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Pisan communities are one of the indigenous ethnic group.

Pisan are classified under

another sub-groups this are the Aeta, Agta, Dumagat, Batak, and Mamanua. Way back before,
tribes under Pisan don’t have a stable way of settlement, as it is called today ''no permanent
address". Although their situation may not be as good as yesterday’s generation – but what
amazes us is their way of living and how they are able to survive despite the hardships they
have. They chose to find a place for their survival and needs. Stereotypically, they are often
referred to as the type of people who are “uneducated”, but there are things that lie greater
than what is of them. The Pisan group is dependent on nature, they don’t know how to do
certain things but how they survive of their agriculture and society greatly defines them as a
group rather than subsystems.

Years pass by, as todays’ generation, they are already slowly learning and living on their
own. They are slowly being civilized by the society. Globalization indeed has a greater part on
them. They learn how to grow their own food and raise thier own needs. Before, they aren’t
inclined to mind politics and leadership but now, they are one lead by a head in their
community. Aetas for example, don’t have their own leaders; before, the ideas in their minds
are dependent on how they survive daily, but then they have one individual who’ll fight for their
community’s right. Another one is that of a barter system, this group is fond of exchanging their
resources to another, but now they have learned ways on how to provide for their own needs
without exchanging their property.

It was hard for the Pisan communities to adapt to another society’s practice but because
of globalization, they do follow today’s generation’s practices, ensuring that their culture,
customs, and belief are still alive. Although some of their practices has vanished and have been
forgotten, for it was observed to be wrong on the wider spectrum of society such as owning
others property, etc. Furthermore, because of globalization, they have not lived and endured
how their ancestors lived but as of today, they’ll live life so easily. Globalization had proven
them that some changes people have affect their identity and their way living, thus helping
them learn and gain a greater perspective on what is today and yesterday.

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