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Plant Item No:

Mechanical Data Sheet: 24590-BOF-MV-DEP-VSL-00003A/00003B/00003C


Data Sheet No: Rev:

River Protection Project 24590-BOF-MVD-DEP-00004 1
Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant
Project: RPP-WTP P&ID: 24590-BOF-M6-DEP-00005001/00005002/00005003, Rev 1 (Ref. 1)
Project No: 24590 Process Data: 24590-BOF-MVC-DEP-00010, Rev A (Ref. 2)
Project Site: Hanford Vessel Drawing: 24590-BOF-MV-DEP-00003001, -00004001, -00005001 (Ref. 16, 17, 18)
Description: Evaporator Concentrate Vessel
Reference Data
Charge Vessels (Tag Numbers) None
Eductors (Tag Numbers) 24590-BOF-MP-DEP-EDUC-00003A, -00003B, -00003C, -00004A, -00004B, -00004C, -00005A, -00005B, -00005C (Ref. 14)
Nozzle (Tag Numbers) 24590-BOF-MN-DEP-NOZ-00004, -00009, -00010 (Ref. 1)
RFDs/Pumps (Tag Numbers) None
Design Data
Quality Level CM Fabrication Specs 24590-BOF-3PS-MVSC-T0002 (Ref. 4)
Seismic Category SC-IV Design Code ASME VIII Div 1

Service/Contents Process Radioactive Concentrate Code Stamp Yes

Specific Gravity of fluid (Min/Max) 0.98/1.35 (Ref. 2) NB Registration Yes

Maximum Operating Volume gal 11800 (Note 10) (Ref. 3) 5 Empty Operating Test
Batch Volume gal 8100 (Note 11) (Ref. 3) Actual * * *

Total Volume gal 14900 (Note 12) (Ref. 3) Not to exceed wet weight (lbs) 193,000

Area Classification R4/R3/C1 (Ref. 8) (Note 13) Not to exceed size (Notes 1 and 2) 14' Diameter x 28' High

General Data
Inside Diameter feet 12 (Ref. 16, Ref. 17, Ref. 18) Wind Design ASCE 7 - 1998
Tangent-to-Tangent (TL - TL) feet 13.5 (Ref. 16, Ref. 17, Ref. 18) Snow Design ASCE 7 - 1998
Coil/Jacket 24590-BOF-3PS-MVSC-T0002
Vessel Operating Vessel Design Seismic Design
Design (Ref. 4)

Full Vacuum/0
Internal Pressure (psig) 15 (Ref. 5) N/A Postweld Heat Treat Per Code
(Min/Max) (Ref. 2)

External Pressure (psig) 0 15 N/A Corrosion/Erosion Allownce (inch) (Ref. 19) 0.04
40/150 (Min/Max) 195 (Note 9)
Temperature (°F) N/A Head Type (Top and Bottom) 2:1 Semi-Ellipsoidal
(Ref. 2) (Ref. 6)
Min Design Metal Temp. (°F) -23 (Ref. 10) Mixing Time (Minutes) 92 (Ref. 12)
Maximum Circulating Pump Discharge Pressure
Vessel Turnover 3* (Note 14) (Ref. 12) 173 (Ref. 13 and 15)

Minimum Mixing Height (ft) * Minimum Mixing Volume (gal) *

Materials of Construction (Ref. 19)

Component Material Minimum Thickness/Size Containment
Top Head UNS N08367 / SB-688 * Auxillary
Shell UNS N08367 / SB-688 * Primary
Bottom Head UNS N08367 / SB-688 * Primary
Support SA 240 304 (Note 7) * N/A
Jacket/Coils/Half-Pipe Jacket N/A N/A N/A
Internals UNS N08367 / SB-688, SB-675 * Thermocouples Primary
Internals - Spray Nozzle Type 316L SS (Note 7)* * N/A
UNS N08367 Seamless SB-690, or N10276 / SB-622, or
Internals - Piping *
N06022 (SB-575 C22)
Forgings/Bar Stock UNS N08367 (AL6XN) (Note 29)* * Nozzle Necks
Gaskets (O Ring) N/A N/A N/A
Bolting N/A N/A N/A

Vessel Connections (Ref. 1, 16, 17, 18)

See Note 28
Miscellaneous Data
Orientation Vertical Support Type (Note 3) Skirt
Insulation Function (Note 4) Freeze Protection Insulation Density (lb/ft^3) 8 (Ref. 23)
Insulation Thickness (inch) 3 (Ref. 1) Internal Finish Welds descaled as laid

External Finish Welds descaled as laid

Spray Nozzle Preferred Operating Spray Nozzle Available Pressure

Point (Pressure [psig], Flow * at Design Flow (Pressure [psig], 80, 95 (Ref. 22)
[gpm]) Flow [gpm])

Page 1 of 3 24590-BOF-MVD-DEP-00004, Rev 1

• To be detennined/confinned by the \'endor
Note l - Not to e.xceed size diameter includes nllowance for side nozzle protrusion in addition to the ,,essel ID.

