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ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

Instruction Manual & User’s Guide

10 ~ 38 kV Pole Mounted SF6 Automatic

Vacuum Reclosers with control unit(FTU-R200)


Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 1

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


1. SAFETY INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8

1.1 Safety for Life ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

1.2 Safety Information ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8

1.3 Safety Instruction.............................................................................................................................................................................. 8

2. GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Instruction ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

2.2 Read this Manual First ................................................................................................................................................................ 10

2.3 Additional Information ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Applied Standards......................................................................................................................................................................... 10

2.5 Quality Standards .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10

2.6 Acceptance and Initial Inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 10
2.7 Handling and Storage ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.8 Description........................................................................................................................................................................................ 10

3. RATING & SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................................................................................... 12

4. CONSTRUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Tank...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Switching module ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14

4.2.2 Vacuum interrupters....................................................................................................................................................... 15

4.2.3 Operation of switching modules ............................................................................................................................. 15
4.3 Current transformers ................................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.4 Bushings ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18

4.5 Universal clamp terminal ........................................................................................................................................................... 18

4.6 Grounding connector .................................................................................................................................................................. 18

4.7 Manual Operating and Lock Handle ................................................................................................................................... 18

4.8 Safety locking device ................................................................................................................................................................... 18

4.9 Pressure release device .............................................................................................................................................................. 18

4.10 Counter ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 19

4.11 Position Indicator(ON / OFF) ................................................................................................................................................ 19

4.12 Gas Filling Valve .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19

5. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................................................. 20

5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 20

5.2 Checking items prior to installation ..................................................................................................................................... 20

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 2

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

5.3 Installation procedure ................................................................................................................................................................. 22

5.3.1 Mount the recloser ......................................................................................................................................................... 22

5.3.2 Ground the recloser ....................................................................................................................................................... 23

5.3.3 Install the control ............................................................................................................................................................ 26

5.3.4 Ground the control ......................................................................................................................................................... 26

5.3.5 Make the high-voltage line connections. ............................................................................................................ 26

5.4 After installation, checking items .......................................................................................................................................... 27
5.5 Place the recloser in Service .................................................................................................................................................... 27

5.6 Remove the recloser from Service........................................................................................................................................ 28

6. RECLOER OPERATION .............................................................................................................................................................................. 29
6.1 Closing Operation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 29
6.2 Opening Operation ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29

6.3 Lock Operation ............................................................................................................................................................................... 30

7. MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 31
7.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 31

7.2 Frequency of maintenance ....................................................................................................................................................... 31

7.3 Check the operation of low pressure indicator ............................................................................................................. 31
7.4 Check the recloser visually ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
FTU-R200 CONTROL UNIT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 32

8. OVERVIEW...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
8.1 PROTECTION OF DISTRIBUTION LINE ................................................................................................................................ 32
8.2 FUNCTION OF AUTOMATIC CIRCUIT RECLOSER .......................................................................................................... 32

8.3 MAIN FEATURES OF FTU - R200 ........................................................................................................................................... 33

9. TECHNICAL DATA ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 36

9.1 DIGITAL PROCESSOR ................................................................................................................................................................... 36

9.1.1 Dual Processor Architecture ....................................................................................................................................... 36

9.1.2 Analog/Digital Conversion .......................................................................................................................................... 36

9.1.3 DSP ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 37

9.1.4 CPU ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 37

9.1.4 Functional Block Diagram ........................................................................................................................................... 37

9.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 38

9.3 INPUTS/OUTPUTS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 39

9.4 MEASUREMENT .............................................................................................................................................................................. 41

9.4.1 CURRENT ............................................................................................................................................................................. 41

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 3

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

9.4.2 VOLTAGE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 42

9.4.3 POWER.................................................................................................................................................................................. 42
9.4.4 POWER FACTOR ............................................................................................................................................................... 42

9.4.5 FREQUENCY ....................................................................................................................................................................... 42

9.4.6 ENERGY ................................................................................................................................................................................ 43

9.4.7 HARMONIC......................................................................................................................................................................... 43
9.4.8. DEMAND CURRENT AND POWER ......................................................................................................................... 43
9.5 COMMUNICATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 43

9.5.1 PHYSICAL LAYER .............................................................................................................................................................. 43

9.5.2 PROTOCOL FOR SCADA ............................................................................................................................................... 44
9.6 RECORDING ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
9.6.1 EVENT RECORDER ........................................................................................................................................................... 45

9.6.2 WAVEFORM EVENT RECORDER................................................................................................................................ 45

10. CONSTRUCTION AND EXTERNAL CONNECTION .................................................................................................................... 47
10.1 APPEARANCE & DIMENSION ............................................................................................................................................... 47

10.2 CONNECTOR ................................................................................................................................................................................. 49

11. FRONT PANEL OPERATION ................................................................................................................................................................. 50
11.1 BUTTON & LED DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................. 51
11.1.1 LCD DISPLAY ................................................................................................................................................................... 51

11.1.2 FTU STATUS...................................................................................................................................................................... 51

11.1.3 MENU/UP/DOWN/ENTER BUTTONS ................................................................................................................... 51
11.1.4 SERIAL PORT ................................................................................................................................................................... 51

11.1.5 ETHERNET/SCADA/PROTECTION COMMUNICATION LED ....................................................................... 51

11.1.6 BATTERY TEST & LAMP TEST .................................................................................................................................. 52

11.1.7 RESET BUTTON............................................................................................................................................................... 52

11.1.8 FUNCTION LED .............................................................................................................................................................. 52

11.1.9 RECLOSE/PROTECTION/GROUND ENABLE BUTTONS AND LEDS ........................................................ 53

11.1.10 REMOTE/CONTROL LOCK BUTTON AND LEDS ........................................................................................... 53

11.1.11 SELECT/OPEN/CLOSE BUTTONS AND LEDS ................................................................................................. 53

11.2.LCD MANIPULATION ................................................................................................................................................................. 54

11.2.1 LCD MENU ....................................................................................................................................................................... 55

13. PROTECTION FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................................................................... 60

13.1 FAULT DETECTION ................................................................................................................................................................................ 60

13.1.1 DEFINITE TIME PROTECTION .......................................................................................................................... 62

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ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

13.1.2 HIGH CURRENT TRIP (HCT) ............................................................................................................................. 62

13.1.3 SINGLE SHOT OPERATION ................................................................................................................................ 63

13.1.4 TC CURVE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 63

13.1.5 EXAMPLE OF TC CURVE EDITING .............................................................................................................. 65

13.1.6 AUTO RECLOSING SEQUENCE ........................................................................................................................ 66

13.1.7 SEQUENCE COODINATION ............................................................................................................................... 68

13.2 COLD LOAD PICKUP ............................................................................................................................................................ 69
13.3 SENSITIVE EARTH FAULT(SEF) DETECTION .................................................................................................................... 71

13.4 DIRECTIONAL BLOCKING .............................................................................................................................................. 72

13.5 INRUSH RESTRAINTS ................................................................................................................................................................ 73
13.6 OPEN LINE DETECTION(LOSS OF PHASE) ...................................................................................................................... 73
13.7 PHASE SYNC. CHECK ................................................................................................................................................................ 74

13.8 UNDER VOLTAGE PROTECTION .......................................................................................................................................... 74

13.9 OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTION ................................................................................................................................... 75
13.10 UNDER FREQUENCY PROTECTION ................................................................................................................................. 76

13.11 MULTIPLE PROTECTION GROUPS .................................................................................................................................... 76

14. CONFIGURATION SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................................................... 77
14.1 I/O CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................................................... 77
14.1.1 AC RATINGS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 77

14.1.2 SWITCH INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................................................... 77

14.1.3 DEMAND SETTING ....................................................................................................................................................... 80
14.1.4 WAVE TRIGGER .............................................................................................................................................................. 80

14.1.5 CLOSE INTERLOCK ........................................................................................................................................................ 80

14.1.6 FI RESET SELECT ............................................................................................................................................................ 80

14.1.7 VOLTAGE DISPLAY ........................................................................................................................................................ 81

14.2 POWER QUALITY MEASUREMENT FUNCTION ....................................................................................................................... 81

14.2.1 VOLTAGE & CURRENT UNBALANCE ................................................................................................................... 81

14.2.2 SHORT-DURATION VOLTAGE VARIATION ......................................................................................................... 81 SWELL.............................................................................................................................................................................. 82
14.2.3 VOLTAGE & CURRENT ALARM ............................................................................................................................... 83

14.3 COMMUNICATION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 84

14.3.1 PORT PARAMETERS...................................................................................................................................................... 84

14.3.2 DNP 3.0 PARAMETERS................................................................................................................................................ 85

14.3.3 IEC PARAMETERS .................................................................................................................................................. 86

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 5

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

15. STATUS MONITORING & CONTROL............................................................................................................................................... 87

15.1 SWITHCH CONTROL ................................................................................................................................................................. 87

15.2 SWITCH STATUS MONITORING .......................................................................................................................................... 87

15.3 BATTERY MONITORING ........................................................................................................................................................... 87

16. MEASUREMENT ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 88

16.1 BASIC ELECTRIC QUANTITIES ............................................................................................................................................... 88

16.2 SEQUENCE COMPONENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 88
16.3 HARMONICS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 89

16.4 ENERGY ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 89

16.5 DEMAND CURRENTS AND POWER ................................................................................................................................... 89
17. MAINTENANCE SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................................................................ 90
17.1 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 90

17.2 OPERATION OF FTUMan......................................................................................................................................................... 91

17.2.1 MENU ................................................................................................................................................................................. 91
17.2.2 TOOLBAR........................................................................................................................................................................... 93

17.2.3 STATUS BAR .............................................................................................................................................................. 94

17.2.4 MONITORING BAR ....................................................................................................................................................... 94
17.2.5 FUNCTION AND CONFIGURATION SETTING .................................................................................................. 94
17.2.6 EVENT ................................................................................................................................................................................. 96

17.2.7 MEASUREMENT ...........................................................................................................................................................105

17.2.8 STATUS ........................................................................................................................................................................111
17.2.9 WAVEFORM ...................................................................................................................................................................112

18. I/O CONFIGURATION TOOL .............................................................................................................................................................114

18.1 OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................................................114

18.2 OPERATION OF IOConfig .............................................................................................................................................115

18.2.1 MENU ...............................................................................................................................................................................116

18.2.2 TOOLBAR.........................................................................................................................................................................116

18.2.3 INPUT ................................................................................................................................................................................117

18.2.4 OUTPUT ...........................................................................................................................................................................118

19. DNP 3.0 INDEX CONFIGURATION TOOL....................................................................................................................................119

19.1 OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................................................119

19.2 OPERATION OF DNPCONFIG. ............................................................................................................................................120

19.2.1 MENU ...............................................................................................................................................................................121

19.2.2 TOOLBAR ...................................................................................................................................................................121

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 6

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

19.2.3 CONFIGURATION TOOL BOX .....................................................................................................................122

19.2.4 BINARY INPUT .......................................................................................................................................................123

19.2.5 BINARY OUTPUT ..................................................................................................................................................125

19.2.6 ANALOG INPUT ...........................................................................................................................................................126

19.2.7 COUNTER ..................................................................................................................................................................127

20. WAVEFORM EVALUATION TOOL ....................................................................................................................................................129

20.1 OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................................................129

20.2 OPERATION OF EvalTool.......................................................................................................................................................130

20.2.1 MENU ...............................................................................................................................................................................130
20.2.2 TOOLBAR.........................................................................................................................................................................132

APPENDIX 1.TC (Time-Current) Characteristic Curves .................................................................................................................133

APPENDIX 2. DNP3.0 PROTOCOL OBJECT & INDEX TABLE......................................................................................................146
APPENDIX 3. IEC 60870-5-101 PROTOCOL OBJECT & INDEX TABLE ..................................................................................171

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 7

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


1.1 Safety for Life

Jinkwang’s products meet or exceed all applicable industry standards relating to product safety. We
actively promote safe practices in the use and maintenance of our products through our technical
information, instructional training programs, and the continuous efforts of all Jinkwang employees
involved in product design, manufacture, marketing and service

1.2 Safety Information

The instructions in this manual are not intended as a substitute for proper training or adequate
experience in the safe operation of the recloser described. Only authorized technicians who are familiar
with this recloser should install, operate and service it.

Following is important safety information. For safe installation and operation of the recloser, be sure to
read carefully and understand fully followings. Additional statements, related to specific matters and
procedures, can be observed throughout this manual.

This manual may contain four types of hazard statements:

Danger : Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in serious injury.
Warning : Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in serious injury.
Caution : Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury or equipment damage.

1.3 Safety Instruction

Following are general cautions and warning statements that apply to this recloser.

Danger :
Follow all locally approved safety procedures when working around high voltage lines and equipment.
Contact with hazardous voltage will cause severe personal injury.

Warning :
This equipment is not intended to protect human life. Follow all locally approved procedures and safety
practices when installing or operating this equipment. Failure to comply can result in severe personal
injury and equipment damage.

The recloser must be selected for the intended application. It must be installed and serviced by proper
personal who have been trained and understand proper safety procedures. This instructions are written
for such personal and are not a substitute for adequate training and experience in safety procedures.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 8

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

Failure to properly select, install, or maintain this recloser can result in severe personal injury.

Before installing, operating, maintaining or testing this recloser, carefully read and understand the
contents of this manual. Improper operation, handling or maintenance may result in severe personal
injury, and damage to the recloser.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 9

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


2.1 Instruction
This manual provides installation, operation and maintenance instructions for the JK-REC Type
electronically controlled recloser.
Before installing and operating this recloser, carefully read and understand the contents of this

2.2 Read this Manual First

Read and understand the contents of this manual and follow all locally approved procedures and safety
practices before installing and operating this recloser.

2.3 Additional Information

This manual cannot cover all details or variations in the recloser, procedures or process described, nor
provides directions for meeting every possible contingency during installation, operation or maintenance.
When additional information is desired to satisfy a problem not covered sufficiently for the user’s
purpose, please contact your Jin Kwang sales representative.

2.4 Applied Standards

The recloser is designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with ANSI C37.60, ANSI C37.71, ANSI
C37.73, ANSI C37.85, IEC 60255-5, IEEE C62.41(1991), ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1(1989), IEEE C37.90.2(1995).

2.5 Quality Standards

The recloser shall be manufactured according to ISO9001(1994) quality control system.

2.6 Acceptance and Initial Inspection

The recloser is completely assembled, tested, and inspected at the factory. It is good condition when
accepted by the carrier for shipment. Upon receipt, inspect the shipping container for signs for damage.
Unpack the recloser and inspect it thoroughly for damage incurred during shipment. If damage is
discovered, file a claim with carrier immediately.

2.7 Handling and Storage

Be careful during handling and storage of the recloser to minimize the possibility of damage. In
particular, protect the porcelain bushing in handling.
Only use the lifting lug when lifting the recloser. If the recloser is to be stored for any length of time
prior to installation, provide a clean, dry storage area.

2.8 Description
New demands for managing distribution systems call for control devices inherently reliable and

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 10

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

intelligent. Customers require a built-in capability for data gathering and communication, along with an
extremely low maintenance product.

The Jinkwang electronically controlled, three phase automatic recloser (hereinafter referred to as “the
recloser”) provides reliable and economical over-current protection for distribution circuit, ranging from
15 through 38kV.

The recloser senses line current and automatically interrupts the phase of the distribution circuit to
which it is connected when line current exceeds the minimum trip level. Next, it automatically recloses to
restore ser-vice and monitors the line to determine if the fault has been cleared. If the fault is
permanent, the recloser sequences to lockout after one, two, three, or four preset trip operations

Once the recloser sequences to lockout, the recloser must be manually reset to restore service.
Should the fault clear before lockout, the recloser will reset automatically for another sequence of
operations. The recloser can also be set for non-reclosing operation (lock out after the first trip
operation) The recloser can be remotely set for non-reclosing operation via the remote non-reclosing
feature. The trip operations of the recloser can be all fast, all delayed, or any combination of fast
operations and delayed operations up to a maximum total of four. Fast operations clear temporary faults
before branch line fuses are weakened. Delayed operations allow time for fuses or other downline
protective devices to clear to limit permanent faults to the smallest section of line.

The Jinkwang type JK-REC recloser has a characteristic as followings.

1) The recloser meets actively in distribution line protection coordination that change variously by
control technology that use microprocessor, and are being operated locally or remotely.

2) Communication protocols to DAS make the automated protection coordination possible.

3) The control has a total of 48 built-in T-C curves, and a T-C curve, which has a time multiplier and a
minimum response time applied to the fundamental curve and a high current lockout characteristic,
allows programming via keypad or RS232 communication port on the front of control panel.

4) Fault recording for analysis can be backed up using LCD display or handheld controller applying
gradually fault recording that need in the maintenance on the distribution lines.

5) All operating parameters and settings are easily programmable via handheld controller or PC using
RS-232 port on the front panel.

6) The control is equipped with the function of sequence coordination to prevent unnecessary operation
of the upstream reclosers when two or more reclosers are being operated in series.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 11

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


No. Description Unit Specifications

1 Type JK-REC

2 Insulation SF6

3 Ratings

Maximum System Voltage kV 15 27 38

Rated Current A 630 630 630/800
Rated Frequency Hz 50/60 50/60 50/60
Mechanical Operation(Min.) C-O 10,000 10,000 10,000
Rated Gas Pressure at 20°C kg/cm2.G 0.5 0.5 0.5

4 Breaking Capacity

Rated symmetrical interrupting current A 12.5 12.5 12.5/16

Short Time Withstand Current(1sec) kA 12.5 12.5 12.5/16
Making Current(peak) kA 32.5 32.5 32.5/40
Cable Charging A 5 5 5
Transformer Magnetizing A 22 22 40

5 Impulse Insulation Level(1.2×50ms) kV 110 150 170

6 Power Frequency Insulation Level, dry kV 50 60 70

7 Creepage length of silicon bushings mm Min.830 Min.1090

8 Power Supply

Operation V AC 220
Control Circuit V DC 24

9 Environmental

Ambient Temperature °C -30 ~ + 70

Humidity % 0 ~ 100

Net Weight(Switch Body/ Control

10 kg 195/60 300/60

11 Applied standard ANSI C37.60

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 12

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

The recloser shall consist of a mechanism housing including magnetic actuator and vacuum interrupter,
and controller. The vacuum interrupter provides greatly enhanced long contact life.
The vacuum interrupters are installed into tank that is made of stainless steel. The lightweight and
portable gas insulation effectively reduces installation costs.

1. Grounding terminal
2. Control receptacles(37 pins)
3. Name plate

4. Silicon rubber bushing

5. Manual OPEN handle

6. ON/OFF position indicator

7. Operation counter

12. Universal clamp terminal

10. Gas filling valve

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 13

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

8. Lifting lug
9. Gas pressure release device
11. Mechanism box

4.1 Tank
The tank of the recloser is fabricated from cold rolled steel and plate. The material used is 304L stainless
steel (SF6 Gas insulated type only)and the design thickness is a minimum 3㎜.

4.2 Switching module

In contrast to the majority of conventional circuit breakers, this patented design incorporates three
independent magnetic actuators: one per pole. This minimizes the number of moving parts, all of
which are symmetrical about the central synchronization of the poles operation.

The vacuum interrupter and the magnetic actuator are located at opposite ends of a hollow support
insulator. The actuator armature is rigidly coupled to the vacuum interrupter moving contact by a linear
drive insulator within the support insulator. This provides direct linear movement in both directions and
avoids the use of rotating shafts, bearings and bell cranks.
The result is a maintenance free switch module with a long trouble free mechanical life.

The actuators are situated inside the frame. A synchronizing shaft connects the three poles and
performs three functions:

▪- synchronization of the poles operation

▪- control of the auxiliary switches
▪- link-motion drive of mechanical interlocks.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 14

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

4.2.1 Magnetic actuator

The actuator is held in its two end positions without the use of mechanical latches. in the OPEN position
the armature is held by the opening spring. in the CLOSED position the armature is held by magnetic
flux produced by a ring permanent magnet.

This actuator has only one coil. To close and trip the actuator it is necessary to inject current into the
coil in different directions.

4.2.2 Vacuum interrupters

As soon as the vacuum interrupter contacts open, the interrupting current initiates a so-called
“vacuum arc” that burns essentially in plasma originating from evaporated contact material.
The current continues to flow through this plasma until a current zero. At this moment the arc is
extinguished and transient recovery voltage appears across the open gap.
If the contact surface is locally overheated it produces a lot of vapor, resulting in the deterioration of
the vacuum followed by electrical breakdown. To avoid this, effective control of the vacuum arc is
The most effective way to achieve this goal is to apply an axial magnetic field produced by the
interrupting current itself. This method is implemented in vacuum interrupters developed.

Several major benefits result from this design:

▪ High interrupting capacity

▪ Very compact dimensions
▪ Low chopping current (45 amps) This limits inductive switching overvoltage to safe values.
▪ Axial magnetic field minimizes contact erosion and ensures a very long and reliable life.

4.2.3 Operation of switching modules

In the OPEN position the vacuum interrupter contacts are held open by the force of the
opening spring in the actuator acting through the drive insulator.
To close the vacuum interrupter contacts a current pulse, derived from the closing capacitor in
the control module, is injected into the actuator coil.

▪ The current in the coil produces a magnetic flux in the gap between the upper yoke and the
actuator armature.

▪ Rising coil current increases the magnetic flux and the electromagnetic attraction between yoke
and armature increases to overcome the restraining force of the opening spring. (Line1)

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 15

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

▪ The armature, drive insulator and moving contact start to move.

▪ As the armature moves towards the upper yoke the magnetic air gap decreases and consequently
the magnetic attraction force increases. This increasing force accelerates the armature, drive
insulator and moving contact to a closing speed of 1 m/s. This optimum speed ensures a complete
absence of contact bounce and reduces the probability of pre-strikes of the vacuum gap before the
contacts close. (Line 2)

▪The accelerating armature also generates a back emf in the coil and reduces the coil current (Line 1-
At contact close (Line 2) the moving contact stops but the armature travel continues for 2mm
under rapid deceleration caused by compressing the contact pressure spring.

▪ At the limit of its travel the armature latches magnetically to the upper yoke. (Line 2a) The moving
armature induced back emf collapses and the coil current again increases (Line 2a-3)
saturating the ring magnet.
This saturation increases the power of the ring permanent magnet to a level that generates flux
to hold the armature in the CLOSED position after the coil current has been cut off by an
auxiliary switch. ( Line 3) Testing has proved that this flux is sufficient to hold the actuator
CLOSED even under vibration and impact conditions.

▪The travel of the armature also compresses the opening spring in preparation for the next opening

▪The synchronizing shaft is also driven through 44°of rotation during the closing operation and
provides position indication, auxiliary switch operation and mechanical interlocking actions.


