tennis. ‘A. Both Long ng Huy does’ play table tennis B. Neither Long nor Huy plays tale tennis. Not either Long of Huy plays table tennis . Not only Long but also Huy does pay tale tennis. 19. The coach said, “t's ime for you to go home. srt! ‘A. The coacr ol dhe pes that twas ime for you to go home. B, The coach tells the ies that twas ime for them to go home C-The coach tod the gis that itis time fr them topo home, 1. The coach tod he gis that it was time for them to go horn: 20. Titook him afong tims to getuscd A. tohave glasses wear to wear glasses C.wearing glasses wearing passes 21, The doctor suggested that his patents A stopped smoking stops smoking C.stop smoking D.tostop smoking 22. Danh wrote __reporto the Vietnam war last year, Actempage —— Bratenpuge —C.tenpagss D-tempages 23. Trung never comes to class on time and ‘A neither does Quang B50 does Quang. ©. Quang does oo D. neither doesn't Quang. ” 36. Tetisa festival. Tet occurs late January or early February. (Wi > MOM 12, The child went aad cold just before te exam, “ave Sea SERS CECH MEE CE caver D. dough Mrs. Xuan isan engineer, She lives in Ho Chi Minh Cit ‘A.down with Bin for © Bor a dees (aire sie, she would have pone out wih ber fail 19 = = oom the pa 38 Heat buy anew car. Because be doesnt have enough money. (i) Achasw’tbeen Bowen’ Cwast Dad been oar 14, Theman, ___ daughter is at top of class 9A. is a famer. 38. Init of his broken les. Me Khanh managed 0 Be out ofthe car, jeer a ea eae (ALTHOUGH) 15. Mysiseris anne ashe was on ‘nthe hospital last night = Awork WatamCday D. service 40. ‘in that company any more, (NO LONGER) 16. Minh is in class 91, Trinh, who is @ year older. is only in fe. ak ad Bewberes —Ceither——_D.neventoess 17, Thelay kid regretted tan Iwas oie x A ot having learnt 1. ot earing Dé 14 Clearing i have oar 18 tong doesnot pay abe emis. Huy doesnt play abe ST RMay Ath Langan sy doesn't ply te tennis 1 Neither Long noe sy play tbe ei, Fate ard whose underinedpartispronounceddilfeenty —C Netcibesl om oti tines ohn {rom that ofthe others. DD Nat only Hons bat als uy docs py tale te 1. A-sunbathe BL thundersorm C.canhauke —D, math 19, The couch si. “W'stme fr you to go home. gis 2A sound B.southem ——C.draught——_D,maotan -A-The coach old he gts that it sine for you ogo home 3 A-poneny —B.palinion —C.pupulaion _D. putaly The coach tells the vith it waste fr them Wo go home 4 A-pructicsd BL washal adhering D. rn ©. The cach tothe ita its time fo them to go home 8 A-torbage ——Blsewage ——Ccourage_,hachaage 1D The coach told the vis hat it was ime for them o go home. ML. Choose the word whose stress pattern 4 tet 2. Ftook hima long tinct gt used thoes nm ME Per erent rm halo} * Ning gin etme & Acomprise — B.masokum Contig . wari glass wearing glasses 7, Matas Ge Sea uate Dicemeertl 1 thaalae pagpcied tate ptems 8. A federation Biesonomic Cem, Deseonomies A. stopped smoking B. stops smoking fe — Cemironment , dacumenian 9. A mingoran Benge © a m0 | __C.sop smoking to sop stoking 10. A.imeraing Desenthing, Ganntmmee D-ercoumserel | 22 Dahm" _epotonthe Viena bot eae amazing. surpesing Avtenpage — Blaterpage —C.tenpages —D. tenpages eto ceag anaes th Four ins murked (4,8,C4] 2-Tra nserconex tierce el D) (0 complete each sentence below, ‘ A. neither does Quang 1B. so does Quang 11 Thatisherfvorte shor Quang does oo D nether doest Qua A.slewed — Bedeese une ome a Cisleeving sleeves 46 a milk, 224. Ank’s young brother prefers eee A.more than Bobetter C10 the iver. Not until 2008 _aeoss 0 Nite it geod Bathe ist building ofa by Ci the ist brloe . was the first bridge bul, IV. Choose the underlined words or phrases (A, B, © oF Dy tha incorrect in standard English. 26, Look! Ther isct siting inthe mide whe road i BC D 277. Ms. Hong had a gander a plan some tres yesterday A BC OD 28. The wel rm hich he villages 480 et Waters OW near emp a ngeec D 28.The new brochures dsscrbing allow Services ere delisted to us A B Tne vesteay nd re ship out ery tomorrow moring. c D 30.1 hick it had be beter if we se A 8 tow food » Da than ty hana leaves instead of paper € ‘Read the following passage and mark the letter (A, B, C, or Dt indicate the correct word or phrase foreach ofthe blanks. Schools inthe Urited Sites have not alway hada large numberof ia ASG) 8s 1958 about half ofthe public schol in the Utd Sas ado bres stall. The munberof public school libres increased dram en the feral government passed the Flementary and Set) dation Act of 1965, (33) "wove fanis for seool tes improve tei education propans an cites, including thei libra ‘many educators elaim hat since . en arc te a pone Senna sta ness ulicily meat al bray teholois sch as cmp data tae ee 31. Acfishly”Bfemuely Creel br acaly B Atiowh — Bwih Came pommel 3 Athan Bie ee onal 34. A.Neverticles: B.Conqumly © Theefere Dreerwis 35. Afine Bite Com Disum a VL. Write the se %, ». 0, ice so that it has a similar meaning to the original one. “This isthe best essay Ihave ever write, > Never _ [My English friend finds using chopsticks dificult My English friend isnt That car's so expensive, I don’t tink T ean buy ie it ack “his isthe best computer Ihave ever used, 3 Thave Saas Choose the word whose wnderind partis pronounced diferent from the rest by cizting the earresponding liter A, By Coe Dy Aceh dam Chugh Dring ise aCe gues | ot ist Risch! Chmmk Dad heer new “Nome net owe Reh Coe Dawe Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence, entity your answer by circling the corresponding letter (A. By sor D). What's your bithday, Nam? = Its ‘Aon the twenty-one of July onthe twenty-first of July 1. on July the twenty-one Din July the twentysist ‘Thesun______inthe wes. Look! I A. svi Setting B, sess suing ©. setingset D. seve ” Al the boys are goo at cooking, Bet 5 9° WOO" a the 8 Enon enema es Gane Deevery 7 fie ofr this wee 9. Thewer__—— 8 ison ‘b Ais 10, Thve 3 many coe hat sometimes Vel atic abot Asif Bevenif C.eventhough D. lke Lith walls ofthe house arcoveed __ coat of pin. Ait Bin D. under 12, Thatwasa ceremony. wasn ti? ‘A prepare B preparewell wellrepred D.wellprepare 13, That nose ws writen bya welFAnown Writer tis worth Avtoread Beading Da. have red 14, Isthis the adress to you want io have the package sex? Acwbee — Biwhich——C.that Doshom 1S, The father satbyhis__eil's bedside all night as e was sk Acsecp —— Baskep —C.oversleepD, lecing 16, He as adopted thee orphans his own six chile» all opt. be as nine children to provide Accvcept —B.beside besides 17, You should take regular exercise television ll da. D. in place siting in fom Ainspieof — Dinseadof —C. without Deven 18, dont wantio go outright Kim phones. Acsothat — Boewnthough Cwhen Dine 19, Lobjesto ke this Abe wating B. weaing mn Comte D ve en tated Since rve ht one wimp NAME An fess humid climate, 16M Almove B.I movi a mn Diana Shy pope often fin it tc sess ‘take place in ca ee © eton with va 22 Tea eget tee goals ti. 0 awit Bby C0 Din Don't forget (0 the alarm clock for six o'clock tomorrow Nat B put ring D. wind Natonly did he lose the hey but he also forgot the tickets A. He forgot the puro tickets to the coneet BB. Hediin't know he had wo have tickets CMe got the tickets after he found his keys. DD He lost his keys and forgot the tickets as well ‘Do not rite on the walls said the teacher to the boy. A. The eacher tld the boys do not writen the walls B. The teacher told the boys not to write onthe walls (CT teacher said to the boys no rite on the walls. 1D The teacher sid the boy so mot write on the walls, stake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. sr answer by circling the corresponding letter (A, By ML There isa entity y Corb). 24. Kha’s professor ha! hi to rite his thesis many times before A B allssng bi ittoste commits « D 27 hin Han i aseustomed to work eight hours a day A 8 © D 28. The more fcquent you exercise the gueater phy sil endurance you. A B c willhavs. b 29, Onlylen you have ada chanee te know various occupations A B c ‘you wll decide on your caret b 3-1 tis. t0 do everything o.comact Minh two weeks ago bat so far A B c 1 don't recive his reply b st patter inet co hs yssg caret and he coos A 18 Read aa ar pe corepondngleter(AB.Cok ee ecigtne iy nana ta U8 GCC Soy Aha eee Renae might Pep predict fate eatquske See oe eee erectile centre of fairly roeent quake, Sone birds sereeched and Tew about wi Se ee ee eee Saya mac hits ae niece me 0D SE ee ea eae eee 31. What prediction maybe made hy observing animal behavior? ‘the numberof people wh wl de B eminent changes C.acoming urthquake the te-ilometer ais f an catgut. 32, Why can animal peeve these changes when humans cannot? ‘A. Animals are more intelligent than humans B. Humans dont know wre to look. By runing around, they can fel he ibations. 1, Animas ave cei isin that humans don't possess. 33, seins can accurately predict agus, here willbe Acalower dent rate 1B. fewer animals ying ery fewer people evaeated. D-fewer envionment changes, 1M. Which ofthe following statements isnot? ‘A. Som animals may be able to sense an approaching earthquake 3. Al birds and dogs in the tenlometer radius of an af cere become wild ee th ge MS fais of The Chinese have sucesily predict an canhquake and $4 any ives D. By observing. animal behavior scents can carga. “Nl Meteor seins perhaps can, Pe 35. Inthe passage the word “evacuate” mos mans AS Beenie C.deey_ Diemove 2 {Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before i The fature was too Ol For us to keep rltwas Nobody has cleaned Ue sees this week, = The streets x. '8. While mening the road, they aecislemtally blocked our water pipes + They accidentally cut He brought the He nee" sein . While strongly disapprove of your behavior. | will help you this ime, = Despite ml along uti did train 40. De 16 Say Select the word whose underlined partis prot from the others. sed differe Accveniually —B.invention —C. preparation. shyness 1 2. Acreputation —B.communiate C. documentary” D, hundred 3. Aig Bsignaure ——C. habit D-limitation $. Acdormitery — Boccupy, minority. territory 5. Aadvised ——Beamared practiced. changed Ml. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of ‘the others. & Aindustyy poisonous C.atmesphere De awareness 7. A.generous — BextensiveC. sincerely D eternal % A-mausoleum —B. pesticide C. intermediate, decompose 9. Aincome —Belevale contact. impart, 10. —BLeompile_C. locate D. website IIL Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) which best completes ‘each sentence. u i you do better work than this, you won't pass the exam, 3 2B 24 2s, A.When B.Althoug Twas just A.aound———-B about Ie dtcul to pay one's bills when prices Keep A growing B gaining ho Cte D. Unless to pout when you telephoned, B thinking ——D.planney rising D- raising She ‘er neighbor's chil forthe broken window complained D. denied Did you ike the novel that [gave you last week” the novels that Ive read, enjoyed this one the most ‘A.blamed ——B. accused A.Allof That od Indy is Aw B Ofall Forall deaf wo hear what you say. Benoweh not D. Fromal D.t00 aie to buy that nice dress for had forgotten to bring my A. gloves The mio A too many The visitor spoke Ain B purse __ oud bonnet | ean’ hear the nose Biomech —C.muchtoo __the subject of wife in northern Brin, B fom Not they but Tam _ A receives They have Aa great quantity Calarge number One person Aomof “Pollution worriesme’ ‘A that has brought Cis bringing 1 wasn’t a bit surprised o hear that Khoa ‘A. Iwasa bit suprised to hea that B. That Khoa had changed her job Bineceive with the owe, receiving D. trousers D. lot muck Dion D. to reecve ‘of elpers even when they are in eed Bo sithin B.alage amount D. great umber for among seven nthe world speaks perfect English D. from —"Meto ssomething eso pote which has brought D. that bringing surprised me abit Surprised, Khoa had changed her jo, D. It eame a5 no surprise to me to We quarreled C.for had changed her job hoa had changed her job. bear that Khoa had changed her i the choice ofa house Divo 1V, Complete the sentences by filing in each blank with the correet form of the word in italic. 