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Experimental Approach to Selection of Pulsing


Parameters in Pulsed GMAW

A method for selection of process parameters in pulsed GMAW helps to efficiently

develop welding procedures


ABSTRACT. An efficient method of iden- typically more sensitive to parameter determine optimum power supply set-
tifying power supply pulsing parameters changes. As a result, careful parameter tings for various applications (Ref. 3). No
for pulsed gas metal arc welding based selection is important. To address this, efficient method has been described in
on statistical experimental design is pre- “synergic” pulsed GMAW power sup- the open scientific literature for estab-
sented. Fractional factorial screening ex- plies are commonly used in industry lishing viable pulsing parameters in
periments are combined with D-optimal (Refs. 1, 2). In these systems, the rela- GMAW-P. Efficient use of statistical de-
experimental designs to allow the user to tionship between a digitally controlled sign of experiments (DOE) techniques,
develop an accurate wire feed rate model wire feed rate and the pulsing parameters such as fractional factorial design and D-
for varying pulsing conditions and to is managed by microprocessor-based optimal design, allows development of
characterize the desirable one droplet look-up tables. While easy to use, these an empirical methodology, incorporating
per pulse (ODPP) operating region for a systems do not give the user much flexi- a scientific approach to welding proce-
given wire type and diameter. Equations bility. Thus, they are limited in their ca- dure development. The D-optimal de-
defining the wire feed rates and time at a pabilities for special applications such as sign technique, with its flexibility in
given peak current required for ODPP very thin sections or very high speed. defining the experimental space, is use-
transfer are presented. Compared to con- In addition to operating in the syner- ful for modeling the nonlinear aspects of
ventional techniques, a very small num- gic mode, in which the user typically se- arc welding processes. This is not easy to
ber of experiments is required. A power- lects only the material (i.e., steel, alu- do with conventional experimental de-
supply-dependent approach and a more minum, stainless steel) to be welded and sign techniques where requirements for
generic method employing measured a power level, many modern power sup- orthogonality may make it more difficult
rather than nominal current values are plies also allow users to select pulsing pa- to characterize the process. The purpose
presented. Joints produced using this ap- rameters. However, the task of determin- of this paper is to present an experimen-
proach are evaluated and found to meet ing what the welding parameters should tal methodology for identifying and opti-
applicable bead geometry standards. be can be very time consuming and ex- mizing certain characteristics of weld
perimentally intensive, as evidenced by pulsing parameters.
Introduction product literature for some synergic
power supplies, which notes that mil- Background
Identifying suitable combinations of lions of experiments were conducted to
welding parameters for use with pulsed Salter and Doherty (Ref. 4) identified
gas metal arc welding (GMAW-P) can be the operating boundary for submerged
a time-consuming process, involving arc welding and GTA welding experi-
considerable trial and error. The primary mentally using design of experiments.
parameters to be identified are wire feed They developed empirical relations for
rate, peak current, background current, bead geometry parameters and sug-
duty cycle and pulsing frequency. As il- gested that empirical equations can be
Fractional Factorial
lustrated in Fig. 1, the welding parame- used to pick robust solutions or welding
ters are more numerous than in conven- procedures, so that the visual quality ac-
tional GMAW, and the process is ceptance criteria are satisfied when the
GMAW-P weld process inputs vary between given
Droplet Transfer levels.
S. SUBRAMANIAM and D. R.WHITE are with Peak Current Several other researchers have used
Ford Research Laboratory, Dearborn, Mich. J. Background Current factorial techniques to identify the effects
E. JONES is with N.A. Technologies, Golden, Gas Metal Arc
Colo. D. W. LYONS is with Department of Me- of main factors and their interactions in
chanical and Aerospace Engineering, West controlling weld quality. The experimen-
Virginia University, Morgantown, W.Va. tal results are used to develop regression

166-s | MAY 1999

Fig. 1 — Current waveform for pulsed GMA welding.