▪To open the interrupter a current of opposite polarity, derived from the opening capacitor in the
control module, is passed through the coil for 1520 milliseconds. (Line 4-5)

▪This current partially demagnetizes the ring magnet and reduces the magnetic holding force on
the armature.
Opposing forces from the charged opening spring and the contact pressure spring cause the
armature to release and accelerate rapidly. After 2 mm of free travel it engages with the drive
insulator and thus the moving contact.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 16

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

▪The peak force produced by the armature at this point exceeds 2000 N which ensures easy
breaking of any micro-welds at the contact surfaces which can appear due to short circuit
current action.

▪The moving contact accelerates rapidly ensuring a high interrupting capacity. (Line 5)
▪At full travel (Line 6) the armature, drive insulator, moving contact assembly is again held open by
the opening spring force.
▪The synchronizing shaft is also driven through 44° of rotation during the opening operation and
provides position indication, auxiliary switch operation and mechanical interlocking actions.

Manual closing
Closing can only be carried out through the control module.

Manual opening
The module may be manually opened.
By rotating the synchronizing shaft a force exceeding the magnetic attraction forces of the ring magnet
is applied to the armature, which then starts to move.
As the air-gap increases the opening spring and contact pressure spring over come any magnetic
holding force and the interrupter opens.

Auxiliary switches
All switching modules are equipped with thirteen auxiliary switches, six normally open (NO) and seven
normally closed (NC). Auxiliary switches are operated by cam that is fitted on the synchronizing shaft.
One NC auxiliary switch is used for interconnection with the control module. All others are available
for external use.

Auxiliary switches ratings are shown in the table below.

Parameters Value
Rated Current
at 250 V AC
Active load 5A
Inductive load 2A
at 30 V DC
Active load 5A
Inductive load 3A
at 125 V DC
Active load 0.5 A
Inductive load 0.03 A

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ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

4.3 Current transformers

The reclosers have a 1000:1 ratio current-sensing transformer. Current transformers shall be mounted
inside the recloser with secondary pre-wired to the controller prior to shipment. The recloser shall
include 3 CT’s, 1 per phase, with sufficient accuracy to operate the controls and designed functions
within tolerances ±1% at rated current. A solid-state CT protector circuit, inside the recloser tank,
ahead of the cable disconnect, is connected to the current transformer

4.4 Bushings
The bushings are constructed of high quality silicon rubber and resistant to moisture, external shock,
and thermo-cycling. The bushings also provide leakage resistance and the high dielectric strength
required for operation of the recloser in pollution contaminated environments.

4.5 Universal clamp terminal

The universal clamp to accommodate 12 ~ 20 mm diameter of conductor is provided for high voltage

4.6 Grounding connector

The ground connector is provided complete with stainless steel bolt, nut and spring washer for
connecting a 5 ~ 15 mm diameter of conductors.

4.7 Manual Operating and Lock Handle

The manual operating and lock handle is mounted on the side of main body and is operated by hot
stick to enable to be manually opened and lockout.
If you operate the recloser with electric control, the lock handle should be manually returned by hot
stick and placed at normal position.

4.8 Safety locking device

The recloser utilizes gas as the insulation medium. Normal gas pressure at the time of manufacture is
0.5㎏.f/㎠.G. The safety locking device prevents operation of the recloser, electrically from the local
control panel and remote position during low gas pressure condition(i.e. when internal gas pressure
drops to 0.1∼0.2㎏.f/㎠.G), by locking the recloser in its current state.

4.9 Pressure release device

The recloser has a pressure release device (or safety membrane) to release the pressure inside of the
recloser when internal pressure rise to 2.0∼4.0㎏f/㎠.G due to an abnormal condition.
The pressure release device is located on the opposite side to the manual operating and lock handle.
Discharge is vented away from the direction of the operator.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 18

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

4.10 Counter
The five-digit mechanical operations counter, which records all trip operations, is located at the
bottom of the mechanism box.

4.11 Position Indicator(ON / OFF)

Position indicator flag is coupled to the recloser mechanism to show the position of the main contacts.
When the flag displays Green color , the main contacts are open; When the flag displays Red color, the
main contacts are closed.

4.12 Gas Filling Valve

This Valve is mounted on the side of the recloser tank and “CARE” must be paid not to be opened
with protection cap for preventing the gas leakage on the filling valve.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 19

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


1. Always use a hot-stick when working with this recloser . Failure to do so could result in contact
with high voltage, which will cause severe personal injury.

2. Solidly ground all equipment. Failure to comply could result in severe personal injury or
equipment damage.

1. Follow all locally approved safety practices when lifting and mounting the recloser. Use the
lifting lugs provided. Lift the recloser unit smoothly and do not allow it to shift. Improper
lifting can result in it’s damage.

2. Do not connect this control to an energized recloser until all control settings have been
properly programmed and verified. Refer to the programming information for this control.
Failure to comply can result in control and recloser misoperation, equipment damage, and
personal injury.

3. Bushings have sharp edges. Wear protective gloves when handling the unit. Failure to do so
can results in cuts and abrasions.

4. Do not adjust or rotate bushing terminals. The bushing terminals are factory-calibrated to meet
the continuous current requirement of the recloser. Adjusting or rotating the bushing terminals
can damage the encapsulated interrupter resulting in equipment damage or personal injury.

5.1 General

All reclosers are carefully tested and adjusted at the factory to operate according to published data.
Well-equipped test facilities, detailed testing procedures, and thoroughly trained personnel assure
accurately calibrated equipment. Each recloser leaves the factory ready for installation.

5.2 Checking items prior to installation

1) Check bushing’s crack and high voltage line connection(bushing terminal).,
2) Check ratings on the nameplate.

Making sure the ratings and settings on the recloser nameplate are correct for the planned

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 20

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

3) Check operation of the switch.

Connect control and recloser using the control cable. Connect the control battery Perform several
closing/opening pushing close/open buttons and confirm recloser operation via position indicator. The
five-digit operations counter should count one operation.

4) Check it thoroughly for damage incurred during storage.

Perform high-potential withstand tests. Prior to installing the recloser, perform high potential
withstand tests. This test will help discover any shipping damage affecting the dielectric condition of
the recloser or the vacuum integrity of the interrupter.

5) Low Gas Pressure(SF6 Gas insulated type only)

This recloser is filled with 0.5㎏.f/㎠.G. A low pressure LED on the control panel is illuminates when
internal gas pressure drops to 0.1∼0.2㎏.f/㎠.G. Make sure a low pressure LED to the connection
condition of the main body and control cabinet

6) Make sure a flash of all lamp status indicators to perform a front-panel lamp test in the control

7) Make sure a mounting condition of the control cabinet’s components such as a batteries, power
transformer for power supply, etc.

8) Program the control.

FTU-R200 controls are carefully tested at the factory, shipped and ready for operation. Inspect the
control and make sure that all TCC program settings are correct for the planned installation.
Connect control battery to the battery plug.

Note: The unit should not be stored or shipped with the batteries connected. Even if the recloser is not
in service, connected batteries will still expend energy. Disconnect the batteries when the recloser
is not in service. Make sure that the control cable is connected between the recloser and control.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 21

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

5.3 Installation procedure

5.3.1 Mount the recloser(Single pole mounting)
Assembly the mounting frames and then assembly the mounting frames and the recloser.
Lift the recloser to the pole with suitable lifting ropes and fix the recloser to the pole with hanger bands.
When lifting the recloser, use the lifting lugs located on the top of the tank and follow approved
procedure. At this point, the contacts are opens. Never use its porcelain bushing, bushing terminals nor
manual trip handle. These handling will cause the damage to the recloser.

The following figure shows Jinkwang’s mounting frames.

No Description Q’ty

1 Hex bolt, nut, Spring 4

Mounting frames washer, Plate washer

2 Stud washer 4
The assembly method of mounting frames as follows
3 Hex bolt, nut, Spring 4
washer, Plate washer

4 Hex bolt, nut, Spring 20

washer, Plate washer

5 Upper band 1

6 Lower band 1

7 Vertical bracket 2

8 Bracket support 2

9 Vertical bracket 2

10 Hanger band “A” 1

11 Hanger band “B” 1

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 22

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

5.3.2 Ground the recloser

Refer to our typical mounting arrangement as shown in figure.
Make ground connections to the recloser ground connector located on the side of the recloser. It will
accommodate 5 ~ 15 mm diameter ground conductor. Make ground connections in accordance with
approved utility standards.

The following figure shows typical pole type mounting arrangement of the recloser.

(Typical pole type mounting arrangement )

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 23

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

l H Pole mounting

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 24

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 25

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

5.3.3 Install the control

Refer to FTU-R200 microprocessor-based recloser control instruction manual and user’s guide for
complete recommended grounding instruction. Connect the control cable between the control and main
body of the recloser.

5.3.4 Ground the control

Ground the control using the ground connector provided at the upper of the control cabinet for
connecting 22 mm2 to 60 mm2 stranded grounding cable to a suitable ground. Make ground
connections in accordance with approved utility standards. Make sure the control is grounded and
properly programmed for the planned installing.

5.3.5 Make the high-voltage line connections.

Provide surge protection to both sides of each recloser.
Connect high-voltage lines to the recloser bushing terminals.
Connect the high-voltage lines to the bushing terminals with source leads connected to bushings 1, 3
and 5. of the recloser. The high-voltage bare conductors should be placed in the hole of the clamp type
terminals fastened with nut up to tensile torque of 400 ㎏.f/㎠.
The bare conductor size ranging from 38 mm2 to 240 mm2 is adequate for the connection with the
clamp type terminal.

Note: Disconnect switches and bypass switches are recommended to facilitate switching and


Disconnect Disconnect
Switch Switch
5 6

3 4

1 2

Surge Surge
Arresters Arresters

[Connection diagram with switches to facilitate maintenance and complete protection]

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 26

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

▪ Block ground sensing via the control.

▪ Close source and load disconnect switches.
▪ Close reclosers via control signal.
▪ Open bypass switches.
▪ Enable ground sensing, if applicable.

5.4 After installation, checking items

1) High voltage wire insulation distance that is connected to bushing terminal should be checked by
each phase.(Phase to phase spacing of high voltage wire must keep more than smallest 250mm).

2) Check installation condition of insulation cover that is mounted to the top end of bushing.

3) Check the Work tool remaining and cleanliness condition on the top of main body and mounting

4) Check cleanliness condition of bushing.

5) Make sure a position of manual operating and Lock handle (If the lock handle is placed at locking
position, it should be manually returned by hot stick and placed at normal position).

6) Make sure a mounting condition of the control cabinet’s components such as a batteries, power
transformer for power supply, etc.

7) Check a charging condition and capacity of batteries using the battery test button in the control.

8) Check a grounding connection of main body and control cabinet.

9) Check a connection condition of the control cable and power cable.

5.5 Place the recloser in Service

Always follow locally approved procedures and safety practices when placing the recloser in service.
Be sure that 24-volt control back-up battery is properly connected. When the control is connected, the
recloser can be placed in service.

1) Move the manual operating and Lock handle (yellow color) to the OPEN (down) position.
2) Close the source and load disconnect switches.
3) Move the manual operating and Lock handle (yellow color) to up position and then close using a
close button on the control panel necessarily. This resets the control and synchronizes the control to
the recloser. The recloser should immediately close.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 27

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

4) Open the bypass switch. The recloser is now in service.

5.6 Remove the recloser from Service

1) Follow standard utility procedures for removal of recloser from service.

2) Close the bypass switch.
3) Pull down the manual operating and Lock handle (yellow color) with a hotstick.
4) The manual operating and Lock handle (yellow color) is located on the side of the recloser.
5) Open the source and load disconnect switches.
6) Disconnect the batteries in the control box.

Note: The unit should not be stored or shipped with the batteries connected. Even if the recloser is not
in service, connected batteries will still expend energy. Disconnect the batteries when the recloser is not
in service.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 28

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


Do not reply on the open position of the open/lock handle(yellow color) or the contact position
indicator; it does not ensure that the line has been de-energized. Always establish a visible disconnect.
Failure to follow proper safety practices can result in contact with high voltage, which will cause severe
personal injury.

Pushing the yellow manual operating and Lock handle to the closed position will not close the recloser.
All close operations are initiated by the FTU-R200 microprocessor-based recloser control.

6.1 Closing Operation

Closing operation should be performed with a close button on the control panel necessarily. But, before
operating the recloser on the control panel, make sure a position of manual open& lock handle. Check
whether the manual open&lock handle indicate lock position or not.

Note: When the recloser is closed, the manual operating and Lock handle should be positioned in free

6.2 Opening Operation

The manual operating and Lock handle(yellow color) in the recloser is used to open and lock out the
recloser. If the recloser is opened with a manual operating & lock handle, it automatically operates to
lockout. So, it disable in the electrical and supervisory closing.

The manual operating and Lock handle is designed to be operated with a hot stick. Pulling down the
manual operating and Lock handle open the main contacts of the recloser. Contact position is indicated
by the open flag of the contact open indicator. The handle will remain down in the open position and
not return upward in the close position.
Therefore, when the recloser is closed, the manual operating and Lock handle should be positioned in
free condition.

Note: When the recloser electrically operates to lockout, the open/ lock operating handle will not drop
by the open position. The handle remains in the open position only after manual operations are

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 29

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

6.3 Lock Operation

When the manual operating and Lock handle has been manually pulled down into the lock position, any
current over the minimum trip rating will cause the control to automatically lock the recloser. The
manual operating and Lock handle does not interfere with manual recloser operation or operation via a
SCADA trip or close signal. The recloser can be opened or closed manually regardless of the position of
the lock handle.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 30

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

Always use a hotstick when working with the recloser. Failure to do so could result in contact with high
voltage, which will cause severe personal injury.

The equipment requires routine inspection and maintenance to ensure proper operation. If it is not
maintained it may fail to operate properly. Improper operation may cause equipment damage and
possible personal injury.

7.1 GeneralJin Kwang’s reclosers require inspection and maintenance to ensure proper operation.
If the recloser is not adequately maintained, it may fail to operate properly. Even though the recloser has
been designed as a low maintenance unit, maintenance interval depends on the local climatic condition.
Jin Kwang recommends that the recloser be inspected and maintained for long life.

7.2 Frequency of maintenanceTo assure proper and trouble-free operation, reclosers must be
maintained when they have operated the equivalent of a rated duty cycle.

Note: ANSI C 37.61, “Guide fot the application, Operation and Maintenance of Automatic Circuit
reclosers”, gives a procedure for converting the rated standard duty cycle into an equivalent duty
cycle based on the actual operating duty of the recloser
7.3 Check the operation of low pressure indicatorThe recloser is filled with 0.5kgf/cm2 of SF6 gas in
normal service, however, if gas pressure drops to 0.1 ~ 0.2kgf/cm2 or less by means of any cause, a
low pressure locking device works to prevent the operation of the switch manually and electrically (from
local control panel and from remote location).
At the same time, a low gas pressure indicator located at the side of switch will be shown and a low
pressure indicator lamp on the control panel will illuminate to indicate that switch operation has been

7.4 Check the recloser visuallyInspect each of the bushing for breaks, cracks, burn or heavy pollution
and other part of the recloser.

1) If polluted, clean the bushing.

2) If damaged, replace whole of the recloser with new one.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 31

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.




Distribution lines have their own equipment outdoors, the types of loads are various, and the
configurations of the networks are flexible and complicated. There are many kinds of fault causes such
as direct contact of trees or birds, natural phenomenon of lightning or heavy snow, and fault spread-out
due to customer’s facilities. Among these faults, most of faults are temporary and the dominant fault
type is ground-fault.

For rapid fault detection and fault section isolation, blackout area minimization, many protection devices
such as Recloser, Sectionalizer, and Line Fuse are adopted. Among these devices, Automatic Circuit
Recloser is the most important protection device, whose main functions are fault current trip and auto-

One distribution line has over 2 Reclosers of serial connections or Recloser – Sectionalizer - Line Fuse of
serial connections. This configuration is the concept of Primary Protection and Back-up Protection. In
other words, protection coordination is required in the way that a protection device nearer to fault point
operates first to eliminate the fault and other devices farther from fault point are configured to operate
later with time delays.


When a fault occurs on the load side of Recloser installed location, Recloser detects fault current, trips
fault current at high speed, and does reclosing actions after the set time to re-activate the faulted
section. In case of temporary fault, the fault can be removed by itself according to high-speed trip and
dead time before reclosing actions. But, in case of

permanent fault, because fault current is still detected after trip and reclosing actions of pre-set counts,
Recloser is locked out finally as opened.
Recloser has the time delay element in protection function of its controller and can be freely configured
for protection coordination with other protection devices.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 32

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


Recloser body is connected serially to distribution line to operate open / close of the line, and Recloser
Controller is in charge of measurements of currents, voltages, and other electric values, protection,
control, status monitoring, recording, and communication.

FTU-R200 is a kind of IED’s (Intelligent Electronic Device) for power system automation, which is a fully
digitalized and microprocessor-based control device, and through connecting with this control device,
Recloser can play a role of automated protection device.

Main features of FTU-R200 are as follows,


Magnitude and phase angle of voltages & currents(Fundamental frequency)

Sequence components of 3-Phase voltages & currents

True RMS, Harmonics and THD of voltages & currents

Active, reactive and apparent power for each phase and 3-phase

Energy(4-quadrant metering)

Displacement Power Factor


PQM, Fault, THD Counter

Phase difference between source-side and load-side voltage

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 33

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


Manual Recloser Open/Close at local or remote(Select Before Operation)

Interlocking(Gas low, Handle lock, Operator place, Sync Fail, Live Load)

Batter Test

External Trip and Close By contact input(Optional)

Enable or disable reclosing, protection and Ground function


3-stage over current protection

Fast and Delayed TC trip elements for phase and earth fault

54 types of built-in TC Curves and 4 Customized TC Curves

Definite time over-current element

Definite time HCT(High Current Trip)

SEF(Sensitive Earth Fault) Detection

Auto-Reclosing(up to 4 shots)

Cold Load protection(Pickup Adjustment)

Magnetizing Inrush Restraints

Sequence Coordination

Open Line Detection

Phase Sync. Fail Detection

Over Voltage, Under Voltage

Under Frequency

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 34

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


10 Contact Inputs

Open Line Detection

Fault Indication
Recloser, Protection, Ground Protection, Switch Open/Closed
Over Voltage, Under Voltage, Under Frequency
Handle Locked
Gas Pressure Low
External AC Power Loss
Battery Discharged
Enclosure Door Open
Spare (3 Points : Optionally external trip and close command)


Event recording with time-stamp

I/O, Functional, System, Fault Current, Demand Current & Power,

Daily Max Current & Power

Waveform Recording

8 Fault Waveforms
8 PQM Waveforms
1 Manual Trigger Waveform
128 samples/cycle, 20 cycles
Saving COMTRADE File Format


FTU Restart count

Switch Trip Count

Fault Detection Count

PQM Count

THD Count

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 35

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.



DNP3.0 over TCP/IP



Maintenance Port Modbus-RTU

9.1.1 Dual Processor Architecture

32-bit RISC type micro-controller with on-chip flash program memory

32-bit floating-point Digital Signal Processor

Dual-Port Memory for communication between two processors

Data Memoty(SRAM)

Non-volatile Memory(1Mbytes) for storing events and parameters

Flash Mamory for stroring fault and PQM Waveforms

Real Time Clock

9.1.2 Analog/Digital Conversion

16-bit A/D Converter

Sampling rate : 128 samples/cycle

Anti-aliasing analog filter

One gain channel for each current input : effective 16-bit resolution for current


Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 36

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

9.1.3 DSP

Correction of analog input error

Fast Fourier Transform : phasor calculation

Electric quantities calculation & Fault Decision

9.1.4 CPU

Status monitoring & Control Command

Local Human-Machine Interface

Event Recording

Remote Communication(DNP3.0, IEC60870-5-101 and IEC60870-5-104)

Self Diagnosis

9.1.4 Functional Block Diagram

[ Functional Block Diagram ]

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 37

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


Altitude < 2,000m

Wind Speed < 40m/s

Ambıent Temporature - 25 ~ +70°C, KSC 0220/1

Storage Temporature - 40 ~ +85°C

Humidity < 95%RH

Dielectric withstand IEC 60255-5, 2kV

Impulse voltage IEC 60255-5, 6kV for current input circuit

IEC 60255-5, 4kV for voltage, power input & Contacts I/O

Insulation resistance IEC 60255-5, >500MW (DC500V)

High frequency disturbance IEC 61000-4-12 class 3 (2.5kV)

Fast transient noise IEC61000-4-4 class 4 (4kV)

Radio frequency noise IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m

Vibrations IEC 60255-21-1 class 2

Mechanical Shock IEC 60255-21-2 class 2

Enclosure protection IP54

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 38

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


DC 24V Baised in the control box

Opto-isolation(Viso) : 2,000 Vrms

Delay time setting(10~500ms) for each contact input to suppress bouncing


Recloser Open

Recloser Closed

Recloser Locked

Gas Pressure Low

External AC Power Fail

Battery Discharged

Control Box Door Open

External Trip Command(Optional)

External Closer Command(Optional)



Pulse width of output is variable

Signal & Contact rating

DC24V Aux. Relay Contact

Contact Relay : Switch Open, Close, Battery Test, Spare

PhotoMOS Relay : Switch Open, Close for

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 39

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


Rated Current 16A

Rated Voltage/Max. Breaking Voltage AC 250Vac/440Vac
Max. Breaking Capacity AC 4,000VA
Make Current (Max. 4s at duty cycle 10%) 30A
Dielctring Strength
Coil-Contacts 5,000Vrms
Open Contact Circuit 1,000Vrms
Mechnical Life > 30 x 106 operations
Operate Time typical 7ms


Rated Load Current 120mA

Rated Load Voltage 350Vac
I/O isolation Voltage 1,500Vac


12.5A Maximum(external CT Ratio is 1,000:1 normally)

Burden : below than 1VA

3-Phase Current and Neutral Currents

Isolation by auxiliary CT of RTU(Viso) : 2,000 Vrms

Surge Withstand Voltage : 6kV

Signal : Ia, Ib, Ic, In

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 40

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


4Vrms at rated Phase Voltages

Burden : below than 0.01VA

Maximum input range : ~200%

Isolation by auxiliary PT of RTU(Viso) : 2,000 Vrms

Surge Withstand Voltage : 4kV

Signal : Va, Vb, Vc, Vr, Vs, Vt


DC 24V(DC20~DC29V)

Power Consumption: Max. 15W



RMS(A) & Phase angle(°) Ia, Ib, Ic, In

Sequence Component I1, I2, I0

True RMS Ia, Ib, Ic

Reading Range 2~12, 500A(External CT Ratio 1,000 : 1)