26. Sang suas dismissed by his time (EMPLOY) 27 The judge told him it was hin foe year (RESPONSIBLE) that he must leave in month’ {o drink and drive, and banned 28 Englishisa easy language for us to earn. (COMPARE) 29, Some young people today havea very strange (APPEAR) Many designers took {om Vietnam's ethnic minorities, INSPIRED Ve Read the following passage and mark the letter (A, B,C oF D) to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Television sone of man’s important means of communication. Kbings events sea sounds aural the word into milion. of homes. person withthe television Sct can sit inhi hose ad watch the president making a speech or visita foreign oun. He can se war being fugit an watch statesmen try to bring peace Txwugh TV: bome viewers can sce and Tear about people. places. aa things in faraway tnd. Television even takes its viewers ot ofthis work, I brings them coverage of Americas stronnts asthe aso explore oe space. Inadditionto hese things TV bringsitsviewersasteady'steam of programs thot are designed to entertain, In fet. TV provides many more entertainment prosrams than any other kinds. The programs include action packed dramas, Tight comedies. sporting events and motion pictures. 31. What does television bring us? A. Noise fom around the word 8. Man’s most important means of taking. (C Events and sounds around our globe. D. President making speech. 32 What can’t viewers do with the TV at home? A. watch a president piving alk, B see war being fought (C-watch a statesman making attempt to bring about peace D. see heavens an bells 33, Which ofthe following is NOT true? ‘A.TV can bring us entertainment 'B. By watching TV. people ean widen their knowledge CC. People know events and sounds from different word 1. Poople ean meet presidents without going out 3s a ss vu ™ pyeen- —=——_ so on coterie PROBA ina Buagoties 1D mation pictures According @ de poms x dramas moss ‘vm a TW ect a pera ca Mech preset maine # = Bowe rien comm) (Cea ting i ony as Dad otthem ABO nih cach of doe ftiotag seems in vac 8 WAT Coat Riad exactly the sme ‘She dee ot wp te aOR = She wed They started leaning gis our YEU 8 - Ths he re ‘Se ra fr owe serous tet now than she used to be. — Ste utes Tati ou bp me pe chairs aw. = De sr mid 1 do anything for you because ove you seca of DE 17 LEY Choose the word whose undertined partis pronounced differs from the rest by circling the corresponding letter A. B.C °°? cee Seog Com De Ame Sern Come Ot ab C deaf D. wife pao i Cm D plo Aw Ke ee (Cham the one Ch te wrt pr marhd A B,C oF DM I He dd an __ play risky sports A. his kids 10 1B thatihey € haskids should . that his kids eo rehearsing for her fint performance Yomorew at fie te every dy Aisgoingw — Bcan cis D willbe 8 Trnhhes ‘ales diferent from ours A. anos B others each other. other 9, She doesnt ike television coaching Blocking = C.vumah D.see ve leas oe eee IEE bare eran ero Acant Ty emsint C.must not. ought 11, Couka't you goa ile faster? ma “a bury A of Boon Ca Dain 12, Danis doing any housework A. disable of B. incapable of uncapable of D disabled t 13.Linh to lose weight, 0 she finally went on a diet. A. wanted long Bas long wanted © ad Tong wanted D tong waned” 14, Will you do me a four if you" ‘Awe all would tke B. somebody wants it C task DT ant 15, “Some sugar™=" |A.No. no me! No.1 don't C.Thanks, Pike D. Yes, please 16.Can you deliver this eter han. A with Bw Cin D.ty 17 ___flowers are made by hart and by machine. ANaual — BAnificial = C.Tropical ——-D. Beautifil 18 Hardly ver ict good job these days without a good education. 1 people might B dopeople — C people can D. have people 19. “Do you have any pete?” = “Yes, Ive hinena” Ato small Mack. (lack small two. 2 “What day is 17 - She asied me _ 1 small pwo black 1D. two black small 2 —_— Rene tom] ae > —_?€ = owt 2 ee Se eae eee eee eo a = = Mewes end ogi tat 0 9 eam fh a os co ee 5 om oil toe Bil you knw a 0. There 2 mistake othe four undertined parts of each seateaee Seve) yom eovewr by crn to sorrenpwotion tome 3% Pega me sae very vate mvc on ying « new he * ® co FY sich tw the tat | a's mow a 9 ay e 8 © op 28 gn dome © tg Me emer a wee whe moter ftom hes week nd s ee 7 Dem eo. ee dana er tee ° ree eet tr nw tem, 20 et tn te lo en nt 0 pet med is od - € . 1 Rent tr towne pany creepy ct ne tie beat commer by ea Se so sien my nee oe ey ee ee ” ten aah emcee are Fig fe ewig th oa ag a Benn a ne Ra aa eee net et et he setter emt Nem eer tnpenge | come | ptt he do at tere pee wee Tre raga nk atest ws mers at eee” Sa es a Fret tngi a wet ene to of er mech They aly Fee pegs met Meets at tapi Engh America Tle nie ts met pot ah ter os tang shah Fgh a eT te eee peter Freee rman oe Spy Sto ahs ar Foghah Nem # we te seem, Ting tv he hgh secbe, Reoine a o om LNT ACERS Sante pgs a Engh Pann ey SED Larner or mene nga Tr contig te ae Ants ahs ar Fgh mee ke erg Eh gah ets ef ent Figo pp on nt fe wh 12 Ma prot ear Fg by AX mamtarg vadeo 1 hearing aan nthe oie ering fr he hms 1 ting th he tm ts 10 Many toys ars ean igh Mem A Fg ca pe thom ao 1 cle th sy cores the parents mae hem 1 ey have hear her gg te Aerators may tet chen sah A sc org ngage Frome Cama. am Spit 2 gh a+ bevy ge ling a Matas hs Dn eee an toe Mary ea Pag em rare) 2 hey ware tet © cent of te he ef Engin 0 hg em te ek LV. Rewrite exch of the following sentences im stCh 8 way thy, ‘means the sane as the first sentence. 36. They have ust opened anew spear m ten, Nps sperma 37. bean’ oto he pry tonight tec ou pail Mk Tis moeming me met aman. He my utc The man = 539, “Do you liven this at with your parts Nam asked me apap edo Pe seccre ccna 40. Ierained hd this morning bat we went oo tly Atogh ven by, De 18 ZaASy 1. Choose the word that has 2 different proaunciation from de ‘others ofeach group: 1. Acschoo! —— Cc hieen 2A federd —Bgthmic Cg 3 Aidt) Bfamily Cy 4A day Boy Coy 5A boo Tits C follow De ML. Choose the word that has a diferent main sflable stres fret thers ofeach group: 6 Accorespomd —B.frendiness mseum 2 Apvimary peace ‘BA depend another —C differem =D myself 9. A. compultory B. mausoleum € recreation Pintrost 10. Amodern visit © teglon De comsst, TLL. Choose the best eet est otio (A BC oF Dy below to complete WT upatssis this hme ee Chave woken D, am waking Co Whi het brother inte ary, Th then twice a month Aiscwrtes — Biscwmte | Cwmovrtes Dwar: rote te Chines fee 8 year bat he doesn sia te A seabed atabes —— C havstaict Dieting What were thy dng a o'chk 7 Avene Birecendy | C yesterday Dow ‘a tl wing youcare in? aw Bien Cahn Dina {We he ot of the wine, Some on ad ts mite yank Amepinmg pty Coplaped ware paying Nar weed Atmempe — Himight CG temerow night Dow They Pgh tes ae 2 pes e A tefore Rae anc D.otpresent ‘She began pin er Aimer Rete Cinthefiture D.fryean He fodang ih bes tethers whi eve yung. Ana Recto Craued D wa J Sepply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses: to stad every moming except Surnlays a bath a litle gh lothes. 1 book, her mother Wet team tamewer the phone L have) She (iver fm Rome wen she (he) When liget)___hemelity motif iron) Last night white ber father (read (atch) W ‘Choore the word or phrave (A B,C or D) that best completes the wentences, {a 1997, the Groat Wall wasted asa Worl Heritage as UNESCO. Awith Rw cof Diy Weare all keen _____taing trip to the Creat Wall of China. Aw Boa Cot Die We bad to ‘the poe trom the buikling site next doo for these months Argiveup Btandupw C.putup with D.Jook upto Remember 40 take all your personal fom the overhead ot oe Iockerwhensoulenethe aime. rf ee Base. Dienteace Abelnsngs ase CN elon block 5 Amoney ——Bnotice Dagkle 30. The sista of approximately 2 million blocks oF sy, imagine _—_—B. xanee Deeeligion cach weighing about TS ns eerily etal ; contained D. combi 9. Aloksd atic insaded— Bewsited CembiaelDcominel po, Actange Balhae Vi Compete te spaces wth he appropri Worse IIL Compete these sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs MY BEST FRIEND in parentheses: hve mary ens of sever ces. and H)—__ OF my by) 1, Davids ier (=) _ seven nv fiends san English boy whose name is OWE” 2, Wejust (meet) our English teacher inthe tec. Seay me shen | stayed with my mnt in ocd ag 13, Last Sunday tbe) fn brother’sthrtemth bid san eS yal and ves ea WS HE 18 BUCH a ly q_‘They fen (go) to war by ta inthe moming Hy ee eer 15, Yousee) uy and Phong recently? ‘Owen's father i 2 businessman (34) ___ his mother is mn, — “They ae very hard-working and hind Wo me IV. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes, ee ay al Ne pret cpegy: / tee feat oy abslnbes re mrt eS or phrase. 1 een ony sons an sometimes helps! Ga) 16, The sucure conned ___apposimaly 2 milion Masks todo math exeeises as Wl vane ater an ‘Owen and I played some games. Now and (3) Aon B. with cof Din fer dent aw exch some G9) eke ne Great Pyramid ranked the tallest strate on earth Fovses Weha aot ofan) Se ene = Se ‘Indeed, ell ike him. ae Bot ca Daas 18 The purpose of the pyramid was 10 protect the burial chamber the weather: x A. for B from cof Din De 19 1p. The Great Pyramid of Gia sone of the famous manna wonders ofthe world GREG ‘Acanifcal —Benatual ——C.modem ete 20, The Great Pyramid was only in height in the nineteenth century AD, L. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from tt others. ‘A prpoced —B.prmoied —C.improved—D. suse 1. Avemerous — Bspicous C.constaney _D. sympathy a Cea peciie e eee fe ia V.. Supply the correct form ofthe words in bracket 3 Acequintane Burch Cemncion Dhue The newspaper is pulsed nice (Weck) 4 tent Soni Chee Den ‘ech mcemseyon) fo eae nan a & Atty ace Clam Duke Unrate enseres e Poa ea erent fe soon bce (fend) withthe couple newt dor differently tothe others. tundertined part pronoutel 25, je gor int (dificut) while swimming an had o be eseued. a 6 Vi. Choose the word or phrase (A, B.C oF D) that needs correcting 26, Me hardly msver says anything atthe los meeting A gC D 27, AlLthe stuxtents in the class are enough good 10 pass the final exam, n ee. as 28. Nether Sam nor James nt their name associate! with the project, * BC D 29. Not only could the younger people completed all the work quickly A 8 anu accurtely hut the ete workers oul ao. cD 30. Owners stem has ovr lions nen cells in a network sD covering ct inch of ou skin and agus ¢ D ‘VIL Fillin the blanks withthe most suitable words: vi PON es ai nba, 2) athe table Socal G3) — acne pent eR sen me aes a rm | —— “ne fF ; ee aoe ‘support feel cared (38) ani ee ae 39) __ a sense of belonging (40) a De 20 Srey L Choose the word that has main . Cron in sess placed ferent frm 1. Aaponsiate —B.exprnce entarasng D.siuaton 2 Acwiel — Bioeiel Canker Dama A fopps embrace C coton 4 A.complain B. destroy Cterrif ral S Acfily — Bemety Caray pty ot 2. Choose the one word or phrase (A, B,C oF D) that best completes, te sentences or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. Iwas sorelaxingto be ___old friends. Ain Bibeiween among ——_D. around She's made friends ____ tle ie who lives next door. Ato Boot by D. with Thechildenseemtobe totally capable ‘working by themselves. Aca Boot Cis D.for ‘Your friendship shouldbe based on ews Acasic B.fogile —C-mutwal —_—D. bind ‘The company expects_from its employees. Acconsiancy — Bequaliy interest. layalty Pe got lots of but only afew are really ood frends Acclose fiends acquaintances neighbors D. partners Friendship is a two-sided __itTives by give-and-take Aalair B.event Coaspect feature Unvetishness is the very essence o friendship. ‘A. tomantc part important part ical part D. interesting part The close iendship at univers Avcreated Bi became ——C. promoted. formed ‘We stayed fiends even after we__and left bame, A.broughtup —B.tumedup —C.grewup took up ‘Alter Jessica her degree, she intends to work in her father's company. A.willfinish —B.finishes——C.frished——_D. is finishing Asyou your cara the moment, can I orow i? Acdon'iuse — Bdidn'tuse — C.arentusing haven't used ‘When she saw a sake at her fet, she A.screamed —B, was screaming C.hod screamed. D. sereams When he realise that athim, he away. AA Tooked - was turing was looking = tamed CC.was looking -was timing looked -tumed 1 the new Harty Poter Book now. so you can boerow my ‘copy Ifyou ike. A finish Bamfinishing C.have finished D. had finished 6s 2. ™, 2. Ww. 26. 