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GRADUATE SCHOOL DAY: Research Colloquium and Forum

Theme: “Inculcate Research Culture in the University”
April 27, 2019 (8:00 AM)
Graduate School Function Room

The activity started at 8:00 until 9:00 in the morning with the registration which was
located the ground floor of the Graduate School Building by the GS staff. The program
started right after the arrival of the resource speaker. Dr. Rosemarie C. Abocot officially
started the event as the master of the ceremony (emcee). It started with an invocation
and the Philippine National Anthem in multimedia presentation then followed by the
Opening Remarks by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Dennis C. de Paz. Then
an inspiring message came nect from Dr. Dominador O. Aguirre, Jr., the University
Prsident. Before the Lecture started, the OIC-Dean of the Graduate School, Dr. Lydia M.
Morante, introduced the Resource Speaker. Hearing from the introduction, I, rather we,
the participants, were like, “Oh”. It was because of the academic accomplishment and
other excellent recognitions of the resource speaker. His accomplishment from here, in
the Philippines, and abroad. I can say that he is really a brilliant man. He is a Mechanical
Engineering Alumna of EVSU. He is Academician Professor Alvin B. Culaba, Ph.D., a
University Fellow and Full Professor 10, an Academician of the National Academy of
Science and Technology (NAST), De la Salle University. Then came his lecture entitled,
“Journal Publication: A Quality Indicator for Graduate Research Work”. The lecture was
very interesting for he included his experiences in life especially when he was working on
researches while pursuing his continuing professional development. Many was amazed,
including me, for his accomplishments, stories and his lecture. It was indeed very helpful
to those who are working on research publication and those who are planning to publish
their researches. An open forum took place after the lecture. There were students who
asked questions and asked advices to Dr. Culaba and he eloquently answered all
inquiries and added information for those seeking for advices. The awarding of the
Certificate of Recognition to Dr. Alvin B. Culaba by Dr. Aguirre assisted by Dr. de Paz and
Dr. Morante followed right after the open forum. Then the lunch break came provided
by Sal’s Restaurant which was very delightful and scrumptious.

In the afternoon session, the Research Forum took place. There were twelve
research presenters namely Mr. Nelson D. Bernardo, Atty. Alma Sonia Q. Sanchez-
Danday, Ms. Carmelita A. Corpin, Mr. Daniel G. Amida Jr., Ms. Sonia T. Enrile, Mr. Faustino
V. Gayas, Jr., Ma. Alith R. Gomez, Mr. Nicanor B. Balame, Engr. Evelyn A. Cardoso, Ms.
Maria Celeste F. Ripalda, Ms. Lilibeth D. Alido and Mr. David C. Alcober. They were given
twenty minutes to present their researches and were judged by Graduate School
Professors namely Dr. Analyn C. Españo, Dr. Rosemarie C. Abocot and chaired by the
Graduate School Research Coordinator, Dr. Ferdinand T. Abocejo.
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Reaction Paper: Graduate School Day (Research Colloquium and Forum)
April 27, 2019 (8:00AM); Graduate School Function Room
An open forum was followed after the research presentations. And some
audience asked questions for clarifications. And they also enlightened by the answers.
Then came the awarding of Certificates of Recognition to the twelve Research Presenter
by Dr. Lydia Morante assisted by Dr. Ferdinand Abocejo. Then next was the awarding for
the Best Presenters. It was announced by Dr. Abocejo. Third Place was Ms. Maria Celeste
F. Ripalda with title, “Dance and Choreography Competence of Tertiary Physical
Education Teachers of State Universities and Colleges in Region 8”. Engr. Evelyn A.
Cardoso with title, “The Effect of Competency-Based E-Learning on the Level of
Achievement on the Spreadsheet Application of the Students in Computer and Internet
Literacy” placed Second. The research entitled, “Literacy on Education Laws of Teachers
and Administrators in State University and College in Region 8” by Atty. Alma Sonia Q.
Sanchez-Danday was the Bested them all. And the event ended with the Closing
Remarks and giving of the Certificates of Participation.

The Graduate School’s Research Colloquium and Forum and a success. It has
given the participants enough knowledge for future use and even now while undergoing
studies at the graduate school. It had also gave tips on the do’s and don’ts in presenting
a research based on the research forum. And I thank the EVSU Graduate School for
having this kind of activity which is very significant to their students.

Prepared by:


MSIT Student

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2|P a g e 2
Reaction Paper: Graduate School Day (Research Colloquium and Forum)
April 27, 2019 (8:00AM); Graduate School Function Room

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