2~600A ±0.5% or ±1A

600~12,000A ±3%

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 41

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


RMS(kV) & Phase angle(°) Va, Vb, Vc, Vr, Vs, Vt

Sequence Component V1s, V2s, V0S, V1L, V2L, V0LS,

True RMS Va, Vb, Vc, Vr, Vs, Vt

Phase Angle Difference(°) ∠Va - ∠Vr

Reading Range 0.1~26kV

Accuracy ±0.5% or ±0.1kV

9.4.3 POWER

Active Power(kW) A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total

Reactive Power(kVAR) A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total,

Apparent Power(kVA) A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total

Reading Range -32767~32767

Accuracy ±1%


A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total

Lead/Lag Display

Reading Range 0~1.0

Accuracy ±2%


45 ~ 55Hz (System Frequency : 50Hz)

Reading Range
55 ~ 65Hz (System Frequency : 60Hz)

Accuracy ±0.02%

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 42

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

9.4.6 ENERGY

Positive kWh A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total

Negative kWh A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total

Capacitive Positive kVARh A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total,

Capacitive Negative kVARh A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total,

Inductive Positive kVARh A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total,

Inductive Negative kVARh A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total,

Reading Range 0~65535(Rollover)

Accuracy ±2%


3-Phase Current THD (Ia, Ib, Ic, I3ph)

Total Harmonic Distortion (%) Source side 3-Phase Voltage THD (Va, Vb, Vc,

2nd~31st Harmonic RMS(A, kV) Ia, Ib, Ic, Va, Vb, Vc


Configurable Demand Interval 5, 10, 15min (Default 15min)

2nd~31st Harmonic RMS(A, kV) Ia, Ib, Ic, Pa, Pb, Pc, P3ph, Qa, Qb, Qc, Q3ph

Daily Max Current and Power are Stored


DCD(1), Rx(2), Tx(3), DTR(4), GND(5)

9-Pin Male Connector
DSR(6), RTS(7), CTS(8), NC(9)

Speed(Baud Rate) 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 BPS

CTS, DCD Signal Timeout Configurable

Suppots Modam Control
RTS Off-delay Configurable

Optical Isolation

ESD, Transient Noise Protection

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 43

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp. Rs232C/RS485C

RS232C Mode Rx(2), Tx(3), GND(4), GND(5)CTS(8),

RS485C Mode DATA-(3) DATA+(7)

Speed(Baud Rate) 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 BPS

Optical Isolation

ESD, Transient Noise Protection TCP/IP

Ethernet Port 10/100 Base-T


Support DNP3.0 Subset Level 3

Class of each point is settable(Using DNP3.0 Index Configuration Tool)

Supports multi-frame transmission(multi-frame interval is configurable)

Enable/Disable unsolicited message class
Supports file transfer function for uploading fault waveform and local event history
Non-transmitted events are stored on non-volatile memory during communication fail
Event buffer size : Binary Input(254), Analog Input(127), Counter(19)
Supports direct operate or select befor operate(SBO) for control output
Supports report by exception for analog values
Protocol frame monitor was built in FTU(Using data terminal on maintenance connector) IEC60870-5-101

IEC 60870-5-101 is primarily used with relatively slow transmission media on the asynchronous V.24
interface. The standard promises baud rates of up to 9600 bit/s, with much higher baud rates (<115200
bit/s) actually being used. X.24/X.27 interfaces with baud rates up to 64000 bit/s, also part of the
standard's description, could not establish themselves and are rarely used.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 44

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp. IEC60870-5-104

IEC 60870-5-104 (also known as IEC 870-5-104) is an international standard, released in 2000 by the IEC
(International Electrotechnical Commission). As can be seen from the standard's full designation
'Network access for IEC 60870-5-101 using standard transport profiles', its application layer is based on
IEC 60870-5-101. IEC 60870-5-104 enables communication between control station and substation via a
standard TCP/IP network. The TCP protocol is used for connection-oriented secure data transmission.


This function is used to verify shortly the operated history or log of FTU in normal operation and fault
situation. Event recording is triggered by power reset, set value change, operation of protection
functions, system error or self-diagnosis, etc., and events can be stored
including event occurred time, measured values of current/voltage and operation description.
And, this recording fuction follows the FIFO (First In First Out) rule. Stored events can be uploaded to
and listed on FTU PC S/W (FTUMan) through RS232C port on front panel.

Event List Sub Items Max.

I/O Events Status change of binary Input/Output 1023

Function Events Operated status of Protection Function 1023

System Events Setting change, Reset, Self Dignosis 255

Fault I Events Latest fault current, phase and time 255

PQM Events Operated status of PQM Function 255

Demand I,P,Q Each phase daily average load current, active

Events power and reactive powe with time
Each phase daily Peak load current, active
Max. I,P,Q Events 1023
power and reactive powe with time


Fault & PQM waveforms recording function are used to store the measured instantaneous
current/voltage values of pre-fault and post-fault at 128 samples per cycle. Record length, trigger source
and trigger position of pre/post-fault in recorded data are adjustable. The record types are 128 samples
* 20 cycles, 64 samples * 40 cycles, 32 samples * 80 cycles, 16 samples * 160 cycles.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 45

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According to the purpose, operators can set the fault recording trigger source and trigger position of
pre-fault/post-fault. Trigger position means the percentage position in recorded fault data, and the pre-
fault data are recorded before this point and rest of the data are recorded as the post-fault after this
point. The recorded fault waveforms are also uploaded to FTU PC S/W, and current/voltage waveforms
at fault and protection elements operation can be analyzed with fault evaluation.
This waveform recording fuction follows the COMTRADE file format rule.

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Front panel of FTU-R200 has an operational LCD display, a RS232C port for setting and maintenance,
indicating LED’s, and push buttons.

[ Front Panel Drawing of FTU ]

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The following is the Top-view of FTU-R200 panel.

[ Top View of FTU Panel ]

The next drawing is Side-view of FTU-R200 panel, and there are measurement module connector,
control module connector, monitoring module connector, power connectors, and RS232 port for SCADA
communication on the right side of FTU panel.

[ Side View of FTU Panel ]

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On the right side of FTU-R200 panel, there are RS232 communication port to SCADA, control source
power connector, DI (Status Monitoring) connector, DO (Control) connector, AI (Measurement)
connectors for Voltage, Current from top to bottom, TCP/IP connector, CAN connector, and TD
connector. RS232C port is DB9 male-type connector.

[ Pin Connectors on the Right Side of FTU-R200 ]

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On the front panel, there are LED’s indicating Recloser’s status, function buttons and LED’s, control
buttons and LED’s, LCD & Menu buttons and a RS232C port for maintenance.

[ Front Panel Sheet of FTU-R200 ]

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4 lines * 20 characters LCD is used and through MENU/UP/DOWN/ENTER buttons, operators can survey
all data and corrent set values.


These LED’s indicate status of FTU-R200.

CPU Run Normal operation of FTU(CPU OK)
System Error Self-diagnosis Error & Switch Status Trouble

Ext.Power External AC Power is supplied

Battery Fail Battery voltage is low (discharged)


These buttons are used to operate FTU in local position. Refer to LCD Manipulation section for detailed


Engineering tool on PC is connected to this port for maintenance and upgrade. RS232C port for
maintenance is DB9 femail-type connector.

RS232C Rx(2), Tx(3), GND(5), MODE(9)


These LED’s indicate status of FTU-R200.

Ethernet Link Ethernet Linking

Ethernet Act Ethernet Active

SCADA Rx Communication data are received

SCADA Tx Transmitting communication data

SCADA RTS Data transmission request
Protection Rx Communication data are received from another FTU by CAN

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Protection Tx Transmitting communication data to another FTU by CAN



To test the battery and charger circuit, push ‘BATTERY TEST’ button. When the test result is fail, we will
see turn on Battery Fail LED.
To test the LED, push ‘LAMP TEST’ button. When test is OK, all of the LEDs are turn on for a while.


This button is used for Annunciator LED Reset (LED turn off). Annunciator LED represents all the LED’s
related to Protection, Reclosing and Self-diagnosis Error.


- LIVE LINE LED’s indicate if the lines to source side and load side are activated or deactivated.
LED’s are on, when the line voltage goes up the set ‘Voltage ON Level’ and LED’s are off, when
the voltage goes down the set ‘Voltage OFF Level’.

- Under Voltage LED’s indicate if the voltage reaches under the setting value.

- Sync.Fail LED is on, when the phase angle difference between source-side voltage (Va) and
load-side voltage (Vr) is over the setting value. In this case, Close control command should be

- Fault Indicator LED’s on, when a fault related to each faulted phase occurs. For earth fault of
non-gronded networks, SEF LED is on.

- Reclose Ready LED is on, when the reclosing action is normally operated. This represents the
normal stand-by status for reclosing action.

- Reclose Progress LED is indicates the status that reclosing action is normally processed
according to the preset tripping and reclosing operation sequences.

- Reclose Lockout LED is on, when the reclosing action is locked out to open according to the
operation sequences or the Recloser is opened by the manual control command.

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Push the enable buttons and makes the respective LED’s on to fulfill the Reclosing and Protection
functions. These buttons are toggled between Enable and Disable.

- RECLOSE ENABLE button enables or disables the Reclosing Function. In disable mode, the
Recloser is locked out right the 1st trip.

- PROTECTION ENABLE button enables or disables Phase Fault Detection and Earth Fault
Detection Functions, simultaneously.

- GROUND ENABLE button enables or disables Earth Fault Detection Function only.


To decide the control position to Remote, push REMOTE button and make the LED on. This button and
LED are also toggled between Remote and Local position. But, the manipulation of this button is
possible only in the local for operator’s safety.

CONTROL LOCK button enables or disables the Recloser switching operation. If Control Lock LED is on,
Recloser switch is not operated.


These buttons are used to locally control (OPEN/CLOSE) the Recloser. Before local control command,
check first if the control position is LOCAL. SELECT button is a two-phase safety & confirmation check
machanism, and this concept is similar to SBO (Select Before Operate) in communication protocol. To
manually and locally control the Recloser, SELECT button shuld be pushed down to make the
corresponding LED on, and this SELECT function can be expanded to the scheme of Multiple Recloser
Control in the future.

Push this button to control the Recloser manually to be closed. After closing, normal fault detection
functions are re-performed. In case that Cold Load Pickup function is off or the load current is below
the Cold Load Pickup Level, normal Phase & Ground Fault Detection is functined.

Manual open control opens the Recloser and makes the switch locked out to open.

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 53

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


MENU/UP/DOWN/ENTER buttons are used to manipulate the LCD. The following table explains the
common roles of 4 buttons.

Button Description

ü To toggle between Main Menu Display from Initial Display

ü To come back to Parent Menu from Child Menu
ü Be careful, because all the set value changes are canceled
when this button is pushed down during the change of set values

ü To select and enter into each menu item

ü To enter the changed set value and configuration
ü After entering the changed set value, this button again goes out from
each item to menu tree. (Toggle between menu tree and each menu item)
ü After changing the set values, be sure to save the changed values
in the Set Value Change Save Menu.

ü To move up the cursor in the menu tree

ü To increment the set values
ü The set values are rolled up and UP button at the highest value goes
to the lowest value

ü To move down the cursor in the menu tree

ü To decrement the set values
ü The set values are rolled down and DOWN button at the lowest value goes
to the highest value

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 54

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11.2.1 LCD MENU

[ LCD Menu Tree Diagram of FTU-R200 ] Initial Display

[Initial Display] shows up the reclosing status.

<R / C f o r DAS >

S e q u e n c e : 0 [ HO]
R / C S t a t u s : C L OS E
[ H O ME ]

[ Initial Display ]

MENU button at [Initial Display] goes to [Main Menu Display]. MENU button toggles between [Initial
Display] and [Main Menu Display].

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 55

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UP or DOWN button at [Initial Display] goes to [Current / Voltage Measurement Display]. UP / DOWN
button toggles between [Initial Display] and [Current / Voltage Measurement Display].

I a : 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 . 0 / 0 0 . 0
I b : 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 . 0 / 0 0 . 0
I c : 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 . 0 / 0 0 . 0
I n : 0 0 0 0 0 A <AB C . R S T >

[ Current / Voltage Measurement Display ]

Reclosing Sequence 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4

0[HO], 1~3[SR], 4[LO]

Total Reclosing Shot HO Home

3 Times SR Sequence Running

LO Lockout

R/C Status CLOSE/OPEN/TROUBLE (No Status Input)

Current (Ia,Ib,Ic,In) Each Phase Instantaneous Current Value (unit : A)

Source Side Voltage (Va,Vb,Vc) /

Voltage (ABC.RST)
Load Side Voltage (Vr,Vs,Vt), (unit : kV)

If diagnosis failure happens, [FAIL] message will appear

Diagnosis Fail in the right side of [HOME] or <ABC.RST> will change
into <FAIL>. Menu Display

[ MA I N ME N U ]
1 . F u n c t i o n S e t t i n g
2 . C o n f i g u r a t i o n
3 . Di s p l a y
4 . E v e n t L i s t

[ Main Menu Display ]

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 56

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[Main Menu Display] shows up 4 main menu items. And UP & DOWN buttons move up and down the
main menu trees. ‘>’ symbol indicates the cursor position and ENTER button enters into the selected
main menu’s sub items.

Main Menus Sub Items

Function Setting Group1, Group2, Group3, Group4, Group Setting

Configuration I/O, Communication, Event, Time

Display Measurements, Status, Counter

I/O events, Function events, System events, Fault I events,

Event List Demand I events, Demand P events, Demand Q events,
Max. I events, Max. P events, Max. Q events FUNCTION SETTING

[ S e t t i n g Me n u ]
1 . Gr o u p 1
2 . Gr o u p 2
3 . Gr o u p 3
4 . Gr o u p 4
5 . Gr o u p S e t t i n g

[ Function Setting ]

In Function Setting, there are 4 different setting groups and the different setting values can be stored
individually in 4 different setting groups.

After finishing the set value change, when MENU button is pushed to return to [Main Menu Display],
[Set Value Change Save Display] shows up to determine Yes or No. If selecting yes and pushing ENTER
button, the changed set values are all saved. However, if selecting No and ENTER button or MENU
button again, the changed set values are not saved and the existing set values are still applied.

ø CAUTION: Be careful not to push down MENU buttons repeatedly! Then, the newly changed set
values are neither saved nor applied.

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S a v e C h a n g e d S e t ?
Y e s / No

[ Set Value Change Save Display ]

S e t t i n g S a v i n g !

[ ENTER to Yes ]

[ MA I N ME N U ]
>1 . F u n c t i o n S e t t i n g
2 . C o n f i g u r a t i o n
3 . Di s p l a y

[ ENTER to No ] Configuration

[ C ONF I G ME N U ]
1 . I / O
2 . C o mmu n i c a t i o n
3 . E v e n t
4 . T i me

[ Configuration ]

Configuration menu has the setting items for communication, I/O, and system configuration. Setting
items are I/O, Communication, Event and Time.

After finishing the set value change, when MENU button is pushed to return to [Main Menu Display],
[Set Value Change Save Display] shows up to determine Yes or No. If selecting yes and pushing ENTER

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 58

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button, the changed set values are all saved. However, if selecting No and ENTER button or MENU
button again, the changed set values are not saved and the existing set values are still applied.

ø CAUTION: Be careful not to push down MENU buttons repeatedly! Then, the newly changed set
values are neither saved nor applied. Display

[ DI S P L AY ME N U ]
1 . Me a s u r e m e n t s
2 . S t a t u s
3 . C o u n t e r

[ Display ]

In Display menu, measurement values, monitored status, and counter values are displayed. Event List

[ E V E NT L I S T ]
1 . I / O E v e n t s
2 . F u n c t i o n e v e n t s
3 . S y s t e m e v e n t s
4 . F a u l t s e v e n t s
5 . D e ma n d I e v e n t s
6 . D e ma n d P e v e n t s
7 . D e ma n d Q e v e n t s
8 . Ma x . I e v e n t s
9 . Ma x . P e v e n t s
10 . M a x . Q e v e n t s

[ Event List ]

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 59

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In Event List menu, all types of events are displayed with occurred time and event description. Using UP
& DOWN buttons, event list can be scrolled up and down in the LCD display.

Event List Sub Items Max.

I/O Events Status change of binary Input/Output 1023

Function Events Operated status of Protection Function 1023

System Events Setting change, Reset, Self Dignosis 255

Fault I Events Latest fault current, phase and time 255

Each phase daily average load current, active

Demand I,P,Q Events 1023
power and reactive powe with time
Each phase daily Peak load current, active
Max. I,P,Q Events 1023
power and reactive powe with time



FTU detects the Phase & Earth Fault and trip the breaker.
The fastest operation time is within 45msec including auto-recloser operating time. There are 58 trip
curves, which can be selected for fast and delayed operation respectively. The Curve can be edited by
using several parameters, i.e. time multiplier, time adder and minimum response time.

And high current trip element can be used for instantaneous trip. It is definite time characteristics.
During cold-load condition, pickup multiplied by cold-load multiplier. During the cold-load condition,
time-delayed curve is applied instead of fast curve. This function can be enabled or disabled by cold-
load multiplier.

Earth fault detection function can be enabled or disabled by ‘Ground Protection Enable’.

Phase Fault Earth Fault

Item Step Unit
Range Def. Range Def.

10~1260 400 5~900 60 1 A


Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 60

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Fast Operation

Time Curve
1~58 1-A 1~58 2-B 1

0.05~2.00 1.00 0.05~2.00 1.00 0.01 sec

Time Adder 0.00~1.00 0.00 0.00~1.00 0.00 0.01 sec

Response 0.00~1.00 0.00 0.00~1.00 0.00 0.01 sec

RDMT/ RDMT/ RDMT(Definite Time)

Reset Type RDMT RDMT

0.00~100.00 0.00 0.00~100.00 0.00 0.01 sec
Definite Time

Phase Fault Earth Fault

Item Step Unit
Range Def. Range Def.

Delayed Operation

Time Curve
1~58 20-1 1~58 21-2 1

Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00 1.00 0.05~2.00 1.00 0.01 sec

Time Adder 0.00~1.00 0.00 0.00~1.00 0.00 0.01 sec

Min. Response
0.00~1.00 0.00 0.00~1.00 0.00 0.01 sec

RDMT/ RDMT/ RDMT(Definite Time)

Reset Type RDMT RDMT

Reset Definite 0.00~100.0

0.00 0.00~100.00 0.00 0.01 sec
Time 0

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 61

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Definite Time is an alternative to Inverse Time Protection. It works by tripping the recloser at a fixed
time after pick-up.

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Phase Detection


Pickup Current 50~10000 1000 1 A

Detection Time 0.00~1.00 0.00 0.01 sec

Earth Detection


Pickup Current 50~10000 1000 1 A

Detection Time 0.00~1.00 0.00 0.01 sec


Very high valued current can cause serious damage to the Recloser and the resultant fault spread-out,
therefore HCT element should operate faster than Instantaneous or Time-Delayed TC curve’s operation
time and its priority must be higher than the normal auto-reclosing sequence.

HCT can be configured up to 4 times for phase fault and earth fault, respectively. HCT Count setting
value ‘0’ means HCT element disabled.

Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Phase Detection

‘0' means
Operation Count 0~4 0 1

Pickup Current 50~10000 2000 1 A

Detection Time 0.00~1.00 0.00 0.01 sec

Earth Detection

Operation Count 0~4 0 1 ‘0' means

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 62

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Pickup Current 50~10000 2000 1 A

Detection Time 0.00~1.00 0.00 0.01 sec


In Single Shot Operation is used to provide an appropriate protection curve when non-reclosing
operation is required, for example, when closing onto a fault.
In Single Shot Operation the controller goes directly to lockout after one trip and will not auto-reclosing.

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Single Shot Time 0~180 10 1 sec

13.1.4 TC CURVE

FTU-R200 has 54 types of built-in TC curves including ANSI, IEC Standard curves. And customer can
define additional 4 curves as his own curves by using PC Software. Basically, built-in curves have inverse
time characteristrics, but can be easily adjusted by three parameters such as multiplier, time adder and
minimum response time. In engineering step, the selection and adjustments of TC curves shall be done
for the protection coordination with other protection devices in the feeder.

The follwing parameters are related to change and editing of TC curve’s characteristics.

ü Time Multiplier
ü Time Adder
ü Minimum Response Time

Time Multiplier is multiplied to the operating time of basic curve (TDM=1.0), then Time Adder is added
to the resulting operating time of the curve adjusted by multiplier. Minimum Response Time defines the
fastest operating time of the curve.

The following tables describe the built-in TC Curve Type and the corresponding numbers in the setting.
TC Curve graphs are shown in the appendix.

Setting No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Curve A B C D E EI KP L M N

Setting No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Curve NI P R T V VI W Y Z 1

Setting No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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Curve 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8* 9 11

Setting No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Curve 13 14 15 16 18 N1 N2 N3 N4 F

Setting No. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Curve G H J LI 8+ 17 KG A* SI IM

Setting No. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

Curve IV IE U8 U2 C1 C2 C3 C4

Curve Type Curve Name

Recloser Curves
Standard Inverse(NI),Very Inverse(VI),Extremely
IEC Standard Curve Inverse(EI)
Long-time Inverse(LI),Short-time Inverse(SI)
Moderately Inverse(IM),Very Inverse(IV),Extremely
ANSI/IEEE Standard
Long-time Inverse(U8),Short-time Inverse(U2)
KEPCO Standard
User Customized


T = TDM · {a / (Mb - 1) +g}

TRESET = TDM · {t / (Mb - 1)}
T : Operate Time, TDM : Multiplier Setting, TRESET : Reset Time

Curve Type Standard α β γ τ

Standard Inverse(NI) 0.14 0.02 - -

Very Inverse(VI) 13.5 1 - -

Extremely Inverse(EI) IEC 80.0 2 - -

Short-time Inverse(SI) 0.05 0.04 - -

Long-time Inverse(LI) 120 1 - -

Very Inverse(IV) 19.61 2 0.491 21.6

Extremely Inverse(IE) 28.2 2 0.1215 29.1

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Moderately Inverse(IM) 0.0515 0.02 0.114 4.85

Short-time Inverse(U2) CO2 0.2394 0.02 2.261
Long-time Inverse(U8) CO8 5.95 2 0.18 5.95


3-parameters are applied in the follwing order. The values in the parenthesis are examples.

