ACE Chapter 2-Answer Guide

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Answer Guide

Chapter 2 –Principles of Motivation and Adherence

The Correct Answer is:
Acknowledge her enthusiasm and help her develop more realistic goals and a series of
achievable steps to work toward them.
Personal trainers should always structure appropriate exercise expectations at the beginning
of the client–trainer relationship. Unrealistic expectations lead to failure to reach goals. This
is a common theme with people who have a history of unsuccessful attempts at weight loss.
By helping her develop more realistic goals, the trainer will be helping her set a foundation
for success. Then, by using a series of achievable steps to work toward goals, the trainer can
help her have a series of successes that will facilitate adherence and eventually help her
achieve her larger goals.
The Correct Answer is:
He has prior exercise experience and is intrinsically motivated with a personal drive towards


Though other options may seem correct , the most important factor for adherence is
ACTIVITY HISTORY or prior exercise experience and this is the ONLY option that states


The Correct Answer is:

Offer her the opportunity to switch to another small-group training class that is a better match
for her level of conditioning
This is the BEST recommendation to make so that she can continue to participate in small-
group training, which she enjoys, but at a more reasonable level of conditioning.

The Correct Answer is:

Moderate Intensity workouts which challenge clients to some extent but rarely drain them of
complete energy.

Though option D also seems correct , C is the perfect choice as according to ACE , moderate
intensity activity programs are most likely to be adhered. Very low intensity can make most
clients , especially reasonably fit individuals bored of the exercise routine and lead to drop
High intensity leads to double drop out rate.

The Correct Answer is:

“I will lose 1 to 2 pounds per week for the next two months so I can buy a new outfit.”
Behavioral contracting systematically arranges rewards for completing certain tasks so that
the probability of the desired response is increased. The two primary parts of a behavioral
contract involve specifying the behavior to be achieved and stating specific reinforcements
that will reward the desired behavior. The terms should be explicitly stated so that the
expectations are clearly understood. This response is the best option for the goal statement of
a behavioral contract because it is specific, realistic, and defines a reward.
The Correct Answer is:
“I will run 4 days per week, gradually progressing from 10 to 40 minutes duration to prepare
for a 5K run in 4 months.”


This is according to SMART guidelines ,as it is SPECIFIC (5 K goal), MEASURABLE

(gradual progression ), ATTAINABLE ( 10% increases in aerobic training is appropriate
according to ACE),RELEVANT (marathon based), and time bound (4 months).


The Correct answer is:

“Encouraging client ownership of the program to facilitate the development of intrinsic



Pg 29 ACE Manual –edition 4 . A PT’s goal should always be to develop intrinsic motivation
of the client , so that they start truly enjoying exercise routines.


The Correct Answer:

“Troy – is a middle‐aged man with pre‐hypertension who believes he has personal control
his health”


This is the most likely among the answers.


The Correct Answer:

“c. You should reduce the amount of feedback”


Pg 36, ACE Manual –As client motivation, efficacy, and ability develop,PT’s should allow
clients togive themselves feedback and taper off external feddback.

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