2. She has cooked for daner for entity the one underlined word oF phrase (Ay must be changed forthe sentence fo be correct. ‘When {kept getting unwanted als, Ialled the phone company ang xB ha ny’ phone number chang. c D Paring a curfew iis not posible waking on the streets after a iE Born, a spcifed hour D ‘Cay that ashen heated or ied in a kiln cannot fo be sone agin, kB orp iseducationlforshilds oabservg adults to perform their diy tay rar c D As they grow ole cilden in many cultures taught oto rely A Bc onutbsic parts. D Choose the sentence (A, B, Cor D) which is closest in meat the sentence above, 1 could’ hep laughing when he told me that story. ‘A Leoukd' resis laughing when he told me that stor. BL eouldnt help him tel hat story ‘ (C1 didnot laugh when hearing tha story. DD. The story he told ment help at all We think he was in Lonton last year, ‘A. He was thought oben London last yea, B. He was thought hive been in London CC. Heis thought wo bein London last year D. He is thought o have ben in London last year, David seems really ill at eae i fr lst year, of all those people rot ofall those people. ofall those people A-Dwid etnias Delian betas, C Dwidisiltcuetonca D Dwi cmt int ofa ese poe v0 hours, Pe A. She dit lar cooking for dinner uni it was two. 1, She started cooking for dinner two hours ago. (She has two hours to cook for dinner, 1. Cooking fr dinner took her two hours travel by bus asa last resort ‘A. Lalwaystavel by bus. 1 Traveling by bus is my favorite (CT esor to bus wes am the last come. . Lonlytavel by bus when tet’ te no other altematves. V. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank. space in the following passage, Daring the (31) ____years, many young people can at times be Ning tld ie chat zi 38 In Expl there are no words in science torowed fom others 27. There isa man sitting in font of @ woman. 39. The English language is ony 1.500 years old. => Chink told ws There are about 600,000 words in the most complete dictionary of the 28, Don’t get up too late oF you won't goto school in time: English language. > Huy told is brother 29. We'll leave here tomorrow morning. they sid a, 30. The fetal match saved en mins gas | asl cpr that a VI Read the following passage carefully, and then say whether 13 14 1s. 16, We may win, we may loses just the 86 _ pe27 GOES Choose the word that has a different promunciation from hy ‘others of each group: A guess blue C. lus Dot A. wate Batt C passage ——D-happen A. about Boeguld — C.shout =D. egunt A. coak Bschool = C.sagn D. afternoon ‘Ajimernet ——Boagmote —C.spend vent ‘Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently fen ‘that ofthe others. A.Asian Dgather —— Cvalvance ‘A faciliies —B.solidaity —C. performance ‘A.appreciate —B.promote —_C. participate ‘Acathleics ——-B.bockey ——_C. volleyball. rughy ‘A-volunieer B, compettion C. enthusiastic D. interval ‘Choose the word or phrase (A, B, Cor D) that best completesthe sentence. They've ‘a honible new tower block where that lovely bling sed Be A. puto .purdown —C.pushed yp. pulled dows agree with mos of what you said, bu I ean't your iden Icing cle eve choo a ‘Ackeep up with —B. catch up with C. put up with D. go alongwith tests ge, rls ender mame to get god alts KX Whewier —BWhsever C.HoweverD, Whee __ volleyball players, footballers cannot use their hands in the ‘A. Like B.Differem = C. Unlike D. Opposite Ourfietd__have erred very we Aaniss Baths Capea D.spoxtren "ofthe dee Acsirike Booaks Cchanee tuck ‘he fothall match was 30 dll hat most ofthe __feftat hal time ‘Acattendants — Beaudiences C. participants. spectators If We live nan age of rapid scientific nd technological __ ‘Acadvance ——Buadvances —C.advaneing _D. advancement 19. Shortly after rece {questions atthe press ‘oe gold medal, the Olympic ehampion answered A-discussion — BassemblyC. conference. seminar 20, This mulispor event is an occasion when friendship and _ ae bolt and promeed, A-knowledse —B. solidarity. efor D. enthusiasm 1 Supply the correet form of the words in brackets: 21, Before our modem age, people had more physical and (at) _ Ties 22, Faxcmachines were a wonderful (invent)__ at the time. 23. Their music still enjoys widespread (popular) among teenagers. 24, Patan (advertise) _ in he local paper to sll your ea, 25. There's a world of (illen) between liking someone and loving ther V. Correct the mistakes in the follow 26. His older sister is boen on 1972 sentences, ifany: 27, When have you been ang gan? 28, They said that they will yo to that city next mont 28. How usualy do your parents take a nap by noon? a say 30. Te has not money Tet now He wishes he has some helping his family 1V. Complete the following selection with the words provided: “look, se, and, bu, stent, teacher, we, dey, hard, well, mare, mos. ofces, Schoois hae, get. children, parents YOUR SCHOOL LIFE. School feistne(31)_ interesting in one's entre life. (32). i svn goa ie oo) Think har they have to follow some hard and fast rules in a ings ern deren angie-(2808) ay [Soch Fave sve dies and esponsibiies. 109) wbanyen re dime to do. De 28 a Choose the word that has a different pronunciation from the ‘others of each group: 1. Avmemer—Bonged Cehgsse mest 2. A-minimjze —B. like Comight ——D-listen 3. A. chock Beery Corgduce Dba 4. Alprovide —-Bepollie —C.callect_ ©. come 5. A. shout B. tour Cabot =D. count HL. Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently fm the others. 6 Accnetgy Bexhousted —C.natursl ——_D. plesiful 7. A-clectricity —B. geothermal C.altemative _D. ration 8 Acsvailable —B.potea! —C. unlimited D-infiite 9. Avrelease B.supples C.muclear___D. convenient 10, A-ccologist — Beferilizer —C. dangerous. sents. IIL. Choose the correct answer to fill inthe blanks: 11. His teacher was born 1962, Ain Boon Cat 12, Trin’ binthday is__tuly 1, Ain Bes cat aC 13, They arived athe station Fieake Aa Bibefore Calter 14, Saturday comes, Wednesday in hed At Bibefore Calter 15. When she was young she __ swimming with her brother. Avusstogo — Busediogy Cwasusedo go. D.isusedto going 16. What did your grandmother do ? A. yesterday ight the night of yesterday lest D the ng in esterday 17, Yesterday afemoon be sent fom work besa he ha a tery tad eld his B was willbe D. ould be 18, The woman fhe alt afew mines Aber BaflerC.yeh Deseo 19, The’ eave HEM city for Hana hala hur Aon Bator Cie D. by 20, Have you finished writing your esay a Avalendy—— B.yet Chest Dogo IIL Supply the corrcet form ofthe words in brackets: 21. Tat sentence i ot gram) all 2 Ihave always been eyarded os a(erign) ___by the local fl 2 She ugh us the words ofa French sing) 24 Hlesmiled atthe remember) __ oft rs hiss 25, Teachers must eep a record of students (attend) IV. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting, 26, Those of you who signed up far Dr Dane's anthropology cass should A B thr hooks as soon as possible c D 27. The geology professor showed usa sample of volcanic rock dated back A B c D seven hundred years Scientists worry what tbe conned use of certain pollaiats may damage A B © the Earth's ozone layer. D 2. Cable television companies recenly announced that it wil increase servis A B G D shanges next year, 20.Raton glo eave oft, alent oma Nes chy | is othe frites D | 'V. Complete the spaces withthe words provided: away, foe, se, doctors, ea nae, waves cameras, adr dep™ | OTHER WAYS WE USE RADIO WAVES | Radio waves help us expe G5) ____ space, Radio telex Tisten for radio waves from for (36) inthe univers. Astron spaceetat talk to contol centers on (37) using radio waves Rae waves beam pictures to Earth from (38) ‘on space pris visting othe planet. 69) tne radio waves to Se inside the Body. They use ai waves from MIT machines t9(40)-—___pietures of people's insides De 29 Say 1. Choose the word that has a different promun others of exch group: 1A matter Bofamily Ch D. panel 2 Accolumn ——B.funetion —C. number. cansane 3. A.western BL panel. American. spend 4 Abe — Beeoumey — Cotucky Dy 5. Aceonelude —B. body compare. provide UL. Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently fr" the others. | 6 Acprotect B.probibit —C. pollute, euivate 7. A.agriculure —Beextintion —C.environment D.establishe | 8A nature Bidanprous C.inerfoed —D.devasaie_| 0 eT Cosuvive extinct C.maineenance D. olspring mn (A, By C or D) that best completes the 9, Accapture 10. After B. discharge 1. imerference IIL. Choose the best oj following sentences: 1. When my mother was young. she work inthe gure for ong hours ‘Aen B.could © will D- should 12. That man _ hve commited the crime because he was with me that dey A-musin't ——B.shouldn't —C. won't. couldn't 13. Since we have w be thee 8, we _ take ata Achad beter Boney Count ——Dareableto 14, i__rain this aero Why dot you tke an uml? Avcouldbe Bust Cmigh De had beter 15. _youelp me with he homework? A May B. Shall C-Shoulk Wilh 16 Hest eaten anything since yesenay He to really hungry A. might Bost Comust D.can 17. Lpurmy keys onthe tale butnow it's gone Somcone____ ane taken. Acmay Bohadto —” C.should would rather |W. Daisy is reading er English text because she has atest tomorow. She whe studing Anil Bishould mus, D.can 19. We ute fish nthe ide bene it pis Ahad to Bomay Cean . had beter 20. MrBrowis vey ich He work had faving. Acmustn't BL shouldnt Can't D. doesn't have to 21, What exectly is the influence of ie polation human beings? Ae Bwith Con D. foe 22. The campaign will hopefilly ensure the survival the tiger, Aol for C0 Dion 3, Mis posible for local wildlife to coexist__industy Ato Bot Cin D with ‘The health of our children is being_by exhaust fumes A. danger Bendanger—C.dangerous _D- endangered 25. The society was set upto cndangered species from extinction A.prevent —Bdistinguish C.presere—D. survive ot 1N. Supply the corret form othe words ia brackets 26. Tras very think) efron en flow 27. The Blue Mosque at isfhan sthe ost beautiful build) ___Thayg everseen Lit 28. The closes are availabe in are (mature) _ 29.Gas and vil(consume) —__ always increases in cod weather 30, Bathrooms dont have ta be prey (funtion) _ V. Read the passage below carefully, and then say whether the ‘Statements are true (T) or false (F): HOW DOES A RADIO WORK? Ratios need elect inorder 'o work. Your porableradio ges electric from batteries. Your elock radio gets electricity from a ord that you pi ine smn electricl outlet ina wall Raalos have a power switch o¢ but tha ets You tum the rio ono off Radios have a yolume contol hates you ply the sounds laudly or soy. Rahs ls have adil orbattnthat ts youre in your favorit radio station Each station asa special number onthe dial. When you tne in a statin, you radio tars aio waves Fm ha sao nosound. Radios havea speval wire called an antenna that can pic up radio waves, im the air Radios rst tum the radio waves it electrical signals. Then they an the clerical signals into the sounds of music, wae and weather reports, news about your hometown sports teams BL. Electricity int nesesay fo ros. 32. cord helps ratios get electri 33. You can tum the radio on or of without a power switch of baton. 