ü Time Multiplier : 1.5

ü Time Adder : 0.03
ü Minimum Response Time : 0.1

In the next figure, for example, the curve A is the basic curve. Assume the operating time of the
basic curve (A) at 16 times pickup current is 0.04 sec. When applying Time Multiplier, curve ‘A’
c ha ng e s it s s h ap e, th at i s, th e cur v e b ec om e s le s s st ee p i n t i me a xi s an d op er at i on
time becomes longer by a multiplier at the same current value like ‘B’ in the figure. The operating
time at 16 times pickup becomes 0.06 sec. Then Time Adder shall be applied. The operating time
of the resulting curve ‘C’ is 0.09sec. Finally Minimum Response Time cuts the curve part, which is
shorter than this time. Then the actual operating time of the example at 16 times becomes 0.1sec.

[ TC Curve Editing Example 1 ]

There are two additional definite time over-current elements in the controller. The next figure shows 3-
stage over-current protection characteristics. The third stage is prepared for instantaneous protection.
Therefore the harmonic restraint is not applied to third stage elements, but the second stage definite
time over-current element.

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[ TC Curve Editing Example 2 ]


The FTU-R200 supports 3-shot reclosing with sequence coordination.

For Permanent fault, under the condition of reclosing enabled, no other restraints such as cold-load,
inrush and no High Current Trip, recloser will be locked out to open the Reclosing Count repeating trip
and reclose according to the preset settings.

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment


Operation Count 1~4 4 1

Instantaneous Count 0~4 2 1


Operation Count 1~4 4 1

Instantaneous Count 0~4 2 1

Phase/ Earth Reclosing

Reclose Interval 1st 0.5~180 0.6 0.1 sec

Reclose Interval 2nd 1~180 2 1 sec

Reclose Interval 3rd 1~180 15 1 sec

Reset Time 3~180 30 1 sec

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SEF Reclosing

Operation Count 1~4 4 1

Reclose Interval 1st 0.5~180.0 0.6 0.1 sec

Reclose Interval 2nd 1~180 2 1 sec

Reclose Interval 3rd 1~180 15 1 sec

Reset Time 3~180 30 1 sec

For example in the below figure, the reclosing sequence is organized in 2F2D, which means
the Recloser protection function operates as Instantaneous(Fast) element during first 2 reclosing shots
and operates as Time-Delayed element during last 2 reclosing shots. This composition also can be

[ Permanent Fault: 3 shot Reclosing & 2F2D ]

For temporary fault, if the fault is removed before the preset Reclosing Count and no fault is detected
during the preset Reset Time, then the reclosing sequence is initialized to normal operation standby
mode. When a fault is detected again during the Reset Time, the Recloser will be locked out after the
remaining reclosing counts excluding the previously operated reclosing counts.

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[ Temporary Faults: Fault Removal during 1st Reclosing Interval ]


In case that there are over 2 Reclosers which operate in serial connections, Sequence Coordination
function prevents unnecessary trip of source-side Recloser by instantaneous element due to load-side
fault. When this function is set to on and the fault is restored to normal state by load-side Recloser
during source-side Recloser’s time-delayed operation, source-side Recloser only increments the
reclosing counts without tripping. However, source-side Recloser performs tripping at the last reclosing
count. If the Reclosing function is disabled, Sequence Coordination function is no longer carried out.

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Seq. Coordination Active OFF/ON OFF

For Sequence Coordination, the following setting items should be issued and checked precisely between
serially connected Reclosers.

ü Identical Protection Characteristics such as TC Curves, Total Operation Count,

Instantaneous Operation Count
ü Identical Reclosing Interval(Dead Time)
ü Source-side TC Curve Time Delay Over 100msec than Load-side
ü Source-side Reset Time longer than Load-side longest Reclosing Interval
(to Prevent Source-side Recloser reset during Load-side Reclosing action)

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[ Operation of Sequence Coordination ]


Cold Load Pickup is the phenomenon that takes place when a distribution circuit is re-energized
following an extended outage of that circuit. Cold load pickup is a composite of two conditions: inrush
and loss of load diversity. The magnitude of cold load pickup current is a combination of non-diverse
cyclic load current, continuously operating load current, transformer magnetizing current, capacitor
inrush current, etc. The combination can result in current levels that are significantly higher than normal
peak load levels. Cold load pickup current can be high enough to cause instantaneous overcurrent
and/or time overcurrent relays to operate.

Cold load pickup is primarily an overcurrent condition. If degraded voltage is also a concern, then the
application of voltage sensitive relays should also be considered.

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[ Cold Load Pickup Current Shape ]

In Cold Load Pickup mode, without changing operational characteristics, pickup level is changed by the
times of Cold Load Multiplier (0~10) and the characteristics of time-delayed element operate even if the
setting is in the Instantaneous element. If the transient current goes down and retrains below the pickup
level within Cold Load Duration, then the normal sequence mode is restored after Cold Load Restore
Time. The Cold Load Restore Time is fixed value of 30msec. These setting exist for both phase fault and
earth fault separately, and the value ‘0’ of Cold Load Multiplier means Cold Load Pickup Function
disabled. Normaly Reclosing Sequence mode is applied.

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Phase Detection

Pickup Multiplier 0~10 2 1 ‘0' means disable.

Duration Time 0.00~60.00 3.00 0.01 sec

Earth Detection

Pickup Multiplier 0~10 2 1 ‘0' means disable.

Duration Time 0.00~60.00 3.00 0.01 sec

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 70

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On the non-grounded network, it is hard to detect fault current because ground current of non-
grounded network is much low. Therefore, FTU-R200 is designed to measure zero-sequence values from
either external core Balanced Current Transformer (or ZCT) or Residual Connection of 3 Phase Current
Transformers to detect earth fault in the non-grounded network. This function is generally called SEF

In case of earth fault in the non-grounded network, since very small fault current due to line
capacitance component flows into the fault point from both sides, SEF detection also considers the fault
direction even in the radial network. Maximum Torque Angle is for setting the phase difference between
zero-sequence voltage and zero-sequence current, and the protection zone is between -90° and +90°
on the basis of Maximum Torque Angle. And it can be used for alarm or Trip.

[ Phase Diagram of SEF ]

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Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Pickup Current(3I0) 2~20 5 1 A

Rated Phase
Pickup Voltage(-3V0) 10~80 30 1 %

Max. Torque Angle 0~345 90 15 Degree Leading

Detection Time 0.1~30.0 1.0 0.1 sec

Inrush Block NO/YES YES

Function In Use ALARM/ OFF


Directional Blocking is a protection feature that restricts tripping on faults to a designated side of the
recloser. It prevents nuisance tripping if particular network conditions are causing ‘False’ earth faults. In
radial systems Directional Blocking prevents nuisance tripping by blocking faults in the reverse direction
and only responding to faults in the foward direction.

Protect for faults in the forward and reverse direction. A forward fault may use a different time-current
curve and setting to a reverse fault (i.e. these are individually selectable). Both the forward protection
and reverse protection are operating at the same time. This is an additional protection feature.

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Phase Detection

Trip Direction FWD

3V1 Threshold 0~100 20 1 %

3I1 Threshold 0~100 20 1 %

3I1 Max. Torque Angle 0~355 60 5 Degree

Earth Detection

Trip Direction FWD

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-3V0 Threshold 0~100 20 1 %

3I0 Threshold 0~100 20 1 %

3I0 Max. Torque Angle 0~355 60 5 Degree


Inrush Restraint works by raising the phase and earth currents for a short period of time to allow the
inrush current to subside.

Inrush current is an over-current higher than pickup current level, which is mainly caused by
transformer’s excitation current at closing action. To distinguish inrush current from load current, 2nd
harmonics percentage is adopted as a criterion.

When, in the setting, ‘Fault Detection-Inrush Block’ is set to ‘Yes’ and ‘Fault Detection-Inrush
Detection-Function In Use’ is set to ‘ON’, inrush current over pickup level is considered as normal load
current and reclosing sequence is not processed.

This Function can be used to detect magnetizing inrush condition by comparing 2nd harmonic
component to fundamental frequency component of current.

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

2nd Harmonic 5~50 20 1 %

Detection Time 0.02~1.00 0.02 0.01 sec

Function In Use OFF/ON ON


Open Line is detected by Under Voltage characteristics at unbalanced condition.

When the voltage on one or two phases drops below the ‘Volt OFF Level’ setting, the ‘Delay Time’ starts
running. If the voltage on those phases stays below ‘Volt OFF Level’ setting until the ‘Delay Time’ timer
expires, the Loss of Phase will be detected.

If the voltage on detected phase rises to the ‘Vol ON Level’ setting, the Loss of Phase is released

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Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Volt ON Level 50~90 80 5 %

Volt OFF Level 35~75 50 5 %

Delay Time 0.1~30.0 0.4 0.1 sec

Function In Use OFF/ON ON


Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Phase Difference 5~60 30 1 Degree

Dalay Time 0.1~30.0 0.1 0.1 sec

Function In Use OFF/ON ON


As the supplied voltage to load lowers down, there occur the weakness of illumination intensity and
shortening of life span for lighting load, and the damage to motors because of the over-current flow. To
cope with this situation of damages to equipment, under-voltage protection (UV) is used. UV of FTU
supports the delay time element. Furthermore, UV can be used to generate only alarm signal to
operator instead of trip signal to Recloser.

[ Functional Diagram for Under Voltage Protection ]

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Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Pickup Level 0.30~0.95 0.80 0.01 PU

Delay Time 0.0~180.0 1.0 0.1 sec



On the other hand, as the supplied voltage goes up behind the regular load voltage, there occur some
problems of equipment deterioration, insulation breakdown, equipment life span shortening, etc. Over
Voltage Protection (OV) manages this situation. OV of FTU supports the delay time element. OV also
can be used to generate only alarm signal to operator instead of trip signal to Recloser.

[ Functional Diagram for Over Voltage Function ]

Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Pickup Level 1.05~1.50 1.20 0.01 PU

Delay Time 0.0~180.0 1.0 0.1 sec


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Under Frequency protection (UF) element is used into expenditure that detect under frequency and
separated load or generator. Under Frequency demands for power increase or occurs in control failure
of generator.

Under Frequency protection element acts in case of voltage more than ‘Voltage OFF Level’ is approved
to Voltage A-Phase. UF of FTU supports the delay time element. Furthermore, UV can be used to
generate only alarm signal to operator instead of trip signal to Recloser.

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Pickup 47.00~59.98 49.80 0.01 Hz

Dalay Time 0.03~10.00 0.10 0.01 sec



The FTU-R200 supports up to 4 Protection Groups, each of which can be confiqured with completely
separate protection characteristics with different inverse time curves and setting currents. The number of
protection group avaliable to the operator can be configured.

And FTU-R200 support Automatic Protection Group Selection. Automatic Protection Group Selection is
used to change the protection group depending on the direction of power flow. This allows the
Recloser to be correctly graded with devices downstream regardless of the power flow direction.

Item Range Def. Step Unit

Default Group 1~4 1 1

ADGS(Automatic Default Group Selection)


Reverse Group 1~4 1 1

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Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Line Configuration Y-G/DELTA Y-G

Systme Frequency 50/60 50 40 Hz

Rated Voltage (L-L) 1000~30000 22900 10 V Phase to Phase

Reference Voltage (L-N) 1000~30000 13200 10 V Phase to Earth

Reference Phase A/B/C A

CB Operating Time 0~35 1 1 ms

CT Ratio 1~5000 1000 1

CT Direction FWD/REV FWD

NCT Ratio 1.0~5000.0 133.3 0.1


Phase Rotation A-B-C/A-C-B A-B-C

Sample Record
16/32/64/128 128


The FTU-R200 provides a function to set ‘Reference Phase’ and the ‘CT Direction’ according to
the switch installation position and the current flowing direction.

The following figure shows the general and ‘assumed-default’ case of switch installation, in which the
distribution lines with current A, B, C are connected to the phase A, B, C terminals of the switch, and the
current is flowing A/B/C to R/S/T of the switch. In this case, the ‘Referece Phase’ setting value should
‘A’, which means that the phase of current flowing into the phase A terminal of the switch is ‘A’, In
addition, the ‘CT Direction’

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setting value should be ‘Foward’, which means that the current is flowing in the direction from the
phase A/B/C terminals to the R/S/T terminals of the switch.

[ Switch installation position and the current flowing direction - Case 1 ]

The following figure shows another case of switch installation, in which the distriburion lines with
current A, B, C are connected to the phase A, B, C terminals of the switch, and the current is flowing
from R/S/T to A/B/C of the switch. In this case, the ‘Referece Phase’ setting value should ‘A’, which
means that the phase of current flowing into the phase A terminal of the switch is ‘A’, In addition, the
‘CT Direction’ setting value should be ‘Reverse’, which means that the current is flowing in the
direction from the phase R/S/T terminals to the A/B/C terminals of the switch.

[ Switch installation position and the current flowing direction - Case 2 ]

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The following figure shows another case of switch installation, in which the distriburion lines with
current A, B, C are connected to the phase C, B, A terminals of the switch, and the current is flowing
from R/S/T to A/B/C of the switch. In this case, the ‘Referece Phase’ setting value should ‘C’, which

means that the phase of current flowing into the phase A terminal of the switch is ‘C’, In addition, the
‘CT Direction’ setting value should be ‘Reverse’, which means that the current is flowing in the
direction from the phase R/S/T terminals to the A/B/C terminals of the switch.

[ Switch installation position and the current flowing direction - Case 3 ]

The following figure shows another case of switch installation, in which the distriburion lines with
current A, B, C are connected to the phase C, B, A terminals of the switch, and the current is flowing
from A/B/C to R/S/T of the switch. In this case, the ‘Referece Phase’ setting value should ‘C’, which
means that the phase of current flowing into the phase A terminal of the switch is ‘C’, In addition, the
‘CT Direction’ setting value should be ‘Forward’, which means that the current is flowing in the
direction from the phase A/B/C terminals to the R/S/T terminals of the switch.

[ Switch installation position and the current flowing direction – Case 4 ]

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The FTU calculates and stores average of currents and active, reactive powers during the demand
interval, which is configurable as 5, 10 or 15 minutes. The buffer has 1023 demands. Also FTU stores
daily peak demand up to 1023.

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Block Interval 15/30/60 15

Roll Interval 1/5/15/30/60 15


Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Sample Record
16/32/64/128 128

Pre-1st Cycle 1~5 2 1 Cycle

Post-2nd Cycle 1~5 2 1 Cycle

Pre-2nd Trigger Cycle 1~10 10 1 Cycle


Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Live Load NO/YES YES

Sync. Fail NO/YES YES


Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment


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The controller supports two voltage display of LCD.

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

L-N : Phase to Earth

Voltage Display L-N/L-L L-N
L-L : Phase to Phase



Voltage unbalance (or imbalance) is a condition in which the maximum deviation from the average of
the three-phase voltages or currents, divided by the average of the three-phase voltage or currents,
expressed in percentage. Voltage unbalance can be the result of blown fuses in one phase of a three-
phase capacitor bank. Severe voltage unbalance greater than 5% can cause damage to sensitive

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Voltage Unbalance

Detection Level 0~100 30 1 %

Detection Time 0.1~60.0 1.0 0.1 sec

Current Unbalance

Detection Level 0~100 30 1 %

Detection Time 0.1~60.0 1.0 0.1 sec


There are three types of short-duration voltage variations, namely, instantaneous, momentary and
temporary, depending on its duration. Short-duration voltage variations are caused by fault conditions,
energization of large loads, which require high starting currents or loose connections in power wiring.
Depending on the fault location and the system conditions, the fault can generate sags, swells or
interruptions. The fault condition can be close to or remote from the point of interest. During the actual

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fault condition, the effect of the voltage is of short-duration variation until protective devices operate to
clear the fault. SAG

A sag (also known as dip) is a reduction to between 0.5 and 0.99 pu in RMS voltage or current at the
power frequency for a short period of time from 0.5 to 10 cycle. A 10% sag is considered an event
during which the RMS voltage decreased by 10% to 0.9 pu. Voltage sags are widely recorgnized as
among the most common and inportant aspects of power quality problems affecting industrial and
commercial customers. They are particularly troublesome. Since they occur randomly and are difficult to

Volatge sags are normally associated with system faults on the distribution system, sudden increase in
system loads, lightning strikes or starting of large load like induction motors. It is not possible to
eliminate faults on a system. One of the most common causes of faults
occuring on high-volatage transmission systems is a lightning strike. When there is a fault caused by a
lightning strike, the voltage can sag to 50% of the standard range and can last from four to seven cycles.
Most loads will be tripped off when encounter this type of voltage level. Possible effect of voltage sags
would be system shutdown or reduce effciency and life span of electrical equipment, particularly motors.

Equipment sensitivity to voltage sag occurs randomly and has become the most serious power quality
problem affecting many industries and commercial customers presently. An industrial monitoring
program determined an 87% voltage disturbances could be associate to voltage sags. Most of the fault
on the utility transmission and distribution system are single line-to-ground faults (SLGF).

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Detection Level 0.50~0.99 0.90 0.01 PU

Detection Time 0.5~10.0 2.0 0.5 Cycle SWELL

A swell (also known as momentary overvoltage) is an increase in RMS voltage or current at the power
frequency to between 1.01 and 1.5 Pu for duration from 0.5 to 10 cycles. Swells are commonly caused
by system conditions, switching off a large load or energizing a large capacitor bank. A swell can occur
during a single line-to-ground fault (SLGF) with a temporary voltage rise on the unfaulted phases. They
are not as common as voltage sags and are characterized also by both the magnitude and duration.
During a fault condition, the severity of a voltage swell is very much dependent on the system

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impedance, location of the fault and grounding. The effect of this type of disturbance would be
hardware failure in the equipment due to overheating.

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Detection Level 1.01~1.50 1.20 0.01 PU

Detection Time 0.5~10.0 2.0 0.5 Cycle INTERRUPTION

An interruption occurs when there is a reduction of the supply voltage or load current to between 0.1
and 0.49 pu for duration from 0.5 to 10 cycle. Possible causes would be circuit breakers responding to
overload, lightning and faults. Interruptions are the result of equipment failures, power system faults and
control malfunctions. They are characterized by their duration as the voltage magnitude is always less
than 10% of the nominal. The duration of an interruption can be irregular when due to equipment
malfuctions or loose connections.

The duration of an interruption due to a fault on the utility system is determined by the utility
protective devices operating time.

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment

Detection Level 0.10~0.49 0.10 0.01 PU

Detection Time 0.5~10.0 2.0 0.5 Cycle


The Total Harmonic Distortion, or THD, of a sigmal is a measurement of the harmonic distortion present
and is defined as the ratio of the sum of the powers of all harmonic components to the power of the
fundamental frequency.

Item Range Def. Step Unit Comment


Alarm Level 0.5~100.0 0.0 0.1 %

Detection Time 0.2~60.0 0.4 0.2 sec

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Alarm Level 0.5~100.0 0.0 0.1 %

Detection Time 0.2~60.0 0.4 0.2 sec



Item Range Def. Step Unit

Speed 1200/2400/4800/9600/19200 1200

Slave Adderss 1~65534 1 1

Protocol DNP/IEC101/IEC104 DNP

Port RS232C/RS485 RS232C


Item Range Def. Step Unit


Phone Number 20 Digit 1

Auto Hang-up Time 0~255 5 1 sec


Range Def. Step Unit

IP Address -

Subnet Mask -

Gateway -

DNP Port 0~65535 20000 1

IEC Port 0~65535 2404 1

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Item Range Def. Step Unit


RTS Off Delay 10~500 50 10 ms

CTS Timeout 1~255 2 1 sec

DCD Timeout 0.1~30.0 5.0 0.1 sec


Item Range Def. Step Unit

D/L Retries 0~2 0 1

D/L Timeout 1~255 30 1 sec


A/L Retries 0~2 1 1

A/L Timeout 1~255 40 1 sec

Initial Unsolicited MSG NO/YES NO

Unsolicited Class 1
0~60 5 1 sec
Delay Time
Unsolicited Class 2
0~60 5 1 sec
Delay Time
Unsolicited Class 3
0~60 5 1 sec
Delay Time

Arm Timeout 1~255 15 1 sec

Unsolicited Address 0~65534 65534 1

Multi Frame Interval 10~500 100 10 ms




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EC Parameters Range Def. Step Unit

Cyclic Period 0~60 0 1 sec

Arm Timeout 1~255 15 1 sec

Single Point Class CLASS1/CLASS2 CLASS1

Double Point Class CLASS1/CLASS2 CLASS1

Measured Point Class CLASS1/CLASS2 CLASS2


Link Address Size 0~2 2 1

Common Address Size 1~2 2 1

Object Address Size 1~3 2 1

COT Address Size 1~2 1 1

Time Marker NONE/CP24/CP56 CP56

Single NACK Control NO/YES YES


t0 Off Line Poll Period 1~255 30 1 sec

t1 Ack Period 1~255 15 1 sec

t2 SFrame Period 1~255 10 1 sec

t3 Test Period 1~255 20 1 sec

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Recloser can be controlled from remote or local operator place. Operator place can be changed only at
local front panel. ‘REMOTE CONTROL’ push button is to select the operator place. Operator place is
toggled between local and remote by pushing button. LED is lit if remote position is selected. FTU-R200
begins with remote position at power-up. Control is allowed only at the position selected.

Local switch control requires two-step operation. It’s for security of operation. ‘SELECT’ button should be
pushed before ‘CLOSE’ or ‘OPEN’. SELECT LED is lit if SELECT operation is valid. SELECT can be canceled
by pushing SELECT button again or automatically after SBO timeout without operation. CLOSE or OPEN
operation is valid while this LED is lit. Pushing CLOSE or OPEN button outputs switch control signal with
fixed time pulse which is configurable. Switch status change input which is auxiliary contacts of switch
stops continuing to output pulse. There are some interlock conditions to inhibit FTU from outputting
pulse signal.

Gas low, Switch handle lock, same status of switch auxiliary contacts ‘a’, ‘b’ are those. Close or open
pulse width shall be set longer than switch operating time.

Remote switch control is possible by using SCADA protocol DNP3.0 or IEC60870-5-101, IEC60870-5-104
FTU-R200 supports SBO (Select Before Operate) or Direct operate. If the operator place is set to ‘Local’,
remote control commands are refused. Pulse width of remote control command shorter than setting will
be overridden by local configuration


FTU monitors switch open/close, gas and lock status through auxiliary contacts. FTU scans these
contacts input every 5 milliseconds. Switch open/close status is determined by double binary input,
normally open and closed contacts. Changes of all input status are saved as events with time tag in
history buffer. For each contact input, on-delay time can be applied. It’s adjustable within 10~500ms by
5ms step.


FTU monitors external Lead-acid battery through the control unit, which are mounted on inner back-side
of control box. Battery voltage is supervised continuously during external AC supply loss. If over-
discharge condition occurred, the control unit sends alarm signal to RTU and disconnect battery in order

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to protect battery cell damage after 1-minute delay. The delay enables RTU to send alarm state to
remote station via communication. Also while AC supply is applied, battery test control activates this
function with connecting dummy battery load during test pulse, which is configurable. The test control
command can be ordered at local or remote.


