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Abortion is an act of taking the fetus from the mothers womb before its due date of
coming out of this world.

In Canada, a fetus does not have any rights until it is born, making it a baby at that point
by law, as well as global human rights standards.

If a pregnancy is wanted, then family and friends can celebrat the coming baby, and
society should do what it can to ensure not only a healthy pregnancy and birth,but a secure
family life. But if a pregnancy is not wanted and will aborted, the fetus has no standing in
society what so ever, and is no-ones else's business. The only role of society then is to ensure
safe and accessible abortion services.

Pregnancy entails profound physical, psychological, and long lasting consequences for a
woman or gender diverse person. It comes with many changes, discomfort, and limitations-not
to mention numerous health risk including the risk of death. Pregnancy is not a mere
"inconvenience". A person's freedoms are significantly restricted if they are forced to carry to

I am disagree, anti abortion personally; meaning I would not get an abortion. However,
I've never been in someone's shoes who has had an abortion, so I cannot judge.

I've grown to realize that there are countries who have legalized abortion that making
abortion illegal does not change the starts of women having abortions. In other words, women
will have abortions illegally at the same rate as they will legally.

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