models of the process. The regression Experimental Equipment

equations can be used to select robust
Fig. 2 — Comparison of conventional empirical and linear
welding procedures and set tolerance All welding was carried wire feed rate models. (Ip = 320 A, Ib = 70 A, D: 20%, L = 25
limits on the welding parameters, given out using a Miller Maxtron mm.)
some requirement for weld bead geome- 450 welding power supply
try. This can be done by incorporating the in the constant current
equations in a simple computer program mode. The power supply
(Refs. 5–10). was controlled using a com-
Amin (Ref. 11) presented a method for mercially available con-
defining pulsing parameters in which a troller (Ref. 20) to program
simple linear model is first developed to the pulse parameters over a
define wire feed rate as a function of wide range. A 4047 alu-
mean current, using experimental data. minum alloy welding wire
The limiting pulsing parameters are then with a diameter of 1.2 mm
defined from power law models of the was used in the experi-
type IapTp=b, where Ip is peak current, Tp ments. Argon shielding gas
is peak time and a and b are constants, was supplied at a flow rate
for condition of one droplet per pulse. of 30 ft3/h. Lap joints were
Other researchers have also developed made on Alcoa alloys
power law models based on observa- C210-T6 (6963-T6) extru-
tions of droplet detachment using high- sions and C119-T6 castings.
speed filming or analysis of signals (Refs. High-speed filming at
12–19). 2000 frames per second
In this work, one objective was to was used to characterize the
minimize experimentation required to metal transfer behavior. Ex-
define pulsing parameters when weld- periments were carried out
ing over a wide range of travel speeds using a laser shadowgraph
and plate thicknesses. It was therefore system. In this method, as Fig. 3 — Relation between peak and background conditions
necessary to determine appropriate wire described in detail by Alle- for ODPP using continuously measured values of Ip and Ib
feed rates and pulsing parameters in mand, et al. (Ref. 21), a He- shown in Table 4.
GMAW-P processes using a relatively Ne laser acts as a backlight
small number of experiments. The ap- and is passed through a set
proach developed applies factorial and of lenses and filters. In the
optimal experimental design techniques Ip is peak current, Ib is background cur-
process, almost all of the arc light is elim-
and modeling tools to analyze the rent, Tp is peak time, Tb is background
inated and a shadow of the drop and the
process, reducing trial and error in- time), average current and the power in-
wire is captured by a high-speed camera.
volved in procedure development. puts.
During welding, the current and volt-
This approach has five steps that are The values IpTp and IbTb were calcu-
age signals were recorded using a Nico-
described in detail in this paper. lated from the area under the current
let digital oscilloscope at a rate of 50 kHz
•Conduct screening experiments. curve as given by Equations 1 and 2 (Ref.
in order to detect droplet detachments,
•Develop a wire feed rate model to 23).
which were verified with high-speed
establish a stable operating region. films. Noise in the process signals was re-
•Use D-optimal experimental design IpTp = ∫ Ip(t)dt (1)
moved using a 5-kHz low-pass filter. Fol-
to characterize the operable welding re- lowing filtering, it is possible to detect
gion with a minimum number of experi- IbTb = ∫ Ib(t)dt (2)
droplet detachments during welding by
ments. looking at the small spikes in the voltage
•Characterize the one droplet per Ip(t) and Ib(t) are the instantaneous val-
signal (Ref. 22). The current and voltage
pulse (ODPP) region. ues of current at the infinitesimal time du-
values were recorded and used to calcu-
•Select welding parameters opti- ration dt during the pulse cycle. The time
late the actual values of IpTp, IbTb (where
mized for the application. interval in this case is the time between



Fig. 4 — Wire feed rate as a function of power input for sev- Fig. 5 — Relation between peak and background conditions
eral sets of pulsing parameters that produce ODPP transfer. for ODPP using nominal values of Ip and Ib shown in Table 4.
Numbers on the points correspond to those on Table 4.