FTU has 3-phase currents and 6 voltages input. DSP digitizes these signals and calculates various electric
quantities. These are basically based on fundamental frequency components. DSP use FFT (Fast Fourier
Transform) algorithm to get the components. Also DSP calculates true RMS of 3-phase currents and
voltages which include system frequency components and 2nd~31th harmonics. Actually harmonic
components over than 31th are attenuated by analog filters. Electric quantities calculated are listed in
the following.

l Currents (Ia, Ib, Ic, In) RMS, Phase Angle, True RMS
l Voltage (Va, Vb, Vc, Vr, Vs, RMS, Phase Angle, True RMS
l Apparent Power A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total,
l Active Power A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total,
l Reactive Power A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total,
l Power Factor A-Phase, B-Phase, C-Phase, 3-Phase Total,
l Va-Vr Phase Angle Difference
l Current, Voltage Unbalance
l Frequency, Temporature

In the above items listed, active power, reactive power values are signed integer. Sign represents power
flow or if loads are inductive or capacitive. Also power factor has lead/lag state value separately.

Currents and voltages have phase angles, which are relative phase angles compared to the reference Va.
These angles are useful to monitor the phase sequence and imbalance of distribution line.


FTU provides the sequence components of 3-phase currents and voltages. They are positive sequence
current (I1) and voltage (V1), negative sequence current (I2) and voltage (V2), and zero sequence voltage
(V0) which are calculated by 3-phase phasor quantities. This information can be used to monitor
imbalance of distribution line.

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FTU extracts harmonic components from 3-phase current and voltage signals by using FFT (Fast Fourier
Transform). It provides 2nd to 31st harmonic magnitudes and THDs (Total Harmonic Distortion) for each
phase. THD is the total harmonic percentage to the fundamental frequency component. FTU also
calculates and provides 3-phase THD. These values may be used to monitor the power quality of
distribution line.


FTU provides active energy, reactive energy for each phase or 3-phase total. Also import, export energy
are accumulated on separate register. Units of energy are kWh, kVarh, which represent primary
distribution line energy flow. The values are represented by 16-bit rollovers kWh, kVarh counters which
are available at remote or local. Power calculation for energy is based on the fundamental frequency
component. It’s not for billing purpose, but for load management. Proper energy accumulation needs
that SCADA read energy counter with reset from FTU and accumulate it on SCADA’s local register by
periods shorter than the expected rollover time of the counter.

[Four-quadrant power flow directions ]


FTU calculates and stores average of currents and active, reactive powers during the demand interval,
which is configurable as 5, 10, or 15 minutes. The buffer has 1023 demands. Also FTU stores daily peak
demand up to 1023.

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FTU-R200 has a dedicated setting and operation tool, FTUMan. This tool is operated on PC or
Notebook, and through RS232C port on front panel of FTU-R200. For this communication, MODBUS
protocol is used.
It supports the follwing features.

ü Setting & Configuration changes

ü Event & Waveform load
ü Measurement & Status display
ü Waveform File upload and convert
ü SCADA monitors protocol data frame between devices

[ Overview of FTUMans ]

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17.2.1 MENU

n File

New Closes the current file and allows the creation of a new file
Open Closes the current file and opens a standard window file selection dialog. An
existing FTU File (*.f2s) can be selected and opened.
Save Saves the current file to the hard drive. If the file is new and this is the first
time it has been saved, the Save As dialog will be opened allowing the user
to type in a name before saving.
Save As Opens a standard Windows Save As dialog box. This allows an existing file to
be saved under a new name.
Exit Closes the current file and exits the tool.

n Comm

Comm.Config Opens a window for communication configuration dialog.

Comm.Connection Starts communication with FTU-R200

Comm.Disconnection Stops connecting with FTU-R200

[ Comm. Configuration Window ]

Port Select a serial Port of Laptop

Baud Rate Make to the transmission medium per second of in a digitally signal

Retry Set up the count if it failed to connect

Timeout Set up the time to connect

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n Command

Clock Setting Set RTC Time of FTU-R200

[ Clock Setting Window ]

Device Time Gets the current time per 1 second from FTU-R200.

Setting Time The operator can set aside time.

Use System Time The operator can use PC’s time.

Write Write RTC time to FTU-R200

Close Close this window

Factory Initialization Reset to factory defaults.

Warning: Restoring FTU-R200 to factory defaults will erase
all previous setting, configuration and event.

[ Factory Initialization Message Window ]

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n Tools

Protocol Monitoring Protocol monitoring command activation or deactivation.

IO Configuration Run the IOConfig program for I/O setting.
The IOConfig is explained in the Section 10.
DNP3.0 Run the DNPConfig program for DNP index configuration.
Index Configuration The DNPConfig is explained in the Section 11.
Waveform Run the EvalTool program for analysis waveform data.
Evaluation Tool The EvalTool is explained in the Section 12.

n View

Toolbar Show or hide the toolbar.

Status Bar Show or hide the status bar.

Monitoring Bar Show or hide the monitoring bar. The monitoring bar shows
communication status with FTU-R200.

n Help

The Help Menu opens a window for FTUMan’s program version and information.

17.2.2 TOOLBAR

Below the menu is a toolbar with 9 buttons.

[ Toolbar of FTUMan ]

Upload Read input or ouput data from FTU-R200.

Download Write input or ouput data to FTU-R200.

About Opens a window for FTUMan’s program version and information.

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[ Status Bar ]

MODEL Model Name

F/W Firmware Version

PORT Serial Port Number and Speed

MODE Communication Status


[ Monitoring Bar ]

Some performance is finished

Reads data from FTU-R200

Wirtes the setting value on FTU-R200

When Factory Initialization occurs.

Error of connection or operation

Connect or Disconnect between PC and FTU-R200

When the time set is completed


In Function and Configuration window, existing setting values of FTU-R200 can be viewed through
‘Upload’ button, or setting values are edited and downloaded to FTU-R200 by clicking ‘Download’
button to apply new setting values to FTU-R200.

In some cases, operators require to save and reuse these edited setting values. To satisfy this request,
FTUMan tool has ‘New’, ‘Open’ and ‘Save’ menu items in File Menu. The file extension name is ‘f2s’.

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If you set up the ADGS (Auto Detection Group Setting) Function ‘ON’, you can check the current
direction ‘Forward’ or ‘Reverse’.

Function has 5 contents, 4 setting groups and

active group setting. Each group has protection
setting value for FTU-R200.

Configuration has 3 contents for I/O, PQM and

communication. Communication seperated 3
contens, for Port, DNP3.0 and IEC protocol
parameter to communication for SCADA.

In tree view, if you choose some content, icon will

be replaced with a red icon from a blue icon. And
show setting parameters related content.

[ Tree View for function and configuration ]

How to edit the setting value? Click the content in tree view and editing value using double-click or
Enter-Key. If you changed value, the text color is changed in red.

[ before the Change ]

[ after the Change ]

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And, in event window has a following pop-up menu. In the Tree View, select ‘FUNCTION’or
‘CONFIGURATION’ or all sub contens, and press the right-click pop-up menu is avaliable.

If you click ‘Upload’ Button, the setting

parameters related selected contents in the
tree view reads from FTU-R200.

Also, if you click ‘Download’ Button, the

setting parameters related selected contents
in the tree view writes to FTU-R200.

[ Pop-up Menu for Event Window ]

[ Input Password Dialog ]

When the Factory Initialization or all of information are changed, Input Password Window will be

Note: Default Password is ‘ftuman’.

17.2.6 EVENT

In Event window, operators can list up all the event records, which are stored in the memory of FTU-
R200 by clicking ‘Upload’ button. Also 8 kinds of events are stored. Each event type of event can be
separately uploaded from FTU-R200 and can save to CSV format file. Time Resolution for event
recording is 5 msec and scanning interval is 1 msec.

And, in event window has a following pop-up menu. In the Tree View, select ‘EVENT’ and press the
right-click pop-up menu is avaliable.

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[ Pop-up Menu for Event Window ]

Upload Reads the selected events in the tree view.

Clear All Events Delete all event stored.

Clear Fault Events Delete only fault events.

Save to CSV File Current event saves to CSV (Comma-Saperated Values file) file

ü CSV File
A Comma-Seperated Values (CSV) file is used for the digital storage of data structed in a table of lists
form, where each associated item (member) in a group is in association with others also seperated by
the commas of its set.

Each line in the CSV file corresponds to a row in the table. Within a line, fields are seperated by
commas, each field belonging to one table column. Since it is a common and simple file format, CSV
files are often used for moving tabular data between two different computer programs, for example
between a database program and a spreadsheet program.

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n I/O Event

[ I/O Event Window ]

Index Event sequence number, the recent events that occurred is displayed on
Date & Time Event occurred time.

Description Information of generated binary event.

Status Occured contact points and binary status, OFF/ON/AUTO

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[ Function Event Window ]

Index Event sequence number, the recent events that occurred is displayed on
Date & Time Event occurred time.

Description Operation of protection functions.

Status Occurred function event status, OFF/ON.

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[ System Event Window ]

Index Event sequence number, the recent events that occurred is displayed on
Date & Time Event occurred time.

Description Information of generated event like set value changed, triggered by

power reset and system error or self-diagnosis.
Status Occurred event position and detailed description of system error or self-

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[ Fault Event Window ]

Index Event sequence number, the recent events that occurred is displayed on
Date & Time Event occurred time.

OC Detecting over-current.
SEF Detecting Sensitive Earth Fault.
UFR Detecting Under Frequency.
DIR Fault current direction.
Inrush Detecting inrush restraint.
Ia, Ib, Ic, In, V0 Fault current and zero-sequency voltage
Group Current setting group

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[ PQM Event Window ]

Index Event sequence number, the recent events that occurred is displayed on
Date & Time Event occurred time.

Description The occurance history of power quality function change.

Value RMS value of voltage when moment voltage change occurs.

Unit: kV
Duration Duration time of moment voltage change by msec.
Unit: msec

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[ Demand Current Event Window ]

Index Event sequence number, the recent events that occurred is displayed on
Date & Time Event occurred time.

Ia, Ib, Ic, In Demand current of each phase and neutral.

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[ Demand Power Event Window ]

Index Event sequence number, the recent events that occurred is

displayed on top.
Date & Time Event occurred time.

kWa, kWb, kWc, kW3ph 3-phase total and each phase kW.
kVARa, kVARb, 3-phase total and each phase kVAR.
kVARc, kVAR3ph

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For more details, refer to Demand Current Event.


For more details, refer to Demand Power Event.


Operators can monitor all kinds of measurement values such as current, voltage, sequence value, power
and energy, etc. And, FTU-R200 has the function of Harmonic Analysis, therefore up to 31st harmonics
RMS value and THD for current and voltage are measured and displayed. Lastly, counter values and
accumulation data are displayed.
FTUMan has 6 kinds of Mesurement window. The measurement value updates per 1 second.


Operators can check the basic value like load or source volatage, current including RMS, Phase Angle
and True RMS also apparent, active and reactive power. And it shows unbalance frequency, temperature
and so on.

[ Basic Mesurement Window ]

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It shows zero, positive and negative sequence of source or load voltage and current.

[ Sequence Value Window ]

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You can check active, reactive and apparent power of each phase or 3-phase. It also shows lag of each
phase or lead.

[ Power Winodw ]

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FTU-R200 provies imported or exported energy according to conductive, inductive energy of each phase
or 3-phase total.

[ Energy Window ]

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It displays THD and each harmonics value of voltage and current. It shows from 2nd to 31st per 1 second.

[ Harmonics Window ]

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It basically shows restart, fault, PQM and THD counter and total interruption time.

[ Counter Window ]

Restart Show restarts time and its count.

Fault Counter Show the total fault count of each, neutral phase and Switch
PQM Counter Show the short-duration voltage variation event count.
Total Interruption Time Show the total interruption time.
THD Counter Show the each or total phase’s current and voltage THD

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17.2.8 STATUS

In status window, all the status indications and command are displayed.

[ Status Window ]

When operator supervises some command in status window, this window generated. Upper box shows
device name, bottom box displays command name. If you click the ‘OK’ button, command will be
operated and window will be disappeared.

[ Commnad Window ]

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In waveform window displays Fault and PQM waveforms list stored in FTU-R200.
FTU-R200 can record and store the data for up to 8 faults, up to 6 PQM and 1 waveform by manual
triggering. And each waveform has the data of 20 cycles at 128 samples.

How to upload waveforms are as follow. First, by using the ‘Upload’ command reads a list of stored
waveforms on the FTU-R200.

[ Waveform List Uploaded ]

To import the waveform from FTU-R200, select a row and double click, you upload the following
message window appears.

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[ Message Window ]

If you click the ‘OK’ button, opens standard Windows Save As dialog box and enter the file name, and
click the Save button. And then will start uploading waveform.

The follwing window shows the progress for uploading.

[ Progress Window ]

The file is stored in the COMTRADE file format by converting. The stored file is avalilable the waveform
analysis by EvalTool. The EvalTool is explained in the Section 12. And, in waveform window has a
following pop-up menu. In the Tree View, select ‘WAVEFORM’ and press the right-click pop-up menu is

[Pop-up Menu for Waveform Window ]

Upload Read waveform list from FTU-R200.

Manual Trigger Capture current waveform by manual triggerring.

Clear Fault Waveforms Delete all fault waveform stored.

Clear PQM Waveforms Delete all PQM waveform stored.

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The ‘IO Config’ tool allows FTU users to custom I/O mappings.

[ Overview of IOConfig Tool ]

The I/O mapping is created using the tool and saved to an IO File (*.iom). Once a valid file has been
created, it is linked to the Recloser device.

The IOConfig tool is intended to be used off-line only. Mappings are created, saved and linked to
FTUMan while disconnected from the FTU. Once these tasks have been completed the user connects to
the device and writes the new mapping into the Recloser.

Warning: Make sure the IOConfig Tool is closed after a mapping has been edited. If the Tool is left
open while the Automatic Data Retriaval feature is running it may attempt to update a mapping file that

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is already open in the Tool. This will either cause the read operation to fail or result in a situation where
the newly read file differs from the file open within the Tool.


To start the IOConfig Tool selects ‘Tools – IO Configration’ from the FTUMan menu. When you run the
IOConfig Tool, main screen is displayed as show in following figure. There are two tabbed pages in the
IOConfig Tool.

[ Main Screen of IOConfig Tool ]

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18.2.1 MENU

The File Menu has the following options.

New Closes the current file and allows the creation of a new file
Open Closes the current file and opens a standard window file selection dialog. An
existing IO File (*.iom) can be selected and opened.
Save Saves the current file to the hard drive. If the file is new and this is the first time
it has been saved, the Save As dialog will be opened allowing the user to type in
a name before saving.
Save As Opens a standard Windows Save As dialog box. This allows an existing file to be
saved under a new name.
Exit Closes the current file and exits the tool.

The Comm Menu is explained in the Section 17.2.1 Comm.

The View Menu is explained in the Section 17.2.1 View.
The Help Menu opens a window for IOConfig’s program version and information.

18.2.2 TOOLBAR

Below the menu is a toolbar with 9 buttons.

[ Toolbar of IOConfig ]

Upload Read input or ouput data from FTU-R200.

Download Write input or ouput data to FTU-R200.

About Opens a window for IOConfig’s program version and


Once you Press the Upload or Download button, the follwing window appears. This window determines
the types of data read or write.

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[ Select Widow ]

18.2.3 INPUT
FTU-R200 has 10 inputs. Input is created by filling the fields on the Input tab. Each column is defined as

[ Input Tab ]

Name Input name is defined.

Type of the characters is limited to 11 characters.
Note: 0~3 of 4 input points is fixed.
Debounce Time The minimum time to retain status change.
Like, it prevents making useless information against chattering
in the point

Invert Specifies whether the point will be inverted.

Blk.Open To open blocked

Blk.Close To close blocked

Ext.Trip To trip using external input

Ext. Close To close using external input

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18.2.4 OUTPUT

FTU-R200 has 4 relay outputs and 2 photoMOS relay outs. Output is created by filling the fields on the
Output tab. Eash column is defined as follows.

[ Output Tab ]

Name Output name is defined.

Type characters are limited to 11 characters.
Only index number of 3 is changed.
Pulse Time Set a pulse command.

Control Output Select type of PhotoMOS or Contact Relay for OPEN and CLOSE

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Custom DNP3.0 point index maps can now be created and loaded into FTU directly from DNPConfig.
The mappings is created using the tool and saved to a DNP3.0 mapping file (*.d3m).

[ Overview of DNPConfig ]

The DNPConfig tool is intended to be used off-line only. Mappings are created, saved and linked to
FTUMan while disconnected from the FTU. Once these tasks have been completed the user connects to
the device and writes the new mapping into the Recloser.

Warning: Make sure the DNPConfig Tool is closed after a mapping has been edited. If the Tool is left
open while the Automatic Data Retriaval feature is running it may attempt to update a mapping file that
is already open in the Tool. This will either cause the read operation to fail or result in a situation where
the newly read file differs from the file open within the Tool.

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To start the DNPConfig Tool selects ‘Tools - DNP3.0 Index Configration’ from the FTUMan menu.
When you run the DNPConfig Tool, main screen is displayed as show in following figure. There are 4
tabbed pages, Binaty Input, Binary Output, Analog Input and Counter, in the DNPConfig Tool.

[ Main Screen of DNPConfig ]

The DNPConfig tool allows the user to build custom mapplings to suit their own application. Points are
added by selecting a row in PID Columns on one of the tabbed pages then double clicking point from
the Configuration Tool Box or entering index number in configuration tool box defined. Points are
deleted by selecting a row and pressing ‘Delete’ on the keyboard or entering ‘0’. The PID Number ‘0’
means is not used anymore. You can choose to either shift all the rows below up one, or leave the
entire row blank.

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The DNPConfig tool allows the following.

ü Up to 128 Binary Input

ü Up to 32 Binary Output
ü Up to 512 Analog Input
ü Up to 128 Counter

19.2.1 MENU

The File Menu has the following options.

New Closes the current file and allows the creation of a new file
Open Closes the current file and opens a standard window file selection dialog.
An existing DNP File (*.d3m) can be selected and opened.
Save Saves the current file to the hard drive. If the file is new and this is the first
time it has been saved, the Save As dialog will be opened allowing the user
to type in a name before saving.
Save As Opens a standard Windows Save As dialog box. This allows an existing file
to be saved under a new name.
Exit Closes the current file and exits the tool.

The Comm Menu is explained in the Section 17.2.1 Comm.

The View Menu is explained in the Section 17.2.1 View.
The Help Menu opens a window for DNPConfig’s program version and information.

19.2.2 TOOLBAR

[ Toolbar of DNPConfig ]

Tool Shows or hides a window the DNP3.0 Configuration tool box.

Upload Read input or ouput data from FTU-R200.
Download Write input or ouput data to FTU-R200.

About Opens a window for DNPConfig’s program version and information.

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Pressing Upload or Download button, the follwing window appears. This window determines the types
of data read or write.

[ Select Widow]


The configutation tool box panel is launched by clicking the Tool button.

[ Configuration Tool Box ]

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The toolbox contains every available point for FTU-R200. The toolbox displays different points depends
on which tab selected. For example, if the Counters tab is selected then only accumulators will be
displayed on the list.


Binary inputs are used to report the status of binary points.

[ Binary Input Tab ]

Index Specifies the DNP ID Number of the point

Range : 0 to 127
PID Specifies number as defiend in the configuration tool box.
The PID Number’s ‘0’ meaning is not used anymore. Range : 0 to 59
Name The name of the points as defiend in the configuration tool box.

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This field can be changed in two ways:

Selecting the cell then double clicking a point in the configuration tool
Entering PID number as defiend in configuration tool box.
Class 0~3 The DNP3.0 class of the point. The default class can be modified by
checking from the checkbox.
COS Select event type, COS(Change of state) or SOE(Sequence of Events)

Invert Specifies whether the point will be inverted. If the point is inverted it will
be transmitted when the condition is false than true.

n DNP3.0 Classes

There are four classes in DNP3.0. These are defined as follows:

0 Class 0 is not an event class. It is used when reporting current (static) data values and
not changes of state events.
Note: Setting a point to Class 0 will prevent the controller’s protocol handler from
reporting change of state events for that point to the master station. The point still
remains accessible through static data polls.
1 Class 1 used to report high priority events. Events in this class take precedence.
2 Class 2 used to report medium priority events.
3 Class 3 used to report low priority events.

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Binary Outputs are used to perform operations on the Recloser device and change setting.

[ Binary Output Tab ]

Index Specifies the DNP ID Number of the point

Range : 0 to 31
PID Specifies number as defiend in the configuration tool box.
The PID Number ‘0’ means is not used anymore.
Range : 0 to 10
Name The name of the points as defiend in the configuration tool box.
This field can be changed in two ways:

Selecting the cell then double clicking a point in the configuration tool
Entering PID number as defiend in configuration tool box.

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Analog Points are used to transmit analog data such as line currents, voltages and contact life. Analog
intputs are created by adding points as required, then modifying the parameters from defaults if

[ Analog Input Tab ]

Index Specifies the DNP ID Number of the point

Range : 0 to 511
PID Specifies number as defiend in the configuration tool box.
The PID Number ‘0’ means is not used anymore.
Range : 0 to 331
Name The name of the points as defiend in the configuration tool box.
This field can be changed in two ways:
Selecting the cell then double clicking a point in the configuration tool box.

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Entering PID number as defiend in configuration tool box.

Class 0~3 The DNP3.0 class of the point. The default class can be modified by checking
from the checkbox.
COS Select event type, COS(Change of state) or SOE(Sequence of Events)

Scale The scale is used to multiply the reported analog value by the amount
enterd. For example, scaling the I a RMS value by a multiple of ten will
change the reported value from zero decimal points to one decimal point
(i.e:9 to 9.0)
Default Value: 1, Range: 1,10,100,1000
Deadband Display the deadband value for the point. The analog point value must change
by more than the deadband amount before it is reported.

19.2.7 COUNTER
Counters are used to count data and events such as Trips, Protection Pickups, Faults and Accumulated

[ Counter Tab ]

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Index Specifies the DNP ID Number of the point

Range : 0 to 127
PID Specifies number as defiend in the configuration tool box.
The PID Number’s ‘0’ means are not used anymore.
Range : 0 to 66

Name The name of the points as defiend in the configuration tool box.
This field can be changed in two ways:
Selecting the cell then double clicking a point in the configuration tool box.
Entering PID number as defiend in configuration tool box.
Class 0~3 The DNP3.0 class of the point. The default class can be modified by checking
from the checkbox.
COS Select event type, COS(Change of state) or SOE(Sequence of Events)

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The Waveform data upload from FTU-R200 through the above setting program are analyzed in this
evaluation tool. Graphs of currents/voltages and operation of protection elements are displayed, and
instantaneous/RMS current and voltage values, phase angles and time information at tracker position
are presented. If 2 trackter one is moving with left mouse button and the other with right mouse button
are used, time difference between two points is presented and it becomes the ruler for correct
operation of protection element as setting. And, harmonics up to 31st and THD (Total Harmonic
Distortion) also show up.