3M. A volume contol sa med for 30 play the sounds, 35. You can tune in your favorite rao stations without the help ofa dil ot button 36. Every station has many numbers on the da 37. Your radio tums sound from that station int radio waves when you tue ia 38, Anantenna can pick up radio waves inthe ai, 39. Electrical signals come from radio waves, 40. ‘Sounds of musi, lic nd wether eps are bought to you by radio power switches, De 30 Saye ‘Choose the word tha has dieentpromuncation from the eres pea Aceslebrate ——B,festival ©. respond. wedding Avery Bslvery —Cfamily Dy A. spring Brice Cwhich picture A fall B.mgn call D. tall Asus B. days pays D. ways ‘Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others. Avtechnology —B.compettie C.taesimile D. document A.coureous subscribe C. service. customer Avtransit Bowansmit Cansact translate A-capacity —B.communalC. secure. imagine ‘Ainsalltion B. disadvantage C. dissatisfied. disappointed Choose the one word or phrase A, B,C or D) that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined part, Defore Te, supermarkets and shops ae full goods. Act B. with Cin D. for On the fist day of Tet. children ‘their new clothes and make New Year's wishes to their paren Atokeon ——Bpickon —C.puton ——-Dtyon Peopletetieved that what they do onthe fst day ofthe year will, their luck daring the whole year A contol Beinfluenee —C.enchange result looked everywhere but | sould’ find ata. A-noone anyone someone _D. somebody ‘Tetis ally atime of fanand___throughout the county A-holidays ——B.clebrations © preparations —D. festivals The whole family usually ties wo gettngether at Christmas A.contict ——B.gather Cele D. communicate % turkey, Christmas puddin 79 — key, a ad brandy butter in Christmas dinner usualy ‘A bringson Beserves with C.consints of. us up 18, We wish you both: health and longevis: : ‘Along ie Buhappy ile Ceasylife | Deexcting fife 19, Viewamese people unally make _____ for TH several woe beforehand. ‘A. peparing preparation C.preparatony _D. preparations 20, She has as pood chance as ‘of winning the race, ‘A.someoneBeanyone everyone. no-one kets: 1V. Supply the correct form of the words in bi 21. Her triumph was a eause for (celebrate) _ 22. They attach great (important to the project 23, Thanks to the automobile, Americans soon hd a (free) of movement previously unknown. 24, Seafood is a (special) _on the island. 25, ‘There have been strange (happen) _ haere lately 'V. Make one sentence from two, Use relative clauses: 26, A bus goes to the anpor. K runs every half hour 27. The man loves me best He is my older brother. 28, ‘She sold us alfa dozen apples. Most of them were bad 29, ‘Tne director doesnt work here any longer. You asked about him. 30. poy penne couples Teer plae VI Flin the Danks with the coret forms ofthe words: HOW DOES EROSION CHANGE EARTH? ‘Water 31) (low) throug vers can carve out deep canyons “The water (32) (camry) sandandtto other 33) (place). ee EL ee ‘where once there was ocan. This processes Rah Tamland (36) 2) et the Mississippi Delta. Process makes rich farmland (36) ( 4 — \Wind can blow away sand and die (37) Leave) _ can pileup the sand it erodes to make ills called sand dunes ‘Glaciers can make big (38) (change) _ in Earth, During the las ive age plaices (39) (cover) ____“muclvof North America. Glacier eyve out many (40) (Lake) ~~ They made the five Great Lakes bare rock. TUYEN TAP CAC DANG BAI TAP KHAC. ‘TESTI 1. Put one of these verbs in each sentence: ng etch, cost, rik flr spl, sped, each, tr, wa 1 Mozart ____ more han 600 pieces of musi 2. “How did you learn to drive?" "My father me" 3. We coulda’ afford to heep our ear, 90 we iow, 4. Tas very thirsty. ____ the water very quicly. ‘Tom and played badminton yesterday, He's much better than me, 80 he casi 6 Daisy down the star this morning and her te. 1 Jack the ball o Peter, who it % John alovofmoney yesterday. He___a shirt which 10 dallas A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it, Write your questions: (bere. go?) (eo alone?) Afood. good?) {how long, stay there?) (tay. ata hotel?) (how. travel?) (the weather fine?) (hat, do in dhe evening?) (meet anybody interesting?) —_——_____—— (have fan?) ye correct form, MN. Complete the sentences. Put the verb into Dositive or negative: 9s a ——$—$———S 1 twee maem off my coat. abe) 2 Tarte weer ery pnd |__ Rre men OD) 3 amew Thanh ses very Pan _—__ ber ta) 4 Tom verted 301 toed ents (80) S._ Thee wan ver ncomfrte | ‘ery well (sep) Ana wan't gry, 20 she ting. eat) 7 We went to Khan's howe het heat ome. (Be) 2 Kewae fey station bt moat (laugh) © Thewinkow was open and ahd itt the room. (3) ‘very much, (cost) 10 The ote nent ven epemve I TV: Complete these sentences with the correct form of “used to” +4 “suitable vert: 1 Phong pave up smoking two yeas ago He__ 30 cigaetes a dy. a motorbike, but at year she sl t and bought aca. 2 Linh 3. We came to ive in Ben Tre thre years ago, We in Ho Chi Mink Cy 4 Trae eat ice crear mow hut | it when | was a chil Dang ‘my fest fend ht we arent frends any longer. Wonk) takes me about 0 minutes 0 ge 10 work since the new road wa pened more than an Bout There ‘hte! opps he station butt closed Hong time ag ‘When yo ls Then Giang, __t the theatre very often? Raul dicen play fot! well ty He 1 good footballer. 10 Lhase no te wo egey manic now. Years ago to music for lng hour» day 'V. Complete the leter below, using the words provided: Dew Jon The picture Par weather heauiful hotel excellem. my hotel 008 there cont TV and. shower fond nat very good. Paris. expensive: MF French tere. tt people fhendly See. son. Best wastes, Mary 28 VL Sepply the correct form of the words in brackets: L Were ‘comery ths weekend (rst) 2 The magazine seed rece 3 Soe as vet in a My fist 5 Yoweant be There arene Significant worcountnies (Ghfer) + Welove Rome, inthe spring. especial) The Booklists plants suitable forthe British lower garden, among them many me ‘ntreduce) «Hence more help with is 10. Watching television can be very VIL Read the reading below carefully, and antonyms of the underlined words: THE AUTHOR ‘The ereutor of the Harry Potter novels s writer JK. Rowling. The J. K. eons for Toanne Kathicen Rowling as horn sn a oma town i souhern England. She staged languages in college. But she abways wanted 10 be a sete fer finishing college she ved Pari France. and in Portal. When ‘hemnnedto the United K inglom. she hegun to think about Harry Potter Rowling got the idea forthe fist Harry Poter book while on a tain Jrumey to London. Like many weiter, ber fr book was rejected by a nner ‘publishers But Rowling persisted and eventually found a publisher for Harry Pater and the Philosophers Stone. The book appeared in the United Kingdom ior Thetrce {6 The plane was on the runway a few minutes ago, Now itis inthe at, => The plane MT, Pat the verbs in brackets in the correct form, PRESEN’ PERFECT or SIMPLE PAST: 1 *Wher’s yourkey?""Idon'thnow.____it las 2. 1_very tre. 50 ay down on the bed and went o sleep. (be) 3. Minh {to NY for awhile but in about an hour. (go) 4. -Where's Kim? “She ‘ut, She'l be back in an hou” (go) 5. eared French a school bat most oft forget) 6 meant wo phone Nhung lst ight butt. forget) 7 1__aheadache evr but fel fine now (have) Look! There'an ambulance over there There an aocident. (be) 9. Theyre building the new road They (ot fnish “Yeon sill here?“No, ste out Gust go) Are the underlined parts of these sentences right oF wrong? Correct the ones tha are wrong '. Doyou know aout Sang? He hag up hisjob. 2 The Chinsse awe ment priing 3. How many plays hus Shakespeare writer? ase rca ey Mask Tin’ boks? John Lennon Aas en a British musician wt haseca my Singers bleeng My parents jane gut maid in 1967 Wher fue you been? Monica stat ome Sheds gone shoping Alber instcin as ban the seins who fas decane the theory of hi Pat the verb into the most suitable form, PRESENT PERFECT or SIMPLE PAST: TOM: Look! Somebody (spill)_ eee onthe carpet, PETER: Wel. it( me T4not do) _it 2 TOM: Michael (break) his eg PETER: He(fal___offaladde. 2 TOM: Your har looks nice. (you. have) abaircu? PETER: Yes TOM: Who cut) ___ if? (ou. go)_tothe irdreser? PETER. No,a frend of mine (do) it for me. VI Supply the correct form of the words in bracket ‘The festival is eld in aly (tedion) Buses rin ‘bene the iy and he irpot. (frequent) Anything wa tthe tense aospher at home. (prefer) There is ‘quality to er playing (poem) He avoided answering the question. (study) ‘There are plans o builda___of the by-pass next year. (continue) ‘The book isin its sith (print) The government is providing an £10 million to expand te service. (ads) 9. Yesterday the pound against the dolar (trong) 10. She came out ofthe ordeal looking hin and (ovear) VI. Read the reading below caeflly and then complete it wth ‘words provided “Fashions with, Lia, goon, wom, tous, appeared, pode cubed. vara” FASHION ish designer Charles Worth (1) __one of the most elegant (2) _ nei feaes mPa nce 1 TE) coined ane Saw 198.(2) evening pes cha eB one 9) ‘VII Read the reading below carefully, and then answer the questions: SEWING. The frst sewing proaly consisted of knotting Fura the edges of untanned arial hides to make body coverings. Carly people also used bone nestles and head made of animal sinew to mae clothing and other terss_even shelters, ‘Sting continues today asa home eral as well a a major indus. Heavier Saplcaions of sewing include the corsruction of seat coverings for ars and tarpaulins, sas, ais, ad sporting goods uch as tents and sleeping, ‘ophlsterng furniture ard making curtains ‘What dl the fist sewing consist of? What id ealy people use wo make clothing and other items? What is considered as a hore craft? Give some examples to show heavier applications of sewing, Is sewing necessary? Give an example to show that 1 i 4 ‘TESTS LAre the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong: ‘Shes tse purse, She an find it anywhere. Has yor parents sen the news on TW ast night?” Hove ought a new PC. Do you vant to sei Thought ane house lst month ‘Where hae ya nd Ounh Ben yesterday morning? Mr. Nam hus ff school in 1994 Fm looking for my eat. Have you seen it? We're very thirsty. We hum dan anything today Miss Linh usr Bae a work last Mon. When as this magasine been published? HL Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use PRESENT PERFECT or SIMPLE PAST: L 1 a 4 6 f 4 Wo, tp ths svete model fom 1921 Tubular in tape. the (6) (gas || isnot in. thisweek) Sathof atic held atthe hip (7) aroseand stds with =H | 2 (he wenther co weeny) telnet) aL Parwet ge The ReSSCEY |) ho est weet) (9) __in he Frene fashion oul Gave de Bon fon. Bridge™®™ | $. yo peal a ney 3teN) (10 Londo New York Stapletn Collection UK Se (ictal a reasana ola) See vot 100 ~ (6. (oa, ear, aft of money ths year) __ 7. Ghe-not eam, s0 much fast yer) 8 (ou. hive. a holiday, resemly2) 9, she, horn. 19902) 10. (you see. him, ten minutes ago?) TUL Pat the verbs into the correct form: 1. Ife (know) __her number, we would phone her. 2. Wetnot buy) tha sewing machine if we were you, 3. U(belp) Rim if could, hut Pm afraid can 4. You woul needa carif yo (live) in the county. 