two-level fractional factorial experimen- Methodology and Results

tal design (25-1) with four center points
was performed with the levels shown in Screening Experiments
Table 1. The design resulted in 20 exper-
imental runs. A commercially available As explained in the experimental sec-
software package was used to set up the tion, the first step of the methodology
design matrix and for fitting a model to consists of performing a two-level design
the data (Ref. 24). of experiment (DOE) for the five factors,
Bead-on-plate welds were made on a namely peak current (Ip), background cur-
2.5-mm-thick aluminum plate. For each rent (Tb), duty cycle (D), pulsing fre-
of the rows of the experimental design quency (F) and travel speed (S), and their
matrix, wire feed rate was kept as the re- influence on the wire melting rate or wire
sponse. The wire feed rate was adjusted feed rate (W). The purpose of this experi-
until the correct value was established. ment is simply to roughly identify a stable
The criteria for establishing the correct operating region in which an arc can be
wire feed rate were a good stable arc, an struck and melt-through does not occur.
approximately constant arc length and The two-level DOE can also be used to
average process voltage, and a uniform identify the correct gas flow rates, weld-
quality bead. Several test welds for a ing gun angles and other fixed factors.
given experiment might be required to
establish a correct output. All the welds Wire Feed Rate Determination
were made at a travel speed of 100
in./min. As pulsing conditions varied, Clearly, the wire feed rate must match
uniform beads of different sizes were ob- the melting rate for stable operation. Low
tained. wire feed causes meltback, and a high
The results of the two-level screening feed rate can cause the arc to extinguish
DOE were used as a guideline in design- through short circuiting. Most wire feed
ing a three-level D-optimal experimental rate models are based on computations
design with a wider range of parameters. of arc and resistance heating of the wire
The purpose of the three-level experi- during welding (Ref. 26), using energy
consecutive sampling points (0.02 ms). ment was to determine (Ref. 22) the metal principles or experiments. The most
Computing the IpTp and IbTb values in transfer mode and characterize the common equation used for determining
this way accounts for the effects of power ODPP regime. The parameter ranges for wire feed is based on the equation by
supply behavior such as rise time and the three-level DOE are shown in Table Lesnewich (Ref. 27).
overshoot, minimizing the power supply 2, and the corresponding design matrix is
dependence of these results. W = aa I + br LI2 (3)
shown in Table 3. Based on preliminary
Experimental Procedure observations of droplet transfer mode, where W = wire feed rate, L = electrode
some runs at peak currents of 300 and extension, aa = factor accounting for lo-
To understand the general effect of dif- 320 A were also added in the design ma- calized arc heating at the wire tip, br =
ferent parameters on the process and to trix. This is possible in a D-optimal de- factor describing resistance heating
develop a linear wire feed rate model, a sign, which will be discussed later in this along wire length.
screening experiment was carried out. A paper (Ref. 25). The constants in this experiment are

168-s | MAY 1999

Fig. 6 — Weld bead with procedure resulting in ODPP. Joining Fig. 7 — Weld bead of 2.5-mm casting to 2-mm extrusion.
of 1.5-mm extrusions.

Fig. 8 — Weld bead of 1.5-mm, 1.5-mm lap joint. Fig. 9 — Weld bead of 2-mm, 3-mm lap joint.

determined experimentally. For alu- W = 0.14*(Ip) + 1.08*(Ib) + the desired one droplet per pulse (ODPP)
minum resistance heating is assumed to 4.18*(D) + 0.03*(F) + 0.8*(Ltp) (5) transfer over a wide range. To minimize
be negligible. the experimentation needed, D-optimal
This equation has been modified for where Ip = peak current, Ib = background designs are used, as discussed in the next
GMAW-P by integrating over one pulse current, D = duty cycle, F = pulsing fre- section.
cycle as (Ref. 28) quency, Ltp = contact tip to plate dis-
tance. Metal Transfer Mode Experiments
W(t) = Instantaneous melting rate Statistical analysis of variance was
carried out for these results. The R2 value D-Optimal Designs
W = ∫W(t)dt was found to be 0.9992, which shows
cycle that the model fit the experimental data The most commonly used experiment
accurately. The equation shows that the designs are cubic in nature and attempt
≈ (WpTp + WbTb)F (4) background current and duty cycle are to generate orthogonal data. However, in
the most significant factors affecting wire some applications, irregular experimen-
where Wp = wire melting rates in peak feed rate, in the range of parameters stud- tal regions are found due to physical or
current, Wb = wire melting rate in back- ied in the two-level experiment. Though economic constraints. This problem is
ground current, F = pulse frequency, a higher order quadratic equation would often encountered in attempting to con-
Tp=peak time, Tb = background time. show the effect of interactions, it would duct designed experiments on welding
This equation is not sufficiently accu- be more complicated. The linear fit to the processes. It is often impossible to estab-
rate to be used to generate pulsing para- experimental data presented here, how- lish an arc, or melt-through may occur
meters on an a priori basis for GMAW-P ever, provides a useful tool to quickly es- under certain experimental conditions
of aluminum over a wide range. The pri- tablish a wire feed rate for a stable weld- needed to satisfy the typical orthogonal
mary reason for this inaccuracy is a fail- ing operation. experimental design. In these circum-
ure to account for the effect of pulsing In some parameter ranges, the wire stances, the experimenter is forced to ei-
frequency and electrode extension in feed rate predicted by Equation 4 and the ther limit the range of the experiment,
aluminum, but the model also does not model presented here can be quite dif- making it difficult to accurately charac-
account for power supply dynamics. The ferent, as shown in Fig. 2. Figure 2 shows terize the entire process space, or to re-
actual current values can be quite differ- the predicted wire feed rates under the sort to methods of describing “bad data,”
ent from the nominal values in the peak same conditions using Equation 4 and which cause inaccuracies in the regres-
phase. As a result, wire melting during Equation 5 at different pulsing frequen- sion anaysis (Refs. 25, 29).
peak and background cannot be simply cies. This difference could result in an As a result, it is sometimes useful to
added assuming a square wave pulse. unstable operation. employ other types of experiment de-
The values of wire feed rate obtained Once the wire feed rate required for signs to model a process. D-optimal de-
in the two-level screening DOE de- stable operation as a function of the puls- signs offer the flexibility to solve such
scribed earlier were used to develop a ing parameters is determined from the re- problems by allowing the experimenter
linear wire feed rate model. The follow- gression analysis, the next step is to iden- to modify the design space by including
ing equation was found to fit the data: tify the pulsing parameters that produce and excluding operating points, an im-


