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Section 1 - Collocations (10 questions)

Fill the blank with a word that forms a collocation with those around it
1. Climate change has __________ profound impacts on people the
world over.
A. caused
B. made
C. created
D. had
2. Airports are trying to ___________ security concerns without
making passengers feel uncomfortable.
A. have
B. develop
C. address
D. form
3. Hospitals must improve their capacity in order to ___________ the
growing demand.
A. see
B. encounter
C. solve
D. meet
4. The toxic ingredients in cigarettes are one of the factors contributing
___________ lung cancer.
A. for
B. of
C. to
D. in
5. The recent changes in the company's leadership structure have
__________ a number of issues.
A. generated
B. produced
C. mitigated
D. triggered
6. Terrorism is ___________ an imminent threat to inhabitants in large
A. giving
B. offering
C. providing
D. posing
7. Some people want to part-time after they leave high school instead
of going to college to help ___________ their family's financial
A. release
B. emit
C. ease
8. Unemployment often gives ___________ to the proliferation of
A. increase
B. rise
C. jump
D. climb
9. MoH must ___________ full responsibility for the recent outbreak of
A. assume
B. assign
C. assess
D. assist
10. Seeing Michael Jackson live in concert when he was a child was
the ___________ for his musical pursuit.
A. decision
B. reason
C. rationale
D. catalyst
Section 2 - Idioms (5 questions)
Fill in the blank with the missing parts of an idiom
1. Spicy food is not really my ___________.

A. pitcher of beer B. shots of whiskey

C. cup of tea D. glass of water

2. Housing in Hanoi can cost ___________.

A. a kidney B. all of your teeth

C. an arm and a leg D. your ears

3. I saw Son Tung MTP live in concert last week. It was absolutely

A. mind-blowing B. candle-blowing

C. whistle-blowing D. wind-blowing
4. I am trying to study for my finals and the neighbors' karaoke singing
is driving me ___________.

A. Nuts B. almonds

C. raisins

5. Most young people in Vietnam are quite ___________ clubbing.

A. up to
B. into
C. onto
D. down to
Section 3 - Reading Passage
Read the passage and answer the following questions
Appliance Science with Heston Blumenthal
Perhaps one of the most amazing things about Heston Blumenthal is his lack of any formal
training. He is entirely self-taught.

Growing up, every summer he traveled throughout France visiting restaurants and wineries to
learn new flavor profiles and techniques that he could practice at home.

He augmented this experience by doing his own culinary research and reading books,
especially ones about the effects science has on cooking. One book in particular, he has said,
was an eye-opener and made him think about cooking completely differently. It challenged the
traditional rules and notions about cooking that cookbooks and experts had always presented
as undeniable facts. The book was On Food and Cooking by Harold McGee.

When Blumenthal read McGee’s assertion that searing meat does not in fact seal in juices, his
curiosity was sparked and he decided to explore what other tenants of cooking might also be
McGee’s book influenced Heston’s cooking style and he began to question established culinary
ideas by conducting his own scientific testing and experimentation as he developed his cooking

Blumenthal’s scientific approach isn’t limited to food and cooking. He has put some thought into
appliances, as well, to explain how they work and what makes them function better.

1. Heston Blumenthal receives education in culinary arts.

A. True
B. False
C. Not Given
2. Is the following information mentioned in the text: From childhood,
Heston traveled exclusively to France to study different tastes?
A. Yes
B. No
3. What encouraged Heston to study more about cooking and
A. Watching a TV show
B. Talking to a friend
C. Reading a book
4. Who challenged the effect of searing meat?
A. Heston Blumenthal
B. Harold McGee

5. What does the word 'sparked' in paragraph 4 mean?

A. to follow something
B. to cause something to start
C. to halt something

Section 4 - Synonyms (10 questions)

Select the correct synonym for the words written in capital letters
1. I am going to GET my degree next year.
A. acquire
B. require
C. achieve
D. have
2. We are looking into BUYING a new house.
A. purposing
B. purchasing
C. possessing
D. parading
3. Taking public transport is the best way to avoid TRAFFIC JAM.
A. congestion
B. suggestion
C. digestion
D. regression
4. Keeping money in the bank is considered very SAFE.
A. serene
B. seduce
C. secure
D. sensible
5. Economy is inevitably taken into account when EVALUATING a
A. assessing
B. accessing
C. checking
D. testing
6. The famous Mona Lisa painting is currently HOUSED at the Louvre
Museum in Paris.
A. bought
B. hidden
C. provided
D. kept
7. Overpopulation is becoming one of the most URGENT problems in
the world.
A. depressing
B. stressing
C. pressing
D. addressing
8. Students are expected to APPLY THEMSELVES at school.
A. try their best
B. give their best
C. make their best
D. take their best
9. His decision to skip college and go to work right away is
A. favorable
B. desirable
C. justifiable
D. commendable
10. The costs of living in cities can be EXPENSIVE.
A. exorbitant
B. prohibited
C. immaculate
D. splendid

Section 5 - Translation (6 questions)

Translate the following sentences from Vietnamese to English and vice versa
1. Công ty bảo hiểm cần phải đánh giá thiệt hại của trận lũ trước khi
bồi thường cho người được bảo hiểm.
2. Có sự khác biệt đáng kể nào giữa chất lượng của hai sản phầm
này không?
3. Cạnh tranh lành mạnh trong nhà trường cần phải được khuyến
4. Some people find that certain foods trigger their headaches.
5. Despite the fierce competition, I still managed to land a job at one of
the top firms.
6. I was taught to drive by my boyfriend and I'm afraid I've picked up
some of his bad habits.
Answer Key

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