5. If Ubadthe chee, live) in Madi, 6. This coffe ist very good, would tase beter if you (not put) inso much sugar 7. We would mind living in Moscow ifthe weather (be) beter, 8% IT) you. 1 (not wait) for them now. 9. Theyre alas tied all the ime. (Fey aot go) _10 bed ole everynight they wouldn't he ire al the time 10, Ifyouask me for elp, tbe) ___willing TV. Complete the sentences. Each time use AT, ON or IN + one ofthe following: the evening. the moment Sundss, about 10 minutes, 21 July 1969, the Middle Ages, 1492. the 1920s, 1 second. Christmas, he same Yme, nigh” 1. Columbus made his ist voyage from Europe to America 2 In Brits most people don't work 3. Youcan se the stars ifthe sky is clear 4. Tike wrelax ale working har daring the day. 5. The first man walked onthe moon 6 Itscems tobe dificult to listen if everyone is speaking, 7. know that jzz became popular the United States B. He's going outto the sore. He'll be hack 9. Many of Europe's great cathedrals were ult 10. In Britain people send each ther cards ia AT, ON or IN where necessary, Leave a space (0 if es pitpeniaon G secccar yr pee eee a ee 1 Pilsee you Satu. 102 EE TP a 2, They sty they will see me____ next Sunday 3, Whatare you doing Friday? 4 He’sdoing nothing the weekend 5, Weafien gout the evenings, % Thoyoflensty athome __ Saturday evenings. 11 Does your mother work riday? We don't goto school every Sunday. 9. they usually have a holiday the summer, fr 10. Hanh and Nguyen got mariod 29 January 2005, VL Supply the correct form of the words in brackets: Trl meet you atthe main (enter) These tokens are (exchange) Tor CDs and cassettes only We're going to Japa atthe (begin) —_of July ‘Thereporis (primary) ___concemmed with irra safety. Satisfactory (complete) ofthe course doesnot ensure you ajo. He is pupil and his father (im) ‘You may find it (help) __to ead this before making any decisions. For further (inform ‘on the diet, write to usa this adress We sas so exhausted that he El (sleep) ats desk. “Thehotel has a lovely (home) fedltoit ‘VIL Read the reading below carefully, and then complete it with the words provided: AVISITTO THE COUNTRYSIDE My oar is Sang Last week, 1 (1) te coupe with my stam: Te lace 6a ey (2) to, We cae te BF bv ajrurs of} hots OnG). ae we wen sagt om fics ila hose. Hes ung $) — pecs amen hey Bing ne Oye Esco dat av of cakes () at we weed fy hice Then we) sing IE Her near Quy he. ‘We played games (8) Foal inteaensone the countryside forthe town, And "got home at about 6:30, We (10) had alot of fan. The countryside is ondesfl to me Every child should (11) ____ his mother. A gil or boy leams many {00d things ftom mother. Mother tages us tobe obedient (12) and ‘rend other. us 1. Accameback — Bvisted ——C.aived 2 Acsway Bw orn 3. Acamving going ——C.coming 4 Awho Bowhom Chose 5 Accoumey ——Beeountryside © ABeine = BWhike = CAfer 7 A.went Bowes Calthed 8. Avtogether eachother Cone another 9. Asai gooihtye Ble C-eame home 10. Athowever —B.realy ——_C.tappily MW. A ike B nest Clove 12. A.hopefil ——B.bealty Cf VIII. Read the reading below carefully, and then answer the ques COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE ‘Whether coun iis ter than ety i, pends onthe ivi Inshecouny weliveimthtosom ofatue bie inatown weare suru ‘by mand things and soit has eco wih sta, Inthe county mos ofthe people live in~Tetche” houses. The green els stretch ou on al ides lower arin teil Bloom it sing om th tes and ‘ter beauifil aspects of mance et the eye ale cr. Tatelone county IE 'sfullof charms. The sipping ver. the grazing cows the plying hdr al seting sun tehind the clouds are great sources of fcasre ot nnd of a0 ‘The villagers always lea heathy ie de esha and eh ood. Aga. they are very contented people becuse they hive few demas, No dau, cou life hs some disadvantages but even hen tis ter en woe ts, ‘Does the wit think that iy lie ster han coun if? 1 2. Dowehaves lat of somtact with nate when we lve in county? 3. Where do mato ep ve inthe county? What abot inthe ty noms ssyou know? 4 ‘Where do peopl often se oar bids sing onthe tes? Ina town a in BE counury side? What about you? ere 5. What re great soures of please tothe mind ofa man? Why do the villagers ead a healthy ie? TEST 4 1. Someone says something to you which is the opposite of what they said before. Write a suitable answer beginning “I thought you sai. Fxample:“Uhaven’t been tothe oper forages.” |= I1howght you seid you went othe opera ast Week, 1, “That hotel is expensive” => Isit? I thought you sad 2. “Leng is eoming w the party tonight” = Ise? thought you sid 3. "Neuen likes Naung.” = Does he? [thought you said know aot of people.” = Do you? I thought you said be here tomorrow." = Will you? T thought you said 6 1m going out this moming.” Are you? [thought you sid 7. Lean speak alte Chinese => Can you? Though you sid "Complete the sentences with SAY or TELL in the cor rect form: ‘Dung goodbye to me an et. 2 Pease me about yor veation. Di you have a pood ime? 3 Don't jus snd there! something! § Wewonder where Davids He___he would he her at 7oeock 5 enry me tht he was tired oF is ne job § Don't anyone else what ___. It's secret between us 2, Thedsctor that had:o reat frat easta week & Di {you what happened'”"“No, he dide't___anything ° Tom couldn't helps He __astoask Pete, 1D. Mary couldn't help him. She toask Anna, NLThe following sentences are direst speech: Don't wait for me ifm late Can you open your bag, please? Please ‘ow downt.Don'twory, Rona. Will} many me? Har up. Mind your 105 sv business. Can you repeat what you sad please. Do you think you could ive mea hand, Thomas? Now choose one of those fo complete each sentence below, Use Reported speech: Jacky was taking ong time to get realy. s01__ Susan was driving too fas, 0 Ronaldo was very pessimistic about the solution. couldn't move the desk alone, so | The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and _ Thad difficulty understanding her, so | didn’t want to delay Diana, 501 = anh was very much in love sith Nguyen, so she “They stared asking me personal questions so | IV. Write a sentence with IF... for each situation: ‘We dont visit you very often because you lve faraway. Ifyou _ pa 2. She doesnt speak very clearly: That's why people don’ =Ishe more people 3. That caris too expensive so 'm not going to buy it I thecar 4, We don’t go out vey often because we can alford it Sit we 5. Is aning so we cant have mel in the garden, wit - 6. We have to work tomorrow aflemoon so we cant meet you. we Ve Write sentences begi | Heddn’t know many people (and he's lonely.) => He wishes 2. She doesn't have aKey (and she needs one.) ‘She wishes i 3, Lan isn't here (and Testo see her) Tish ca 4, IWscokt (and they hate cold weather) a> They wish '5,_ Wellive ina big city (and we don't ike it) = Wewish__ 6 Lean’t go to the meeting and Pale w) slwish 7. He has to work tomorrow (but he'd like to stay in bed) > He wishes 4 [don’t know anything about computers (and my computer has just broken down.) Tish E en't ying on a beautiful sunny beach (and that's apy.) > We wish have enough money (and I want wo buy a new bicycle.) wish VI. Supply the correct form of the words in bracket “The fact that he was a (loreign) wasa bie disadvantage. He made the announcement in (speak) _on television, "had considerable (dificult) (in) persuading her w leave, His stories usually have a happy (en) les (erie) __ important for parents tobe consistent child answering the (describe) _ ‘fe and wel in London yesterd of the missing boy was Found 7. Waid take much (persuade) __to get her to tellus where he was. 8. She hadn't scen Laura sie he (shoo!) 9. Only in his dreams docs he give (expres) —__ this eas, "0 Lam not really (suitable) ___ dressed fora party. VIL. Read the reading below carefull (There are TEN mistakes only and then correct the mist fakes 107 ISN'T REALLY ENGLISH 1 | Seance canal ephnive m nds See 2 | words im seiemtat come pars of Gree 3) | amd Latin” words “They inciake penicillin 2 | Methoncope, bt prion Others were Tore ts languages spoken todsy Robot S| comes fom a Cech eter 6 | The Finland language has been scaling weeds 7° | formany tan 1.800 year The most competion | dictionary of the Engin monde contains a ‘whopping 600.000 word n Cae le ‘VII, Read the reading below carefully, and then anewer the questions: MPANING IN LANGE AGE While the feof langage th mene ne del pia ih the frm ot htc seman bello ay us ea Imeaingoftbese cents Apron pr warty es eh i mag ‘tininshal rempbemes Soman: sev mnetes nahin tc eng oO fons ha nk mpm amarmec nl ease Te Sam the seenes They he man” nf mam be oy: tans rey the sane memes fut thy have flow mewn Than rome Imps ct ino diferent comics ch bom rece Bt Ae or kr ofthe to sone 1. What do kif language stay del pom wit? ‘Dos sais el wth he meaning owe eens Wha oes prominent prt of saranda ih What notes stahing the mearny of the cmt tha ik tmophomes frm pms an! ates” Do the tw ster “The doy the mat and The man thd” fave the mane mening” (6 Why don't they fe th sane mening? 2 3 4 TESTS Put » question tag om the end of these sentences: ‘hart won't be late, No, shes never late You're mang. * Yeu aie ‘You've pot amis watch, ____> Vex, why? Do you want to borne i? ‘You weren't readeng. Yeu wan Samuel docu t now Michael, Se son by, Pam's applied fo the ob? Yeu tate won't gt You car speak Karwan, 7 Vex. but po very acy ‘She weet mend fe the phone, > Yen of courne There re 2 tof people hove Vex more than | expected. Read the situations and write a sentence with a question tag. tn ‘ach situation you are aking your friend to agree with you Yor Ko out of te warabom The shy in Ne and the an i shining, What de you ny Wo yout emf” eel dy) ‘You're Foking atthe prices, expensive) ‘You're mh frnond cute 4 restaurant Inhich are wery hgh Wht do ou ay hs > SIE So inerma wih a fiend, You realy enjoyed the (Sow Wat yo sy to your Pied rest) =the ae Yes st tic ar tering 00 woman singing. Vou like her voice. 82990 your fem" (a ney sence) You're ying on a jacket You lok in the miroe and you don't tke what Yow see What do you say to your frend? (not hook. very good) ea Sener Now inend's hw i mach shrew yo lat et What do yo 3 thi ber have your ha cu) = You've one 2 ‘Now aca friend are walking over a wooden beige. tis very old and some Pars are broken. What do you say? (not very safe) =n * TUL tn these situations you are asking for information and asking people todo things. Make sentences like the example below: Example: You nee ditonary,Peshags Trang has got one, Ask hi, = Trung. you havent go dictionary. have you? 1. Youneed aren. Pehaps Linh bas one. Ask her. = Link. you Bees, 2 Vinh isjust going ou. You want him to get you some envelopes. Ask him, = Vinh. you 2 eae 3. _ You're looking for Phong, Perhaps Aah knows whe he is. Ask ber. = Anh, you area, 4. You need a bicycle bump, Perhaps Chink has got one. Ask hi. = Chin, you 2 5. You're ooking for your keys. Perhaps Hoa has sen them. Ask her > Hoa, you TV. Complete each sentence with one ofthese verbs: ‘answer see. supply ry besten make, se, wash, work, write" 1. The git ried te avoid yy question 2 Could you please stop so much noise? 