these experiments was used to charac-
terize the ODPP region as shown in Fig.
3. An equation fitting these points was
identified, relating the peak and back-

ground conditions by a combination of

exponential and Lorentzian function, as
given by Equation 6, where Tp and Tb are
and background times in ms.
 −0.003 * I T 
I T = 496.1* 1 − e b b +

p p  
(I T − 182.2
b b
This equation can be rewritten to find the
peak time as a function of the peak cur-
rent, background current and time as in
Equation 7.

( )
496.1 * 1 − e – 0.003* I b Tb + 
 
Tp =  270.1 /I (7)
  p
( b b − ) +1
I T 182 .2 
 8423.5 
This can be used to define the minimum
time at peak required for droplet detach-
ment at a desired peak current level.
Table 4 shows the pulsing parameters
that result in ODPP. Table 4 also shows
possibility in classical designs. Exclusion at three levels were required to roughly the average currents over a fairly wide
of individual runs from the experimental characterize metal transfer behavior range of 108–250 A and the correspond-
design is generally accomplished by using this approach, as shown in Table 3 ing wire feed rates. Depending on the
specifying an exclusion formula to re- (Ref. 23). heat input and deposition rates required,
move the infeasible points from the orig- a user can start with a particular proce-
inal full factorial candidate set. Inclu- Mapping of One Droplet Per Pulse (ODPP) dure and use Equation 7 as a tool to find
sions are usually experimental settings
parameters that provide ODPP at a par-
for which data already exist prior to the As noted previously, it is generally re- ticular average current.
experiment, although inclusion formulas ported that it is important in GMAW-P to Like the power law approaches used
can also be specified, leading to greater establish pulsing parameters that provide by others (Refs. 18, 19), this equation
experimental efficiency (Refs. 25, 29). ODPP transfer (Refs. 14–19). The ODPP
The D-optimal approach also supports does not incorporate frequency — the
condition is also reported to result in number of droplets transferred in a single
smaller three or more level experiments. In welds with minimal defects and spatter
a conventional factorial design of experi- pulse, strictly a function of the relation-
(Ref. 30). Empirical relations of the form ship between time at peak current and
ments, the number of experiments neces- Ip Tp = C have been proposed by previ-
sary for orthogonal design can become peak current values (assuming Ibtb
ous researchers for work done at low <<Iptp). Frequency of pulsing will affect
prohibitive as the number of levels in-
background currents in attempting to deposition rate by controlling the num-
creases. For nonlinear processes such as
characterize the ODPP transfer regime. ber of times in a given time interval in
welding, this ability to more efficiently
By analyzing the high-speed films and which these droplets transfer. This Equa-
model three or more levels is another im-
voltage signals, experiments that resulted tion 7 provides a simulation tool that can
portant advantage of D-optimal designs.
in one drop per pulse were identified for be used to study different pulse parame-
Though calculated effects from D-optimal
experimental designs are not perfectly or- developing an empirical model. Unlike ters before starting any experimental
thogonal/independent, errors are mini- previous efforts, this model takes into ac- work. It decreases trial and error experi-
mized, and this is considered an accept- count the background conditions (Ref. mentation required to develop welding
able trade-off for the flexibility and 23). As the actual values of current and procedures and provides a systematic
efficiency gained using D-optimal designs. voltage are used, it is a generic model for methodology to identify suitable pulse
In our work, D-optimal experiments this wire diameter and composition. parameters. The peak current and back-
were used after the wire feed rate model ground conditions can be fixed, and the
was established to determine the condi- Results of Metal Transfer Experiments wide range of required peak time can be
tions for one droplet per pulse transfer. computed from the equation. Once the
The parameter levels of the four pulsing To be consistent with previous work peak time is known, the pulsing fre-
parameters used in this experiment are (Refs. 18, 19), the relationship between quency to obtain ODPP conditions can
shown in Table 2. Only 19 experiments the peak and background conditions for be calculated.