Recorded waveforms can be uploaded to FTUMan in local site. After uploading stored to the
COMTRADE file format. These waveform data saved as COMTRADE file format and compatible with
other analyzing tool.


Comtrade (COMmon format for Transient Data Exchange for power systems) is a file format for
oscilloscops data. It is used by many leading coñpanies for the oscilloscops used in high voltage
substations. It has been standardised by the IEEE.

[ Overview of EvalTool ]

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20.2 OPERATION OF EvalTool

To start the EvalTool selects ‘Tools – Waveform Evaluation Tool’ from the FTUMan menu. The tool
has meter view and scroll view for graph.

[ Main Screen of EvalTool ]

20.2.1 MENU
The File Menu has the following options.

Open Closes the current file and opens a standard window file selection dialog. An
existing Data File (*.dat) can be selected and opened.
Exit Closes the current file and exits the tool.

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The Option Menu has the following options.

Graph Opens analog and digital graph select window..

[ Graph Select Window ]

Harmonic Open a window for voltage and current harmonics.

[ List Window ]

Move Change the position of the screen.

Zoom The screen to yellow line center to shrink or enlarge the size.

The Help Menu opens a window for EvalTool’s program version and information.

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20.2.2 TOOLBAR

[ Toolbar of EvalTool ]

Graph Show the entire graph

Harmonic List Check the harmonic list

Move-First Move to the beginning graph

Move-Double left Show the prior 2-step
Move-Left Show the prior 1-step
Move-Right Show the posterior 1-step
Move-Double right Show the posterior 2-step
Move-End Move to the last graph
Zoom In Enlarged image
Zoom out Shirink image
Zoom All Enlarge all image

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APPENDIX 1.TC (Time-Current) Characteristic Curves

[ A, B, C, D curves ]

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[ EI, NI, VI, LI, SI curves ]

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[ E, L, M, N curves ]

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[ KP, P, R, T curves ]

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[ V, W, Y, Z curves ]

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[ 1, 2, 3, 4 curves ]

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[ 5, 6, 7, 8 curves ]

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[ 8*, 9 , 11, 13 curves ]

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[ 14, 15, 16, 18 curves ]

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[ N1, N2, N3, N4 curves ]

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[ F, G, H, J curves ]

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[ 8+, 17, K-G, A* curves ]

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[ IM, IV, IE, ES-NI, ES-VI curves ]

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Description lt Object/Variation Remark

Binary Inputs
0 Switch Status 1 01/01,01/02,02/02 Closed = 1
1 Ext. AC Power Loss 1 01/01,01/02,02/02
2 Battery Discharged 1 01/01,01/02,02/02
3 DI Spare #5 1 01/01,01/02,02/02 Contact closed = 1
4 DI Spare #6 1 01/01,01/02,02/02 Contact closed = 1
5 DI Spare #7 1 01/01,01/02,02/02 Contact closed = 1
6 DI Spare #8 1 01/01,01/02,02/02 Contact closed = 1
7 DI Spare #9 1 01/01,01/02,02/02 Contact closed = 1
8 DI Spare #10 1 01/01,01/02,02/02 Contact closed = 1
9 Control Mode 1 01/01,01/02,02/02 Local = 1
10 Fault Indicator (A) 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
11 Fault Indicator (B) 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
12 Fault Indicator (C) 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
13 Fault Indicator (N) 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
14 Fault Indicator (SEF) 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
15 Reverse Direction Fault 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
16 Live Source 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
17 Live Load 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
18 Open Line Detection A 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
19 Open Line Detection B 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
20 Open Line Detection C 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
21 Open Line Detection R 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
22 Open Line Detection S 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
23 Open Line Detection T 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
24 Sync. Fail A 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
25 Sync. Fail B 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
26 Sync. Fail C 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
27 Under Frequency Op. 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
28 Under Voltage A 0 01/01,01/02,02/02

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29 Under Voltage B 0 01/01,01/02,02/02

30 Under Voltage C 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
31 Over Voltage A 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
32 Over Voltage B 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
33 Over Voltage C 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
34 Source Voltage Unbalance 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
35 Current Unbalance 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
36 Sag Detection A 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
37 Sag Detection B 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
38 Sag Detection C 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
39 Swell Detection A 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
40 Swell Detection B 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
41 Swell Detection C 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
42 Interruption Detection A 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
43 Interruption Detection B 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
44 Interruption Detection C 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
45 Voltage THD A 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
46 Voltage THD B 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
47 Voltage THD C 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
48 Current THD A 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
49 Current THD B 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
50 Current THD C 0 01/01,01/02,02/02
51 System Error 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
52 Inrush Detected 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
53 Mode Lock 1 01/01,01/02,02/02
54 Reclosing Blocked 1 01/01,01/02,02/02
55 Protection Blocked 1 01/01,01/02,02/02
56 Ground Protection Blocked 1 01/01,01/02,02/02
57 High Current Trip 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
58 Sequence Lockout 3 01/01,01/02,02/02
Binary Outputs
0 Switch Open/Close Control Pulse 12/01 CLOSE=Close, TRIP=Open
1 Battery Test Pulse 12/01 CLOSE
2 DO spare Output Pulse 12/01 CLOSE
3 DO Photo1 Output Pulse 12/01 CLOSE
4 DO Photo2 Output Pulse 12/01 CLOSE
5 Annunciator Manual Reset Pulse 12/01 CLOSE

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6 Control Lock Pulse 12/01 CLOSE

7 Enable/Disable Reclosing Pulse 12/01 CLOSE=En.,TRIP=Dis.
8 Enable/Disable Protection Pulse 12/01 CLOSE=En.,TRIP=Dis.
9 Enable/Disable Ground Protection Pulse 12/01 CLOSE=En.,TRIP=Dis.
Analog Inputs
0 Ia RMS 2 A
1 Ib RMS 2 A
2 Ic RMS 2 A
3 In RMS 0 A
4 Source side Va RMS 0 V
5 Source side Vb RMS 0 V
6 Source side Vc RMS 0 V
7 Source side Vo RMS 0 V
8 Load side Va RMS 0 V
9 Load side Vb RMS 0 V
10 Load side Vc RMS 0 V
11 Load side Vo RMS 0 V
12 KVAa 0 kVA
13 KVAb 0 kVA
14 KVAc 0 kVA
15 kVA3ph 0 kVA
16 KWa 0 kW
17 KWb 0 kW

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 148

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

18 KWc 0 kW
19 kW3ph 0 kW
20 KVARa 0 kVAR
21 KVARb 0 kVAR
22 KVARc 0 kVAR
23 kVAR3ph 0 kVAR
24 PFa 0 X100
25 PFb 0 X100
26 PFc 0 X100
27 PF3ph 0 X100
28 Va-Vr Phase Angle Diff 0 o 10
29 Frequency 0 HZ100
30 Temperature 0
31 Ia phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 10
32 Ib phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 o 10
33 Ic phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 10
34 In phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 o 10
35 Source side Va phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 10
36 Source side Vb phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 o 10
37 Source side Vc phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 o 10
38 Source side Vo phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 o 10
39 Load side Va phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 o 10
40 Load side Vb phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 10
41 Load side Vc phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 o 10
42 Load side Vo phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 10
43 I1 RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
44 I1 phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 o 10

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 149

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

45 I2 RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
46 I2 phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 o 10
47 Source side V1 RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
48 Source side V1 phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 o 10
49 Source side V2 RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
50 Source side V2 phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 o 10
51 Load side V1 RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
52 Load side V1 phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 o 10
53 Load side V2 RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
54 Load side V2 phase angle 0 30/02,30/04 o 10
Source side Voltage Unbalance
55 0 30/02,30/04 %
56 Load side Voltage Unbalance ratio 0 30/02,30/04 %
57 Current Unbalance ratio 0 30/02,30/04 %
58 PFa lead 0 30/02,30/04 Leading = 1
59 PFb lead 0 30/02,30/04 Leading = 1
60 PFc lead 0 30/02,30/04 Leading = 1
61 PF3ph lead 0 30/02,30/04 Leading = 1
62 Last Fault Ia 3 A
63 Last Fault Ib 3 A
64 Last Fault Ic 3 A
65 Last Fault In 3 A
66 Last Fault vo 0 30/02,30/04 A
67 Last Fault location 0 30/02,30/04 km
68 Last Fault I2t 0 30/02,30/04
69 Demand I Ia 2 A
70 Demand I Ib 2 A
71 Demand I Ic 2 A
72 Demand I In 2 A
73 Demand P kWa 2 kW

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 150

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

74 Demand P kWb 2 kW
75 Demand P kWc 2 kW
76 Demand P kW3ph 2 kW
77 Demand P kVARa 2 kVAR
78 Demand P kVARb 2 kVAR
79 Demand P kVARc 2 kVAR
80 Demand P kVAR3ph 2 kVAR
81 Max. I Ia 2 A
82 Max. I Ib 2 A
83 Max. I Ic 2 A
84 Max. I In 2 A
85 Max. P1 kWa 2 kW
86 Max. P1 kWb 2 kW
87 Max. P1 kWc 2 kW
88 Max. P1 kW3ph 2 kW
89 Max. P1 kVARa 2 kVAR
90 Max. P1 kVARb 2 kVAR
91 Max. P1 kVARc 2 kVAR
92 Max. P1 kVAR3ph 2 kVAR
93 3-phase currents THD 0 30/02,30/04 %
94 Ia THD 0 30/02,30/04 %
95 Ib THD 0 30/02,30/04 %

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 151

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

96 Ic THD 0 30/02,30/04 %
97 In THD 0 30/02,30/04 %
Source side 3-phase voltages
98 0 30/02,30/04 %
99 Source side Va THD 0 30/02,30/04 %
100 Source side Vb THD 0 30/02,30/04 %
101 Source side Vc THD 0 30/02,30/04 %
102 Ia true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
103 Ib true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
104 Ic true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
105 In true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
106 Va true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
107 Vb true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
108 Vc true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
109 Vr true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
110 Vs true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
111 Vt true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
112 Vab true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
113 Vbc true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
114 Vca true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
115 Vrs true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
116 Vst true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
117 Vtr true RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
118 Active Group 0 30/02,30/04
119 TD #1 0 30/02,30/04 mA1000
120 TD #2 0 30/02,30/04 mA1000
121 Va 2nd harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
122 Vb 2nd harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
123 Vc 2nd harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
124 Ia 2nd harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
125 Ib 2 harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
126 Ic 2nd harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
127 In 2 harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
128 Va 3rd harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
129 Vb 3rd harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
130 Vc 3rd harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
131 Ia 3rd harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 152

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

132 Ib 3rd harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A

133 Ic 3rd harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
134 In 3rd harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
135 Va 4th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
136 Vb 4th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
137 Vc 4th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
138 Ia 4th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
139 Ib 4th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
140 Ic 4th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
141 In 4th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A

324 Va 31th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V

325 Vb 31th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
326 Vc 31th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 V
327 Ia 31th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
328 Ib 31th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
329 Ic 31th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
330 In 31th harmonic RMS 0 30/02,30/04 A
0 Restart Count 0 20/02,20/06 --
1 Switch Trip (or Open) Count 0 20/02,20/06 --
2 All Faults Count 0 20/02,20/06 --
3 A-phase Fault Count 0 20/02,20/06 --
4 B-phase Fault Count 0 20/02,20/06 --
5 C-phase Fault Count 0 20/02,20/06 --
6 N-phase Fault Count 0 20/02,20/06 --
7 kWattHour-a (Positive) 0 kWh
8 kWattHour-b (Positive) 0 kWh
9 kWattHour-c (Positive) 0 kWh
10 kWattHour-3ph (Positive) 0 kWh
11 kWattHour-a (Negative) 0 kWh
12 kWattHour-b (Negative) 0 kWh

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 153

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

13 kWattHour-c (Negative) 0 kWh
14 kWattHour-3ph (Negative) 0 kWh
15 kVarHour-a (Inductive Positive) 0 kVarh
16 kVarHour-b (Inductive Positive) 0 kVarh
17 kVarHour-c (Inductive Positive) 0 kVarh
18 kVarHour-3ph (Inductive Positive) 0 kVarh
19 kVarHour-a (Capacitive Positive) 0 kVarh
20 kVarHour-b (Capacitive Positive) 0 kVarh
21 kVarHour-c (Capacitive Positive) 0 kVarh
kVarHour-3ph 20/02,20/06,22/
22 0 kVarh
(Capacitive Positive) 08
23 kVarHour-a (Inductive Negative) 0 kVarh
24 kVarHour-b (Inductive Negative) 0 kVarh
25 kVarHour-c (Inductive Negative) 0 kVarh
kVarHour-3ph (Inductive 20/02,20/06,22/
26 0 kVarh
Negative) 08
27 kVarHour-a (Capacitive Negative) 0 kVarh
28 kVarHour-b (Capacitive Negative) 0 kVarh
29 kVarHour-c (Capacitive Negative) 0 kVarh
kVarHour-3ph (Capacitive 20/02,20/06,22/
30 0 kVarh
Negative) 08
31 Sag Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
32 Sag A Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
33 Sag B Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
34 Sag C Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
35 Sag Instantaneous Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 154

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

36 Sag Momentary Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --

37 Sag Temporary Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
38 Sag Long-time Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
39 Swell Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
40 Swell A Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
41 Swell B Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
42 Swell C Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
43 Swell Instantaneous Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
44 Swell Momentary Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
45 Swell Temporary Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
46 Swell Long-time Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
47 Interruption Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
48 Interruption A Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
49 Interruption B Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
50 Interruption C Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
51 Interruption Momentary Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
52 Interruption Temporary Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
53 Interruption Sustained Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
54 Interruption Total Time 0 20/02,20/06 --
55 Interruption A Total Time 0 20/02,20/06 --
56 Interruption B Total Time 0 20/02,20/06 --
57 Interruption C Total Time 0 20/02,20/06 --
58 Source Voltage THD Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
59 Source Voltage THD A Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
60 Source Voltage THD B Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
61 Source Voltage THD C Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
62 Current THD Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
63 Current THD A Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
64 Current THD B Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
65 Current THD C Counts 0 20/02,20/06 --
Analog outputs
Setting Group1
0 Phase Pickup Current 40/02,41/02 10~1260A
1 Phase Fast TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
2 Phase Fast Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
3 Phase Fast Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
4 Phase Fast Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 155

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

5 Phase Fast Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)

6 Phase Fast RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
7 Phase Delay TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
8 Phase Delay Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
9 Phase Delay Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
10 Phase Delay Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
11 Phase Delay Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
12 Phase Delay RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
13 Phase Definite Time O/C Active 40/02,41/02 ON(1),OFF(0)
14 Phase Definite Time O/C Level 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
Phase Definite Time O/C
15 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
Response Time
16 Phase High Current Pickup 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
17 Phase High Current Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
18 Phase 2nd harmonic restraint 40/02,41/02 0(No),1(Yes)
0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or
19 Phase Fault Trip Direction 40/02,41/02
20 Ground Pickup Current 40/02,41/02 5~900A
21 Ground Fast TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
22 Ground Fast Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
23 Ground Fast Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
24 Ground Fast Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
25 Ground Fast Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
26 Ground Fast RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
27 Ground Delay TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
28 Ground Delay Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
29 Ground Delay Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
30 Ground Delay Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
31 Ground Delay Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
32 Ground Delay RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
33 Ground Definite Time O/C Active 40/02,41/02 ON(1),OFF(0)
34 Ground Definite Time O/C Level 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
Ground Definite Time Response
35 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
36 Ground High Current Pickup 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
37 Ground High Current Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00,step:0.01
38 Ground 2nd harmonic Restraint 40/02,41/02 0(No),1(Yes)

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 156

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or
39 Ground Fault Trip Direction 40/02,41/02
40 SEF - Pickup Current(3Io) 40/02,41/02 0.1~20.0A
41 SEF - Pickup Voltage(-3Vo) 40/02,41/02 10~80%
42 SEF - Max. Torque Angle 40/02,41/02 0~345,step:15 DEG
43 SEF - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0.1~30.0 step:0.1 Sec
44 SEF - 2nd harmonic restraint 40/02,41/02 No(0),Yes(1)
45 SEF - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
46 2nd Inrush - harmonic level 40/02,41/02 5~50%
47 2nd Inrush - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0.02~1.00,step:0.01
48 2nd Inrush - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
49 Direction – 3I1 Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
50 Direction – 3V1 Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
51 Direction – 3I1 Max Torque Angle 40/02,41/02 0~355, step:5
52 Direction – 3Io Max Torque Angle 40/02,41/02 0~355, step:5
53 Direction – 3Io Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
54 Direction – -3Vo Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
55 Phase Loss - Volt On level 40/02,41/02 50~90,step:5
56 Phase Loss - Volt Off level 40/02,41/02 35~75,step:5
57 Phase Loss - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
58 Phase Loss - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
59 Under voltage - Detection level 40/02,41/02 0.30~0.95, step:0.01
60 Under voltage - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0~180.0, step:0.1
61 Under voltage - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
62 Over voltage - Detection level 40/02,41/02 1.05~1.50, step:0.01
63 Over voltage - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0~180.0, step:0.1
64 Over voltage - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
Under Frequency - Detection
65 40/02,41/02 47.00~59.98,step:0.01
Under Frequency - Detection
66 40/02,41/02 0.03~10.00, step:0.01
Delay Time
Under Frequency - Function
67 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
68 Sync Fail - Phase difference 40/02,41/02 5~60
69 Sync Fail - Delay Time 40/02,41/02 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
70 Sync Fail - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
71 Phase Cold Load Pickup Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0(Off), 1~10
72 Phase Cold Load Duration 40/02,41/02 0.00~60.00 step:0.01

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 157

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

Ground Cold Load Pickup

73 40/02,41/02 0(Off), 1~10
74 Ground Cold Load Duration 40/02,41/02 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
75 Oper. To Lockout Phase 40/02,41/02 1~4
76 Oper. To Lockout Ground 40/02,41/02 1~4
77 Oper. Fast Curve Phase 40/02,41/02 0~4
78 Oper. Fast Curve Ground 40/02,41/02 0~4
79 High Current Phase Active 40/02,41/02 0~4
80 High Current Ground Active 40/02,41/02 0~4
81 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 1st 40/02,41/02 0.5~180.0,step:0.1
82 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 2nd 40/02,41/02 1~180
83 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 3rd 40/02,41/02 1~180
84 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 4th 40/02,41/02 1~180
85 Phase/Ground Reset Time 40/02,41/02 3~180
86 Oper. To Lockout SEF 40/02,41/02 1~4
87 SEF Reclose Interval 1st 40/02,41/02 0.5~180.0,step:0.1
88 SEF Reclose Interval 2nd 40/02,41/02 1~180
89 SEF Reclose Interval 3rd 40/02,41/02 1~180
90 SEF Reclose Interval 4th 40/02,41/02 1~180
91 SEF Reset Time 40/02,41/02 3~180
92 Single Shot Time 40/02,41/02 0~180
93 Seq. Coordination Active 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
Setting Group2
94 Phase Pickup Current 40/02,41/02 10~1260A
95 Phase Fast TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
96 Phase Fast Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
97 Phase Fast Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
98 Phase Fast Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
99 Phase Fast Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
100 Phase Fast RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
101 Phase Delay TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
102 Phase Delay Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
103 Phase Delay Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
104 Phase Delay Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
105 Phase Delay Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
106 Phase Delay RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
107 Phase Definite Time O/C Active 40/02,41/02 ON(1),OFF(0)

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 158

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

108 Phase Definite Time O/C Level 40/02,41/02 50~10000A

Phase Definite Time O/C
109 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
Response Time
110 Phase High Current Pickup 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
111 Phase High Current Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
112 Phase 2nd harmonic restraint 40/02,41/02 0(No),1(Yes)
0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or
113 Phase Fault Trip Direction 40/02,41/02
114 Ground Pickup Current 40/02,41/02 5~900A
115 Ground Fast TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
116 Ground Fast Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
117 Ground Fast Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
118 Ground Fast Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
119 Ground Fast Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
120 Ground Fast RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
121 Ground Delay TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
122 Ground Delay Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
123 Ground Delay Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
124 Ground Delay Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
125 Ground Delay Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
126 Ground Delay RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
127 Ground Definite Time O/C Active 40/02,41/02 ON(1),OFF(0)
128 Ground Definite Time O/C Level 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
Ground Definite Time Response
129 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
130 Ground High Current Pickup 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
131 Ground High Current Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00,step:0.01
132 Ground 2nd harmonic Restraint 40/02,41/02 0(No),1(Yes)
0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or
133 Ground Fault Trip Direction 40/02,41/02
134 SEF - Pickup Current(3Io) 40/02,41/02 0.1~20.0A
135 SEF - Pickup Voltage(-3Vo) 40/02,41/02 10~80%
136 SEF - Max. Torque Angle 40/02,41/02 0~345,step:15 DEG
137 SEF - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0.1~30.0 step:0.1 Sec
138 SEF - 2nd harmonic restraint 40/02,41/02 No(0),Yes(1)
139 SEF - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
140 2nd Inrush - harmonic level 40/02,41/02 5~50%
141 2nd Inrush - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0.02~1.00,step:0.01

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 159

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

142 2nd Inrush - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)

143 Direction – 3I1 Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
144 Direction – 3V1 Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
145 Direction – 3I1 Max Torque Angle 40/02,41/02 0~355, step:5
146 Direction – 3Io Max Torque Angle 40/02,41/02 0~355, step:5
147 Direction – 3Io Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
148 Direction – -3Vo Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
149 Phase Loss - Volt On level 40/02,41/02 50~90,step:5
150 Phase Loss - Volt Off level 40/02,41/02 35~75,step:5
151 Phase Loss - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
152 Phase Loss - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
153 Under voltage - Detection level 40/02,41/02 0.30~0.95, step:0.01
154 Under voltage - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0~180.0, step:0.1
155 Under voltage - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
156 Over voltage - Detection level 40/02,41/02 1.05~1.50, step:0.01
157 Over voltage - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0~180.0, step:0.1
158 Over voltage - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
Under Frequency - Detection
159 40/02,41/02 47.00~59.98,step:0.01
Under Frequency - Detection
160 40/02,41/02 0.03~10.00, step:0.01
Delay Time
Under Frequency - Function
161 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
162 Sync Fail - Phase difference 40/02,41/02 5~60
163 Sync Fail - Delay Time 40/02,41/02 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
164 Sync Fail - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
165 Phase Cold Load Pickup Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0(Off), 1~10
166 Phase Cold Load Duration 40/02,41/02 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
Ground Cold Load Pickup
167 40/02,41/02 0(Off), 1~10
168 Ground Cold Load Duration 40/02,41/02 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
169 Oper. To Lockout Phase 40/02,41/02 1~4
170 Oper. To Lockout Ground 40/02,41/02 1~4
171 Oper. Fast Curve Phase 40/02,41/02 0~4
172 Oper. Fast Curve Ground 40/02,41/02 0~4
173 High Current Phase Active 40/02,41/02 0~4
174 High Current Ground Active 40/02,41/02 0~4
175 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 1st 40/02,41/02 0.5~180.0,step:0.1