3. Doyoureally enjoy to music? 4. He considered {orth job btn the end he decided again it 5. Youhaven"t fished —_your ai have you? 6 You'llrisk__knocked down fou walk int the street without ooking. 7. Mr.Baisnow 65buthe isn't going retire yet He wantstogoon 8. 1don't mind you __my bicycle as long as you return it back by tomorrow, 9. Oangaveup_tofind.ajobinthisity and decided to go to ante city 10. Do you know when be sated these books? ‘V. Complete the sentences foreach situation using -ING: 1. Than: What shall we do? Lan: We could go tothe 200, ‘You: Lan suggested _ a 2 Quang: Do you want to play table tennis? Vink: No, not relly. You: Vinh did't faney uo 5, Son: You were driving too ast. (Cao: Yes i's tru. Sony! Your Cao admited 4. Long: Why don't we go fora swim? Huy: That's good idea, You Long suggested 5. Tinh: You broke the window. (Chung: No, did, Your: Chung denied 6 Phis Can you wait afew minutes? Minh: Sue, no problem, ‘You: Minh didn’t mind ‘Supply the correct form of the words in brackets: ‘Are you any good at map (ead)? ‘The UN Conference on Envioareat and Developinent is (popular) _—_known as the "Fath Summ ‘Marin is developing the commerce) __ side ofthe organization, ‘American English is significa (ten from British English This combination of cheese and apples i mo an (invent) ot the orth of Elan. People in many (develop) _ countries ae free of forms of cancer that arecornmon inthe Wes The horse wasa(piy) _ sight because it was vey thin o sick. There are doubts about the (ase) _of these tet, "ud the tak both formative and (entertain) —_ ‘0. Romaine has. reputation for fair play and good (sport) VIL Read the read able words: 1 ' 4 below carefully, and then complete it with the Movies Wats your avert (1)__? Maye you lik carole movies. 2) you like a movie tht fs fall of action. Movies (3) a SATET Kin of make tele Amovie sa series f 4) —_. Fach inage a sil photograph jst Me picture you take witha egg) Bute pire fish by 0 ‘stamovi(@) themes endopcbe anlovta.(7) ‘resuh, you see horses ran, people talk, cars plunge over mountainsides, (8) m > cin Tat why vin ae one a a ins 9 ation Td ne (1) te ‘photographed, or filmed. . Read the reading below carefully, and then say whether the ‘Matemens area (ofa) om information (No) ee ncena Seen ae in Space Jam (1996) Space Jam stars Bugs Bunny snd basketball stat Michael Jordan, 1 People cll earioons animate fins Seenes in fms are drain by actors. ‘se pens and pencil to draw the hackground and the characters, Althe dawings ae the same, We cant se the character's egs and ams ashe is unig, ‘Accesses use cameras tae pictures, You can se characters runing a the ictus ae played back, 2 3. 4 5. 6 1 ‘8 Animation isa film in which crawing of people and animals seem to move 9. The Lion King (1994) is one ofthe enjoyable animated filme, 10. You can se bot animated cheractersand human actors in Herr Poe, TEST6 1. Pat the verb into the correct form: ‘They would be rather offended if 0 sho ac 2 Iveta nowenecie we (ee) a 3. he was offered job think he (ake) ‘4 Himsure Dug willed you the money. PURE vey surprised ithe (refs) 5 ESB) nach ony np TT 4 Wat would happe enya own 6, None ate lit te Tis es eey are pat 9. Mal od TY se pers Tey sd aspen ie 10 Wal Tg init Gay 11. Patin IN CASE or IF: Amanight phos thiscreing Ident vam io go ut____she phones 304 easton, you stud tel the seins "ope you'll come to Singapore sometime. You cn stay with me 4. This leter is for Mike Can you give ito him 5, Write your name and address on your bag, you lose i. 6, Goto the lost propery office youlose your bag. 1 8 The burglar alam wil ring" Someone tiesto rea into the house. ‘We've painted the door Pl pula WET PAINTrrotice next someone doesn’t realize i's just been painted, het ieionary without asking her? yousee him? 9. vas advised to anange insurance {needed medical treatment ‘while Las abroad 10, Werrang the bell again ‘hey hadn't heard tthe first time, ML. Choose the correct word or expression foreach sentence: ‘You can use my motorbike (anles as long as) you drive carfily \We're playing badminton trmorew (inless proving it's raining. "'m playing tenis tomorow (nles/ providing) its not snowing. {don't mind if you come lat unless as long as) yo. come in quietly, ‘We're going now (unless provided) you want uso say $e doesn’t wateh TY (unless! as long as) he's pot nothing else todo, Children ae allowed to we the swimring pool (unless! provided) they axe with an ada (Unless! Provided) they are with an adl children are not allowed to wse ‘he swimning pool. ‘We ca sit herein the corer (unless as longs) you'd rather sit over there hy the window: '0, A: Our hliday cost alot of money ‘id it Well, that doesn’imater (anes alongs) youenjoyed yourselves 2 4 s 6 1 8 5 13 TV, What docs AS mean in these sentences? Make a tick ( ) in the boxes (I) for BECAUSE or (2) for AT THE SAME TIME AS: pe ‘Sentences T-Asthey Wenear ws weseethom veyoten 2. Loan lipped as she wa peting of he Bs. [3.Ashe was tie he went ob ea 4. Unfors se wat parking he car she itt ca bind, S-AS we lime the il we got more and mone te 6. They decide ogo out teat thy had no fod at home: 7-As yo don't we the bike, ou shold el 1 As we were slop, we din ea the doorbell AST walked ino the rom, the phone stared ging 10. High aed at Min ef ‘V._ Join a sentence from List A with one from List B. Begin each sentence with AS: ai B 1 Nesey was apobishality [A Twa n 2. Thwas anise dy B.We cane inven quill 3. Wes’ want wake anybody wp [C. Al he hops were shut Te door was open . Wed tknow what time wae 5. None of ws ad a watch We went fora wat by the sen ‘VL Supply the correct form of the words in brackets: 1. Don't stay out inthe sun fr to long-you can't be to (ere) 2. The government is responsible forthe (provide) __of health cae. 3. Theteam has hada (disappoint) _ start the season. 4. These days beaches are covered wih (polite) 5. Only 8 ofthe 28 (tan) completed the course, 6. They're living ina (beauty) decorated house 7. He seems o be a good (lst). 8. Itwas aremarkable (achieve) ‘for sucha young player. 9. Their frustration needs some form f expres) 10, He i known as an independent television (produce) VIL. Read nae ‘below carefully, and then complete it with the 14 siogen, oxygen, 2) fydtogen, carbon dioxide water va isthe most important gas for (5) enero) aT WHATS aiRe Airisaminn of seen diese) Theat ge ae Ata ita ale yok apor, helium, and (4), gases. Oxygen ‘ama eae ep ‘Carbon dioxide is the (2) ca iad @) ag ARI el Fe ‘uma tum the oxygen Bak nto carbon dide when they (10) © 1 Agases: BL oxygen C. carbon eae tiie ee yee | Sa eee : the ee ee i ion eee a eireteed ye to. nego ena et ‘age apie eee eae sees pate re TAKING IR WITH YOU ‘au san goto places wher thee isn a. Thetis mo ar undernate, but you can ve underwater You ean say undruatea shor time just by hong your teeth Air tanks let you say undersatr fo a longtime. Scuba divers eat tanks their backs The tanks are led with pss ta make upait The divers eet he gases though hoses c ‘Theres es and ls aire higher up you go, People gasp fr beat he ops fall mountains. icplanes mst ay i Once the arplne sup high, ars ped ino the cabin where pasenges st Asvonaus have o tke al he ae they need with them thee’ oar in space! ‘QUESTION: Can you goto places where there isn ait? ANSWER: Question ANSWER = ee ‘QUESTION: Can yous undervae orasbortme? ANWR: imc place wher een us QUESTION: _ _ ANSWER: Air tas do. 5. QUESTION pee ANSWER: They wear ks on their baths 6. QUESTION: 2 ANSWER: They are filled with gases that make up at 7. QUESTION: Is there moch rin higher pases? ANSWER, = 8, QUESTION: Do people breathe cay tthe tops of tall mountains? ANSWER: 9, QUESTION: as a ANSWER: Airis pumped into the cabin where passengers si 10, QUESTION: Is there arin space? ANSWER: TEST7 1 Use AS to join a sentence from List A with one from List B: area ci ana] Trav allvavel puso TR [ Rowe we Sng ang ee eal aed Twa king sh dat of ei 3: ysl Cc de ny hero tbe crond ceo D. we posed a pty ap S.adog an uta ffir [ theo tame an oro el 1. Complete the sentences using one ofthese phrasal verbs (im the correct form): Brack down clear up (= ecomebrighterfor weather) close down = gc ‘foun. sce of al ole op ot (= stp taking porn sme mmo instar vig iho) hoa (= show ho clever Su are new (appear arrive) 1.” Sony we're ate Ourcar___ onthe way here. Trang erage tomes Tang afer werk ast night btshe dda't___ ‘We ve bought s new Hose”, hme you? When reyou_—_— Therewedtobesshopat ti endothinstet att among tan in marathon last moth but hey were A enough The) ome ‘after 30 minutes. be cee 116 1 know how wonderful you are. The’ no need to ‘She was very tired. She satin an amichair and ‘The weather is boribleat the moment isn't? We hope it__ later. 1. Complete the sentences using a word from List A and a word from List B. You need to use some words more th Acaway. hack, forward. on. ou, up Beat oft. ‘You're walking too fas. can't keep you. Curholidays are nearly over Next week Fl be work. ‘We've nearly run ‘money. Wee got very ite left Khoa isnt ery happy ner job beease she doesnt wet er boss. We love to look —__the tars inthe shy at ight. Isshe looking the picnic next week? “There was bank robbery last week. The robhers got sO thousand dollars 1. Pat the verb into the correct form -ING or INFINITIVE: “They denied (steal) _ he money She doesn't enjoy drive) very much, don't want (go) ‘ut this evening. 'm too tired. Thy can't afford (6) that new computer. They haves’ got noigh money asit stopped (ain) yer (Can you remind me (B=) some tea when Igo out? Why do they keep (ask) her questions? The worker stopped (werk). (have) 8. She refuses (answer) __any more questions. 10. One of them admited (break) the window. 