Lecture Wise Teaching Plan Name of Faculty: T P Singh Name of Course: B.Tech (Computer Science) Name of Subject: Graph Theory (CMP-XXX)

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Name of Faculty: T P Singh

Name of Course: B.Tech (Computer Science)
Name of Subject: Graph Theory (CMP-xxx)

Lecture No Topic(s) Reference(s)

Introduction to graph theory with its application in various 1,2,4

1 fields, vocabulary

Various types of graph, sub graphs, handshaking lemma, 1,4

2 special properties of graphs and various operations on
Various operations on graphs contd…, concept of walk, 1,4
3 path, circuits and connectedness in graphs
Special types of graphs (Hamiltonian, Euler), their 1,2,4
4 importance and properties
5 Special types of graphs continue….. 1,2,4
6 Definition of trees, various properties 1,4
7 Center(s), diameter, radius in context of a tree 1

8 Binary trees and their properties, importance of binary trees 1,4

in data structure (searching algorithms)
9 fundamental circuits, spanning trees, algorithms to find 1,2,4
spanning trees in a weighted graph (Kruskal & Prim)
10 Algorithms contd…. 1,2,4
11 Cut sets and their properties 1

12 Relation between cut-set and fundamental circuit in a graph, 1,4

Concept of connectivity and separability
13 Concept of Planar graphs with introduction to Kuratowski’s 1,2,4
non-planar graphs, Proof of Euler’s formula
14 Detection of planarity , geometric duals of graph 1
15 Discussion on criterion of planarity, thickness & Crossings 1
16 Vector space of a graph, basis vector, cut-set vector, circuit
vector, orthogonal vectors and subspaces 1,4

17 Matrix representation of graphs, incidence matrix A(G), sub

matrices of A(G), circuit matrix, fundamental circuit matrix 1
18 Cut set matrix in a graph, fundamental cut set matrix, path
matrix. Finding Rank of different matrics 1,4
19 Relationship among Af, Bf, and Cf and its deduction 1
20 Adjacency matrix representation of a graph and its various 1
21 Concept of proper coloring of vertices of a graph, chromatic

number and its calculation 1,4

22 Chromatic partitioning, Chromatic polynomial, finding
chromatic polynomial of a given graph with Decomposition 1,4
23 Matching, Covering, their importance and applications,
Five color problem and its proof 1
24 Introduction to directed graphs and their various types,
directed paths and connectedness in directed graphs, Euler 1, 2, 4
25 Other graph theoretic algorithms like Dijkastra etc. 1

Text Book:
1. Deo, N, Graph theory with applications to Engineering and Computer Science,
Prentice Hall India

Reference Book(s):
2. Wilson R J, Introduction to Graph Theory, Pearson Education
3. Harary, F, Graph Theory, Narosa
4. Bondy & Murthy, Graph theory and application. Addison Wesley

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