Note 2 - Not to exceed size height includes allownnce for top mnnwny nnd bottom skin height dimension, from Top of Concrete (TOC) to bottom of vessel. in addition to totnJ vessel height
Note 3 - Skirt must be designed with 12' Internal Diameter Ring Beam attachment in consideration.
Note 4 - lnsulotion is required on both the shell nnd top/bottom head of the vessel.
Note 5 -The contents of this document are Dangerous Woste Permit nffecting.
Note 6 - Please note that source, spec1nl nuclear nnd byproduct mnterials, as defined m the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (AEA), are regulated at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
faciliues exclusively by DOE acting pursuant tons AEA authority. DOE asserts, that pursuant to the AEA, it has sole and exclusive responsibility and authority to regulate source, special
nuclear, and byproduct materials at DOE~\med nuclear facilities. lnfonnation contnined herein on radionuclides is provided for process description purposes only.
Note 7 - Ma'\'. Carbon content 0.030%,
Note 8 - Deleted
Note 9 - Vessel design temperature is found by nddmg 25 °F to the max \'essel operating temperature nnd rounding to the nearest 5 °F.
Note 1O- Ma.'\'.1mum Operating Volume is rounded up from the 11,703 gal rnlue stated in Reference 3 to 11 ,800 gal for the purposes of this datasheet.
Note 11 - Batch Volume is rounded up from the 8,055 gal value stated in Reference 3 to 8, I 00 gal for the purposes of this datasheet.
Note 12 -Totnl Vessel Volume 1s rounded up from the 14,805 gal ,·alue stated in Reference 3 to 14,900 gal for the purposes of this datasheet
Note 13 -This equipment is located in R4 radiation area(maximum raduwon area) which 1s designed to hnYe a target rnd1a1ton le\'el of less than 25 mrem'hr. The a\'emge contact dose rnte
for this equipment is 6.56E+0I Rad/hr. (Ref. 8. 9, IO. and 11)
Note 14 - Seller to veri(v three turnovers are adequate to ensure thorough mixing
Note 15 - Deleted.
Note 16 - Deleted.
Note 17 • Deleted.
Note 18 - Deleted.
Note 19 - Seller to provide access platfonn and lndders,
Note 20 - Vessel is not Black Cell/Hard-to-Reach.
Note 21 •Vessel Discharge Outlet noa.le N07 (Ref. 16, Ref. 17, Ref. 18) to be flush \\ith \'essel bottom. centered on vessel, and fitted with a ,·ortex breaker.
Note 22 - For no:uJes Nl2, N 16, NI 8, N20 (Ref 16, Ref. I 7. Ref. 18), inlet lines to be extended into the vessel and directed away from the vessel walls in order to pre\'ent liquid from
flowing do,m the \'essel \\alls
Note 23. For nouJes N02 and N03 (Ref. 16, Ref.17, Ref. IS). locale centerline ofstnndpipe nt least 3' from inside of,·essel \\all.
Note 24 - AJI internal supports and welds that interact ,-.ith the primary confinement banier (\'esssel) shall mnintnin equal quality le\·el and seismic category as the ,·essel.
Note 25 - For no1.2.le NI I (Ref. 16, Ref. 17. Ref. 18). spray noale to be located as close to the center of the top head as possible.
Note 26 - Vessel nnt noule (N04,Ref 16, Ref.I 7. Ref. 18) to be localed at the center of the top head. Intake air noale (NIO, Ref 16, Ref.I 7, Ref. 18) to be located at n maximum radius
within the crown region of the head.
Note 27 • Stnndpipe pro,•1ded by ,·essel ,·endor for le\el probe (N03, Re[ 16, Ref 17, Ref. 18).
Note 28 - Refer to 24590-BOF•MV-DEP·00003001 .-00004001 ,-0000S00 I for ,·essel details including dimension. no:.r.zle schedule table and locations/orientations.
Note 29 - Vendor to fully identif)· material by ASME Standard and type/grade.
Note 30 • Refer to Reference 21 for detnils on instrument standpipe for level instrument
Revision History
Rev. Description Orieinator Checker MET Re\'iewed Appro\'er Date
Jung Shin Erica Pobere:.rny Youssef Mohammad•Zndeh
Issued for Purchase. Updated reference
for Equipment Assembly Drawings. [C>i,
Originator I ltt::~vJ
Added references for level and

__ • ,.._1
......., .... _,

I temperature instruments stilling well

welded assembly. Updated a\'ailnble
spray no:.r.zle now and pressure. No
EIEs against this data sheet.