'V. Complete these sentences with a suitable verb in the correct form “ING or INFINITIVE: 1. a Please remember the door and windows when you go out. .A: You lent me 100 dollars last moth Bs Did 1? Are you sure? I don't remember you any money. «. When you see Nam, remember __hirn my best regards, won't you? 4. Someone must have taken my umbrella. I clearly remember thy the window and now it hs gone. 07 A: Did you remember your byober? B-Oh, no, Leompletely forgot. Fl phone him tomorow 21 believe that what said was fi. don't regret it (aera diving test) Lreret ‘that you have Failed he te, 3. a: Khan joined the company 10 years ago. He was quickly promcg “and became assistant manager after Guce Years. A FEW years later by wren on manager ofthe company b.Wecan't goon ——__ereany more. I vant another job, . When I came into the rooms, Nhung was reading a newspaper She Icakedpand mid lliome-snltenwenton = bornopap® V1. Supply the correct farm ofthe words in brackets: 1. Thepolcear (very) thatthe man may be amid 2 Thaventscenthem een. 53. There has bcm ame (fies) in employment 4. Asenice a eld in (enemies) of ol soleil ine 5. Summerne ot with month) _everapes shove 72 6 I as(hank) the they ha ased for more 7 Thesslesasisunt was ave (penon) yong man 8. Eneny-sving hl shoul hese eae) 9. Her speech Yo pany members sno nied or pul (cone) 10, This introduce) _offeris for three days only VIL Read thereading below carefully andthen choose the appropriate ‘words to complete it: SUN “The Sun is very important to you You (1) in sunshine, Youseeia daylight, The Sun Keeps you (2) Even ancient people knew the Si was very important. They (3) tie Sun was a god. The ancient Gress thought the Sun (4) ____ drove a chariot across the (9). very de. ‘The ancient Fyypians thought the Sun god siledm (6) eros te sky Today we now (7)_____the Suns asiar. The Sun fs he sar at the () ‘of our sla sytem. Fath and ll the other (9) tit or ‘round the Sun The Suns ver important to ‘on Ear. 1. A stand Dist Coplay 2 A,wann Booold Cobot 3 Atold Bspoe though 4 Aman, B.god C.woman 5 Ady B.str C.meon 6 Aor Brack boat 2. Athen Bath Cowhy fo Avcenter Beorer —C-middle 9 Asars B.planess moons 10, A-love Bulite things Vill. Put the sentences intoa complete reading: HOW DID THE SUN FORM? “Then the plants formed fem dus and gas going around the Sun, ill use pal the flint ore. The Sun forme first athe center of he clus ‘You don't need 19 wor. Astronomers say thatthe Fl wil lst several bilion more years, 5. Astionomers believe our solar sytem formes about 4.6 billion years ago from a swirling cloud of dust and pas. 6 Someday the Sun will burn ot se you have to explain what rome words mean Chose te ight meaning fron the following sentences and then trea sentence wth WHO, Use diconary i necesary = bese tse dens ding fete al fom sh esd eve Go sah ns someting shop fae pare ola nf eth bres nao ste ig fee mo one werk ets mont fom he ie: es rama tear machines and erie pipe: Aeshna ect meno dr parr Kn fvork~ she samenber fon arm econ wi ato ofr samp anor) wore sa perso works ec one wh der Pre kind afore u9 (anarcitee) (burg) et (shopliey_——— (acowvar) (nati) amare eae ET (epensione) (encaginee) (asolen 10, (@rora) an 1 Make one sentence from two, Use WHO! THAT! WHICH: 1. Aman was ined ia the acide. He i now in hospital The man wae 2. Awoman answered the phone, She ald me you were aay. = The woman 3. Avwater served us. He was very impolite and inpatient, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 “The water 4, Auiding as desioyed i the ie thas now Been rebuilt The building ‘Some people were arested, They have now been released. => The people 6 Abus poes tothe airport. runs everyone hour >The bus 7. Thats the boy ent him my bike, 7 = Thats. 8. [told you about person, Se is atthe door. = Hiold 9, Jancis the woman. Jane i going to China nex year, = Janes 10. Thisis Henry. He ives upstairs. = Thisis ‘Complete the sentences. Use ALTHOUGH* a sentence from the following: Laid peak the language: he has avery important fob: ‘had mever see her before: ve don ike them very much ove ile cold the heating wes ond met he vice Before Iie knw ach ater fora omg tine ne it pill well-paid ~ recognized her fom a photograph ‘She wasnt wear ae ‘We thought we'd beter invite them to tbe pry the toms wast war, —Traageso make myself understand Taian recognize ber We're not very ood fiends alan Complete these sentences with ALTHOUGH, IN SPITE OF, BECAUSE, BECAUSE OF: ~itrine ft they enjoyed tei holiday. Plans fot of things went wrong. re everything cael ft of things went ong, vas fetng ill unwell Tasting stil unwell Henly accepted the job the salary, which was very high He accepted the job the sry, which was rather low. We managed to gelto exp __ thee wasa lot of nose 9, The baby couldn't got to sleep the noise. 10, bing very tied they ed ois ther task, 'V. Complete the letter below, using the words provided: 190 Hang Vuong, ‘Ward 3, Ben Tre Town ‘Aygust 198, 2008 Dear Than “Wel, this / second week / Ben Ti. [ke / very much. usualy / get ten ‘ceach/ nave breakfast tet eae, Breasts here / wry smal, but coffee "not ad T aways shoo / bevel 1 sually rive / school / 6301 learn / litle: English the evening Locesionaly stay ‘Home, but usually / out finn aie. Lite interesting, Next weekend /1 go / coast. Give regards / everybody Love, 1 ae 4, They went home early He went ork the next day — 6 1 4 Mais VI. Supply the correct form ofthe words in brackets 1 ‘Next month my grandparents are going 10 hokd 8 pany in (ee —__of ther ftieth weding anniversy. eb 2 They atiach great important) tothe project, The (decorate) touches have made this house aw, ‘welcoming home eel 4. Enjoy the (tee) ofthe outdoors (= where you ean do want ety 5. His father isa (special) We havea very (rowd) 7. The hospital is rec in Vietnamese history schedule ognized asa cevre of (excellent) _—_ and teaching. aie ; &Thetimehascomeor(a)__ ifthe eal nial esa 9 She wrt downs ewidesson ie paper ink) poss 10, He worksasa (pain) ___anddecoratoe, VIL. Read the reading below carefully, and then supply the correct form of the words in brackets: WHY WE USE CALENDARS A.calendaris a way of (1- measure) their 2 act) time tohelp people ognize Calendars divide ime Tato fixed periods, such day weeks, months, and years to farm, they needed 39 seasons They ised good) ime oil them when the soil and plant crops. Calendars (tell), should bee The time periods (7- sey is your boss. Wo, Do you know the man who => we met yesterday? Complete these sentences witha relative elause. Use the following, Sentences to make your relative clauses: ry BR eRe 1 2 Hike the dress ant 3. Themuseum ‘was shat when we pot here 4. Whatsthetileofihe fm 2 S. Some ofthe people couldn't come. 6, Have you finished the work 2 1. Theear __broke down air afew routes, 5 % é is my frends brother. 10, The computer is really good. IIL Complete the sentences using a relative clause: ‘We wers t0.a party last righ I work with a manberof people: you wire looking for some keys you ca rely-on George: applied for a: Ta Jou witha man see were ited na wedding yo fold me about hotel 1. Are these the keys 2 2 Unfortunately we could’ go tothe wedding 3. Tenjoy my job. ike te people 4. What's the name of that hotel 2 5. Thepany 6 1 8 wa relly enjoyable Idi’ get the job [Nam is good person to know. He's somebody ‘Who was the man inthe cinema? IV. Read THE WEATHER FORECAST below carefully, and thes complete it with the words provided: ‘THE WEATHER FORECAST Paul and Judy live in Briingham, K's large city inthe Midlands They planning a weekend holiday. rae Paul: know, Judy! Why /not/ we go. Scotland? Judy: 1/very Tong way, Paul: Oh, it/ aot too far. Anyway, motorway / very good, so we/ getter quill Judy: But Seotland / offen col this time year: It/ may snow! 124 ook Welles. Htmay.. but not thin i 1 not sue. It/ February, and 1/ghtened driven snow. And we f deb py otablefindae They en pot Oh. that/not/ problem. I can book hotel phone July: Well. perhaps t/ not bad idea, We may ‘have / beautiful wether, uu Oh, We/ enjoy ourselves / anyway. Let / watch / weather forest / tslevion We (0 g0/ Sealand, we’ go/ Wake Londo, We can decide For ¥y, Read the reading below carefully, and then complete it with the words, phrases or sentences provided: Really < to the moon again ; Weleome home; It was wonderful; any problems onthe journey: butt cranky wast holiday, any normal food; What id you have; Was that a problem, some food bles RETURN FROM SPACE Phil Songam, dhe American astronaut, is talking to a reporter about his journey tothe moon, Reporter. Wel. Phil. (1) Pril: ‘Thank you, Reporter: Did you have (2)? Pil: Well, we didn't have any serious problems..(3) Reporter Of course not Pri: Wedidn't havea wash ora shave for swo weeks! Reponer: (4) 2 Phi Yes, Hosa’ very comfortable! Reporter: What about fod? (S)___? Phil: Well, we didn't have (6) Reponer: (7) Phi: Well, we had 8) Reponter: Are you going 9)? Phi: Thopeso. (10) ‘VLSupply the correct form ofthe words in brackets My hair soon grew back ofits (nature) colour The outlook forthe weekerd sot and un) —_. ‘There willbe rai ater in (cence) __andeasier parts the courte. (Thank) a ot for kening me the money. (Prepare) forthe pay started early. ns > ef ok ws ely ra) Tred paniy imap) Ocho ty Teese Serpe te lng 3. Sheree oe re) ta Thee wasn) young woman inthe wnerarowth VIL Read he reading blow cael then compte it wg words provide “from, thm weathering. ich one, eee can, and pcces ig FROSION STARTS WITH WEATHERING The din and (1) __ of rch tha erosion cares away cone _'™ setering, Wearing isthe press by G) raat isc ew fom he Sun can make rock expand @}_— Nea Pieces ee cn also beak up och. Wier pes (3) emt et tnd feeas lee eunds when (0) ane Bah or, Paes et Gah lo grow an rocks ad cet Cy Rainwater can dino stsor some ck, uring Un ie Hui Rava) net fost lt sd orca (9) rocks trek in ples, rosin kes over: Water, inn ice cary vay he psc tbh C0). VIM Read the sentences below carefully, and logical order to make a meaningfl reading: EROSION CAUSED BY WATER Overtime, fovvng water can cary aay so much rook and di that ites into the ground and fori channe ven put them into the 2. Thewavestake snd ava from some beaches and pile it upon ther beach. 3. Rainwater runs down hillsides andl cares dia with i 4. Ocean waves crash aginst seashore 5. The Colorado River ered a huge cu in the rock of the southwest United States called the Grand Canyon, 16 yest 10 Write these semtences in a diferent way u Ler Tony is in his office Peps Tony is busy, Perhaps Tony is working, Perhaps Tony ants Be alone Perhaps Tony wasill yesterday, Perhaps Tony went home eal Peshaps Tony had to go home ea Peas Tony was working yesterday crhaps Tony doesn't want t se me 10, Perhaps Tony isnt working tay. 1, Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets. Use MAY or MIGHT: |. Leart find Jack. wonder whet eis, Avhe! go! ishing) —_ B (he! play! badminton) 2. Tmookng for Linda. Do you know where she ‘Ashe! wield TV/ in he roe. B.tsho go! out) i Tea find my raincoat Have you seni? A(v'berinthecar) 1. (yow leavin the restaurant ast ight) \Why didn’ Johnson answer the door! 'm sie e wat in the house at she tine, A (he! bein the bath) 1B. (be/ not hoa the bell) ‘questions inthe way shown: ‘A: Shall we cate the 1:00 rain? B.No, (arive wo carly). we 2 Khoa going to take the exam? B.No, (aid, fhe A. Why don't we tay ata hat? B.No (cost too much money. Ie ‘Is Trang going to apply forthe job? UL Answer d 1 3 4 a No (now gti she _ 5. A.Ler'stell them the truth 1. No (nay believe ws). we __ 6. A. Why don’t se iavite Nam othe pasty? No (have wo invite his rend too) If We _ 2 Put the verb into the correct form: 1. fT know) your number. 1 would phone you 2. [think there are too many veicss.Ithere (not be) there (not). Sonu pollution, 3. U(buy) that schoolhng if] were you 44. Hees always ited all the time I he (ot g0) to bed so ate every righ he would be ie l he ine 5. IL sere you, | (00t wait) forhim, 6 eip. them (1 ould, But Um alfa Vea, 7. {wouldn't mind lending you money Ifyou (give) _ 50 many cas, itback me 8, Thissoup isn very good. It tate) _better it wasn't so sly. 9, Ifwehadachanee, we (ave) ‘abroad, 10. Ifyou need help, (sk) —__ Mr Nam. ‘V. Complete the letter below, using the words provided: 190 Hung Yoong ‘Ward 3, Ben Tee Town, December 24°, 2005 Dear Long, [Last week /1/ go / excursion / Phung island. 