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 160

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

176 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 2nd 40/02,41/02 1~180

177 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 3rd 40/02,41/02 1~180
178 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 4th 40/02,41/02 1~180
179 Phase/Ground Reset Time 40/02,41/02 3~180
180 Oper. To Lockout SEF 40/02,41/02 1~4
181 SEF Reclose Interval 1st 40/02,41/02 0.5~180.0,step:0.1
182 SEF Reclose Interval 2nd 40/02,41/02 1~180
183 SEF Reclose Interval 3rd 40/02,41/02 1~180
184 SEF Reclose Interval 4th 40/02,41/02 1~180
185 SEF Reset Time 40/02,41/02 3~180
186 Single Shot Time 40/02,41/02 0~180
187 Seq. Coordination Active 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
Setting Group3
188 Phase Pickup Current 40/02,41/02 10~1260A
189 Phase Fast TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
190 Phase Fast Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
191 Phase Fast Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
192 Phase Fast Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
193 Phase Fast Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
194 Phase Fast RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
195 Phase Delay TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
196 Phase Delay Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
197 Phase Delay Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
198 Phase Delay Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
199 Phase Delay Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
200 Phase Delay RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
201 Phase Definite Time O/C Active 40/02,41/02 ON(1),OFF(0)
202 Phase Definite Time O/C Level 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
Phase Definite Time O/C
203 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
Response Time
204 Phase High Current Pickup 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
205 Phase High Current Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
206 Phase 2 harmonic restraint 40/02,41/02 0(No),1(Yes)
0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or
207 Phase Fault Trip Direction 40/02,41/02
208 Ground Pickup Current 40/02,41/02 5~900A
209 Ground Fast TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 161

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

210 Ground Fast Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01

211 Ground Fast Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
212 Ground Fast Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
213 Ground Fast Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
214 Ground Fast RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
215 Ground Delay TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
216 Ground Delay Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
217 Ground Delay Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
218 Ground Delay Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
219 Ground Delay Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
220 Ground Delay RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
221 Ground Definite Time O/C Active 40/02,41/02 ON(1),OFF(0)
222 Ground Definite Time O/C Level 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
Ground Definite Time Response
223 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
224 Ground High Current Pickup 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
225 Ground High Current Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00,step:0.01
226 Ground 2nd harmonic Restraint 40/02,41/02 0(No),1(Yes)
0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or
227 Ground Fault Trip Direction 40/02,41/02
228 SEF - Pickup Current(3Io) 40/02,41/02 0.1~20.0A
229 SEF - Pickup Voltage(-3Vo) 40/02,41/02 10~80%
230 SEF - Max. Torque Angle 40/02,41/02 0~345,step:15 DEG
231 SEF - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0.1~30.0 step:0.1 Sec
232 SEF - 2nd harmonic restraint 40/02,41/02 No(0),Yes(1)
233 SEF - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
234 2nd Inrush - harmonic level 40/02,41/02 5~50%
235 2nd Inrush - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0.02~1.00,step:0.01
236 2nd Inrush - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
237 Direction – 3I1 Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
238 Direction – 3V1 Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
239 Direction – 3I1 Max Torque Angle 40/02,41/02 0~355, step:5
240 Direction – 3Io Max Torque Angle 40/02,41/02 0~355, step:5
241 Direction – 3Io Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
242 Direction – -3Vo Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
243 Phase Loss - Volt On level 40/02,41/02 50~90,step:5
244 Phase Loss - Volt Off level 40/02,41/02 35~75,step:5

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 162

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

245 Phase Loss - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0.1~30.0 step:0.1

246 Phase Loss - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
247 Under voltage - Detection level 40/02,41/02 0.30~0.95, step:0.01
248 Under voltage - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0~180.0, step:0.1
249 Under voltage - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
250 Over voltage - Detection level 40/02,41/02 1.05~1.50, step:0.01
251 Over voltage - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0~180.0, step:0.1
252 Over voltage - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
Under Frequency - Detection
253 40/02,41/02 47.00~59.98,step:0.01
Under Frequency - Detection
254 40/02,41/02 0.03~10.00, step:0.01
Delay Time
Under Frequency - Function
255 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
256 Sync Fail - Phase difference 40/02,41/02 5~60
257 Sync Fail - Delay Time 40/02,41/02 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
258 Sync Fail - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
259 Phase Cold Load Pickup Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0(Off), 1~10
260 Phase Cold Load Duration 40/02,41/02 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
Ground Cold Load Pickup
261 40/02,41/02 0(Off), 1~10
262 Ground Cold Load Duration 40/02,41/02 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
263 Oper. To Lockout Phase 40/02,41/02 1~4
264 Oper. To Lockout Ground 40/02,41/02 1~4
265 Oper. Fast Curve Phase 40/02,41/02 0~4
266 Oper. Fast Curve Ground 40/02,41/02 0~4
267 High Current Phase Active 40/02,41/02 0~4
268 High Current Ground Active 40/02,41/02 0~4
269 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 1 40/02,41/02 0.1~180.0,step:0.1
270 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 2nd 40/02,41/02 0.1~180
271 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 3rd 40/02,41/02 0.1~180
272 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 4th 40/02,41/02 0.1~180
273 Phase/Ground Reset Time 40/02,41/02 3~180
274 Oper. To Lockout SEF 40/02,41/02 1~4
275 SEF Reclose Interval 1st 40/02,41/02 0.5~180.0,step:0.1
276 SEF Reclose Interval 2nd 40/02,41/02 1~180
277 SEF Reclose Interval 3rd 40/02,41/02 1~180
278 SEF Reclose Interval 4th 40/02,41/02 1~180

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 163

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

279 SEF Reset Time 40/02,41/02 3~180

280 Single Shot Time 40/02,41/02 0~180
281 Seq. Coordination Active 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
Setting Group4
282 Phase Pickup Current 40/02,41/02 10~1260A
283 Phase Fast TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
284 Phase Fast Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
285 Phase Fast Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
286 Phase Fast Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
287 Phase Fast Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
288 Phase Fast RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
289 Phase Delay TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
290 Phase Delay Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
291 Phase Delay Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
292 Phase Delay Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
293 Phase Delay Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
294 Phase Delay RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
295 Phase Definite Time O/C Active 40/02,41/02 ON(1),OFF(0)
296 Phase Definite Time O/C Level 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
Phase Definite Time O/C
297 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
Response Time
298 Phase High Current Pickup 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
299 Phase High Current Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
300 Phase 2nd harmonic restraint 40/02,41/02 0(No),1(Yes)
0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or
301 Phase Fault Trip Direction 40/02,41/02
302 Ground Pickup Current 40/02,41/02 5~900A
303 Ground Fast TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
304 Ground Fast Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
305 Ground Fast Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
306 Ground Fast Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
307 Ground Fast Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
308 Ground Fast RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
309 Ground Delay TCC type 40/02,41/02 1~48
310 Ground Delay Time Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
311 Ground Delay Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
312 Ground Delay Min Response Time 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 164

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

313 Ground Delay Reset Type 40/02,41/02 RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)

314 Ground Delay RDMT 40/02,41/02 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
315 Ground Definite Time O/C Active 40/02,41/02 ON(1),OFF(0)
316 Ground Definite Time O/C Level 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
Ground Definite Time Response
317 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
318 Ground High Current Pickup 40/02,41/02 50~10000A
319 Ground High Current Time Adder 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00,step:0.01
320 Ground 2nd harmonic Restraint 40/02,41/02 0(No),1(Yes)
0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or
321 Ground Fault Trip Direction 40/02,41/02
322 SEF - Pickup Current(3Io) 40/02,41/02 0.1~20.0A
323 SEF - Pickup Voltage(-3Vo) 40/02,41/02 10~80%
324 SEF - Max. Torque Angle 40/02,41/02 0~345,step:15 DEG
325 SEF - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0.1~30.0 step:0.1 Sec
326 SEF - 2nd harmonic restraint 40/02,41/02 No(0),Yes(1)
327 SEF - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
328 2nd Inrush - harmonic level 40/02,41/02 5~50%
329 2nd Inrush - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0.02~1.00,step:0.01
330 2nd Inrush - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
331 Direction – 3I1 Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
332 Direction – 3V1 Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
333 Direction – 3I1 Max Torque Angle 40/02,41/02 0~355, step:5
334 Direction – 3Io Max Torque Angle 40/02,41/02 0~355, step:5
335 Direction – 3Io Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
336 Direction – -3Vo Threshold 40/02,41/02 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
337 Phase Loss - Volt On level 40/02,41/02 50~90,step:5
338 Phase Loss - Volt Off level 40/02,41/02 35~75,step:5
339 Phase Loss - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
340 Phase Loss - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
341 Under voltage - Detection level 40/02,41/02 0.30~0.95, step:0.01
342 Under voltage - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0~180.0, step:0.1
343 Under voltage - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
344 Over voltage - Detection level 40/02,41/02 1.05~1.50, step:0.01
345 Over voltage - Detection Time 40/02,41/02 0~180.0, step:0.1
346 Over voltage - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
Under Frequency - Detection
347 40/02,41/02 47.00~59.98,step:0.01

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 165

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

Under Frequency - Detection

348 40/02,41/02 0.03~10.00, step:0.01
Delay Time
Under Frequency - Function
349 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
350 Sync Fail - Phase difference 40/02,41/02 5~60
351 Sync Fail - Delay Time 40/02,41/02 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
352 Sync Fail - Function Select 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
353 Phase Cold Load Pickup Multiplier 40/02,41/02 0(Off), 1~10
354 Phase Cold Load Duration 40/02,41/02 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
Ground Cold Load Pickup
355 40/02,41/02 0(Off), 1~10
356 Ground Cold Load Duration 40/02,41/02 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
357 Oper. To Lockout Phase 40/02,41/02 1~4
358 Oper. To Lockout Ground 40/02,41/02 1~4
359 Oper. Fast Curve Phase 40/02,41/02 0~4
360 Oper. Fast Curve Ground 40/02,41/02 0~4
361 High Current Phase Active 40/02,41/02 0~4
362 High Current Ground Active 40/02,41/02 0~4
363 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 1st 40/02,41/02 0.5~180.0,step:0.1
364 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 2nd 40/02,41/02 1~180
365 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 3rd 40/02,41/02 1~180
366 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 4th 40/02,41/02 1~180
367 Phase/Ground Reset Time 40/02,41/02 3~180
368 Oper. To Lockout SEF 40/02,41/02 1~4
369 SEF Reclose Interval 1st 40/02,41/02 0.5~180.0,step:0.1
370 SEF Reclose Interval 2nd 40/02,41/02 1~180
371 SEF Reclose Interval 3rd 40/02,41/02 1~180
372 SEF Reclose Interval 4th 40/02,41/02 1~180
373 SEF Reset Time 40/02,41/02 3~180
374 Single Shot Time 40/02,41/02 0~180
375 Seq. Coordination Active 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
Common Setting
376 Default setting group 40/02,41/02 1~4
Automation Detection Group
377 40/02,41/02 0(Off),1(On)
378 Reverse power flow setting group 40/02,41/02 1~4
File Transfer
“EV_BIO” 70/01 I/O Event history

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 166

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

“EV_FUNC” 70/01 Function Event History

“EV_SYS” 70/01 System Event History
“EV_FAULT” 70/01 Fault Event History
:EV_PQM” 70/01 Pqm Event History
“EV_DMD_I” 70/01 Demand I History
“EV_DMD_P” 70/01 Demand P History
“EV_MAX_I” 70/01 Max. I History
“EV_MAX_P” 70/01 Max. P History
“WAVE_INFO” 70/01 Wave Info
“FI_WAVE_1” 70/01 Fault Waveform (Recent)
“FI_WAVE_2” 70/01 Fault Waveform
“FI_WAVE_3” 70/01 Fault Waveform
“FI_WAVE_4” 70/01 Fault Waveform
“FI_WAVE_5” 70/01 Fault Waveform
“FI_WAVE_6” 70/01 Fault Waveform
“FI_WAVE_7” 70/01 Fault Waveform
“FI_WAVE_8” 70/01 Fault Waveform (Oldest)
“PQ_WAVE_1” 70/01 Pqm Waveform (Recent)
“PQ_WAVE_2” 70/01 Pqm Waveform
“PQ_WAVE_3” 70/01 Pqm Waveform
“PQ_WAVE_4” 70/01 Pqm Waveform
“PQ_WAVE_5” 70/01 Pqm Waveform
“PQ_WAVE_6” 70/01 Pqm Waveform (Oldest)
“PQ_WAVE_0” 70/01 Manual Waveform
I/O Event File Record Format
I/O Event ID Unsigned short
I/O Event Date & Time DNP Time
I/O Event Status Flags Unsigned short
Function Event File Record Format
Function Event ID Unsigned short
Function Event Date & Time DNP Time
Function Event Status Flags Unsigned short
System Event File Record Format
System Event ID Unsigned short
System Event Date & Time DNP Time
System Event Status Flags Unsigned short
Fault Event File Record Format

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 167

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

Fault Event Date & Time DNP Time

Fault Event Status Unsigned short
Fault Event Ia Unsigned short
Fault Event Ib Unsigned short
Fault Event Ic Unsigned short
Fault Event In Unsigned short
Fault Event Vo Unsigned short
Fault Event Active Group Unsigned short
Reserved Unsigned short
Reserved Unsigned short
Reserved Unsigned short
PQM Event File Record Format
PQM event # ID Unsigned short
PQM event # Date & Time DNP Time
PQM event # Duration Unsigned short
PQM event # Value Unsigned short
Demand I Event File Record Format
Demand I Date & Time DNP Time
Demand I Ia Unsigned short
Demand I Ib Unsigned short
Demand I Ic Unsigned short
Demand I In Unsigned short
Demand P Event File Record Format
Demand P Date & Time DNP Time
Demand P kWa short
Demand P kWb short
Demand P kWc short
Demand P kW3ph short
Demand P kVARa short
Demand P kVARb short
Demand P kVARc short
Demand P kVAR3ph short
Max. I Event File Record Format
Max. I Date & Time DNP Time
Max. I Ia Unsigned short
Max. I Ib Unsigned short
Max. I Ic Unsigned short

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 168

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

Max. I In Unsigned short

Max. P Event File Record Format
Max. P Date & Time DNP Time
Max. P kWa short
Max. P kWb short
Max. P kWc short
Max. P kW3ph short
Max. P kVARa short
Max. P kVARb short
Max. P kVARc short
Max. P kVAR3ph short
Wave Info File Record Format
FI_WAVE _1 Date & Time DNP Time
FI_WAVE _1 frequency Unsigned char
FI_WAVE _1 Type Unsigned char
FI_WAVE _1 Cycle Unsigned char
FI_WAVE _1 Sampling Unsigned char

FI_WAVE _8 Date & Time DNP Time

FI_WAVE _8 frequency Unsigned char
FI_WAVE _8 Type Unsigned char
FI_WAVE _8 Cycle Unsigned char
FI_WAVE _8 Sampling Unsigned char
PQ_WAVE _1 Date & Time DNP Time
PQ_WAVE _1 frequency Unsigned char
PQ_WAVE _1 Type Unsigned char
PQ_WAVE _1 Cycle Unsigned char
PQ_WAVE _1 Sampling Unsigned char
PQ_WAVE _6 Date & Time DNP Time
PQ_WAVE _6 frequency Unsigned char
PQ_WAVE _6 Type Unsigned char
PQ_WAVE _6 Cycle Unsigned char
PQ_WAVE _6 Sampling Unsigned char
PQ_WAVE _0 Date & Time DNP Time
PQ_WAVE _0 frequency Unsigned char
PQ_WAVE _0 Type Unsigned char
PQ_WAVE _0 Cycle Unsigned char

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 169

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

PQ_WAVE _0 Sampling Unsigned char

Sample waveform File Record Format
Sample Waveform Date & Time DNP Time
Fault Status Record Unsigned short
Sampling Rate = 128 0 Unsigned short
Reserved 10 Bytes
Sample Va[0] -32768 ~ +32767
Sample Vb[0] -32768 ~ +32767
Sample Vc[0] -32768 ~ +32767
Sample Ia[0] Record -32768 ~ +32767
Sample Ib[0] 1~2560 -32768 ~ +32767
Sample Ic[0] -32768 ~ +32767
Sample In[0] -32768 ~ +32767
Sample Op. Status[] Unsigned short

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 170

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


Description Remark

M_SP_NA_1 points
100 Reserved
101 Ext. AC Power Loss
102 Battery Discharged
103 DI Spare #5 Contact closed = 1
104 DI Spare #6 Contact closed = 1
105 DI Spare #7 Contact closed = 1
106 DI Spare #8 Contact closed = 1
107 DI Spare #9 Contact closed = 1
108 DI Spare #10 Contact closed = 1
109 Control Mode Local = 1
110 Fault Indicator (A)
111 Fault Indicator (B)
112 Fault Indicator (C)
113 Fault Indicator (N)
114 Fault Indicator (SEF)
115 Reverse Direction Fault
116 Live Source
117 Live Load
118 Open Line Detection A
119 Open Line Detection B
120 Open Line Detection C
121 Open Line Detection R
122 Open Line Detection S
123 Open Line Detection T
124 Sync. Fail A
125 Sync. Fail B
126 Sync. Fail C
127 Under Frequency Op.
128 Under Voltage A
129 Under Voltage B

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 171

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

130 Under Voltage C

131 Over Voltage A
132 Over Voltage B
133 Over Voltage C
134 Source Voltage Unbalance
135 Current Unbalance
136 Sag Detection A
137 Sag Detection B
138 Sag Detection C
139 Swell Detection A
140 Swell Detection B
141 Swell Detection C
142 Interruption Detection A
143 Interruption Detection B
144 Interruption Detection C
145 Voltage THD A
146 Voltage THD B
147 Voltage THD C
148 Current THD A
149 Current THD B
150 Current THD C
151 System Error
152 Inrush Detected
153 Mode Lock
154 Reclosing Blocked
155 Protection Blocked
156 Ground Protection Blocked
157 High Current Trip
158 Sequence Lockout
C_SC_NA_1 points
200 Annunciator Manual Reset No Select Required
201 Battery Test Output No Select Required
M_DP_NA_1 points
300 Switch Status
C_DC_NA_1 points
400 Switch Open/Close Control Select Required Before Execute
M_ME_NB_1 points

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 172

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

1000 Ia RMS A
1001 Ib RMS A
1002 Ic RMS A
1003 In RMS A
1004 Source side Va RMS V
1005 Source side Vb RMS V
1006 Source side Vc RMS V
1007 Source side Vo RMS V
1008 Load side Va RMS V
1009 Load side Vb RMS V
1010 Load side Vc RMS V
1011 Load side Vo RMS V
1012 KVAa kVA
1013 KVAb kVA
1014 KVAc kVA
1015 kVA3ph kVA
1016 KWa kW
1017 KWb kW
1018 KWc kW
1019 kW3ph kW
1020 KVARa kVAR
1021 KVARb kVAR
1022 KVARc kVAR
1023 kVAR3ph kVAR
1024 PFa X100
1025 PFb X100
1026 PFc X100
1027 PF3ph X100
1028 Va-Vr Phase Angle Diff o 10
1029 Frequency HZ100
1030 Temperature
1031 Ia phase angle 10
1032 Ib phase angle o 10
1033 Ic phase angle o 10
1034 In phase angle o 10
1035 Source side Va phase angle o 10
1036 Source side Vb phase angle 10

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 173

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

1037 Source side Vc phase angle o 10

1038 Source side Vo phase angle o 10
1039 Load side Va phase angle o 10
1040 Load side Vb phase angle o 10
1041 Load side Vc phase angle o 10
1042 Load side Vo phase angle o 10
1043 I1 RMS A
1044 I1 phase angle o 10
1045 I2 RMS A
1046 I2 phase angle o 10
1047 Source side V1 RMS V
1048 Source side V1 phase angle o 10
1049 Source side V2 RMS V
1050 Source side V2 phase angle 10
1051 Load side V1 RMS A
1052 Load side V1 phase angle 10
1053 Load side V2 RMS A
1054 Load side V2 phase angle o 10
1055 Source side Voltage Unbalance ratio %
1056 Load side Voltage Unbalance ratio %
1057 Current Unbalance ratio %
1058 PFa lead Leading = 1
1059 PFb lead Leading = 1
1060 PFc lead Leading = 1
1061 PF3ph lead Leading = 1
1062 Last Fault Ia A
1063 Last Fault Ib A
1064 Last Fault Ic A
1065 Last Fault In A
1066 Last Fault vo A
1067 Last Fault location km
1068 Last Fault I2t
1069 Demand I Ia A
1070 Demand I Ib A
1071 Demand I Ic A
1072 Demand I In A
1073 Demand P kWa kW

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ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

1074 Demand P kWb kW

1075 Demand P kWc kW
1076 Demand P kW3ph kW
1077 Demand P kVARa kVAR
1078 Demand P kVARb kVAR
1079 Demand P kVARc kVAR
1080 Demand P kVAR3ph kVAR
1081 Max. I Ia A
1082 Max. I Ib A
1083 Max. I Ic A
1084 Max. I In A
1085 Max. P1 kWa kW
1086 Max. P1 kWb kW
1087 Max. P1 kWc kW
1088 Max. P1 kW3ph kW
1089 Max. P1 kVARa kVAR
1090 Max. P1 kVARb kVAR
1091 Max. P1 kVARc kVAR
1092 Max. P1 kVAR3ph kVAR
1093 3-phase currents THD %
1094 Ia THD %
1095 Ib THD %
1096 Ic THD %
1097 In THD %
1098 Source side 3-phase voltages THD %
1099 Source side Va THD %
1100 Source side Vb THD %
1101 Source side Vc THD %
1102 Ia true RMS A
1103 Ib true RMS A
1104 Ic true RMS A
1105 In true RMS A
1106 Va true RMS V
1107 Vb true RMS V
1108 Vc true RMS V
1109 Vr true RMS V
1110 Vs true RMS V