170-s | MAY 1999

Selection of Pulsing Parameters machine dependent; actual and nominal Developing a simple linear wire feed
values of the critical parameters, peak rate model reduces trial and error exper-
Once the ODPP region has been current and time at peak current, all vary imentation during pulsing parameter de-
characterized, it is possible to identify the significantly. velopment and helps identify factors to
welding parameters that are most desir-

be controlled for maximizing productiv-
able for a given application. Depending Welding Parameter Selection ity. D-optimal design allows the ODPP
on the application, minimizing heat region to be characterized using very few
input, maximizing deposition rates or in- The model given by Equation 6 is a experiments.
creasing travel speed may be the major generic model applicable to any power This methodology can help minimize
concern. supply because it is based on the actual the power supply dependence of the re-
In this work, minimizing heat input to heat input delivered to the weld. For a sults by considering actual pulsing con-
the thin section material and obtaining specific power supply, it is easier to de- ditions. The data needed can be obtained
high productivity were both issues to be velop welding procedures with the using only an oscilloscope to collect ac-
addressed. Figure 4 shows the relation- model developed from the programmed tual current values as a function of time.
ship between the power input and wire values, given by Equation 8. The results However, nominal values can also be
melting rate during ODPP transfer for this of the methodology presented here were used. The one droplet per pulse condi-
wire. To minimize the heat input, the used to develop welding schedules. tion can be characterized by detecting
pulse parameters can be set such that These conditions lie close to the curve on droplet detachment in the voltage sig-
power input to the process is minimized Fig. 5. If current values are recorded nals. This technique also provides an ef-
for a particular deposition rate. Figure 4 while welding is carried out, the actual ficient way of conducting experiments
shows how the melting rate increases values of IpTp and IbTb calculated will lie for process development, allowing any
with power input, which is again a func- on the curve in Fig. 3. Figure 6 shows the user to rapidly determine viable pulsing
tion of the pulsing parameters. All of the bead geometry of a weld in a lap joint on schedules.
data points represent ODPP transfer con- a 1.5-mm extrusion with ODPP condi-
ditions using different combinations of tions, which met applicable quality re- Acknowledgments
pulsing parameters. Between points 2 quirements for the products of interest in
and 3 (which have different pulsing pa- this study (‘S’ is the travel speed) (Ref. The contributions of William Weber,
rameters but the same droplet transfer 31). Figure 7 shows welding of an alu- David Scholl, Richard Allor, Rick Baer
frequency) the change in power input is minum extrusion to a casting with a pro- and Joe Williams to the experimental
only 1.4%, but it results in an increase in cedure resulting in ODPP, with the thin- work described here are gratefully ac-
deposition rate of about 11%. Looking at ner section at the bottom. knowledged.
points 3 and 4 on the plot, an increase in Although ODPP is usually considered
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ing. Welding Journal 72(7): 279-s to 287-s. minum. Winner of Henry Granjon student
18. Allum, C. J. 1983. MIG welding — paper competition. International Institute of
time for a reassessment. Metal Construction. Welding.


Hydrogen-Induced Cracking along the Fusion Boundary of

Dissimilar Metal Welds

Full-color reprints of the subject paper, originally published in the February 1999 Welding Jour-
nal, are now available at no charge from the AWS Publication Services Division. This reprint
includes a full set of color illustrations, as originally submitted by the authors. For a copy, please
call the Welding Journal offices at (800) 443-9353, Ext. 348, or fax us at (305) 443-7404.

172-s | MAY 1999

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