1/ go / some stents / my las. 1 gt up/ sx o'clock Studay moet her stents school gate! he ‘moming’ we Vsit/island. Iver interesting. We have lunch lle ae dink ft /range juice the aflemoon / wei sun/ an hour / walktrough! ‘orchards |/ ect very interesting Frenchman ig moustache. not paise ‘my English very mich Because be speak French all ime. youhave /nice weekend? I miss Io Love, ‘VI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets: 1. Without testment, she wil almost (certain) die 2, Wemeton (ly) _ from London to Pars. 128 ‘We found further siete (evident) ‘essings are changed four (ho 4 prevent infection, on 45. Healways goes to bed at en-e's a erate. ofhabit The story has tracted (word) tention $ The prin micro ceaedia Ima ah eager — for this theory (© every four hours) to help ‘om the policy| 4, Many ofthe cottages in the village are now owned by (weekend) ‘9 Kespheakth) by cating well and exercising regulary 10. He spoiled my (enjoy) ofthe gare by talking ll through i VIL. Correct the mistakes, paying atention to the underlined words 1. Yowean’t goin pales you werea member rosin be tisha he word pase the exam, Else you tomorow i have io work kt Senge ie wo wor wr ape, anion i sire hese plants wil ie wales you dnt ute dhem regula {Traveling by ear fs comenicrt povided dt you hd somewhere to park 1. Las tol won pase the exam f worked harder A. fvcaseUFonget, please will remind me of my promise. Unless Vad known he was sick sho isi i, 10. Udo ike fish Twas extremely hungry VII. Read the reading below carefull and then complete it with the Appropriate words begin 1 with the frst letters provided: STUDYING BLACK HOLI Noonchasreally scena(I}h___hule Yutcannot se black holes (2) >" they donot give off ny Kindo Tight. Physicist used math wo predict ("ack hates exist ‘Astronomers lok fr signs of lack hols.) A, study powerful ‘3s coming from stars in deep (5) 8 The stars seen to be orbiting Wack holes: Astronomer think tt blak oles are ueking 2 6) tests and hin oaks the tars eo et aaeaae are enomots groups of (7). Atoomss think tha font gales hve hae ck ks at thee De The bbl Spee “Kkscope tok pctres ofa dk fet gass acer of our ova Milky ‘iy O)G.Astoomers nk this dk sping (10) a= ah ‘ormous Hack ole ight in the en fou alan 129 BAP AN TUYEN TAP 30 DE THI VAO LOP 10 bE 1-KEY B L.C.stayed—2,D.could 3.D dare 4. Achushand 5. above TAcadvied — $.A.who 8. A.a iveroom HGowere ——12.Cused ogo 13.€. not tospend H.Dowhere15,D.would be (6 Dodidthey17-C. since WA.tncremsed 19.Bhive 20.2 Mm. 21-B.(waswhiteashed) —22.C.(BO he) 23D. onthe) 24D. Ga) 25.€. (woulda) ™. 26 Resmve 27. A. paycheck 28, Beconnected 29,C.start 39. A.raky ¥ 31 tis said that Me: Huy bough his ear last yen Me Huy is said to have Dough his car las ene 32, “She ashe me bow much thought i would cont. 33, -Mrs Loan owe tum has loot the game looks very sad 34. “You know the man who sat nex 9 me at Nea Birthday party lst ight “dont you? 35, ~ Minh spent one hour doing bs Els assigaztent ight 36. Because trained heavily Iva ate for schoo 37. “Ted tobe made haven't spoken to him for sit months 40. “itis interesting to play football in thers DE 2- KEY L [-D.completed 2 Bteacher 3.C.mineral 4. A.though 5.0. u. GA.knew 7. Ronasbuilt 8. C.which 9. A. Eventhough 1O.D. However 11-Derasing 12, D.woull buy 13. A. would 14. A. have been produced 15 Basince 16. Bhave..aeea 17-Cchave to be rebuilt 18. doesa'tcome 19, A.lived 20. doest™ bo rsreading) 22 Hsing) 23.00 ae) 24. C.(tha) 2 natural resources) w a Socom 27.B.from 28. A.seistams 29. for 30. Acwho «That old house was Sold (hy them) last yeu. 2} Alas the weather asa we hd a wondrfl ip. 25 Ame stadium wl be bul ver thre (by then) 5L_ yon don’ tke these ils you won't be beter 3 Although she works tad she cot suppor he large fy tabs fot next weekend Igo tthe Beach wi stan alien from outer space tal tall {lave you ever traveled by sir before? 29. Thestudents are stadying in th al forthe xara. iy frends ‘woul invite hirer to my Home ‘awash coh day thi me deed ot ogo ut pb3- KEY | Ainformation 2. B.tbrough 3. A.teenager 4. D.song__5.C: violent, ‘Dvsied —7.D.went 8 C.On 9. Rmassit 10. Bo 1 Cadi'tyou 12, Dewere 13. Acwill miss. emt. A. whi IS Chewassick —Y6-ALARNoMgh 17. Clived KC what my phone number was 19 Bill you 20. A. whether 2. (aay B.(ictiouaries) HG (earefay) 2 N ‘B.curning on) 23. Co(there was) | 36M Seo HAwethink ‘ 27,4. programs 28 D.computers 29. childhood You can use this laptop, cat 3. Hewishes he could remember the answers o these question. 2. - Nhung si she itt ge o Da Lathe nes olowingwfernoon. = les Mini 2 hours day to study in a group with his frends. {.- Hlsruining heavily so the take er mbre, % = Do you mind if 1 borrow your motorbike? Would you mind if 1 torromed your motorbike? 1 Jn. Imays ging home Ite, ao hier parents are very angry. ry dents to practice English every day 39.- Cam compost be mae from homeo and garten waste? 40.- Mi birtay party going eld AWAY FetTAN On May yp DE+ KEY y UDowatehed —2.C. marie Doth 5. Bret 7 G-Awho marred 7 Mwasbuilt 8 Ages 9.1 because 0.BHowever11.Cot 12s 13, Cain, 14. Bidow'twe 15. C.tersied 16 Decould 17. Biwi 18.C.tiked 19 Codoes” 20. C-has worked enough) 22 K(were) 23.8. (mountainows) 24.B. ooking after) 25D. (the flowing day) W. 26, Remainly 27. A wars 25. Kearbon dioxide 29, B.Thus 30, A.whih x 31D, She ashed me if haew Hoss adres. 33. Lusually went to the cinema on weekends, 34. HHuy doesn't take any exercise wl el walt. 38.8. they dt protect, vI 346.- Unless she works hares 7. = His the frst ine we have ever been here 38.- Have they read this novel” 39.- We had o cancel he barbecue bocanse was ruining har 40.~ Spending the weekend on the each very wonderful DES KEY 1 1 Btheree 2, D.wished 3. Biblood 4. Acmation 5. B. fame u. 6.A.Teome from London 7.D.wassiting —&.D.for 9. A. Here you are 10D. would be 11,C.job 12, A.W 13.Cswrpried 4. A.sure 1S. thlistening 16, Beit 17. Achow 18 A-was tale 19.Misstodying 20°C. valuable mu 21, C.(isbleding) 22. Dna minute) 23. (is broken) 24. B (likes to drink) 5. C. (how tome) Ww. 26 A-often 27. Comarsied 28. brings ——29,C.outim 30, Desuch 132 32.D. Medicine 33.8, Vetuters 35, C. giving hs 3p cause bt of damage ough Mai was ie, she cout steep The planet which closest the earths Venus EA ecgine has ust een sett the conte 3) They asked mei there were any {Nam ald me mt t nese vin site where fire iso, thts fom Nha Trang to HEM city, lr while she was speaking 3. Bocas 4 Acpaper 5, Ato @Ceited 7. Bbappily Baa 9, Cowere TWAHowever 11. B.baving 13 Deol fet 13 Gathreeday trip 14, D.rubberesporting 15. went Is Diased B.When IN ALwhose 19, Ctostop 20. Chad 2, Clg) 2. D. (the metfllowng ene) 25. C. (as img) Cte) 25. C.(weredoing) w. 26-C.youmg 27. Di started 2 D.called 29 8. popular 30, A. workers 31-Clumgeancer 32. smi 33 Ccearty deaths smoke 35.8. People hove with smokers vw ¥. seen Me. Cao for 13 year, i ol W make So much Nos, 34 = W'syery important to hep the eavronment lean 28 = Ms. Som suegestl Line (shoud) tara the lights Before ging out sone resi the fot yd tog ors shai? i 2Acmeasure —2.Dalarge 4 Duthing S.A. tooked I ‘Wecmonie 7 Risw'tshe — S.Dhtavist 9, lack OD. because of Hews 12, Chad gone 13, Beas 4 A.themselves15.€.by 16 Kembsed 17, RLAttough A salt 19. Dat 20. which uM, 2.4m) 22. Begong) 23. A(t) 24. A(whihy 25. D(a 26 Korbit 27. Acoma 24. A.produce’ 29. C. ponte 30.0. San 31 Dathesmatlt32.Beof—— MDcomtals 35 Bare v. 36 ~The boy who ved next dor to uss very Hendy. 237, “Mr Huy aed me what my ane wa 38. “te very neces tear English nowadays. 39, “tnspite of her braken lg she managed get out ofthe car Inspite othe fact that er eg was broken, se managed oft Ou of hcg 40, Une someone pts the coal in there wil go out DES KEY L LActhank — 2.Diclabs 3.C.tWed 4. Bueather 5, Dv recipe 1 6 Bad 7. Baton C.don'eyou 9. Rauieky 10. Bebecawse 11 A'who 12 Duhaven'tmet 13. 4 taking 16, Cwasboilt 15. ALifTwaspood 16. Below) 7. Cewhe MRA-nottomake 19. Refer 20. Cowasn'tt m. 21: (having) B.C.(dow'y 24.D. (whose) 25.C. get n 26.D. Am accident amie 28. A. telegraph repeater 29D. From combination of telephone & telegraph part 30. He read children's hye, i. Daclean 32.Athe 33. M.Dare 35. D.for vw 354 Lok var sig 58. D.2 hour travel 40.Airt rem your dinay 37.C. what he was doing then 59. do,t00 | ‘DE 9- KEY i T-A.chemistry 2, D.opposite 3.C.tunar 5. A: teenage 1. 6.Bhappy 7D. the poor 8. wassleeping 9. going ate 10, A.mottogo 11. Bhaveever 12.Dinshal 13,4 came 14.B, willmiss 15. BLtowork—16.Cowhich 17. Acta 16.C.becauseof 19.4: beingdeeehed "30.8. gostady 4 3. Be 22.D. (required) 25.8. (tr mash) 3.800 bone 23.8.) Je avcutide 27. Moola 28. A. However jo.Cdicouraged —30.C-Modera 1 Besysteme, 32.0. operated Sh Demidle M Chit 35 appear 36. Bor the cident go obet 34, ome how to oto work by bieele 58 Cosine it last rained 59.DaAllare correct 4. Acme hal ate Ber othe party pi 10- KEY LGstove 2. Mgraphs 3.A.praiaed 4 Acenough 5. D. bury 4 6 Bold enough 7. D.becauseof .ALNelther ——_9.Cs could ake Buying 11.C. However 12. mather tongue 15. Bemore useful thas 1%, Als 15.D. being stared le Cwere 17Daswcha 1B Resa 19. Ahad Hstened 20.C. What does Me. Nguyen look tke 2A) W. Ain 27 C.enjoyable 28, Cteriby 29. Baumber 30. B.indiate ¥ 51. he didnt know why the police wanted him 2A pena C:Becnuse he thought he woul never th icy i meyean Bm The pace 22.C.(thetalest) —23.D.Gdon') 24.C.(vas) 25. (banning) (old Te the good news 5 days ago x ‘Actin spite of baying taken tas 7. Dhow older son was amare oes 3. A.Do the students never understand you? 8. Unless he tazy mam works harder DbA-KEY t econ 2, tied ee u 3 Acme Tee) 6 ang) 7 Cob) Baran) 5 Clube greatest) 10-C. event 4. specaty 15, D-eepired 4 to tae nea ee emake wp 8D. because Ieadrw 10 Mis dcornted 20.€. went oft 21. ache) 25 Gaeta) 24 Cie 2. traiowa) ines) Arrow 28 Ahowever 29.A.colors —30.D. much 31.€. Because 32.6. Thirty meters TLR High water 31D. people that ae le alive 38, A. Only i Ala the unum was called Asian TsaRa wi 36. Tam isnot ns tall as Phong. 31. Why don't we goto Sapa next weekend? 38. Ms Lamsai she ike that apartment very much. 59. Is very exciting ape the wechend om the each. 40. few shops here can you Ba such exquisite hand-made handing. Bt 12- KEY pene on Boxing Da: [D.good 2 D.torget 3.Coerookad 4. Direcipt 5. months ice § D.desiga 9 Deadventure 10.4 laboratory t HCcthat 12. Reshowld 13. Cvotherwie i. have been bu 15,.C.leemy pleasure 16. Ashallwe 17 B.economieally og 20-0. 22, C.¢mostof which) igre. tredness) 24. (raking) 26,(abiliy) 27. entarge) 28. dustin) 29 (modernize) 30. (henry) vL 51, Cavite doctors might have cured some people. 16 a he dangerous neil wh MM ish ha out some shes or the concert Dvou mid patig the chars away? Solar t have written ve pages ofthe keter lade a deesion! ap my mia co continue my study in x foreign ph Fash hin pha pbs KEY slid 2 Bulnephed 3. A.comlorate 4. eme © 5 Acsupposed 6 Daoeeur 7 Acthat A.M. disappainted 9, C.reciving Soest buy 1.C.between 12 A.Unlese—13.Deon {CB Deforstadon 15, Deshouklsave 16. for Fr D.DSCeorrect 18.C. However 19. Bare produced AMA between m Bb. (iosave) 2. B.(nho) 3.D. (homework) 24. B. (next to) 25.0. (with) w 36 Acthesecond Sunday in May, 27. B.Noythey do BEG Yen itis 29,D.ASBare corret “MLB restaurant or thei homes v Sl Arbutatio 52, Deredeed 33, BL how much 34 C compared — 35, C. resources vL 36. Telwhich occurs ate Janay or carly February. festival, 31. Mr Nia, who ives Ho Chi Miah Cit isan engineer 31 the has enough money hel buy a mew ee. 38 Although his yg was broken, Mr: Khao managed to et out ofthe ea "8 Notonger doce my sister workin that company. (OR: My sister mo longer works in that company.) DE 14- KEY. 1 | Ssambathe 2.Baoutern 3.B.pllaion 4.Caverid 5-bakstage © B.imausoleum 7. A-imligent 8. C.eaviroument ir

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