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 175

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

1111 Vt true RMS V

1112 Vab true RMS V
1113 Vbc true RMS V
1114 Vca true RMS V
1115 Vrs true RMS V
1116 Vst true RMS V
1117 Vtr true RMS V
1118 Active Group
1119 TD #1 mA1000
1120 TD #2 mA1000
1121 Va 2nd harmonic RMS V
1122 Vb 2nd harmonic RMS V
1123 Vc 2nd harmonic RMS V
1124 Ia 2nd harmonic RMS A
1125 Ib 2nd harmonic RMS A
1126 Ic 2nd harmonic RMS A
1127 In 2nd harmonic RMS A
1128 Va 3rd harmonic RMS V
1129 Vb 3rd harmonic RMS V
1130 Vc 3rd harmonic RMS V
1131 Ia 3rd harmonic RMS A
1132 Ib 3rd harmonic RMS A
1133 Ic 3rd harmonic RMS A
1134 In 3rd harmonic RMS A
1135 Va 4th harmonic RMS V
1136 Vb 4th harmonic RMS V
1137 Vc 4th harmonic RMS V
1138 Ia 4th harmonic RMS A
1139 Ib 4th harmonic RMS A
1140 Ic 4th harmonic RMS A
1141 In 4th harmonic RMS A

1324 Va 31th harmonic RMS V

1325 Vb 31th harmonic RMS V
1326 Vc 31th harmonic RMS V
1327 Ia 31th harmonic RMS A
1328 Ib 31 harmonic RMS A

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ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

1329 Ic 31th harmonic RMS A

1330 In 31th harmonic RMS A
M_IT_NA_1 points
4000 Restart Count --
4001 Switch Trip (or Open) Count --
4002 All Faults Count --
4003 A-phase Fault Count --
4004 B-phase Fault Count --
4005 C-phase Fault Count --
4006 N-phase Fault Count --
4007 kWattHour-a (Positive) kWh
4008 kWattHour-b (Positive) kWh
4009 kWattHour-c (Positive) kWh
4010 kWattHour-3ph (Positive) kWh
4011 kWattHour-a (Negative) kWh
4012 kWattHour-b (Negative) kWh
4013 kWattHour-c (Negative) kWh
4014 kWattHour-3ph (Negative) kWh
4015 kVarHour-a (Inductive Positive) kVarh
4016 kVarHour-b (Inductive Positive) kVarh
4017 kVarHour-c (Inductive Positive) kVarh
4018 kVarHour-3ph (Inductive Positive) kVarh
4019 kVarHour-a (Capacitive Positive) kVarh
4020 kVarHour-b (Capacitive Positive) kVarh
4021 kVarHour-c (Capacitive Positive) kVarh
4022 kVarHour-3ph (Capacitive Positive) kVarh
4023 kVarHour-a (Inductive Negative) kVarh
4024 kVarHour-b (Inductive Negative) kVarh
4025 kVarHour-c (Inductive Negative) kVarh
4026 kVarHour-3ph (Inductive Negative) kVarh
4027 kVarHour-a (Capacitive Negative) kVarh
4028 kVarHour-b (Capacitive Negative) kVarh
4029 kVarHour-c (Capacitive Negative) kVarh
4030 kVarHour-3ph (Capacitive Negative) kVarh
4031 Sag Counts --
4032 Sag A Counts --
4033 Sag B Counts --

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ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

4034 Sag C Counts --

4035 Sag Instantaneous Counts --
4036 Sag Momentary Counts --
4037 Sag Temporary Counts --
4038 Sag Long-time Counts --
4039 Swell Counts --
4040 Swell A Counts --
4041 Swell B Counts --
4042 Swell C Counts --
4043 Swell Instantaneous Counts --
4044 Swell Momentary Counts --
4045 Swell Temporary Counts --
4046 Swell Long-time Counts --
4047 Interruption Counts --
4048 Interruption A Counts --
4049 Interruption B Counts --
4050 Interruption C Counts --
4051 Interruption Momentary Counts --
4052 Interruption Temporary Counts --
4053 Interruption Sustained Counts --
4054 Interruption Total Time --
4055 Interruption A Total Time --
4056 Interruption B Total Time --
4057 Interruption C Total Time --
4058 Source Voltage THD Counts --
4059 Source Voltage THD A Counts --
4060 Source Voltage THD B Counts --
4061 Source Voltage THD C Counts --
4062 Current THD Counts --
4063 Current THD A Counts --
4064 Current THD B Counts --
4065 Current THD C Counts --
C_SE_NB_1 points
Setting Group1
2000 Phase Pickup Current 10~1260A
2001 Phase Fast TCC type 1~48
2002 Phase Fast Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 178

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

2003 Phase Fast Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01

2004 Phase Fast Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2005 Phase Fast Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2006 Phase Fast RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2007 Phase Delay TCC type 1~48
2008 Phase Delay Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2009 Phase Delay Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2010 Phase Delay Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2011 Phase Delay Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2012 Phase Delay RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2013 Phase Definite Time O/C Active ON(1),OFF(0)
2014 Phase Definite Time O/C Level 50~10000A
2015 Phase Definite Time O/C Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2016 Phase High Current Pickup 50~10000A
2017 Phase High Current Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2018 Phase 2nd harmonic restraint 0(No),1(Yes)
2019 Phase Fault Trip Direction 0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or rev)
2020 Ground Pickup Current 5~900A
2021 Ground Fast TCC type 1~48
2022 Ground Fast Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2023 Ground Fast Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2024 Ground Fast Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2025 Ground Fast Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2026 Ground Fast RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2027 Ground Delay TCC type 1~48
2028 Ground Delay Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2029 Ground Delay Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2030 Ground Delay Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2031 Ground Delay Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2032 Ground Delay RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2033 Ground Definite Time O/C Active ON(1),OFF(0)
2034 Ground Definite Time O/C Level 50~10000A
2035 Ground Definite Time Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2036 Ground High Current Pickup 50~10000A
2037 Ground High Current Time Adder 0.00~1.00,step:0.01
2038 Ground 2nd harmonic Restraint 0(No),1(Yes)
2039 Ground Fault Trip Direction 0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or rev)

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 179

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

2040 SEF - Pickup Current(3Io) 0.1~20.0A

2041 SEF - Pickup Voltage(-3Vo) 10~80%
2042 SEF - Max. Torque Angle 0~345,step:15 DEG
2043 SEF - Detection Time 0.1~30.0 step:0.1 Sec
2044 SEF - 2nd harmonic restraint No(0),Yes(1)
2045 SEF - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2046 2nd Inrush - harmonic level 5~50%
2047 2nd Inrush - Detection Time 0.02~1.00,step:0.01
2048 2nd Inrush - Function Select 0(Off),1(On)
2049 Direction – 3I1 Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2050 Direction – 3V1 Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2051 Direction – 3I1 Max Torque Angle 0~355, step:5
2052 Direction – 3Io Max Torque Angle 0~355, step:5
2053 Direction – 3Io Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2054 Direction – -3Vo Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2055 Phase Loss - Volt On level 50~90,step:5
2056 Phase Loss - Volt Off level 35~75,step:5
2057 Phase Loss - Detection Time 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
2058 Phase Loss - Function Select 0(Off),1(On)
2059 Under voltage - Detection level 0.30~0.95, step:0.01
2060 Under voltage - Detection Time 0~180.0, step:0.1
2061 Under voltage - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2062 Over voltage - Detection level 1.05~1.50, step:0.01
2063 Over voltage - Detection Time 0~180.0, step:0.1
2064 Over voltage - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2065 Under Frequency - Detection Level 47.00~59.98,step:0.01
2066 Under Frequency - Detection Delay Time 0.03~10.00, step:0.01
2067 Under Frequency - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2068 Sync Fail - Phase difference 5~60
2069 Sync Fail - Delay Time 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
2070 Sync Fail - Function Select 0(Off),1(On)
2071 Phase Cold Load Pickup Multiplier 0(Off), 1~10
2072 Phase Cold Load Duration 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
2073 Ground Cold Load Pickup Multiplier 0(Off), 1~10
2074 Ground Cold Load Duration 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
2075 Oper. To Lockout Phase 1~4
2076 Oper. To Lockout Ground 1~4

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ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

2077 Oper. Fast Curve Phase 0~4

2078 Oper. Fast Curve Ground 0~4
2079 High Current Phase Active 0~4
2080 High Current Ground Active 0~4
2081 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 1st 0.5~180.0,step:0.1
2082 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 2nd 1~180
2083 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 3rd 1~180
2084 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 4th 1~180
2085 Phase/Ground Reset Time 3~180
2086 Oper. To Lockout SEF 1~4
2087 SEF Reclose Interval 1st 0.5~180.0,step:0.1
2088 SEF Reclose Interval 2nd 1~180
2089 SEF Reclose Interval 3rd 1~180
2090 SEF Reclose Interval 4th 1~180
2091 SEF Reset Time 3~180
2092 Single Shot Time 0~180
2093 Seq. Coordination Active 0(Off),1(On)
Setting Group2
2094 Phase Pickup Current 10~1260A
2095 Phase Fast TCC type 1~48
2096 Phase Fast Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2097 Phase Fast Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2098 Phase Fast Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2099 Phase Fast Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2100 Phase Fast RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2101 Phase Delay TCC type 1~48
2102 Phase Delay Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2103 Phase Delay Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2104 Phase Delay Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2105 Phase Delay Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2106 Phase Delay RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2107 Phase Definite Time O/C Active ON(1),OFF(0)
2108 Phase Definite Time O/C Level 50~10000A
2109 Phase Definite Time O/C Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2110 Phase High Current Pickup 50~10000A
2111 Phase High Current Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2112 Phase 2 harmonic restraint 0(No),1(Yes)

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ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

2113 Phase Fault Trip Direction 0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or rev)

2114 Ground Pickup Current 5~900A
2115 Ground Fast TCC type 1~48
2116 Ground Fast Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2117 Ground Fast Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2118 Ground Fast Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2119 Ground Fast Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2120 Ground Fast RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2121 Ground Delay TCC type 1~48
2122 Ground Delay Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2123 Ground Delay Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2124 Ground Delay Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2125 Ground Delay Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2126 Ground Delay RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2127 Ground Definite Time O/C Active ON(1),OFF(0)
2128 Ground Definite Time O/C Level 50~10000A
2129 Ground Definite Time Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2130 Ground High Current Pickup 50~10000A
2131 Ground High Current Time Adder 0.00~1.00,step:0.01
2132 Ground 2nd harmonic Restraint 0(No),1(Yes)
2133 Ground Fault Trip Direction 0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or rev)
2134 SEF - Pickup Current(3Io) 0.1~20.0A
2135 SEF - Pickup Voltage(-3Vo) 10~80%
2136 SEF - Max. Torque Angle 0~345,step:15 DEG
2137 SEF - Detection Time 0.1~30.0 step:0.1 Sec
2138 SEF - 2nd harmonic restraint No(0),Yes(1)
2139 SEF - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2140 2nd Inrush - harmonic level 5~50%
2141 2nd Inrush - Detection Time 0.02~1.00,step:0.01
2142 2nd Inrush - Function Select 0(Off),1(On)
2143 Direction – 3I1 Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2144 Direction – 3V1 Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2145 Direction – 3I1 Max Torque Angle 0~355, step:5
2146 Direction – 3Io Max Torque Angle 0~355, step:5
2147 Direction – 3Io Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2148 Direction – -3Vo Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2149 Phase Loss - Volt On level 50~90,step:5

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 182

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

2150 Phase Loss - Volt Off level 35~75,step:5

2151 Phase Loss - Detection Time 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
2152 Phase Loss - Function Select 0(Off),1(On)
2153 Under voltage - Detection level 0.30~0.95, step:0.01
2154 Under voltage - Detection Time 0~180.0, step:0.1
2155 Under voltage - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2156 Over voltage - Detection level 1.05~1.50, step:0.01
2157 Over voltage - Detection Time 0~180.0, step:0.1
2158 Over voltage - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2159 Under Frequency - Detection Level 47.00~59.98,step:0.01
2160 Under Frequency - Detection Delay Time 0.03~10.00, step:0.01
2161 Under Frequency - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2162 Sync Fail - Phase difference 5~60
2163 Sync Fail - Delay Time 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
2164 Sync Fail - Function Select 0(Off),1(On)
2165 Phase Cold Load Pickup Multiplier 0(Off), 1~10
2166 Phase Cold Load Duration 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
2167 Ground Cold Load Pickup Multiplier 0(Off), 1~10
2168 Ground Cold Load Duration 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
2169 Oper. To Lockout Phase 1~4
2170 Oper. To Lockout Ground 1~4
2171 Oper. Fast Curve Phase 0~4
2172 Oper. Fast Curve Ground 0~4
2173 High Current Phase Active 0~4
2174 High Current Ground Active 0~4
2175 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 1st 0.5~180.0,step:0.1
2176 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 2nd 1~180
2177 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 3rd 1~180
2178 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 4th 1~180
2179 Phase/Ground Reset Time 3~180
2180 Oper. To Lockout SEF 1~4
2181 SEF Reclose Interval 1st 0.5~180.0,step:0.1
2182 SEF Reclose Interval 2nd 1~180
2183 SEF Reclose Interval 3rd 1~180
2184 SEF Reclose Interval 4th 1~180
2185 SEF Reset Time 3~180
2186 Single Shot Time 0~180

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ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

2187 Seq. Coordination Active 0(Off),1(On)

Setting Group3
2188 Phase Pickup Current 10~1260A
2189 Phase Fast TCC type 1~48
2190 Phase Fast Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2191 Phase Fast Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2192 Phase Fast Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2193 Phase Fast Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2194 Phase Fast RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2195 Phase Delay TCC type 1~48
2196 Phase Delay Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2197 Phase Delay Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2198 Phase Delay Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2199 Phase Delay Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2200 Phase Delay RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2201 Phase Definite Time O/C Active ON(1),OFF(0)
2202 Phase Definite Time O/C Level 50~10000A
2203 Phase Definite Time O/C Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2204 Phase High Current Pickup 50~10000A
2205 Phase High Current Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2206 Phase 2nd harmonic restraint 0(No),1(Yes)
2207 Phase Fault Trip Direction 0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or rev)
2208 Ground Pickup Current 5~900A
2209 Ground Fast TCC type 1~48
2210 Ground Fast Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2211 Ground Fast Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2212 Ground Fast Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2213 Ground Fast Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2214 Ground Fast RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2215 Ground Delay TCC type 1~48
2216 Ground Delay Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2217 Ground Delay Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2218 Ground Delay Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2219 Ground Delay Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2220 Ground Delay RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2221 Ground Definite Time O/C Active ON(1),OFF(0)
2222 Ground Definite Time O/C Level 50~10000A

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 184

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

2223 Ground Definite Time Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01

2224 Ground High Current Pickup 50~10000A
2225 Ground High Current Time Adder 0.00~1.00,step:0.01
2226 Ground 2nd harmonic Restraint 0(No),1(Yes)
2227 Ground Fault Trip Direction 0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or rev)
2228 SEF - Pickup Current(3Io) 0.1~20.0A
2229 SEF - Pickup Voltage(-3Vo) 10~80%
2230 SEF - Max. Torque Angle 0~345,step:15 DEG
2231 SEF - Detection Time 0.1~30.0 step:0.1 Sec
2232 SEF - 2nd harmonic restraint No(0),Yes(1)
2233 SEF - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2234 2nd Inrush - harmonic level 5~50%
2235 2nd Inrush - Detection Time 0.02~1.00,step:0.01
2236 2nd Inrush - Function Select 0(Off),1(On)
2237 Direction – 3I1 Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2238 Direction – 3V1 Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2239 Direction – 3I1 Max Torque Angle 0~355, step:5
2240 Direction – 3Io Max Torque Angle 0~355, step:5
2241 Direction – 3Io Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2242 Direction – -3Vo Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2243 Phase Loss - Volt On level 50~90,step:5
2244 Phase Loss - Volt Off level 35~75,step:5
2245 Phase Loss - Detection Time 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
2246 Phase Loss - Function Select 0(Off),1(On)
2247 Under voltage - Detection level 0.30~0.95, step:0.01
2248 Under voltage - Detection Time 0~180.0, step:0.1
2249 Under voltage - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2250 Over voltage - Detection level 1.05~1.50, step:0.01
2251 Over voltage - Detection Time 0~180.0, step:0.1
2252 Over voltage - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2253 Under Frequency - Detection Level 47.00~59.98,step:0.01
2254 Under Frequency - Detection Delay Time 0.03~10.00, step:0.01
2255 Under Frequency - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2256 Sync Fail - Phase difference 5~60
2257 Sync Fail - Delay Time 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
2258 Sync Fail - Function Select 0(Off),1(On)
2259 Phase Cold Load Pickup Multiplier 0(Off), 1~10

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ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

2260 Phase Cold Load Duration 0.00~60.00 step:0.01

2261 Ground Cold Load Pickup Multiplier 0(Off), 1~10
2262 Ground Cold Load Duration 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
2263 Oper. To Lockout Phase 1~4
2264 Oper. To Lockout Ground 1~4
2265 Oper. Fast Curve Phase 0~4
2266 Oper. Fast Curve Ground 0~4
2267 High Current Phase Active 0~4
2268 High Current Ground Active 0~4
2269 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 1st 0.5~180.0,step:0.1
2270 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 2nd 1~180
2271 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 3rd 1~180
2272 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 4th 1~180
2273 Phase/Ground Reset Time 3~180
2274 Oper. To Lockout SEF 1~4
2275 SEF Reclose Interval 1st 0.5~180.0,step:0.1
2276 SEF Reclose Interval 2nd 1~180
2277 SEF Reclose Interval 3rd 1~180
2278 SEF Reclose Interval 4th 1~180
2279 SEF Reset Time 3~180
2280 Single Shot Time 0~180
2281 Seq. Coordination Active 0(Off),1(On)
Setting Group4
2282 Phase Pickup Current 10~1260A
2283 Phase Fast TCC type 1~48
2284 Phase Fast Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2285 Phase Fast Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2286 Phase Fast Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2287 Phase Fast Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2288 Phase Fast RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2289 Phase Delay TCC type 1~48
2290 Phase Delay Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2291 Phase Delay Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2292 Phase Delay Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2293 Phase Delay Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2294 Phase Delay RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2295 Phase Definite Time O/C Active ON(1),OFF(0)

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ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

2296 Phase Definite Time O/C Level 50~10000A

2297 Phase Definite Time O/C Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2298 Phase High Current Pickup 50~10000A
2299 Phase High Current Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2300 Phase 2nd harmonic restraint 0(No),1(Yes)
2301 Phase Fault Trip Direction 0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or rev)
2302 Ground Pickup Current 5~900A
2303 Ground Fast TCC type 1~48
2304 Ground Fast Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2305 Ground Fast Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2306 Ground Fast Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2307 Ground Fast Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2308 Ground Fast RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2309 Ground Delay TCC type 1~48
2310 Ground Delay Time Multiplier 0.05~2.00,step:0.01
2311 Ground Delay Time Adder 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2312 Ground Delay Min Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2313 Ground Delay Reset Type RDMT(0)/RIDMT(1)
2314 Ground Delay RDMT 0.00~100.00,step:0.01
2315 Ground Definite Time O/C Active ON(1),OFF(0)
2316 Ground Definite Time O/C Level 50~10000A
2317 Ground Definite Time Response Time 0.00~1.00sec,step:0.01
2318 Ground High Current Pickup 50~10000A
2319 Ground High Current Time Adder 0.00~1.00,step:0.01
2320 Ground 2nd harmonic Restraint 0(No),1(Yes)
2321 Ground Fault Trip Direction 0(off),1(fwd),2(rev),3(fwd or rev)
2322 SEF - Pickup Current(3Io) 0.1~20.0A
2323 SEF - Pickup Voltage(-3Vo) 10~80%
2324 SEF - Max. Torque Angle 0~345,step:15 DEG
2325 SEF - Detection Time 0.1~30.0 step:0.1 Sec
2326 SEF - 2nd harmonic restraint No(0),Yes(1)
2327 SEF - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2328 2nd Inrush - harmonic level 5~50%
2329 2nd Inrush - Detection Time 0.02~1.00,step:0.01
2330 2nd Inrush - Function Select 0(Off),1(On)
2331 Direction – 3I1 Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2332 Direction – 3V1 Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 187

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

2333 Direction – 3I1 Max Torque Angle 0~355, step:5

2334 Direction – 3Io Max Torque Angle 0~355, step:5
2335 Direction – 3Io Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2336 Direction – -3Vo Threshold 0.00~1.00, step:0.01
2337 Phase Loss - Volt On level 50~90,step:5
2338 Phase Loss - Volt Off level 35~75,step:5
2339 Phase Loss - Detection Time 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
2340 Phase Loss - Function Select 0(Off),1(On)
2341 Under voltage - Detection level 0.30~0.95, step:0.01
2342 Under voltage - Detection Time 0~180.0, step:0.1
2343 Under voltage - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2344 Over voltage - Detection level 1.05~1.50, step:0.01
2345 Over voltage - Detection Time 0~180.0, step:0.1
2346 Over voltage - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2347 Under Frequency - Detection Level 47.00~59.98,step:0.01
2348 Under Frequency - Detection Delay Time 0.03~10.00, step:0.01
2349 Under Frequency - Function Select 0(Off),1(Alarm),2(Trip)
2350 Sync Fail - Phase difference 5~60
2351 Sync Fail - Delay Time 0.1~30.0 step:0.1
2352 Sync Fail - Function Select 0(Off),1(On)
2353 Phase Cold Load Pickup Multiplier 0(Off), 1~10
2354 Phase Cold Load Duration 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
2355 Ground Cold Load Pickup Multiplier 0(Off), 1~10
2356 Ground Cold Load Duration 0.00~60.00 step:0.01
2357 Oper. To Lockout Phase 1~4
2358 Oper. To Lockout Ground 1~4
2359 Oper. Fast Curve Phase 0~4
2360 Oper. Fast Curve Ground 0~4
2361 High Current Phase Active 0~4
2362 High Current Ground Active 0~4
2363 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 1st 0.5~180.0,step:0.1
2364 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 2nd 1~180
2365 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 3rd 1~180
2366 Phase/Ground Reclose Interval 4th 1~180
2367 Phase/Ground Reset Time 3~180
2368 Oper. To Lockout SEF 1~4
2369 SEF Reclose Interval 1 0.5~180.0,step:0.1

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ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.

2370 SEF Reclose Interval 2nd 1~180

2371 SEF Reclose Interval 3rd 1~180
2372 SEF Reclose Interval 4th 1~180
2373 SEF Reset Time 3~180
2374 Single Shot Time 0~180
2375 Seq. Coordination Active 0(Off),1(On)
Common Setting
2376 Default setting group 1~4
2377 Automation Detection Group Selection 0(Off),1(On)
2378 Reverse power flow setting group 1~4

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 189

ISO 9001 certified Jin Kwang E & C Corp.


705, Buk-ri, Namsa-myeon,Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Tel. +82-31-333-3444 Fax. +82-31-332-5300
http/ E-mail :

Instruction manual of SF6 recloser with FTU-R200 control unit 190

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