Jung Shin Holden Carroll


Debbie Adler
Youssef Mohammad-Zadeh

Issued for Purchase. Impacts ngninst

this document have been evaluated nnd
0 1/28/2017
EIE, 24590-BOF-EIE-MS-16-0060,
Re,•. 0 is incorporated in this revision.

Page 2 of3 24590-BOF-MVD-DEP-00004, Rev l

Attachment A – References for Mechanical Datasheet 24590-BOF-MVD-DEP-00004, Rev. 1 (for internal reference except for Ref. 4, 16, 17, 18, 21
& 22)
1. 24590-BOF-M6-DEP-00005001/00005002/00005003, Rev 1 - P&ID - BOF/EMF Direct Feed LAW EMF Process System Evaporator Concentrate
Vessel DEP-VSL-00003A/00003B/00003C
2. 24590-BOF-MVC-DEP-00010, Rev A – Process Data for the Evaporator Concentrate Vessels, DEP-VSL-00003A/B/C, and Pumps, DEP-PMP-
3. 24590-BOF-MVC-DEP-00006, Rev A - Evaporator Concentrate Vessel (DEP-VSL-00003A/B/C) - Vessel Sizing, Vessel Overflow Sizing, and
Plant Wash System Sizing
4. 24590-BOF-3PS-MVSC-T0002, Rev 2 - Engineering Specification for DFLAW Effluent Management Facility Atmospheric Pressure Vessels
5. 24590-BOF-M6C-DEP-00009, Rev B - Design Pressure and Temperature Calculation for the EMF DEP/DVP/AFR/NLD/SHR/SNR Systems
6. 24590-WTP-3DG-M40T-00001, Rev 1 - Design Parameters and Test Pressures for Equipment and Piping
7. Deleted
8. 24590-BOF-P1-25-00001, Rev 1 – Balance of Facilities LAW Effluent Process BLDG & LAW Effluent Drain Tank BLDG General Arrangement
Plan at Elev 0 ft – 0 in
9. 24590-BOF-M5-V17T-00013, Rev 0 - Process Flow Diagram Direct Feed Concentrate Transfer (System DEP and DVP)
10. 24590-WTP-DB-ENG-01-001, Rev 5 – Basis of Design
11. 24590-WTP-Z0C-W13T-00010, Rev. G – Contact Dose Rates to Equipment From Beta and Gamma Emitters
12. 24590-BOF-MPC-DEP-00006, Rev A - Mixing Eductor Sizing Calculation for DEP Vessels in the EMF Facility
13. 24590-BOF-MPC-DEP-00007, Rev A - DEP Evaporator Concentrate Vessel Transfer/Recirculation Pump (DEP-PMP-00003A/B) Sizing and
Line Sizing
14. 24590-BOF-MPD-DEP-00017, Rev 0 - 24590-BOF-MP-DEP-EDUC-00003A, -00003B, -00003C, -00004A, -00004B, -00004C, -00005A , -
00005B , -00005C - Mixing Eductors for Atmospheric Vessels DEP-VSL-00003A/B/C
15. 24590-BOF-MPD-DEP-00002, Rev 0 - DEP-PMP-00003A, DEP-PMP-00003B, Evaporator Concentrate Transfer/Recirc Pumps
16. 24590-BOF-MV-DEP-00003001, Rev 1 - Equipment Assembly Evaporator Concentrate Vessel DEP-VSL-00003A
17. 24590-BOF-MV-DEP-00004001, Rev 1 - Equipment Assembly Evaporator Concentrate Vessel DEP-VSL-00003B
18. 24590-BOF-MV-DEP-00005001, Rev 1 - Equipment Assembly Evaporator Concentrate Vessel DEP-VSL-00003C
19. 24590-BOF-N1D-DEP-00003, Rev 0 - DEP-VSL-00003A/B/C - Evaporator Concentrate Vessels Corrosion Evaluation
20. Deleted
21. 24590-WTP-MV-M59T-00036, Rev 1 - Control and Instrumentation Process Vessel Stilling Well Welded Assembly for Level Instruments
22. 24590-BOF-MPC-DIW-00001, Rev A - Demineralized Water Booster Pump (DIW-PMP-00013), and Discharge Line Sizing
23. 24590-WTP-3PS-NN00-T0001, Rev 3 - Engineering Specification for Thermal Insulation for Mechanical Systems

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